# PODIO This repository contains the resources associated to the PODIO ontology. ## Structure * `ontology/` contains the PODIO ontology, its requirements and the resources to generate its documentation * `notebooks/` contains the notebook used to create the PODIO KG from the reused datasets modelled according to the PODIO ontology * `queries/` contains the SPARQL queries correspondent to the competency questions, used to evaluate the resources * `resources/` contains additional resources needed for the documentation of this repository * `demo/` contains [ibaiguillen/sparql-query-demo:v1.0](https://hub.docker.com/r/ibaiguillen/sparql-query-demo) demo docker service. Check this [demo deployment](https://podio.linkeddata.es/demo) to run the queries or run them at the [original endpoint](https://w3id.org/podio/sparql). ## Authors * [Ibai Guillén-Pacho](https://github.com/Ibaii99) ([ibai.guillen@upm.es](mailto:ibai.guillen@upm.es)) * [Carlos Badenes-Olmedo](https://github.com/cbadenes) * [Ana Iglesias-Molina](https://github.com/anaigmo) * [Oscar Corcho](https://github.com/ocorcho) ## Akcnowledgement This work is supported by the Predoctoral Grant (PIPF-2022/COM-25947) of the Consejería de Educación, Ciencia y Universidades de la Comunidad de Madrid, Spain.