from index/docstore.json. Loading from index/docstore.json. from index/index_store.json. Loading from index/index_store.json. DEBUG:llama_index.vector_stores.simple:Loading llama_index.vector_stores.simple from index/vector_store.json. Loading llama_index.vector_stores.simple from index/vector_store.json. INFO:llama_index.indices.loading:Loading all indices. Loading all indices. DEBUG:openai:message='Request to OpenAI API' method=post path= message='Request to OpenAI API' method=post path= DEBUG:openai:api_version=None data='{"input": ["What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work?"], "model": "text-embedding-ada-002", "encoding_format": "base64"}' message='Post details' api_version=None data='{"input": ["What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work?"], "model": "text-embedding-ada-002", "encoding_format": "base64"}' message='Post details' DEBUG:urllib3.util.retry:Converted retries value: 2 -> Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None) Converted retries value: 2 -> Retry(total=2, connect=None, read=None, redirect=None, status=None) DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): Starting new HTTPS connection (1): DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /v1/embeddings HTTP/1.1" 200 None "POST /v1/embeddings HTTP/1.1" 200 None DEBUG:openai:message='OpenAI API response' path= processing_ms=204 request_id=038bbe36e4d94bafba92f20d7822ca64 response_code=200 message='OpenAI API response' path= processing_ms=204 request_id=038bbe36e4d94bafba92f20d7822ca64 response_code=200 DEBUG:llama_index.indices.utils:> Top 2 nodes: > [Node ff2b55f9-bfc0-45ba-83bc-cf62c8a04476] [Similarity score: 0.761285] file_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/ file_name: from abc import ABC, abs... > [Node 429a5a53-5c71-4c62-a03d-a418db3b2771] [Similarity score: 0.759913] file_path: llama_index/indices/ file_name: from typing import Any, List, Op... > Top 2 nodes: > [Node ff2b55f9-bfc0-45ba-83bc-cf62c8a04476] [Similarity score: 0.761285] file_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/ file_name: from abc import ABC, abs... > [Node 429a5a53-5c71-4c62-a03d-a418db3b2771] [Similarity score: 0.759913] file_path: llama_index/indices/ file_name: from typing import Any, List, Op... INFO:llama_index.token_counter.token_counter:> [retrieve] Total LLM token usage: 0 tokens > [retrieve] Total LLM token usage: 0 tokens INFO:llama_index.token_counter.token_counter:> [retrieve] Total embedding token usage: 16 tokens > [retrieve] Total embedding token usage: 16 tokens DEBUG:openai:message='Request to OpenAI API' method=post path= message='Request to OpenAI API' method=post path= DEBUG:openai:api_version=None data='{"prompt": ["Context information is below. \\n---------------------\\nfile_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/\\nfile_name:\\n\\nfrom abc import ABC, abstractmethod\\nfrom typing import List, Optional\\n\\nfrom llama_index.data_structs.data_structs import IndexStruct\\nimport os\\n\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR = \\"./storage\\"\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME = \\"index_store.json\\"\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR, DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME)\\n\\n\\nclass BaseIndexStore(ABC):\\n @abstractmethod\\n def index_structs(self) -> List[IndexStruct]:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def add_index_struct(self, index_struct: IndexStruct) -> None:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def delete_index_struct(self, key: str) -> None:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def get_index_struct(\\n self, struct_id: Optional[str] = None\\n ) -> Optional[IndexStruct]:\\n pass\\n\\n def persist(self, persist_path: str = DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH) -> None:\\n \\"\\"\\"Persist the index store to disk.\\"\\"\\"\\n pass\\n\\nfile_path: llama_index/indices/\\nfile_name:\\n\\nfrom typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence\\nfrom llama_index.indices.base import BaseGPTIndex\\nfrom llama_index.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph\\nfrom llama_index.indices.registry import INDEX_STRUCT_TYPE_TO_INDEX_CLASS\\nfrom import StorageContext\\n\\nimport logging\\n\\nlogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)\\n\\n\\ndef load_index_from_storage(\\n storage_context: StorageContext,\\n index_id: Optional[str] = None,\\n **kwargs: Any,\\n) -> BaseGPTIndex:\\n \\"\\"\\"Load index from storage context.\\n\\n Args:\\n storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing\\n docstore, index store and vector store.\\n index_id (Optional[str]): ID of the index to load.\\n Defaults to None, which assumes there\'s only a single index\\n in the index store and load it.\\n **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.\\n \\"\\"\\"\\n index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]]\\n if index_id is None:\\n index_ids = None\\n else:\\n index_ids = [index_id]\\n\\n indices = load_indices_from_storage(storage_context, index_ids=index_ids, **kwargs)\\n\\n if len(indices) == 0:\\n raise ValueError(\\n \\"No index in storage context, check if you specified the right persist_dir.\\"\\n )\\n elif len(indices) > 1:\\n raise ValueError(\\n f\\"Expected to load a single index, but got {len(indices)} instead. \\"\\n \\"Please specify index_id.\\"\\n )\\n\\n return indices[0]\\n\\n\\ndef load_indices_from_storage(\\n storage_context: StorageContext,\\n index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,\\n **kwargs: Any,\\n) -> List[BaseGPTIndex]:\\n \\"\\"\\"Load multiple indices from storage context\\n\\n Args:\\n storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing\\n docstore, index store and vector store.\\n index_id (Optional[Sequence[str]]): IDs of the indices to load.\\n Defaults to None, which loads all indices in the index store.\\n **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.\\n \\"\\"\\"\\n if index_ids is None:\\n\\"Loading all indices.\\")\\n index_structs = storage_context.index_store.index_structs()\\n else:\\n\\"Loading indices with ids: {index_ids}\\")\\n index_structs = []\\n for index_id in index_ids:\\n index_struct = storage_context.index_store.get_index_struct(index_id)\\n if index_struct is None:\\n raise ValueError(f\\"Failed to load index with ID {index_id}\\")\\n---------------------\\nGiven the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the question: What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work?\\n"], "model": "text-davinci-003", "temperature": 0.0, "max_tokens": 256, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0, "presence_penalty": 0, "n": 1, "logit_bias": {}}' message='Post details' api_version=None data='{"prompt": ["Context information is below. \\n---------------------\\nfile_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/\\nfile_name:\\n\\nfrom abc import ABC, abstractmethod\\nfrom typing import List, Optional\\n\\nfrom llama_index.data_structs.data_structs import IndexStruct\\nimport os\\n\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR = \\"./storage\\"\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME = \\"index_store.json\\"\\nDEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR, DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME)\\n\\n\\nclass BaseIndexStore(ABC):\\n @abstractmethod\\n def index_structs(self) -> List[IndexStruct]:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def add_index_struct(self, index_struct: IndexStruct) -> None:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def delete_index_struct(self, key: str) -> None:\\n pass\\n\\n @abstractmethod\\n def get_index_struct(\\n self, struct_id: Optional[str] = None\\n ) -> Optional[IndexStruct]:\\n pass\\n\\n def persist(self, persist_path: str = DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH) -> None:\\n \\"\\"\\"Persist the index store to disk.\\"\\"\\"\\n pass\\n\\nfile_path: llama_index/indices/\\nfile_name:\\n\\nfrom typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence\\nfrom llama_index.indices.base import BaseGPTIndex\\nfrom llama_index.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph\\nfrom llama_index.indices.registry import INDEX_STRUCT_TYPE_TO_INDEX_CLASS\\nfrom import StorageContext\\n\\nimport logging\\n\\nlogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)\\n\\n\\ndef load_index_from_storage(\\n storage_context: StorageContext,\\n index_id: Optional[str] = None,\\n **kwargs: Any,\\n) -> BaseGPTIndex:\\n \\"\\"\\"Load index from storage context.\\n\\n Args:\\n storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing\\n docstore, index store and vector store.\\n index_id (Optional[str]): ID of the index to load.\\n Defaults to None, which assumes there\'s only a single index\\n in the index store and load it.\\n **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.\\n \\"\\"\\"\\n index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]]\\n if index_id is None:\\n index_ids = None\\n else:\\n index_ids = [index_id]\\n\\n indices = load_indices_from_storage(storage_context, index_ids=index_ids, **kwargs)\\n\\n if len(indices) == 0:\\n raise ValueError(\\n \\"No index in storage context, check if you specified the right persist_dir.\\"\\n )\\n elif len(indices) > 1:\\n raise ValueError(\\n f\\"Expected to load a single index, but got {len(indices)} instead. \\"\\n \\"Please specify index_id.\\"\\n )\\n\\n return indices[0]\\n\\n\\ndef load_indices_from_storage(\\n storage_context: StorageContext,\\n index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,\\n **kwargs: Any,\\n) -> List[BaseGPTIndex]:\\n \\"\\"\\"Load multiple indices from storage context\\n\\n Args:\\n storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing\\n docstore, index store and vector store.\\n index_id (Optional[Sequence[str]]): IDs of the indices to load.\\n Defaults to None, which loads all indices in the index store.\\n **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors.\\n \\"\\"\\"\\n if index_ids is None:\\n\\"Loading all indices.\\")\\n index_structs = storage_context.index_store.index_structs()\\n else:\\n\\"Loading indices with ids: {index_ids}\\")\\n index_structs = []\\n for index_id in index_ids:\\n index_struct = storage_context.index_store.get_index_struct(index_id)\\n if index_struct is None:\\n raise ValueError(f\\"Failed to load index with ID {index_id}\\")\\n---------------------\\nGiven the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the question: What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work?\\n"], "model": "text-davinci-003", "temperature": 0.0, "max_tokens": 256, "top_p": 1, "frequency_penalty": 0, "presence_penalty": 0, "n": 1, "logit_bias": {}}' message='Post details' DEBUG:urllib3.connectionpool: "POST /v1/completions HTTP/1.1" 200 None "POST /v1/completions HTTP/1.1" 200 None DEBUG:openai:message='OpenAI API response' path= processing_ms=12904 request_id=10737670139a2768ffa0724ce5d43ca8 response_code=200 message='OpenAI API response' path= processing_ms=12904 request_id=10737670139a2768ffa0724ce5d43ca8 response_code=200 DEBUG:llama_index.llm_predictor.base: load_index_from_storage is a function that loads an index from a StorageContext object. It takes in a StorageContext object and an optional index_id as parameters. If the index_id is not specified, it assumes there is only one index in the index store and loads it. It then passes the index_ids and any additional keyword arguments to the load_indices_from_storage function. This function then retrieves the index structs from the index store and creates a list of BaseGPTIndex objects. If the index_ids are specified, it will only load the indices with the specified ids. Finally, the function returns the list of BaseGPTIndex objects. load_index_from_storage is a function that loads an index from a StorageContext object. It takes in a StorageContext object and an optional index_id as parameters. If the index_id is not specified, it assumes there is only one index in the index store and loads it. It then passes the index_ids and any additional keyword arguments to the load_indices_from_storage function. This function then retrieves the index structs from the index store and creates a list of BaseGPTIndex objects. If the index_ids are specified, it will only load the indices with the specified ids. Finally, the function returns the list of BaseGPTIndex objects. DEBUG:llama_index.indices.response.response_builder:> Initial prompt template: Context information is below. --------------------- file_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/ file_name: from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List, Optional from llama_index.data_structs.data_structs import IndexStruct import os DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR = "./storage" DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME = "index_store.json" DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR, DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME) class BaseIndexStore(ABC): @abstractmethod def index_structs(self) -> List[IndexStruct]: pass @abstractmethod def add_index_struct(self, index_struct: IndexStruct) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def delete_index_struct(self, key: str) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def get_index_struct( self, struct_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[IndexStruct]: pass def persist(self, persist_path: str = DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH) -> None: """Persist the index store to disk.""" pass file_path: llama_index/indices/ file_name: from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence from llama_index.indices.base import BaseGPTIndex from llama_index.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph from llama_index.indices.registry import INDEX_STRUCT_TYPE_TO_INDEX_CLASS from import StorageContext import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_index_from_storage( storage_context: StorageContext, index_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseGPTIndex: """Load index from storage context. Args: storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store. index_id (Optional[str]): ID of the index to load. Defaults to None, which assumes there's only a single index in the index store and load it. **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors. """ index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] if index_id is None: index_ids = None else: index_ids = [index_id] indices = load_indices_from_storage(storage_context, index_ids=index_ids, **kwargs) if len(indices) == 0: raise ValueError( "No index in storage context, check if you specified the right persist_dir." ) elif len(indices) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected to load a single index, but got {len(indices)} instead. " "Please specify index_id." ) return indices[0] def load_indices_from_storage( storage_context: StorageContext, index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[BaseGPTIndex]: """Load multiple indices from storage context Args: storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store. index_id (Optional[Sequence[str]]): IDs of the indices to load. Defaults to None, which loads all indices in the index store. **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors. """ if index_ids is None:"Loading all indices.") index_structs = storage_context.index_store.index_structs() else:"Loading indices with ids: {index_ids}") index_structs = [] for index_id in index_ids: index_struct = storage_context.index_store.get_index_struct(index_id) if index_struct is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load index with ID {index_id}") --------------------- Given the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the question: What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work? > Initial prompt template: Context information is below. --------------------- file_path: llama_index/storage/index_store/ file_name: from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import List, Optional from llama_index.data_structs.data_structs import IndexStruct import os DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR = "./storage" DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME = "index_store.json" DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PERSIST_DIR, DEFAULT_PERSIST_FNAME) class BaseIndexStore(ABC): @abstractmethod def index_structs(self) -> List[IndexStruct]: pass @abstractmethod def add_index_struct(self, index_struct: IndexStruct) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def delete_index_struct(self, key: str) -> None: pass @abstractmethod def get_index_struct( self, struct_id: Optional[str] = None ) -> Optional[IndexStruct]: pass def persist(self, persist_path: str = DEFAULT_PERSIST_PATH) -> None: """Persist the index store to disk.""" pass file_path: llama_index/indices/ file_name: from typing import Any, List, Optional, Sequence from llama_index.indices.base import BaseGPTIndex from llama_index.indices.composability.graph import ComposableGraph from llama_index.indices.registry import INDEX_STRUCT_TYPE_TO_INDEX_CLASS from import StorageContext import logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_index_from_storage( storage_context: StorageContext, index_id: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> BaseGPTIndex: """Load index from storage context. Args: storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store. index_id (Optional[str]): ID of the index to load. Defaults to None, which assumes there's only a single index in the index store and load it. **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors. """ index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] if index_id is None: index_ids = None else: index_ids = [index_id] indices = load_indices_from_storage(storage_context, index_ids=index_ids, **kwargs) if len(indices) == 0: raise ValueError( "No index in storage context, check if you specified the right persist_dir." ) elif len(indices) > 1: raise ValueError( f"Expected to load a single index, but got {len(indices)} instead. " "Please specify index_id." ) return indices[0] def load_indices_from_storage( storage_context: StorageContext, index_ids: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> List[BaseGPTIndex]: """Load multiple indices from storage context Args: storage_context (StorageContext): storage context containing docstore, index store and vector store. index_id (Optional[Sequence[str]]): IDs of the indices to load. Defaults to None, which loads all indices in the index store. **kwargs: Additional keyword args to pass to the index constructors. """ if index_ids is None:"Loading all indices.") index_structs = storage_context.index_store.index_structs() else:"Loading indices with ids: {index_ids}") index_structs = [] for index_id in index_ids: index_struct = storage_context.index_store.get_index_struct(index_id) if index_struct is None: raise ValueError(f"Failed to load index with ID {index_id}") --------------------- Given the context information and not prior knowledge, answer the question: What does load_index_from_storage do and how does it work? DEBUG:llama_index.indices.response.response_builder:> Initial response: load_index_from_storage is a function that loads an index from a StorageContext object. It takes in a StorageContext object and an optional index_id as parameters. If the index_id is not specified, it assumes there is only one index in the index store and loads it. It then passes the index_ids and any additional keyword arguments to the load_indices_from_storage function. This function then retrieves the index structs from the index store and creates a list of BaseGPTIndex objects. If the index_ids are specified, it will only load the indices with the specified ids. Finally, the function returns the list of BaseGPTIndex objects. > Initial response: load_index_from_storage is a function that loads an index from a StorageContext object. It takes in a StorageContext object and an optional index_id as parameters. If the index_id is not specified, it assumes there is only one index in the index store and loads it. It then passes the index_ids and any additional keyword arguments to the load_indices_from_storage function. This function then retrieves the index structs from the index store and creates a list of BaseGPTIndex objects. If the index_ids are specified, it will only load the indices with the specified ids. Finally, the function returns the list of BaseGPTIndex objects. INFO:llama_index.token_counter.token_counter:> [get_response] Total LLM token usage: 1551 tokens > [get_response] Total LLM token usage: 1551 tokens INFO:llama_index.token_counter.token_counter:> [get_response] Total embedding token usage: 0 tokens > [get_response] Total embedding token usage: 0 tokens load_index_from_storage is a function that loads an index from a StorageContext object. It takes in a StorageContext object and an optional index_id as parameters. If the index_id is not specified, it assumes there is only one index in the index store and loads it. It then passes the index_ids and any additional keyword arguments to the load_indices_from_storage function. This function then retrieves the index structs from the index store and creates a list of BaseGPTIndex objects. If the index_ids are specified, it will only load the indices with the specified ids. Finally, the function returns the list of BaseGPTIndex objects.