########################## # Required configuration # ########################## sonar.projectKey=my-project sonar.projectName=My project sonar.projectVersion=1.0 sonar.language=objc # Project description sonar.projectDescription=Fake description # Path to source directories sonar.sources=srcDir1,srcDir2 # Path to test directories (comment if no test) sonar.tests=testSrcDir # Xcode project configuration (.xcodeproj or .xcworkspace) # -> If you have a project: configure only sonar.objectivec.project # -> If you have a workspace: configure sonar.objectivec.workspace and sonar.objectivec.project # and use the later to specify which project(s) to include in the analysis (comma separated list) sonar.objectivec.project=myApplication.xcodeproj # sonar.objectivec.workspace=myApplication.xcworkspace # Scheme to build your application sonar.objectivec.appScheme=myApplication # Scheme to build and run your tests (comment following line of you don't have any tests) sonar.objectivec.testScheme=myApplicationTests ########################## # Optional configuration # ########################## # Encoding of the source code sonar.sourceEncoding=UTF-8 # JUnit report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/TEST-report.xml # Change it only if you generate the file on your own # The XML files have to be prefixed by TEST- otherwise they are not processed # sonar.junit.reportsPath=sonar-reports/ # Cobertura report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/coverage.xml # Change it only if you generate the file on your own # sonar.objectivec.coverage.reportPattern=sonar-reports/coverage*.xml # OCLint report generated by run-sonar.sh is stored in sonar-reports/oclint.xml # Change it only if you generate the file on your own # sonar.objectivec.oclint.report=sonar-reports/oclint.xml # Paths to exclude from coverage report (tests, 3rd party libraries etc.) # sonar.objectivec.excludedPathsFromCoverage=pattern1,pattern2 sonar.objectivec.excludedPathsFromCoverage=.*Tests.* # Project SCM settings # sonar.scm.enabled=true # sonar.scm.url=scm:git:https://...