# Jarsomatic An application to run jar when a specific file(s) are changed on a repo in Github Collaborators: Daniel Garijo (@dgarijo), Ahmad Alobaid ### Diagram: ![Image](https://github.com/ahmad88me/Jarsomatic/raw/master/Jarsomatic%20Diagram.png) ## How to use it 1. Add the url of the webhook. 2. Add jar.cfg. 3. After that, when ever you do a push to the master branch, if one of files you are watching is changed, then it will be triggered and the command you specified will be called. ### JAR Configuration file: There should a configuration file per monitored JAR (should be named jar.cfg) ``` [DEFAULT] watch: "dir1/file1.owl", dir2/file2.csv command: ls ``` ### Jarsomatic Configuration file: The configuration file should be named *jarsomatic.cfg* and located in the top level of Jarsomatic folder a sample configuration file is below ``` [DEFAULT] tmp: /tmp [GITHUB] token: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ``` ### Automatic deployment with Jarsomatic To do so, the recommended way is to use access token 1. create access token [how to](https://github.com/blog/1509-personal-api-tokens) 2. git clone https://@github.com/owner/repo.git ### Deployment For using wsgi you can update jarsomatic.wsgi according to your server settings [Apache with WSGI](http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/mod_wsgi/) Or you can use any of the deployment options mentioned in Flask official website [Here](http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/0.10/deploying/)