# BIMERR to Data Model Converter (BO2DM) Repository for the BIMERR to Data Model Converter which transforms an OWL ontology into the data model format of the BIMERR project. ## How to run it: 1. git clone the repository: `git clone https://github.com/oeg-upm/BO2DM.git` 2. Install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt` 3. Make sure to generate the enriched version of the ontology and name it in the following way: **ns_enriched.ttl** Where **ns** is the namespace of the ontological model. 4. Run the converter.py script 4.1. If you want to generate the data model using the original ontology published online. `python converter.py path/to/enriched/ontology path/to/output/datamodel` 4.2. If you want to generate the data model using the original ontology from you local system. `python converter.py path/to/enriched/ontology path/to/output/datamodel -o path/to/original/ontology`