# cogito-kgg Knowledge Graph Generator for the COGITO Project Queries to the triple store: 1. Give me all the spaces located in the building PREFIX bot: SELECT ?x FROM WHERE { ?x a bot:Space . } 2. Obtain the volume of the Space "Space_598" PREFIX bot: PREFIX props: PREFIX cogito: SELECT ?volume FROM WHERE { cogito:Space_598 props:hasVolume ?volume . } 3. Get all the stories. PREFIX bot: SELECT ?x FROM WHERE { ?x a bot:Storey . } 4. Get all the spaces fo storey cogito:BuildingStorey_133 PREFIX bot: PREFIX cogito: SELECT ?space FROM WHERE { cogito:BuildingStorey_133 bot:hasSpace ?space . } 5. Get all the building elements contained in the storey BuildingStorey_133 PREFIX bot: PREFIX cogito: SELECT ?element FROM WHERE { cogito:BuildingStorey_133 bot:containsElement ?element . }