{ "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 0, "metadata": { "colab": { "name": "Main_Concepts.ipynb", "provenance": [], "collapsed_sections": [] }, "kernelspec": { "name": "python3", "display_name": "Python 3" } }, "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "s4bpal0ht9k-", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Install required libs" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "hcswwCPMtm5L", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "79a3f581-51a9-4547-ea19-0162c4ec78d6", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 68 } }, "source": [ "!pip install rake-nltk\n", "!pip install nltk\n", "!pip install pysolr\n", "!pip install langdetect" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Requirement already satisfied: rake-nltk in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (1.0.4)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: nltk in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from rake-nltk) (3.2.5)\n", "Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages (from nltk->rake-nltk) (1.12.0)\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "53070iW2Csn8", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "# Retrieving Covid Data\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "JZH55wYiDKdS", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Connecting to database" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "pmOTrFLpDQyT", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "import pysolr\n", "solr = pysolr.Solr('http://librairy.linkeddata.es/solr/covid-paragraphs/', always_commit=True, timeout=1000)\n" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "mtbGWVRADEhl", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Function to retrieve all documents" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "yXSwcUF0Cyxc", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "94e1738b-3c79-44f9-9b35-83c0f30e6deb", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 198 } }, "source": [ "def getAllDocuments(solr, start, limit_rows):\n", " results = solr.search('*:*', **{\n", " 'start': str(start),\n", " 'rows': limit_rows,\n", " })\n", " return results\n", "\n", "print(results)" ], "execution_count": 9, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "error", "ename": "NameError", "evalue": "ignored", "traceback": [ "\u001b[0;31m---------------------------------------------------------------------------\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m Traceback (most recent call last)", "\u001b[0;32m\u001b[0m in \u001b[0;36m\u001b[0;34m()\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 6\u001b[0m \u001b[0;32mreturn\u001b[0m \u001b[0mresults\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[1;32m 7\u001b[0m \u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;32m----> 8\u001b[0;31m \u001b[0mprint\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m(\u001b[0m\u001b[0mresults\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m)\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0;34m\u001b[0m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m", "\u001b[0;31mNameError\u001b[0m: name 'results' is not defined" ] } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "YwDhgCPhDRTC", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Getting documents" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "6JtP_kkPDI-k", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "#there are >2M paragraphs. for quick executions use <30k\n", "results = getAllDocuments(solr, 0 , 100000)\n" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "pQDbSkvR5ZqB", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "253f50a1-9b78-409c-bf47-935328c08d67", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 34 } }, "source": [ "print(len(results))" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "100000\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "-gbFqEyED5Nx", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Creating the corpus, checking for correct language\n", "\n", "\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "icJ_pVcYD5YC", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "df637512-1894-49d6-9d2e-cc00f3f011ef", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "from langdetect import detect\n", "\n", "corpus = \"\"\n", "field_text = \"\"\n", "for result in results:\n", " ids = result[\"id\"]\n", " try: \n", " field_text = result[\"text_t\"]\n", " if detect(field_text)== 'en':\n", " corpus=corpus+\" \\n\"+field_text\n", " except:\n", " print(\"error in:\"+ids)\n", " continue\n" ], "execution_count": 14, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "error in:8c9093d1327f8b02a6cc5ca937824549\n", "error in:56609a38be47c54f111613616c35adf2\n", "error in:c8a753e26b270310932dee1e20f8b0a5\n", "error in:8f16df16f272764ee5355be54b321700\n", "error in:4002574e9d1cf770a6597f2c81fcbcda\n", "error in:e106492ff8bdab360162eb5b60c33a85\n", "error in:cfefa4d93f6c15bc08925e6492e14318\n", "error in:cadf283ee05e17315f565189ccc83e98\n", "error in:a13da310fead60fa850113881e28d635\n", "error in:48c1646fd260e00728fb6e847cc2b90e\n", "error in:969c26ec72e820ef236f83605b8142a7\n", "error in:5b38320bec3157661fd96b83fc432746\n", "error in:8c4a042bbf88e1f389bbe5984c3378e1\n", "error in:230fba214e0ea7d9ffdf275e7a0dba00\n", "error in:29ab5b47e2900142718c5a1ddfa4de8d\n", "error in:3df4ef29f791879512fb037ee3ba5c8d\n", "error in:78775b581745b36256299396e6f7d011\n", "error in:c480653d02001c4e7536054af998d777\n", "error in:e1f094e1b69d8ae3ee08e11b2f12c9c2\n", "error in:1ed892a55850f8052d36b2d9a2f5db82\n", "error in:f3a3ae81cfc6857427fae94c433e9c95\n", "error in:5c8c306733e4c2c8c3d72bc6487e0562\n", "error in:c3f170198a7be20e10ba6f5965797e95\n", "error in:dc8baf2a43127bd7468eb141e39f411e\n", "error in:482d7b8df34d9bf7c4c3e79182c2acae\n", "error in:2d84db03b61746029e95311aa554a4df\n", "error in:cc7fc718f78a707299c449cbefcf4db0\n", "error in:f82a69abcc6ce95b2d542428461d0287\n", "error in:387b099077fd1559f6900a6d553e4606\n", "error in:37f70357ae94df02b06e69c919aadf07\n", "error in:397a1cc089d1071f01112518b22fcd6a\n", "error in:3891f676fb8a870ac1ea663984a9d7e6\n", "error in:388ca825bfa3e8d048a3baa5cf15c54c\n", "error in:3892966cbee4a6483af5ca9c3edd961b\n", "error in:388102d11a128c69d3838e92a8fd6ee4\n", "error in:391b37a34e219affd186a17bdb2d3fd5\n", "error in:392623eaea8be58a448f210b80ef43f6\n", "error in:3913a6a9bdef14ce5bf923d338b0bf0c\n", "error in:37a1bd063912c5009aa76f71a7e3711f\n", "error in:3931162494ca178313c396a5b31beea3\n", "error in:384cf7f74d29f8bd640a52560a6dca51\n", "error in:37a9ae65898304815696a56ff03915e0\n", "error in:37a9bd75430c8229fc82d23c7ffb3ff5\n", "error in:383f6af4465c7d17cc1b726278d2f806\n", "error in:383be2a1b427e809045ff0b9825b4cfc\n", "error in:38f88aa4a61597d5dda4357488570ba6\n", "error in:3798abb5e9d3480011ea2e97217442e9\n", "error in:37ba4b834a3c20d0207ed6418d4cd05b\n", "error in:38c176e57cbceb3bc8194feb46292485\n", "error in:37dd6303121cc4aed7cbaefbe9070108\n", "error in:37e623fcb7c4e32829edf5531918ae61\n", "error in:37da292f80877dbd08d9751794e46ed7\n", "error in:37e0118cf549bf16aefdb01b58bba26f\n", "error in:50ea63887aafaeebbf5da8fb448f6624\n", "error in:51390258c7bf853bbafb00bbde331a8a\n", "error in:513e34e113d80e999e108dea9d77e97d\n", "error in:517f42a7591c0d101a12dedaadd86380\n", "error in:517b25a00b8657a763a353cfbc1e4b84\n", "error in:51ffa041095bae60d89f608090949cf1\n", "error in:52024ab53fc1f967f109580f6a6b1cfe\n", "error in:517291e3bbe551bac72da805537fb664\n", "error in:4f2823e863972ee1bfd8aede54518fbf\n", "error in:4fc5ebbd47c8598ffe13661df5c5425d\n", "error in:4fcec4d21e426df08c5bd11c0c9cb406\n", "error in:50424173d1367fede6765ef5145c72b1\n", "error in:50c66b254ed5a79bc527f67f106576ea\n", "error in:50c67d9b7437b233fb7d2a6917107106\n", "error in:4f2acc0325458e22d6c89207b24f3cd2\n", "error in:4f2b1fee9ffc404b996789ae5965adc5\n", "error in:4f0e9c44ca97d39f50b09137ce1f0dae\n", "error in:502ba942da12f66edf4ceb06c2253d37\n", "error in:50368c0f6bdd3500f37ba4510fabc890\n", "error in:50394711b0d5cc0fcf0409f63cab83e5\n", "error in:50b55f96913ac62b0aad546a21b4b489\n", "error in:0041a4179f6622d3e42b29b0df7d14e9\n", "error in:519337d3fbd86fe04baf020b0106f135\n", "error in:5189c7ccf763c8fe6538bd112fe14cf5\n", "error in:512d70f3bbe4a2be17693fcfba161358\n", "error in:5156d4a8c2b5544c0d698aed68894d36\n", "error in:51b66e1d5fe361e1191b08d61c7a3327\n", "error in:521e1d05a49035dbee47170db9e9365f\n", "error in:48e6eec9dd459b30757fa0d98c710587\n", "error in:4a28a2c9de1a2eeaa90743783864c1a8\n", "error in:4a22ee65efede885e19e29f64265b82b\n", "error in:485ff612aa54da1913b739e9ea03d6b5\n", "error in:488faa42b5e5c229660275421444d539\n", "error in:49db6ac3c135aaa0ff6b36f9c5bfed90\n", "error in:49d9bb5a7a353a409c69ca3543812066\n", "error in:49d51bc6a08100401d8cc1d982a787f8\n", "error in:49d3261a1478cfa2e24f0fcc03d1c76d\n", "error in:4899dc04fe8631d3ae2d906d94203c75\n", "error in:48b0e949f82570cbe4616920629163cc\n", "error in:49e801c5ec4427c07ae0905ca259314f\n", "error in:4941db19d993367d378601f773e85b6a\n", "error in:494cce907b8f52cccce1c37dce63d51e\n", "error in:4a197eee569d398c83a418c549449217\n", "error in:48ea8c7926c3cd04f8a43338364d6f3d\n", "error in:498aa5819254ed5ccb105309f5f61997\n", "error in:4975fb5a85e16919a7c8110454504a72\n", "error in:498240df20ca053ccace45635e361ccd\n", "error in:4989fa7973fc6fadac601a5cdb292d44\n", "error in:484a1033bad2ec591c2065abdffcf1e6\n", "error in:48a26789f7e07bbd763a9de6047d72b3\n", "error in:489afefee9eface5492ad11dc53ae515\n", "error in:499b1fa0a57389983fbb76969e39bdf4\n", "error in:4844cbb44841c12ca7761561eaa4d206\n", "error in:48456c899b00812025d7c3bd83af5c28\n", "error in:48585d27d57a0cfabd43b75bbd881421\n", "error in:495843d9aea3ec9b51511c3d6e72ebf2\n", "error in:49587d5d3fed2f801438102f29b759ab\n", "error in:4a7cdcae0d17a9ea0ad0c06ab7c6bc8a\n", "error in:4a777f212a7eb43efed7bd309fc2fd39\n", "error in:4a65da962e894e485b1c87080862c23c\n", "error in:4b80620eb267c5a6f86fc4042edd0707\n", "error in:4b753e20c3103b45211844aeabfd89fe\n", "error in:4b76e73be9bba5d2e72a426f7262b80e\n", "error in:4b09fbfbeeb58bd31da6c0aefe0c41eb\n", "error in:4bf1690df6de111ff3c60e5ced155842\n", "error in:4b205135a279ded39921deea770ecdaf\n", "error in:4b19fdb03deb32c9231d2375cac9e4e1\n", "error in:4aca46f7b9802755b1a82378e3be399a\n", "error in:4acb3978d6172fd364569efa0c79242f\n", "error in:4adf625adb2923c96eb7f86ca4123920\n", "error in:4a8c7046e3cbba551f492fc20adace79\n", "error in:4aa69570a44c03c00b68e800f00efd60\n", "error in:4a8f1d9d58048eba5b33f7a2c0760b07\n", "error in:4b37cd2d8e4133d7b9e5d70851ca276e\n", "error in:4b3b607fff507fe808d89b2a76f9c7a2\n", "error in:4bb9d6ef508d3512ed5eb81e119ddd36\n", "error in:4bbbdc12ca3fbe7c3a69b2d0c166141c\n", "error in:4bb260e2d8d5e3e8b65f9bad94d30f77\n", "error in:53bdb3a49b2869814a2e1bf60e913c3b\n", "error in:53d8f58e479565e87cc23553b0bd7e21\n", "error in:53d977885b10a858e24f700e041a6be7\n", "error in:53d642a2d4d261f831a82bce3d2bced8\n", "error in:53dba195654fe7489fe7caf97bbbfba8\n", "error in:53dddd7a2783e7a26c03d1b96534742d\n", "error in:53e51b16ce88a49e29851ccac0050878\n", "error in:524691c90c1aff5060c951c192b083be\n", "error in:52a4ab4dd3affe02f6245c991664ea37\n", "error in:52624c5c8ac26d5c05748bc9e5125b2c\n", "error in:5282995ad7ae41699419d11b46c35496\n", "error in:006ead4aa36a83ef478aee105bb62b09\n", "error in:531c55fedff44cc9b6ffcdd1cd7a01dc\n", "error in:531d7b2341024675601bff7a180d0ef1\n", "error in:536d18ce714ea35ebff881fc9b5b41f7\n", "error in:525f288e5807b43ff9ba7b8def0b4d43\n", "error in:525906b8ed1142946453fd8ee54b4d73\n", "error in:52d097fb1154f3a3fbb29d56fe47f2f8\n", "error in:52d1afebc57e20448b3ec83dab540e81\n", "error in:538ba1fd146fb3842ff2571af3058348\n", "error in:4a3e484d3066548be38aaf6192f65385\n", "error in:4a40a392c2981bfa4227f19d936abc61\n", "error in:4c47cf4d22e49e2244892bd0151d8054\n", "error in:4c9aed063b88691f3727457f1788448e\n", "error in:4c941a00a1411fa1d5ea74458b35cf3a\n", "error in:4c97fce1051607a34c5ba549ee0ba5bc\n", "error in:4c990ebcdf03fc2585a6169512279675\n", "error in:4d44d7c1b3fa1290df0c67096d32a2d9\n", "error in:4c5b20660b3811d91e021b6ae0565fde\n", "error in:4c49a58857f3c3f5192a2da2b9d9f670\n", "error in:4c1d9645bc9fffc586c6041d1a179038\n", "error in:4d0b82044b84a7024973c2d8c6df6c4c\n", "error in:4c7ea689c7a3b03dee5c9bc9ed55bf8d\n", "error in:4c78e4f3eee2ffe2fcf92bdb1fa51d5c\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "kq9T10wbyIYf", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Saving copus in file\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "UayYn2q-IOAm", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "c = open(\"corpus100.txt\", \"w\")\n", "corpus20 = c.write(corpus)\n", "c.close()" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "7TZUrRCiu2Mx", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "# Executing Rake" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "N_SEcepvuVrR", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "from rake_nltk import Metric, Rake\n", "import string\n", "import nltk\n", "\n", "#punctuation list from nltk\n", "punctuations = string.punctuation\n", "\n", "#stopword list from nltk\n", "stopwords = nltk.corpus.stopwords.words('english')\n", "\n", "#adding extra stopwords based on covid corpora\n", "newStopWords = ['within', 'using', 'figure','table','box', ',|', '-|',')-', 'list',').', '′-','),','.,','would','also', 'another', 'together', 'http://', 'www.','et', '=-', '://', '”),','‐,', '**', '“', 'al','may','%)', ')=', ');', '(+)-', 'many', 'serveral', 'although', 'whether', 'single', 'similar', '].', ',”', '–', '×', '+', '−/−','±', '˘', '…', '.;', '||','-(', '|,', '…,', '…),', '|', '®-', ',\"', '®', '-']\n", "stopwords.extend(newStopWords)\n", "\n", "#setting Rake with custom parameters\n", "r = Rake(language='english',min_length=2, max_length=4, punctuations=punctuations, stopwords=stopwords, ranking_metric=Metric.WORD_FREQUENCY)\n", "\n", "#from downloaded corpus\n", "file = open(\"corpus100.txt\")\n", "corpus100=file.read()\n", "\n", "#initializing Rake\n", "r.extract_keywords_from_text(corpus100)\n" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "u5S9WIlwvFQB", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Printing results" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "T_EwuYZpvE19", "colab_type": "code", "outputId": "a4a15ac1-0dae-4814-93fc-91aafdb6d0e0", "colab": { "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/", "height": 1000 } }, "source": [ "results = r.get_ranked_phrases_with_scores()\n", "for i in results[0:3000]:\n", " print(i)" ], "execution_count": 34, "outputs": [ { "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "(32348.0, '2 0 1 1')\n", "(31820.0, 'cells control viral infection')\n", "(31502.0, '1 cells (~ 1')\n", "(30738.0, 'cells following viral infection')\n", "(29970.0, 'virus protein 1')\n", "(29903.0, 'subsequent viral protein 1')\n", "(29801.0, '1 upon virus infection')\n", "(29470.0, 'length virus protein 2')\n", "(29283.0, '1 1 2')\n", "(28686.0, 'viral protein 1')\n", "(28686.0, '1 viral protein')\n", "(28679.0, 'influenza virus infected cells')\n", "(28443.0, 'virus infected cells compared')\n", "(28420.0, '1 virus infection')\n", "(28372.0, '1 infection 1')\n", "(28227.0, 'cell motility protein 1')\n", "(28161.0, 'tim 1 cell protein')\n", "(27881.0, 'human influenza virus infection')\n", "(27704.0, '1 human mast cells')\n", "(27669.0, 'putative viral protein 2')\n", "(27640.0, '1 human infection due')\n", "(27525.0, 'cells including endothelial cells')\n", "(27495.0, '1 influenza virus c')\n", "(27441.0, '2 0 1 5')\n", "(27436.0, 'new human viral infection')\n", "(27403.0, '1 host cell proteins')\n", "(27288.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus 1')\n", "(27288.0, '1 human immunodeficiency virus')\n", "(27265.0, 'human parainfluenza virus 1')\n", "(27260.0, 'virus including viral replication')\n", "(27257.0, 'viral nonstructural protein 2')\n", "(27207.0, 'rna virus protein 7')\n", "(27204.0, '1 cm 3 1')\n", "(27173.0, '1 patients received 1')\n", "(27160.0, '1 could enter cells')\n", "(27154.0, 'virus infection progression 2')\n", "(27116.0, 'specific respiratory virus infection')\n", "(27108.0, 'viral protein 2')\n", "(26989.0, 'virus specific cd8 1')\n", "(26947.0, 'borna disease virus 1')\n", "(26893.0, 'including influenza virus infection')\n", "(26820.0, 'virus n protein expression')\n", "(26817.0, '2 infected cells compared')\n", "(26742.0, 'h 2 cells rna')\n", "(26712.0, '1 cells post infected')\n", "(26679.0, 'treated virus control cells')\n", "(26665.0, 'different cell virus systems')\n", "(26648.0, 'increased viral protein expression')\n", "(26580.0, 'dna binding protein 1')\n", "(26525.0, 'cells without viral dna')\n", "(26467.0, 'human immune cells could')\n", "(26439.0, 'h 1 2 5')\n", "(26414.0, 'protein mediates viral infection')\n", "(26410.0, '1 cells 10 times')\n", "(26229.0, 'virus infected cells leading')\n", "(26151.0, 'cells expressing viral proteins')\n", "(26143.0, 'one major viral protein')\n", "(26057.0, 'binding protein type 1')\n", "(26039.0, 'wt virus infected cells')\n", "(26015.0, '1 virus immune serum')\n", "(25978.0, '2 cells without treatment')\n", "(25938.0, 'infected cells exhibit virus')\n", "(25902.0, 'respiratory viral infection data')\n", "(25866.0, 'associated virus type 2')\n", "(25786.0, 'host cell protein expression')\n", "(25784.0, '1 e 1 6')\n", "(25778.0, 'stranded virus infected cells')\n", "(25672.0, '1 infected vero cells')\n", "(25661.0, 'vaccinia virus infected cells')\n", "(25630.0, 'group 1 includes cells')\n", "(25625.0, '91 virus infected cells')\n", "(25613.0, 'parent virus infected cells')\n", "(25609.0, 'viral infection including influenza')\n", "(25609.0, 'infected cells (< 1')\n", "(25606.0, 'terminal gene 1 protein')\n", "(25606.0, 'infected cells amplify virus')\n", "(25596.0, 'kill virus infected cells')\n", "(25560.0, 'viral genome positive cells')\n", "(25558.0, '2 viral infection')\n", "(25554.0, 'tc virus infected cells')\n", "(25552.0, 'associated membrane protein 1')\n", "(25536.0, 'viral n protein expression')\n", "(25501.0, 'δg virus infected cells')\n", "(25492.0, 'least one viral protein')\n", "(25485.0, 'specific protein 1')\n", "(25484.0, 'myxoma virus infected cells')\n", "(25483.0, 'lysing virus infected cells')\n", "(25473.0, 'virus infected cells')\n", "(25471.0, 'influenza virus n protein')\n", "(25425.0, '1 infected cells')\n", "(25425.0, '1 cells infected')\n", "(25421.0, 'human rna virus infections')\n", "(25410.0, '1 high cells')\n", "(25326.0, '1 provided c 1')\n", "(25320.0, 'study influenza virus infection')\n", "(25305.0, 'including activator protein 1')\n", "(25291.0, 'viral antigen positive cells')\n", "(25287.0, 'viral e protein gene')\n", "(25232.0, '2 0 1 6')\n", "(25219.0, 'h 1 n 1')\n", "(25141.0, 'cells activate b cells')\n", "(25139.0, 'h 1 2 4')\n", "(25126.0, '2 0 1 0')\n", "(25124.0, '1 expressing cells compared')\n", "(25121.0, '2 cases per 1')\n", "(25051.0, 'cells stimulate b cells')\n", "(25037.0, '1 days per 1')\n", "(25009.0, 'virus could prevent infection')\n", "(25006.0, 'viral protein expression systems')\n", "(24984.0, '1 binds viral rna')\n", "(24882.0, 'binding protein site 1')\n", "(24853.0, 'iba1 1 cells associated')\n", "(24848.0, 'hiv 1 target cells')\n", "(24820.0, '1 ÷ cells increased')\n", "(24816.0, 'respiratory virus infection among')\n", "(24799.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus infection')\n", "(24764.0, 'c 1 cells')\n", "(24733.0, '1 viral proteins gp120')\n", "(24683.0, 'viral specific protein recognized')\n", "(24611.0, 'h 1 cells across')\n", "(24602.0, 'virus infection following treatment')\n", "(24577.0, 'including viral protein translation')\n", "(24576.0, 'different viral infection models')\n", "(24571.0, '1 viral proteins')\n", "(24562.0, '5 influenza virus patients')\n", "(24536.0, 'virus hijacks host cells')\n", "(24513.0, '1 positive cells')\n", "(24510.0, 'group 1 corona virus')\n", "(24510.0, 'cells release infectious virus')\n", "(24498.0, '1 viral rna')\n", "(24484.0, '1 protein gene')\n", "(24483.0, 'newcastle disease virus infection')\n", "(24479.0, 'type antiviral protein 1')\n", "(24478.0, 'influenza b virus infection')\n", "(24470.0, 'cells following 1 ng')\n", "(24454.0, '1 reference virus strain')\n", "(24412.0, 'viral gene 1 polyprotein')\n", "(24401.0, 'decreased viral protein expression')\n", "(24353.0, '7 1 number 1')\n", "(24344.0, 'type b virus infection')\n", "(24319.0, 'viral protein data')\n", "(24310.0, '1 infection 3')\n", "(24309.0, 'influenza virus infection compared')\n", "(24304.0, 'type virus infection induced')\n", "(24302.0, 'virus infection could trigger')\n", "(24282.0, '2 0 1 8')\n", "(24269.0, 'influenza virus fusion protein')\n", "(24269.0, '1 â10 6 cells')\n", "(24258.0, 'two influenza virus infections')\n", "(24249.0, 'specific viral protein')\n", "(24236.0, '1 b cells')\n", "(24217.0, '1 dna virus')\n", "(24216.0, 'type 2 viral infections')\n", "(24216.0, 'cells expressing virus antigen')\n", "(24204.0, '2 virus rna')\n", "(24203.0, 'two viral models could')\n", "(24190.0, '1 protein expression')\n", "(24189.0, 'viral infected cells')\n", "(24156.0, 'buffer 1 containing 1')\n", "(24127.0, 'dengue virus type 1')\n", "(24124.0, '1 h 2 0')\n", "(24094.0, '2 infected vero cells')\n", "(24083.0, 'one dengue virus infection')\n", "(24073.0, 'two virus dna sequences')\n", "(24067.0, '1 cells compared')\n", "(24064.0, '1 lung epithelial cells')\n", "(24058.0, '1 virus results')\n", "(24043.0, 'influenza virus infection either')\n", "(24009.0, 'including viral gene expression')\n", "(24003.0, 'virus infection could')\n", "(23983.0, 'specific virus infection')\n", "(23979.0, '1 red blood cells')\n", "(23974.0, 'associated membrane protein 2')\n", "(23934.0, 'associated protein kinase 1')\n", "(23927.0, 'viral protein production levels')\n", "(23921.0, 'influenza virus infection reported')\n", "(23918.0, 'infection control infection control')\n", "(23916.0, 'one viral protein')\n", "(23913.0, '2 monolayer cells infected')\n", "(23889.0, 'infected cells throughout infection')\n", "(23876.0, 'type 1 herpes virus')\n", "(23862.0, '2 4 2 7')\n", "(23847.0, '2 infected cells')\n", "(23847.0, '2 cells infected')\n", "(23834.0, '1 respiratory syncytial virus')\n", "(23829.0, 'two additional viral proteins')\n", "(23828.0, '1 influenza virus')\n", "(23824.0, 'cell gene expression data')\n", "(23795.0, 'parainfluenza virus type 1')\n", "(23791.0, '2 0 1 9')\n", "(23790.0, '1 − p 1')\n", "(23777.0, 'polio virus type 1')\n", "(23763.0, 'persistent rna virus infection')\n", "(23761.0, '1 b virus')\n", "(23760.0, '2 6 2 6')\n", "(23755.0, '1 respiratory virus')\n", "(23750.0, 'human influenza c virus')\n", "(23747.0, '1 3 10 6')\n", "(23745.0, 'two different virus preparations')\n", "(23743.0, 'infected cells )), cell')\n", "(23743.0, 'cells containing virus')\n", "(23733.0, 'stresses including virus infection')\n", "(23715.0, 'lymphotropic virus type 1')\n", "(23696.0, 'lymphotrophic virus type 1')\n", "(23694.0, 'human ebola virus disease')\n", "(23693.0, 'human primary cells infected')\n", "(23687.0, 'including virus infection')\n", "(23671.0, 'viral infection could affect')\n", "(23664.0, '2 3 2 tablet')\n", "(23663.0, 'two different cell systems')\n", "(23652.0, 'kd cells virus replication')\n", "(23641.0, '1 n h 2')\n", "(23639.0, '1 0 1')\n", "(23639.0, '0 1 1')\n", "(23629.0, 'influenza virus ha protein')\n", "(23577.0, '3 human cells')\n", "(23567.0, 'human immune cells compared')\n", "(23564.0, 'viral rna levels could')\n", "(23548.0, '2 0 2 0')\n", "(23537.0, 'initial viral rna infection')\n", "(23534.0, 'binding kinase 1 protein')\n", "(23533.0, 'viral protein whose expression')\n", "(23533.0, '1 cell line showed')\n", "(23523.0, '1 virus strain kos')\n", "(23516.0, '1 virus strain mckrae')\n", "(23514.0, '1 virus strain')\n", "(23510.0, '1 across epithelial cells')\n", "(23496.0, 'viral protein based')\n", "(23493.0, '1 inhibitor treated cells')\n", "(23488.0, 'analyzed viral protein expression')\n", "(23459.0, '2 days per 1')\n", "(23454.0, '1 ligand binding protein')\n", "(23448.0, '1 b cell culture')\n", "(23444.0, 'highmobility group protein 1')\n", "(23443.0, '1 protein group')\n", "(23440.0, 'severe influenza virus infection')\n", "(23439.0, 'first human virus species')\n", "(23437.0, 'viral enter host cells')\n", "(23411.0, 'viral protein expression plasmids')\n", "(23399.0, 'viral protein synthesis 4')\n", "(23399.0, '2 cells might show')\n", "(23391.0, 'envelope protein 2 gene')\n", "(23386.0, 'nak associated protein 1')\n", "(23385.0, 'associated protein 1')\n", "(23372.0, 'host cells upon infection')\n", "(23368.0, 'viral np protein expression')\n", "(23352.0, 'primary influenza virus infection')\n", "(23334.0, 'rich binding protein 1')\n", "(23316.0, 'potential viral target protein')\n", "(23312.0, '1 env negative cells')\n", "(23304.0, '2 virus detection rate')\n", "(23293.0, 'rna virus infection')\n", "(23288.0, 'influenza virus infection models')\n", "(23282.0, 'virus encounters target cells')\n", "(23270.0, '2 cells showed perk')\n", "(23251.0, 'five increased virus infection')\n", "(23246.0, 'least 1 − 1')\n", "(23244.0, 'acute influenza virus infection')\n", "(23240.0, 'virus protein interaction information')\n", "(23217.0, 'p 1 cells')\n", "(23214.0, 'virus protein interaction research')\n", "(23203.0, 'human parainfluenza virus 3')\n", "(23203.0, 'human parainfluenza 3 virus')\n", "(23202.0, '2 â 10 1')\n", "(23194.0, 'viral infection disease deserves')\n", "(23194.0, '1 proteins could provide')\n", "(23185.0, '1 c8166 target cells')\n", "(23180.0, '1 target cells')\n", "(23179.0, 'viral immune cells infiltrating')\n", "(23171.0, 'acute respiratory virus infection')\n", "(23170.0, '1 case per 2')\n", "(23160.0, 'h 1 cells')\n", "(23160.0, 'cells 1 h')\n", "(23159.0, 'examine viral protein expression')\n", "(23155.0, 'human influenza virus type')\n", "(23149.0, 'viral 2 =, 5')\n", "(23148.0, 'c 2 h 2')\n", "(23147.0, 'influenza virus m2 protein')\n", "(23146.0, 'human influenza virus strains')\n", "(23124.0, '2 4 virus')\n", "(23120.0, 'like virus potato virus')\n", "(23119.0, 'including protein expression analysis')\n", "(23118.0, '1 protein levels')\n", "(23115.0, '1 cell infected')\n", "(23110.0, 'cells 2 h prior')\n", "(23107.0, 'viral vp1 protein expression')\n", "(23096.0, 'infected cell protein synthesis')\n", "(23088.0, 'influenza virus ns1 protein')\n", "(23085.0, 'induced transmembrane protein 1')\n", "(23062.0, '10 2 10 3')\n", "(23060.0, 'viral e6 protein expression')\n", "(23051.0, 'without respiratory viral infection')\n", "(23039.0, 'like virus 1')\n", "(23039.0, '1 like virus')\n", "(23031.0, '1 per 1')\n", "(23027.0, 'induced following viral infection')\n", "(23026.0, 'cell wall protein gene')\n", "(23019.0, 'influenza virus hemagglutinin protein')\n", "(23017.0, 'viral ie protein expression')\n", "(23014.0, 'type 2 alveolar cells')\n", "(23014.0, 'alveolar type 2 cells')\n", "(23013.0, 'increased viral protein synthesis')\n", "(23010.0, 'cell immunolabeled cells increased')\n", "(23002.0, 'induced maturation protein 1')\n", "(22986.0, 'tax1 binding protein 1')\n", "(22985.0, 'binding protein 1')\n", "(22981.0, 'detect viral protein levels')\n", "(22968.0, 'clone 1 cells treated')\n", "(22963.0, 'new viral disease among')\n", "(22963.0, '2 positive h9 cells')\n", "(22954.0, 'viral protein expression')\n", "(22954.0, '1 virus replication inhibitions')\n", "(22953.0, 'including human ips cells')\n", "(22952.0, 'respiratory viral infection compared')\n", "(22951.0, 'viral host protein interaction')\n", "(22950.0, 'cell following viral replication')\n", "(22945.0, 'influenza virus gene expression')\n", "(22942.0, '1 virus replication')\n", "(22938.0, 'infected cells showed 4')\n", "(22937.0, 'g 1 synchronized cells')\n", "(22935.0, '1 infected patients might')\n", "(22932.0, 'cells expressing viral antigen')\n", "(22927.0, 'binding protein 5 gene')\n", "(22920.0, 'intestinal epithelial cells 1')\n", "(22920.0, '2 viral rna')\n", "(22909.0, 'associated circular virus 2')\n", "(22905.0, 'disease including virus isolation')\n", "(22902.0, '2 host cells')\n", "(22894.0, 'different host cell proteins')\n", "(22882.0, 'including h5n1 viral infection')\n", "(22878.0, 'specific b cells following')\n", "(22855.0, 'cases virus species could')\n", "(22850.0, 'cells 1 hour prior')\n", "(22823.0, 'virus induced cell death')\n", "(22823.0, '5 virus strains used')\n", "(22812.0, 'infected cells could provide')\n", "(22797.0, '3 1 10 8')\n", "(22794.0, 'viral rna binding proteins')\n", "(22794.0, 'associated virus 2')\n", "(22794.0, '1 protein vpu induced')\n", "(22787.0, '1 n protein cd4')\n", "(22785.0, '1 reduced virus infectivity')\n", "(22769.0, 'viral infection could exacerbate')\n", "(22750.0, 'protein levels increased 3')\n", "(22750.0, '3 protein levels increased')\n", "(22746.0, 'viral infection could potentiate')\n", "(22745.0, '2 associated x protein')\n", "(22742.0, 'type 2 myeloid cells')\n", "(22741.0, '2 mb dna virus')\n", "(22740.0, 'n protein cells')\n", "(22735.0, 'induced apolipo protein 1')\n", "(22732.0, 'influenza virus among patients')\n", "(22728.0, 'type 1 e4 protein')\n", "(22726.0, 'two different rna viruses')\n", "(22723.0, '1 day following infection')\n", "(22718.0, '2 infection could protect')\n", "(22708.0, 'infection among approximately 1')\n", "(22706.0, 'including ebola virus disease')\n", "(22702.0, 'cells directly kill virus')\n", "(22699.0, 'specific viral infection')\n", "(22696.0, '1 cell per well')\n", "(22694.0, 'small viral membrane protein')\n", "(22694.0, 'p 1 1')\n", "(22690.0, '1 increased 2')\n", "(22679.0, 'two different cell types')\n", "(22674.0, '2 − 1 n')\n", "(22674.0, '2 n − 1')\n", "(22651.0, '1 infection induced activation')\n", "(22631.0, '1 particles per cell')\n", "(22628.0, 'systemic type 1 cell')\n", "(22616.0, 'control viral gene expression')\n", "(22613.0, '1 e 1')\n", "(22612.0, 'primary viral infection associated')\n", "(22612.0, '2 protein expression')\n", "(22612.0, '1 +/− 1 days')\n", "(22610.0, 'first human virus identified')\n", "(22606.0, 'human infection disease models')\n", "(22599.0, 'influenza virus infection remains')\n", "(22597.0, 'cell virus transmission rates')\n", "(22595.0, 'infected cell protein 34')\n", "(22591.0, 'type 2 cells')\n", "(22591.0, '2 type cells')\n", "(22578.0, 'several human viral infections')\n", "(22555.0, 'including human immunodeficiency virus')\n", "(22555.0, '1 viral genome sequencing')\n", "(22549.0, 'dengue virus type 2')\n", "(22546.0, 'h 2 0 2')\n", "(22543.0, 'cells following rsv infection')\n", "(22532.0, '2 cells due')\n", "(22524.0, 'like type 3 cells')\n", "(22521.0, '2 strain enters cells')\n", "(22510.0, '2 virus type mrnas')\n", "(22509.0, 'p3hr 1 cells revealed')\n", "(22503.0, 'viral replication versus virus')\n", "(22498.0, 'human primary respiratory cells')\n", "(22498.0, 'experimental influenza virus infection')\n", "(22495.0, 'two different cell lines')\n", "(22482.0, 'pathologies including viral infection')\n", "(22479.0, 'viral protein 4')\n", "(22479.0, 'including influenza virus infections')\n", "(22476.0, 'major viral surface protein')\n", "(22471.0, '1 1 site')\n", "(22470.0, '1 cells treated')\n", "(22468.0, '1 novel corona virus')\n", "(22465.0, 'related protein 1')\n", "(22460.0, 'viral infection including enteroviruses')\n", "(22460.0, 'including human papilloma virus')\n", "(22452.0, 'r 1 ¼ 1')\n", "(22445.0, 'treated human cells showed')\n", "(22440.0, '1 cells specifically inhibits')\n", "(22428.0, '1 ml à 1')\n", "(22412.0, '1 point per 2')\n", "(22407.0, 'confirmed influenza virus infection')\n", "(22403.0, 'including viral infection')\n", "(22399.0, 'several viral infection models')\n", "(22394.0, 'treat human viral disease')\n", "(22385.0, '1 virus present')\n", "(22383.0, '1 1 9 tion')\n", "(22382.0, 'different influenza virus strains')\n", "(22368.0, 'influenza c virus rna')\n", "(22350.0, 'human rna virus biology')\n", "(22345.0, 'prevent influenza virus infection')\n", "(22338.0, 'virus infection studies')\n", "(22336.0, 'hepatitis c virus infection')\n", "(22336.0, 'first viral protein synthesized')\n", "(22334.0, 'confirmed respiratory virus infection')\n", "(22329.0, '1 major capsid protein')\n", "(22328.0, 'cells showed infection')\n", "(22326.0, 'dendritic cells murine cells')\n", "(22317.0, 'h 1 cell activation')\n", "(22316.0, 'demonstrate viral protein levels')\n", "(22311.0, 'cd11c 1 cells isolated')\n", "(22304.0, 'least 1 viral pathogen')\n", "(22300.0, 'influenza virus analysis based')\n", "(22295.0, 'activity upon viral infection')\n", "(22294.0, 'control virus infection')\n", "(22289.0, 'viruses infect human cells')\n", "(22285.0, '1 mrna expression data')\n", "(22279.0, '1 interacting human proteins')\n", "(22276.0, 'dna virus infection depends')\n", "(22274.0, 'infected cell protein null')\n", "(22254.0, '10 2 viral copies')\n", "(22250.0, '1 residues 1')\n", "(22244.0, 'non structural protein 1')\n", "(22240.0, 'viral infection often results')\n", "(22239.0, 'new human virus resulting')\n", "(22239.0, 'including newcastle disease virus')\n", "(22239.0, 'cells (> 500 cells')\n", "(22237.0, 'virus cause human infections')\n", "(22234.0, 'containing maguk protein 1')\n", "(22233.0, 'containing protein 1')\n", "(22230.0, '1 cells resulted')\n", "(22229.0, '1 n protein preimmune')\n", "(22229.0, '1 linking regions 1')\n", "(22228.0, '1 annotation per protein')\n", "(22218.0, 'protein blocks virus replication')\n", "(22217.0, 'target specific viral proteins')\n", "(22217.0, 'parainfluenza type 2 virus')\n", "(22217.0, '1 n protein')\n", "(22214.0, '1 ml virus')\n", "(22211.0, 'inhibit influenza virus infection')\n", "(22209.0, '1 x 105 cells')\n", "(22198.0, 'least 1 virus')\n", "(22197.0, 'one influenza b virus')\n", "(22190.0, '1 x 104 cells')\n", "(22190.0, '1 cells expressing tac')\n", "(22187.0, '1 x 106 cells')\n", "(22184.0, 'viral supernatant containing 1')\n", "(22181.0, '1 %); type 2')\n", "(22178.0, 'new virus infection')\n", "(22167.0, '2 6 1')\n", "(22166.0, '1 ml 1')\n", "(22162.0, '1 mm isopropyl 1')\n", "(22155.0, 'dengue virus e protein')\n", "(22154.0, 'dc cells viral peptide')\n", "(22154.0, '1 expressing cells')\n", "(22154.0, '1 cells expressing')\n", "(22152.0, 'common respiratory viral infection')\n", "(22151.0, 'host cell protein synthesis')\n", "(22128.0, 'human influenza virus production')\n", "(22122.0, '1 sirna transfected cells')\n", "(22118.0, 'rabies virus p protein')\n", "(22117.0, 'cells following mhv infection')\n", "(22114.0, 'study virus infection')\n", "(22111.0, '1 marker every 1')\n", "(22110.0, 'human respiratory viral infections')\n", "(22110.0, 'antigen positive cells could')\n", "(22109.0, 'deficient cells following infection')\n", "(22105.0, 'model zika virus infection')\n", "(22098.0, '1 − 2 days')\n", "(22085.0, 'samples containing one virus')\n", "(22085.0, 'least 3 viral proteins')\n", "(22085.0, 'including viral rna replication')\n", "(22084.0, 'two viral capsid proteins')\n", "(22077.0, 'mannosidase like protein 1')\n", "(22077.0, 'cell leukemia virus type')\n", "(22074.0, '1 b cell subset')\n", "(22073.0, 'e protein reduces virus')\n", "(22068.0, '1 hcv permissive cells')\n", "(22067.0, 'cells expressing core protein')\n", "(22066.0, 'human health 1')\n", "(22066.0, '17 cl 1 cells')\n", "(22063.0, 'early 1 protein promotes')\n", "(22057.0, 'especially following virus infection')\n", "(22052.0, 'like protein 1')\n", "(22052.0, '1 like protein')\n", "(22045.0, '1 x lo6 cells')\n", "(22044.0, '3 9 5 2')\n", "(22044.0, '17 c1 1 cells')\n", "(22038.0, 'new viral type could')\n", "(22037.0, 'human rna virus')\n", "(22036.0, 'viral host cell range')\n", "(22033.0, '2 cord blood cells')\n", "(22029.0, 'latent membrane protein 1')\n", "(22028.0, 'virus infects skin cells')\n", "(22022.0, 'viral antigen per cell')\n", "(22012.0, 'respiratory rna virus infections')\n", "(22012.0, 'influenza virus infection leads')\n", "(22012.0, 'cells contain virus')\n", "(22009.0, '1 virus particles')\n", "(22008.0, 'major viral structural protein')\n", "(22007.0, 'high viral rna levels')\n", "(22007.0, 'cell subset type 1')\n", "(22001.0, 'helper cell type 1')\n", "(21999.0, 'cell culture derived virus')\n", "(21995.0, 'binding protein type 3')\n", "(21984.0, 'specific viral surface proteins')\n", "(21981.0, '1 vs 2 p')\n", "(21975.0, 'cells termed th17 cells')\n", "(21974.0, 'wild type virus infection')\n", "(21973.0, 'coatomer protein complex 1')\n", "(21969.0, 'established following virus infection')\n", "(21967.0, '1 murine macrophage cells')\n", "(21962.0, '1 million cells')\n", "(21960.0, 'acute influenza viral infection')\n", "(21956.0, '1 bat cells')\n", "(21954.0, '1 tumor cells')\n", "(21953.0, 'cell derived factor 1')\n", "(21946.0, 'viral infection based')\n", "(21946.0, 'influenza virus infection plays')\n", "(21938.0, 'viral gene expression levels')\n", "(21938.0, '5 infected cells occurs')\n", "(21937.0, 'viral vp4 protein levels')\n", "(21930.0, '1 patients including adults')\n", "(21928.0, 'cell lymphotropic virus type')\n", "(21903.0, '0 1 6 5')\n", "(21891.0, 'two group 1 coronaviruses')\n", "(21889.0, '1 %), piv 1')\n", "(21888.0, 'different human cell types')\n", "(21887.0, 'zika virus e protein')\n", "(21887.0, 'acute respiratory viral infection')\n", "(21883.0, 'avian influenza virus infection')\n", "(21882.0, 'viral protein levels')\n", "(21875.0, 'viral lower respiratory infection')\n", "(21872.0, 'herpes virus types 1')\n", "(21870.0, '1 %), parainfluenzae virus')\n", "(21868.0, 'virus early gene expression')\n", "(21868.0, 'early virus gene expression')\n", "(21867.0, 'active viral infection among')\n", "(21865.0, 'cell membrane surface protein')\n", "(21862.0, 'influenza virus infection inhibits')\n", "(21861.0, 'though influenza virus infection')\n", "(21860.0, 'infected human dendritic cells')\n", "(21852.0, 'virus induced severe disease')\n", "(21851.0, 'one cell infection equals')\n", "(21846.0, 'virus enters susceptible cells')\n", "(21846.0, 'receptor interacting protein 1')\n", "(21845.0, 'newcastle disease virus rna')\n", "(21844.0, 'influenza virus h1n1 infection')\n", "(21844.0, 'h1n1 influenza virus infection')\n", "(21840.0, 'influenza b virus rna')\n", "(21834.0, '2 protein family 7')\n", "(21831.0, 'respiratory tract virus infection')\n", "(21829.0, '1 þ murine cells')\n", "(21823.0, 'treat influenza virus infection')\n", "(21818.0, 'h5n1 influenza virus infection')\n", "(21816.0, '1 %), 1')\n", "(21815.0, 'viral protein positive')\n", "(21814.0, 'several different viral infections')\n", "(21814.0, 'hcw required 1 1')\n", "(21813.0, 'antigen specific b cells')\n", "(21809.0, 'bovine virus diarrhea virus')\n", "(21808.0, 'hepatitis b virus infection')\n", "(21807.0, 'associated protein 2')\n", "(21807.0, 'associated 2 protein')\n", "(21806.0, 'human cells persistently infected')\n", "(21803.0, 'swine influenza virus infection')\n", "(21798.0, 'exposed cd11c 1 cells')\n", "(21797.0, '1 receptor accessory protein')\n", "(21795.0, 'virus initially encounters cells')\n", "(21795.0, 'virus infection analysis')\n", "(21791.0, 'parainfluenza virus types 1')\n", "(21786.0, 'cells towards virus')\n", "(21785.0, 'seasonal influenza virus infection')\n", "(21783.0, 'called virus passage 1')\n", "(21783.0, '1 respiratory tract infection')\n", "(21774.0, '4 viral rna levels')\n", "(21772.0, 'virus following successful infection')\n", "(21769.0, 'a549 cells without infection')\n", "(21764.0, 'protein vaccines onto 1')\n", "(21762.0, 'influenza virus specific antibodies')\n", "(21760.0, 'human disease cell tumors')\n", "(21760.0, '1 mutant virus')\n", "(21757.0, 'apoptosis following virus infection')\n", "(21755.0, 'ebola virus enters cells')\n", "(21753.0, 'avian viral protein sequences')\n", "(21750.0, 'hamper virus protein production')\n", "(21728.0, 'including two different strains')\n", "(21728.0, 'dna virus infection')\n", "(21722.0, 'virus e protein')\n", "(21722.0, 'one virus could')\n", "(21719.0, 'productively infected human cells')\n", "(21719.0, 'human cells productively infected')\n", "(21718.0, 'respiratory virus infection act')\n", "(21717.0, 'infected human rpe cells')\n", "(21714.0, '1 cells took place')\n", "(21713.0, 'lethal influenza virus infection')\n", "(21713.0, 'least 1 viral agent')\n", "(21711.0, 'lymphotropic virus types 1')\n", "(21711.0, 'level viral protein synthesis')\n", "(21705.0, 'used protein level data')\n", "(21704.0, 'infected human diploid cells')\n", "(21702.0, 'one specific virus')\n", "(21700.0, 'virus except h1n1 virus')\n", "(21698.0, 'protein 1 h')\n", "(21695.0, 'virus except ebola virus')\n", "(21689.0, 'virus producing cells')\n", "(21687.0, '1 cells express fgl2')\n", "(21686.0, 'help control viral infection')\n", "(21684.0, '1 cells 35')\n", "(21681.0, '2 x 1 l')\n", "(21680.0, 'infected human cells')\n", "(21680.0, 'human cells infected')\n", "(21680.0, '1 protein production')\n", "(21670.0, '1 − 1')\n", "(21663.0, '2 infection induces expression')\n", "(21658.0, '1 viral replication')\n", "(21644.0, '1 cells express mcar1')\n", "(21643.0, 'cell free virus obtained')\n", "(21642.0, 'virus containing 2')\n", "(21641.0, '1 producing cells')\n", "(21637.0, 'new virus particles could')\n", "(21626.0, 'viral rna binding activity')\n", "(21625.0, '1 cells suggesting')\n", "(21624.0, '2 â 10 2')\n", "(21623.0, 'simian virus 40 virus')\n", "(21621.0, '1 viral genome')\n", "(21617.0, 'two viral proteins')\n", "(21614.0, 'symptomatic respiratory virus infection')\n", "(21614.0, 'respiratory virus infection episodes')\n", "(21614.0, 'cd8 1 cells')\n", "(21613.0, 'influenza virus infection 54')\n", "(21602.0, '2 target cells')\n", "(21599.0, 'including various virus infections')\n", "(21599.0, '1 cell toxicity assay')\n", "(21597.0, 'infected cells without treatment')\n", "(21593.0, 'lower viral protein concentrations')\n", "(21587.0, '1 ͑ n 2')\n", "(21582.0, 'h 2 cells')\n", "(21576.0, 'virus clearance following infection')\n", "(21573.0, 'biosafety level 2 virus')\n", "(21570.0, 'viral protein 6')\n", "(21569.0, 'virus infection results')\n", "(21568.0, '1 infection levels')\n", "(21564.0, '1 per cent 2')\n", "(21562.0, 'vaccine virus infection')\n", "(21562.0, 'controlling respiratory virus infection')\n", "(21560.0, 'cpg binding protein 2')\n", "(21558.0, 'novel protein − protein')\n", "(21557.0, 'investigate influenza virus infection')\n", "(21554.0, 'specific b cell activity')\n", "(21553.0, 'influenza virus infection activates')\n", "(21550.0, 'rs virus g protein')\n", "(21545.0, '1 viral capsid domain')\n", "(21541.0, '1 chicken cells')\n", "(21540.0, '2 protein levels')\n", "(21540.0, '1 step 1')\n", "(21538.0, 'influenza virus infection correlates')\n", "(21536.0, '1 x 1 ()')\n", "(21536.0, '1 challenge virus')\n", "(21533.0, 'virus protein surface')\n", "(21528.0, 'residual host cell protein')\n", "(21528.0, '1 cells displayed')\n", "(21527.0, 'described viral respiratory infection')\n", "(21525.0, '2 days cells')\n", "(21522.0, '1 x lo6 1')\n", "(21516.0, 'specific viral structural proteins')\n", "(21510.0, 'prior respiratory viral infection')\n", "(21508.0, 'common respiratory virus could')\n", "(21507.0, 'n pro viral protein')\n", "(21505.0, '1 viral membrane')\n", "(21505.0, '1 infection via inhibition')\n", "(21504.0, 'host cell adhesion protein')\n", "(21502.0, '1 virus contains gpi')\n", "(21501.0, 'cos 1 cells transfected')\n", "(21500.0, 'two cases viral concentration')\n", "(21497.0, 'direct sars virus infection')\n", "(21496.0, 'virus g protein')\n", "(21494.0, 'intranasal influenza virus infection')\n", "(21491.0, 'infected host cells compared')\n", "(21491.0, '1 microvascular endothelial cells')\n", "(21490.0, 'intact cells 1')\n", "(21489.0, 'merozoite surface protein 1')\n", "(21488.0, 'critical g 1 cell')\n", "(21487.0, 'macrophage inflammatory protein 1')\n", "(21486.0, 'viral protein genes')\n", "(21481.0, 'influenza h3n2 virus infection')\n", "(21481.0, 'h3n2 influenza virus infection')\n", "(21480.0, 'type 2 transmembrane protein')\n", "(21480.0, 'including human cell lines')\n", "(21478.0, 'major viral core protein')\n", "(21473.0, 'compartments following virus infection')\n", "(21473.0, '1 cells transfected')\n", "(21472.0, 'dependent protein kinase 1')\n", "(21467.0, '1 viral structure')\n", "(21463.0, 'γ 2 p 1')\n", "(21461.0, 'influenza virus infection highlights')\n", "(21460.0, 'infected cells could act')\n", "(21458.0, '1 ∶ 1 ratio')\n", "(21453.0, 'initiating influenza virus infection')\n", "(21451.0, 'bovine virus diarrhoea virus')\n", "(21450.0, '10 protein expression levels')\n", "(21447.0, 'human respiratory epithelial cells')\n", "(21444.0, 'different viral structural proteins')\n", "(21444.0, 'commonly associated viral infection')\n", "(21438.0, 'viral respiratory infections could')\n", "(21435.0, '1 h post infection')\n", "(21432.0, 'mediated viral infection due')\n", "(21425.0, 'viral gene expression compared')\n", "(21423.0, 'specific viral proteins involved')\n", "(21421.0, 'mouse hepatitis virus 2')\n", "(21413.0, 'acquiring influenza virus infection')\n", "(21411.0, 'different respiratory virus groups')\n", "(21408.0, '10 5 cells isolated')\n", "(21407.0, 'binding protein 2')\n", "(21404.0, 'bovine herpes virus 1')\n", "(21403.0, 'stained undamaged virus cells')\n", "(21394.0, 'virus infecting cells')\n", "(21388.0, 'two immune cells')\n", "(21388.0, 'hiv virus infection included')\n", "(21387.0, 'helper subset 1 cells')\n", "(21385.0, 'human parainfluenza viruses 1')\n", "(21378.0, '3 2b4 cells infected')\n", "(21377.0, 'following zika virus infection')\n", "(21377.0, '2 protein coding sequences')\n", "(21371.0, '1 versus 1')\n", "(21370.0, 'major viral regulatory protein')\n", "(21370.0, 'influenza virus infection looked')\n", "(21370.0, 'including parainfluenza virus 5')\n", "(21363.0, 'infected cells 3')\n", "(21363.0, '3 infected cells')\n", "(21363.0, '3 cells infected')\n", "(21361.0, 'different cell surface proteins')\n", "(21359.0, 'influenza virus infection frontiers')\n", "(21358.0, '1 part virus suspension')\n", "(21351.0, 'resisting influenza virus infection')\n", "(21351.0, 'cells þ virus')\n", "(21350.0, 'different target cells might')\n", "(21349.0, 'communityacquired influenza virus infection')\n", "(21347.0, 'positive cells could still')\n", "(21346.0, 'eae without virus infection')\n", "(21346.0, 'different viral respiratory infections')\n", "(21345.0, 'virus specific rna')\n", "(21345.0, 'respiratory syncytial virus infection')\n", "(21339.0, 'influenza virus infection')\n", "(21336.0, 'ifn following viral infection')\n", "(21335.0, '1 myocardial cells subjected')\n", "(21335.0, '1 infected human fibroblasts')\n", "(21334.0, 'study human infection due')\n", "(21334.0, 'dengue virus serotype 1')\n", "(21334.0, '1 protein reference database')\n", "(21329.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus infected')\n", "(21321.0, '1 naïve feeder cells')\n", "(21319.0, 'coxsackievirus b virus infection')\n", "(21316.0, 'measles virus fusion protein')\n", "(21309.0, 'virus gag structural protein')\n", "(21309.0, 'standard 2 sector cells')\n", "(21301.0, 'feline herpes virus 1')\n", "(21290.0, 'based viral sequence analysis')\n", "(21287.0, 'host cell gene expression')\n", "(21286.0, '1 viral load assays')\n", "(21284.0, '2 infections among patients')\n", "(21283.0, 'virus propagation l132 cells')\n", "(21283.0, 'recombinant protein 1')\n", "(21282.0, 'virus adsorption cells')\n", "(21281.0, 'either viral protein 1a')\n", "(21280.0, '1 cells grown')\n", "(21279.0, 'quadruple respiratory virus infection')\n", "(21279.0, '1 transformed cells')\n", "(21279.0, '1 antiserum following infection')\n", "(21277.0, 'cell responses eliminate virus')\n", "(21275.0, 'virus inoculum cells')\n", "(21272.0, 'b virus infection')\n", "(21271.0, 'bovine virus diarrea virus')\n", "(21271.0, 'animals upon virus infection')\n", "(21268.0, 'cells kill virus')\n", "(21266.0, 'respiratory virus infection')\n", "(21264.0, 'splenic cd11c 1 cells')\n", "(21262.0, '1 pneumocytes cells accompanied')\n", "(21260.0, 'sf9 host cell protein')\n", "(21259.0, 'xiong 1 1 university')\n", "(21255.0, 'virus enters cells')\n", "(21255.0, '1 monkey cells')\n", "(21251.0, 'bovine papilloma virus 1')\n", "(21248.0, 'host cell protein impurities')\n", "(21247.0, 'h 1 cell differentiation')\n", "(21246.0, '1 hi cells')\n", "(21244.0, '1 per cell')\n", "(21239.0, 'helper 1 cells')\n", "(21238.0, 'virus successfully killed 1')\n", "(21238.0, '1 monocyte cells')\n", "(21231.0, 'host cell protein')\n", "(21228.0, 'viral infection requires binding')\n", "(21216.0, 'infection control intervention 2')\n", "(21215.0, 'pk 1 cells')\n", "(21214.0, 'target cells inhibits infection')\n", "(21212.0, 'virus following infection')\n", "(21212.0, 'following virus infection')\n", "(21212.0, 'ebola virus vp40 virus')\n", "(21208.0, '≥ 2 viral strains')\n", "(21205.0, 'various rna virus infections')\n", "(21205.0, 'type virus infection')\n", "(21197.0, 'virus producer cells')\n", "(21197.0, 'ilarvirus 2 b protein')\n", "(21196.0, 'virus penetrating cells')\n", "(21196.0, '3 control cells')\n", "(21193.0, '1 virus variant')\n", "(21192.0, '1 · 1')\n", "(21191.0, 'expressed following viral infection')\n", "(21189.0, '1 cells transduced')\n", "(21184.0, '1 infection induced')\n", "(21182.0, 'sendai virus h4infected cells')\n", "(21180.0, 'plant viral rna 3')\n", "(21180.0, 'could detect viral rna')\n", "(21176.0, '09 virus infection compared')\n", "(21174.0, 'specific gene expression data')\n", "(21173.0, '1 overexpressing cells')\n", "(21169.0, 'virus invades cells')\n", "(21164.0, 'daily human infection data')\n", "(21160.0, '1 μl dharmafect 1')\n", "(21157.0, 'cd11c 1 cells')\n", "(21155.0, 'three viral rna species')\n", "(21154.0, 'protein structure model could')\n", "(21154.0, '1 cells intravenously')\n", "(21153.0, 'two parainfluenza virus infections')\n", "(21153.0, '1 three different strategies')\n", "(21151.0, 'human influenza virus types')\n", "(21151.0, 'human influenza virus isolates')\n", "(21150.0, '1 cells pulsed')\n", "(21149.0, 'virus 907 cells')\n", "(21148.0, '1 1 nucleotides')\n", "(21147.0, 'first human virus shown')\n", "(21145.0, 'virus cells')\n", "(21145.0, 'day 2 following infection')\n", "(21139.0, 'human herpes virus 4')\n", "(21137.0, 'infected cells could die')\n", "(21137.0, 'including two new studies')\n", "(21136.0, 'viral n 92 protein')\n", "(21134.0, '1 monocytic cells')\n", "(21127.0, 'h 1 cell recruitment')\n", "(21126.0, '1 plus azithromycin 1')\n", "(21125.0, '1 3 10 26')\n", "(21123.0, '3 x10 4 cells')\n", "(21116.0, '1 2 p')\n", "(21114.0, 'ah 1 cells')\n", "(21113.0, '2 inference method 1')\n", "(21111.0, 'infected cells could survive')\n", "(21111.0, 'human papilloma virus studies')\n", "(21109.0, 'virus antigen expression studies')\n", "(21109.0, '1 attenuated virus')\n", "(21101.0, '1 cells thril')\n", "(21100.0, 'infected parenchymal cells could')\n", "(21099.0, 'sendai virus fusion protein')\n", "(21099.0, '10 3 cells')\n", "(21098.0, 'different influenza viral strains')\n", "(21098.0, 'cos41 1 cells')\n", "(21097.0, 'cells 1')\n", "(21097.0, '1 cells')\n", "(21095.0, '3 2b4 cells used')\n", "(21093.0, 'major viral capsid protein')\n", "(21089.0, 'virus production 2')\n", "(21087.0, '2 specific immune response')\n", "(21085.0, 'new viral strain based')\n", "(21083.0, 'one treated host cells')\n", "(21080.0, 'three virus strains showed')\n", "(21080.0, 'human hepatitis c virus')\n", "(21076.0, 'including pabpc proteins 1')\n", "(21070.0, '1 ): 1')\n", "(21065.0, 'virus structural protein')\n", "(21065.0, 'cell surface 2 days')\n", "(21064.0, '2 0 3 0')\n", "(21063.0, 'virus fusion protein')\n", "(21061.0, 'described two human patients')\n", "(21059.0, '1 h 2')\n", "(21058.0, '1 virions 1')\n", "(21055.0, 'dengue virus 1')\n", "(21055.0, '1 infection compared')\n", "(21054.0, 'viral infection studies')\n", "(21052.0, 'hepatitis c viral infection')\n", "(21052.0, 'based protein expression systems')\n", "(21050.0, 'confirmed viral respiratory infection')\n", "(21049.0, '5 3 10 5')\n", "(21048.0, 'factors including virus strain')\n", "(21047.0, 'activation decreased virus infection')\n", "(21045.0, '1 protein revealed')\n", "(21043.0, '1 ligand 1')\n", "(21038.0, 'human pandemic influenza virus')\n", "(21037.0, '1 k − 2')\n", "(21036.0, 'secondary infection virus whereas')\n", "(21035.0, '2 e 1')\n", "(21032.0, 'human b cells express')\n", "(21024.0, 'human protein whose expression')\n", "(21019.0, '2 shrna treated cells')\n", "(21017.0, 'structural protein 1')\n", "(21017.0, '1 mred fusion protein')\n", "(21015.0, '1 fusion protein')\n", "(21014.0, 'viral cell culture methods')\n", "(21012.0, '1 1 shared')\n", "(21011.0, 'cov viral protein epitopes')\n", "(21010.0, 'viral infection control')\n", "(21010.0, 'control viral infection')\n", "(21008.0, 'infected cells could')\n", "(21008.0, 'diluted 1 ∶ 1')\n", "(21001.0, 'targets specific viral proteins')\n", "(20998.0, 'different cell populations including')\n", "(20997.0, '1 panel 1')\n", "(20996.0, '2 viral nonstructural genes')\n", "(20989.0, 'viral surface protein ha')\n", "(20989.0, 'viral ha surface protein')\n", "(20988.0, '1 virus experienced')\n", "(20987.0, 'cells expressing viral nucleoprotein')\n", "(20986.0, 'human papilloma virus 4')\n", "(20984.0, 'take 1 1')\n", "(20984.0, 'influenza virus rna genome')\n", "(20982.0, 'viral lysatederived n protein')\n", "(20981.0, 'viral n protein')\n", "(20981.0, '1 ¼ 1')\n", "(20980.0, 'virus infected disease')\n", "(20973.0, 'infect human b cells')\n", "(20970.0, '1 virus lacking')\n", "(20970.0, '1 nucleocapsid protein 19')\n", "(20967.0, 'potential virus infection')\n", "(20963.0, 'related virus infection')\n", "(20958.0, 'dsdna virus vaccinia virus')\n", "(20954.0, 'cells among human cd45')\n", "(20953.0, 'specific b cells isolated')\n", "(20952.0, 'cellular protein protein')\n", "(20949.0, '4 2 4 4')\n", "(20945.0, 'activated protein kinase 1')\n", "(20944.0, '3 cells per well')\n", "(20941.0, 'influenza virus infected type')\n", "(20939.0, 'prepare virus stocks virus')\n", "(20939.0, '2 cells occurs')\n", "(20937.0, 'concentrations ofaqp 1 protein')\n", "(20933.0, 'virus infection via dc')\n", "(20931.0, 'day 1 post infection')\n", "(20931.0, '1 day post infection')\n", "(20930.0, 'plasma cell protein production')\n", "(20923.0, 'virus causes respiratory disease')\n", "(20922.0, 'west nile virus 1')\n", "(20922.0, 'new human virus')\n", "(20906.0, 'several specific viral diseases')\n", "(20905.0, '2 mediated virus attachment')\n", "(20904.0, '2 alveolar epithelial cells')\n", "(20902.0, 'passage 1 virus')\n", "(20901.0, 'serotype 1 virus')\n", "(20901.0, 'h 1 5 6')\n", "(20900.0, 'different cell types including')\n", "(20896.0, '2 cells free')\n", "(20892.0, '2 cells treated')\n", "(20890.0, 'viral surface protein exposed')\n", "(20887.0, 'related protein 2')\n", "(20887.0, '2 related protein')\n", "(20887.0, '1 1 department')\n", "(20883.0, '2 protein production despite')\n", "(20880.0, 'virus protein interactions')\n", "(20878.0, 'two control cell lines')\n", "(20876.0, 'human memory b cells')\n", "(20872.0, 'herpes simplex virus 1')\n", "(20872.0, 'herpes simplex 1 virus')\n", "(20871.0, '1 inhibited cell growth')\n", "(20869.0, 'two influenza proteins based')\n", "(20867.0, '2 protein sequences')\n", "(20866.0, 'bacterial infection represents 1')\n", "(20866.0, 'associated host cell proteins')\n", "(20864.0, 'recently developed viral protein')\n", "(20863.0, '1 · 2 times')\n", "(20861.0, 'respiratory viral infection appears')\n", "(20856.0, 'clade 1 virus')\n", "(20851.0, 'positive human microglial cells')\n", "(20845.0, '10 5 susceptible cells')\n", "(20837.0, 'either virus infection')\n", "(20833.0, 'results toward viral infection')\n", "(20832.0, '1 protein interactions')\n", "(20830.0, 'viral infection study')\n", "(20830.0, 'rna vaccine virus detection')\n", "(20823.0, 'viral infection group seemed')\n", "(20821.0, 'cells increased disease')\n", "(20816.0, 'pathogens including influenza virus')\n", "(20812.0, 'virus infection might')\n", "(20809.0, 'multidrug resistance protein 1')\n", "(20805.0, 'specific host cell type')\n", "(20804.0, '1 ≤ 1')\n", "(20801.0, '1 ae 1')\n", "(20798.0, 'ensure viral protein production')\n", "(20791.0, 'human gene sequence data')\n", "(20788.0, 'human cells results')\n", "(20788.0, 'homogeneous virus ([ 1')\n", "(20782.0, 'detect virus protein')\n", "(20780.0, 'monkey virus 1')\n", "(20780.0, '1 þ 1')\n", "(20779.0, 'chronically infected cells including')\n", "(20776.0, 'let say virus 1')\n", "(20776.0, '1 causative virus')\n", "(20772.0, 'two different influenza viruses')\n", "(20772.0, 'predominant viral protein target')\n", "(20769.0, 'protein around 1')\n", "(20765.0, 'proteins control viral replication')\n", "(20765.0, '5 infected vero cells')\n", "(20764.0, 'cell cells development')\n", "(20763.0, 'viral protein 7')\n", "(20761.0, 'elim 1 2 values')\n", "(20758.0, 'cells enhance viral clearance')\n", "(20748.0, 'human myeloid immune cells')\n", "(20743.0, 'viral protein peptide segments')\n", "(20736.0, '1 counteracts viral fusion')\n", "(20735.0, 'human host cells')\n", "(20731.0, 'two virus strains')\n", "(20730.0, 'viral protein function limits')\n", "(20729.0, 'wuhan aphid virus 1')\n", "(20729.0, '3 cells increased')\n", "(20728.0, 'rna virus proteins')\n", "(20727.0, '1 )] 1')\n", "(20725.0, '1 viral particles')\n", "(20723.0, 'parainfluenza virus 1')\n", "(20722.0, 'hendra virus f protein')\n", "(20721.0, '2 ], hendra virus')\n", "(20717.0, 'several host cell proteins')\n", "(20716.0, 'sendai virus f protein')\n", "(20709.0, 'chimera virus 1')\n", "(20707.0, 'assembled viral membrane protein')\n", "(20699.0, 'new castle disease virus')\n", "(20695.0, '1 1 allergy')\n", "(20692.0, 'human naïve b cells')\n", "(20692.0, 'human host cell factors')\n", "(20692.0, '2 recombinant virus')\n", "(20685.0, 'virus cell surface')\n", "(20684.0, 'virus ness ziona virus')\n", "(20683.0, 'handling human b cells')\n", "(20682.0, 'viral protein genome')\n", "(20678.0, '1 reaches 1')\n", "(20677.0, '1 versus 2 specimens')\n", "(20676.0, 'measles virus ha protein')\n", "(20669.0, 'southwest baboon virus 1')\n", "(20668.0, 'ebola virus envelope protein')\n", "(20665.0, '1 +, 1')\n", "(20663.0, '1 (≤ 1 cyst')\n", "(20662.0, 'viral specific rna polymerase')\n", "(20659.0, '2 human samples available')\n", "(20657.0, 'viral infection group')\n", "(20657.0, '1 ∶ 1 mixes')\n", "(20656.0, 'viral infection model')\n", "(20656.0, '1 ∶ 1 acetonitrile')\n", "(20655.0, 'particular virus protein')\n", "(20655.0, 'disrupt viral protein function')\n", "(20655.0, 'containing protein 2')\n", "(20654.0, '1 1 immunology')\n", "(20652.0, 'sabin 1 virus')\n", "(20652.0, '2 cells resulted')\n", "(20651.0, 'human pathogenic virus species')\n", "(20649.0, 'viral large protein')\n", "(20649.0, 'utilize human b cells')\n", "(20649.0, 'every j 2 1')\n", "(20648.0, '1 (± 1')\n", "(20646.0, 'common cold virus infection')\n", "(20643.0, 'lymphotropic virus 1')\n", "(20640.0, 'e c 2 3')\n", "(20640.0, '1 ′), 1')\n", "(20639.0, 'virus 1 inability')\n", "(20639.0, 'isolate human influenza virus')\n", "(20639.0, '2 n protein')\n", "(20639.0, '1 ∶ 1')\n", "(20638.0, 'drosophila line 2 cells')\n", "(20636.0, '1 tar rna rna')\n", "(20635.0, '1 (+ 1')\n", "(20634.0, 'viral infection rate obtained')\n", "(20630.0, 'major viral protein shapiro')\n", "(20629.0, 'breda virus 1')\n", "(20628.0, 'cov infection drives cells')\n", "(20627.0, 'human avian influenza virus')\n", "(20626.0, 'zambian malbrouck virus 1')\n", "(20626.0, 'homalodisca coagulate virus 1')\n", "(20626.0, 'formica exsecta virus 1')\n", "(20625.0, '1 capsid protein inhibits')\n", "(20624.0, 'virus }\\\\; 1 )}(')\n", "(20623.0, 'tuhoko virus 1')\n", "(20623.0, 'parinfluenza virus 1')\n", "(20622.0, 'virus 1')\n", "(20622.0, '1 virus')\n", "(20620.0, 'viral protein conformational changes')\n", "(20620.0, 'group 7 control 1')\n", "(20618.0, '1 ([ 1')\n", "(20617.0, 'nipah virus v protein')\n", "(20613.0, 'cam 2 cells expressing')\n", "(20611.0, 'additional viral protein')\n", "(20610.0, 'including several viral diseases')\n", "(20609.0, 'jack johnson 1 1')\n", "(20609.0, '2 x 106 cells')\n", "(20607.0, '1 /( 1')\n", "(20603.0, 'virus protein synthesis')\n", "(20603.0, '2 %); type 2')\n", "(20602.0, 'severe respiratory viral disease')\n", "(20601.0, 'dengue virus envelope protein')\n", "(20599.0, 'associated viral infection')\n", "(20597.0, 'human immune cells')\n", "(20597.0, '1 1 pediatrics')\n", "(20595.0, '1 viral attachment step')\n", "(20593.0, '2 shows two cases')\n", "(20590.0, 'viral membrane protein gh')\n", "(20590.0, 'viral membrane protein exposes')\n", "(20590.0, '1 -[( 1')\n", "(20588.0, 'human influenza virus h1n1')\n", "(20588.0, '2 ml 1')\n", "(20588.0, '1 ml 2')\n", "(20587.0, '3 viral proteins anchored')\n", "(20587.0, '1 ’), 1')\n", "(20585.0, '1 mm mgcl 2')\n", "(20583.0, 'bär 1 1 inst')\n", "(20581.0, 'first human immunodeficiency virus')\n", "(20581.0, '1 +( 1')\n", "(20580.0, 'viral infection via mechanisms')\n", "(20580.0, 'negative strand virus infection')\n", "(20578.0, 'viral proteins including ha')\n", "(20577.0, '1 1 b9')\n", "(20577.0, '1 ):( 1')\n", "(20576.0, '2 cells expressing')\n", "(20576.0, '1 –( 1')\n", "(20575.0, 'rudinsky 1 1')\n", "(20575.0, '1 −[ 1')\n", "(20575.0, '1 }{( 1')\n", "(20574.0, 'human b1 b cells')\n", "(20574.0, '1 1')\n", "(20573.0, 'one important human disease')\n", "(20572.0, '1 mm cacl 2')\n", "(20570.0, '1 promoting viral release')\n", "(20569.0, 'viral membrane protein 6k2')\n", "(20566.0, 'viral membrane protein')\n", "(20564.0, '2 data data packets')\n", "(20561.0, 'least one respiratory virus')\n", "(20561.0, '1 mm mncl 2')\n", "(20560.0, 'h1n1 influenza viral infection')\n", "(20560.0, '80 different viral proteins')\n", "(20559.0, '1 mm cocl 2')\n", "(20557.0, 'two human dna genes')\n", "(20556.0, 'human primary cells tested')\n", "(20556.0, '2 mm 1')\n", "(20556.0, '1 mm 2')\n", "(20552.0, 'human hepatitis b virus')\n", "(20552.0, '1 cm 3 samples')\n", "(20551.0, 'two distinct viral strains')\n", "(20547.0, 'viral respiratory tract infection')\n", "(20542.0, 'ebola virus disease treatment')\n", "(20541.0, '10 5 viable cells')\n", "(20538.0, 'mixed respiratory viral infection')\n", "(20534.0, 'influenza h5n1 viral infection')\n", "(20533.0, 'viral protein production exerted')\n", "(20533.0, 'specific igg 1 response')\n", "(20531.0, 'cells every 2')\n", "(20530.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus antibody')\n", "(20530.0, '2 e protein recognized')\n", "(20529.0, 'seasonal human influenza virus')\n", "(20529.0, 'human seasonal influenza virus')\n", "(20528.0, 'viral protein structure')\n", "(20528.0, 'viral early protein')\n", "(20528.0, 'g virus particle infection')\n", "(20527.0, 'small viral protein')\n", "(20525.0, 'bovine viral diarrhea virus')\n", "(20524.0, 'two model cell lines')\n", "(20522.0, 'viral protein function')\n", "(20521.0, 'cell free virus stock')\n", "(20520.0, 'different viruses 1')\n", "(20519.0, 'human primary cells isolated')\n", "(20518.0, 'infected cells 5')\n", "(20518.0, 'cd8 cells among patients')\n", "(20518.0, '5 cells infected')\n", "(20517.0, 'viral infection cases')\n", "(20517.0, '226 viral infection samples')\n", "(20509.0, '3 viral proteins')\n", "(20507.0, 'm2 viral surface protein')\n", "(20504.0, 'different viral proteins instead')\n", "(20503.0, 'respiratory disease syndrome virus')\n", "(20501.0, '10 5 vero cells')\n", "(20497.0, 'virus infection 7')\n", "(20497.0, '2 cm − 1')\n", "(20494.0, 'immortalize human b cells')\n", "(20491.0, 'human b cells')\n", "(20489.0, 'cov infected host cells')\n", "(20485.0, 'human respiratory cells')\n", "(20482.0, 'target viral protein')\n", "(20479.0, 'human immune deficiency virus')\n", "(20479.0, '2 · 1 million')\n", "(20477.0, 'human chronic virus important')\n", "(20476.0, '1 cases per 10')\n", "(20474.0, 'like protein 2')\n", "(20474.0, 'like 2 protein')\n", "(20470.0, 'viral upper respiratory infection')\n", "(20466.0, 'treat viral respiratory infection')\n", "(20459.0, 'various virus infection')\n", "(20459.0, 'nonspecific cell protein antibodies')\n", "(20459.0, 'including respiratory epithelial cells')\n", "(20457.0, 'first human virus')\n", "(20454.0, 'protein ratio 1')\n", "(20454.0, 'host cell infection cycle')\n", "(20453.0, 'viral rna could readily')\n", "(20449.0, '2 protein level')\n", "(20447.0, 'preventing viral respiratory infection')\n", "(20447.0, 'preventing respiratory viral infection')\n", "(20445.0, 'cell types following infection')\n", "(20444.0, 'viral protein production')\n", "(20444.0, 'including virus expression')\n", "(20442.0, 'virus protein database')\n", "(20440.0, 'infection rate βαλ 1')\n", "(20438.0, 'viral protein e')\n", "(20438.0, 'viral e protein')\n", "(20438.0, 'e viral protein')\n", "(20436.0, 'viral 3 rna')\n", "(20433.0, 'human influenza virus season')\n", "(20433.0, 'cell transcription factor protein')\n", "(20423.0, 'helper cell type 2')\n", "(20422.0, 'type 2 cell hyperplasia')\n", "(20419.0, 'one protein including')\n", "(20417.0, 'sense viral rna could')\n", "(20416.0, 'plasma cell producing virus')\n", "(20415.0, '1 expression remains high')\n", "(20413.0, 'viruses like influenza virus')\n", "(20412.0, 'mouth disease virus c')\n", "(20410.0, 'host cell allows infection')\n", "(20406.0, 'acute viral respiratory disease')\n", "(20403.0, 'viral surface protein m1')\n", "(20402.0, 'virus infection induces hiv')\n", "(20397.0, 'specific virus titer showed')\n", "(20396.0, 'infected human cell line')\n", "(20396.0, 'human infected cell line')\n", "(20396.0, '2 %, 1')\n", "(20396.0, '1 %, 2')\n", "(20393.0, 'viruses including marburg virus')\n", "(20386.0, 'cells underwent cell death')\n", "(20385.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus infections')\n", "(20373.0, 'two human cases related')\n", "(20371.0, 'published virus binding data')\n", "(20367.0, 'cov viral protein')\n", "(20365.0, 'human lung cancer cells')\n", "(20360.0, 'human virus levels')\n", "(20357.0, 'virus cell culture')\n", "(20354.0, '1 associated disease')\n", "(20349.0, 'infected cells three times')\n", "(20348.0, 'virus late gene expression')\n", "(20343.0, 'studies high virus growth')\n", "(20343.0, 'lipid protein 1')\n", "(20343.0, 'cell membrane protein extracts')\n", "(20342.0, 'evolved specific viral proteins')\n", "(20334.0, 'common adventitious virus infection')\n", "(20327.0, 'productive sars virus infection')\n", "(20326.0, '1 viral inhibition')\n", "(20324.0, 'viral infection might result')\n", "(20324.0, 'h1n1 viral infection compared')\n", "(20323.0, 'mammalian reovirus 1 protein')\n", "(20323.0, 'internal virus protein')\n", "(20319.0, 'human lung epithelial cells')\n", "(20316.0, 'two protein samples')\n", "(20315.0, 'two specific genes used')\n", "(20315.0, 'immune cells including macrophages')\n", "(20314.0, 'influenza virus disease severity')\n", "(20314.0, 'human viral challenge model')\n", "(20314.0, '2 infection model')\n", "(20312.0, 'least two virus types')\n", "(20311.0, '1 %), piv 2')\n", "(20309.0, 'virus gene expression profile')\n", "(20304.0, 'human influenza virus replicates')\n", "(20298.0, 'cells reduced chronic disease')\n", "(20294.0, 'essential virus protein')\n", "(20292.0, 'identified cell attachment protein')\n", "(20292.0, '10 5 cells plated')\n", "(20291.0, 'vascular adhesion protein 1')\n", "(20290.0, 'respiratory virus could affect')\n", "(20285.0, 'viral infection results')\n", "(20283.0, 'including dna virus vectors')\n", "(20283.0, 'cell cell response')\n", "(20280.0, 'influenza type c virus')\n", "(20279.0, 'total viral protein')\n", "(20277.0, '1 cell growth')\n", "(20276.0, '10 5 k562 cells')\n", "(20275.0, 'production upon viral infection')\n", "(20275.0, 'activated upon virus infection')\n", "(20268.0, 'specificity protein 1')\n", "(20268.0, '2 receptor interacting protein')\n", "(20261.0, 'human virus infections')\n", "(20260.0, '10 5 ld652 cells')\n", "(20256.0, '1 infected patients')\n", "(20254.0, 'human cell lines infected')\n", "(20254.0, '10 5 cells')\n", "(20251.0, 'gha1 viral surface protein')\n", "(20250.0, 'new virus could')\n", "(20250.0, 'lymphocyte cytosolic protein 1')\n", "(20249.0, 'viral surface protein')\n", "(20249.0, 'including virus control wells')\n", "(20247.0, '2 ): complex 2')\n", "(20247.0, '1 encoded accessory protein')\n", "(20245.0, 'times 1 2')\n", "(20245.0, 'regulating respiratory viral infection')\n", "(20242.0, 'rubella virus envelope protein')\n", "(20242.0, 'respiratory viral infection acting')\n", "(20236.0, 'ebola virus vp35 protein')\n", "(20235.0, 'cells possessed chmda5 protein')\n", "(20234.0, 'human red blood cells')\n", "(20234.0, '1 cell decreased')\n", "(20233.0, 'chimaeric protein formed virus')\n", "(20232.0, 'virus protein 26')\n", "(20230.0, 'human herpes virus 6')\n", "(20227.0, 'matrix protein 1')\n", "(20227.0, '2 infection showed')\n", "(20225.0, 'human h3n2 influenza virus')\n", "(20224.0, 'one protein coding gene')\n", "(20223.0, 'reduced viral gene expression')\n", "(20219.0, '2 0 5 0')\n", "(20215.0, 'drosophila cells 3 genes')\n", "(20212.0, 'including c 2 test')\n", "(20212.0, '1 cell lines express')\n", "(20211.0, 'positive mononuclear cells could')\n", "(20211.0, 'human influenza virus h1')\n", "(20208.0, 'specific infection sequences associated')\n", "(20205.0, 'several influenza virus strains')\n", "(20204.0, 'memory b cells could')\n", "(20204.0, 'ebola virus vp24 protein')\n", "(20201.0, 'rotavirus nonstructural protein 1')\n", "(20201.0, '2 infection increased')\n", "(20199.0, 'human cell culture samples')\n", "(20199.0, 'genes regulating viral infection')\n", "(20199.0, 'cell numbers following infection')\n", "(20196.0, '1 induced disease resolution')\n", "(20194.0, 'human hepatic cells via')\n", "(20194.0, '2 l viral cdna')\n", "(20193.0, 'viral rna replication analysis')\n", "(20191.0, 'inhibit viral protein synthesis')\n", "(20188.0, 'virus protein responsible')\n", "(20188.0, '2 virus better')\n", "(20184.0, 'specific memory b cells')\n", "(20176.0, 'norwalk virus capsid protein')\n", "(20175.0, 'dengue virus ns5 protein')\n", "(20174.0, '1 ‐ 2')\n", "(20171.0, 'viral envelop proteins could')\n", "(20171.0, 'infected cells showed evidence')\n", "(20169.0, 'fusogenic virus spike protein')\n", "(20167.0, 'bovine viral diarrhoea virus')\n", "(20166.0, 'type 2 prrsv infection')\n", "(20166.0, 'lungs following viral infection')\n", "(20164.0, 'patient 3 developed 1')\n", "(20161.0, 'sars virus infection')\n", "(20159.0, '1 1241 aa protein')\n", "(20151.0, 'viral respiratory disease caused')\n", "(20151.0, 'human gene expression studies')\n", "(20149.0, '2 hours following infection')\n", "(20148.0, 'virus rna replication complex')\n", "(20148.0, '1 h infection')\n", "(20147.0, 'autophagy protein beclin 1')\n", "(20146.0, 'primary virus infection')\n", "(20146.0, 'primary infection virus')\n", "(20145.0, 'human influenza virus pr8')\n", "(20144.0, 'two human influenza strains')\n", "(20144.0, 'denv nonstructural protein 1')\n", "(20143.0, 'chimeric coat protein virus')\n", "(20138.0, 'virus lung infection')\n", "(20138.0, 'used two different species')\n", "(20136.0, 'viral fusion protein synthesized')\n", "(20136.0, 'mediated dengue virus infection')\n", "(20134.0, 'specific viral proteins')\n", "(20131.0, '1 env protein folding')\n", "(20130.0, '5 days per 1')\n", "(20128.0, 'virus attachment protein embedded')\n", "(20128.0, '3 protein expression')\n", "(20125.0, 'known virus specific h')\n", "(20122.0, 'viral protein database indicated')\n", "(20122.0, 'ebola virus disease compared')\n", "(20120.0, '1 envelope protein')\n", "(20114.0, 'influenza virus disease phenotypes')\n", "(20112.0, '2 virus isolates')\n", "(20111.0, '1 viral cycle')\n", "(20103.0, '2 x 2 l')\n", "(20102.0, 'human type 1 diabetes')\n", "(20102.0, '1 capsid protein')\n", "(20099.0, '5 cells per well')\n", "(20096.0, 'positive cells could')\n", "(20092.0, 'including hepatitis c virus')\n", "(20092.0, '2 − 1')\n", "(20092.0, '1 − 2')\n", "(20091.0, 'human herpesvirus type 1')\n", "(20090.0, 'viral rna sequences without')\n", "(20089.0, 'mouseadapted human influenza virus')\n", "(20089.0, 'human respiratory syncytial virus')\n", "(20084.0, 'nonadapted human influenza virus')\n", "(20083.0, 'viral spike protein produced')\n", "(20083.0, 'human influenza virus')\n", "(20082.0, 'virus infection models')\n", "(20081.0, 'viral rna could')\n", "(20080.0, '2 viral replication')\n", "(20077.0, 'human cells expressing hiv')\n", "(20076.0, 'wt infection protein 7')\n", "(20075.0, 'primary human airway cells')\n", "(20074.0, '1 acute hav infection')\n", "(20073.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus type')\n", "(20069.0, 'viral rna since treatment')\n", "(20067.0, '2 cells depends')\n", "(20066.0, 'virus infection process')\n", "(20065.0, 'interpret cell virus interactions')\n", "(20065.0, 'cell surface protein amounts')\n", "(20065.0, '145 cells upon infection')\n", "(20064.0, 'virus strains could result')\n", "(20064.0, 'influenza b virus infections')\n", "(20064.0, '21 cells inhibited infection')\n", "(20064.0, '2 cells apoptosis')\n", "(20064.0, '2 acute respiratory disease')\n", "(20062.0, 'different viral proteins')\n", "(20061.0, 'viral rna specific')\n", "(20061.0, 'specific viral rna')\n", "(20061.0, 'nk cells specific genes')\n", "(20061.0, 'cov eng 1 infection')\n", "(20059.0, 'cell bone marrow cells')\n", "(20055.0, 'uncomplicated viral respiratory infection')\n", "(20055.0, 'influenza viral infection')\n", "(20051.0, 'medium throughout virus infection')\n", "(20049.0, 'virus m2 protein illustrates')\n", "(20049.0, 'arise without viral infection')\n", "(20048.0, 'glutamate rich 1 protein')\n", "(20038.0, 'acute virus infection')\n", "(20034.0, 'residual respiratory disease 1')\n", "(20032.0, 'virus cell interactions')\n", "(20031.0, 'human b cell surface')\n", "(20025.0, 'human immunodeficiency type 1')\n", "(20024.0, '3 novel viral species')\n", "(20022.0, 'includes pneumonia virus infection')\n", "(20022.0, 'control influenza virus replication')\n", "(20020.0, 'virion protein 1')\n", "(20018.0, 'reduced virus production could')\n", "(20018.0, '1 infection process')\n", "(20016.0, 'immune cells could interfere')\n", "(20016.0, '2 containing 2')\n", "(20010.0, 'human respiratory virus')\n", "(20006.0, 'generated two cells lines')\n", "(20005.0, 'autophagy upon virus infection')\n", "(20003.0, 'vaccinia virus e3 protein')\n", "(19998.0, 'reduced upon viral infection')\n", "(19998.0, 'k 1 ϭ 2')\n", "(19996.0, 'type 2 rotavirus infection')\n", "(19996.0, 'following neurotropic viral infection')\n", "(19993.0, 'viral rna via binding')\n", "(19992.0, 'two different recombinant proteins')\n", "(19989.0, 'cells upon infection')\n", "(19984.0, 'like receptor protein 3')\n", "(19983.0, 'adquired respiratory viral infection')\n", "(19982.0, 'viral respiratory infection')\n", "(19982.0, 'respiratory viral infection')\n", "(19982.0, 'promote viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19978.0, 'human herpesviruses type 1')\n", "(19977.0, 'immune cells including dc')\n", "(19977.0, 'cell wall contains 1')\n", "(19975.0, 'virus could cross species')\n", "(19975.0, 'affect viral protein translation')\n", "(19974.0, 'virus attachment protein')\n", "(19971.0, '1 lymphoma cell line')\n", "(19968.0, 'viral rev protein whereas')\n", "(19968.0, 'n protein expression levels')\n", "(19967.0, '2 enhances viral antigen')\n", "(19966.0, 'different host virus families')\n", "(19966.0, '2 μm protein concentration')\n", "(19965.0, 'group 1 could')\n", "(19957.0, 'actin patch protein 1')\n", "(19954.0, 'human bocavirus type 1')\n", "(19953.0, 'new protein sequences associated')\n", "(19952.0, 'least one human disease')\n", "(19940.0, 'deregulated following viral infection')\n", "(19938.0, 'influenza virus infections due')\n", "(19938.0, '8 cell infection assays')\n", "(19935.0, '9837x 1 x 2')\n", "(19935.0, '2 1 x xrange')\n", "(19934.0, 'viral structural vp1 protein')\n", "(19934.0, 'viral structural protein vp1')\n", "(19934.0, 'abundant viral protein produced')\n", "(19929.0, 'mouth virus vp1 protein')\n", "(19928.0, 'following viral infection')\n", "(19928.0, '1 familitur data showed')\n", "(19928.0, '1 /− 2 product')\n", "(19926.0, 'transactivating viral protein factor')\n", "(19926.0, 'pneumococcal cell surface protein')\n", "(19923.0, 'viral respiratory disease outbreak')\n", "(19923.0, 'structural viral protein 2b')\n", "(19922.0, 'viral protein mrna')\n", "(19920.0, '1 viral particle')\n", "(19918.0, 'without viral infection')\n", "(19918.0, '3 include virus isolation')\n", "(19917.0, '1 specific antibodies detected')\n", "(19915.0, '1 nucleocapsid protein p7')\n", "(19914.0, 'initial measles virus infection')\n", "(19910.0, '2 family proteins expression')\n", "(19909.0, 'macrophage inflammatory protein 2')\n", "(19906.0, 'rubella virus nonstructural protein')\n", "(19906.0, 'least two human viruses')\n", "(19905.0, 'specific immune cells')\n", "(19904.0, 'including 2 patients')\n", "(19904.0, 'cell surface protein fused')\n", "(19903.0, '1 env protein')\n", "(19899.0, 'novel virus infection')\n", "(19898.0, \"including 2 '- 5\")\n", "(19895.0, 'n protein domain 3')\n", "(19895.0, 'inhibit viral protein translation')\n", "(19894.0, 'virus cell entry')\n", "(19894.0, 'specific type 2 responses')\n", "(19894.0, 'dependent protein kinase 2')\n", "(19893.0, 'study rna virus evolution')\n", "(19891.0, 'study day 1 10')\n", "(19889.0, 'based search system 1')\n", "(19889.0, '2 mm mg 2')\n", "(19888.0, 'including memory b cells')\n", "(19888.0, '1 week post infection')\n", "(19887.0, 'hendra virus protein sg')\n", "(19886.0, 'virus sequence data met')\n", "(19885.0, 'virus infection conditions')\n", "(19885.0, 'vaccinia virus protein e3l')\n", "(19883.0, '2 9 10 5')\n", "(19882.0, 'virus ns1 protein')\n", "(19881.0, 'acute pulmonary viral infection')\n", "(19879.0, 'lane 2 versus 1')\n", "(19879.0, 'lane 1 versus 2')\n", "(19879.0, '1 gag protein')\n", "(19878.0, '2 pfu per cell')\n", "(19876.0, 'virus infection must')\n", "(19876.0, '2 mammalian expressed protein')\n", "(19874.0, 'viral nervous necrosis virus')\n", "(19874.0, 'vaccinia virus protein a49')\n", "(19872.0, 'cell surface receptors cell')\n", "(19870.0, 'viral protein r')\n", "(19870.0, 'recruit protein phosphatase 1')\n", "(19869.0, 'new influenza virus genome')\n", "(19868.0, 'virus genome identified based')\n", "(19868.0, '2 cells ranged')\n", "(19867.0, 'virus analysis could')\n", "(19867.0, 'examined viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19867.0, '2 j ≤ 1')\n", "(19867.0, '1 viral load')\n", "(19866.0, 'ci 2 · 1')\n", "(19866.0, 'ci 1 · 2')\n", "(19864.0, 'viral antigenpositive cells')\n", "(19863.0, '1 accessory protein vpu')\n", "(19861.0, 'human lung stem cells')\n", "(19861.0, '1 vs 2')\n", "(19858.0, '2 colon carcinoma cells')\n", "(19853.0, 'derived human adult cells')\n", "(19852.0, 'interacting protein 1')\n", "(19852.0, 'enhance viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19848.0, 'zika virus protein')\n", "(19848.0, '1 mrna expression levels')\n", "(19847.0, 'viral protein concentration')\n", "(19845.0, 'viral genotype 1')\n", "(19842.0, 'inhibits viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19841.0, 'evaluate virus specific response')\n", "(19841.0, '3 h virus exposure')\n", "(19840.0, 'structural viral protein ns5')\n", "(19840.0, 'different virus internal genes')\n", "(19839.0, 'patients showed disease control')\n", "(19839.0, '1 ϫ 10 5')\n", "(19838.0, 'including viral proteins')\n", "(19837.0, 'first two infection experiments')\n", "(19836.0, 'virus vp1 protein')\n", "(19835.0, 'viral infectious diseases could')\n", "(19833.0, 'two virus groups')\n", "(19833.0, 'different immune cells')\n", "(19828.0, '1 0 − 5')\n", "(19826.0, '1 grouper cell line')\n", "(19823.0, 'protein expression data')\n", "(19821.0, 'achieve 2 h 2')\n", "(19820.0, 'since human cells')\n", "(19819.0, 'viral infection compared')\n", "(19819.0, 'cells might produce proteins')\n", "(19819.0, 'c 2 h 5')\n", "(19819.0, 'b cells could')\n", "(19818.0, 'virus protein lysate')\n", "(19818.0, '2 virus titers')\n", "(19817.0, 'detected viral icp4 protein')\n", "(19816.0, 'expressing cells via one')\n", "(19814.0, 'monocyte chemotactic protein 1')\n", "(19814.0, '5 1 10 03')\n", "(19813.0, 'virus hemagglutinin protein')\n", "(19813.0, 'two virus types occurred')\n", "(19813.0, 'given viral protein')\n", "(19813.0, '1 cell line')\n", "(19812.0, 'viral rdrp recognizes virus')\n", "(19811.0, '3 %), 2 samples')\n", "(19811.0, '10 4 tumor cells')\n", "(19807.0, 'protein expression based selection')\n", "(19806.0, '1 tat protein conjugates')\n", "(19804.0, 'sendai virus f1 protein')\n", "(19804.0, 'cell virus spread')\n", "(19803.0, '1 volume 2')\n", "(19803.0, '1 accessory protein')\n", "(19802.0, 'chain positive rna virus')\n", "(19800.0, 'detect influenza virus rna')\n", "(19799.0, 'specific b cells')\n", "(19799.0, 'b cells specific')\n", "(19797.0, '5 1 10 04')\n", "(19797.0, '1 gp120 protein')\n", "(19794.0, 'monocyte chemoattractant protein 1')\n", "(19793.0, 'first dna virus genome')\n", "(19790.0, 'produce abundant viral protein')\n", "(19787.0, 'viral cell culture represents')\n", "(19787.0, 'including viral rna encapsidation')\n", "(19786.0, '≥ 1 cm 2')\n", "(19786.0, 'functional viral protein')\n", "(19785.0, 'elongation protein zeta 1')\n", "(19784.0, 'nonstructural protein 1')\n", "(19784.0, 'human cells via')\n", "(19781.0, 'viral structural protein')\n", "(19781.0, 'structural viral protein')\n", "(19781.0, 'recombinant virus infection')\n", "(19779.0, 'viral fusion protein')\n", "(19774.0, 'virus protein expressions')\n", "(19774.0, 'target viral rna sequence')\n", "(19772.0, 'infect host cells based')\n", "(19769.0, 'reported positive virus results')\n", "(19768.0, 'tumour protein 1')\n", "(19768.0, 'protein phosphatase 1')\n", "(19768.0, '1 tax protein interferes')\n", "(19767.0, 'dengue virus infection show')\n", "(19766.0, '2 vero cells')\n", "(19763.0, 'high viral load could')\n", "(19756.0, 'dengue virus serotype 2')\n", "(19755.0, '1 protein belongs')\n", "(19754.0, 'viral protein structures')\n", "(19754.0, 'protein ligase 1')\n", "(19754.0, 'least one control cell')\n", "(19754.0, 'influenza infected cells revealed')\n", "(19753.0, 'two plains p 1')\n", "(19752.0, 'type b influenza virus')\n", "(19752.0, 'influenza virus type b')\n", "(19752.0, 'influenza virus b type')\n", "(19752.0, 'b type influenza virus')\n", "(19751.0, 'fc ]× 2 cells')\n", "(19751.0, 'activator protein 1')\n", "(19750.0, 'viral target host proteins')\n", "(19750.0, 'initiates cell death 1')\n", "(19742.0, 'restricting initial virus infection')\n", "(19739.0, 'virus gene expression')\n", "(19739.0, '2 rna could')\n", "(19737.0, '1 respiratory disease')\n", "(19736.0, '1 tat protein')\n", "(19735.0, 'virus sequence data')\n", "(19734.0, 'ebola virus disease reported')\n", "(19733.0, 'parainfluenza virus type 3')\n", "(19733.0, '1 viral infectivity')\n", "(19732.0, 'time viral rna test')\n", "(19728.0, 'viruses require viral proteins')\n", "(19728.0, 'total cell protein')\n", "(19728.0, 'tagged viral protein plasmid')\n", "(19728.0, 'programmed cell death 1')\n", "(19728.0, 'one viral rna')\n", "(19727.0, '1 rev protein')\n", "(19723.0, 'rna virus vaccine vectors')\n", "(19719.0, 'whole virus infection cycle')\n", "(19716.0, 'human primary endothelial cells')\n", "(19714.0, 'virus specific antibody')\n", "(19714.0, 'several different virus')\n", "(19714.0, '2 carcinoma cells')\n", "(19713.0, 'different host cell systems')\n", "(19708.0, 'different influenza virus subtypes')\n", "(19708.0, '1 tax protein')\n", "(19708.0, '1 p24 protein')\n", "(19708.0, '1 icp0 gene expression')\n", "(19705.0, '2 recombinant protein')\n", "(19704.0, 'dengue virus infection causes')\n", "(19703.0, 'cells produce high levels')\n", "(19702.0, 'surfactant protein 1')\n", "(19702.0, '2 cells grown')\n", "(19701.0, 'igsf cell surface protein')\n", "(19700.0, 'tr 1 protein')\n", "(19698.0, 'hepatitis c virus rna')\n", "(19698.0, 'cell surface protein')\n", "(19698.0, '1 viral proteases')\n", "(19697.0, '2 fibroblasts cells')\n", "(19696.0, 'skin 1 2')\n", "(19696.0, 'severe rna viral infections')\n", "(19694.0, 'bat cell virus')\n", "(19693.0, 'similarly infected control cells')\n", "(19691.0, '6 samples containing 1')\n", "(19691.0, '1 gene expression')\n", "(19689.0, 'including 2 ′, 5')\n", "(19688.0, '2 1 jilin university')\n", "(19688.0, '1 spoton flow cell')\n", "(19683.0, 'virus protein')\n", "(19683.0, '3 6 1')\n", "(19683.0, '3 1 6')\n", "(19681.0, 'host cell infection')\n", "(19679.0, 'primary human nk cells')\n", "(19677.0, 'treated virus control group')\n", "(19677.0, 'influenza virus could indeed')\n", "(19674.0, 'viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus')\n", "(19672.0, 'subsequent viral gene expression')\n", "(19671.0, '1 cell lines')\n", "(19670.0, 'myeloid cells 2')\n", "(19662.0, 'two inactivated virus vaccines')\n", "(19662.0, '1 vpr protein')\n", "(19661.0, 'helper 2 cells')\n", "(19660.0, 'associated protein levels following')\n", "(19658.0, 'zona occludens protein 1')\n", "(19657.0, 'palmitoylated protein 1')\n", "(19656.0, 'cell fusing agent virus')\n", "(19656.0, 'beclin 1 protein')\n", "(19654.0, '1 jrfl gp140 protein')\n", "(19651.0, 'cells revealed n gene')\n", "(19648.0, 'ebna 1 protein')\n", "(19645.0, '1 vp22 protein')\n", "(19644.0, '2 indicates 1')\n", "(19641.0, '1 ncp7 protein')\n", "(19640.0, 'two novel lineages 1')\n", "(19637.0, 'active sendai virus infection')\n", "(19637.0, '1 viral preparations')\n", "(19636.0, 'virus matrix 2')\n", "(19636.0, '1 nucleocapside protein')\n", "(19635.0, 'protein 1')\n", "(19635.0, '1 protein')\n", "(19633.0, 'mitochondria upon virus infection')\n", "(19632.0, 'cells use different signals')\n", "(19630.0, 'recombinant protein expression system')\n", "(19629.0, '2 enters cells')\n", "(19629.0, '2 cause natural infection')\n", "(19628.0, 'three viral structural proteins')\n", "(19625.0, 'viral respiratory disease outbreaks')\n", "(19625.0, 'viral ha protein binds')\n", "(19623.0, 'aor 1 · 2')\n", "(19622.0, 'white cell count 1')\n", "(19620.0, 'ebola virus disease since')\n", "(19620.0, 'cell surface binding data')\n", "(19619.0, 'viral infection might interfere')\n", "(19619.0, 'remodeling upon virus infection')\n", "(19619.0, '3 infected cell membranes')\n", "(19617.0, 'two virus models')\n", "(19616.0, 'two b cell epitopes')\n", "(19615.0, '2 virus variant')\n", "(19614.0, '2 · 1')\n", "(19614.0, '1 · 2')\n", "(19613.0, 'secondary den virus infection')\n", "(19612.0, '1 particle cell gave')\n", "(19610.0, 'virus infection whereas')\n", "(19609.0, 'including immune cells')\n", "(19602.0, 'several dengue virus proteins')\n", "(19602.0, '2 microglial cells')\n", "(19601.0, 'active virus infection')\n", "(19600.0, 'golgi network protein 2')\n", "(19598.0, 'including cell toxic proteins')\n", "(19596.0, 'viral protein interactions')\n", "(19594.0, 'normal human red cells')\n", "(19593.0, 'midgut epithelial cells infection')\n", "(19589.0, 'virus infections could')\n", "(19588.0, 'two query protein sequences')\n", "(19587.0, 'viral spike protein indicate')\n", "(19586.0, 'among several viral infections')\n", "(19585.0, 'however 1 -[ 2')\n", "(19585.0, '2 monolayer cells')\n", "(19581.0, 'least one virus identified')\n", "(19580.0, 'decreased virus infection')\n", "(19580.0, '2 μl 1')\n", "(19580.0, '1 μl 2')\n", "(19579.0, 'h 3 n 2')\n", "(19579.0, '3 n h 2')\n", "(19578.0, 'influenza virus transmission model')\n", "(19577.0, 'virus infectious diseases infected')\n", "(19574.0, 'total viral rna levels')\n", "(19571.0, 'cd45 2 cells')\n", "(19569.0, 'specific virus infections')\n", "(19569.0, 'primary human bronchial cells')\n", "(19569.0, '1 group n strain')\n", "(19568.0, 'viral protein interaction')\n", "(19564.0, 'including hepatitis b virus')\n", "(19561.0, 'c protein could help')\n", "(19560.0, 'viral infection include sinusitis')\n", "(19558.0, 'zika virus infection remains')\n", "(19556.0, '1 viral loads')\n", "(19555.0, 'increased influenza virus replication')\n", "(19555.0, '2 os cells')\n", "(19554.0, 'detect viral gene expression')\n", "(19553.0, 'viral protein overexpression approaches')\n", "(19552.0, 'human lung carcinoma cells')\n", "(19552.0, 'cd40l 2 cells')\n", "(19551.0, 'specific viral strains included')\n", "(19548.0, 'containing virus structural proteins')\n", "(19547.0, 'epidemic corona virus infection')\n", "(19546.0, 'vaccinia virus inhibits cell')\n", "(19546.0, 'herd 1 herd 2')\n", "(19545.0, 'viral cell receptor')\n", "(19544.0, 'rosetta 2 cells')\n", "(19544.0, 'hep 2 cells')\n", "(19542.0, 'lung tumor cells could')\n", "(19542.0, 'following st cell infection')\n", "(19540.0, 'cd69 2 cells')\n", "(19538.0, 'beas2b cells pge 2')\n", "(19536.0, 'chronic virus infection')\n", "(19536.0, '2 virus titer')\n", "(19535.0, 'primary viral infection leads')\n", "(19535.0, 'primary human leukemia cells')\n", "(19535.0, 'b cells including cd28')\n", "(19533.0, '10 4 labeled cells')\n", "(19529.0, 'viral disease control')\n", "(19528.0, 'viral infection might')\n", "(19528.0, '2 trillion cells')\n", "(19527.0, 'several human cell lines')\n", "(19527.0, 'cz cells 2')\n", "(19526.0, '3 rubella virus strain')\n", "(19524.0, 'cells exhibit increased expression')\n", "(19521.0, 'different rna binding proteins')\n", "(19521.0, '2 mutantinfected cells')\n", "(19520.0, '1 vector infection')\n", "(19519.0, 'cells 2')\n", "(19519.0, '2 cells')\n", "(19517.0, 'viral shedding data 4')\n", "(19516.0, 'primary human myeloid cells')\n", "(19514.0, 'upon virus infection')\n", "(19513.0, 'primary human cells implicated')\n", "(19512.0, 'ebola virus infection appears')\n", "(19509.0, 'systemic virus infection plays')\n", "(19509.0, '2 influenza b viruses')\n", "(19508.0, 'viral protein synthesis initiated')\n", "(19508.0, 'include viral infection')\n", "(19506.0, '2 family protein bax')\n", "(19504.0, 'cells (\" cell division')\n", "(19503.0, 'including b cells')\n", "(19502.0, 'two membrane protein complexes')\n", "(19501.0, 'initiate viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19501.0, 'block viral protein translation')\n", "(19500.0, '1 viral gp120')\n", "(19498.0, 'n protein expression due')\n", "(19497.0, 'different virus infections')\n", "(19492.0, '2 ): 1')\n", "(19491.0, 'two protein sequences')\n", "(19490.0, 'different cell lines infected')\n", "(19487.0, 'entire viral capsid protein')\n", "(19485.0, 'viral d12 protein 25')\n", "(19485.0, 'obtain 1 -[ 2')\n", "(19482.0, 'virus causing cns infection')\n", "(19482.0, 'inhibit viral cell entry')\n", "(19482.0, '2 •-), h 2')\n", "(19481.0, '2 h 2')\n", "(19479.0, 'viral rna remodelling proteins')\n", "(19477.0, 'dengue virus 2')\n", "(19477.0, '0 cases per 1')\n", "(19475.0, 'one health ”; 2')\n", "(19474.0, 'key viral protein')\n", "(19472.0, 'acute viral infection syndrome')\n", "(19471.0, 'two viral genes')\n", "(19470.0, 'cell sorting 1536 cells')\n", "(19469.0, 'direct virus infection')\n", "(19468.0, 'virus specific response')\n", "(19466.0, '1 upon infection')\n", "(19464.0, 'disease virus genome load')\n", "(19464.0, 'different virus genome types')\n", "(19463.0, 'viral protein fragments displayed')\n", "(19463.0, 'two additional viral targets')\n", "(19463.0, 'cell help 1')\n", "(19462.0, 'reduced viral rna levels')\n", "(19461.0, 'prevent viral gene expression')\n", "(19456.0, 'hcv genotype 1 infection')\n", "(19455.0, 'primary human fibroblast cells')\n", "(19450.0, 'virus infection resulting')\n", "(19450.0, 'viral protein functions')\n", "(19449.0, 'human lung a549 cells')\n", "(19449.0, '1 activity based')\n", "(19448.0, 'recombinant n protein could')\n", "(19448.0, 'primary human microglial cells')\n", "(19448.0, 'human primary microglial cells')\n", "(19447.0, 'white blood cells could')\n", "(19447.0, 'two viral strains')\n", "(19447.0, 'persistent human viral infections')\n", "(19447.0, 'human lung fibroblast cells')\n", "(19444.0, 'rna viral proteins')\n", "(19442.0, 'cell without csfv infection')\n", "(19441.0, 'infected type ii cells')\n", "(19439.0, 'structural protein 2')\n", "(19437.0, 'human primary cells 116')\n", "(19435.0, 'target human cells')\n", "(19435.0, 'human target cells')\n", "(19430.0, 'type 1 diabetes could')\n", "(19428.0, '1 cell j')\n", "(19427.0, '2 1 graduate school')\n", "(19423.0, 'human herpes virus 7')\n", "(19420.0, '2 ameliorates clinical disease')\n", "(19420.0, '1 ∶ 2 dilution')\n", "(19417.0, 'expressing human cancer cells')\n", "(19412.0, '1 infection remains elusive')\n", "(19411.0, 'positive strand rna virus')\n", "(19411.0, 'influenza virus could')\n", "(19408.0, 'human lung adenocarcinoma cells')\n", "(19408.0, '2 ð0þ ¼ 1')\n", "(19408.0, '1 ð0þ ¼ 2')\n", "(19406.0, 'impair viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19406.0, 'among viral pneumonia patients')\n", "(19405.0, 'confirmed h7n9 virus infection')\n", "(19403.0, '2 ¼ 1')\n", "(19402.0, '4 treated b cells')\n", "(19398.0, 'viral strain causes disease')\n", "(19397.0, 'could inhibit virus replication')\n", "(19396.0, 'viral f protein')\n", "(19393.0, 'two different crystallographic 3')\n", "(19392.0, 'virus positive patients')\n", "(19391.0, 'specific influenza virus')\n", "(19388.0, 'respiratory virus data')\n", "(19386.0, 'nipah virus infection rather')\n", "(19385.0, 'specific marker protein analysis')\n", "(19381.0, 'primary human at2 cells')\n", "(19379.0, 'swine fever virus infection')\n", "(19377.0, 'following cell infection')\n", "(19376.0, 'infected cells strongly increased')\n", "(19376.0, 'four different viral diseases')\n", "(19374.0, 'human lung fibroblastic cells')\n", "(19371.0, 'rna viral rna')\n", "(19371.0, 'particular viral protein')\n", "(19370.0, 'two million na cells')\n", "(19368.0, 'experimental nipah virus infection')\n", "(19367.0, 'activated protein kinase 2')\n", "(19365.0, 'including new compounds 2')\n", "(19365.0, 'human primary cells')\n", "(19362.0, '2 transmissible gastroenteritis virus')\n", "(19359.0, 'free protein expression system')\n", "(19359.0, 'corresponding virus infection')\n", "(19357.0, 'human lung cells')\n", "(19356.0, 'limited zika virus infection')\n", "(19355.0, 'immune cells become infected')\n", "(19355.0, 'determine viral protein accumulation')\n", "(19353.0, 'day 2 post infection')\n", "(19353.0, 'cov membrane protein could')\n", "(19353.0, '2 virus stock')\n", "(19350.0, 'virus infection alone')\n", "(19350.0, 'subsequent virus infection')\n", "(19345.0, '1 infection remains')\n", "(19344.0, '1 positive patients')\n", "(19342.0, 'h cells following treatment')\n", "(19341.0, 'different zika virus strains')\n", "(19340.0, 'random cell barcode 1')\n", "(19339.0, '1 viral replication39')\n", "(19338.0, 'respiratory virus could')\n", "(19338.0, 'human cancer cells provides')\n", "(19337.0, 'viral protein x')\n", "(19336.0, 'relatively new virus associated')\n", "(19336.0, 'individual virus positive samples')\n", "(19334.0, 'structural protein genes one')\n", "(19330.0, 'including activated protein c')\n", "(19329.0, '2 virus shares similarities')\n", "(19327.0, 'newly synthesized viral protein')\n", "(19325.0, 'zika virus infection increases')\n", "(19325.0, 'coronavirus virus infection')\n", "(19322.0, 'type 1 ifn expression')\n", "(19321.0, 'viral cell culture supernatant')\n", "(19319.0, 'viral protein synthesis')\n", "(19319.0, 'influenza virus different')\n", "(19319.0, 'different influenza virus')\n", "(19318.0, 'virus associated proteins')\n", "(19318.0, 'viral protein components')\n", "(19318.0, 'associated respiratory viral infections')\n", "(19315.0, 'hcv viral protein ns5b')\n", "(19313.0, 'infection causing clinical disease')\n", "(19310.0, 'virus infection rather')\n", "(19310.0, 'infection risk among patients')\n", "(19309.0, '2 1 department')\n", "(19308.0, 'viral rna based')\n", "(19308.0, 'three different cell types')\n", "(19308.0, '10 4 ed cells')\n", "(19307.0, 'infected cells produce type')\n", "(19307.0, 'experimental bluetongue virus infection')\n", "(19306.0, 'cells employ two types')\n", "(19304.0, 'plant viral coat protein')\n", "(19304.0, 'influenza virus genome sequence')\n", "(19303.0, 'fhv ‐ 1 infection')\n", "(19302.0, 'studied viral 62 protein')\n", "(19302.0, 'model rna virus')\n", "(19302.0, '1 infection alone')\n", "(19299.0, 'infected control cells')\n", "(19299.0, 'control infected cells')\n", "(19299.0, '2 %), protein')\n", "(19297.0, '2 measles virus')\n", "(19295.0, 'severe disease following infection')\n", "(19294.0, 'herpes simplex virus 2')\n", "(19294.0, '2 2 x x')\n", "(19292.0, 'viral n gene sequences')\n", "(19291.0, 'virus infection phase')\n", "(19291.0, 'cells undergoing persistent infection')\n", "(19290.0, 'obtain sufficient viral protein')\n", "(19290.0, 'h 2 cell chemoattractant')\n", "(19290.0, '10 4 cells equivalent')\n", "(19290.0, '1 µl ddh 2')\n", "(19288.0, 'novel virus ” could')\n", "(19285.0, 'human epithelial type 2')\n", "(19285.0, '2 µl 1')\n", "(19283.0, 'peripheral viral infection models')\n", "(19281.0, 'viral infection via')\n", "(19280.0, 'human herpes virus 8')\n", "(19280.0, 'cell cultured virus gd')\n", "(19278.0, 'clade 2 virus')\n", "(19278.0, '1 percent 2')\n", "(19272.0, 'given rna binding protein')\n", "(19271.0, 'rna binding protein family')\n", "(19270.0, 'human liver cancer cells')\n", "(19270.0, 'ehv ‐ 1 infection')\n", "(19268.0, 'two leukaemia virus vaccines')\n", "(19267.0, 'including rabies virus strains')\n", "(19266.0, 'virus infection resulted')\n", "(19266.0, 'viral protein targets')\n", "(19265.0, 'overall virus population health')\n", "(19265.0, '2 virus helicase')\n", "(19257.0, 'specific virus type')\n", "(19256.0, '4 ], influenza virus')\n", "(19253.0, '1 %- 2')\n", "(19249.0, '5 buffer containing 1')\n", "(19249.0, '2 10 − 5')\n", "(19248.0, 'specific virus strains')\n", "(19247.0, 'positive sense rna virus')\n", "(19245.0, '1 6 c p')\n", "(19244.0, 'infect human cells revealed')\n", "(19241.0, 'virus infection prevented mortality')\n", "(19241.0, 'efficient viral gene expression')\n", "(19240.0, 'hcv infection protein network')\n", "(19240.0, '1 cell injection')\n", "(19238.0, 'negative replication control cells')\n", "(19237.0, 'vaccinia virus vp39 2')\n", "(19235.0, 'virus strains including hev')\n", "(19234.0, 'viral nuclear export protein')\n", "(19233.0, '4 2 7 4')\n", "(19232.0, 'detect virus infection')\n", "(19232.0, 'certain virus infection cascade6')\n", "(19229.0, 'multiple respiratory virus infections')\n", "(19228.0, 'cells produced increased levels')\n", "(19226.0, 'multiple viral infection')\n", "(19225.0, 'cov e protein could')\n", "(19225.0, 'affects viral infection significantly')\n", "(19225.0, '2 1 frameshift')\n", "(19225.0, '1 comprises two active')\n", "(19224.0, 'particular chronic viral infection')\n", "(19223.0, '2 ae 1')\n", "(19220.0, 'cells 5 h later')\n", "(19219.0, 'specific antibody plus protein')\n", "(19218.0, '4 cells infected')\n", "(19218.0, '1 infection resulted')\n", "(19217.0, \"2 ', 1 ''-\")\n", "(19216.0, 'stranded positive rna virus')\n", "(19216.0, 'among viral structural proteins')\n", "(19214.0, '4 1 0 20')\n", "(19214.0, '1 proteins increased')\n", "(19214.0, '1 ca 2')\n", "(19211.0, 'p 3 ck cells')\n", "(19210.0, 'two important viral enzymes')\n", "(19207.0, 'ten influenza virus proteins')\n", "(19205.0, 'initiate viral protein translation')\n", "(19205.0, '1 )/ 2')\n", "(19204.0, 'one control cell line')\n", "(19201.0, 'type 1 diabetes patients')\n", "(19201.0, '10 4 vero cells')\n", "(19200.0, 'human complement receptor 1')\n", "(19195.0, 'murine hepatitis virus infection')\n", "(19190.0, 'include viral rna replication')\n", "(19189.0, 'infected new pro1190 cells')\n", "(19186.0, 'predicted viral protein')\n", "(19186.0, '0c43 virus infection therefore')\n", "(19183.0, '2 (− 1 )),')\n", "(19181.0, 'viral protein cleavage')\n", "(19181.0, 'influenza virus related sequences')\n", "(19181.0, 'ebola virus infection depends')\n", "(19178.0, 'various respiratory virus infections')\n", "(19178.0, '1 +, 2 +,')\n", "(19177.0, 'zika virus infection appears')\n", "(19176.0, 'different virus strains')\n", "(19175.0, 'human intestinal epithelial cells')\n", "(19175.0, 'dengue virus infection late')\n", "(19174.0, 'require direct viral infection')\n", "(19170.0, 'major viral proteins include')\n", "(19170.0, 'inhibit zika virus infection')\n", "(19170.0, 'damage human epithelial cells')\n", "(19169.0, 'infectious bursal disease virus')\n", "(19169.0, 'infection viral replication')\n", "(19164.0, 'two primary protein families')\n", "(19164.0, 'e c 1 6')\n", "(19163.0, 'human oral epithelial cells')\n", "(19160.0, 'virus infection increases')\n", "(19158.0, 'viral protein database')\n", "(19158.0, 'examine viral protein dynamics')\n", "(19157.0, 'vaccinia virus expression system')\n", "(19156.0, 'two different sirnas specific')\n", "(19153.0, 'target cells including macrophages')\n", "(19152.0, 'based immune cells')\n", "(19151.0, 'wuhan aphid virus 2')\n", "(19150.0, 'otherwise mild virus infection')\n", "(19150.0, 'one death per 1')\n", "(19150.0, 'host clear infected cells')\n", "(19150.0, 'clear infected host cells')\n", "(19149.0, '1 3 25 mm')\n", "(19148.0, 'viral filtration activity could')\n", "(19147.0, 'cells express high levels')\n", "(19146.0, '0 9 10 1')\n", "(19145.0, 'parainfluenza virus 2')\n", "(19144.0, '1 cell deficiency')\n", "(19141.0, 'dowex 1 â 2')\n", "(19141.0, '2009 h1n1 virus infection')\n", "(19140.0, 'prevent antibodyenhanced virus infection')\n", "(19140.0, 'measured viral gene expression')\n", "(19140.0, 'liver upon viral infection')\n", "(19140.0, '2 â 10 3')\n", "(19139.0, 'viral ha protein')\n", "(19139.0, 'prevent virus infection')\n", "(19136.0, 'epidemic viral infection throughout')\n", "(19136.0, '1 · 3 days')\n", "(19133.0, 'viral attachment protein spike')\n", "(19132.0, 'rna virus sequences suggests')\n", "(19130.0, 'viruses infect host cells')\n", "(19130.0, 'viral mediated cell hijacking')\n", "(19130.0, 'rna virus samples')\n", "(19129.0, '2 cohorts 1')\n", "(19127.0, 'two different rna genomes')\n", "(19126.0, 'infected blood cells caused')\n", "(19126.0, 'cells involves two sets')\n", "(19124.0, 'virus replication following treatment')\n", "(19124.0, 'viral protein transport')\n", "(19124.0, 'comparing individual viral infection')\n", "(19123.0, 'viral gene expression impact')\n", "(19121.0, 'human cell system')\n", "(19120.0, 'influenza virus rna segments')\n", "(19120.0, '2 â 2 mm')\n", "(19120.0, '2 different vaccines strains')\n", "(19118.0, 'approximately 10 6 cells')\n", "(19115.0, '1 cell extracts')\n", "(19114.0, 'cells expressing antigen proteins')\n", "(19113.0, 'viral protein unit vpu')\n", "(19113.0, 'additional 1 3 subtypes')\n", "(19112.0, 'new viral rna genomes')\n", "(19112.0, '2 infection causes activation')\n", "(19111.0, 'virus genomic data available')\n", "(19111.0, 'block ebola virus infection')\n", "(19109.0, 'lake sinai virus 2')\n", "(19108.0, 'viral protein processing')\n", "(19107.0, 'human virus transmission')\n", "(19107.0, '1 → 2')\n", "(19102.0, 'studied viral protein')\n", "(19101.0, 'two clinical cases showed')\n", "(19101.0, 'including respiratory syncytial virus')\n", "(19100.0, 'viral spike protein rbd')\n", "(19099.0, 'enhance dengue virus infection')\n", "(19097.0, 'like cells could')\n", "(19096.0, 'crvs including influenza virus')\n", "(19096.0, '1 n hno 3')\n", "(19095.0, 'including influenza virus')\n", "(19095.0, 'different virus species')\n", "(19094.0, 'n 1 3')\n", "(19092.0, 'patients without disease activity')\n", "(19092.0, 'cultured human cells treated')\n", "(19089.0, '1 infection co')\n", "(19088.0, 'viral protein tat lead')\n", "(19088.0, 'three different protein')\n", "(19087.0, 'infected cells showed lysis')\n", "(19086.0, 'rna virus strains suggesting')\n", "(19085.0, 'rabies virus infection suggested')\n", "(19085.0, 'affect virus infection')\n", "(19084.0, 'seasonal h1n1 virus infection')\n", "(19083.0, 'diseased cell expression data')\n", "(19083.0, '1 ′, 2 ′)')\n", "(19082.0, 'two target cell populations')\n", "(19080.0, 'novel human viral pathogens')\n", "(19079.0, 'infected vero cells increased')\n", "(19079.0, 'cell free viral stocks')\n", "(19078.0, 'k virus infection')\n", "(19078.0, 'infection control human resources')\n", "(19078.0, '2 mcherry virus')\n", "(19077.0, 'specific virus strain')\n", "(19077.0, 'influenza virus rna varied')\n", "(19077.0, 'b cells 0 h')\n", "(19076.0, 'normal human schwann cells')\n", "(19075.0, 'us virus infection')\n", "(19075.0, '2 ribonucleotide reductase 1')\n", "(19074.0, '1 l total rna')\n", "(19072.0, 'early viral proteins include')\n", "(19068.0, 'previously described human protein')\n", "(19068.0, '5 cells per experiment')\n", "(19067.0, 'systemic zika virus infection')\n", "(19066.0, 'relative viral rna levels')\n", "(19066.0, 'one virus per established')\n", "(19064.0, 'viral late gene expression')\n", "(19064.0, 'late viral gene expression')\n", "(19063.0, 'trichomonas vaginalis virus 2')\n", "(19062.0, '2 ′), 1')\n", "(19061.0, '2 ∶ 1')\n", "(19061.0, '1 ∶ 2')\n", "(19060.0, 'virus infection patterns')\n", "(19060.0, 'detect viral associated rna')\n", "(19059.0, 'viral nucleocapsid protein encoded')\n", "(19058.0, 'one influenza virus')\n", "(19056.0, '3 protein levels')\n", "(19054.0, '1 )( 2')\n", "(19053.0, 'high viral rna load')\n", "(19053.0, 'functional human nk cells')\n", "(19053.0, '2 ϭ 1')\n", "(19053.0, '1 /− 2 fs')\n", "(19051.0, 'breda virus 2')\n", "(19050.0, 'human primate culture cells')\n", "(19049.0, 'inoculation 1 indicates infection')\n", "(19049.0, '1 ],[ 2')\n", "(19048.0, 'directs viral protein translation')\n", "(19046.0, 'virus }}= 2')\n", "(19045.0, 'patients without virus')\n", "(19044.0, 'virus 2')\n", "(19044.0, '2 virus')\n", "(19040.0, 'relative viral infection ratio')\n", "(19039.0, '1 sm 2')\n", "(19038.0, 'barr virus infection appears')\n", "(19036.0, 'positive viral antigen expression')\n", "(19036.0, '2 § 1')\n", "(19034.0, 'viral fiber protein binds')\n", "(19031.0, 'downstream viral gene expression')\n", "(19029.0, 'viral nucleocapsid protein np')\n", "(19026.0, 'severe influenza virus infections')\n", "(19026.0, 'cells could induce anti')\n", "(19026.0, '1 )-( 2')\n", "(19025.0, 'viral gene expression profile')\n", "(19025.0, '1 /- 2')\n", "(19025.0, '0 2 6 4')\n", "(19024.0, 'human airway epithelial cells')\n", "(19024.0, 'better control virus infections')\n", "(19024.0, '2 ($ 1')\n", "(19023.0, 'viral protein translation')\n", "(19023.0, 'induced transmembrane protein 3')\n", "(19022.0, 'common respiratory virus infections')\n", "(19021.0, '1 }{ 2 }},')\n", "(19020.0, 'indicate secondary viral infection')\n", "(19020.0, \"2 '', 1 '''-\")\n", "(19019.0, 'miles 2 1 grad')\n", "(19019.0, 'common viral infection')\n", "(19017.0, 'human epithelial cells studied')\n", "(19016.0, '1 specific pcr reactions')\n", "(19015.0, 'specific related virus')\n", "(19014.0, 'viral infection groups')\n", "(19012.0, 'fio 2 1')\n", "(19010.0, 'essential viral protein')\n", "(19009.0, '2 ’), 1')\n", "(19008.0, 'virus infection pattern')\n", "(19008.0, 'viral late protein')\n", "(19008.0, 'human accelerated region 1')\n", "(19007.0, 'specific viral genes cannot')\n", "(19007.0, '2 mm mgcl 2')\n", "(19006.0, '2 1 dept')\n", "(19005.0, 'type 1 vwd patients')\n", "(19005.0, 'inhibit virus infection')\n", "(19005.0, 'cell leukemia virus')\n", "(19004.0, 'viral titers upon infection')\n", "(19004.0, 'infection including segregating patients')\n", "(19003.0, '2 3 10 à4')\n", "(19003.0, '1 -> 2')\n", "(19002.0, 'virus infection stress stimuli')\n", "(19002.0, 'infected hela cells showed')\n", "(19001.0, '2 +: 1')\n", "(19001.0, '1 }{{ 2')\n", "(19000.0, 'viral system could')\n", "(19000.0, 'host cell type used')\n", "(19000.0, 'highly contagious viral infection')\n", "(19000.0, 'contain virus infection')\n", "(18999.0, 'give two compounds 1')\n", "(18999.0, '1 0 0 n')\n", "(18999.0, '1 -{[ 2')\n", "(18998.0, 'viral infectious disease management')\n", "(18998.0, 'reconstructm 1 andm 2')\n", "(18998.0, 'chronic rna viral infections')\n", "(18998.0, '1 ▪▪, 2')\n", "(18997.0, '5441x 2 1')\n", "(18997.0, '2 +⋯+( 1')\n", "(18997.0, '1 infection ex vivo')\n", "(18997.0, \"1 --' 2\")\n", "(18996.0, 'viral protein occurring')\n", "(18996.0, '2 1')\n", "(18996.0, '1 2')\n", "(18994.0, 'several different rna viruses')\n", "(18994.0, '2 mm cacl 2')\n", "(18993.0, 'facilitate viral gene expression')\n", "(18992.0, '5 1 0 µm')\n", "(18991.0, 'viral matrix protein')\n", "(18989.0, '1 per 5 million')\n", "(18988.0, 'cell culturederived virus stocks')\n", "(18986.0, 'viral protein 35')\n", "(18985.0, 'one respiratory virus')\n", "(18983.0, '2 mm mncl 2')\n", "(18981.0, 'multiple influenza virus strains')\n", "(18979.0, 'infected wild type cells')\n", "(18979.0, 'different host protein families')\n", "(18978.0, 'virus rna levels')\n", "(18978.0, 'protein antibodies could increase')\n", "(18978.0, 'inhibits viral gene expression')\n", "(18978.0, '2 mm 2')\n", "(18978.0, '1 10 4 u')\n", "(18977.0, 'human viral infections')\n", "(18976.0, '4 viral rna measured')\n", "(18975.0, 'virus allow accelerated infection')\n", "(18975.0, 'viral protein located')\n", "(18975.0, 'rna virus sequence')\n", "(18970.0, 'facilitate chimeric virus infection')\n", "(18969.0, '3 per 1')\n", "(18966.0, 'host cell surface proteins')\n", "(18965.0, 'different infection control measures')\n", "(18965.0, '2 protein bound adp')\n", "(18962.0, '1 cell metastasis nodules')\n", "(18961.0, 'cells expressing human ace2')\n", "(18957.0, '10 4 hek293a cells')\n", "(18956.0, 'specific b cell activation')\n", "(18954.0, 'least one viral sequences')\n", "(18954.0, 'high viral rna copies')\n", "(18954.0, '10 4 cells')\n", "(18953.0, 'severe respiratory virus infections')\n", "(18950.0, 'severe viral infection')\n", "(18949.0, '1 hcv infection')\n", "(18947.0, 'suppress virus infection effectively')\n", "(18945.0, 'based phase 2 study')\n", "(18944.0, 'one infectious virus particle')\n", "(18943.0, 'minimum viral protein requirement')\n", "(18942.0, 'kshv infected cells showed')\n", "(18942.0, 'health care associated infection')\n", "(18937.0, 'mouse hepatitis virus 3')\n", "(18937.0, '3 mouse hepatitis virus')\n", "(18935.0, 'viral protein ns6 pro')\n", "(18935.0, 'viral protein ns2a responsible')\n", "(18930.0, 'various viral replication proteins')\n", "(18930.0, 'various influenza virus strains')\n", "(18930.0, '1 rna levels')\n", "(18929.0, 'viral genomic rna samples')\n", "(18929.0, 'helper 1 cell')\n", "(18928.0, 'viral protein load')\n", "(18927.0, 'positive singlestranded rna virus')\n", "(18927.0, '5 respiratory syncytial virus')\n", "(18927.0, '1 rna sequence')\n", "(18926.0, 'viral rna genome via')\n", "(18926.0, 'different blood cells')\n", "(18926.0, '21 domaincontaining protein 2')\n", "(18924.0, 'one virus type')\n", "(18923.0, 'viral rna replication level')\n", "(18923.0, 'binding protein 3')\n", "(18923.0, '3 binding protein')\n", "(18921.0, 'aa viral protein')\n", "(18921.0, '5 influenza virus')\n", "(18921.0, '2 %, 6 patients')\n", "(18920.0, '1 cell monolayers')\n", "(18919.0, 'virus efficient infection')\n", "(18919.0, 'n protein could induce')\n", "(18919.0, '2 human cases')\n", "(18918.0, 'binding virus proteins')\n", "(18916.0, 'specific gene expression analysis')\n", "(18914.0, 'mayaro virus infection cycle')\n", "(18913.0, 'including type 1')\n", "(18912.0, 'several viral proteins increases')\n", "(18911.0, 'control cells gradually increased')\n", "(18910.0, 'viral gene remains associated')\n", "(18908.0, 'high virus detection rate')\n", "(18907.0, 'protein mediates viral attachment')\n", "(18906.0, 'virus infection cycle')\n", "(18904.0, 'viral protein responsible')\n", "(18904.0, 'persistent virus infection contributes')\n", "(18901.0, 'two receptor protein bands')\n", "(18901.0, 'one case tumor cells')\n", "(18899.0, 'zika virus infection induces')\n", "(18898.0, 'known viral rna sequences')\n", "(18896.0, 'measles involves virus infection')\n", "(18896.0, 'approximately 2 cm 2')\n", "(18895.0, 'clara cell protein 16')\n", "(18893.0, 'viral infections could lead')\n", "(18893.0, 'infectious virus progeny could')\n", "(18893.0, 'bound protein 2')\n", "(18891.0, 'obtain viral sequence data')\n", "(18890.0, 'native viral protein')\n", "(18890.0, 'h1n1 patients per 1')\n", "(18889.0, 'virus infection leading')\n", "(18886.0, 'study cell surface expression')\n", "(18884.0, 'viral envelope protein')\n", "(18884.0, '1 showed high affinity')\n", "(18881.0, 'yield viral protein')\n", "(18881.0, 'h7n9 avian virus infection')\n", "(18879.0, 'rna virus infections')\n", "(18877.0, 'viral rna polymerase activity')\n", "(18877.0, 'sars viral infection')\n", "(18877.0, 'plant virus infection')\n", "(18876.0, '7 3 1')\n", "(18876.0, '10 multiple viral infections')\n", "(18875.0, 'differentiation associated protein 5')\n", "(18875.0, 'bovine herpesvirus 1 infection')\n", "(18873.0, '46 virus specific assay')\n", "(18872.0, 'neutralizing virus infection')\n", "(18868.0, 'human b cell cdna')\n", "(18868.0, 'developed human cells')\n", "(18867.0, 'least one 2 0')\n", "(18866.0, 'viral capsid protein')\n", "(18866.0, 'infected cells showed rounding')\n", "(18866.0, 'capsid viral protein')\n", "(18865.0, 'one virus due')\n", "(18864.0, 'whole cell viral transcripts')\n", "(18864.0, 'viral rna replication complex')\n", "(18862.0, 'primary viral infection')\n", "(18862.0, '1 therapy could produce')\n", "(18859.0, 'hepatitis virus b gene')\n", "(18858.0, 'zikv viral protein')\n", "(18858.0, 'infected cells showed')\n", "(18858.0, 'human transferrin receptor 1')\n", "(18858.0, '2 protein class')\n", "(18856.0, 'cell lymphotropic virus')\n", "(18854.0, 'lung viral infection')\n", "(18853.0, 'protein samples could')\n", "(18852.0, 'odd number 2 2')\n", "(18852.0, '1 cell suspensions')\n", "(18850.0, 'host cell could produce')\n", "(18850.0, '3 cells expressed ace2')\n", "(18846.0, 'two protein groups')\n", "(18846.0, 'human renal epithelial cells')\n", "(18845.0, '1 brain infection')\n", "(18843.0, 'encoded viral protein')\n", "(18842.0, 'viral spike protein')\n", "(18841.0, '1 infection leading')\n", "(18838.0, 'gc12 virus infection led')\n", "(18835.0, 'virus cell')\n", "(18834.0, 'whereas human u87 cells')\n", "(18834.0, 'one virus species')\n", "(18834.0, 'h1n1 virus infection admitted')\n", "(18833.0, 'two cells shown')\n", "(18832.0, 'vitro experimental viral infection')\n", "(18832.0, 'infected cells increased')\n", "(18832.0, '7 cells increased significantly')\n", "(18829.0, '9 recurrent viral infection')\n", "(18829.0, '23 hendra virus infection')\n", "(18826.0, 'derived stem cells could')\n", "(18823.0, 'studies used viral culture')\n", "(18821.0, 'viral nucleocapsid protein fused')\n", "(18821.0, 'used two clinical strains')\n", "(18819.0, 'virus infection efficiency')\n", "(18818.0, '2 %, 2')\n", "(18817.0, 'cov viral infection')\n", "(18815.0, 'viral protein accumulation')\n", "(18814.0, 'virus infection 22')\n", "(18814.0, 'n protein gene region')\n", "(18814.0, 'driven viral gene expression')\n", "(18813.0, 'viral protein np')\n", "(18813.0, 'viral np protein')\n", "(18812.0, 'viral infection must necessarily')\n", "(18812.0, 'live virus infection')\n", "(18812.0, '1 infection states')\n", "(18811.0, 'two different capsid proteins')\n", "(18811.0, 'protein vi specific antibody')\n", "(18809.0, 'influenza virus gene segments')\n", "(18809.0, '1 contained high levels')\n", "(18808.0, 'cell protein synthesis shutoff')\n", "(18806.0, 'virus infection leads')\n", "(18796.0, 'whereas persistent viral infection')\n", "(18793.0, 'virus infection takes place')\n", "(18793.0, 'specific cells observed')\n", "(18793.0, 'mock infection cells')\n", "(18793.0, 'fatal viral infection described')\n", "(18788.0, 'two viral diseases')\n", "(18788.0, '1 5 0 ltr')\n", "(18787.0, '1 cell')\n", "(18785.0, 'ifitms influence virus infection')\n", "(18783.0, 'mediates dengue virus infection')\n", "(18783.0, '10 cells per well')\n", "(18782.0, 'viral infection process')\n", "(18780.0, '2 weeks one group')\n", "(18777.0, 'viral genomic rna levels')\n", "(18776.0, '1 env specific antibodies')\n", "(18776.0, '1 dengue patient data')\n", "(18775.0, 'protein expression levels increase')\n", "(18774.0, 'viral protein movement')\n", "(18774.0, 'viral movement protein')\n", "(18774.0, 'influenza virus proteins')\n", "(18768.0, 'specific virus entry factor')\n", "(18768.0, 'cell protein synthesis')\n", "(18766.0, 'viral rna expression')\n", "(18764.0, 'completely abrogate virus infection')\n", "(18763.0, 'target cells could')\n", "(18761.0, 'utr )/ viral protein')\n", "(18760.0, 'general control protein 4')\n", "(18757.0, 'viral protein composition')\n", "(18757.0, '1 mrna expression level')\n", "(18756.0, 'outer capsid 2 protein')\n", "(18756.0, 'avian h9n2 virus infection')\n", "(18756.0, '100 cells per group')\n", "(18755.0, 'specific host cell receptors')\n", "(18754.0, 'acute viral infection')\n", "(18752.0, 'two different patients')\n", "(18751.0, 'viral protein inside')\n", "(18751.0, 'controlling viral gene expression')\n", "(18748.0, 'protein sequence data')\n", "(18748.0, 'disease phase enhanced virus')\n", "(18747.0, 'high pure viral rna')\n", "(18746.0, 'different viral infectious agents')\n", "(18744.0, 'one virus strain')\n", "(18744.0, 'infect human liver cells')\n", "(18743.0, 'target specific cells')\n", "(18743.0, 'specific target cells')\n", "(18743.0, 'human disease including morbidity')\n", "(18740.0, 'virus infection plays')\n", "(18740.0, 'viral infection even')\n", "(18740.0, 'tagged viral protein')\n", "(18740.0, 'huh7 cell protein bound')\n", "(18737.0, '2 infection transmission')\n", "(18736.0, 'two virus isolates')\n", "(18736.0, 'treat chronic viral infection')\n", "(18736.0, 'restrict ebola virus infection')\n", "(18733.0, '1 infection indicates')\n", "(18732.0, 'cure ebola virus infection')\n", "(18731.0, '2 cell culture')\n", "(18730.0, 'specific ige binding protein')\n", "(18729.0, 'different host cell types')\n", "(18728.0, 'human np epithelial cells')\n", "(18727.0, 'protein specific antibody')\n", "(18726.0, 'perhaps viral gene expression')\n", "(18726.0, '1 infection occurring altogether')\n", "(18725.0, 'human cells treated')\n", "(18723.0, 'selected viral proteins results')\n", "(18721.0, 'different duck primary cells')\n", "(18720.0, 'two copies per cell')\n", "(18719.0, 'vitek 2 system data')\n", "(18718.0, 'first infected cells')\n", "(18718.0, 'cxcl1 protein levels could')\n", "(18715.0, 'viral protein measurement')\n", "(18715.0, 'infectious virus could')\n", "(18714.0, 'european population including 1')\n", "(18712.0, 'human adenovirus type 2')\n", "(18711.0, 'miller 6 virus rna')\n", "(18711.0, '2 %), including influenza')\n", "(18708.0, 'viral protein hsv')\n", "(18708.0, 'hsv viral protein')\n", "(18706.0, 'measuring viral gene expression')\n", "(18704.0, 'several different cell cultures')\n", "(18704.0, 'hpai h5n1 virus infection')\n", "(18704.0, 'h5n1 hpai virus infection')\n", "(18703.0, 'human 16 nk cells')\n", "(18702.0, 'six virus infected mice')\n", "(18701.0, 'wt virus infection dysregulates')\n", "(18701.0, 'influenza virus rna')\n", "(18699.0, 'wt virus infection')\n", "(18697.0, 'viral nonstructural protein nsp1')\n", "(18697.0, 'mammalian borna virus infection')\n", "(18696.0, 'infected tissue culture cells')\n", "(18696.0, '10 l containing 1')\n", "(18695.0, '3 ], ebola virus')\n", "(18694.0, '1 rna genome indicated')\n", "(18693.0, 'abundant viral protein')\n", "(18692.0, 'infection onto virus')\n", "(18692.0, '1 infection plays')\n", "(18691.0, 'viral protein 3d')\n", "(18690.0, 'viral attachment protein')\n", "(18690.0, 'various cells including')\n", "(18689.0, 'mixed virus infection')\n", "(18689.0, 'lower virus rna concentrations')\n", "(18688.0, 'viral nonstructural protein 3a')\n", "(18687.0, 'virus infection dynamics')\n", "(18687.0, 'inhibit rna virus replication')\n", "(18686.0, 'infective rna virus species')\n", "(18685.0, 'whereas influenza c virus')\n", "(18685.0, 'avian borna virus infection')\n", "(18684.0, 'virus might cause increased')\n", "(18682.0, '3 ], sertoli cells')\n", "(18681.0, 'virus infection depends')\n", "(18681.0, 'viral protein aids')\n", "(18681.0, 'cultured human epithelial cells')\n", "(18678.0, '2 patients infected')\n", "(18678.0, '2 infected patients')\n", "(18677.0, 'viral diseases including hiv')\n", "(18677.0, 'n protein could represent')\n", "(18677.0, 'avian virus infection')\n", "(18676.0, 'modulate viral gene expression')\n", "(18675.0, 'necessarily viral gene expression')\n", "(18675.0, 'extracted viral protein')\n", "(18674.0, 'related b cell studies')\n", "(18674.0, 'receptor cells could')\n", "(18674.0, 'antigen specific cells')\n", "(18673.0, 'determine virus infection')\n", "(18672.0, 'one protein model')\n", "(18672.0, 'induced protein 3')\n", "(18671.0, 'viral protein interacts')\n", "(18671.0, 'protein occasionally induces cell')\n", "(18671.0, 'liver patients without viral')\n", "(18671.0, 'different target cells')\n", "(18671.0, 'cells making two')\n", "(18669.0, 'recognition protein 2')\n", "(18669.0, 'hepatitis virus infection')\n", "(18668.0, 'difficile infection 1 week')\n", "(18668.0, '2 vs ≥ 2')\n", "(18667.0, 'viral env protein')\n", "(18666.0, 'purified n protein could')\n", "(18665.0, 'influenza virus entry activity')\n", "(18664.0, 'including two naive patients')\n", "(18664.0, 'associated virus directing expression')\n", "(18662.0, '2 %), 2 uctd')\n", "(18660.0, 'decrease virus infection')\n", "(18659.0, '5 %, 1 ml')\n", "(18657.0, 'viral m2 protein')\n", "(18656.0, 'human viral strains')\n", "(18654.0, 'human gastric cancer cells')\n", "(18651.0, 'intracellular viral rna levels')\n", "(18651.0, 'h1n1 pdm virus infection')\n", "(18649.0, 'matrix protein 2')\n", "(18649.0, 'infected cells possibly due')\n", "(18648.0, 'influenza virus m2 gene')\n", "(18646.0, 'high pathogenic influenza virus')\n", "(18643.0, 'virus without clinical signs')\n", "(18643.0, 'novel human virus')\n", "(18643.0, 'derived human immunodeficiency virus')\n", "(18642.0, 'directly inhibiting viral infection')\n", "(18638.0, 'h1n1 virus infection')\n", "(18637.0, 'viral envelop protein glycosylation')\n", "(18637.0, 'dna profile analysis cells')\n", "(18636.0, '2009 virus infection')\n", "(18635.0, 'produce human recombinant protein')\n", "(18633.0, 'ebola virus infection')\n", "(18630.0, 'asymptomatic nipah virus infection')\n", "(18629.0, 'additional data file 1')\n", "(18625.0, 'virus infection titer')\n", "(18625.0, 'viral protein bands')\n", "(18625.0, 'viral gene expression module')\n", "(18624.0, 'different tissue cells')\n", "(18623.0, 'viral lytic switch protein')\n", "(18623.0, 'infected vertebrate host cells')\n", "(18620.0, 'including gene expression analysis')\n", "(18618.0, 'protein binding data')\n", "(18617.0, 'human diploid cells produced')\n", "(18616.0, 'gene 1 sequence')\n", "(18616.0, 'canine distemper virus infection')\n", "(18616.0, '2 viral genomes')\n", "(18615.0, 'virus activity previously reported')\n", "(18615.0, 'viral nucleocapsid protein')\n", "(18615.0, 'alpha herpes virus infection')\n", "(18612.0, 'h5n1 virus infection')\n", "(18611.0, 'block virus infection')\n", "(18610.0, 'viral cell entry')\n", "(18610.0, 'conserved virus proteins e')\n", "(18610.0, '4 cells showed')\n", "(18609.0, 'human immunodeficiency virus therapy')\n", "(18608.0, 'infection cells')\n", "(18608.0, 'human gastric epithelial cells')\n", "(18608.0, 'cells could suppress hiv')\n", "(18607.0, 'japanese encephalitis virus infection')\n", "(18606.0, 'protein kinase 2')\n", "(18605.0, 'myeloid differentiation protein 2')\n", "(18603.0, 'persistent virus infection')\n", "(18603.0, 'future respiratory virus studies')\n", "(18601.0, 'cells following immune activation')\n", "(18598.0, 'viral protein ns1')\n", "(18598.0, 'viral ns1 protein')\n", "(18598.0, 'human virus pathogens')\n", "(18595.0, 'virus infection susceptibility')\n", "(18594.0, 'viral accessory protein vpr')\n", "(18593.0, 'vaccinia viral protein k3l')\n", "(18592.0, 'viral infection must')\n", "(18592.0, 'genotype 1 infection')\n", "(18591.0, 'different immune cell types')\n", "(18589.0, 'influenza virus ns1 gene')\n", "(18589.0, '2 h 3 ml')\n", "(18587.0, 'viral pa protein')\n", "(18587.0, 'lower human infection rate')\n", "(18585.0, 'limiting zika virus infection')\n", "(18584.0, 'cells showed positive staining')\n", "(18581.0, 'virus different f r')\n", "(18581.0, 'specific host protein')\n", "(18580.0, 'oncogenic viral protein e6')\n", "(18580.0, '3 0 3 0')\n", "(18578.0, 'active eukaryotic viral infection')\n", "(18577.0, 'human primary cell culture')\n", "(18577.0, 'beginning viral gene expression')\n", "(18575.0, 'substantial virus infection')\n", "(18574.0, 'viral protein refers')\n", "(18574.0, 'infected cells results')\n", "(18574.0, 'following rna virus')\n", "(18574.0, 'ebola virus disease outbreak')\n", "(18573.0, 'viral cell receptors')\n", "(18573.0, 'moderating dengue virus infection')\n", "(18573.0, 'cell viral receptors')\n", "(18571.0, 'three influenza virus types')\n", "(18569.0, 'human rhinovirus type 2')\n", "(18568.0, 'binding protein could')\n", "(18567.0, 'accessory viral protein')\n", "(18566.0, 'dengue virus infection')\n", "(18563.0, 'two grid cells recorded')\n", "(18562.0, 'viral intestinal disease complex')\n", "(18562.0, '1 expression showed')\n", "(18561.0, 'acute uuk virus disease')\n", "(18560.0, 'viral coat protein')\n", "(18558.0, 'nonstructural viral protein 2bc')\n", "(18557.0, 'ebv infected b cells')\n", "(18556.0, 'virus specific antibodies')\n", "(18554.0, 'new human disease caused')\n", "(18554.0, 'infected cells positive')\n", "(18554.0, 'individual influenza virus strains')\n", "(18552.0, 'vp1 viral protein')\n", "(18552.0, 'human breast cancer cells')\n", "(18551.0, 'protein quality control system')\n", "(18550.0, 'rotavirus virus infection')\n", "(18550.0, 'group 1 viruses')\n", "(18549.0, 'two viral groups')\n", "(18549.0, 'increased arginase 1 expression')\n", "(18548.0, 'virus rna synthesis observed')\n", "(18548.0, 'viral nonstructural protein')\n", "(18548.0, 'viral fiber protein')\n", "(18548.0, 'specific protein binding')\n", "(18548.0, 'specific binding protein')\n", "(18547.0, 'productive target cell infection')\n", "(18547.0, 'influenza viruses exit cells')\n", "(18546.0, 'virus infection depending')\n", "(18546.0, 'initiating chimeric virus infection')\n", "(18546.0, 'human nasopharyngeal epithelial cells')\n", "(18545.0, 'affects virus infection')\n", "(18544.0, 'infected cell rna mixed')\n", "(18542.0, 'viral protein incorporation')\n", "(18542.0, 'bone morphogenetic protein 2')\n", "(18541.0, 'new pandemic influenza virus')\n", "(18541.0, '2 infection found')\n", "(18539.0, 'viral protein 3a')\n", "(18539.0, 'viral ns protein 3abc')\n", "(18539.0, 'several cell lines including')\n", "(18538.0, 'respiratory viral infections compared')\n", "(18538.0, 'immune cells might provide')\n", "(18537.0, 'reporter virus infection')\n", "(18536.0, '1 increased expression')\n", "(18536.0, '1 expression increased')\n", "(18532.0, 'viral protein cage ferritin')\n", "(18532.0, 'specific antibody response could')\n", "(18529.0, 'viral hemagglutinin protein')\n", "(18527.0, 'contains human nk cells')\n", "(18526.0, 'limit virus infection')\n", "(18525.0, 'virus replication could')\n", "(18525.0, 'human pancreatic cancer cells')\n", "(18525.0, 'human cell line per')\n", "(18525.0, '1 case per 10')\n", "(18524.0, 'untreated virus control group')\n", "(18524.0, 'two virus genomes')\n", "(18524.0, 'human type 2 diabetes')\n", "(18522.0, 'viral protein confer')\n", "(18522.0, 'viral ns3 protein')\n", "(18522.0, 'ongoing virus infection')\n", "(18522.0, 'ns3 viral protein')\n", "(18522.0, 'influenza virus activity mainly')\n", "(18521.0, 'infected host cells')\n", "(18520.0, 'virus infection involve')\n", "(18520.0, 'two adjacent cells')\n", "(18520.0, 'cell viral spread')\n", "(18518.0, 'proteins function inside cells')\n", "(18518.0, 'human bronchial epithelial cells')\n", "(18518.0, '2 μm protein')\n", "(18517.0, 'enteric virus infection')\n", "(18517.0, '2 q 2 weeks')\n", "(18516.0, 'viral dna could')\n", "(18516.0, 'least 3 days 2')\n", "(18516.0, 'human host cell cr')\n", "(18513.0, 'human cervical epithelial cells')\n", "(18512.0, 'viral protein l1')\n", "(18512.0, 'recent human virus')\n", "(18511.0, 'human iqgap1 residues 1')\n", "(18511.0, 'e75 lethal virus infection')\n", "(18509.0, 'human epithelial carcinoma cells')\n", "(18508.0, 'e protein still could')\n", "(18504.0, 'vascular cell adhesion protein')\n", "(18504.0, 'gastrointestinal virus infection')\n", "(18503.0, '1 infected comparative samples')\n", "(18502.0, 'viral protein polymers')\n", "(18502.0, 'human poliovirus type 2')\n", "(18501.0, 'viral respiratory disease')\n", "(18500.0, 'viral tat protein')\n", "(18500.0, 'viral protein tat')\n", "(18500.0, '2 spike protein')\n", "(18499.0, 'viral infection caused')\n", "(18497.0, 'specific cell types following')\n", "(18496.0, 'latent viral infection occurs')\n", "(18494.0, 'nsp2 viral protein')\n", "(18494.0, 'angiotensinconverting enzyme 2 2')\n", "(18493.0, 'specific cd4 cells expressed')\n", "(18493.0, 'dysregulated viral gene expression')\n", "(18493.0, '30 different virus isolates')\n", "(18492.0, 'viral replication could still')\n", "(18492.0, 'mouth disease virus l')\n", "(18491.0, 'viral rev protein')\n", "(18489.0, 'sustaining rabies virus infection')\n", "(18489.0, 'congenital zika virus infection')\n", "(18487.0, 'contain two 1')\n", "(18486.0, 'ebola virus disease epidemic')\n", "(18485.0, 'viral protein 2c')\n", "(18485.0, 'viral 2c protein')\n", "(18485.0, 'detect protein expression levels')\n", "(18484.0, 'virus infection reduces')\n", "(18484.0, 'recent viral infection')\n", "(18483.0, '1 fusion inhibitors could')\n", "(18482.0, 'epidemic associated virus strains')\n", "(18481.0, 'treat human viral diseases')\n", "(18479.0, 'virus infection 42')\n", "(18479.0, 'blocking virus infection')\n", "(18478.0, 'promote rna virus replication')\n", "(18478.0, 'authentic viral protein')\n", "(18478.0, 'associated protein 5')\n", "(18478.0, '5 gene expression increased')\n", "(18478.0, '1 use different surrogates')\n", "(18477.0, 'least two cell types')\n", "(18477.0, 'acute respiratory infection patients')\n", "(18477.0, '1 replication could')\n", "(18472.0, 'viral protein tax')\n", "(18472.0, 'multifunctional viral protein')\n", "(18472.0, 'human melanoma cancer cells')\n", "(18469.0, '0 ‐ positive cells')\n", "(18467.0, 'viral orf2 protein')\n", "(18465.0, 'viral genomic rna 6')\n", "(18465.0, 'viral gene expression evades')\n", "(18464.0, 'viral protein ns5a')\n", "(18464.0, 'including hepatitis e virus')\n", "(18463.0, 'large genome dna virus')\n", "(18463.0, 'human brain endothelial cells')\n", "(18461.0, 'specific neuronal cells whereas')\n", "(18460.0, '3 cells expressing dc')\n", "(18455.0, 'viral gene expression')\n", "(18454.0, 'viral gn protein')\n", "(18453.0, 'viral haemagglutinin protein')\n", "(18453.0, 'two virus variants')\n", "(18453.0, 'cov n protein expression')\n", "(18452.0, 'specific responder cells present')\n", "(18451.0, 'viral sequence data')\n", "(18451.0, 'compare virus infection')\n", "(18450.0, '1 h nmr data')\n", "(18449.0, 'infected cells without integration')\n", "(18449.0, 'iav virus infection')\n", "(18449.0, 'cell proliferation 2 weeks')\n", "(18448.0, 'viral protein nef')\n", "(18448.0, 'rabies virus infection')\n", "(18448.0, 'homologous virus infection')\n", "(18446.0, 'viral protein abundances')\n", "(18445.0, '3 cells revealed')\n", "(18445.0, '1 9 10 7')\n", "(18444.0, 'human corneal epithelial cells')\n", "(18443.0, 'viral protein immunostaining')\n", "(18442.0, 'two different dna sites')\n", "(18441.0, 'immunoreactive viral protein')\n", "(18439.0, 'residues 1 − 5')\n", "(18438.0, 'virus population upon high')\n", "(18438.0, 'two alternative protein receptors')\n", "(18436.0, 'human receptor protein ace2')\n", "(18433.0, 'west nile virus infection')\n", "(18433.0, 'cell type specific differences')\n", "(18432.0, 'influenza virus pb1 gene')\n", "(18432.0, 'human airway epithelium cells')\n", "(18431.0, 'effective viral infection')\n", "(18430.0, 'viral ns2a protein')\n", "(18430.0, 'several different viral')\n", "(18429.0, 'infected cell culture system')\n", "(18425.0, 'human host cell')\n", "(18424.0, 'type 1 interferon expression')\n", "(18422.0, 'viral protein palmitoylation')\n", "(18422.0, 'cell specific monoclonal antibody')\n", "(18421.0, 'zika virus infection poses')\n", "(18421.0, 'viral protein vp6')\n", "(18421.0, 'patients showed abnormalities 2')\n", "(18419.0, 'viral infections including mhv')\n", "(18418.0, 'human colonic epithelial cells')\n", "(18417.0, 'positive cells typically results')\n", "(18417.0, 'infected dendritic cells induced')\n", "(18416.0, 'viral protein vpg')\n", "(18416.0, 'viral envelop protein')\n", "(18415.0, 'cells expressing human tmprss3')\n", "(18415.0, 'cells expressing human hserca2a')\n", "(18414.0, 'viral protein vif')\n", "(18414.0, 'hepatitis c viral rna')\n", "(18413.0, 'viral protein p30')\n", "(18412.0, '2 acute infection')\n", "(18411.0, 'virus infection presents')\n", "(18411.0, 'viral protein penton terry')\n", "(18410.0, 'frequent among patients 2')\n", "(18410.0, '9 cells could')\n", "(18410.0, '1 replication either induced')\n", "(18409.0, 'viral protein 3cd')\n", "(18409.0, 'viral protein 2bc')\n", "(18409.0, 'human cells expressing')\n", "(18409.0, '3 respiratory viral')\n", "(18408.0, '3 cells treated')\n", "(18407.0, 'viral receptorbinding protein')\n", "(18407.0, 'infected cells 6 hpi')\n", "(18406.0, 'increasing protein expression levels')\n", "(18406.0, 'domaincontaining viral protein')\n", "(18405.0, 'host cell proteins involved')\n", "(18403.0, 'viral protein icp34')\n", "(18402.0, 'viral protein glycosylations')\n", "(18402.0, 'viral protein dp71l')\n", "(18401.0, 'pi329l viral protein')\n", "(18400.0, 'viral protein ns4p')\n", "(18400.0, 'viral ec27 protein')\n", "(18400.0, 'exapted viral protein')\n", "(18399.0, 'virus infection protected')\n", "(18399.0, 'viral protein')\n", "(18398.0, 'diagnose specific viral infections')\n", "(18397.0, 'human hepatoma cancer cells')\n", "(18396.0, '3 recombinant vaccinia virus')\n", "(18395.0, 'tag virus infection')\n", "(18395.0, 'heterologous virus infection')\n", "(18395.0, 'cell protein degradation')\n", "(18395.0, '4 stimulated b cells')\n", "(18393.0, 'virus neutralization studies results')\n", "(18393.0, 'suppress virus infection')\n", "(18393.0, 'protein based subunit vaccine')\n", "(18392.0, '≥ 1 chronic disease')\n", "(18390.0, 'r 1 ¼ 3')\n", "(18390.0, 'including acute respiratory infection')\n", "(18390.0, 'human type 2 dm')\n", "(18390.0, '2 x 2 contingency')\n", "(18389.0, 'upregulated upon viral infection')\n", "(18387.0, 'positive control cells')\n", "(18387.0, 'group 2 could')\n", "(18387.0, 'cells positive control')\n", "(18386.0, 'measles virus infection')\n", "(18386.0, 'abolish latent virus infection')\n", "(18385.0, '03 virus caused disease')\n", "(18384.0, '1 infection promotes')\n", "(18383.0, 'infected immune cells')\n", "(18383.0, 'herpes simplex virus infection')\n", "(18381.0, 'viral infection rates')\n", "(18381.0, 'target cell infection')\n", "(18379.0, 'measured viral rna levels')\n", "(18377.0, 'initial viral infection')\n", "(18377.0, 'human glomerular epithelial cells')\n", "(18372.0, 'control viral rna')\n", "(18371.0, 'human metapneumovirus type 2')\n", "(18370.0, 'virus infection inactivation')\n", "(18370.0, 'several viral envelope proteins')\n", "(18370.0, '4 1 0 x')\n", "(18369.0, 'human ciliated epithelial cells')\n", "(18368.0, 'sendai virus infection regardless')\n", "(18364.0, 'fish virus infection')\n", "(18363.0, 'selected three virus strains')\n", "(18363.0, '10 2 rna copies')\n", "(18361.0, 'kshv infected b cells')\n", "(18360.0, 'prevent h1n1 viral infection')\n", "(18360.0, 'human cancer cells')\n", "(18359.0, 'relevant human cells')\n", "(18358.0, 'sars coronavirus infected cells')\n", "(18357.0, '2 hours post infection')\n", "(18355.0, 'pox vaccinia virus infection')\n", "(18354.0, 'important human rna viruses')\n", "(18353.0, 'human tonsillar epithelial cells')\n", "(18351.0, 'enveloped virus infection')\n", "(18350.0, 'human rectal tumor cells')\n", "(18348.0, 'concurrent virus infection')\n", "(18348.0, 'blocks virus infection')\n", "(18348.0, '10 viral proteins')\n", "(18344.0, 'two different proteins')\n", "(18344.0, 'influenza infected cells')\n", "(18344.0, 'human tracheobronchial epithelial cells')\n", "(18343.0, 'hbe7 cells could form')\n", "(18342.0, 'two protein products simultaneously')\n", "(18341.0, 'host cell could lead')\n", "(18340.0, 'infectious viral disease problem')\n", "(18337.0, 'specific protein b')\n", "(18337.0, 'host cellular protein binding')\n", "(18337.0, 'h7n9 virus infection')\n", "(18336.0, 'vesicular stomatitis virus infection')\n", "(18336.0, '1 specific pcr')\n", "(18332.0, 'kill human tumor cells')\n", "(18331.0, 'facilitates virus infection')\n", "(18329.0, 'viral proteins used')\n", "(18329.0, 'new viral proteins')\n", "(18329.0, 'even host cell expression')\n", "(18328.0, 'infected cells without agarose')\n", "(18328.0, '2 endothelial cell media')\n", "(18326.0, 'viral infection whereas')\n", "(18326.0, 'two animal infection experiments')\n", "(18326.0, 'enhances virus infection')\n", "(18325.0, 'human type 2 diabetes65')\n", "(18325.0, '2 env protein')\n", "(18324.0, 'animal virus data')\n", "(18323.0, 'used different cell')\n", "(18321.0, 'vaccinia virus infection')\n", "(18318.0, 'human b cell repertoire')\n", "(18317.0, 'viral infection remains unclear')\n", "(18317.0, 'several specific infection types')\n", "(18317.0, 'active viral infection')\n", "(18316.0, 'human cells indicated')\n", "(18316.0, '10 5 km 2')\n", "(18315.0, 'strand rna virus replication')\n", "(18315.0, 'initiate virus infection')\n", "(18315.0, 'human adenocarcinomic epithelial cells')\n", "(18315.0, 'herpes virus infection')\n", "(18314.0, 'virus infection triggers')\n", "(18314.0, 'human epithelial cells')\n", "(18312.0, 'following host cell binding')\n", "(18312.0, 'endemic viral infection outbreaks')\n", "(18311.0, '⁄ h3n2 virus infection')\n", "(18311.0, 'approximately 10 7 cells')\n", "(18309.0, '1 high safety due')\n", "(18308.0, '1 infection 120')\n", "(18305.0, 'virus infection 79')\n", "(18304.0, 'virus control group')\n", "(18303.0, '2 knockdown cell lines')\n", "(18303.0, '1 h noe data')\n", "(18302.0, 'type p54 protein could')\n", "(18302.0, '2 os cell expressing')\n", "(18300.0, 'numerous virus particles could')\n", "(18299.0, 'viral proteins might direct')\n", "(18299.0, 'productive virus infection')\n", "(18299.0, 'human liver hepatoma cells')\n" ], "name": "stdout" } ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": { "id": "fsjb4jP3w85z", "colab_type": "text" }, "source": [ "Or saving results in file" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "metadata": { "id": "RmTtaDYbgRWH", "colab_type": "code", "colab": {} }, "source": [ "t = open(\"3kt_100kc_4f.txt\", \"w\")\n", "\n", "for i in results[0:3000]:\n", " t.write(str(i)+\" \\n\")\n", "t.close()" ], "execution_count": 0, "outputs": [] } ] }