1.0.0-SNAPSHOT 2016-01-28T15:46:00Z 2016-01-28T15:46:00Z Research Object ontology This ontology shows how OA and ORE ontologies can be used together to define a ResearchObject. Research Object ontology ro http://purl.org/wf4ever/ro# Daniel Garijo Stian Soiland-Reyes Graham Klyne Khalid Belhajjame Oscar Corcho Raul Palma Sean Bechhofer Esteban GarcĂ­a Cuesta This ontology is distributed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 This property is deprecated. Use oa:hasTarget instead. true This property is deprecated. Use oa:hasBody instead. true This property is deprecated. Use oa:hasTarget instead. true The suggested root ro:Folder for the ro:ResearchObject. This folder should not be aggregated within other ro:Folders and can be seen as the top level folder for other ro:Folders in this RO. This folder structure, if stated, is the RO creator's preferred view of organizing the RO resources. Note that the content of any folder directly or indirectly below the ro:rootFolder (including subfolders) MUST also be aggregated by the ro:ResearchObject itself. This functional property specifies the name of a ro:FolderEntry within an ro:Folder. This name must be case-sensitively unique within the ro:Folder, similar to a filename in a directory. TODO: Need a functional property to specify the top level folder structure of an {{ro:ResearchObject}}? Aggregated Annotation An annotation aggregated within an ro:ResearchObject. Instances of this class are used to annotated resources aggregated within the aggregating research object, proxies of these resources, or the research object itself. In other words, if :ro is the ro:ResearchObject this annotation has been ore:isAggregatedBy, then the annotation should have at least one oa:hasTarget which is an ore:AggregatedResource which is ore:isAggregatedBy :ro, or the annotated resource is an ore:Proxy which ore:proxyIn :ro, or the annotated resource is :ro. It is possible for the annotation to also annotate non-aggregated resources, but as above, at least one of them needs to be part of the RO or the RO itself. For semantic annotations, the oa:hasBody SHOULD point to an trig:Graph which contains the actual annotation. Folder An ro:Folder is a special kind of ore:Aggregation where every ro:AggregatedResource must have a ro:FolderEntry proxy with a unique ro:entryName within that folder. Note that all resources which are aggregated within an (potentially nested) ro:Folder SHOULD also be aggregated by the same ro:ResearchObject this ro:Folder is aggregated within. Such folders can be nested and (optionally) used to organize the resources of the research object into a file-like structure. All such resources should also be aggregated by the ro:ResearchObject Folder Entry An ro:FolderEntry is any ore:Proxy instance that associates a resources aggregated within an ro:Folder with a ro:entryName. This name is (case-sensitive) unique within a given folder. Manifest The ro:Manifest is used to describe an ro:ResearchObject. This identifies the resource for the manifest which lists all the aggregations of the research object, typically called ".ro/manifest.rdf" relative to the research object this manifest ore:describes. A research object aggregates a number of resources. A resource can be a workflow, web service, document, data item, data set, workflow run, software or a research object. Resource An ro:Resource is an ore:AggregatedResource which ore:isAggregatedBy an ro:ResearchObject. This specialisation requires that there exists an ore:Proxy which is ore:proxyFor this resource, and which is ore:proxyIn the same ro:ResearchObject the resource ore:isAggregatedBy. Any annotations on such a proxy will descrive the ro:Resource within that particular ro:ResearchObject, in particular dct:creator and dct:created on the proxy will specify who added the resource to the aggregation at what time. Note that annotations (ro:Annotation) can be added to both the ro:Resource and the ore:Proxy - depending on if the annotation is seen to be globally true (such as the provenance of how the resource was created) or locally true within the Research Object (such as the the resource playing the role of a wf4ever:Dataset). Not all resources aggregated by an ro:ResearchObject are ro:Resource instances, in particular ro:Annotations will also be aggregated, but are not required to also be ro:Resources (needing their own ore:Proxy). Aggregated resources MAY also be organised in (potentially nested) ro:Folders to reflect a file-system like structure. Note that any such resources SHOULD also be aggregated in the "mother" ro:ResearchObject.