PL/SQL Export Utilities ======================= - [Package PLEX](#plex) - [Function backapp](#backapp) - [Procedure add_query](#add_query) - [Function queries_to_csv](#queries_to_csv) - [Function to_zip](#to_zip) - [Function to_base64](#to_base64) - [Function view_error_log](#view_error_log) - [Function view_runtime_log](#view_runtime_log)

Package PLEX

PLEX was created to be able to quickstart version control for existing Oracle DB projects and has currently two main functions called **BackApp** and **Queries_to_CSV**. Queries_to_CSV is used by BackApp as a helper function, but its functionality is also useful standalone. Also see this resources for more information: - [Blog post on how to getting started]( - [PLEX project page on GitHub]( - [Changelog]( - [Give feedback]( DEPENDENCIES The package itself is independend, but functionality varies on the following conditions: - For APEX app export: APEX >= 5.1.4 installed - For ORDS modules export: ORDS >= 18.3 installed (I think package ords_export is included since this version, but I don't know it) - ATTENTION: There seems to be a [bug in ORDS 19.2]( which prevents you to export ORDS modules via the package ords_export. Please see, if you miss your ORDS modules after an export - this is no problem of PLEX. INSTALLATION - Download the [latest version]( - Unzip it, open a shell and go into the root directory - Start SQL*Plus (or another tool which can run SQL scripts) - To install PLEX run the provided install script `plex_install.sql` (script provides compiler flags) - To uninstall PLEX run the provided script `plex_uninstall.sql` or drop the package manually SIGNATURE ```sql PACKAGE PLEX AUTHID current_user IS c_plex_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30 CHAR) := 'PLEX - PL/SQL Export Utilities'; c_plex_version CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) := '2.4.2'; c_plex_url CONSTANT VARCHAR2(40 CHAR) := ''; c_plex_license CONSTANT VARCHAR2(10 CHAR) := 'MIT'; c_plex_license_url CONSTANT VARCHAR2(60 CHAR) := ''; c_plex_author CONSTANT VARCHAR2(20 CHAR) := 'Ottmar Gobrecht'; ```

Function backapp

Get a file collection of an APEX application (or the current user/schema only) including: - The app export SQL files splitted ready to use for version control and deployment - Optional the DDL scripts for all objects and grants - Optional the data in CSV files (this option was implemented to track catalog tables, can be used as logical backup, has the typical CSV limitations...) - Everything in a (hopefully) nice directory structure EXAMPLE BASIC USAGE ```sql DECLARE l_file_collection plex.tab_export_files; BEGIN l_file_collection := plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, -- parameter only available when APEX is installed p_include_ords_modules => true, -- parameter only available when ORDS is installed p_include_object_ddl => false, p_include_data => false, p_include_templates => false); -- do something with the file collection FOR i IN 1..l_file_collection.count LOOP dbms_output.put_line(i || ' | ' || lpad(round(length(l_file_collection(i).contents) / 1024), 3) || ' kB' || ' | ' || l_file_collection(i).name); END LOOP; END; / ``` EXAMPLE ZIP FILE PL/SQL ```sql DECLARE l_zip_file BLOB; BEGIN l_zip_file := plex.to_zip(plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, -- parameter only available when APEX is installed p_include_ords_modules => true, -- parameter only available when ORDS is installed p_include_object_ddl => true, p_include_data => false, p_include_templates => true)); -- do something with the zip file -- Your code here... END; / ``` EXAMPLE ZIP FILE SQL ```sql -- Inline function because of boolean parameters (needs Oracle 12c or higher). -- Alternative create a helper function and call that in a SQL context. WITH FUNCTION backapp RETURN BLOB IS BEGIN RETURN plex.to_zip(plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, -- parameter only available when APEX is installed p_include_ords_modules => true, -- parameter only available when ORDS is installed p_include_object_ddl => true, p_include_data => false, p_include_templates => true)); END backapp; SELECT backapp FROM dual; ``` EXAMPLE ZIP FILE SQL*Plus ```sql -- SQL*Plus can only handle CLOBs, no BLOBs - so we are forced to create a CLOB -- for spooling the content to the client disk. You need to decode the base64 -- encoded file before you are able to unzip the content. Also see this blog -- post how to do this on different operating systems: -- -- Example Windows: certutil -decode -- Example Mac: base64 -D -i -o -- Example Linux: base64 -d > set verify off feedback off heading off set trimout on trimspool on pagesize 0 linesize 5000 long 100000000 longchunksize 32767 whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode rollback variable contents clob BEGIN :contents := plex.to_base64(plex.to_zip(plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, -- parameter only available when APEX is installed p_include_ords_modules => true, -- parameter only available when ORDS is installed p_include_object_ddl => true, p_include_data => false, p_include_templates => true))); END; / set termout off spool "" print contents spool off set termout on ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION backapp ( $if $$apex_installed $then -- APEX App: p_app_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT null, -- If null, we simply skip the APEX app export. p_app_date IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, include export date and time in the result. p_app_public_reports IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, include public reports that a user saved. p_app_private_reports IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, include private reports that a user saved. p_app_notifications IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, include report notifications. p_app_translations IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, include application translation mappings and all text from the translation repository. p_app_pkg_app_mapping IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, export installed packaged applications with references to the packaged application definition. If FALSE, export them as normal applications. p_app_original_ids IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, export with the IDs as they were when the application was imported. p_app_subscriptions IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, components contain subscription references. p_app_comments IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, include developer comments. p_app_supporting_objects IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- If 'Y', export supporting objects. If 'I', automatically install on import. If 'N', do not export supporting objects. If null, the application's include in export deployment value is used. p_app_include_single_file IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, the single sql install file is also included beside the splitted files. p_app_build_status_run_only IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, the build status of the app will be overwritten to RUN_ONLY. $end $if $$ords_installed $then -- ORDS Modules: p_include_ords_modules IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, include ORDS modules of current user/schema. $end -- Schema Objects: p_include_object_ddl IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, include DDL of current user/schema and all its objects. p_object_type_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of like expressions to filter the objects - example: '%BODY,JAVA%' will be translated to: ... from user_objects where ... and (object_type like '%BODY' escape '\' or object_type like 'JAVA%' escape '\'). p_object_type_not_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of not like expressions to filter the objects - example: '%BODY,JAVA%' will be translated to: ... from user_objects where ... and (object_type not like '%BODY' escape '\' and object_type not like 'JAVA%' escape '\'). p_object_name_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of like expressions to filter the objects - example: 'EMP%,DEPT%' will be translated to: ... from user_objects where ... and (object_name like 'EMP%' escape '\' or object_name like 'DEPT%' escape '\'). p_object_name_not_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of not like expressions to filter the objects - example: 'EMP%,DEPT%' will be translated to: ... from user_objects where ... and (object_name not like 'EMP%' escape '\' and object_name not like 'DEPT%' escape '\'). p_object_view_remove_col_list IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, the outer column list, added by Oracle on views during compilation, is removed -- Table Data: p_include_data IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT false, -- If true, include CSV data of each table. p_data_as_of_minutes_ago IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0, -- Read consistent data with the resulting timestamp(SCN). p_data_max_rows IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1000, -- Maximum number of rows per table. p_data_table_name_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of like expressions to filter the tables - example: 'EMP%,DEPT%' will be translated to: where ... and (table_name like 'EMP%' escape '\' or table_name like 'DEPT%' escape '\'). p_data_table_name_not_like IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT null, -- A comma separated list of not like expressions to filter the tables - example: 'EMP%,DEPT%' will be translated to: where ... and (table_name not like 'EMP%' escape '\' and table_name not like 'DEPT%' escape '\'). p_data_format IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'csv', -- A comma separated list of formats - currently supported formats are CSV and INSERT - example: 'csv,insert' will export for each table a csv file and a sql file with insert statements. For insert you can also give the number of rows per "insert all" statement (defaults to 20) - example: 'csv,insert:10' or 'insert:5'. -- General Options: p_include_templates IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, include templates for, export and install scripts. p_include_runtime_log IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, generate file with detailed runtime infos. p_include_error_log IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, generate file with detailed error messages. p_base_path_backend IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'app_backend', -- The base path in the project root for the Schema objects. p_base_path_frontend IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'app_frontend', -- The base path in the project root for the APEX app. p_base_path_web_services IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'app_web_services', -- The base path in the project root for the ORDS modules. p_base_path_data IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'app_data', -- The base path in the project root for the table data. p_base_path_docs IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'docs', -- The base path in the project root for the docs. p_base_path_tests IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'tests', -- The base path in the project root for the tests. p_base_path_scripts IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'scripts', -- The base path in the project root for the generated deploy scripts. p_base_path_script_logs IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'scripts/logs', -- The base path in the project root for the deploy script log files. p_scripts_working_directory IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'scripts') -- The working directory of the shell (relative to the project root) where deploy scripts will be called. Set this to null if you run the deploy scripts from the project root. RETURN tab_export_files; ```

Procedure add_query

Add a query to be processed by the method queries_to_csv. You can add as many queries as you like. EXAMPLE ```sql BEGIN plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tables', p_file_name => 'user_tables'); END; / ``` SIGNATURE ```sql PROCEDURE add_query ( p_query IN VARCHAR2, -- The query itself p_file_name IN VARCHAR2, -- File name like 'Path/to/your/file-without-extension'. p_max_rows IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1000); -- The maximum number of rows to be included in your file. ```

Function queries_to_csv

Export one or more queries as CSV data within a file collection. EXAMPLE BASIC USAGE ```sql DECLARE l_file_collection plex.tab_export_files; BEGIN --fill the queries array plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tables', p_file_name => 'user_tables'); plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tab_columns', p_file_name => 'user_tab_columns', p_max_rows => 10000); -- process the queries l_file_collection := plex.queries_to_csv; -- do something with the file collection FOR i IN 1..l_file_collection.count LOOP dbms_output.put_line(i || ' | ' || lpad(round(length(l_file_collection(i).contents) / 1024), 3) || ' kB' || ' | ' || l_file_collection(i).name); END LOOP; END; / ``` EXAMPLE EXPORT ZIP FILE PL/SQL ```sql DECLARE l_zip_file BLOB; BEGIN --fill the queries array plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tables', p_file_name => 'user_tables'); plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tab_columns', p_file_name => 'user_tab_columns', p_max_rows => 10000); -- process the queries l_zip_file := plex.to_zip(plex.queries_to_csv); -- do something with the zip file -- Your code here... END; / ``` EXAMPLE EXPORT ZIP FILE SQL ```sql WITH FUNCTION queries_to_csv_zip RETURN BLOB IS v_return BLOB; BEGIN plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tables', p_file_name => 'user_tables'); plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tab_columns', p_file_name => 'user_tab_columns', p_max_rows => 10000); v_return := plex.to_zip(plex.queries_to_csv); RETURN v_return; END queries_to_csv_zip; SELECT queries_to_csv_zip FROM dual; ``` EXAMPLE ZIP FILE SQL*Plus ```sql -- SQL*Plus can only handle CLOBs, no BLOBs - so we are forced to create a CLOB -- for spooling the content to the client disk. You need to decode the base64 -- encoded file before you are able to unzip the content. Also see this blog -- post how to do this on the different operating systems: -- -- Example Windows: certutil -decode -- Example Mac: base64 -D -i -o -- Example Linux: base64 -d > set verify off feedback off heading off termout off set trimout on trimspool on pagesize 0 linesize 5000 long 100000000 longchunksize 32767 whenever sqlerror exit sql.sqlcode rollback variable contents clob BEGIN --fill the queries array plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tables', p_file_name => 'user_tables'); plex.add_query( p_query => 'select * from user_tab_columns', p_file_name => 'user_tab_columns', p_max_rows => 10000); -- process the queries :contents := plex.to_base64(plex.to_zip(plex.queries_to_csv)); END; / spool "" print contents spool off ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION queries_to_csv ( p_delimiter IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ',', -- The column delimiter. p_quote_mark IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT '"', -- Used when the data contains the delimiter character. p_header_prefix IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, -- Prefix the header line with this text. p_include_runtime_log IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true, -- If true, generate file with runtime statistics. p_include_error_log IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT true) -- If true, generate file with detailed error messages. RETURN tab_export_files; ```

Function to_zip

Convert a file collection to a zip file. EXAMPLE ```sql DECLARE l_zip BLOB; BEGIN l_zip := plex.to_zip(plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, p_include_object_ddl => true)); -- do something with the zip file... END; ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION to_zip ( p_file_collection IN tab_export_files) -- The file collection to zip. RETURN BLOB; ```

Function to_base64

Encodes a BLOB into a Base64 CLOB for transfers over a network (like with SQL*Plus). For encoding on the client side see [this blog article]( ```sql DECLARE l_clob CLOB; BEGIN l_clob := plex.to_base64(plex.to_zip(plex.backapp( p_app_id => 100, p_include_object_ddl => true))); -- do something with the clob... END; ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION to_base64( p_blob IN BLOB) -- The BLOB to convert. RETURN CLOB; ```

Function view_error_log

View the error log from the last plex run. The internal array for the error log is cleared on each call of BackApp or Queries_to_CSV. EXAMPLE ```sql SELECT * FROM TABLE(plex.view_error_log); ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION view_error_log RETURN tab_error_log PIPELINED; ```

Function view_runtime_log

View the runtime log from the last plex run. The internal array for the runtime log is cleared on each call of BackApp or Queries_to_CSV. EXAMPLE ```sql SELECT * FROM TABLE(plex.view_runtime_log); ``` SIGNATURE ```sql FUNCTION view_runtime_log RETURN tab_runtime_log PIPELINED; ```