Groups information on organization to whomtheperson is affiliated The name of the character encoding used in the resource or accepted by the tool/service Groups together information on character encoding of the resource Groups together information on domains represented in the resource; can be repeated for parts of the resource with distinct domain Information on the contents of the lexicalConceptualResource as regards the linguistic level of analysis Groups information on the project that has funded the resource A person or an organization who holds the full Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, trademark etc) that subsist in the resource. The IPR holder could be different from the creator that may have assigned the rights to the IPR holder (e.g. an author as a creator assigns her rights to the publisher who is the IPR holder) and the distributor that holds a specific licence (i.e. a permission) to distribute the work via a specific distributor. Groups information on a person or an organization who holds the full Intellectual Property Rights (Copyright, trademark etc) that subsist in the resource. The IPR holder could be different from the creator that may have assigned the rights to the IPR holder (e.g. an author as a creator assigns her rights to the publisher who is the IPR holder) and the distributor that holds a specific licence (i.e. a permission) to distribute the work within the META-SHARE network. Groups information on the languages represented in the resource Groups information on language varieties occurred in the resource (e.g. dialects) Specifies the type of the language variety that occurs in the resource or is supported by a tool/service Indicates whether the resource includes one, two or more languages A more detailed account of the linguistic information contained in the lexicalConceptualResource Specifies the unit that is used when providing information on the size of the resource or of resource parts Groups together information on text type/genre of the resource Groups information on the text format(s) of a resource ISLRN International Standard Language Resource Number The date in which the creation process was completed The date in which the creation process was started Specifies the application domain of the resource or the tool/service The email address of a person or an organization A human understandable name of the language that is used in the resource or supported by the tool/service; an autocompletion mechanism with values from the ISO 639 is provided in the editor, but the values can be subsequently edited for further specification (according to the IETF BCP47 guidelines) Specifies the writing system used to represent the language in form of a four letter code as it is defined in ISO-15924 The name of the language variety that occurs in the resource or is supported by a tool/service The mime-type of the resource which is a formalized specifier for the format included or a mime-type that the tool/service accepts; value to be taken from a subset of the official mime types of the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority ( The short form (abbreviation, acronym etc.) used to identify the resource; the element can be repeated for the different language versions using the "lang" attribute to specify the language. Specifies the size of the resource with regard to the SizeUnit measurement in form of a number A URL used as homepage of an entity (e.g. of a person, organization, resource etc.) and/or where an entity (e.g.LR, document etc.) is located Groups information on the person(s) that is/are responsible for providing further information regarding the resource Refers to papers, manuals, reports etc. describing the resource Groups together information on domains represented in the resource; can be repeated for parts of the resource with distinct domain The type of the language description Groups information on the languages represented in the resource Groups together information specific to lexical/conceptual resources Groups information on licences for the resource; can be repeated to allow for different modes of access and restrictions of use (e.g. free for academic use, on-a-fee basis for commercial use, download of a sample for free use etc.) A way of classifying licences according to their conditions of use (CLARIN recommendation) License Category