# This file contains a *development* configuration for running Octobox. # # * You can use this file as-is to give Octobox a try on your local machine; it pulls # images from Docker Hub and uses the default 'development' environment. # # * You can use this file as an example for your own production configuration, either # by overriding it or just creating your own from scratch. 'docker-compose.override.yml' # is gitignored for your convenience. # # * Similarly, if you're a developer who has cloned the Octobox repository to # actively develop Octobox, you can override this file by adding the following to # a docker-compose.override.yml: # # version: '3' # services: # app: # build: # context: . # dockerfile: Dockerfile # # This will build your own image from your local filesystem to test changes. # Using `$ docker-compose up` will automatically merge the override file in to # this one. # version: '3' services: app: image: octoboxio/octobox:latest ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - RAILS_ENV=development - GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=${GITHUB_CLIENT_ID} - GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=${GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET} - OCTOBOX_DATABASE_NAME=postgres - OCTOBOX_DATABASE_USERNAME=postgres - OCTOBOX_DATABASE_PASSWORD=development - OCTOBOX_DATABASE_HOST=database.service.octobox.internal - REDIS_URL=redis://redis.service.octobox.internal networks: - internal depends_on: - database.service.octobox.internal - redis.service.octobox.internal database.service.octobox.internal: image: postgres:16-alpine volumes: - pg_data:/var/lib/postgresql/data networks: - internal environment: - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=development redis.service.octobox.internal: image: redis:7-alpine networks: - internal volumes: pg_data: networks: internal: driver: bridge