# InesData Connector Dataspaces connector for the InesData project, based on the EDC dataspaces framework ## Launching the connector - Compile: ``` ./gradlew launchers:connector:build ``` - Launch: ``` java -jar launchers/connector/build/libs/connector-app.jar ``` Example: ``` java -Dedc.keystore=resources/certs/store.pfx -Dedc.keystore.password= -Dedc.vault=resources/configuration/provider-vault.properties -Dedc.fs.config=resources/configuration/provider-configuration.properties -jar launchers/connector/build/libs/connector-app.jar ``` ## Containerizing the connector The connector is prepared to be executed inside a container. The following steps must be followed to generate the connector: - Compile the connector: ``` ./gradlew launchers:connector:build ``` - Create a local Docker image: ``` docker build --tag inesdata/connector:0.2.0 --build-arg CONNECTOR_JAR=./launchers/connector/build/libs/connector-app.jar -f docker/Dockerfile . ``` ## Database The `resources/sql` folder contains all the required schemes to be applied in the connector database.