@prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @base . [ rdf:type owl:Ontology ] . ################################################################# # Annotation properties ################################################################# ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#broader rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#definition rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#hasTopConcept rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#narrower rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ################################################################# # Classes ################################################################# ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept rdf:type owl:Class . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#conceptScheme rdf:type owl:Class . ################################################################# # Individuals ################################################################# ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Ana Iglesias (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" ; "2021-09-07" ; "Thesaurus that gathers information of functions from MySQL" ; , , , ; "Functions taxonomy" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/abs rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the absolute value of a number" ; ; "ABS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/acos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the arc cosine of a number" ; ; "ACOS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/adddate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date" ; ; "ADDDATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/addtime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds a time interval to a time/datetime and then returns the time/datetime" ; ; "ADDTIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ascii rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the ASCII value for the specific character" ; ; "ASCII" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/asin rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the arc sine of a number" ; ; "ASIN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/atan rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the arc tangent of one or two numbers" ; ; "ATAN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/atan2 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the arc tangent of two numbers" ; ; "ATAN2" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/avg rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the average value of an expression" ; ; "AVG" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bit_length rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the number of bits in a string." ; ; "BIT_LENGTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bitand rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise AND operation" ; ; "BITAND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bitget rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns true if and only if the first parameter has a bit set in the position specified by the second parameter." ; ; "BITGET" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bitnot rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise NOT operation" ; ; "BITNOT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bitor rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise OR operation" ; ; "BITOR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/bitxor rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise XOR operation" ; ; "BITXOR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/block_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Block distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ceil rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the smallest integer value that is >= to a number" ; ; "CEIL" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ceiling rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the smallest integer value that is >= to a number" ; ; "CEILING" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/char rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the character that represents the ASCII value" ; ; "CHAR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/char_length rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the length of a string (in characters)" ; ; "CHAR_LENGTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/character_length rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the length of a string (in characters)" ; ; "CHARACTER_LENGTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/chomp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns s1 without s2 (it s2 is in s1, else returns s1 as it was)" ; ; "chomp" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/compress rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Compresses the data using the specified compression algorithm" ; ; "COMPRESS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/concat rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds two or more expressions together" ; ; "CONCAT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/concat_ws rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds two or more expressions together with a separator" ; ; "CONCAT_WS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/confusion_probability rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Confusion probability" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/contains rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if s2 is contained in s1 and returns a boolean" ; ; "contains" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/cos rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the cosine of a number" ; ; "COS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/cosh rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Calculate the hyperbolic cosine" ; ; "COSH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/cot rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the cotangent of a number" ; ; "COT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/count rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the number of records returned by a select query" ; ; "COUNT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/curdate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date" ; ; "CURDATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/current_date rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date" ; ; "CURRENT_DATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/current_time rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current time" ; ; "CURRENT_TIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/current_timestamp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date and time" ; ; "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/curtime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current time" ; ; "CURTIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/damerau-levenshtein_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Damerau-Levenshtain distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/date rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts the date part from a datetime expression" ; ; "DATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/date_add rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds a time/date interval to a date and then returns the date" ; ; "DATE_ADD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/date_format rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Formats a date" ; ; "DATE_FORMAT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/date_part rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns part of a date." ; ; "datePart" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/date_sub rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Subtracts a time/date interval from a date and then returns the date" ; ; "DATE_SUB" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/datediff rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the number of days between two date values" ; ; "DATEDIFF" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/datetime_functions rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Functions applied over dates" ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; "DateTime Functions" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/day rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the day of the month for a given date" ; ; "DAY" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/dayname rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the weekday name for a given date" ; ; "DAYNAME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/dayofmonth rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the day of the month for a given date" ; ; "DAYOFMONTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/dayofweek rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the weekday index for a given date" ; ; "DAYOFWEEK" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/dayofyear rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the day of the year for a given date" ; ; "DAYOFYEAR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/decrypt rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Decrypts data using a key" ; ; "DECRYPT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/degrees rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a value in radians to degrees" ; ; "DEGREES" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/difference rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the difference between the sounds of two strings" ; ; "DIFFERENCE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/div rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Used for integer division" ; ; "DIV" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/encrypt rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Encrypts data using a key" ; ; "ENCRYPT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ends_with rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if s1 ends with s2 and returns a boolean" ; ; "endsWith" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/equal rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if two given values are the same" ; ; "equal" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/escape rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "escape in the given escaping modes" ; ; "escape" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/exp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns e raised to the power of a specified number" ; ; "EXP" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/expand rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Expands data that was compressed using the COMPRESS function" ; ; "EXPAND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/extract rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts a part from a given date" ; ; "EXTRACT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/fellegi-sunters_metric rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Fellegi-Sunters metric" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/field rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the index position of a value in a list of values" ; ; "FIELD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/find rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Attempts to find the next subsequence of the string that matches the pattern (maintains duplicates)" ; ; "find" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/find_in_set rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the position of a string within a list of strings" ; ; "FIND_IN_SET" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/floor rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the largest integer value that is <= to a number" ; ; "FLOOR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/format rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Formats a number to a format like #" ; ; "FORMAT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/from_days rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a date from a numeric datevalue" ; ; "FROM_DAYS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/grammar-based_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Grammar-based distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/greater_than rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if numerical value is greater than another" ; ; "greater than" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/greatest rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the greatest value of the list of arguments" ; ; "GREATEST" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/hamming_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Hamming distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/hash rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Calculate the hash value using an algorithm" , "and repeat this process for a number of iterations" ; ; "HASH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/hellinger_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Hellinger distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/hextoraw rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a hex representation of a string to a string" ; ; "HEXTORAW" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/hour rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the hour part for a given date" ; ; "HOUR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/inc rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a date changed by the given amount in the given unit of time. Unit defaults to 'hour'." ; ; "inc" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/information_radius rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Information radius" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/insert rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Inserts a string within a string at the specified position and for a certain number of characters" ; ; "INSERT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/instr rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the position of the first occurrence of a string in another string" ; ; "INSTR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/jaccard_simmilarity rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Jaccard simmilarity" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/jaro-winkler_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Jaro-Winkler distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/last_day rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts the last day of the month for a given date" ; ; "LAST_DAY" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/last_index_of rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the index fo s2 last ocurring in s1 as an integer, returns -1 if s2 is not found in s1" ; ; "lastIndexOf" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/lcase rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a string to lower-case" ; ; "LCASE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/least rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the smallest value of the list of arguments" ; ; "LEAST" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/left rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from left)" ; ; "LEFT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/length rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the length of a string (in bytes)" ; ; "LENGTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/less_than rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if numerical value is less than another" ; ; "less than" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/levenshtein_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Levenshtain distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ln rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the natural logarithm of a number" ; ; "LN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/localtime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date and time" ; ; "LOCALTIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/localtimestamp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date and time" ; ; "LOCALTIMESTAMP" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/locate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string" ; ; "LOCATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/log rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the natural logarithm of a number" , "or the logarithm of a number to a specified base" ; ; "LOG" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/log10 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the natural logarithm of a number to base 10" ; ; "LOG10" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/log2 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the natural logarithm of a number to base 2" ; ; "LOG2" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/logical_functions rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Logical operators" ; ; , , ; "Logical Functions" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/lpad rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Left-pads a string with another string" , "to a certain length" ; ; "LPAD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/lshift rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise left shift operation" ; ; "LSHIFT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ltrim rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Removes leading spaces from a string" ; ; "LTRIM" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/makedate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Creates and returns a date based on a year and a number of days value" ; ; "MAKEDATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/maketime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "and second value" , "minute" ; ; "Creates and returns a time based on an hour" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/match rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Attempts to match the string in its entirety against the regex pattern and returns an array of capture groups (removes duplicates) - returning the first match" ; ; "match" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/max rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the maximum value in a set of values" ; ; "MAX" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/maximal_matches rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Maximal Matches" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/md5 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "return hash in md-5" ; ; "md5" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/microsecond rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the microsecond part of a time/datetime" ; ; "MICROSECOND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/mid rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)" ; ; "MID" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/min rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the minimum value in a set of values" ; ; "MIN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/minute rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the minute part of a time/datetime" ; ; "MINUTE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/mod rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the remainder of a number divided by another number" ; ; "MOD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/month rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the month part for a given date" ; ; "MONTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/monthname rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the name of the month for a given date" ; ; "MONTHNAME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/now rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date and time" ; ; "NOW" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/numeric_functions rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Functions applied over numbers" ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; "Numeric Functions" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/octet_length rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the number of bytes in a string" ; ; "OCTET_LENGTH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ora_hash rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Computes a hash value" ; ; "ORA_HASH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/overlap_coefficient rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Overlap coefficient" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/parsedatetime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Parses a string and returns a timestamp" ; ; "PARSEDATETIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/partitioning rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "and b is the substring after frag. If boolean is true" , "frag is not returned" ; ; "b ] where a is the substring within string before the first occurrence of frag in string" , "frag" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/period_add rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Adds a specified number of months to a period" ; ; "PERIOD_ADD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/period_diff rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the difference between two periods" ; ; "PERIOD_DIFF" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/pi rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the value of PI" ; ; "PI" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/position rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string" ; ; "POSITION" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/pow rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the value of a number raised to the power of another number" ; ; "POW" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/power rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the value of a number raised to the power of another number" ; ; "POWER" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/quarter rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the quarter of the year for a given date value" ; ; "QUARTER" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/quote_ident rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Quotes the specified identifier. Identifier is surrounded by double quotes" ; ; "QUOTE_IDENT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/radians rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a degree value into radians" ; ; "RADIANS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rand rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a random number" ; ; "RAND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rand_uuid rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a new UUID with 122 pseudo random bits" ; ; "RAND_UUID" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rawtohex rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a string or bytes to the hex representation" ; ; "RAWTOHEX" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/regexp_like rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Matches string to a regular expression" ; ; "REGEXP_LIKE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/regexp_replace rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Replaces each substring that matches a regular expression" ; ; "REGEXP_REPLACE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/repeat rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Repeats a string as many times as specified" ; ; "REPEAT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/replace rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string" , "with a new substring" ; ; "REPLACE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/replace_chars rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the string obtained by replacing any character in s1 that is also in s2 with the character s3" ; ; "replaceChars" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/reverse rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Reverses a string and returns the result" ; ; "REVERSE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rfidf_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "RFIDF distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/right rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts a number of characters from a string (starting from right)" ; ; "RIGHT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/round rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places" ; ; "ROUND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/roundmagic rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "This function rounds numbers in a good way" , "but it is slow" ; ; "ROUNDMAGIC" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rpad rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Right-pads a string with another string" , "to a certain length" ; ; "RPAD" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rpartitioning rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "and b is the substring after frag. If boolean is true" , "frag is not returned" ; ; "b ] where a is the substring within string before the last occurrence of frag in string" , "frag" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rshift rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "The bitwise right shift operation" ; ; "RSHIFT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/rtrim rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Removes trailing spaces from a string" ; ; "RTRIM" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sec_to_time rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a time value based on the specified seconds" ; ; "SEC_TO_TIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/second rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the seconds part of a time/datetime" ; ; "SECOND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/secure_rand rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Generates a number of cryptographically secure random numbers" ; ; "SECURE_RAND" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sha1 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "return hash in sha-1" ; ; "sha1" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sign rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the sign of a number" ; ; "SIGN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/simple_matching_coefficient rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Simple Matching coefficient" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sin rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the sine of a number" ; ; "SIN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sinh rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Calculate the hyperbolic sine" ; ; "SINH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/skew_divergence rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Skew divergence" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sorensen-dice_coefficient rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Sorensen-Dice coefficient" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/soundex rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a four character code representing the sound of a string" ; ; "SOUNDEX" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/space rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a string of the specified number of space characters" ; ; "SPACE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/split rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting the string at wherever separator is found in it." ; ; "split" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/split_by_char_type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s into groups of consecutive characters where the characters within each group share the same unicode type" ; ; "splitByCharType" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/split_by_lengths rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the array of strings obtained by splitting s into substrings with the given lengths." ; ; "splitByLengths" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sqrt rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the square root of a number" ; ; "SQRT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/starts_with rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Checks if s1 starts with s2 and returns a boolean" ; ; "startsWith" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/str_to_date rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a date based on a string and a format" ; ; "STR_TO_DATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/strcmp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Compares two strings" ; ; "STRCMP" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/string_functions rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Functions applied over strings" ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; "String Functions" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/string_metrics_functions rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; "Functions that measure distance between two strings" ; ; , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; "String metrics Functions" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/stringdecode rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a encoded string using the Java string literal encoding format" ; ; "STRINGDECODE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/stringencode rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Encodes special characters in a string using the Java string literal encoding format" ; ; "STRINGENCODE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/stringtoutf8 rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Encodes a string to a byte array using the UTF8 encoding format" ; ; "STRINGTOUTF8" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/subdate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Subtracts a time/date interval from a date and then returns the date" ; ; "SUBDATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/substring rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts a substring from a string (starting at any position)" ; ; "SUBSTRING" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/substring_index rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a substring of a string before a specified number of delimiter occurs" ; ; "SUBSTRING_INDEX" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/subtime rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Subtracts a time interval from a datetime and then returns the time/datetime" ; ; "SUBTIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sum rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Calculates the sum of a set of values" ; ; "SUM" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/sysdate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the current date and time" ; ; "SYSDATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/tan rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the tangent of a number" ; ; "TAN" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/tanh rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Calculate the hyperbolic tangent" ; ; "TANH" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/tau_metric rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Tau metric" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/time rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Extracts the time part from a given time/datetime" ; ; "TIME" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/time_format rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Formats a time by a specified format" ; ; "TIME_FORMAT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/time_to_sec rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a time value into seconds" ; ; "TIME_TO_SEC" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/timediff rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the difference between two time/datetime expressions" ; ; "TIMEDIFF" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/timestamp rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns a datetime value based on a date or datetime value" ; ; "TIMESTAMP" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_char rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "a number" , "or text" ; ; "Oracle-compatible TO_CHAR function that can format a timestamp" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_date rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the value converted in date. Month_first false if date is formatted with the day before the month. FormatN formats of the input (don't understand this very well)" ; ; "toDate" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_days rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the number of days between a date and date 0000-00-00''" ; ; "TO_DAYS" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_number rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts input to number" ; ; "toNumber" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_string rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Transform any data type into a string" ; ; "toString" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/to_title_case rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the string converted to titlecase (first letter of each word in uppercase)" ; ; "toTitleCase" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/translate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Oracle-compatible TRANSLATE function that replaces a sequence of characters in a string with another set of characters" ; ; "TRANSLATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/trim rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string" ; ; "TRIM" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/truncate rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Truncates a number to the specified number of decimal places" ; ; "TRUNCATE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/tversky_index rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Tversky index" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/ucase rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Converts a string to upper-case" ; ; "UCASE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/unescape rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "unescape in the given escaping modes" ; ; "unescape" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/utf8tostring rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Decodes a byte array in the UTF8 format to a string" ; ; "UTF8TOSTRING" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/variarional_distance rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; ; "Variational distance" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/week rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the week number for a given date" ; ; "WEEK" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/weekday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the weekday number for a given date" ; ; "WEEKDAY" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/weekofyear rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the week number for a given date" ; ; "WEEKOFYEAR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmlattr rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Creates an XML attribute element of the form name=value" ; ; "XMLATTR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmlcdata rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Creates an XML CDATA element" ; ; "XMLCDATA" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmlcomment rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Creates an XML comment" ; ; "XMLCOMMENT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmlnode rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Create an XML node element" ; ; "XMLNODE" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmlstartdoc rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the XML declaration" ; ; "XMLSTARTDOC" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/xmltext rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Creates an XML text element" ; ; "XMLTEXT" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/year rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the year part for a given date" ; ; "YEAR" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/yearweek rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the year and week number for a given date" ; ; "YEARWEEK" . ### http://vocab.linkeddata.es/def/conceptual-mapping/functions-list/zero rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; ; "Returns the value 0" ; ; "ZERO" . ### Generated by the OWL API (version 5.1.18) https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/