. . . . "Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" . "2019-10-06" . "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on authorities. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities" . "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" . "Transmodel Ontology - Authorities"@en . . "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on authorities. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "TODO: Check whether this ontology should be better renamed to Organisations, as it refers to more things than authorities."@en . "Transmodel Ontology - Authorities"@en . "https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en . "This is the initial version of the module on Authorities, after considering the UML models and XSD descriptions of Transmodel and NeTEx"@en . # # # ################################################################# # # # # Annotation properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://creativecommons.org/ns#license . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights . # # http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title . # # http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#author . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#creator . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#description . . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#mbox . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#name . . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Object Properties # # # ################################################################# # # # http://schema.org/contactPoint . # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme . # # http://www.w3.org/2006/time#timeZone . # # http://www.w3.org/ns/org#classification . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#TOBECHECKED . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#characterisedBy . . . . "This property relates an Organisation with its corresponding Contact Details. It is a subproperty of schema:contactPoint, which relates anything to a ContactPoint"@en . "characterised by"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#describedThrough . . . "TODO: add as domain :DistributionChannel if it makes sense"@en . "This property relates a Distribution Channel with its corresponding Contact Details. It is a subproperty of schema:contactPoint, which relates anything to a ContactPoint"@en . "described through"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#distributionChannelType . . _:genid1 . _:genid1 _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 . _:genid4 _:genid2 . _:genid2 . _:genid2 _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid3 . _:genid2 . _:genid1 . "This property assigns to a Distribution Channel one or several SKOS Concepts from the codelist on types of distribution channels"@en . "distribution channel type"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#governedBy . . . "This property relates a Distribution Channel to the Organisation that takes responsability over it"@en . "governed by"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#operatesInAdministrativeZone . . . . "operatesInAdministrativeZone"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#providesService . . . . "providesService"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Data properties # # # ################################################################# # # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#TOBECHECKED_parkingCapacity . . . "parkingCapacity"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#language . . . "The language in which an organisation operates"@en . "language"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Classes # # # ################################################################# # # # http://schema.org/ContactPoint . # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept . # # http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#AdministrativeZone . . "The area of a district, a region, a city, a municipality or other area with which an Organization has a responsability role."@en . "AdministrativeZone"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Authority . . . "Public Transport Authority, the organization under which the responsability of organising the TransportService in a certain area (AdministrativeZone) is placed"@en . "Authority"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ContactDetails . . "Contact Details for an Organisation. A subclass of schema:ContactPoint. As such, it can be the domain of properties like schema:url, schema:telephone, schema:email, etc."@en . "Contact Details"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ControlCenter . . "An OrganisationPart for an operational team who are responsible for issuing commands to control the services"@en . "ControlCentre"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#CrewBase . . "A place where operating employees (e.g. drivers) report on and register their work"@en . "CrewBase"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Department . . "An OrganisationPart specific to a purpose and/or organisational structure"@en . "Department"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#DistributionChannel . _:genid5 . _:genid5 . _:genid5 . _:genid5 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 . _:genid6 _:genid7 . _:genid7 _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 . _:genid10 _:genid8 . _:genid8 . _:genid8 _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid9 . _:genid8 . _:genid7 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . _:genid11 . "A type of outlet for selling a product (definition coming from NeTEx)"@en . "Distribution Channel"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Employee . . "Employee"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#GroupOfOperators . . "A group of Operator having for instance common schemes for fare collection of passenger information"@en . "GroupOfOperators"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Operator . . . "A company providing Public Transport Services. In GTFS, this is represented as a TransitAgency"@en . "Operator"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Organisation . . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid12 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 . _:genid13 _:genid14 . _:genid14 _:genid17 . _:genid17 . _:genid17 . _:genid17 _:genid15 . _:genid15 . _:genid15 _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid16 . _:genid15 . _:genid14 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid18 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid19 . _:genid20 . _:genid20 . _:genid20 . _:genid20 . "A legally incorporated body associated with any aspect of the transport system"@en . "TODO: Check how many of these properties need to be added to cover completely the TransModel model: legalName, remarks, status, shortName, tradingName, validFromDate and validToDate, in case that they are not included already in the W3C Organization ontology"@en . "TODO: Modify the range of the property timeZone so that it reflects time:TimeZone, as described in the OWL Time ontology."@en . "Organisation"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#OrganisationPart . . "A part of an organisation to which a set of responsabilities upon the data and data management may be assigned"@en . "OrganisationPart"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#OrganisationUnit . . "An OrganisationPart to which a set of responsabilities in an organisation for planning and control is assigned"@en . "OrganisationalUnit"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Parking . . "Designated locations for leaving vehicles such as cars, motorcycles and bicycles."@en . "Parking"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingArea . . "A marked zone within a Parking containing ParkingBays"@en . "ParkingArea"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingBay . . "A place to park an individual vehicle"@en . "ParkingBay"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingComponent . . "Generic component of a parking"@en . "ParkingComponent"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingEntrance . . "An entrance to the Parking"@en . "ParkingEntrance"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingEntranceForPassengers . . "An entrance to the Parking on foot of other out-of-vehicle mode such as a wheelchair"@en . "ParkingEntranceForPassengers"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ParkingEntranceForVehicles . . "An entrance from the road to the Parking for Vehicle"@en . "ParkingEntranceForVehicles"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ServiceArea . . "Service Area is where the Public Transport Operator operates"@en . "ServiceArea"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#ServicedOrganisation . . "A public or private organisation for which public transport services are provided on specific days (DayType), e.g., a school, university or works"@en . "Serviced Organisation"@en . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#TOBECHECKED . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/authorities#Zone . . "A two dimmensional Place within the ServiceArea of an Operator or ServicedOperator. It can be:\n\n- AdministrativeZone\n- TariffZone\n- AccessZone\n- ..."@en . "Zone"@en . # # # # ################################################################# # # # # Individuals # # # ################################################################# # # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/authorities/DistributionChannelType . . # # https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/authorities/OrganisationType . . "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of organisations that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . # _:genid21 "adolfo.anton.bravo@upm.es"@en . _:genid21 "Adolfo Anton-Bravo"@en . # Generated by the OWL API (version 5.1.9) https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/