# DevOps Infrastructure Ontology Network [![DOI](https://zenodo.org/badge/325636796.svg)](https://zenodo.org/badge/latestdoi/325636796) The DevOps infrastructure ontology network describes the domain of DevOps infrastructure. It is published at http://w3id.org/devops-infra # Purpose and scope of the ontology network This ontology network aims at representing the main sets of entities and relationships used in the context of DevOps infrastructure. It is the result of a collaboration between Huawei Research Ireland and the Ontology Engineering Group at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. It originally started from an analysis of the Configuration Management Databases used by Huawei Research Ireland for the management of a large part of its DevOps infrastructure, and has evolved into an ontology that may be used as a starting point for the standardisation of the representation of CMDB-related data across vendors. # Ontology network requirements The list of requirements of the ontology network is available [here](https://github.com/oeg-upm/devops-infra/blob/master/Requirements.xlsx). New requirements or issues can be submitted in [here](https://github.com/oeg-upm/devops-infra/issues) # Content negotiation at w3id.org The ontology network is published using GitHub pages. The configuration file for enabling the content negotiation on w3id.org is available [here](https://github.com/perma-id/w3id.org/tree/master/devops-infra)