Steps to deploy your maven artifact in your github project: ##### 1) Add deployment information to your `pom.xml`: ```xml internal.repo Temporary Staging Repository file://${}/mvn-repo maven-deploy-plugin 2.8.1 internal.repo::default::file://${}/mvn-repo ``` ##### 2) Get a personal access token from Github. Enter in Github: `Settings/Applications/Personal access tokens` and click on `Generate New Token`. ##### 3) Copy that token as password in your maven config file Edit `/conf/settings.xml` and include: ```xml github TOKEN ``` ##### 4) Add the `site-maven-plugin` to upload your library defining your repository name and github user: ```xml com.github.github site-maven-plugin 0.10 Library of ${project.version} true ${}/mvn-repo refs/heads/mvn-repo **/* true REPOSITORY-NAME GITHUB-USERNAME github site deploy ``` ##### 5) Finally, Upload your library: `mvn clean deploy` You can check that a new branch has been created named `mvn-repo` that contains your library ;) ##### 6) In any project that uses this library, you must include the reference to this repository: ```xml PROJECT-NAME-mvn-repo true always ``` That's all!!