/** * * File: IoTaWatt-Parent.groovy * Platform: Hubitat * * Requirements: * 1) IoTaWatt Home Energy Meter from https://iotawatt.com/ using a reserved/static TCP/IP address * * Copyright 2018 Dan G Ogorchock * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Change History: * * Date Who What * ---- --- ---- * 2018-12-20 Dan Ogorchock Original Creation * 2019-05-24 Dan Ogorchock Added ImportURL metadata * 2019-09-15 Dan Ogorchock Added Presence Capability to know if the IoTaWatt device is online or offline * 2020-05-06 Dan Ogorchock Added cleanup functionality to the uninstalled() routine * 2020-05-08 Dan ogorchock Ensure scheduling works properly after a hub reboot * 2020-05-16 Dan Ogorchock Improved error handling * 2020-11-02 Dan Ogorchock Added timeout to http calls * 2022-01-03 Dan Ogorchock Convert child devices to use Hubitat's built-in 'Generic Component' drivers. * Note: THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE! * 2023-01-10 Dan Ogorchock Convert Synchronous HTTP Get call to Asynchronous HTTP Get call. Reduce timeout from 10s to 5s. * 2023-07-23 Dan Ogorchock Implement reconnect logic that reduces the frequency of connection attempts (max delay = 600s), * to reduce load on the Hubitat hub during a communications failure with the IoTaWatt * * */ def version() {"v1.0.20230723"} metadata { definition (name: "IoTaWatt Parent", namespace: "ogiewon", author: "Dan Ogorchock", importUrl: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ogiewon/Hubitat/master/Drivers/iotawatt-parent.src/iotawatt-parent.groovy") { capability "Initialize" capability "Refresh" capability "Presence Sensor" //used to determine is the IoTaWatt microcontroller is still reporting data or not //command "deleteAllChildDevices" } } preferences { input "deviceIP", "text", title: "IoTaWatt IP Address", description: "in form of", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true input "pollingInterval", "number", title: "Polling Interval", description: "in seconds", range: "10..300", defaultValue: 30, displayDuringSetup: true input name: "logEnable", type: "bool", title: "Enable debug logging", defaultValue: true } def logsOff(){ log.warn "debug logging disabled..." device.updateSetting("logEnable",[value:"false",type:"bool"]) } def refresh() { handleUpdates() } def installed() { initialize() } def updated() { log.info "updated() called" unschedule() if (logEnable) runIn(1800,logsOff) initialize() } def initialize() { state.version = version() log.info "initialize() called" //reset reconnectDelay state.reconnectDelay = pollingInterval if (deviceIP) { handleUpdates() } else { log.warn "Please enter the IoTaWatt IP Address and then click SAVE" } } def handleUpdates() { //log.trace "handleUpdates() called. timeout = ${state.reconnectDelay}" runIn(state.reconnectDelay, 'handleUpdates') def params = [ uri: "http://${deviceIP}/status?inputs=yes&outputs=yes", contentType: "application/json", requestContentType: "application/json", timeout: 5 ] if (deviceIP) { try{ //log.trace "Calling asynchttpGet() to IoTaWatt device." asynchttpGet('handleIoTaWattResponse', params) } catch (Exception e) { if (device.currentValue("presence") != "not present") { sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present", isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Error trying to communicate with IoTaWatt device") } log.error "IoTaWatt Server Returned: ${e}" } } else { log.error "IP Address '${deviceIP}' is not properly formatted! Please enter the IoTaWatt's IP address and press SAVE." } } def handleIoTaWattResponse(response, data) { if (logEnable) log.debug "response.getStatus() = ${response.getStatus()}" if(response.getStatus() != 200) { // first delay is double normal pollingInterval, doubles every time state.reconnectDelay = (state.reconnectDelay ?: pollingInterval) * 2 // don't let delay get too crazy, max it out at 10 minutes if(state.reconnectDelay > 600) state.reconnectDelay = 600 if (device.currentValue("presence") != "not present") { sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "not present", isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "Error trying to communicate with IoTaWatt device") } log.error "Received HTTP error ${response.status}. Please check the IP Address and IoTaWatt device." } else { //reset reconnectDelay state.reconnectDelay = pollingInterval if (device.currentValue("presence") != "present") { sendEvent(name: "presence", value: "present", isStateChange: true, descriptionText: "New update received from IoTaWatt device") } if (logEnable) log.debug "Response from IoTaWatt = ${response.getJson()}" def IoTaWattData = [] //Format the IoTaWatt Input and Output data consistently to simplify the child device creation process response?.getJson().inputs?.each { input -> String tmpName = "Input_${input.channel.toString().padLeft(2,'0')}" if (input.Watts) { //log.debug "name: ${input.channel}, units: Watts, value: ${input.Watts}, units: Pf, value: ${input.Pf}" IoTaWattData << [name:tmpName, units:'Watts', value:input.Watts.toString().trim()] } else if (input.Vrms) { //log.debug "name: ${input.channel}, units: Vrms, value: ${input.Vrms}, units: Hz, value: ${input.Hz}" IoTaWattData << [name:tmpName, units:'Vrms', value:input.Vrms.toString().trim()] IoTaWattData << [name:tmpName, units:'Hz', value:input.Hz.toString().trim()] } else { log.error "Unhandled case for ${input}" } } response?.getJson().outputs?.each { output -> String tmpName = "Output_${output.name}" IoTaWattData << [name:tmpName, units:output.units, value:output.value.toString().trim()] } String type String name String units def child float tmpValue //iterate through all the updates in array IoTaWattData?.each{ it -> //make sure we were given name, value, and units if(!it.containsKey('name')){ log.error("'name' was not supplied") return } if(!it.containsKey('value')){ log.error("'value' was not supplied") return } if(!it.containsKey('units')){ log.error("'units' was not supplied") return } if (it.units == "Watts") { type = "Power Meter" name = "power" units = "W" } else if (it.units == "Vrms") { type = "Voltage Sensor" name = "voltage" units = "V" } else if (it.units == "Hz") { type = "Voltage Sensor" name = "frequency" units = "Hz" } tmpValue = Float.parseFloat(it.value) tmpValue = tmpValue.round(1) child = fetchChild(type, it.name) child.parse([[name: name, value: tmpValue, unit: units, descriptionText:"${name} is now ${tmpValue} ${units}"]]) } //cleanup IoTaWattData = null child = null tmpValue = null type = null name = null units = null } } def fetchChild(String type, String name){ def cd = getChildDevice("${device.id}-${type}_${name}") if (!cd) { cd = addChildDevice("hubitat", "Generic Component ${type}", "${device.id}-${type}_${name}", [name: "${name}", isComponent: false]) } return cd } def uninstalled() { log.info "Executing 'uninstalled()'" unschedule() deleteAllChildDevices() } def deleteAllChildDevices() { log.info "Uninstalling all Child Devices" getChildDevices().each { deleteChildDevice(it.deviceNetworkId) } } //child device methods void componentRefresh(cd) { if (logEnable) log.debug "received refresh request from ${cd.displayName}" runIn(2, 'refresh') //use runIn() to prevent slamming the IoTaWatt device as each child is created. Only last one will run. }