> ocean.py: a Python library to privately & securely publish, exchange, and consume data. [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/a0be65f412a35440c63e/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/oceanprotocol/ocean.py/maintainability) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/a0be65f412a35440c63e/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/oceanprotocol/ocean.py/test_coverage) Ocean.py helps data scientists earn $ from their AI models, track provenance of data & compute, and get more data. (More details [here](https://docs.oceanprotocol.com/data-science).) Ocean.py makes these tasks easy: - **Publish** data services: data feeds, REST APIs, downloadable files or compute-to-data. Create an ERC721 **data NFT** for each service, and ERC20 **datatoken** for access (1.0 datatokens to access). - **Sell** datatokens via for a fixed price. Sell data NFTs. - **Transfer** data NFTs & datatokens to another owner, and **all other ERC721 & ERC20 actions** using [web3.py](https://web3py.readthedocs.io). ocean.py is part of the [Ocean Protocol](https://www.oceanprotocol.com) toolset. This is in beta state. If you run into problems, please open up a [new issue](/issues). ## 🏄 Quickstart Follow these steps in sequence to ramp into Ocean. 1. **[Install Ocean](READMEs/install.md)** 2. **Setup:** - **[Remote](READMEs/setup-remote.md)** (Win, MacOS, Linux) - *or* **[Local](READMEs/setup-local.md)** (Linux only) 3. **[Walk through main flow](READMEs/main-flow.md)**: publish asset, post for free / for sale, dispense it / buy it, and consume it ### Tools - [Define gas strategy](READMEs/gas-strategy-remote.md) - auto-determine gas fee for remote networks - [Search & filter data](READMEs/search-and-filter-assets.md) - find assets by tag - [Custody-light flow](READMEs/custody-light-flow.md) - consume a free & a priced asset without custody ### Use-case flows - [Challenge DF](https://github.com/oceanprotocol/predict-eth) - prize $$ to predict future ETH price - [Data Farming](READMEs/df.md) - curate data assets, earn rewards ### On-chain key-value store via data NFTs - [Sharing public data on-chain](READMEs/key-value-public.md) - e.g. public AI models - [Sharing private data on-chain](READMEs/key-value-private.md) - e.g. private AI models ### More types of data assets Each of the following shows how to publish & consume a particular type of data. - [C2D](READMEs/c2d-flow.md) - tokenize & monetize AI algorithms via Compute-to-Data - [REST API](READMEs/publish-flow-restapi.md) - Example on Binance ETH price feed - [GraphQL](READMEs/publish-flow-graphql.md) - Example on Ocean Data NFTs - [On-chain data](READMEs/publish-flow-onchain.md) - Example on Ocean swap fees - [Adding credentials](READMEs/publish-flow-credentials.md) - Example on publishing an asset with custom credentials ### Learn more - [Understand config parameters](READMEs/parameters.md) - envvars vs files - [Learn about off-chain services](READMEs/services.md) - Ocean Provider for data services, Aquarius metadata store ## 🦑 Development - **[Developers flow](READMEs/developers.md)** - to further develop ocean.py - [Release process](READMEs/release-process.md) - to do a new release of ocean.py ## 🏛 License Copyright ((C)) 2023 Ocean Protocol Foundation Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.