# Development Version ... # Version 0.4.1 (20161029) - Fix handling of null targets # Version 0.4.0 (20161029) - Lenses and placeholder selectors are now functions: ```javascript [{x: 1}, {x: 2}].map(_.x) // [1, 2] const xy = lens(_.x.y) xy({x: {y: 1}}) // 1 ``` # Version 0.3.2 (20161027) - Simplified untyped syntax: `lens(_.x)` instead of `lens(_ => _.x)`. The `_` object is "placeholder selector" proxy. # Version 0.3.1 (20161026) - Fixed `.set` (wasn't preserving original properties of objects) - Added basic support for `Immutable.Map` (uses its `.setIn`, `.updateIn` methods) # Version 0.3.0 (20161026) - Better naming: `update` becomes `set`, introduced an `update` method that takes an updater function. # Version 0.2.0 (20161023) - Added support for nested structures: `lens(_ => [_.x, {a: _.y, b: _.z}])` # Version 0.1.9 (20161020) - First basic usable milestone.