David Chaves-Fraga (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Hu Peng (Huawei Research Ireland) Jhon Toledo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) José Mora (Huawei Research Ireland) Julián Arenas-Guerrero (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Mingxue Wang (Huawei Research Ireland) Nicholas Burrett (Huawei Research Ireland) Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Puchao Zhang (Huawei Research Ireland) Raúl Alcázar (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) http://w3id.org/devops-infra/network Ontology for the representation of the network-related parts of a DevOps infrastructure http://w3id.org/devops-infra/network.owl 2021-04-17 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 devopsnet http://w3id.org/devops-infra/network# This ontology has been created in the context of a collaboration between the Ontology Engineering Group and Huawei Research Ireland First official release An IP address belongs to an IP network belongs to IP network A public NAT Entry exposes a public IP address exposes IP Address A DNS Domain has a DNS IP Address associated to it has DNS IP Address A virtual floating IP address has a private IP has private IP The status of an IP address, normally associated to private and virtual IP addresses IP status A Server or Data Center (or any other element) may offer an SSH Channel in order to get access to them. offers SSH Channel A network segment is part of an IP network part of an IP network An SSH Channel provides access to an IP network provides access to IP network The status of an SSH connection associated to an IP address (nromally a private or virutal one) SSH status A firewall cluster translates into a public NAT Entry translated into a public NAT entry A DNS Record Configuration is used for a DNS Domain used in DNS domain A DNS IP uses a certificate uses certificate standard DNS class field (this is always IN) DNS class For a Public NAT Entry, this property determines the destination IP address for the translation destination IP For a Public NAT Entry, this property determines the port of the destination IP address for the translation destination port For a DNS domain, the name domain name It determines whether a DNS Record is enabled enabled Specific IP address (xx.xx.xx.xx) for any IP Address resource IP address Version of the IP address (e.g., 4, 6) IP address version It determines whether the MAC address corresponds to the main MAC address is main MAC MAC address associated to an IP address (normally a private or virtual address) MAC address Network IP address (xx.xx.xx.xx) network IP Mask of an IP network network mask For a DNS domain, the port where it can be reached port The priority of the target host, lower value means more preferred priority The protocol associated to a network element (e.g., a Public NAT entry, a DNS record, etc.). It is usually TCP or UDP protocol Type of Record (this is always SRV) type of record Region where a DNS IP operates region The symbolic name of the desired service service For a Public NAT Entry, this property determines the source IP address for the translation source IP For a Public NAT Entry, this property determines the port of the source IP address for the translation source port Supplier of a public IP address supplier the canonical hostname of the machine providing the service target standard DNS time to live field time to live Used time for a public IP address used time Vendor that provides an IP address (normally a private or virtual address) vendor A relative weight for records with the same priority, higher value means higher chance of getting picked weight A DNS is a directory of domain names that align with IP addresses (so called DNS IP in this ontology) DNS Domain A DNS record, which can be an A/AAAA record or a service (SRV) record, is a specification of data in the Domain Name System defining the location, i.e., the hostname and port number, of servers for specified services. It is defined in RFC 2782, and its type code is 33. Some Internet protocols such as the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) often require SRV support by network elements. DNS Record A firewall cluster is a logical cluster of firewalls to allow high availability. Firewall Cluster An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication. An IP address serves two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. IP Address An IP network is a communication network that uses Internet Protocol (IP) to send and receive messages between one or more computers. As one of the most commonly used global networks, an IP network is implemented in Internet networks, local area networks (LAN) and enterprise networks. An IP network requires that all hosts or network nodes be configured with the TCP/IP suite. IP Network A network segment is a portion of a computer network. The nature and extent of a segment depends on the nature of the network and the device or devices used to interconnect end stations. Network Segment A private IP address is an internal address that is not routed on the Internet, working on a local network. Private IP Address A public IP address, in common parlance, is a globally routable unicast IP address, meaning that the address is not an address reserved for use in private networks, such as those reserved by RFC 1918, or the various IPv6 address formats of local scope or site-local scope, for example for link-local addressing. Public IP addresses may be used for communication between hosts on the global Internet. Public IP Address Network address translation (NAT) is a method of remapping an IP address space into another by modifying network address information in the IP header of packets while they are in transit across a traffic routing device. A Public NAT Entry contains information about the wahy in which a source IP address and port is transformed into a destination IP address and port Public NAT Entry A secure channel over an unsecured network by using a client–server architecture, connecting an SSH client application with an SSH server SSH Channel A virtual (floating) IP address is an IP address that doesn't correspond to an actual physical network interface. Uses for VIPs include network address translation (especially, one-to-many NAT), fault-tolerance, and mobility. Virtual Floating IP Address