{ "long_indicator_description": { "de": { "baseunit": "Punkte", "text": "In einer Schattenwirtschaft kann man Finanzregulierungen entkommen, Steuern hinterziehen, Betrug oder Geldw\u00e4sche betreiben. Illegale Finanzfl\u00fcsse werden auf 1-1,6 Trillionen US$ j\u00e4hrlich gesch\u00e4tzt (zum Vergleich: bei weltweiter Entwicklungshilfe handelt es sich um ca. 135 Milliarden US$). Der Schattenfinanzindex dient dazu, Orte mit hoher Geheimhaltung (Steueroasen) zu identifizieren. Der Index setzt sich aus vielen Indikatoren zusammen, beispielsweise Bankgeheimnis und die F\u00f6rderung von Steuerhinterziehung (durch Steuergutschriften f\u00fcr bestimmte ausl\u00e4ndische Kapitalertr\u00e4ge). Mit dem Argument, dass gro\u00dfe Finanzm\u00e4rkte eine gr\u00f6\u00dfe Verantwortung haben Transparenz zu f\u00f6rdern, wird der Index mit ausl\u00e4ndischen Finanzaktivit\u00e4ten gewichtet. Der Financial Secrecy Index bewertet alle britischen \u00fcberseeischen Gebiete und Gebiete, die der Britischen Krone unterstehen separat. W\u00fcrde diese Gebiete aggregiert bewertet, so w\u00fcrde Gro\u00dfbritannien den h\u00f6chsten Wert f\u00fcr Intransparenz erhalten. " }, "en": { "baseunit": "points", "text": "Financial secrecy allows for escaping from financial regulation, evading taxes, committing fraud and many more financial crimes. Illicit financial flows are estimated to be around US$ 1-1.6 trillion a year (as a reference: international aid flows amount around US$135 billion yearly). With the Financial Secrecy Index, secrecy jurisdictions (often called tax havens) can be identified. The index combines many dimensions, such as banking secrecy or promoting tax evasion (through tax credits for certain types of foreign capital income). Based on the logic that bigger financial centres have a higher responsibility to ensure financial transparency, secrecy scores are then weighted by offshore financial service activity to calculate the final index. The index ranks British Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies separately. If all these jurisdictions were aggregated the UK would receive the highest rate for secrecy." } }, "original_title": "Financial Secrecy Index", "scoring": { "scores": [ { "countries": [ { "name": "Australia", "value": 43 }, { "name": "Austria", "value": 54 }, { "name": "Belgium", "value": 41 }, { "name": "Brazil", "value": 52 }, { "name": "Canada", "value": 46 }, { "name": "Chile", "value": 54 }, { "name": "China", "value": 54 }, { "name": "Cyprus", "value": 50 }, { "name": "Czech Republic", "value": 35 }, { "name": "Denmark", "value": 31 }, { "name": "Estonia", "value": 44 }, { "name": "Finland", "value": 31 }, { "name": "France", "value": 43 }, { "name": "Germany", "value": 56 }, { "name": "Greece", "value": 36 }, { "name": "Hungary", "value": 36 }, { "name": "Iceland", "value": 46 }, { "name": "India", "value": 39 }, { "name": "Ireland", "value": 40 }, { "name": "Israel", "value": 53 }, { "name": "Italy", "value": 35 }, { "name": "Japan", "value": 58 }, { "name": "Latvia", "value": 45 }, { "name": "Luxembourg", "value": 55 }, { "name": "Macedonia", "value": 66 }, { "name": "Malta", "value": 50 }, { "name": "Mexico", "value": 45 }, { "name": "Netherlands", "value": 48 }, { "name": "New Zealand", "value": 46 }, { "name": "Norway", "value": 38 }, { "name": "Poland", "value": 36 }, { "name": "Portugal", "value": 39 }, { "name": "Russia", "value": 54 }, { "name": "Slovakia", "value": 50 }, { "name": "Slovenia", "value": 34 }, { "name": "South Africa", "value": 42 }, { "name": "South Korea", "value": 44 }, { "name": "Spain", "value": 33 }, { "name": "Sweden", "value": 36 }, { "name": "Switzerland", "value": 73 }, { "name": "Turkey", "value": 64 }, { "name": "UK", "value": 41 }, { "name": "USA", "value": 60 } ], "year": 2015 } ], "timestamp": "27/11/2016", "timestamp_data_host": 2015, "type": "global" }, "sdg": 16, "short_indicator_description": { "de": "Beitrag eines Landes an der weltweiten Schattenfinanzwirtschaft", "en": "Contribution of a jurisdiction to financial secrecy worldwide" }, "source": { "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 UK", "link": "http://www.financialsecrecyindex.com/introduction/fsi-2015-results", "note": "The Financial Secrecy Index ranks jurisdictions according to their secrecy and the scale of their offshore finanical activities. A politically neutral ranking, it is a tool for understanding global financial secrecy, tax havens or secrecy jurisdictions, and illicit financial flows or capital flight.", "publisher": "Tax Justice Network", "type": "inofficial", "value": [ "OKF" ] }, "sponsor": "Tax Justice Network", "target": { "explanation": { "de": "Das Ranking orientiert sich an den L\u00e4ndern, die am besten und am schlechtesten abschneiden. ", "en": "The Ranking is based on the countries, which are currently best and worst performers. " }, "ministerial_responsibility": "BMF", "other_relevant_SDGs": [ 8 ], "rating": [ 20, 35, 50, 65 ], "tags": "economic,social", "target": 16.4, "target_reference": "", "type": "less", "value": 20 }, "title": "Intransparenz der Finanzm\u00e4rkte" }