. . . . "David Chaves-Fraga (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "Hu Peng (Huawei Research Ireland)" . "Jhon Toledo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "José Mora (Huawei Research Ireland)" . "Julián Arenas-Guerrero (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "Mingxue Wang (Huawei Research Ireland)" . "Nicholas Burrett (Huawei Research Ireland)" . "Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "Puchao Zhang (Huawei Research Ireland)" . "Raúl Alcázar (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware" . "Ontology for the representation of the hardware items related to a DevOps infrastructure"@en . "http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware.owl" . "2021-04-15" . "https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0" . "devopshw" . "http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#" . "This ontology has been created in the context of a collaboration between the Ontology Engineering Group and Huawei Research Ireland" . "First official release"@en . # # # ################################################################# # # # # Annotation properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title . # # http://purl.org/dc/terms/hasFormat . # # http://purl.org/dc/terms/issued . # # http://purl.org/dc/terms/license . # # http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespacePrefix . # # http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Object Properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/core#status . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/data-center#inDataCenter . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#batch . . . "Batch in which a hardware item was acquired"@en . "batch"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#highAvailabilityStatus . . . "It determines the status of high availability of any servder hardware item. Normally it will be Standby or Active"@en . "high availability status"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#hostedInFrame . . . "Frame where a Server Hardware Item is physically located"@en . "hosted in frame"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#networkCard . . . "The network card to which a Hardware Item (e.g., Switch, Physical Server, etc.) is connected"@en . "network card"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#switch . . . "A switch to which a network card is attached"@en . "switch"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/server#server . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Data properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#bandwidth . . . "Bandwidth associated to a Network Card"@en . "bandwidth"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#cabPosition . . . "Cabinet where the Server Hardware Item is"@en . "cab position"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#contractNumber . . . "Contract number for a batch of hardware items"@en . "contract number"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#dateEnabled . . . "Date and time when the Hardware Item was enabled"@en . "date enabled"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#dateOnShelf . . . "Date and time when the Hardware Item was put in a frame"@en . "date on shelf"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#diskSize . . . "The size (in GB) of a hard disk"@en . "disk size"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#diskType . "The type of a disk (SAS, SATA, etc.). This may be converted in the future to a SKOS theasurus"@en . "disk type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#f5Type . . . "Type of F5 hardware"@en . "F5 type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#firewallType . . . "Type of firewall"@en . "firewall type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#frameType . . . "The type of frame"@en . "frame type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#hardwareType . _:genid1 . _:genid1 . _:genid1 _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 _:genid2 . _:genid2 . _:genid2 . _:genid2 . . "Type of hardware for a batch of hardware items, or for any hardware item"@en . "hardware type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#macAddress . . . "MAC address associated to a Network Card"@en . "mac address"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#machineType . . . "Type of machine"@en . "machine type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#managementIP . . . "IP where management of the Server Hardware Item can be done"@en . "management IP"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#managementLink . . . "Link (URL) where management of the Hardware Item can be done"@en . "management link"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#managementPort . . . "Port where management of the Hardware Item can be done"@en . "management port"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#port . . . "port associated to a Network Card"@en . "port"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#power . . . "Power connections for a frame"@en . "power"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#serialNumber . . . "Serial number of a hardware item (server hardware, frames, network cards, etc.)"@en . "serial number"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#switchType . . . "Type of switch"@en . "switch type"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#unitPosition . . . "Unit where the Server Hardware Item is"@en . "unit position"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#unitPrice . . . "Unit price for hardware items, frames, servers, etc."@en . "unit price"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#uplinkBandwidth . . . "Uplink bandwidth of a switch"@en . "uplink bandwidth"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#vlanID . . . "ID of the VLAN associated to a Network Card"@en . "VLAN ID"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Classes # # # ################################################################# # # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/core#Resource . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/data-center#DataCenter . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#Disk . . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid5 . _:genid5 . _:genid5 . _:genid5 "1"^^ . _:genid5 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 "1"^^ . _:genid6 . "A disk, understood as a piece of hardware. It can be of different types, and have size."@en . "Disk"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#F5Hardware . . "A specific type of hardware from the company F5."@en . "F5 Hardware"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#Firewall . . "A specific type of hardware (network security device, which may be virtualised in some cases) that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set of security rules. Its purpose is to establish a barrier between the internal network and incoming traffic from external sources (such as the internet) in order to block malicious traffic like viruses and hackers."@en . "Firewall"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#Frame . . _:genid7 . _:genid7 . _:genid7 . _:genid7 . "A frame, also known as rack, is a supporting framework that holds hardware modules. In this context, racks typically contain servers, hard disk drives and other computing equipment. Racks make it possible to contain a lot of equipment in a small physical footprint without requiring shelving."@en . "Frame"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#HardwareBatch . _:genid8 . _:genid8 . _:genid8 . _:genid8 "1"^^ . _:genid8 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 "1"^^ . _:genid9 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 "1"^^ . _:genid10 . "A Hardware Batch is a batch under which some hardware infrastructure was bought, kept for administrative purposes or to detect potential problems in the same batch"@en . "Hardware Batch"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#HardwareItem . . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 "1"^^ . _:genid11 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 "1"^^ . _:genid12 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 "1"^^ . _:genid13 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 "1"^^ . _:genid14 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 "1"^^ . _:genid15 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 "1"^^ . _:genid16 . _:genid17 . _:genid17 . _:genid17 . _:genid17 "1"^^ . _:genid17 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 "1"^^ . _:genid18 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 "1"^^ . _:genid19 . "A piece of hardware that can be found in the context of a DevOps infrastructure"@en . "Hardware Item"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#NetworkCard . . "A network interface controller (NIC, also known as a network interface card, network adapter, LAN adapter or physical network interface, and by similar terms) is a computer hardware component that connects a computer to a computer network, usually a LAN. It is considered a piece of computer hardware. Most modern computers support an internal network interface controller embedded in the motherboard directly rather than provided as an external component."@en . "Network Card"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#ServerHardware . . "A Server Hardware is any type of hardware that can be found inside a frame. It includes firewalls, switches, F5 machines, etc."@en . "Server Hardware"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/hardware#Switch . . "A network switch (also called switching hub, bridging hub, and, by the IEEE, MAC bridge) is networking hardware that connects devices on a computer network by using packet switching to receive and forward data to the destination device"@en . "Switch"@en . # # http://w3id.org/devops-infra/server#PhysicalServer . # # Generated by the OWL API (version 5.1.14) https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/