. . . "Jhon Toledo (Ontology Engienering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "Miguel Angel García (Ontology Engienering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid" . "Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "2021-04-20" . "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on fares. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares" . "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" . "Transmodel Ontology - Fares"@en . . "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on fares. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "Transmodel Ontology - Fares"@en . "https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "This is the initial version of the module on Fares, after considering the UML models and XSD descriptions of Transmodel and NeTEx"@en . # # # ################################################################# # # # # Annotation properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://creativecommons.org/ns#license . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title . # # http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#author . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#creator . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#description . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#mbox . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#name . . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Object Properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://schema.org/contactPoint . # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#aChainOf . "This property represents a chain or sequence of another class"@en . "aChainOf"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#composedOf . "composedOf"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#definedBy . "definedBy"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#describedThrough . . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#distributionChannelType . . _:genid1 . _:genid1 _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 _:genid2 . _:genid2 . _:genid2 _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid2 . _:genid1 . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#endOf . "endOf"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#fareType . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#governedBy . . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#relatedTo . "relatedTo"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#representing . "representing"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#specifiedBy . "specifiedBy"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#startOf . "startOf"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#tariffBasis . . _:genid5 . _:genid5 _:genid8 . _:genid8 . _:genid8 . _:genid8 _:genid6 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 _:genid7 . _:genid7 . _:genid7 . _:genid7 . _:genid6 . _:genid5 . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#viewedAs . "viewedAs"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Data properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment . # # http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#accessNumber . "Access number in sequence."@en . "accessNumber"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#amount . . . "Price in a specified currency."@en . "amount"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#discountAmount . . . "Discount given, if any, in a specified currency."@en . "discountAmount"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#discountPercentageUsed . . . "Discount percentage used, if any when deriving price."@en . "discountPercentageUsed"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#embargoUntilDate . "Data is to be kept private until the stated date."@en . "embargoUntilDate"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#endDate . . "End date for price validity."@en . "endDate"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#endGeographicalValue . . "End value for Geographical Interval."@en . "endGeographicalValue"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#infoUrl . "Link for product information."@en . "InfoUrl"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#isAllowed . . "Whether the fare price is allowed. default is true."@en . "isAllowed"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#isFirstInSequence . "Whether element is the first in the sequence."@en . "isFirstInSequence"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#isLastInSequence . "Whether element is the last in the sequence."@en . "isLastInSequence"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#limitedAccessNumber . "Flag indicating whether this rights gives an unlimited number of accesses or not."@en . "limitedAccessNumber"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#numberOfUnits . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#privateCode . . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ranking . . "Relative ranking to be given to discount to use to favour it over other discounts available."@en . "ranking"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#returnFareTwiceSingle . . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#startDate . . "start date for price validity."@en . "startDate"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#startGeographicalValue . . "start value for geographical interval."@en . "startGeographicalValue"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#url . . . "A parameter used to specify the use of a sales package or a fare product."@en . "url"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Classes # # # ################################################################# # # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept . # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#Point . "Point"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#ScheduledStopPoint . . "A specialisation of scheduled stop point describing a stop with fare accounting and routing characteristics."@en . "ScheduledStopPoint"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#TariffZone . . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . "A Zone used to define a zonal fare structure in a zone-counting or zone-matrix system."@en . "TariffZone"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#Zone . "Zone"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#AccessRightInProduct . . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . "A validable element as a part of a pre-assigned fare product, including its possible order in the set of all validable elements grouped together to define the access right assigned to that pre-assigned fare product."@en . "AccessRightInProduct"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#AccessRightParameterAssignment . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 "1"^^ . _:genid11 . "The assignment of a fare collection parameter (referring to geography, time, quality or usage) to an element of a fare system (access right, validated access, control mean, etc.)."@en . "AccessRightParameterAssignment"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#CappingRulePrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a capping rule: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc."@en . "CappingRulePrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#CommercialProfile . . "A category of users depending on their commercial relations with the operator (frequency of use, amount of purchase etc.), often used for allowing discounts."@en . "CommercialProfile"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#CompanionProfile . . "The number and characteristics of the persons entitled to travel in a group or as companions to another User Profile."@en . "CompanionProfile"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ControllableElement . . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . "The smallest controllable element of public transport consumption, all along which any validity parameter assignment remains valid."@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ControllableElementInSequence . . "A controllable element as a part of a fare structure element, including its possible order in the sequence of controllable elements grouped together to form that fare structure element, and its possible quantitative limitation."@en . "ControllableElementInSequence"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ControllableElementPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Controllable Element: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc."@en . "ControllableElementPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DiscountingRule . . "A price calculation rule determined by a set of discounts, depending upon a usage parameter, to be applied to a fare price."@en . "DiscountingRule"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DistanceMatrixElement . . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 . _:genid14 "1"^^ . _:genid14 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 "1"^^ . _:genid15 . "A cell of an origin-destination matrix for Tariff zones or stop points, expressing a fare distance for the corresponding trip: value in km, number of fare units etc."@en . "DistanceMatrixElement"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DistanceMatrixElementPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Distance Matrix Element: default total price etc."@en . "DistanceMatrixElementPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DistributionAssignment . "An assignment of the country and/or distribution channel through which a product may or may not be distributed."@en . "DistributionAssignment"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DistributionChannel . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 _:genid17 . _:genid17 _:genid20 . _:genid20 . _:genid20 . _:genid20 _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid18 . _:genid17 . _:genid21 . _:genid21 . _:genid21 . _:genid21 . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#EntitlementGiven . . "Parameter indicating whether a particular fare product provides an entitlement to buy or use an access right."@en . "EntitlementGiven"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#EntitlementProduct . . "A precondition to access a service or to purchase a Fare Product issued by an organisation that may not be a pt operator (e.g. military card)."@en . "EntitlementProduct"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#EntitlementRequired . . "Parameter indicating whether a particular fare product requires an entitlement to by or use an access right."@en . "EntitlementRequired"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Exchanging . . "Whether and how the access right may be exchanged for another access right."@en . "Exchanging"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareElementInSequence . _:genid22 . _:genid22 . _:genid22 . _:genid22 . _:genid23 . _:genid23 . _:genid23 . _:genid23 "1"^^ . _:genid23 . _:genid24 . _:genid24 . _:genid24 . _:genid24 "1"^^ . _:genid24 . _:genid25 . _:genid25 . _:genid25 . _:genid25 "1"^^ . _:genid25 . "A fare element as a part of an element, including its possible order in the sequence of fare elements."@en . "FareElementInSequence"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareInterval . . "An interval based aspect of the fare structure."@en . "FareInterval"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FarePrice . _:genid26 . _:genid26 . _:genid26 . _:genid26 "1"^^ . _:genid26 . _:genid27 . _:genid27 . _:genid27 . _:genid27 "1"^^ . _:genid27 . _:genid28 . _:genid28 . _:genid28 . _:genid28 "1"^^ . _:genid28 . _:genid29 . _:genid29 . _:genid29 . _:genid29 "1"^^ . _:genid29 . _:genid30 . _:genid30 . _:genid30 . _:genid30 "1"^^ . _:genid30 . _:genid31 . _:genid31 . _:genid31 . _:genid31 "1"^^ . _:genid31 . _:genid32 . _:genid32 . _:genid32 . _:genid32 "1"^^ . _:genid32 . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareProduct . . _:genid33 . _:genid33 . _:genid33 . _:genid33 . _:genid34 . _:genid34 . _:genid34 . _:genid34 . "An immaterial marketable element (access rights, discount rights, etc.), specific to a charging moment."@en . "FareProduct"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareProductPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a fare product: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc."@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareStructureElement . . _:genid35 . _:genid35 . _:genid35 . _:genid35 . _:genid36 . _:genid36 . _:genid36 . _:genid36 . _:genid37 . _:genid37 . _:genid37 . _:genid37 . _:genid38 . _:genid38 . _:genid38 . _:genid38 . _:genid39 . _:genid39 . _:genid39 . _:genid39 _:genid40 . _:genid40 _:genid43 . _:genid43 . _:genid43 . _:genid43 _:genid41 . _:genid41 . _:genid41 _:genid42 . _:genid42 . _:genid42 . _:genid42 . _:genid41 . _:genid40 . _:genid44 . _:genid44 . _:genid44 . _:genid44 "1"^^ . _:genid44 . _:genid45 . _:genid45 . _:genid45 . _:genid45 "1"^^ . _:genid45 . _:genid46 . _:genid46 . _:genid46 . _:genid46 "1"^^ . _:genid46 . _:genid47 . _:genid47 . _:genid47 . _:genid47 "1"^^ . _:genid47 . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareStructureElementInSequence . . _:genid48 . _:genid48 . _:genid48 . _:genid48 . "A fare structure element as a part of a validable element, including its possible order in the sequence of fare structure elements forming that validable element, and its possible quantitative limitation."@en . "FareStructureElementInSequence"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareStructureElementPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Fare Structure Element: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc."@en . "FareStructureElementPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareStructureFactor . . "A factor influencing access rights definition or calculation of prices."@en . "FareStructureFactor"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareTable . _:genid49 . _:genid49 . _:genid49 . _:genid49 "1"^^ . _:genid49 . _:genid50 . _:genid50 . _:genid50 . _:genid50 "1"^^ . _:genid50 . _:genid51 . _:genid51 . _:genid51 . _:genid51 "1"^^ . _:genid51 . "A grouping of prices (specialization of price group) that may be associated with all or any of distance matrix element, fare structure element geographical interval, group of access right parameter, class of use, operator, vehicle mode, fare product."@en . "FareTable"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareUnit . . "A unit associated with a Fare Structure Factor."@en . "FareUnit"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FrequencyOfUse . . "The limits of usage frequency for a fare product (or one of its components) or a sales package during a specific validity period. there may be different tariffs depending on how often the right is consumed during the period."@en . "FrequencyOfUse"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FulfilmentMethodPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a fulfilment method default total price etc."@en . "FulfilmentMethodPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GenericParameterAssignment . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GeographicalInterval . . _:genid52 . _:genid52 . _:genid52 . _:genid52 . _:genid53 . _:genid53 . _:genid53 . _:genid53 . _:genid54 . _:genid54 . _:genid54 . _:genid54 . _:genid55 . _:genid55 . _:genid55 . _:genid55 "1"^^ . _:genid55 . "A geographical interval specifying access rights for the Fare Structure Elements within the range of this interval: 0-5 km, 4-6 zones etc."@en . "GeographicalInterval"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GeographicalIntervalPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Geographical Interval: default total price etc."@en . "GeographicalIntervalPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GeographicalStructureFactor . . "The value of a geographical interval or a distance matrix element expressed by a geographical unit."@en . "GeographicalStructureFactor"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GeographicalUnit . . _:genid56 . _:genid56 . _:genid56 . _:genid56 . "A unit for calculating geographical graduated fares."@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GeographicalUnitPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Geographical Unit: default total price etc."@en . "GeographicalUnitPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#GroupTicket . . "The number and characteristics of persons entitled to travel in addition to the holder of an access right."@en . "GroupTicket"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Interchanging . . "Limitations on making changes within a trip."@en . "Interchanging"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#LimitingRule . . "Rule for limiting the results of a price calculation."@en . "LimitingRule"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#LuggageAllowance . . "The number and characteristics (weight, volume) of luggage that a holder of an access right is entitled to carry."@en . "LuggageAllowance"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#MinimumStay . . "Details of any minimum stay at the destination required to use the product."@en . "MinimumStay"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#NetworkValidityParameter . . "A type of validity parameter related to the network structure."@en . "NetworkValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#OrganisationalValidityParameter . . "A type of validity parameter related to organisational issues."@en . "OrganisationalValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ParkingPrice . . "A specialisation of fare price that defines the price of a parking charge band."@en . "ParkingPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PenaltyPolicy . . "Policy regarding different aspects of penalty charges, for example repeated entry at the same station, not having a ticket etc."@en . "PenaltyPolicy"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PreAssignedFareProduct . . _:genid57 . _:genid57 . _:genid57 . _:genid57 "1"^^ . _:genid57 . "A fare product consisting of one or several validable elements, specific to a charging method."@en . "PreAssignedFareProduct"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PriceUnit . "A unit to express prices: amount of currency, abstract fare unit, ticket unit or token etc."@en . "PriceUnit"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PriceableObject . "An element which may have a fare price."@en . "PriceableObject"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PricingRule . "A rule used for the calculation of fare price, determined either by a set of parameters to be applied to a reference price or by a more complex algorithm."@en . "PricingRule"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ProductValidityParameter . . "A type of validity parameter linked to fare products and/or their distribution."@en . "ProductValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#PurchaseWindow . . "Period in which the product must be purchased."@en . "PurchaseWindow"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#QualityStructureFactorPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a quality structure factor , e.g. default total price etc."@en . "QualityStructureFactorPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Refunding . . "Whether and how the product may be refunded."@en . "Refunding"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Replacing . . "Whether and how the access right may be replaced."@en . "Replacing"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Reselling . . "Common resale conditions (i.e. for exchange or refund) attached to the product"@en . "Reselling"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ResidentialQualification . . "A parameter providing an authorisation to consider a user as being characterised by a User Profile."@en . "ResidentialQualification"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#RoundTrip . . "Properties relating to single or return trip use of an access right."@en . "RoundTrip"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Rounding . "Parameters directing the rounding of values that are the result of calculations."@en . "Rounding"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Routing . . "Limitations on routing of an access right."@en . "Routing"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#RoutingValidityParameter . . "A type of validity parameter linked to specific routing."@en . "RoutingValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#SalesPackage . . _:genid58 . _:genid58 . _:genid58 . _:genid58 "1"^^ . _:genid58 . "A package to be sold as a whole, consisting of one or several fare products materialised thanks to one or several travel documents. the fare products may be either directly attached to the travel documents, or may be reloadable on the travel documents."@en . "SalesPackage"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#SalesPackageElement . . "The assignment of a fare product to a type of travel document in order to define a sales package, realised as a fixed assignment (printing, magnetic storage etc.) or by the possibility for the fare product to be reloaded on the type of travel document."@en . "SalesPackageElement"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#SalesPackagePrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a sales package: default total price etc."@en . "SalesPackagePrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#SalesPackageSubstitution . . "Information on the preferred substitution of packages with other packages if a quota restricted product is no longer available."@en . "SalesPackageSubstitution"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ScopingValidityParameter . "Grouping of assignments to elements."@en . "ScopingValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#SeriesConstraintPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a series constraint: default total price etc."@en . "SeriesConstraintPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ServiceAccessRight . . "An immaterial marketable element dedicated to accessing some services."@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ServiceValidityParameter . . "A type of validity parameter related to service characteristics (e.g. class)."@en . "ServiceValidityParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#StepLimit . . "Geographical parameter limiting the access rights by counts of stops, sections or zones."@en . "StepLimit"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Tariff . _:genid59 . _:genid59 . _:genid59 . _:genid59 . _:genid60 . _:genid60 . _:genid60 . _:genid60 . _:genid61 . _:genid61 . _:genid61 . _:genid61 . "A Tariff describes all parameters composing a particular fare structure."@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#TimeIntervalPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a time interval, e.g. default total price etc."@en . "TimeIntervalPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#TimeUnitPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a time unit: default total price etc."@en . "TimeUnitPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#Transferability . . "The number and characteristics of persons entitled to use the public transport service instead of the original customer."@en . "Transferability"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#UsageParameter . . _:genid62 . _:genid62 . _:genid62 . _:genid62 . "A parameter used to specify the use of a sales package or a Fare Product."@en . "UsageParameter"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#UsageParameterPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a usage parameter: discount in value or percentage etc."@en . "UsageParameterPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#UsageValidityPeriod . . "A time limitation for validity of a fare product or a sales package. it may be composed of a standard duration (e.g. 3 days, 1 month) and/or fixed start/end dates and times."@en . "UsageValidityPeriod"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#UserProfile . . "The social profile of a passenger, based on age group, education, profession, social status, sex etc., often used for allowing discounts: 18-40 years old, graduates, drivers, unemployed, women etc."@en . "UserProfile"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ValidableElement . . _:genid63 . _:genid63 . _:genid63 . _:genid63 . _:genid64 . _:genid64 . _:genid64 . _:genid64 "1"^^ . _:genid64 . "An element which may have a fare price.a sequence or set of fare structure elements, grouped together to be validated in one go."@en . "ValidableElement"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ValidableElementPrice . . "A set of all possible price features of a Validable Element: default total price, discount in value or percentage etc."@en . "ValidableElementPrice"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ValidityParameterAssignment . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#chargingPolicy . . "Parameter governing minimum amount and credit allowed when consuming a fare product."@en . "chargingPolicy"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FlexibleLine . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Line . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/organisations#Organisation . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Individuals # # # ################################################################# # # # http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment . # # http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#label . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#BookingArrangements . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#ClassOfUse . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#DistributionChannel . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FarePrice . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#FareStructureElement . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#describedThrough . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#distributionChannelType . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#fareType . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#governedBy . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#privateCode . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/fares#returnFareTwiceSingle . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/DistributionChannelType . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/booking-access-type . . "Concept scheme where all the types of booking access"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/booking-method-type . . "Concept scheme where all the types of booking methods"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/distribution-channel-type . . "Concept scheme where all the types of distribution\n channels"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/distribution-rights . . "Concept scheme where all the types of distribution rights"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/fulfilment-method-type . . "Concept scheme where all the types of fulfilment methods"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/fares/tariff-basis-type . . # _:genid65 "ja.toledo@upm.es"@en . _:genid65 "Jhon Toledo Barreto"@en . # # # ################################################################# # # # # Annotations # # # ################################################################# # # "description"@en . # "name"@en . # "A type of outlet for selling a Fare Product"@en . "Distribution Channel"@en . # "Price features defined by default characterizing different price groups."@en . "FarePrice"@en . # "A Fare Structure Element is a service consumption right determined by a set of quantitative (spatial,temporal) rules (i.e. determined by are structure parameters, such as zones, sections, hours, etc);"@en . "A sequence or set of controllable elements to which rules for limitation of access rights and calculation of prices (fare structure) are applied."@en . "In some cases, a Fare Structure Element may involve several access rights that must be consumed in a particular order. This may be captured by a Fare Structure Element In Sequence"@en . "Fare Structure Element"@en . "FareStructureElement"@en . # "This property relates a Distribution Channel with its corresponding Contact Details. It is a subproperty of schema:contactPoint, which relates anything to a ContactPoint"@en . "described through"@en . # "This property assigns to a Distribution Channel one or several SKOS Concepts from the codelist on types of distribution channels"@en . "distribution Channel Type"@en . # "This property is used to link a fare with the types of fares available in the SKOS concept scheme of types of fares"@en . "fare type"@en . # "This property relates a Distribution Channel to the Organisation that takes responsability over it"@en . "governed by"@en . # "Alternative identifier of an entity. can be used to associate with legacy systems."@en . # "Whether the return ticket is the double as the fare for a single ticket."@en . # # Generated by the OWL API (version 5.1.14) https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/