@prefix : . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xml: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdfs: . @base . rdf:type owl:Ontology ; owl:versionIRI ; ; "Adolfo Antón Bravo (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" , "Oscar Corcho (Ontology Engineering Group - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)" ; "2019-11-22" ; "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on journeys. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en ; "https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys" ; "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)" ; "Transmodel Ontology - Journeys"@en ; ; rdfs:comment "Module of the Transmodel Ontology focused on facilities. This ontology provides support to the NeTEx model. Visit https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en ; rdfs:label "Transmodel Ontology - Journeys"@en ; rdfs:seeAlso "https://github.com/oeg-upm/transmodel-ontology"@en ; owl:versionInfo "This is the initial version of the module on Journeys, after considering the UML models and XSD descriptions of Transmodel and NeTEx"@en . ################################################################# # Annotation properties ################################################################# ### http://creativecommons.org/ns#license rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/date rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/description rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/identifier rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/rights rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/title rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### http://purl.org/vocab/vann/preferredNamespaceUri rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#author :author rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#creator :creator rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#description :description rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; rdfs:domain :MeetingPointService . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#mbox :mbox rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#name :name rdf:type owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal . ################################################################# # Datatypes ################################################################# ### http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#range rdfs:range rdf:type rdfs:Datatype . ### http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#duration xsd:duration rdf:type rdfs:Datatype . ### http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#time xsd:time rdf:type rdfs:Datatype . ################################################################# # Object Properties ################################################################# ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#inScheme rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#at rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#in rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#journeyPatternAdvertisedFor rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:range :DestinationDisplay ; rdfs:comment "A Journey Pattern is advertised in a Destination Display"@en , "TODO: change to aViewOf"@en ; rdfs:label "journey Pattern Advertised For"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PROPS-TO-REVIEW :PROPS-TO-REVIEW rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#aViewOf :aViewOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; owl:inverseOf :viewedAs ; rdfs:domain :Point ; rdfs:range :PointInLinkSequence ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Point with the Points in Link Sequence where it appears"@en ; rdfs:label "a View Of"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#accessMode :accessMode rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :AccessMode ; rdfs:label "accessMode"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#accessPTS :accessPTS rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :Access ; rdfs:comment """The physical spatial possibility for a passenger to access or leave the Public Transport System. The link may be used during a Trip for : - The walking movement of the Passenger from a Place (Origin of the Trip) to a ScheduledStopPoint (origin of the Public Transport Trip) or; - The walking movement of the Passenger from a Scheduled Stop Point (destination of the Public Transport Trip) to a Place (destination of the Trip)"""@en ; rdfs:label "accessPTS"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#allowedLineDirections :allowedLineDirections rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Route ; rdfs:range :AllowedLineDirections ; rdfs:label "allowedLineDirections"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#beginsConnection :beginsConnection rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Connection ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "beginsConnection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#belongingTo :belongingTo rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:range :VehicleMode ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relationship between Vehicle Type and Vehicle Mode"@en ; rdfs:label "belonging To"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#blockPart :blockPart rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPart ; rdfs:range :BlockPart ; rdfs:label "blockPart"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#canAlight :canAlight rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "canAlight"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#canBoard :canBoard rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "canBoard"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#characterisedBy :characterisedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Journey ; rdfs:range ; rdfs:comment "This property is the relationship of a Journey and the Accessibility Assessment"@en ; rdfs:label "characterised By"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#classifiedBy :classifiedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Line ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Line with the transport modes which are used to operate it"@en ; rdfs:label "classified by"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#composedOf :composedOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; owl:inverseOf :runsOn ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Journey Frequency Group with the Vehicle Journeys that it is composed of"@en ; rdfs:label "composed of"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#day :day rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Day Of Week with a Day Type which is defined in KOS day-type"@en ; rdfs:label "day"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#dayTypeAssignment :dayTypeAssignment rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:comment "The assignment of operational characteristics, expressed by DayType, to a particular OperatingDay within a ServiceCalendar"@en ; rdfs:label "dayTypeAssignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#defaultDeadRunRunTime :defaultDeadRunRunTime rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :DeadRun ; rdfs:range :TimingLink ; rdfs:label "defaultDeadRunRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#defaultInterchange :defaultInterchange rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:range :DefaultInterchange ; rdfs:label "defaultInterchange"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#definedAs :definedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :PropertyOfDay ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relationship between Property Of Day and the SKOS Concept Scheme for days of the week"@en ; rdfs:label "defined As"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#defines :defines rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; owl:inverseOf :isDefinedBy ; rdfs:domain :RhythmicalJourneyGroup ; rdfs:range :TemplateVehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Rhythmical Journey Group with a Template Vehicle Journey"@en ; rdfs:label "defines"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#describedBy :describedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :DayType ; rdfs:range :PropertyOfDay ; rdfs:comment "This property asign a DayType to the specific Property of Day"@en ; rdfs:label "described By"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#destinationDisplay :destinationDisplay rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range :DestinationDisplay ; rdfs:label "destination display"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#destinationStop :destinationStop rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "destinationStop"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#determinedBy :determinedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :HeadwayJourneyGroup ; rdfs:range :HeadwayInterval . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#directionType :directionType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :ServiceJourney ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing the type of direction for a service journey"@en ; rdfs:label "direction Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#directionType_old :directionType_old rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:label "direction Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#endOfBlock :endOfBlock rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :ParkingPoint ; rdfs:range :Block ; rdfs:comment "Property to relate a Parking Point to the end of a Block"@en ; rdfs:label "end of block"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#endingAt :endingAt rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :OperatingPeriod ; rdfs:range :OperatingDay ; rdfs:comment "Property to connect an Operating Period to the related Operating Days, indicating when it ends"@en ; rdfs:label "ending at"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#endsConnection :endsConnection rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Connection ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:comment "Connection End, one end of a connection in Transmodel v6.0"@en ; rdfs:label "endsConnection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#endsConnectionDefault :endsConnectionDefault rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :endsConnection ; rdfs:domain :DefaultConnection ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "endsConnectionDefault"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#followsDeadRunTime :followsDeadRunTime rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :DeadRunPattern ; rdfs:label "followsDeadRunPattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#followsJourneyPattern :followsJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:label "followsJourneyPattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#for :for rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopAssignment ; rdfs:comment "A general property that allows associating a Stop Assignment to a Scheduled Stop Point, Quay, Boarding Position and/or Stop Place"@en ; rdfs:label "for"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#forServicedOrganisation :forServicedOrganisation rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :OrganisationDayType ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Add range tmorg:ServicedOrganisation"@en , "This property connects an Organisation Day Type to a Service Organisation, indicating that such Day Type is for providing service to the corresponding Organisation"@en ; rdfs:label "for serviced organisation"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#holidayType :holidayType rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This propery sets the relationship with holiday type defined in the KOS day-type"@en ; rdfs:label "holiday Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#inLinkSequence :inLinkSequence rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; owl:inverseOf :madeUpOf ; rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :PointInLinkSequence ; rdfs:range :LinkSequence ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Point in Link Sequence with the corresponding Link Sequence"@en ; rdfs:label "in Link Sequence"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#isDefinedBy :isDefinedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :TemplateVehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :RhythmicalJourneyGroup ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Template Vehicle Journey with the Rhythmical Journey Group that defines it"@en ; rdfs:label "is defined by"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#journeyPatternMadeUpOf :journeyPatternMadeUpOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain ; rdfs:range :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "A Journey Pattern is Made Up Of Stop Point In Journey Pattern"@en , "TODO: change to madeUpOf"@en ; rdfs:label "journey Pattern Made Up Of"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#journeyPatternPoint :journeyPatternPoint rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:range :Point ; rdfs:label "journeyPatternPoint"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#journeyPatternRunTime :journeyPatternRunTime rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:range :TimingLink ; rdfs:label "journeyRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#madeUpOf :madeUpOf rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :LinkSequence ; rdfs:range :PointInLinkSequence ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Link Sequence with the set of Points in Link Sequence that make it up"@en ; rdfs:label "made Up Of"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#madeUsing :madeUsing rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :ServiceJourney ; rdfs:range ; rdfs:comment "This property connects a Service Journey to the Service Facility Set that is making it possible"@en ; rdfs:label "made Using"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#modeOfTransport :modeOfTransport rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Route ; rdfs:range :MeanOfTransport . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#on :on rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating an entity with the entity where it appears. For instance, a Journey Pattern on (onRoute) a Route, a Route on (onLine) a Line."@en ; rdfs:label "on"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#onLine :onLine rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :on ; rdfs:domain :Line ; rdfs:range :Route ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Route with a Line where it appears"@en ; rdfs:label "on Line"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#onRoute :onRoute rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :on ; rdfs:domain :Route ; rdfs:range :ServiceJourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "This property allows relating a Journey Pattern with a Route where it appears"@en ; rdfs:label "on Route"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#operatedBy :operatedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relationship between a Vehicle Journey and a Vehicle Type"@en ; rdfs:label "operated By"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#operatingPeriod :operatingPeriod rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range :OperatingPeriod ; rdfs:comment "operating period"@en , "operating period assigned to a Day Type Assignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#originStop :originStop rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "originStop"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#overriding :overriding rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :DynamicStopAssignment ; rdfs:range :PassengerStopAssignment ; rdfs:comment "This property is used to specify the Passenger Stop Assignment that a Dynamic Stop Assignment overrides"@en ; rdfs:label "overriding"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#passengerConnection :passengerConnection rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :Connection ; rdfs:label "passengerConnection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#passesAt :passesAt rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Check which domain and range to use"@en , "This property sets the relationship between a Point In Journey Pattern or a Service Journey and a Timetabled Passing Time"@en ; rdfs:label "passes at"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#passingTimeTimingPoint :passingTimeTimingPoint rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :TimingPoint ; rdfs:label "passingTimeTimingPoint" . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#prescribing :prescribing rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :PointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range :DestinationDisplay ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Point in Journey Pattern with a Destination Display"@en ; rdfs:label "prescribing"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#presentedBy :presentedBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Line ; rdfs:range ; rdfs:comment "This property is used to connect a Line with its corresponding Presentation"@en ; rdfs:label "presented by"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#primarilyAdvertisedWith :primarilyAdvertisedWith rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:range :DestinationDisplay ; rdfs:comment "This property relates where is primarily advertised the Journey Pattern in a Destination Display"@en ; rdfs:label "primarily Advertised With"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#routeOnLine :routeOnLine rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Line-old ; rdfs:range :Route ; rdfs:label "route On Line"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#runBy :runBy rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :Line ; rdfs:range ; rdfs:comment "A Line is run by an Operator"@en ; rdfs:label "run By"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#runTimeOverrides :runTimeOverrides rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :DefaultDeadRunRunTime , :DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime ; rdfs:label "journeyRunTimeOverrides"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#runsOn :runsOn rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:range :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "This property relates a Vehicle Journey with the Journey Frequency Group(s) that it belongs to"@en ; rdfs:label "runs On"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#scheduledStopPoint :scheduledStopPoint rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Route ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "scheduledStopPoint"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#season :season rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "TODO: In journeys/daytype-properties there is the skos:Concept top concept season-type which must be the range of this property"@en , "This property states the season of a Operating Period"@en ; rdfs:label "season"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#serviceJourneyUsingPattern :serviceJourneyUsingPattern rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :ServiceJourney ; rdfs:range :ServiceJourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "A Service Journey has (service Journey Pattern) a Service Journey Pattern"@en ; rdfs:label "service Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#specifying :specifying rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :DayTypeAssignment ; rdfs:range :DayType ; rdfs:comment "The assignment of operational characteristics, expressed by DayType, to a particular OperatingDay within a ServiceCalendar"@en ; rdfs:label "specifying"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#startOfBlock :startOfBlock rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :ParkingPoint ; rdfs:range :Block ; rdfs:comment "Property to relate a Parking Point to the start of a Block"@en ; rdfs:label "start Of Block"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#startingAt :startingAt rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :OperatingPeriod ; rdfs:range :OperatingDay ; rdfs:comment "Property to connect an Operating Period to the related Operating Days, indicating when it starts"@en ; rdfs:label "starting At"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#stopUse :stopUse rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing the type of use of a stop (e.g., access, interchange only, pass through)"@en ; rdfs:label "stop Use"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#stopsAt :stopsAt rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Vehicle ; rdfs:range :ScheduledStopPoint ; rdfs:label "stopsAt"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#timingLink :timingLink rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :TimingLink ; rdfs:range :TimingPoint ; rdfs:label "timingLinkPoint"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#timingLinkInJourneyPattern :timingLinkInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:range :TimingLinkInJourneyPattern . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#typeOfFlexibleService :typeOfFlexibleService rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :FlexibleLine ; rdfs:label "typeOfFlexibleService" . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#usedToDefine :usedToDefine rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :OperatingDay ; rdfs:range :DayTypeAssignment ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relation between a Time Band or an Operating Day with a Day Type Assignment"@en ; rdfs:label "used To Define"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleJourney :vehicleJourney rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Vehicle ; rdfs:range :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A Vehicle makes (vehicleJourney) a Vehicle Journey"@en ; rdfs:label "vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleJourneyPart :vehicleJourneyPart rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Vehicle ; rdfs:range :JourneyPart ; rdfs:label "vehicleJourneyPart"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleJourneyRoute :vehicleJourneyRoute rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :Route ; rdfs:label "vehicleJourneyRoute"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleJourneyRunTimeOverrides :vehicleJourneyRunTimeOverrides rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourneyRunTime ; rdfs:range :DefaultDeadRunRunTime , :DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime , :JourneyPatternRunTime ; rdfs:label "vehicleJourneyRunTimeOverrides"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleJourneys :vehicleJourneys rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Vehicle ; rdfs:range :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "The Journey of a Vehicle is a VehicleJourney"@en ; rdfs:label "vehicleJourneys"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehicleModeId :vehicleModeId rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :VehicleMode ; rdfs:range [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relationship between a Vehicle Mode and the type of Vehicle used defined in the kos/journeys/all-modes.ttl"@en ; rdfs:label "vehicle Mode ID"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#vehiclePassingTime :vehiclePassingTime rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Vehicle ; rdfs:label "vehiclePassingTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#viewedAs :viewedAs rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topObjectProperty ; rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :PointInLinkSequence ; rdfs:range :Point ; rdfs:comment "This property allows connecting a Point in Link Sequence with the corresponding Point"@en ; rdfs:label "viewed As"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#workedOn :workedOn rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:domain :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range :DayType ; rdfs:comment "This property sets the relationship between Vehicle Journey and Day Type."@en ; rdfs:label "worked On"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/organisations#passengerJourney rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range :Trip ; rdfs:comment "A Passenger makes (journey) a Trip"@en ; rdfs:label "passengerJourney"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/organisations#serviceJourneyServedByVehicleJourney rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :ServiceJourney ; rdfs:range :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A Service Journey is served by Vehicle Journeys"@en ; rdfs:label "service Journey Served By Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/organisations#trip rdf:type owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :PROPS-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Trip ; rdfs:range :ServiceJourney ; rdfs:comment "A Trip is made of ServiceJourneys"@en ; rdfs:label "trip"@en . ################################################################# # Data properties ################################################################# ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#borderCrossing rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#arrivalDayOffset :arrivalDayOffset rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Arrival Day Offset (e.g., for a TimeTabledPassingTime)"@en ; rdfs:label "arrival day offset"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#arrivalTime :arrivalTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Arrival time (e.g., for a Service Journey in a Timing Point)"@en ; rdfs:label "arrival Time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#changeOfDestinationDisplay :changeOfDestinationDisplay rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether there will be a change of the destination display at this point"@en ; rdfs:label "change Of Destination Display"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#changeOfServiceRequirements :changeOfServiceRequirements rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether there will be a change of the service requirements at this point"@en ; rdfs:label "change Of Service Requirements"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#date :date rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :DayTypeAssignment ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTimeStamp ; rdfs:comment "This property sets up the date for the Day Type Assignment"@en ; rdfs:label "date"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#departureDayOffset :departureDayOffset rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Departure Day Offset (e.g., for a TimeTabledPassingTime)"@en ; rdfs:label "departure day offset"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#departureTime :departureTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Departure Time (e.g., for a Service Journey in a Timing Point)"@en ; rdfs:label "departure Time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#distanceFromStart :distanceFromStart rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:float ; rdfs:comment "For a Point in a Link Sequence (or alike), this property represents the distance from the start of the corresponding Journey Pattern or alike."@en ; rdfs:label "distance from start"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#firstDayOffset :firstDayOffset rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:range xsd:integer ; rdfs:comment "offset of end time date from start time. In TransModel, there is only a day offset specified."@en ; rdfs:label "first day offset"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#firstDepartureTime :firstDepartureTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Time of the first departure in a Journey Frequency Group"@en ; rdfs:label "first departure time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#forAlighting :forAlighting rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether the stop may be used for alighting"@en ; rdfs:label "for Alighting"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#forBoarding :forBoarding rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether the stop may be used for boarding"@en ; rdfs:label "for Boarding"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#headway :headway rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern , :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTimeStamp ; rdfs:label "headway"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#holidayType-old :holidayType-old rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :OperatingPeriod ; rdfs:comment "TODO: In journeys/daytype-properties there is the top concept holiday-type which must be the skos:Concept range of this property"@en , "TODO: It is also a property of PropertyOfDay"@en , "This propery defines the type of holiday of the Operating Period"@en ; rdfs:label "holiday Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#isAvailable :isAvailable rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :DayTypeAssignment ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property says if a Day Type Assignment is available or not"@en ; rdfs:label "is Available"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#isFlexible :isFlexible rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property is associated to a Stop Point in Journey Pattern to represent whether it is a flexible stop or not"@en ; rdfs:label "is flexible"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#isServiceDay :isServiceDay rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :OrganisationDayType ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:label "Property that indicates whether a Transport Service is required for an Organisation on this Day Type."@en , "is service day"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#isWaitPoint :isWaitPoint rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdf:type owl:FunctionalProperty ; rdfs:domain :TimingPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether a Timing Point is a wait point"@en ; rdfs:label "is Wait Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#lastDayOffset :lastDayOffset rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:range xsd:integer ; rdfs:comment "Offset of end time date from start time. In TransModel, there is only a day offset specified."@en ; rdfs:label "last day offset"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#lastDepartureTime :lastDepartureTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :JourneyFrequencyGroup ; rdfs:range xsd:time ; rdfs:comment "Time of the last departure in a Journey Frequency Group"@en ; rdfs:label "last departure time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#layover :layover rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern , :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTimeStamp ; rdfs:label "layover"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#lineName :lineName rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Line-old ; rdfs:range rdfs:Literal ; rdfs:label "lineName"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#lineNumber :lineNumber rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :Line-old ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:label "lineNumber"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#maximumHeadwayInterval :maximumHeadwayInterval rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :HeadwayInterval ; rdfs:range xsd:duration ; rdfs:comment "Maximum headway interval for a Headway Interval of a Headway Journey Group."@en ; rdfs:label "maximum headway interval"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#minimumHeadwayInterval :minimumHeadwayInterval rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :HeadwayInterval ; rdfs:range xsd:duration ; rdfs:comment "Minimum headway interval for a Headway Interval of a Headway Journey Group."@en ; rdfs:label "minimum headway interval"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#monitored :monitored rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :Journey ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property defines whether the journey is monitored or not"@en ; rdfs:label "monitored"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#order :order rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:comment "Order of a Point in Link Sequence, or in a Point on Route within sequence, or in any other type of situation where the order or points are relevant"@en ; rdfs:label "order"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#requestStop :requestStop rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf owl:topDataProperty ; rdfs:domain :StopPointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property allows describing whether the stop is a Request Stop"@en ; rdfs:label "request Stop"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#runtime :runtime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern , :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:label "runtime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#scheduledHeadwayInterval :scheduledHeadwayInterval rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :HeadwayInterval ; rdfs:range xsd:duration ; rdfs:comment "Scheduled headway interval for a Headway Interval of a Headway Journey Group."@en ; rdfs:label "scheduled headway interval"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#startTime :startTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; rdfs:label "startTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#time :time rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPatternLayover , :TimingPoint , :VehicleJourneyLayover ; rdfs:range xsd:dateTimeStamp ; rdfs:label "time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#timeLink :timeLink rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :TimingPoint ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; rdfs:comment "Sequences of TimePoints"@en ; rdfs:label "timeLink"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#timingLinkInJourneyPattern :timingLinkInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#timingLinkPointSequence :timingLinkPointSequence rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :TimingPoint ; rdfs:range xsd:nonNegativeInteger . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#viaFlag :viaFlag rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:domain :RoutePoint ; rdfs:range xsd:boolean ; rdfs:comment "This property detemines whether a Route Point is flagged as a via point"@en ; rdfs:label "via flag"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#waitTime :waitTime rdf:type owl:DatatypeProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf :DATA-PROPERTIES-TO-REVIEW ; rdfs:domain :JourneyPattern , :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:range xsd:string ; rdfs:label "waitTime"@en . ################################################################# # Classes ################################################################# ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#Concept rdf:type owl:Class . ### http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#ConceptScheme rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/commons#Presentation rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#AccessibilityAssessment rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:label "Accessibility Assessment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#BoardingPosition rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#JourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#Quay rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#ServiceFacilitySet rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :madeUsing ; owl:allValuesFrom ] ; rdfs:label "Service Facility Set"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#StopPlace rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/facilities#VehicleType rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A classification of public transport vehicles according to the vehicle scheduling requirements in mode and capacity (e.g. standard bus, double-deck, ...)."@en ; rdfs:label "Vehicle Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Access :Access rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment """The physical spatial possibility for a passenger to access or leave the public transport system. The link may be used during a Trip for: - The walking movement of the Passenger from a Place (Origin of the Trip) to a ScheduledStopPoint (origin of the Public Transport Trip). - The walking movement of the Passenger from a Scheduled Stop Point (destination of the Public Transport Trip) to a Place (destination of the Trip)"""@en ; rdfs:label "TypeOfAccess"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#AccessMode :AccessMode rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A characterisation of the passenger movement according to the means of transport different from public transport: walking, own bike,"@en ; rdfs:label "AccessMode"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#AccessZone :AccessZone rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A Zone for which the duration to cover any Access link to a particular ScheduledStopPoint is the same"@en ; rdfs:label "AccessZone"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ActivationPoint :ActivationPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point ; rdfs:comment "A Point where a control process is activated when a vehicle passes it. Equipment may be needed for the activation."@en , "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Activation Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Address :Address rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The descriptive data associated with a Place that can be used to describe the unique geographical context of a Place for the purposes of identifying. May be refined as either a Road Address, a Postal Address or both."@en ; rdfs:label "Address"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#AddressablePlace :AddressablePlace rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Place ; rdfs:comment "A type of Place to which Passengers may refer to indicate the origin or a destination of a trip and that is so specific that it has an Address."@en ; rdfs:label "AddressablePlace"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#AllowedLineDirections :AllowedLineDirections rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "An allowed direction that can be used on a given Route. This can be used to validate the selection of allowed values"@en ; rdfs:label "AllowedLineDirections"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#BeaconPoint :BeaconPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point ; rdfs:comment "A Point where a beacon or similar device to support the automatic detection of Vehicles passing by is located"@en ; rdfs:label "BeaconPoint"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Block :Block rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "The work of a vehicle from the time it leaves a Parking Point after parking until its next return to park at a Parking Point. Any subsequent departure from a Parking Point after parking marks the start of a new Block. The period of a Block must be covered by Duties."@en ; rdfs:label "Block"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#BlockPart :BlockPart rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "Part of a Block corresponding to the different JourneyPart of the VehicleJourney in a Block"@en ; rdfs:label "BlockPart"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#BoardingPosition :BoardingPosition rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A location within a Quay from which Passenger may directly board, or onto which passengers may directly alight from a Vehicle"@en ; rdfs:label "Boarding Position"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#CompoundBlock :CompoundBlock rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The work of a vehicle during the time it is coupled to anohter vehicle"@en ; rdfs:label "CompoundBlock"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Connection :Connection rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The physical (spatial) possibility for a Passenger to change from one public transport vehicle to another to continue the trip, determined by two ScheduledStopPoint. Different times may be necessary to cover the link between these points, depending the kind of Passenger"@en ; rdfs:label "Connection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#CoupledJourney :CoupledJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A complete journey operated by a coupled train, composed of two or more Vehicle Journeys remaining coupled together all along a Journey Pattern. A Coupled Journey may be viewed as a single VehicleJourney."@en ; rdfs:label "CoupledJourney"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#CourseOfJourneys :CourseOfJourneys rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A part of a Block composed of consecutive VehicleJourneys defined for the same DayType, all operated on the same Line."@en ; rdfs:label "CourseOfJourneys"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DatedBlock :DatedBlock rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Block ; rdfs:comment "The work of a Vehicle on a particular Operating Day from the time it leaves a Parking Point after parking until its next return to park at a Parking Point"@en ; rdfs:label "DatedBlock"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DatedVehicleJourney :DatedVehicleJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A particular Journey of a Vehicle on a particular OperatingDay including all modifications possibly decided by the control staff"@en ; rdfs:label "Dated Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DayType :DayType rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :describedBy ; owl:allValuesFrom :PropertyOfDay ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :specifying ; owl:allValuesFrom :DayType ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :season ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ] ; rdfs:comment "A Day Type is a type of day characterised by one or more properties which affect public transport operation"@en ; rdfs:label "Day Type"@en , "TODO: Check season and complete with other properties"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DayTypeAssignment :DayTypeAssignment rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :operatingPeriod ; owl:allValuesFrom :OperatingPeriod ] ; rdfs:comment "The assignment of operational characteristics, expressed by Day Type to particular Operating Day within a Service Calendar"@en ; rdfs:label "Day Type Assignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DeadRun :DeadRun rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A non-service VehicleJourney"@en ; rdfs:label "Dead Run"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DeadRunPattern :DeadRunPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "A JourneyPattern to be used for DeadRun"@en ; rdfs:label "DeadRunPattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultConnection :DefaultConnection rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Connection ; rdfs:comment "The physical (spatial) possibility for a Passenger to change from one public transport Vehicle to another to continue the Trip. It specifies default times to be used to change from one mode of transport to another at an area or national level as specified by a TopographicPlace, Stop Area or SiteElement. It may be restricted to a specific Mode or Operator oe only apply in a particular direction of transfer, e.g. bus to rail may have a different time for rail to bus."@en ; rdfs:label "DefaultConnection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultDeadRunRunTime :DefaultDeadRunRunTime rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:label "DefaultDeadRunRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultInterchange :DefaultInterchange rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A quality parameter fixing the acceptable duration (standard and maximum) for an Interchage to be planned between two ScheduledStopPoint. this parameter will be used to control whether any two VehicleJourney serving those Points may be in connection."@en ; rdfs:label "DefaultInterchange"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime :DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The default time taken by a Vehicle to traverse a TimingLink during a ServiceJourney, for a specified TimeDemandType. This time may be superseded by the JourneyPatternRunTime or VehicleJourneyRunTime if these exist"@en ; rdfs:label "DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DestinationDisplay :DestinationDisplay rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "An advertised destination of a specific Journey Pattern usually displayed on a headsign or other on-board locations"@en ; rdfs:label "Destination Display"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DestinationDisplayVariant :DestinationDisplayVariant rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :DestinationDisplay ; rdfs:comment "An advertised destination of a specific Journey Pattern, usually displayed on a headsign (Heading Sign) or at other on-board locations"@en ; rdfs:label "Destination Display Variant"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DynamicStopAssignment :DynamicStopAssignment rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PassengerStopAssignment , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :overriding ; owl:allValuesFrom :PassengerStopAssignment ] ; rdfs:comment "The dynamic association of a Scheduled Stop Point with the next available Stop Place, Quay or Boarding Position within a Stop Place."@en ; rdfs:label "Dynamic Stop Assignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FareDayType :FareDayType rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :DayType ; rdfs:comment "A type of day used in the fare collection domain, characterised by one or more properties which affect the definition of access rights and prices in the fare system."@en , "TODO: Add information on the relationship with PricingParameterSet"@en ; rdfs:label "Fare Day Type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FarePointInJourneyPattern :FarePointInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PointInJourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Add all relevant properties here"@en , "TODO: This should be probably moved to the Fares module, unless we make a link from that fares module into this one."@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FlexibleLine :FlexibleLine rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Line-old ; rdfs:comment "Specialisation of Line for FlexibleService. As all the service on a Line may not be flexible, flexibility itself is described at JourneyPattern level, meaning that a separate JourneyPattern is needed for each type of flexibility available for the Line"@en ; rdfs:label "FlexibleLine"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FlexiblePoint :FlexiblePoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point ; rdfs:comment "A specialisation of Point for Flexible Service"@en ; rdfs:label "Flexible Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FlexibleRoute :FlexibleRoute rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "Specialisation of Route for FlexibleService. May include both Point and Zonal areas and ordered and unordered sections."@en ; rdfs:label "FlexibleRoute"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#GaragePoint :GaragePoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :ParkingPoint ; rdfs:comment "A subtype of Parking Point located in a Garage."@en , "TODO: Complete all properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Garage Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#GroupOfTimingLinks :GroupOfTimingLinks rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A set of TimingLinks grouped together according to the similarity of TimeBand which are relevant to them. There may be a GroupOfTimingLinks which covers all TimingLinks, for use when different GroupOfTimingLinks are not needed"@en ; rdfs:label "GroupOfTimingLink"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#HeadwayInterval :HeadwayInterval rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :maximumHeadwayInterval ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:duration ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :minimumHeadwayInterval ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:duration ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :scheduledHeadwayInterval ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:duration ] ; rdfs:comment "A time interval or a duration defining a headway period and characterizing Headway Journey Groups (e.g. every 10 min, every 4-6 min)."@en ; rdfs:label "Headway Interval"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#HeadwayJourneyGroup :HeadwayJourneyGroup rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :JourneyFrequencyGroup , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :determinedBy ; owl:allValuesFrom :HeadwayInterval ] ; rdfs:comment "A group of Vehicle Journeys following the same Journey Pattern having the same Headway Interval between a specified start and end time (for example, every 10 min). This is especially useful for passenger information."@en , "TODO Define the TimeBand class that is describing the time band for this type of journey group, and hence can be related to this class or to its superclass."@en , "TODO: Include the class Time Demand Type, which is used to specify traffic conditions or other factors which may affect vehicle run or wait times, and relate it to this class"@en ; rdfs:label "Headway Journey Group"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#InfrastructurePoint :InfrastructurePoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point ; rdfs:comment "A super-type including all Points of the physical network (e.g. Railway Junction)."@en , "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Infrastructure Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Journey :Journey rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "Common properties of Vehicle Journey and Special Service, e.g. their link to accounting characteristics"@en ; rdfs:label "Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyFrequencyGroup :JourneyFrequencyGroup rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :composedOf ; owl:allValuesFrom :VehicleJourney ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :firstDayOffset ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:int ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :firstDepartureTime ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :lastDayOffset ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:int ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :lastDepartureTime ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] ; rdfs:comment "A group of Journeys defined in order to describe special behaviour like frequency based services or rhythmical services (e.g., runs all xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45). This is especially useful for passenger information)."@en ; rdfs:label "Journey Frequency Group"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyPart :JourneyPart rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A part of a VehicleJourney created according to a specific functional purpose, for instance in situations when Vehicle coupling or separating occurrs"@en ; rdfs:label "JourneyPart"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyPartCouple :JourneyPartCouple rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "Two JourneyParts of different VehicleJourneys served simultaneously by a train set up by coupling their single Vehicles"@en ; rdfs:label "JourneyPartCouple"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyPattern :JourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :LinkSequence , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :primarilyAdvertisedWith ; owl:allValuesFrom :DestinationDisplay ] ; rdfs:comment "An ordered list of Scheduled Stop Points and Timing Points on a single Route, describing the pattern of working for public transport vehicles. A Journey Pattern may pass through the same Point more than once. The first Point of a Journey Pattern is the origin. The last Point is the destination."@en ; rdfs:label "Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyPatternLayover :JourneyPatternLayover rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A JourneyPatternLayover is the time allowance at the end of each journey on a specified JourneyPattern to allow for delays and for other purposes. This layover supersedes any global layover and may be superseded by a specific VehicleJourneyLayover"@en ; rdfs:label "JourneyPatternLayover"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#JourneyPatternRunTime :JourneyPatternRunTime rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The time taken to traverse a TimingLink in a particular JourneyPattern, for a specified TimeDemandType. If it exists, it will override the DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime and DefaultDeadRunRunTime"@en ; rdfs:label "JourneyPatternRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Line :Line rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :presentedBy ; owl:allValuesFrom ] ; rdfs:comment "A Line is a group of Routes which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number."@en ; rdfs:label "Line"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Line-old :Line-old rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A Line is a group of Route which is generally known to the public by a similar name or number."@en ; rdfs:label "Line-old"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#LinkSequence :LinkSequence rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :madeUpOf ; owl:allValuesFrom :PointInLinkSequence ] ; rdfs:comment "An ordered sequence either of POINTs or of LINKs, defining a path through the network"@en , "TODO: Add all the attributes that are relevant to this class"@en , "TODO: Analyse whether this class should be better defined in the Commons module"@en ; rdfs:label "Link Sequence"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#MeanOfTransport :MeanOfTransport rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "Any Mode of Transport"@en ; rdfs:label "ModeOfTransport"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#MonitoredVehicleJourney :MonitoredVehicleJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A VehicleJourney that is run under real-time tracking system and so for which real-time observations and predictions and other data are available"@en ; rdfs:label "Monitored Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OperatingDay :OperatingDay rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A day of public transport operation of which the characteristics are defined within in a specific ServiceCalendar. An OperatingDay may last more than 24 hours."@en ; rdfs:label "Operating Day"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OperatingPeriod :OperatingPeriod rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :endingAt ; owl:allValuesFrom :OperatingDay ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :startingAt ; owl:allValuesFrom :OperatingDay ] ; rdfs:comment "A continuous interval of time between two Operating Day which will be used to define validities"@en ; rdfs:label "Operating Period"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OrganisationDayType :OrganisationDayType rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :DayType , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :isServiceDay ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:boolean ] ; rdfs:comment "Day Type that is defined in terms of operation or not operation of a referenced Serviced Organisation."@en ; rdfs:label "Organisation Day Type"@en , "TODO: Add constraint: :forServicedOrganisation only tmorg:ServicedOrganisation"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ParkingPoint :ParkingPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :ReliefPoint , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :endOfBlock ; owl:allValuesFrom :Block ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :startOfBlock ; owl:allValuesFrom :Block ] ; rdfs:comment "A Parking Point where Vehicles may stay unattended for a long time. A vehicle's return to the Parking Point marks the end of a Block"@en ; rdfs:label "Parking Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PassengerStopAssignment :PassengerStopAssignment rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :StopAssignment ; rdfs:comment "The allocation of a Scheduled Stop Point to a specific Stop Place for a Service Journey, and also possibly a Quay and Boarding Position"@en ; rdfs:label "Passenger Stop Assignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Place :Place rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A geographic Place of any type which may be specified as the origin or destination of a Trip. A Place may be represented as a Point (dimension 0), a Road section (dimension 1) or a Zone (dimension 2)"@en ; rdfs:label "Place"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Point :Point rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :aViewOf ; owl:allValuesFrom :PointInLinkSequence ] ; rdfs:comment "A Point is a 0-dimensional Node of the Network used for the spatial description of the network. Point may be located by a Location"@en , "TODO: Make it in that ontology a subclass of the W3C Geo Point"@en , "TODO: Move this concept to Commons"@en ; rdfs:label "Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PointInJourneyPattern :PointInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PointInLinkSequence , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :passesAt ; owl:allValuesFrom :TimetabledPassingTime ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :prescribing ; owl:allValuesFrom :DestinationDisplay ] ; rdfs:comment "A Scheduled Stop Point OR Timing Point in a Journey Pattern with its order in that Journey Pattern"@en ; rdfs:label "Point In Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PointInLinkSequence :PointInLinkSequence rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :inLinkSequence ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :LinkSequence ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :viewedAs ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :Point ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :distanceFromStart ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:float ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :order ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:nonNegativeInteger ] ; rdfs:comment "A point in a Link Sequence indicating its order in that particular Link Sequence"@en , "TODO: TransModel defines that a Point in Link Sequence is connected to a Layer, but this is not considered relevant yet"@en ; rdfs:label "Point In Link Sequence"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PointOnRoute :PointOnRoute rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PointInLinkSequence , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:allValuesFrom :Route ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :inLinkSequence ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :Route ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :viewedAs ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :RoutePoint ] ; rdfs:comment "A Route Point used to define a Route with its order on that Route."@en ; rdfs:label "Point on Route"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PostalAddress :PostalAddress rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Address ; rdfs:comment "A specification of Address refining it by using the attributes used for conventional identification for mail. Comprises variously a building identifier, Streeet name, Post Code and other descriptions."@en , "PostalAddress"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PropertyOfDay :PropertyOfDay rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :definedAs ; owl:allValuesFrom [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ] ; rdfs:comment "A property which a day may possess, such as school holiday, weekday, summer, winter, etc."@en ; rdfs:label "Property Of Day"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RailwayJunction :RailwayJunction rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :InfrastructurePoint ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Railway Junction"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ReliefPoint :ReliefPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TimingPoint ; rdfs:comment "A Timing Point where a relief is possible, i.e. a driver may take on or hand over a vehicle. The vehicle may sometimes be left unattended."@en , "TODO: Complete all properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Relief Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RhythmicalJourneyGroup :RhythmicalJourneyGroup rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :JourneyFrequencyGroup , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :defines ; owl:allValuesFrom :TemplateVehicleJourney ] ; rdfs:comment "A group of Vehicle Journeys following the same Journey Pattern having the same \"rhythm\" every hour (for example runs at xxh10, xxh25 and xxh45... ) between a specified start and end time."@en , "TODO Define the TimeBand class that is describing the time band for this type of journey group, and hence can be related to this class or to its superclass."@en ; rdfs:label "Rhythmical Journey Group"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RoadAddress :RoadAddress rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Address ; rdfs:comment "Specialisation of Address refining it by using the characteristics such as road number and mname use for conventional inidentification of along a road"@en ; rdfs:label "RoadAddress"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RoadJunction :RoadJunction rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :InfrastructurePoint ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Road Junction"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Route :Route rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :LinkSequence ; rdfs:comment "A Route is and ordered list of located Points defining one single path through the road (or rail) network."@en ; rdfs:label "Route"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RoutePoint :RoutePoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :viaFlag ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] ; rdfs:comment "A Point used to define the shape of a Route through the network."@en ; rdfs:label "Route Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ScheduledStopPoint :ScheduledStopPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :aViewOf ; owl:allValuesFrom :StopPointInJourneyPattern ] ; rdfs:comment "A Scheduled Stop Point is a Point where a Passenger can board or alight from a Vehicle."@en ; rdfs:label "Scheduled Stop Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ServiceCalendar :ServiceCalendar rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:label "ServiceCalendar"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ServiceJourney :ServiceJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :directionType_old ; owl:allValuesFrom [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :madeUsing ; owl:allValuesFrom ] ; rdfs:comment "A Service Journey is a passenger-carrying Vehicle Journey for one specified Day Type. The pattern of working is in principle defined by a Service Journey Pattern."@en , "TODO: Add object properties to relate the Service Journey to other classes such as Service Journey Interchange, PT Ride Leg, Check constraint and flexible Service properties, and Vehicle Type"@en , "TODO: Add properties for Dynamic, Print and ServiceAlteration (as per the TransModel model)"@en ; rdfs:label "Service Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ServiceJourneyPattern :ServiceJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :JourneyPattern ; rdfs:comment "The Journey Pattern for (a Passenger carrying) Service Journeys"@en ; rdfs:label "Service Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#StopArea :StopArea rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A group of Scheduled Stop Points close to each other"@en ; rdfs:label "Stop Area"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#StopAssignment :StopAssignment rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :for ; owl:allValuesFrom [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( :ScheduledStopPoint ) ] ] ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Add more subclasses of this class, such as TrainStopAssignment, FlexibleStopAssignment, VehicleTypeStopAssignment or NavigationPathAssignment"@en , "The allocation of a Scheduled Stop Point (i.e. a Scheduled Stop Point of a Service Pattern or Journey Pattner) to a specific Stop Place, for either a Service Journey or Vehicle Service."@en ; rdfs:label "Stop Assignment"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#StopPointInJourneyPattern :StopPointInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PointInJourneyPattern , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :inLinkSequence ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :JourneyPattern ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :viewedAs ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :ScheduledStopPoint ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :stopUse ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass [ owl:intersectionOf ( [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:hasValue ] ) ; rdf:type owl:Class ] ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :changeOfDestinationDisplay ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :changeOfServiceRequirements ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :forAlighting ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :forBoarding ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :isFlexible ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :requestStop ; owl:maxQualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onDataRange xsd:boolean ] ; rdfs:comment "A Point in Journey Pattern that is a Scheduled Stop Point"@en , "TODO: determine whether we need to add a property isFlexible in order to describe whether the stop has some flexilbility in the type of drop-off/pick-up, etc."@en ; rdfs:label "Stop Point In Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TOREVIEWCLASSES :TOREVIEWCLASSES rdf:type owl:Class . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TemplateServiceJourney :TemplateServiceJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :ServiceJourney , :TemplateVehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "A passenger-carrying Template Vehicle Journey. It may represent multiple journeys."@en ; rdfs:label "Template Service Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TemplateVehicleJourney :TemplateVehicleJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :isDefinedBy ; owl:allValuesFrom :RhythmicalJourneyGroup ] ; rdfs:comment "A repeating Vehicle Journey for which a frequency has been specified, either as a Headway Journey Group (e.g. every 20 minutes) or a Rhythmical Journey Group (e.g. at 15, 27 and 40 minutes past the hour). It may thus represent multiple journeys."@en ; rdfs:label "Template Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimeBand :TimeBand rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A period in a day, significant for some aspect of public transport, e.g. similar traffic conditions or fare category"@en ; rdfs:label "TimeBand"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimeDemandType :TimeDemandType rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "An indicator of traffic conditions or other factors which may affect Vehicle Run or Wait times. It may be entered directly by the scheduler or defined by the use of TimeBands."@en ; rdfs:label "TimeDemandType"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimetabledPassingTime :TimetabledPassingTime rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :passesAt ; owl:allValuesFrom :PointInJourneyPattern ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :arrivalDayOffset ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :arrivalTime ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :departureDayOffset ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :departureTime ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:time ] ; rdfs:comment "Long-term planned time data concerning public transport Vehicles passing a particular POINT IN JOURNEY PATTERN on a specified VEHICLE JOURNEY for a certain DAY TYPE."@en ; rdfs:label "Timetabled Passing Time"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimetabledVehicleJourney :TimetabledVehicleJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :VehicleJourney ; rdfs:comment "The planned movement of a Public Transport Vehicle on a Day Type from the start point to the end point of a Journey Pattern on a specified Route."@en ; rdfs:label "Timetabled Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimingLink :TimingLink rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment """A TimingLink is an ordered pair of TimingPoint for which run times may be recorded."""@en ; rdfs:label "TimingLink"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimingLinkInJourneyPattern :TimingLinkInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment """A TimingLinkInJourneyPattern is the position of a TimingLink in a JourneyPattern. This entity is needed if a TimingLink is repeated in the same JourneyPattern, and separate information is to be stored about each iteration of the TimingLink"""@en ; rdfs:label "TimingLinkInJourneyPattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimingPoint :TimingPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :aViewOf ; owl:allValuesFrom :TimingPointInJourneyPattern ] ; rdfs:comment """A Timing Point is a Point against which the timing information necessary to build schedules may be recorded. It's the same as Timing Point In Journey Pattern"""@en ; rdfs:label "Timing Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TimingPointInJourneyPattern :TimingPointInJourneyPattern rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :PointInJourneyPattern , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :viewedAs ; owl:qualifiedCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger ; owl:onClass :TimingPoint ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :isWaitPoint ; owl:allValuesFrom xsd:boolean ] ; rdfs:comment "A Point in a Journey Pattern which is a Timing Point"@en ; rdfs:label "Timing Point In Journey Pattern"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TopographicPlace :TopographicPlace rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Place ; rdfs:comment "A type of Place providing the topographical context when searching for or presenting travel information, for example as the origin or destination of a trip. It may be of any size (e.g. County, City, Town, Village) and of different specificity (e.g. Greater London, London, West End, Westimenster, St James)"@en ; rdfs:label "TopographicPlace"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#TrafficControlPoint :TrafficControlPoint rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Point ; rdfs:comment "A Point where the traffic flow can be influenced. Examples are: traffic lights (lanterns), barriers."@en , "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Traffic Control Point"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Trip :Trip rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "According to the definition of GTFS for Trip the VehicleJourney's Transmodel definition would fit better"@en , "In Transmodel is the physical spatial possibility for a passenger to travel from a Place (located Point) origin of the Trip to another place (located Point) destination of the Trip."@en ; rdfs:label "Trip"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Vehicle :Vehicle rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "A PublicTransportVehicle used for carrying Passengers"@en ; rdfs:label "Vehicle"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#VehicleJourney :VehicleJourney rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :Journey , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty ; owl:allValuesFrom :Block ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :passesAt ; owl:allValuesFrom :TimetabledPassingTime ] , [ rdf:type owl:Restriction ; owl:onProperty :runsOn ; owl:allValuesFrom :JourneyFrequencyGroup ] ; rdfs:comment """A Vehicle Journey is the journey made by the Vehicle. A Service Journey is made of Vehicle Journeys Within VehicleJourney there are several types: - Timetabled Vehicle Journey in a general timetable that will run on a specific time on a Day Type throughout the period of applicability of the schedule. - Dated Vehicle Journey, a specific Vehicle Journey that runs on a spcific calendar date; - Monitored Vehicle Journey, a Vehicle Journey run under real-time tracking system and so for which real-time observations and predictions and other data are available. - Dead Run, a Vehicle Journey without service"""@en ; rdfs:label "Vehicle Journey"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#VehicleJourneyLayover :VehicleJourneyLayover rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:label "VehicleJourneyLayover"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#VehicleJourneyRunTime :VehicleJourneyRunTime rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :TOREVIEWCLASSES ; rdfs:comment "The time taken to traverse a specified TimingLinkInJourneyPattern on a specified VehicleJourney. This gives the most detailed control over times and overrides the DefaultServiceJourneyRunTime and JourneyPatternRunTime and the DefaultDeadRunRunTime"@en ; rdfs:label "VehicleJourneyRunTime"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#VehicleMode :VehicleMode rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A characterisation of the public transport operation according to the means of transport (bus, tram, metro, train, ferry, ship)."@en ; rdfs:label "Vehicle Mode"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#WireJunction :WireJunction rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf :InfrastructurePoint ; rdfs:comment "TODO: Complete with all relevant properties"@en ; rdfs:label "Wire Junction"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/organisations#Operator rdf:type owl:Class ; rdfs:comment "A company providing Public Transport Services. In GTFS, this is represented as a TransitAgency"@en , "The class comes from tm-organisations.owl"@en ; rdfs:label "Operator"@es . ################################################################# # Individuals ################################################################# ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#BothDirections :BothDirections rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :AllowedLineDirections ; rdfs:label "BothDirections"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Bus :Bus rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Bus"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#CableCar :CableCar rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "CableCar"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#CorridorService :CorridorService rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "CorridorService"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultInterchangeMaximum :DefaultInterchangeMaximum rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :DefaultInterchange ; rdfs:label "DefaultInterchangeStandard"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#DefaultInterchangeStandard :DefaultInterchangeStandard rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :DefaultInterchange ; rdfs:label "DefaultInterchangeMaximum"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Ferry :Ferry rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Ferry"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FixedStopAreaWideFlexibleService :FixedStopAreaWideFlexibleService rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "FixedStopAreaWideFlexibleService"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FlexibleServiceWithMainRoute :FlexibleServiceWithMainRoute rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "FlexibleServiceWithMainRoute"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FreeAreaWideFlexibleService :FreeAreaWideFlexibleService rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "FreeAreaWideFlexibleService"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Friday :Friday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Friday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FromOriginToSSP :FromOriginToSSP rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Access . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#FromSSPtoDestination :FromSSPtoDestination rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :Access . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Funicular :Funicular rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Funicular"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Gondola :Gondola rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Gondola"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Metro :Metro rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Metro"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#MixedTypeOfFlexibleAndRegularServices :MixedTypeOfFlexibleAndRegularServices rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "MixedTypeOfFlexibleAndRegularServices"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#MixedTypesOfFlexibleService :MixedTypesOfFlexibleService rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "MixedTypesOfFlexibleService"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Monday :Monday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Monday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OneDirection :OneDirection rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :AllowedLineDirections ; rdfs:label "OneDirection"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OtherDirections :OtherDirections rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :AllowedLineDirections ; rdfs:label "OtherDirections"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#OutboundRoute :OutboundRoute rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Outbound"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#PrivateBike :PrivateBike rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :AccessMode . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Rail :Rail rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Rail"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#ReturnRoute :ReturnRoute rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "ReturnRoute"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#RoundTrip :RoundTrip rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "RoundTrip"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Saturday :Saturday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Saturday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Sunday :Sunday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Sunday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Thursday :Thursday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Thursday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Tram :Tram rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :MeanOfTransport ; rdfs:label "Tram"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Tuesday :Tuesday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Tuesday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Walking :Walking rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , :AccessMode . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#Wednesday :Wednesday rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "Wednesday"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#WeekdayInSchoolHolidays :WeekdayInSchoolHolidays rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "WeekdayInSchoolHolidays"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/journeys#virtualLineService :virtualLineService rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ; rdfs:label "VirtualLineService"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/commons/all-modes rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/day-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of datatype properties that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en , "TODO: determine whether there may be split into serveral kos or not"@en ; rdfs:label "day type"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/direction-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme for types of directions (inbound, outbound, clockwise, anticlockwise)"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/entrance-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of entrance types that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/interchange-weighting-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of interchange weighting types that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/limited-use-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of limited use that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/mobility-limitation rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme for types of mobility limitations"@en ; rdfs:label "mobility-limitation"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/quay-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of quay types that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/stop-place rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme for types of stop place"@en ; rdfs:label "stop-place"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/stop-place-component-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme where all the codelists for the types of stop place component types that are included in the Transmodel ontology"@en . ### https://w3id.org/transmodel/kos/journeys/stop-use-type rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual , ; rdfs:comment "Concept scheme for types of use of stops (e.g., access, interchange only, pass through or non boarding alighting)"@en ; rdfs:label "stop-use-type"@en . _:genid116 :mbox "adolfo.anton.bravo@upm.es"@en ; :name "Adolfo Anton-Bravo"@en . ################################################################# # Annotations ################################################################# :timingLinkInJourneyPattern rdfs:label "timingLinkInJourneyPattern"@en . ### Generated by the OWL API (version 5.1.9) https://github.com/owlcs/owlapi/