(* File name: globals.simba Description: Contains globals for the include Authors: rj *) {$loadlib libMufasaLayer} const mouse_move = 3; VK_ENTER = {$IFDEF LINUX}10{$ELSE}VK_RETURN{$ENDIF}; TAB_COMBAT = 1; TAB_ALOTIC = 2; TAB_STATS = 3; TAB_ACHIEVEMENTS = 4; TAB_INV = 5; TAB_EQUIP = 6; TAB_PRAYER = 7; TAB_MAGIC = 8; TAB_NOTHING = 9; TAB_FRIENDS = 10; TAB_CLAN = 11; TAB_CLAN_MISC = 12; TAB_TOOLS = 13; TAB_EMOTE = 14; TAB_MUSIC = 15; var clWhite = 16777215; clBlack = 0; clRed = 255; clGreen = 32768; clBlue = 16711680; clPurple = 8388736; clYellow = 65535; clAqua = 16776960; clOrange = 26367; clFuchsia = 16711935; clTeal = 8421376; clNavy = 8388608; clGray = 8421504; clLime = 65280; clMaroon = 128; clSilver = 12632256; clPink = 11772650; type TGameTabs = (COMBAT, STATS, QUEST, INV, EQUIP, PRAYER, MAGIC, SUMMONING, FREINDS, IGNORE, CLAN, TOOLS, EMOTE, MUSIC); fnct_actionOptions = (ClickRight,ClickLeft, ClickMiddle, Move, Nothing); TDebugCanvas = record messages:TStringArray; messageColor:TIntegerArray; bmp, backDrop:integer; end; TOptions = record Str: string; Bounds, BigBox: TBox; end; chatOption = record text: string; bounds: TBox; end; TRSInterface = record static:boolean; name:string; bounds:Tbox; end; TRSObject = record colors, tols:TIntegerArray; hues, sats:TExtendedArray; rightClick, useUptext:boolean; options,uptext:TStringArray; minLength:integer; end; TRSInventory = record(TRSInterface) slots:TBoxArray; end; TRSChatBox = record(TRSInterface) chatOptions:array of chatOption; end; TVar = record name:string; value:variant; end; TVarArray = array of TVar; TPlayer = record user, pass, pin:string; vars:TVarArray; end; TRSBank = TRSInterface; TRSGameTab = TRSInterface; TRSMainScreen = record(TRSInterface) center:TPoint; end; TRSMinimap = TRSInterface; var debugBox:TDebugCanvas; mouseSpeed, currentPlayer, x, y:Integer; right:Integer = 0; left:Integer = 1; stopReason:string = 'User terminated'; players:array of TPlayer; canvas:TMufasaBitmap; canvasLayer:TMufasaLayer; enableDrawing, enableLog:boolean = true;