History ------- master ^^^^^^ 1.9.2 ^^^^^ - Fix import error on Windows 1.9.1 ^^^^^ - Temporarily revert the change on non-Windows systems where only login shells are modified 1.9.0 ^^^^^ - Ignore the current directory for path detection on Windows - On non-Windows systems only modify login shells 1.8.0 ^^^^^ - Broadcast WM_SETTINGCHANGE on Windows - zsh: respect ZDOTDIR env var - Drop Python 2.7 & 3.6 1.7.0 ^^^^^ - Fix path normalization to be aware of case-insensitive platforms and symlinks. 1.6.0 ^^^^^ - Use locale's encoding when handling output from subprocesses 1.5.0 ^^^^^ - Modify bash start-up files based on their existence - Remove ``distro`` dependency 1.4.2 ^^^^^ - Fix fallback mechanism for detecting the name of the parent process 1.4.1 ^^^^^ - Fix PATH registry key type on Windows 1.4.0 ^^^^^ - Fix duplicating system paths on Windows - Prevent adding paths multiple times on macOS/Linux - Send CLI errors to stderr instead of stdout 1.3.0 (2019-10-20) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Only require the dependency ``distro`` on Linux - Ship tests with source distributions - Expanded ``HISTORY.rst`` 1.2.0 (2019-07-14) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Added support for shell auto-detection and selection 1.1.0 (2018-05-16) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - First public stable release 1.0.0 (2018-05-16) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Renamed PyPI package from `adduserpath` to `userpath`. Installed package in site-packages remains named `userpath` - Converted files to Unix end of lines 0.4.0 (2017-09-28) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Expand `~` and `~user` constructions if `$HOME` or `user` is known 0.3.0 (2017-09-26) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Renamed argument path to locations - Support operations on multiple locations - Improved image 0.2.0 (2017-09-21) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - First release on PyPI, as package named `adduserpath` 0.1.5 (2017-09-20) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Improved setup.py 0.1.0 (2017-09-20) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - First release on GitHub, `setup.py` package named `adduserpath` 0.0.1 (2017-09-20) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - first commit, site-packages package named `userpath`