![OME](static/logo-min.png) [![Build Status](https://ahmad88me.semaphoreci.com/badges/Morph-OME/branches/master.svg)](https://ahmad88me.semaphoreci.com/projects/Morph-OME) [![codecov](https://codecov.io/gh/oeg-upm/Morph-OME/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=TsSWMQGuoO)](https://codecov.io/gh/oeg-upm/Morph-OME) [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.3764202.svg)](https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3764202) An Online Mapping Editor to generate R2RML, RML, and YARRRML without writing a single line. It also supports automatic suggestions of the subject and property columns using the APIs of [tada_web](https://github.com/oeg-upm/tada-web). # Automatic Suggestions It uses the APIs of[tada_web](https://github.com/oeg-upm/tada-web). To use it, you need to export an environment variable `TADA_HOST` with the URL of the `tada-web` host url. For example, you can set it like that `export TADA_HOST=""` # Environment Variables * `SECRET_KEY`: * A random text * `TADA_HOST`: * (Optional) * The URL of TADA APIs. If it is missing, the class and properties won't be annotated automatically * Default: "" * `UPLOAD_ONTOLOGY`: * (Optional) * To show/hide an ontology upload page (in the main page) for the autocomplete functionality * Default: True * `github_secret`: * Github app secret * `github_appid`: * Github app ID * `MORPH_PATH`: * The local path to morph-rdb jar to generate ttl * `RMLMAPPER_PATH`: * The local path to rmlmapper jar to generate the ttl ## To activate_this.py You can add these environment variables to `activate_this.py` in the virtualenv bin directory. ``` os.environ['SECRET_KEY']="" os.environ['github_appid']="" os.environ['github_secret']="" os.environ['UPLOAD_ONTOLOGY']="false" os.environ['RMLMAPPER_PATH']="" os.environ['TADA_HOST']="" ``` ## To a shell ``` export SECRET_KEY="" export github_appid="" export github_secret="" export UPLOAD_ONTOLOGY="false" export RMLMAPPER_PATH="" export TADA_HOST="" ``` # Remarks * To run the application on a specific port (e.g. say port 5001) ``` python app.py 5001```. * To run the application on a specific port (e.g. say port 5001, and any given host ``` python app.py 5001```. # To cite ``` @software{alobaid_ahmad_2020_3764202, author = {Alobaid, Ahmad and Corcho, Oscar}, title = {OME}, month = apr, year = 2020, publisher = {Zenodo}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3764202}, url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3764202} } ``` # Funding This work was funded partially by EIT Digital under the WOODS project.