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Devos is built on top of [Mermaid](https://mermaid.js.org/) syntax which is a Markdown-inspired tool that renders text in diagrams and it uses **[SPARQL](https://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/) Query Language** over the ontology generating a visual summary. It's based on three approaches. 1. OntMet. Uses Ontology Meta Data to find matching classes. 2. ClaFreq. Relies on Class Frequency in the ontology as the importance signal. 3. LabLen. Utilizes Label Length of the classes as the importance signal. The intuition is that importance classes have richer metadata than less important classes. ## Main Features * Generate summary diagrams. * Allows the user to use the summarisation technique (e.g., using meta data, class frequency, or label length) * Enrich ontologies with labels for the classes that are missing them. ## Dependencies * [owl2diagram](https://github.com/jatoledo/owl2diagram) * [requirements.txt](/requirements.txt) ## Install ```pip install devos-py``` # Usage There are three main ways to use Devos. Web application, Python Library, and as a standalone application (CLI). ## Web Application The web application is built using Flask. To run it, you can use the following command: ```python -m web.app```. This will start the server on ``. You can also pass the port as a parameter. ## As a library You have three main functions: `meta_workflow`, `freq_workflow`, and `leng_workflow`. The all expects the path to the ontology, the output path to the summary diagram, and the maximum number of classes `topn` (referred to it in paper as `k`). ## CLI Tutorial ``` usage: gister.py [-h] -i INPUT [-o OUTPUT] [-t] [-d] [-a] [-n TOPN] [-l LANG] [--object-property] [-m MAXOPTIONS] [-f] [-g] [-r TOPR] [--soft] [--debug] Get a Gist of the ontology options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i INPUT, --input INPUT Ontology file. -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT Output file. -t, --title To look into titles. -d, --description To look into description. -a, --abstract To look into abstract. -n TOPN, --topn TOPN The maximum number of relevant classes. -l LANG, --lang LANG language tag. e.g., en --object-property Whether to only use object property for getting the relevant properties relenvant to the given meta -m MAXOPTIONS, --maxoptions MAXOPTIONS Maximum number of meta literal for each meta type (e.g., title) -f, --freq Use frequency to fetch the most relevant classes and properties -g, --leng Use the length to fetch the most relevant classes and properties -r TOPR, --topr TOPR The maximum number of relations --soft Also include classes related to the important classes --debug To print debug information ``` There are three supported methods: OntMet, ClaFreq, and LabLen. 1. Use the metadata of the ontology (**OntMet** method). Use the options `-t -d -a`, which stands for *title*, *description*, and *abstract*, respectively. Examples: ``` python -m devos.gister -i data/ieswc_enriched/ck.ttl -t -d -a python -m devos.gister -i data/ieswc_enriched/explanation-ontology.owl -t -d -a --topn 7 ``` 2. To use the class frequency method (**ClaFreq**), include `--freq` option. Examples: ``` python -m devos.gister -i data/ieswc_enriched/devops/core.ttl --freq --topn 7 python -m devos.gister -i data/ieswc_enriched/devops/core.ttl --freq --topn 7 python -m devos.gister -i data/ieswc/cocoon.ttl --freq ``` 3. To use the length of the class label, **LabLen**, include the option `--leng`. **Diagram Example**: ```mermaid classDiagram Agent --> Document :interest Person --> Document :publications Thing --> Document :page Agent --> Thing :topic_interest Thing --> Agent :maker Group --> Agent :member ``` ## Experimentation [Experiments](experiments/README.md) ## Tests To run unit tests ``` python -m unittest discover tests ``` ## Authors - [Ahmad Alobaid](https://github.com/ahmad88me) - (Ontology Engineering Group - UPM) - [Jhon Toledo](https://github.com/jatoledo) - (Ontology Engineering Group - UPM) - [María Poveda Villalón](https://github.com/mariapoveda) - (Ontology Engineering Group - UPM) - [Oscar Corcho](https://github.com/ocorcho) - (Ontology Engineering Group - UPM) *[Ontology Engineering Group](https://oeg.fi.upm.es/)*, *[Universidad Politécnica de Madrid](https://www.upm.es/internacional)*. ## License DevoS is available under the permissive **[Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/oeg-upm/Devos/blob/main/LICENSE)**. ## PyPi ``` python -m build twine check dist/* twine upload dist/* ```