# Helio framework Helio is a framework that allows publishing RDF data as a Linked Data service, in which data comes from different heterogeneous sources. The translation of data into RDF can be performed using different tools from the literature, or the Helio materialisation engine. Additionally, the RDF produced is injected automatically in a triple store and can be versioned. Finally, Helio offers also the necessary components to publish the RDF at resource level, dataset level, and enables a SPARQL endpoint. Nevertheless, Helio also allow users to define dynamic views of the data and associate html views that may have embedded RDF (RDFa). [Check out our wiki to know more](https://github.com/oeg-upm/helio/wiki) **Creators:** [Andrea Cimmino](https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=_6U9WMcAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao) & [Raúl García Castro](http://www.garcia-castro.com/)