from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import, division # for localized messages from . import _, removeBad # Plugins Config from xml.etree.cElementTree import parse as cet_parse, fromstring as cet_fromstring from os import path as os_path, rename as os_rename from .AutoTimerConfiguration import parseConfig, buildConfig # Tasks import Components.Task # Navigation (RecordTimer) import NavigationInstance # Timer from ServiceReference import ServiceReference from RecordTimer import RecordTimerEntry # Notifications from Tools.Notifications import AddPopup from Screens import Standby from Screens.MessageBox import MessageBox # Timespan from time import localtime, strftime, time, mktime, sleep, ctime from datetime import timedelta, date from Tools.FuzzyDate import FuzzyTime # EPGCache & Event from enigma import eEPGCache, eServiceReference, eServiceCenter, iServiceInformation # AutoTimer Component from .AutoTimerComponent import preferredAutoTimerComponent from itertools import chain from collections import defaultdict from difflib import SequenceMatcher from operator import itemgetter from Plugins.SystemPlugins.Toolkit.SimpleThread import SimpleThread try: from Plugins.Extensions.SeriesPlugin.plugin import renameTimer except ImportError as ie: renameTimer = None from . import config, xrange, itervalues from six.moves import range from six import PY2 XML_CONFIG = "/etc/enigma2/autotimer.xml" TAG = "AutoTimer" NOTIFICATIONID = 'AutoTimerNotification' CONFLICTNOTIFICATIONID = 'AutoTimerConflictEncounteredNotification' SIMILARNOTIFICATIONID = 'AutoTimerSimilarUsedNotification' def timeSimilarityPercent(rtimer, evtBegin, evtEnd, timer=None): #print("rtimer [",rtimer.begin,",",rtimer.end,"] (",rtimer.end-rtimer.begin," s) - evt [",evtBegin,",",evtEnd,"] (",evtEnd-evtBegin," s)") if (timer is not None) and (timer.offset is not None): # remove custom offset from rtimer using timer.offset as RecordTimerEntry doesn't store the offset # ('evtBegin' and 'evtEnd' are also without offset) rtimerBegin = rtimer.begin + timer.offset[0] rtimerEnd = rtimer.end - timer.offset[1] else: # remove E2 offset rtimerBegin = rtimer.begin + config.recording.margin_before.value * 60 rtimerEnd = rtimer.end - config.recording.margin_after.value * 60 #print("rtimer [",rtimerBegin,",",rtimerEnd,"] (",rtimerEnd-rtimerBegin," s) after removing offsets") if (rtimerBegin <= evtBegin) and (evtEnd <= rtimerEnd): commonTime = evtEnd - evtBegin elif (evtBegin <= rtimerBegin) and (rtimerEnd <= evtEnd): commonTime = rtimerEnd - rtimerBegin elif evtBegin <= rtimerBegin <= evtEnd: commonTime = evtEnd - rtimerBegin elif rtimerBegin <= evtBegin <= rtimerEnd: commonTime = rtimerEnd - evtBegin else: commonTime = 0 if evtBegin != evtEnd: commonTime_percent = 100 * commonTime // (evtEnd - evtBegin) else: return 0 if rtimerEnd != rtimerBegin: durationMatch_percent = 100 * (evtEnd - evtBegin) // (rtimerEnd - rtimerBegin) else: return 0 #print("commonTime_percent = ",commonTime_percent,", durationMatch_percent = ",durationMatch_percent) if durationMatch_percent < commonTime_percent: #avoid false match for a short event completely inside a very long rtimer's time span return durationMatch_percent else: return commonTime_percent typeMap = { "exact": eEPGCache.EXAKT_TITLE_SEARCH, "partial": eEPGCache.PARTIAL_TITLE_SEARCH, "start": eEPGCache.START_TITLE_SEARCH, "description": -99 } caseMap = { "sensitive": eEPGCache.CASE_CHECK, "insensitive": eEPGCache.NO_CASE_CHECK } class AutoTimer: """Read and save xml configuration, query EPGCache""" def __init__(self): # Initialize self.timers = [] self.configMtime = -1 self.nextTimerId = 1 self.defaultTimer = preferredAutoTimerComponent( 0, # Id "", # Name "", # Match True # Enabled ) # Configuration def readXml(self, **kwargs): if "xml_string" in kwargs: # reset time self.configMtime = -1 # Parse Config configuration = cet_fromstring(kwargs["xml_string"]) # TODO : check config and create backup if wrong else: # Abort if no config found if not os_path.exists(XML_CONFIG): print("[AutoTimer] No configuration file present") return # Parse if mtime differs from whats saved mtime = os_path.getmtime(XML_CONFIG) if mtime == self.configMtime: print("[AutoTimer] No changes in configuration, won't parse") return # Save current mtime self.configMtime = mtime # Parse Config try: configuration = cet_parse(XML_CONFIG).getroot() except: try: if os_path.exists(XML_CONFIG + "_old"): os_rename(XML_CONFIG + "_old", XML_CONFIG + "_old(1)") os_rename(XML_CONFIG, XML_CONFIG + "_old") print("[AutoTimer] autotimer.xml is corrupt rename file to /etc/enigma2/autotimer.xml_old") except: pass if Standby.inStandby is None: AddPopup(_("The autotimer file (/etc/enigma2/autotimer.xml) is corrupt. A new and empty config was created. A backup of the config can be found here (/etc/enigma2/autotimer.xml_old) "), type=MessageBox.TYPE_ERROR, timeout=0, id="AutoTimerLoadFailed") self.timers = [] self.defaultTimer = preferredAutoTimerComponent( 0, # Id "", # Name "", # Match True # Enabled ) try: self.writeXml() configuration = cet_parse(XML_CONFIG).getroot() except: print("[AutoTimer] fatal error, the autotimer.xml cannot create") return # Empty out timers and reset Ids del self.timers[:] self.defaultTimer.clear(-1, True) parseConfig( configuration, self.timers, configuration.get("version"), 0, self.defaultTimer ) self.nextTimerId = int(configuration.get("nextTimerId", "0")) if not self.nextTimerId: self.nextTimerId = len(self.timers) + 1 def getXml(self, webif=True): return buildConfig(self.defaultTimer, self.timers, webif) def writeXml(self): file = open(XML_CONFIG, 'w') file.writelines(buildConfig(self.defaultTimer, self.timers)) file.close() def writeXmlTimer(self, timers): return ''.join(buildConfig(self.defaultTimer, timers)) def readXmlTimer(self, xml_string): # Parse xml string configuration = cet_fromstring(xml_string) parseConfig( configuration, self.timers, configuration.get("version"), self.getUniqueId(), self.defaultTimer ) # reset time self.configMtime = -1 # Manage List def add(self, timer): self.timers.append(timer) def getEnabledTimerList(self): return sorted([x for x in self.timers if x.enabled], key=lambda x: def getTimerList(self): return self.timers def getTupleTimerList(self): lst = self.timers return [(x,) for x in lst] def getSortedTupleTimerList(self): lst = self.timers[:] lst.sort() return [(x,) for x in lst] def getUniqueId(self): newId = self.nextTimerId self.nextTimerId += 1 return newId def remove(self, uniqueId): idx = 0 for timer in self.timers: if == uniqueId: self.timers.pop(idx) return idx += 1 def set(self, timer): idx = 0 for stimer in self.timers: if stimer == timer: self.timers[idx] = timer return idx += 1 self.timers.append(timer) #call from epgrefresh def parseEPGAsync(self, simulateOnly=False): t = SimpleThread(lambda: self.parseEPG(simulateOnly=simulateOnly)) t.start() return t.deferred # Main function def parseEPG(self, autoPoll=False, simulateOnly=False, uniqueId=None, callback=None): self.autoPoll = autoPoll self.simulateOnly = simulateOnly self.testid = uniqueId = 0 self.modified = 0 self.skipped = [] self.existing = [] = 0 self.autotimers = [] self.conflicting = [] self.similars = [] self.callback = callback # NOTE: the config option specifies "the next X days" which means today (== 1) + X delta = timedelta(days=config.plugins.autotimer.maxdaysinfuture.getValue() + 1) self.evtLimit = mktime(( + delta).timetuple()) self.checkEvtLimit = delta.days > 1 del delta # Read AutoTimer configuration self.readXml() # Get E2 instances self.epgcache = eEPGCache.getInstance() self.serviceHandler = eServiceCenter.getInstance() self.recordHandler = NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer # Save Timer in a dict to speed things up a little # We include processed timers as we might search for duplicate descriptions # NOTE: It is also possible to use RecordTimer isInTimer(), but we won't get the timer itself on a match self.timerdict = defaultdict(list) self.populateTimerdict(self.epgcache, self.recordHandler, self.timerdict) # Create dict of all movies in all folders used by an autotimer to compare with recordings # The moviedict will be filled only if one AutoTimer is configured to avoid duplicate description for any recordings self.moviedict = defaultdict(list) # Iterate Timer Components.Task.job_manager.AddJob(self.createTask()) def createTask(self): self.timer_count = 0 self.completed = [] self.searchtimer = [] job = Components.Task.Job(_("AutoTimer")) timer = None # Iterate Timer for timer in self.getEnabledTimerList(): # test only timer with specific id if self.testid: if self.testid != continue taskname = + '_%d' % self.timer_count task = Components.Task.PythonTask(job, taskname) self.searchtimer.append((timer, taskname)) = self.JobStart task.weighting = 1 self.timer_count += 1 if timer: task = Components.Task.PythonTask(job, 'Show results') = self.JobMessage task.weighting = 1 return job def JobStart(self): for timer, taskname in self.searchtimer: if taskname not in self.completed: self.parseTimer(timer, self.epgcache, self.serviceHandler, self.recordHandler, self.checkEvtLimit, self.evtLimit, self.autotimers, self.conflicting, self.similars, self.skipped, self.existing, self.timerdict, self.moviedict, taskname, self.simulateOnly) += self.result[0] self.modified += self.result[1] break def parseTimer(self, timer, epgcache, serviceHandler, recordHandler, checkEvtLimit, evtLimit, timers, conflicting, similars, skipped, existing, timerdict, moviedict, taskname, simulateOnly=False): new = 0 modified = 0 # enable multiple timer if services or bouquets specified (eg. recording the same event on sd service and hd service) enable_multiple_timer = (( and 's' in config.plugins.autotimer.enable_multiple_timer.value or False) or (timer.bouquets and 'b' in config.plugins.autotimer.enable_multiple_timer.value or False)) # Precompute timer destination dir dest = timer.destination or config.usage.default_path.value # Workaround to allow search for umlauts if we know the encoding match = removeBad(timer.match) if timer.encoding != 'UTF-8': try: if PY2: match = match.decode('UTF-8').encode(timer.encoding) # FIXME PY3 except UnicodeDecodeError: pass self.isIPTV = bool([service for service in if ":http" in service]) # As well as description, also allow timers on individual IPTV streams if timer.searchType == "description" or self.isIPTV: epgmatches = [] casesensitive = timer.searchCase == "sensitive" if not casesensitive: match = match.lower() test = [] if test = [(service, 0, -1, -1) for service in] elif timer.bouquets: for bouquet in timer.bouquets: services = serviceHandler.list(eServiceReference(bouquet)) if services: while True: service = services.getNext() if not service.valid(): break playable = not (service.flags & (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)) if playable: test.append((service.toString(), 0, -1, -1)) else: # Get all bouquets bouquetlist = [] refstr = '1:134:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET \"\" ORDER BY bouquet' bouquetroot = eServiceReference(refstr) mask = eServiceReference.isDirectory if config.usage.multibouquet.value: bouquets = serviceHandler.list(bouquetroot) if bouquets: while True: s = bouquets.getNext() if not s.valid(): break if s.flags & mask: info = if info: bouquetlist.append(s) else: info = if info: bouquetlist.append(bouquetroot) if bouquetlist: for bouquet in bouquetlist: if not bouquet.valid(): continue if bouquet.flags & eServiceReference.isDirectory: services = serviceHandler.list(bouquet) if services: while True: service = services.getNext() if not service.valid(): break playable = not (service.flags & (eServiceReference.isMarker | eServiceReference.isDirectory)) if playable: test.append((service.toString(), 0, -1, -1)) if test: # Get all events # eEPGCache.lookupEvent( [ format of the returned tuples, ( service, 0 = event intersects given start_time, start_time -1 for now_time), ] ) test.insert(0, 'RITBDSE') allevents = epgcache.lookupEvent(test) or [] # Filter events for serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc in allevents: if timer.searchType == "description": if match in (shortdesc if casesensitive else shortdesc.lower()) or match in (extdesc if casesensitive else extdesc.lower()): epgmatches.append((serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc)) else: # IPTV streams (if not "description" search) if timer.searchType == 'exact' and match == (name if casesensitive else name.lower()) or \ timer.searchType == 'partial' and match in (name if casesensitive else name.lower()) or \ timer.searchType == 'start' and (name if casesensitive else name.lower()).startswith(match): epgmatches.append((serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc)) else: # Search EPG, default to empty list if timer.searchType in typeMap: EPG_searchType = typeMap[timer.searchType] else: EPG_searchType = typeMap["partial"] epgmatches ='RITBDSE', 3000, EPG_searchType, match, caseMap[timer.searchCase])) or [] # Sort list of tuples by begin time 'B' epgmatches.sort(key=itemgetter(3)) # Contains the the marked similar eits and the conflicting strings similardict = defaultdict(list) # Loop over all EPG matches preveit = False for idx, (serviceref, eit, name, begin, duration, shortdesc, extdesc) in enumerate(epgmatches): eserviceref = eServiceReference(serviceref) evt = epgcache.lookupEventId(eserviceref, eit) evtBegin = begin evtEnd = end = begin + duration if not evt: msg = "[AutoTimer] Could not create Event!" print(msg) skipped.append((name, begin, end, str(serviceref),, msg)) continue # Try to determine real service (we always choose the last one) n = evt.getNumOfLinkageServices() if n > 0: i = evt.getLinkageService(eserviceref, n - 1) serviceref = i.toString() # If event is expired skip it if end < time(): # print("[AutoTimer] Skipping expired timer") continue # If event starts in less than 60 seconds skip it # if begin < time() + 60: # print ("[AutoTimer] Skipping " + name + " because it starts in less than 60 seconds") # skipped += 1 # continue # Set short description to equal extended description if it is empty. if not shortdesc: shortdesc = extdesc # Convert begin time timestamp = localtime(begin) # Update timer timer.update(begin, timestamp) # Check if eit is in similar matches list # NOTE: ignore evtLimit for similar timers as I feel this makes the feature unintuitive similarTimer = False if eit in similardict: similarTimer = True dayofweek = None # NOTE: ignore day on similar timer else: # If maximum days in future is set then check time if checkEvtLimit: if begin > evtLimit: msg = "[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of maximum days in future is reached" # print(msg) skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref,, msg)) continue # If the timer actually has a timespan set it will be: # start[[hr], [min]], end[[hr], [min]], daySpan # (if it has none the timespan will be (None,)) # (see calculateDayspan() in where daySpan is # True if the timespan "ends before it starts" (so passes over # midnight). # If we have a timer for which daySpan is true and the day-offset of the # begin time for the programme/broadcast we are checking is before that # of the autotimer timespan start then we need to bring the dayofweek # check forward by 1 day when checking it. (i.e. we pretend the # recording starts a day before it does, but *just* for the dayofweek # filter check). # e.g. # Monday AT for 23:00 to 02:00 should match a programme on # Tuesday at 01:00. # The rest of the checks stay the same (which is why we don't need to # check for the autotimer timespan end being after the begin time for # the programme). # tdow = timestamp.tm_wday if (timer.timespan[0] != None) and timer.timespan[2]: begin_offset = 60 * timestamp.tm_hour + timestamp.tm_min timer_offset = 60 * timer.timespan[0][0] + timer.timespan[0][1] if begin_offset < timer_offset: tdow = (tdow - 1) % 7 dayofweek = str(tdow) # Check timer conditions # NOTE: similar matches do not care about the day/time they are on, so ignore them if timer.checkServices(serviceref) \ or timer.checkDuration(duration) \ or (not similarTimer and ( timer.checkTimespan(timestamp) or timer.checkTimeframe(begin) )) or timer.checkFilter(name, shortdesc, extdesc, dayofweek): msg = "[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because of filter check" # print(msg) skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref,, msg)) continue if timer.hasOffset(): # Apply custom Offset begin, end = timer.applyOffset(begin, end) offsetBegin = timer.offset[0] offsetEnd = timer.offset[1] else: # Apply E2 Offset marginBefore = config.recording.margin_before.value * 60 marginAfter = config.recording.margin_after.value * 60 if timer.justplay and hasattr(config.recording, "zap_margin_before"): marginBefore = config.recording.zap_margin_before.value * 60 marginAfter = config.recording.zap_margin_after.value * 60 begin -= marginBefore end += marginAfter offsetBegin = marginBefore offsetEnd = marginAfter # Overwrite endtime if requested if timer.justplay and not timer.setEndtime: end = begin offsetEnd = 0 # Eventually change service to alternative if timer.overrideAlternatives: serviceref = timer.getAlternative(serviceref) # Append to timerlist and abort if simulating timers.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, if simulateOnly: continue # Check for existing recordings in directory if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription == 3: # Reset movie Exists movieExists = False if dest and dest not in moviedict: self.addDirectoryToMovieDict(moviedict, dest, serviceHandler) for movieinfo in moviedict.get(dest, ()): if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, movieinfo.get("name"), shortdesc, movieinfo.get("shortdesc"), extdesc, movieinfo.get("extdesc")): print("[AutoTimer] We found a matching recorded movie, skipping event:", name) movieExists = True break if movieExists: msg = "[AutoTimer] Skipping an event because movie already exists" # print(msg) skipped.append((name, begin, end, serviceref,, msg)) continue # Initialize newEntry = None oldExists = False # Check for double Timers # We first check eit and if user wants us to guess event based on time # we try this as backup. The allowed diff should be configurable though. for rtimer in timerdict.get(serviceref, ()): if rtimer.eit == eit or (config.plugins.autotimer.try_guessing.getValue() and timeSimilarityPercent(rtimer, evtBegin, evtEnd, timer) > 80): oldExists = True # Abort if we don't want to modify timers or timer is repeated if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.value == "none" or rtimer.repeated: # print("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because either no modification allowed or repeated timer") break if eit == preveit: break try: # protect against vps plugin not being present vps_changed = rtimer.vpsplugin_enabled != timer.vps_enabled or rtimer.vpsplugin_overwrite != timer.vps_overwrite except AttributeError: vps_changed = False if (evtBegin - offsetBegin != rtimer.begin) or (evtEnd + offsetEnd != rtimer.end) or (shortdesc != rtimer.description) or vps_changed: if rtimer.isAutoTimer and eit == rtimer.eit: print("[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % ( # rtimer.log(501, "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer %s modified this automatically generated timer." % ( preveit = eit else: if config.plugins.autotimer.refresh.getValue() != "all": print("[AutoTimer] Won't modify existing timer because it's no timer set by us") break rtimer.log(501, "[AutoTimer] Warning, AutoTimer %s messed with a timer which might not belong to it: %s ." % (, newEntry = rtimer modified += 1 self.modifyTimer(rtimer, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit, offsetBegin, offsetEnd) # rtimer.log(501, "[AutoTimer] AutoTimer modified timer: %s ." % ( break else: # print("[AutoTimer] Skipping timer because it has not changed.") existing.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, break elif timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 1 and not rtimer.disabled: if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name,, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc): print("[AutoTimer] We found a timer with similar description, skipping event") oldExists = True break # We found no timer we want to edit if newEntry is None: # But there is a match if oldExists: continue # We want to search for possible doubles for rtimer in chain.from_iterable(itervalues(timerdict)): if not rtimer.disabled: if self.checkDoubleTimers(timer, name,, begin, rtimer.begin, end, rtimer.end, serviceref, str(rtimer.service_ref), enable_multiple_timer): oldExists = True print("[AutoTimer] We found a timer with same StartTime, skipping event") break if timer.avoidDuplicateDescription >= 2: if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name,, shortdesc, rtimer.description, extdesc, rtimer.extdesc): oldExists = True # print("[AutoTimer] We found a timer (any service) with same description, skipping event") break if oldExists: continue if timer.checkCounter(timestamp): print("[AutoTimer] Not adding new timer because counter is depleted.") continue newEntry = RecordTimerEntry(ServiceReference(serviceref), begin, end, name, shortdesc, eit) newEntry.log(500, "[AutoTimer] Try to add new timer based on AutoTimer %s." % ( newEntry.log(509, "[AutoTimer] Timer start on: %s" % ctime(begin)) # Mark this entry as AutoTimer (only AutoTimers will have this Attribute set) newEntry.isAutoTimer = True newEntry.autoTimerId = # set the correct margins if hasattr(newEntry, "marginBefore"): newEntry.marginBefore = offsetBegin newEntry.marginAfter = offsetEnd newEntry.eventBegin = newEntry.begin + offsetBegin newEntry.eventEnd = newEntry.end - offsetEnd # Apply afterEvent if timer.hasAfterEvent(): afterEvent = timer.getAfterEventTimespan(localtime(end)) if afterEvent is None: afterEvent = timer.getAfterEvent() if afterEvent is not None: newEntry.afterEvent = afterEvent newEntry.dirname = timer.destination newEntry.justplay = timer.justplay newEntry.hasEndTime = timer.setEndtime newEntry.vpsplugin_enabled = timer.vps_enabled newEntry.vpsplugin_overwrite = timer.vps_overwrite if hasattr(timer, 'always_zap') and hasattr(newEntry, 'always_zap'): newEntry.always_zap = timer.always_zap tags = timer.tags[:] if config.plugins.autotimer.add_autotimer_to_tags.value: if TAG not in tags: tags.append(TAG) if config.plugins.autotimer.add_name_to_tags.value: tagname = if tagname: tagname = tagname[0].upper() + tagname[1:].replace(" ", "_") if tagname not in tags: tags.append(tagname) newEntry.tags = tags if oldExists: # XXX: this won't perform a sanity check, but do we actually want to do so? recordHandler.timeChanged(newEntry) if renameTimer is not None and timer.series_labeling: renameTimer(newEntry, name, evtBegin, evtEnd) else: conflictString = "" if similarTimer: conflictString = similardict[eit].conflictString msg = "[AutoTimer] Try to add similar Timer because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString) print(msg) newEntry.log(504, msg) # Try to add timer conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry) if conflicts and not timer.hasOffset() and not config.recording.margin_before.value and not config.recording.margin_after.value and len(conflicts) > 1: change_end = change_begin = False conflict_begin = conflicts[1].begin conflict_end = conflicts[1].end if conflict_begin == newEntry.end: newEntry.end -= 30 change_end = True elif newEntry.begin == conflict_end: newEntry.begin += 30 change_begin = True if change_end or change_begin: conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry) if conflicts: if change_end: newEntry.end += 30 elif change_begin: newEntry.begin -= 30 else: print("[AutoTimer] The conflict is resolved by offset time begin/end (30 sec) for %s." % if conflicts: # Maybe use newEntry.log conflictString += ' / '.join(["%s (%s)" % (, strftime("%Y%m%d %H%M", localtime(x.begin))) for x in conflicts]) print("[AutoTimer] conflict with %s detected" % (conflictString)) if config.plugins.autotimer.addsimilar_on_conflict.value: # We start our search right after our actual index # Attention we have to use a copy of the list, because we have to append the previous older matches lepgm = len(epgmatches) for i in range(lepgm): servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS = epgmatches[(i + idx + 1) % lepgm] if self.checkSimilarity(timer, name, nameS, shortdesc, shortdescS, extdesc, extdescS, force=True): # Check if the similar is already known if eitS not in similardict: print("[AutoTimer] Found similar Timer: " + name) # Store the actual and similar eit and conflictString, so it can be handled later newEntry.conflictString = conflictString similardict[eit] = newEntry similardict[eitS] = newEntry similarTimer = True if beginS <= evtBegin: # Event is before our actual epgmatch so we have to append it to the epgmatches list epgmatches.append((servicerefS, eitS, nameS, beginS, durationS, shortdescS, extdescS)) # If we need a second similar it will be found the next time else: similarTimer = False newEntry = similardict[eitS] break if conflicts is None: timer.decrementCounter() new += 1 newEntry.extdesc = extdesc timerdict[serviceref].append(newEntry) if renameTimer is not None and timer.series_labeling: renameTimer(newEntry, name, evtBegin, evtEnd) # Similar timers are in new timers list and additionally in similar timers list if similarTimer: similars.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, similardict.clear() # Don't care about similar timers elif not similarTimer: conflicting.append((name, begin, end, serviceref, if config.plugins.autotimer.disabled_on_conflict.value: msg = "[AutoTimer] Timer disabled because of conflicts with %s." % (conflictString) print(msg) newEntry.log(503, msg) newEntry.disabled = True # We might want to do the sanity check locally so we don't run it twice - but I consider this workaround a hack anyway conflicts = recordHandler.record(newEntry) self.result = (new, modified) self.completed.append(taskname) sleep(0.5) def JobMessage(self): if self.callback is not None: if self.simulateOnly == True: self.callback(self.autotimers, self.skipped) else: total = ( + self.modified + len(self.conflicting) + len(self.existing) + len(self.similars)) _result = (total,, self.modified, self.autotimers, self.conflicting, self.similars, self.existing, self.skipped) self.callback(_result) elif self.autoPoll: if self.conflicting and config.plugins.autotimer.notifconflict.value: AddPopup( _("%d conflict(s) encountered when trying to add new timers:\n%s") % (len(self.conflicting), '\n'.join([_("%s: %s at %s") % (x[4], x[0], FuzzyTime(x[2])) for x in self.conflicting])), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, config.plugins.autotimer.popup_timeout.value, CONFLICTNOTIFICATIONID ) elif self.similars and config.plugins.autotimer.notifsimilar.value: AddPopup( _("%d conflict(s) solved with similar timer(s):\n%s") % (len(self.similars), '\n'.join([_("%s: %s at %s") % (x[4], x[0], FuzzyTime(x[2])) for x in self.similars])), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, config.plugins.autotimer.popup_timeout.value, SIMILARNOTIFICATIONID ) else: AddPopup( _("Found a total of %d matching Events.\n%d Timer were added and\n%d modified,\n%d conflicts encountered,\n%d unchanged,\n%d similars added.") % (( + self.modified + len(self.conflicting) + len(self.existing) + len(self.similars)),, self.modified, len(self.conflicting), len(self.existing), len(self.similars)), MessageBox.TYPE_INFO, config.plugins.autotimer.popup_timeout.value, NOTIFICATIONID ) # Supporting functions def populateTimerdict(self, epgcache, recordHandler, timerdict): # remove = [] for timer in chain(recordHandler.timer_list, recordHandler.processed_timers): if timer and timer.service_ref: if timer.eit is not None: event = epgcache.lookupEventId(timer.service_ref.ref, timer.eit) if event: timer.extdesc = event.getExtendedDescription() or '' else: timer.extdesc = '' # remove.append(timer) elif not hasattr(timer, 'extdesc'): timer.extdesc = '' # else: # remove.append(timer) # continue timerdict[str(timer.service_ref)].append(timer) # if config.plugins.autotimer.check_eit_and_remove.value: # for timer in remove: # if "autotimer" in timer.flags: # try: # # Because of the duplicate check, we only want to remove future timer # if timer in recordHandler.timer_list: # if not timer.isRunning(): # recordHandler.removeEntry(timer) # print("[AutoTimer] Remove timer because of eit check %s." % ( # except: # pass # del remove def modifyTimer(self, timer, name, shortdesc, begin, end, serviceref, eit, offsetBegin, offsetEnd): # Don't update the name, it will overwrite the name of the SeriesPlugin = name timer.description = shortdesc timer.begin = int(begin) timer.end = int(end) timer.service_ref = ServiceReference(serviceref) timer.eit = eit if hasattr(timer, "marginBefore"): timer.marginBefore = offsetBegin timer.marginAfter = offsetEnd timer.eventBegin = timer.begin + offsetBegin timer.eventEnd = timer.end - offsetEnd def addDirectoryToMovieDict(self, moviedict, dest, serviceHandler): movielist = serviceHandler.list(eServiceReference("2:0:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:" + dest)) if movielist is None: print("[AutoTimer] listing of movies in " + dest + " failed") else: append = moviedict[dest].append while True: movieref = movielist.getNext() if not movieref.valid(): break if movieref.flags & eServiceReference.mustDescent: continue info = if info is None: continue event = info.getEvent(movieref) if event is None: continue append({ "name": info.getName(movieref), "shortdesc": info.getInfoString(movieref, iServiceInformation.sDescription), "extdesc": event.getExtendedDescription() or '' # XXX: does event.getExtendedDescription() actually return None on no description or an empty string? }) def checkSimilarity(self, timer, name1, name2, shortdesc1, shortdesc2, extdesc1, extdesc2, force=False): foundTitle = False foundShort = False retValue = False if name1 and name2: foundTitle = (0.8 < SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", name1, name2).ratio()) # NOTE: only check extended & short if tile is a partial match if foundTitle: if timer.searchForDuplicateDescription > 0 or force: if shortdesc1 and shortdesc2: # If the similarity percent is higher then 0.7 it is a very close match foundShort = (0.7 < SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", shortdesc1, shortdesc2).ratio()) if foundShort: # At this point we assume the similarity match to be True # unless we have been asked to check Extended Descriptions # and we have *both* Extended Descriptions in place; # in which case we test them. retValue = True if timer.searchForDuplicateDescription == 2: if extdesc1 and extdesc2: # Some channels indicate replays in the extended descriptions # If the similarity percent is higher then 0.7 it is a very close match retValue = (0.7 < SequenceMatcher(lambda x: x == " ", extdesc1, extdesc2).ratio()) else: retValue = True return retValue def checkDoubleTimers(self, timer, name1, name2, starttime1, starttime2, endtime1, endtime2, serviceref1, serviceref2, multiple): foundTitle = name1 == name2 foundstart = starttime1 == starttime2 foundend = endtime1 == endtime2 foundref = serviceref1 == serviceref2 return foundTitle and foundstart and foundend and (foundref or not multiple)