//2-2022 //by oepi-loepi import QtQuick 2.1 import qb.components 1.0 import qb.base 1.0; import BxtClient 1.0 import ThermostatUtils 1.0 import FileIO 1.0 App { id: pumpSwitchApp property bool debugOutput: true property url tileUrl : "PumpSwitchTile.qml" property PumpSwitchTile pumpSwitchTile property url pumpSwitchConfigScreenUrl : "PumpSwitchConfigScreen.qml" property PumpSwitchConfigScreen pumpSwitchConfigScreen property url pumpSwitchScreenUrl : "PumpSwitchScreen.qml" property PumpSwitchScreen pumpSwitchScreen property url thumbnailIcon: "qrc:/tsc/refresh.png" property string thermostatUuid property string smartplugUuid property string pwrUsageUuid property string pumpStatus : "Auto" property bool tasmotaHasPower: false property bool pumpError: false property bool runPump: false property var lastCurrentUsage: 0.00 property bool manualOn: false property bool manualOff: false property bool automaticMode: true property bool timerRunning: false property int oldPumpstatus: -1 property int pumpInterval: 24 // hours property int runDuration: 10 // mins property int offDelay: 5 // mins property string nextSwitchTime property int lastOffTimeUnix:0 property int lastOnTimeUnix:0 property int savedMinutes:0 property var savedEuros :0.00 property var priceKWH :0.23 property string switchIP: "" property bool tasmotaMode: true property string selecteddeviceuuid : "aaaaaaa-aaaa-1111-2222-ccccccc" property string selecteddevicename : "pump switch" property string selectedtasmotaIP : "" property bool firstStart: true property variant billingInfos: ({}) property variant thermInfo : { 'currentTemp': 0, 'currentSetpoint': 0, 'currentDisplayTemp': 0, 'realSetpoint': 0, 'programState': 0, 'setByLoadShifting': 0, 'activeState': 0, 'nextProgram': 0, 'nextState': 0, 'nextTime': 0, 'nextSetpoint': 0, 'randomConfigId': 0, 'errorFound': 0, 'hasBoilerFault': 0, 'boilerModuleConnected': 0, 'zwaveOthermConnected' : 0, 'burnerInfo': 0, 'preheating': 0, 'otCommError': 0, 'currentModulationLevel': 0, 'haveOTBoiler': 0, 'maxPreheatTime': 0 } property variant deviceStatusInfo : { 'DevUUID': "", 'Name': "", 'CurrentUsage': 0, 'DayUsage': 0, 'AvgUsage': 0, 'CurrentState': 0, 'IsConnected': 0, 'NetworkHealthState': 0 } signal pumpUpdated property variant pumpSwitchSettingsJson : { 'tasmotaMode': "", 'pumpInterval': "", 'runDuration': "", 'offDelay': "", 'selectedtasmotaIP': "", 'selecteddevicename': "", 'selecteddeviceuuid': "" } FileIO { id: pumpSwitchSettingsFile source: "file:///mnt/data/tsc/pumpSwitch_userSettings.json" } FileIO { id: pumpSwitchSavings source: "file:///mnt/data/tsc/appData/pumpSwitch_savings.txt" } Component.onCompleted: { try { pumpSwitchSettingsJson = JSON.parse(pumpSwitchSettingsFile.read()) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch pumpSwitchSettingsJson : " + pumpSwitchSettingsJson) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch loading settings" ) var tasmotaModeTXT= pumpSwitchSettingsJson['tasmotaMode'] if (tasmotaModeTXT == 'Tasmota'){ tasmotaMode = true }else{ tasmotaMode = false } offDelay = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['offDelay'] runDuration = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['runDuration'] pumpInterval = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['pumpInterval'] selectedtasmotaIP = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['selectedtasmotaIP'] selecteddevicename = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['selecteddevicename'] selecteddeviceuuid = pumpSwitchSettingsJson['selecteddeviceuuid'] if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch selecteddeviceuuid : " + selecteddeviceuuid) } catch(e) { } try { var pumpSwitchSavingsJson = JSON.parse(pumpSwitchSavings.read()) savedMinutes = pumpSwitchSavingsJson['savedMinutes'] savedEuros = pumpSwitchSavingsJson['savedEuros'] if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch savedMinutes : " + savedMinutes); if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch savedEuros : " + savedEuros); } catch(e) { } if(firstStart){ intervalTimer.start() timerRunning = true calculateSwitchTime() pumpStatus = "Eerste start" } } function init() { registry.registerWidget("tile", tileUrl, this, "pumpSwitchTile", {thumbLabel: qsTr("pumpSwitch"), thumbIcon: thumbnailIcon, thumbCategory: "general", thumbWeight: 30, baseTileWeight: 10, baseTileSolarWeight: 10, thumbIconVAlignment: "center"}) registry.registerWidget("screen", pumpSwitchConfigScreenUrl, this, "pumpSwitchConfigScreen") registry.registerWidget("screen", pumpSwitchScreenUrl, this, "pumpSwitchScreen") } function parseBillingInfo(msg) { if (msg) { var newBillingInfos = {}; var infoChild = msg.getChild("info", 0); while (infoChild) { var billingInfo = {}; var childChild = infoChild.child; while (childChild) { if (childChild.name === "type" || childChild.name === "error") billingInfo[childChild.name] = childChild.text; else billingInfo[childChild.name] = parseFloat(childChild.text); childChild = childChild.sibling; } billingInfo.haveSJV = billingInfo.error !== "notSet" && billingInfo.usage !== 0; newBillingInfos[billingInfo.type] = billingInfo; infoChild = infoChild.next; } billingInfos = newBillingInfos; if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch JSON.stringify(billingInfos) : " + JSON.stringify(billingInfos)); if (billingInfos.elec.price> 0.05){priceKWH = billingInfos.elec.price} if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch priceKWH : " + priceKWH); } } function setPumpStatusfromThermostat(node) { var tempInfo = thermInfo var tempNode = node.child while (tempNode) { tempInfo[tempNode.name] = parseFloat(tempNode.text) tempNode = tempNode.sibling } thermInfo = tempInfo; if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch thermInfo : " + thermInfo) // burnerInfo 0=off, 1=heat, 2=water, 3=preheat, 4=error var burnerInfo = thermInfo['burnerInfo'] if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch burnerInfo : " + burnerInfo) //When burner is set to on (heating or preheating) use the modulation level as a guide switch (burnerInfo) { case 0: //off if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch runPump requesting off") //if the pump was running because of heating, give some time to switch off the pump and use all heat from the pipes. if ((oldPumpstatus == 1 || oldPumpstatus == 3) & !manualOn & !runTimer.running ){offDelayTimer.running = true;pumpStatus = "Naloop"} if (oldPumpstatus == -1 & !manualOn & !runTimer.running ){setPumpStatus(false);pumpStatus = "Auto uit"} oldPumpstatus = 0 break; case 1: //heating if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch requesting on") if(!manualOff){ pumpStatus = "Auto aan" setPumpStatus(true) oldPumpstatus = 1 } break; case 2: //water break; case 3: //preheating if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch requesting on") if(!manualOff){ pumpStatus = "Auto aan" setPumpStatus(true) oldPumpstatus = 3 } break; case 4: //Error if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch runPump requesting off") if(!runTimer.running){setPumpStatus(false)} oldPumpstatus = 4 pumpStatus = "Fout" break; } } function manualOnClicked() { pumpStatus = "Hand aan" manualOn = true manualOff = false automaticMode = false setPumpStatus(true) } function manualOffClicked() { pumpStatus = "Hand uit" manualOn = false manualOff = true automaticMode = false setPumpStatus(false) } function autoClicked() { if(manualOn){ offDelayTimer.running = true pumpStatus = "Naloop" manualOn = false manualOff = false automaticMode = true } if(manualOff){ pumpStatus = "Auto" manualOn = false manualOff = false automaticMode = true } } function setPumpStatus(pumpFunction) { var url var thishour = new Date() if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch thishour : " + thishour) if(pumpFunction){ //pump switch to on runPump = true intervalTimer.stop() timerRunning = false lastOnTimeUnix = thishour.getTime()/1000 if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch lastOnTimeUnix : " + lastOnTimeUnix) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch lastOffTimeUnix : " + lastOffTimeUnix) savedMinutes = savedMinutes + parseInt((lastOnTimeUnix - lastOffTimeUnix)/60) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch savedMinutes : " + savedMinutes) if(tasmotaMode){ if (tasmotaHasPower) savedEuros = savedEuros + (parseFloat((lastOnTimeUnix - lastOffTimeUnix)/3600) * lastCurrentUsage) * (priceKWH/1000) url = "http://" + selectedtasmotaIP + "/cm?cmnd=Power%20On" var http = new XMLHttpRequest() http.open("GET", url, true); http.send(); }else{ savedEuros = savedEuros + (parseFloat((lastOnTimeUnix - lastOffTimeUnix)/3600) * lastCurrentUsage) * (priceKWH/1000) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch savedEuros : " + savedEuros) var msg = bxtFactory.newBxtMessage(BxtMessage.ACTION_INVOKE, selecteddeviceuuid , "SwitchPower", "SetTarget"); msg.addArgument("NewTargetValue", "1"); bxtClient.sendMsg(msg); bxtClient.sendMsg(msg); // do it twice because sometimes the plug does not respond } }else{ //pump switch to off if (!manualOn){ intervalTimer.restart() timerRunning = true calculateSwitchTime() runPump = false lastOffTimeUnix = thishour.getTime()/1000 if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch lastOffTimeUnix : " + lastOffTimeUnix) if(tasmotaMode){ getTasmotapower() //before switching off get the lastpower url = "http://" + selectedtasmotaIP + "/cm?cmnd=Power%20off" var http = new XMLHttpRequest() http.open("GET", url, true); http.send(); }else{ var msg = bxtFactory.newBxtMessage(BxtMessage.ACTION_INVOKE, selecteddeviceuuid , "SwitchPower", "SetTarget"); msg.addArgument("NewTargetValue", "0"); bxtClient.sendMsg(msg); bxtClient.sendMsg(msg); // do it twice because sometimes the plug does not respond } } } var pumpSwitchSavingsJson = { "savedMinutes" : savedMinutes, "savedEuros" : savedEuros } pumpSwitchSavings.write(JSON.stringify(pumpSwitchSavingsJson)) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch runPump : " + runPump) } BxtDatasetHandler { id: thermstatInfoDsHandler dataset: "thermostatInfo" discoHandler: thermstatDiscoHandler onDatasetUpdate: setPumpStatusfromThermostat(update) } BxtDiscoveryHandler { id: thermstatDiscoHandler deviceType: "happ_thermstat" onDiscoReceived: { thermostatUuid = deviceUuid; } } Timer { id: offDelayTimer //delay after heating is switched off interval: offDelay*60*1000 repeat: false running: false triggeredOnStart: false onTriggered: { pumpStatus = "Auto uit" setPumpStatus(false) } } Timer { id: runTimer //time that the pump is running interval: runDuration*60*1000 //runDuration*60*1000 repeat: false running: false triggeredOnStart: false onTriggered: { if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch stopping pump from time mode : ") setPumpStatus(false) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch stopping runtimer") runTimer.stop() } } Timer { id: intervalTimer //time between running the pump interval: pumpInterval*60*60*1000 //pumpInterval*60*60*1000 repeat: false running: false triggeredOnStart: false onTriggered: { pumpStatus = "Timer aan" if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch runPump switch on after ..hrs standstill : " + runPump) intervalTimer.restart() if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch starting runtimer : ") runTimer.restart() setPumpStatus(true) } } function saveSettings() { var temptasmotaMode = "" if (tasmotaMode){ temptasmotaMode = "Tasmota" }else{ temptasmotaMode = "Fibaro" } var pumpSwitchSettingsJson = { "tasmotaMode" : temptasmotaMode, "offDelay" : offDelay, "runDuration" : runDuration, "pumpInterval" : pumpInterval, "selectedtasmotaIP" : selectedtasmotaIP, "selecteddevicename" : selecteddevicename, "selecteddeviceuuid" : selecteddeviceuuid } pumpSwitchSettingsFile.write(JSON.stringify(pumpSwitchSettingsJson)) calculateSwitchTime() intervalTimer.restart() } function calculateSwitchTime(){ var nextSwitch = new Date(); nextSwitch.setMinutes (nextSwitch.getMinutes() + (60*pumpInterval)); //60*pumpInterval minutes extra var minutes = Qt.formatDateTime(nextSwitch,"mm") if (minutes.length == 1){minutes = "0" + minutes} var hours = Qt.formatDateTime(nextSwitch,"hh") if (hours.length == 1){hours = "0" + hours} nextSwitchTime = parseInt(Qt.formatDateTime(nextSwitch,"dd")) + "-" +parseInt(Qt.formatDateTime(nextSwitch,"MM")) + " " + hours + ":" + minutes if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch nextSwitchTime : " + nextSwitchTime) } function getTasmotapower(){ var http = new XMLHttpRequest() var url = "http://" + switchIP + "/?m=1"; http.open("GET", url, true) http.onreadystatechange = function() { // Call a function when the state changes. if (http.readyState == XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { if (http.status === 200 || http.status === 300 || http.status === 302) { var response = http.responseText if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch response : " + response) if (response.indexOf('Power{m}')>0){ tasmotaHasPower = true var n13 = response.indexOf('Power{m}') + 'Power{m}'.length var n14 = response.indexOf('W{e}',n13) var foundWatts = response.substring(n13, n14).trim() if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch foundWatts : " + foundWatts) lastCurrentUsage = parseFloat(foundWatts); }else{ tasmotaHasPower = false } } } } http.send(); } function parseDeviceStatusInfo(update) { var infoList = deviceStatusInfo; var infoNode = update.getChild("device", 0); while (infoNode && infoNode.name === "device") { var uuidNode = infoNode.getChild("DevUUID"); var device = infoList[uuidNode.text]; if (!device)device = {}; var childNode = infoNode.child; while (childNode) { device[childNode.name] = childNode.text; if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch "+ childNode.name + " : " + childNode.text) childNode = childNode.sibling; } infoList[uuidNode.text] = device; if (uuidNode.text == selecteddeviceuuid){ if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch FOUND: : " + uuidNode.text) deviceStatusInfo = infoList[uuidNode.text] } infoNode = infoNode.next; } if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch deviceStatusInfo.Name : " + deviceStatusInfo.Name) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch deviceStatusInfo.CurrentUsage : " + deviceStatusInfo.CurrentUsage) if (!isNaN(deviceStatusInfo.CurrentUsage) && deviceStatusInfo.CurrentUsage > 0){lastCurrentUsage = parseFloat(deviceStatusInfo.CurrentUsage).toFixed(2)} if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch lastCurrentUsage : " + lastCurrentUsage) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch tasmotaMode : " + tasmotaMode) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch deviceStatusInfo.CurrentState : " + deviceStatusInfo.CurrentState) if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch deviceStatusInfo.IsConnected : " + deviceStatusInfo.IsConnected) if (!tasmotaMode & ((runPump & deviceStatusInfo.CurrentState == 0) || (!runPump & deviceStatusInfo.CurrentState == 1) || deviceStatusInfo.IsConnected == 0 )){ pumpError = true }else{ pumpError = false } if (debugOutput) console.log("*********pumpSwitch pumpError : " + pumpError) } BxtDatasetHandler { id: deviceStatusInfoDataset dataset: "deviceStatusInfo" discoHandler: smartplugDiscoHandler onDatasetUpdate: parseDeviceStatusInfo(update) } BxtDiscoveryHandler { id: smartplugDiscoHandler deviceType: "happ_smartplug" onDiscoReceived: smartplugUuid = deviceUuid } BxtDatasetHandler { id: billingInfoDsHandler dataset: "billingInfo" discoHandler: pwrusageDiscoHandler onDatasetUpdate: parseBillingInfo(update) } BxtDiscoveryHandler { id: pwrusageDiscoHandler deviceType: "happ_pwrusage" onDiscoReceived: pwrUsageUuid = deviceUuid } }