name,title,url,author,publisher,issued,publisher_classification,description,tags,license_id,license_url,license_notes,place,location,country,language,status,metadatacreated,generator,api_endpoint,api_type,full_metadata_download a2gov_org,"Ann Arbor, Michigan",,City of Ann Arbor,City of Ann Arbor,,,City of Ann Arbor's Open Data Catalog (USA),ctic unitedstates,,,,"Ann Arbor, Michigan","42.2681569,-83.7312291",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:57.439Z,,,, acikveri-sahinbey-bel-tr,Açık Veri Portali - Test Yayını,,pinardag,SahinBey Belediyesi,31/01/2015,Government,The first official open data portal of Turkey,turkey national,Unknown,,,"Gaziantep,Turkey","37.0587715,37.380137",TR,tr,active,,,,, africa_open_data,Africa Open Data,,Africa Open Data,Africa Open Data,,,"Africa's largest central repository for Government, Civil Society, Corporate and Donor Agency Data.",ckan africa,,,,Africa,"2.0000003,15.9999997",AF,en,active,2013-03-15T07:17:26.251Z,CKAN: 2.1.3,,, ajuntament-de-tarragona,Open Data Tarragona,,Ajuntament de Tarragona,Ajuntament de Tarragona,,Government,Open Data Tarragona,city spain,,,,Tarragona,"41.1157, 1.2496",ES,ca es en,active,,,,, ajuntament-de-terassa,Open Data Terassa,,Ajuntament de Terassa,Ajuntament de Terassa,,Government,Open Data Terassa,city spain,,,,Terrasa,"41.5611, 2.0081",ES,es en,active,,,,, alabama,Alabama,,,,,,Open Alabama Initiative,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Alabama, US","33.2588817,-86.8295337",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:45.618Z,,,, albania,Open Data Albania,,ShqiperiaCom Shpk / OSI / OSFA,ShqiperiaCom Shpk / OSI / OSFA,,,Albania Open Data Catalog,ctic,other-open,,,Albania,"41.000028,19.9999619",AL,sq,active,2011-06-27T18:14:47.743Z,,,, alberta_ca,Alberta,,Province of Alberta (Her Majesty the Queen in right of Alberta),Province of Alberta (Her Majesty the Queen in right of Alberta),,,You may request datasets via [webform]( The license is based upon the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.,canada,,,,"Alberta, Canada","55,-114.9999999",CA,en,active,2013-05-31T13:37:00.761Z,,,, algeria_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Algeria,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Algeria,africa,other-at,,,Algeria,"28.0000272,2.9999825",DZ,en,active,2013-08-29T07:41:46.053Z,CKAN: 2.1.1,,, alkmaar_nl,Alkmaar - Open Data,,,,,,,level.local eu-official,,,,"Alkmaar, Netherlands","52.6318828,4.7539303",NL,nl,active,2012-06-21T05:57:20.26Z,,,, allerdale,Allerdale Open Data,,Allerdale Borough Council,Allerdale Borough Council,,,Official borough data.,level.local unitedkingdom,uk-ogl,,,"Allerdale, UK","54.7087559,-3.25250744009564",GB,en,active,2011-11-02T23:12:04.913Z,,,, amsterdam_geo_data,Open GEO-Data Amsterdam,,City of Amsterdam Planning Department,City of Amsterdam Planning Department,,,Open geographic data from the City of Amsterdam Planning Dept.,geodata level.local thematic eu-official netherlands,,,,Amsterdam,"52.3710088,4.9001115",NL,nl,active,2012-06-21T06:04:49.695Z,,,, amsterdam_open_data,Amsterdam Open Data,,Amsterdam Economic Board Open Data Exchange (ODE),Amsterdam Economic Board Open Data Exchange (ODE),,,"Portal commissioned in 2012 by the Amsterdam Economic Board Open Data Exchange (ODE). It aims at the Amsterdam metropolitan region and contains (public) data sources. Amsterdam Open Data is built using the CKAN data catalogue as a back-end to Liferay CMS. The CKAN catalogue can be accessed directly at",amsterdam ckan netherlands,,,,"Amsterdam, The Netherlands","52.3710088,4.9001115",NL,nl,active,2013-06-21T09:06:30.809Z,CKAN: 2.1a,,, andalusia-data-portal,Andalusia data portal,,Regional Government of Andalusia,Regional Government of Andalusia,,,Regional government data portal by the government of Andalusia.,level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,"Andalusia, Spain","37.3378056,-4.5824332",ES,es,active,2011-12-22T19:59:12.613Z,,,, angers,Angers Loire Metropol Data Catalog,,Angers government,Angers government,,,Metropolitan area data portal of Angers,level.local eu-official,odc-odbl,,,Angers,"47.4711708,-0.5517522",FR,fr,active,2013-02-20T14:24:28.106Z,,,, aragon-open-data,Aragón Open Data,,Gobierno de Aragón,Gobierno de Aragón,,,The Open Data portal of the Aragón Autonomous Region in Spain.,level.regional ckan eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Aragón,"41.3787291,-0.7639373",ES,es,active,2013-02-06T12:40:58.881Z,CKAN: 2.1.1,,, arvada,"Arvada, Colorado",,City of Arvada,City of Arvada,,,Arvada's OpenData Catalog (US),ctic unitedstates,,,,"Arvada, Colorado","39.8027644,-105.0874842",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:32.977Z,,,, asturias_es,Asturias Public Data,,Asturias Regional Government,Asturias Regional Government,,,Asturias Public Data catalogue...,ctic level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Asturias,"10.5632607,123.71931",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:12:34.922Z,,,, at-vorarlberg,Vorarlberg,,Vorarlberg government,Vorarlberg government,,,Datacatalog for the Austrian federal state Vorarlberg. Launched May 2012.,level.regional eu-official,cc-by,,,Vorarlberg,"47.25,9.9166667",AT,de,active,2012-06-14T10:37:28.76Z,,,, australian-antarctic-data-centre,Australian Antarctic Data Centre,,Stephen Gates,Australian Antarctic Division - Department of the Environment - Australian Government,01/01/1996,Government,"The Australian Antarctic Data Centre (AADC) was established in 1996 to provide long-term management of Australia's Antarctic data, thereby improving the value and impact of our scientific activities. The Data Centre is committed to the free and open exchange of scientific data, consistent with the Antarctic Treaty's position that ""to the greatest extent feasible and practicable scientific observations and results from Antarctica shall be exchanged and made freely available"".",,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,Australian Antarctic Territory,"-42.9870916,147.2887257",AU,en,active,,,,, australian-data-archive,Australian Data Archive,,Stephen Gates ,Australian National University,01/01/1981,Research,The Australian Data Archive (ADA) provides a national service for the collection and preservation of digital research data and to make these data available for secondary analysis by academic researchers and other users.,,Unknown,,"Data from the Australian Data Archive is made available under three broad categories of access. The choice of access category is made by the depositor of the data: GENERAL ACCESS: studies with no restrictions placed on data access RESTRICTED ACCESS: studies where the depositor, or an authorised representative, wishes to be informed by the Archive of each request to use the data in order to give or withhold permission. SPECIAL ACCESS: studies where the depositor has included additional special access conditions. For example, the user may be required to obtain the permission in writing of the original depositor of the data, or an authorised representative, before publishing any interpretation of such materials.",Australia,"-35.2776955,149.1163383",AU,en,active,,,,, australian-institute-of-health-and-welfare-(aihw),Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW),,Earl Butterworth,Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,01/01/1987,Government,"A list of the data available across subject areas on In most cases, data will be in contained in SAS data cubes or data spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel). Please contact the AIHW if you require these data in other formats.",Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Most information released by AIHW is made available under a Creative Commons BY 3.0 licence. For more information, see: In some cases, you may be advised that information will be released under a more restrictive licence, with conditions about information use. This may mean that you are not permitted to: - share, to copy, distribute, publish or transmit the material unless the AIHW has expressly agreed that you can do this - commercialise or use the material for commercial purposes unless the AIHW has agreed that you can do this - infringe the AIHW’s moral rights and intellectual property in the material.","Canberra, Australia","-35.2812123,149.1247712",AU,en,active,,,,, ayuntamiento-de-alcobendas,Datos Abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas,,Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas,Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas,,Government,Datos Abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas,city spain,,,,Alcobendas,"40.5333, 3.6333",ES,es,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, ayuntamiento-de-gijon,Observa Gijón,,Ayuntamiento de Gijón,Ayuntamiento de Gijano De Mena,,Government,Observa Gijano De Mena,city spain,,,,Gijano De Mena,"43.5333, 3.244810",ES,es en fr,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), ayuntamiento-de-madrid,Datos abiertos,,Ayuntamiento de Madrid,Ayuntamiento de Madrid,,Government,Datos abiertos,city spain,,,,Madrid,"40.4000, 3.7167",ES,es,active,,,,, ayuntamiento-de-malaga,Portal Datos Abiertos Ayuntamiento de Málaga,,Ayuntamiento de Málaga,Ayuntamiento de Málaga,,Government,Portal Datos Abiertos Ayuntamiento de Málaga,city spain,,,,Malaga,"36.7194, 4.4200",ES,es,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, ayuntamiento-de-santander,Santander datos abiertos,,Ayuntamiento de Santander,Ayuntamiento de Santander,,Government,Santander datos abiertos,city spain,,,,Santander,"43.4628, 3.8050",ES,es,active,,,,, badalona_cat,Badalona Open Data,,,,,,Badalona Open Data Catalog,ctic level.local eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Badalona,"41.4497809,2.2482551",ES,ca,active,2011-06-27T18:12:38.942Z,,,, bahrain,Open Data Platform of the Kingdom of Bahrain,,,,,,Replaced by The open Data Platform is an important initiative for the Kingdom of Bahrain as it aims to implement a public data hub and a strategy for open data to enable transparency and promote eParticipation.,ctic,,,,Bahrain,"26.1551249,50.5344606",BH,ar,inactive,2011-06-27T18:15:04.926Z,,,, bahrain-open-data,Bahrain Open Data,,Ariffin Abdul Latiff,Central Informatics Organisation,01/10/2013,Government,Open data portal for the Government of Bahrain,,Other (Open),,,Bahrain,"25.9434256,50.6014985",BH,,inactive,,,,, banffopendata_ca,"Banff, Alberta",,Town of Banff,Town of Banff,,,"Open Data is Town of Banff datasets freely accessible in machine-readable formats with no restrictions in licensing or copyright. [License]( based based on the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information and the BC Government's Open Government Licence for Government of BC Information and the City of Toronto's Open Data Licence and has been adapted for the Town of Banff. Aerial photos available as open data: [2012 Town of Banff Open Data Imagery](",banff canada,,,,"Banff, Alberta","51.1777781,-115.5682504",CA,en,active,2013-04-27T14:24:24.478Z,,,, bari_open_data,Bari Open Data,,Comune di Bari,Comune di Bari,,,"Open data portal for the municipality of Bari, Italy",level.local ckan eu-official italy,,,,"Bari, Italy","41.1256631,16.8619381",IT,it,active,2013-03-14T16:17:29.384Z,,,, bath-hacked-data-store,Bath Hacked Data Store,,Ben Unsworth,Bath:Hacked,07/08/2014,Government,"Open data store for Bath & North East Somerset, run by community organisation Using the Socrata platform",banes bath and north east somerset,Open Government License (UK),,"Each dataset specifies license in the metadata under the ""About"" tab","Bath and North East Somerset, UK","51.3563185,-2.4922491",UK,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), bcn_cat,OpenData BCN,,Barcelona's City Council,Barcelona's City Council,,,Barcelona Public Open Data Catalogue,ctic level.local eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Barcelona,"41.3870186,2.1700437",ES,ca,active,2011-06-27T18:15:19.321Z,,,, beijing-commission-of-economy-and-information-technology,北京市政务数据资源网,,Beijing Commission of Economy and Information Technology,Beijing Commission of Economy and Information Technology,,Government,北京市政务数据资源网,city china,,,,Beijing,"39.9167, 116.3833",CN,zh,active,,,,, berlin-open-data,Berlin Open Data,,"Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen","Berliner Senatsverwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technologie und Frauen",,,"Official open data catalog of the Senate of Berlin. It was launched in September 2011. As of October 2011, it lists 21 datasets and 8 applications. The catalog [is built]( using the [CKAN software]( The catalog itself is licensed under Open Data Commons Attribution ([ODC-BY]( It can be queried through the CKAN API of package:offenedaten, using the [group berlin]( Most datasets are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY).",berlin city deutschland germany level.local ckan publicdata-eu eu-official,other-at,,,Berlin,"52.5170365,13.3888599",DE,de,active,2011-10-03T16:45:08.365Z,,,, bermuda_io,,,Louis Galipeau & Andrew Simons,Louis Galipeau & Andrew Simons,,," is part of a global trend toward open data, using technology to provide the public with greater access to information. At present, the website contains collections of key public Government documents covering at least twenty years.",atlantic,,,,Bermuda,"32.3018217,-64.7603583",BM,en,active,2013-12-17T20:55:26.351Z,,,, bilbao-open-data,Bilbao Open Data,,,,,Institutional,The open data catalog of the Bilbao Council.,bilbao local,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Bilbao, Spain","43.2633235,-2.9335644",ES,es,active,,,,, birmingham-uk,Birmingham Open Data,,Birmingham City Council,Birmingham City Council,,,Official list of links by the council,level.local eu-official unitedkingdom,,,,"Birmingham (City), UK","52.4794369,-1.9027353",GB,en,active,2011-11-02T22:58:23.463Z,,,, bizstats-co-uk,,,Silvana,BizStats,,Institutional,Online resource for finding small to medium businesses in the UK.,uk united-kingdom britain,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,"London, UK","51.5286416,-0.1015987",UK,en,active,,,,, bologna-dataportal,Bologna Data Portal,,City of Bologna,City of Bologna,,,"Official open data portal for the City of Bologna, Italy. Launched April 2012, with 64 datasets (out of 500 planned, 200 by end of 2012)",level.local eu-official italy,cc-zero,,,Bologna,"44.4936714,11.3430347",IT,it,active,2012-04-06T11:34:00.775Z,,,, boston-gis-data-hub,Boston GIS Data Hub,,City of Boston,City of Boston,,,,unitedstates,,,,"Boston, US","42.3604823,-71.0595678",US,en,active,2011-10-21T16:16:40.659Z,,,, bouche-rhone-visitprovence,Bouche-Rhone / Provence data portal,,Departement Bouche-Rhone,Departement Bouche-Rhone,,,"Launched April 2012. Tourism oriented data sets only. Two days after launch license was changed from not-open (NC/ND) to ODbL.",level.regional thematic tourism eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Bouche-Rhone (Provence),"43.3479909,5.4265339",FR,fr,active,2012-04-02T16:21:39.336Z,,,, brampton_ca,"Brampton, Ontario",,City of Brampton,City of Brampton,,,,canada,other-open,,,"Brampton, Ontario","43.714575,-79.7523867",CA,en,active,2013-07-03T12:43:18.601Z,,,, brandon_mb_ca,"City of Brandon, Manitoba",,City of Brandon,City of Brandon,,,Adapts the [City of Toronto license]( Includes [Council enquiries](,canada,,,,"Brandon, Manitoba","49.8493165,-99.9573544",CA,en,active,2013-05-31T13:52:02.178Z,,,, brisbane_datastore,Brisbane Datastore,,Brisbane City Council,Brisbane City Council,,,Data portal for Brisbane City Council,australia,other-closed,,,"Brisbane, Queensland, Australia","-27.4689682,153.0234991",AU,en,active,2013-05-30T12:51:57.055Z,,,CKAN API, bristol-city-council,Open Data Bristol,,Bristol City Council,Bristol City Council,,Government,"Bristol is using smart technologies and digital connectivity to meet the city’s environmental, social and economic challenges and opportunities and become a truly Smart City. Open Data Bristol is a key part of this as it opens up access to Bristol’s data in order to make it easier for citizens, researchers and developers to access, analyse and share information. This will allow new solutions to the city’s problems to be developed.",city unitedkingdom,,,,"Bristol, England","51.455999,-2.587969",UK,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), budget_gov_ru,,,Russian Ministry of Finances,Russian Ministry of Finances,,,Russia open budget / open spending portal,russia,,,,Russia,"64.6863136,97.7453061",RU,ru,active,2013-03-14T16:52:29Z,,,, buenos-aires,Buenos Aires Data,,Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,Gobierno de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,,,"Open Data released by the City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.",ckan,other-at,,,"Buenos Aires, Argentina","-34.612869,-58.4459789",AR,es,active,2013-01-07T17:57:21.564Z,,,, burlington_ca,"Burlington, Ontario",,City of Burlington,City of Burlington,,,You may send [feedback]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,level.local canada,,,,"Burlington, Ontario","43.3235642,-79.8011553",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:47:24.739Z,,,, busan-metropolitan-city,부산시 공공데이터,,Busan Metropolitan City,Busan Metropolitan City,,Government,부산시 공공데이터,city southkorea,,,,Busan,"35.1667, 129.0667",KR,ko,active,,,,, ca_gov,California,,State of California,State of California,,,"Access raw State data files, databases, geographic data, and other data sources from the State of California",ctic unitedstates,,,,"California, United States","36.7014631,-118.7559974",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:55.104Z,,,, ca_nl,Newfoundland and Labrador,,Government of Newfoundland and Labrador,Government of Newfoundland and Labrador,,,,canada,,,,Newfoundland and Labrador,"52.0000002,-56.0000001",CA,en,active,2014-05-04T21:53:02.329Z,,,, ca_on_kitchener,"Kitchener, Ontario",,City of Kitchener,City of Kitchener,,,,canada,,,,"Kitchener, Ontario","43.4516552,-80.4924615",CA,en,active,2014-05-08T16:44:52.457Z,,,, ca-climate,California Climate Commons,,California Climate Commons,California Climate Commons,,,"Searchable catalog of climate data hosted at California Climate Commons Commons and elsewhere. ",climate-change unitedstates,,,,"California, USA","36.7014631,-118.7559974",US,en,active,2012-08-21T09:07:22.169Z,,,, caib_es,Balearic Islands Open Data,,Balearic Islands Regional Government,Balearic Islands Regional Government,,,Balearic Islands Open Data Catalog,ctic level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Balearic Islands,"39.6134222,2.880394445403",ES,ca es,active,2011-06-27T18:12:41.081Z,,,, calgaryonlinestore_com,"Calgary, Alberta",,City of Calgary,City of Calgary,,,"Uses its [own license]( See the [ideas forum]( ",ctic level.local canada,notspecified,,,"Calgary, Alberta","51.0530588,-114.0625614",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:59.552Z,,,, california-health-and-human-services-open-data-portal,California Health and Human Services Open Data Portal,,Jim Cashel,California Health and Human Services,,Government,An open data portal providing access to California health-related data.,,Other (Open),,,California,"37.2718745,-119.2732788",US,en,active,,,,, cambridgeshire-county-council,Cambridgeshire Insight Open Data,,Cambridgeshire County Council,Cambridgeshire County Council,,Government,This site is managed by Cambridgeshire County Council and the development has been funded by the Local Government Association.,city unitedkingdom,,,,"Cambridgeshire, England","52.3333, 0.0000",UK,en,active,,DKAN,,CKAN API, camera,Linked Open Camera,,,,,,Data about public administration expenses 2010,ctic,,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,inactive,2011-06-27T18:13:56.447Z,,,, cameroon_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Cameroon,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Cameroon,africa,other-at,,,Cameroon,"4.6125522,13.1535811",CM,en,active,2013-08-29T07:44:12.03Z,,,, capeverde_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Cape Verde,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Cape Verde,africa,other-at,,,Cape Verde,"16.00,-24.00",CV,en,active,2013-08-29T07:47:18.149Z,,,, centraldedados-pt,Central de Dados,,Ricardo Lafuente,Transparência Hackday Portugal,28/05/2014,Community,"Central de Dados is an independent hub to archive amd provide various public information datasets, converted to the Tabular Data Package format.",portugal,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,Portugal,"39.557191,-7.8536599",PT,pt,active,,,,, chamber_of_deputies_it,Italian Chamber of Deputies,,Italian Chamber of Deputies,Italian Chamber of Deputies,,,"The history, activities, mechanisms of functioning of the Chamber of Deputies. Available free to reuse. ",italy,cc-by-sa,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,active,2012-01-12T15:47:09.809Z,,,, chatham_kent_on,"Chatham-Kent, Ontario",,City of Chatham-Kent,City of Chatham-Kent,,,,canada,,,,"Chatham-Kent, Ontario","42.3285132,-81.97609195",CA,en,active,2014-08-08T06:09:24.279Z,,,, chattanooga-public-library,Chattanooga Open Data Portal,,Chattanooga Public Library,Chattanooga Public Library,,Government,Chattanooga Open Data Portal is provided by the Chattanooga Public Library through partnership with the City of Chattanooga as well as the Open Chattanooga Brigade.,city unitedstates,,,,"Chattanooga, TN","35.0456, -85.2672",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), chicago,City of Chicago data portal,,,,,,,level.local,,,,Chicago,"41.8755546,-87.6244212",UK,en,active,2013-05-08T10:15:15.94Z,,,, chile_library_of_congress,Chile Library of Congress Linked Data,,Library of Congress of Chile,Library of Congress of Chile,,,Chile Library of Congress Linked Data,america chile ctic,odc-pddl,,,Chile,"-31.7613365,-71.3187697",CL,es,active,2011-06-27T18:12:49.423Z,,,, chile_transparency_board,Chile's Transparency Board OpenData,,,,,,OpenData catalog by the Chile's Transparency Board,ctic,,,,Chile,"-31.7613365,-71.3187697",CL,es,active,2011-06-27T18:12:51.568Z,,,, chile-government,,,Gobierno de Chile (Chile government),Gobierno de Chile (Chile government),,,"Official Chile government open data site. From the beta welcome message: Welcome to datos.gob This beta version of the site has been developed as part of our Open Government policies designed to promote a more transparent and participatory state. Currently the site contains a limited set of datasets available under Creative Commons. We are working on the publication of progressively more data in open formats, so your comments and suggestions are vital to help us improve this platform and bring it to more users.",government,cc-by,,,cl,"-31.7613365,-71.3187697",CL,es,active,2012-01-20T16:49:04.42Z,,,, chilliwack_bc,"Chilliwack, British Columbia",,City of Chilliwack,City of Chilliwack,,,,canada,,,,"Chilliwack, British Columbia","49.166667,-121.95",CA,en,active,2014-03-24T05:00:07.652Z,,,, china,Chinese Government Public Information Online,,,,,,Integration of the Chinese Government Public Information Service Platform,ctic,,,,China,"35.000074,104.999927",CN,zh-hans,active,2011-06-27T18:12:53.438Z,,,, city-and county-of-durham,Open Data City and County of Durham,,City and County of Durham,City and County of Durham,,Government,Open Data City and County of Durham,city unitedstates,,,,"Durham, NC","35.9886, -78.9072",US,en,active,,OpenDataSoft,,OpenDataSoft API, city-and-county-of-honolulu,,,City and County of Honolulu,City and County of Honolulu,,Government,,city unitedstates,,,,"Honolulu, HI","21.3000, -157.8167",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-asheville,City of Asheville Open Data Portal,,City of Asheville,City of Asheville,,Government,City of Asheville Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,odc-pddl,,,"Asheville, NC","35.5800, -82.5558",US,en,active,,ArcGIS Hub,,, city-of-austin,,,City of Austin,City of Austin,,Government,City of Austin Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Austin, TX","30.2500, -97.7500",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-baton-rouge,Open Data BR,,City of Baton Rouge,City of Baton Rouge,,Government,Open Data BL,city unitedstates,,,,"Baton Rouge, LA","30.4500, -91.1400",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-boston,City of Boston's Data Portal,,City of Boston,City of Boston,,Government,City of Boston’s Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Boston, MA","42.3601, -71.0589",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-boulder,City of Boulder Open Data Catalog,,City of Boulder,City of Boulder,,Government,City of Boulder Open Data Catalog,city unitedstates,,,,"Boulder, CO","40.0274, -105.2519",US,en,active,,,,, city-of-chicago-data-portal,"Chicago, Illinois",,City of Chicago,City of Chicago,,,The City of Chicago’s Data Portal is dedicated to promoting access to government data and encouraging the development of creative tools to engage and serve Chicago's diverse community. Here you’ll find essential data presented in easy-to-use formats to help Chicagoans keep track of how their government is performing and build innovative applications to benefit residents and visitors alike.,chicago city transportation unitedstates,notspecified,,,"Chicago, Illinois","41.8756208,-87.6243706",US,en,active,2011-08-03T16:34:01.108Z,,,, city-of-culver-city,Culver City Open Data,,City of Culver City,City of Culver City,,Government,Culver City Open Data,city unitedstates,,,,"Culver City, CA","34.0078, -118.4008",US,en,inactive,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-detroit,Detroit Open Data,,City of Detroit,City of Detroit,,Government,Detroit Open Data,city unitedstates,,,,"Detroit, MI","42.3314, -83.0458",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-grand-rapids,Grand Rapids Open Data,,,City of Grand Rapids,,Government,"The Grand Rapids Open Data catalog is a collaborative project between the City of Grand Rapids and Friendly Code, a Code for America Brigade.",city unitedstates,,,,"Grand Rapids, MI","42.9612, -85.6557",US,en,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, city-of-kansas-city,Open Data KC,,City of Kansas City,City of Kansas City,,Government,Open Data KC,city unitedstates,,,,"Kansas City, MO","39.0997, -94.5783",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-las-vegas,City of Las Vegas Data Portal,,City of Las Vegas,City of Las Vegas,,Government,City of Las Vegas Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Las Vegas, NV","36.1215, -115.1739",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-los-angeles,DataLA,,City of Los Angeles,City of Los Angeles,,Government,Los Angeles Open Data,city unitedstates,,,,"Los Angeles, CA","34.0500, -118.2500",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-madison,City of Madison Data,,City of Madison,City of Madison,,Government,City of Madison Data,city unitedstates,,,,"Madison, WI","43.0667, -89.4000",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-minneapolis,Open Data Minneapolis,,City of Minneapolis,City of Minneapolis,,Government,Open Data Minneapolis,city unitedstates,,,,"Minneapolis, MN","44.9778, -93.2650",US,en,active,,ArcGIS Open Data,,, city-of-palo-alto,City of Palo Alto,,Diego May,Jonathan Reichental,15/06/2012,Government,A really good open data portal that allows easy finding of data.,,Other (Open),,,"Silicon Valley, California","37.4028036,-122.0410981",US,en,active,,,,, city-of-passadena,City of Pasadena Open Data,,City of Passadena,City of Passadena,,Government,City of Pasadena Open Data,city unitedstates,,,,"Pasadena, CA","34.1561, -118.1319",US,en,active,,Junar,,Junar API, city-of-providence,City of Providence Open Data Portal,,City of Providence,City of Providence,,Government,City of Providence Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Providence, RI","41.8236, -71.4222",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-richmond,City of Richmond Open Data Portal,,City of Richmond,City of Richmond,,Government,City of Richmond Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Richmond, VA","37.5333, -77.4667",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-sacramento,City of Sacramento Open Data Portal,,City of Sacramento,City of Sacramento,,Government,City of Sacramento Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Sacramento, CA","38.5556, -121.4689",US,en,active,,Junar,,Junar API, city-of-san-jose,City of San Jose,,City of San Jose,City of San Jose,,Government,City of San Jose Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"San Jose, CA","37.3382, -121.8863",US,en,active,,Junar,,Junar API, city-of-santa-clarita,City of Santa Clarita Open Data Portal,,City of Santa Clarita,City of Santa Clarita,,Government,City of Santa Clarita Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Santa Clarita, CA","34.4167, -118.5064",US,en,active,,Junar,,Junar API, city-of-santa-monica,Santa Monica Open Data,,City of Santa Monica,City of Santa Monica,,Government,Santa Monica Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Santa Monica, CA","34.0219, -118.4814",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), city-of-waterloo,"Waterloo, Ontario",,City of Waterloo,City of Waterloo,,,City of Waterloo Open Data website.,canada,,,,"Waterloo, Ontario","43.4655524,-80.5217786",US,en,active,2012-12-06T16:39:23.644Z,,,, city-of-west-hollywood,City of West Hollywood Open Data,,City of West Hollywood,City of West Hollywood,,Government,City of West Hollywood Open Data,city unitedstates,,,,"West Hollywood, CA","34.0878, -118.3722",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), cityscale-com-ua---know-a-better-place-, - Know a better place.,,Alex,,01/03/2013,Institutional, It's an information portal that represents data about life conditions(but not only) in Ukraine in most suitable for citizens and specialists manner.,,Other (Open),,,Ukraine,"48.3029736,26.6951146",UA,ru,active,,,,, citywindsor_ca,"Windsor, Ontario",,City of Windsor,City of Windsor,,,You may send [feedback]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,ctic canada,,,,"Windsor, Ontario","42.3032758,-83.0285111",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:07.736Z,,,, civicapps_org,Civic Apps for Greater Portland,,,,,,"CivicApps Data Catalog, Portland (USA)",ctic unitedstates,,,,"Portland, Oregon","45.5202471,-122.6741949",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:10.236Z,,,, ckan_ireland,CKAN Ireland,,,,,,A community-maintained data catalogue for Ireland.,ckan ctic ireland publicdata-eu ,,,,Ireland,"52.865196,-7.9794599",IE,en,inactive,2011-06-27T18:12:43.064Z,,,, ckan-brazil,CKAN Brazil,,Open Knowledge Foundation,Open Knowledge Foundation,,,"Community driven open data portal for Brazil. Runs on the [CKAN software]( Coordinated by Augusto Herrmann.",ckan,odc-odbl,,,Brazil,"-8.4666145,-51.3333976",BR,pt,inactive,2011-07-04T12:26:15.518Z,,,, ckan-italia,CKAN Italia,,OKF Italia,OKF Italia,,,"Open community catalogue for open data in Italy. Runs on CKAN instance. Hosted by OKF Italia with Stefano Costa and Federico Morando. Contact: see .",ckan publicdata-eu italy,odc-odbl,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,inactive,2011-10-14T10:12:03.043Z,,,, ckan-serbia,CKAN - Serbia,,Mihajlo Pupin Institute team,Mihajlo Pupin Institute team,,,Serbian Government data. CKAN instance set-up as part of the LOD2 WP9 project by the Mihajlo Pupin Institute Team.,level.national ckan publicdata-eu,odc-odbl,,,Serbia,"44.1534121,20.55144",RS,sr,inactive,2012-01-18T16:39:30.621Z,,,, codeando_mexico,Codeando Mexico,,Codeando Mexico,Codeando Mexico,,,"Open data platform for the new era of civic innovation in Mexico, driven by civil society.",mexico ckan,,,,Mexico,"22.5000485,-100.0000375",MX,es,active,2013-06-21T08:10:26.488Z,,,, colorado,Colorado,,State of Colorado,State of Colorado,,,"State of Colorado (official) Open Data Catalog 9 datasets (Jan 2012)",ctic unitedstates,,,,"Colorado, United States","38.7251776,-105.6077167",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:12.25Z,,,, comune-di-matera,Portale Dati aperti del Comune di Matera,,Comune di Matera,Comune di Matera,,Government,Portale Dati aperti del Comune di Matera,city italia,,,,Matera,"40.6667, 16.6000",IT,it,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, comune-di-palermo,Comune di Palermo Open Data,,Comune di Palermo,Comune di Palermo,,Government,Comune di Palermo Open Data,city italia,,,,Palermo,"38.1167, 13.3667",IT,it,active,,,,, comune-milano,City of Milan Open Data,,Comune di Milano,Comune di Milano,,,"Open Data portal of the City of Milan, Italy.",level.local eu-official italy,,,,"Milan, Italy","45.4666211,9.1906166",IT,it,active,2013-01-09T10:58:04.459Z,,,, comune-roma,City of Rome Open Data,,Roma Capitale,Roma Capitale,,,"Open Data from the City of Rome, Italy.",level.local eu-official italy,,,,"Rome, Italy","41.8932575,12.4830619",IT,it,active,2013-01-09T10:53:34.081Z,,,, conneticut-transparency,Conneticut Transparency Website,,The Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA),The Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA),,,"This site was created in accordance with Public Act 10-155, An Act Requiring the Establishment of a Searchable Database for State Expenditures. This Public Act requires the Office of Fiscal Analysis to establish and maintain a website for the purpose of posting state agency expenditures, including contracts and grants. The Office of Fiscal Analysis (OFA) is a nonpartisan office that supports the Connecticut General Assembly. To read more about us, please visit our website at .",finance level.regional,notspecified,,,"Conneticut, USA","42.624486,-82.964592",US,English,active,2012-06-06T15:07:30.59Z,,,, cook-county-government,Open Data Portal for Cook County Government,,Local Authority,Local Authority,,," * Courts * Economic Development * Finance and Accounting * Forest Preserves, Parks & Recreation * GIS / Maps * Healthcare * Public Safety * Property & Taxation ",level.local us unitedstates,notspecified,,,"Cook County, USA","41.8197385,-87.756525",US,English,active,2011-12-09T12:08:43.623Z,,,, cordoba,Open Data Córdoba,,City of Cordoba,City of Cordoba,,,City of Cordoba Open Data catalog,city ctic level.local spain eu-official,,,,"Cordoba, Spain","37.8844099,-4.7794976",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:14:49.78Z,,,, criik,criik,,Ciudadano Inteligente,Ciudadano Inteligente,,,,,,,,South America,"-20.9999998,-61.0000002",mx uy cl,es,active,2012-01-20T16:42:05.33Z,,,, csiro-data-access-portal,CSIRO Data Access Portal,,Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO),,,Data from Australia's national science agency the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO).,science australia,other-nc,,,Australia,"-24.7761086,134.755",AU,en,active,2013-05-02T06:08:08.619Z,,,, cub-bordeaux,LaCUB OpenData Bordeaux,,Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux,Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux,,,"Open Data portal of the Urban Community of Bordeaux. The Cub has a lot of data of interest to a wide audience, in the areas of transportation, travel, water, sanitation, housing, environment, etc. The Cub has decided to provide free public data available to citizens, associations, businesses, researchers, so they can reuse them to create innovative digital services (mobile applications, information systems, web portals , etc.).",level.local eu-official france,,,,"Bordeaux, France","44.841225,-0.5800364",FR,fr,active,2012-06-21T07:35:10.731Z,,,, cz-ckan-net,CKAN Czech Republic,,,,,,Czech CKAN powered data catalogue.,public_sector veřejná_správa ckan publicdata-eu,odc-odbl,,,Czech Republic,"49.8167003,15.4749544",CZ,cs en,inactive,2011-07-17T10:35:04.351Z,,,, dades-obertes-arenys-de-munt,Dades Obertes Arenys de Munt,,,Ajuntament d'Arenys de Munt,18/06/2015,Government,It is a CKAN platform deployed by Smartgovs company,,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,"Arenys de Munt, SP","41.6102971,2.5398319",SP,ct,active,,,,, dados-al-gov-br,Alagoas em Dados e Informações - Official Open Data Portal from Alagoas State Government,,Thiago José Tavares Ávila,Planning and Development Office of Alagoas State Government,20/03/2012,Government,"Alagoas em Dados e Informações is a socioeconomic data and information platform from Alagoas State Government. Offers amount of data like geospatial information (satellite images, vectors, place points), economic and social statistic data, publications about Alagoas economy. It can be acessed by an API and still available at",brazil,cc-by-sa,,,"Alagoas, Brazil","-9.658443,-36.6897704",BR,pt,active,,,,CKAN API, dados-gov-br,,,Brazilian Government,Brazilian Government,,,"Official Brazilian government data portal. Development led by the Open Data Team (Augusto Herrmann, Christian Miranda, Nitai Bezerra) at the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management. Uses CKAN with custom theme, plus Wordpress for the content areas.",brazil government ckan,cc-by,,,Brazil,"-8.4666145,-51.3333976",br,pt,active,2011-10-09T18:08:45.4Z,,,, dados-gov-novo-hamburgo-brasil,"Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil",,Prefeitura Municipal de Novo Hamburgo,Prefeitura Municipal de Novo Hamburgo,,,"Open Data portal of the Municipal Administration of the city of Novo Hamburgo, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil. Has official municipal datasets on budgets, income, spending, births and deaths, and more. Uses CKAN.",city ckan demographics government-spending official,odc-odbl,,,"Novo Hamburgo, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil","-29.6905705,-51.1429035",br,pt,active,2012-12-03T11:04:30.186Z,,,, dadosabertos-senado-gov-br,Portal de Dados Abertos do Senado Federal (Brazil),,Senado Federal (Brazil),Senado Federal (Brazil),,,Open Data Portal for the Brazilian Federal Senate. Uses CKAN.,brazil ckan official senate,notspecified,,,Brazil,"-8.4666145,-51.3333976",br,pt,active,2012-05-15T17:45:54.157Z,,,, daejeon-metropolitan-city,대전광역시 공공데이터개방,,Daejeon Metropolitan City,Daejeon Metropolitan City,,Government,대전광역시 공공데이터개방,city southkorea,,,,Daejeon,"36.3510, 127.3850",KR,ko,active,,,,, dalian,Dalian (China) Government Information,,,,,,Dalian Municipal Government Information Service,ctic,,,,Dalian,"38.920716,121.6388678",CN,zh-hans,active,2011-06-27T18:13:16.337Z,,,, dallas-open-data,Dallas Open Data,,,,,Government,Open data portal of the City of Dallas.,,Other (Open),,,"Dallas, TX","32.8206645,-96.7313396",US,en,active,,,,, danepubliczne-gov-pl,Central Repository of Public Information,,,Ministry of Administration and Digitisation,09/05/2014,Government,"The Central Repository is an IT tool improving access and reuse of so-called ""information resources"", i.e. public information of particular importance for the development of innovation and information society, as well as public information units that information resources consist of (i.e. texts, reports, tables, accounts, presentations, invoices, acts, notes, ordinances, letters). Information resources can serve as a basis for innovative products and services, like mobile applications or internet portals. From the user's perspective, the Central Repository is a convenient tool, which allows to access information resources collected by many different institutions from one place.",poland,Other (Open),,,"Warsaw, Poland","52.232938,21.0611941",PL,pl,active,,,,, dat-ar---unofficial-argentina's-open-data-catalogue, - Unofficial Argentina's open data catalogue,,,,13/09/2015,Community,Unofficial repository of public (mostly government related) data.,,Other (Open),,,Argentina,"-35.1124869,-65.241974",AR,"es, en, pt",active,,,,, data_australia_gov_au,Australian Government Catalogue,,Department of Finance,Department of Finance,,," provides an easy way to find, access and reuse public datasets from the Australian Government and state and territory governments. The main purpose of the site is to encourage public access to and reuse of government data by providing it in useful formats and under open licences. ",ctic australia,cc-by,,,Australia,"-24.7761086,134.755",AU,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:36.904Z,,,, open_canada_ca,Canada,,Government of Canada,Government of Canada,,,"You may send [feedback](, [request datasets]( and subscribe to [dataset updates]( Uses its [own license]( See the [FAQ](",ctic ckan canada,,,,Canada,"45.421913,-75.694800",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:45.023Z,CKAN,,, data_go_kr,"""Data.Go.KR - Official Korean Government Portal""",,,,,,Official Korean Open Data portal,korea level.national,,,,"Daegu, South Korea","35.880886,128.730030",KR,ko,active,2013-03-14T17:01:36.904Z,,,, data_gov,United States Federal Government,,,,,,"The purpose of is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.",ctic unitedstates,,,,United States of America,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:18.143Z,,,, data_gov_il,,,Government of Israel,Government of Israel,,,Israel Government Portal,israel,,,,Israel,"30.8760272,35.0015196",isr,il,active,2013-08-29T06:07:21.323Z,,,, data_gov_sk,Slovak Republic national data portal,,,Government of the Slovak Republic,01/04/2012,,"Open government data portal for Slovakia. A CKAN based portal, started in April 2012. At launch with 19 closed data sets.",ckan slovakia,odc-odbl,,,Slovakia,"48.7411522,19.4528646",SK,sk,active,2013-06-21T07:46:10.881Z,,,, data_gov_uk,,,UK Government,UK Government,,,"The UK Government's official open data catalogue. Contact: via .",ctic level.national ckan publicdata-eu eu-official unitedkingdom,uk-ogl,,,Great Britain,"54.7023545,-3.2765753",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:20.222Z,,,, data_lexington_gov,,,,,,,"Open Data Portal of Lexington, Kentucky US",level.local unitedstates,,,,"Kentucky, United States (US)","38.048886,-84.499921",US,en,active,2013-03-14T16:56:32.096Z,,,, data_mos_ru,,,The Moscow City Government,The Moscow City Government,,,"Moscow city administration open data portal, Russia.",level.local russia,,,,"Moscow, Russia","55.7516335,37.6187042",RU,ru,active,2013-03-14T16:48:17.994Z,,,, data_one,Data.One,,,,,,Data.One is the Hong Kong Government Open Data portal,ctic,,,,Hong Kong,"22.2793278,114.1628131",HK,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:20.27Z,,,, data_openpolice_ru,,,Russian Federation,Russian Federation,,,"Data portal for Open Police project, Russia",ckan russia,,,,Russia,"64.6863136,97.7453061",RU,ru,active,2013-03-14T16:43:20.917Z,,,, data_qld_gov_au,Queensland Government Data,,Queensland Government,Queensland Government,,,"Open data from the State government of Queensland, Australia",ckan australia,cc-by,,,"Queensland, Australia","-21.9182856,144.4588889",AU,English,active,2012-12-21T04:34:32.784Z,,,, data_seattle_gov,Seattle,,City of Seattle,City of Seattle,,,"The purpose of the City of Seattle Data Catalogue ( is to increase public access to high value, machine readable datasets generated by various departments of Seattle City government.",ctic unitedstates,,,,"Seattle, Washington","47.6038321,-122.3300624",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:05.812Z,,,, data_vic_gov_au,Victorian Government Data Directory,,Department of Business and Innovation,Department of Business and Innovation,,, is your online access point to Victorian Government public sector information.,ctic australia,cc-by,,,"Victoria, Australia","-36.854167,144.282",AU,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:27.033Z,,,, data-castilla-leon,Data Portal Castilla y León,,Junta de Castilla y León,Junta de Castilla y León,,,Regional data portal for Castilla y León in Spain. Launched March 2012,level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Castilla y León,"41.8037172,-4.7471726",ES,es,active,2012-03-27T12:49:05.379Z,,,, data-catalogue-austrian-government, - Offene Daten Österreich,,Federal Chancellery of Austria,Federal Chancellery of Austria,,, offers a central access point to open (government) data in Austria.,austria data level.national portal ckan eu-official,cc-by,,,Austria,"47.2000338,13.199959",AT,DE,active,2012-04-20T05:55:48.937Z,,,, data-catalogue-linz-austria,Linz Open Data,,City of Linz,City of Linz,,,Official data catalogue of the City of Linz in Austria and the Open Commons region Linz providing several data sets for re-use under cc-by license. The site runs OpenCms with CKAN as a back end; the catalogue is also exposed directly at,austria level.local linz ckan eu-official,cc-by,,,Linz,"48.3058789,14.2865628",AT,de,active,2011-10-12T11:07:09.491Z,,,, data-catalogue-suisse-government,Offene Behördendaten der Schweiz,,Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft,Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft,,,National Open Data Portal of Switzerland launched in September 2013.,behördendaten eidgenossenschaft offene schweiz suisse switzerland,,,,Switzerland,"46.7985624,8.2319736",sui,de fr it,active,2013-09-16T16:11:16.433Z,,,, data-civicinfo-ca,British Columbia Local Government Open Data Catalogue,,,,,,"Aggregates open data form the Province of British Columbia, the City of Nanaimo, the District of North Cowichan, and the District of Saanich. [Adapted the UK Open Government License](",canada,,,,British Columbia,"55,-125",CA,en,active,2012-10-02T20:52:46.255Z,CKAN,,, data-colorado-gov,Colorado Information Marketplace,,Brian Gryth,State of Colorado,01/11/2011,Government,"Data catalog for the State of Colorado in the United State. Primarily a source for state government data. Does not currently contain local government data (i.e. city or municipal data). No specific license, but the site has a standard terms of use (see",colorado,Unknown,,,"Colorado, United States","38.997934,-105.550567",US,en,active,,,,, data-galicia,Open Data Portal Galicia,,Xunta de Galicia,Xunta de Galicia,,,"Dataportal of the regional government of Galicia, Spain. Launched Feb 2012",level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Galicia,"42.61946,-7.863112",ES,es,active,2012-03-27T12:46:44.183Z,,,, data-go-jp,,,Tomoaki Watanabe,National Strategy Office of Information and Communications Technology in Cabinet Secretariat ,20/12/2013,Government,"It contains data from the national government, and local government data, while there are a number of open data catalogs at the local level, are not included here at the time of reporting. Many of the data sets cataloged here fall into one of the five major categories identified by the Japanese government for open data: 1) white papers, 2) geo-spatial, 3) movement of people, 4) disaster prevention and mitigation, and 5) budget, spending, and procurement.",japan,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,Japan,"37.4900318,136.4664008",JP,jp,active,,,,, data-go-th---official-thai-government-portal, - Official Thai Government Portal,,,Ministry of Information and Communication Technology,01/01/2015,Government,"EGA Open Government Licence - this is in Thai and needs to be translated. EGA = Electronic Government Agency, a Thai government agency devoted to promoting e-government. Data is predominantly historical data, not current.",,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,"Bangkok, Thailand","13.7248946,100.4930237",TH,th,active,,,,, data-gouv-fr,,,Etalab,Etalab,05/12/2011,Government,Open platform of French public data.,eu-official france,etalab-2.0,,,France,"46.603354,1.8883335",FR,fr,active,2011-12-05T10:58:17.041Z,udata,,udata API, data-gov-bf,,,Teg-wende Idriss TINTO,Ministère du Développement de l’Économie Numérique et des Postes à travers l’Agence Nationale de Promotion des TIC (ANPTIC),05/06/2014,Government,"The portal have been launched by the government to publish all their data. The BODI (Burkina Faso Open Data) team is on work with all the open data ecosystem to choose the appropriate licence for all, but currently, there are a legal mention that allow user to use the data for whatever he want",,other-at,,,Burkina Faso,"12.2395,-1.5584094",bf,fr,active,,,,, data-gov-hk,Data.Gov.HK,,Rob Davidson,Office of the Government Chief Information Officer,18/03/1980,Government,"This replaces the Data.One portal that Hong Kong initially had for Open Data. The website provides a portal for links to data stored on various government departments. There is official intention for all public data to be eventually accessible via this portal but Freedom of Information requests have indicated that different departments have a) varying knowledge of the portal b) varying attitude towards the portal. The data is NOT open. The government provides its own license that is heavily restrictive and vague. ",,Other (Not Open),,"The license/terms and conditions can be found here: The data is available for commercial and non-commercial use but there are considerable restrictions on both. Commercially, the data is not allowed to be sold. In theory, if you package the data with an app that is for sale, that would not be allowed. Further, there is a list of allowed commercial uses (see section 9) that focus almost entirely of 'advertisement and promotion' of services. Creating a service out of the data itself is presumably restricted because it falls under the category of re-selling the data. The wording may reflect Hong Kong's complete reliance and focus on property and financial service markets, or it may reflect the government's desire to retain control of the data. For all users, pay especial consideration to the list of conditions at the end of section 8. For example, ""you shall not use the Data in any inappropriate, ... manner"". The decision on what is inappropriate, of course, lies entirely in the hands of the Hong Kong government and following the typical Chinese model of vague terminology, covers absolutely anything. If your data product brings any potential embarrassment, loss of earnings or discomfort to Hong Kong, its government, its elite or China, then your product will be criminalised.",Hong Kong,"22.3579355,113.9809309",HK,"en, tc, sc",active,,,,, data-gov-hr,Data.Gov.HR - Portal otvorenih podataka Republike Hrvatske,,Miroslav Schlossberg,Ministarstvo uprave,19/03/2015,Government,"Portal otvorenih podataka Republike Hrvatske predstavlja podatkovni čvor koji služi za prikupljanje, kategorizaciju i distribuciju otvorenih podataka javnog sektora.",hrvatska croatia national,Creative Commons - Attribution Share-alike,,,Croatia,"45.8139125,16.1403084",HR,hr,active,,,,, data-gov-ie,,,Richard Cyganiak,Department of Public Expenditure and Reform,01/05/2014,Government, is a searchable directory of datasets that are published on the websites of Irish public sector bodies.,ireland national public sector,Other (Not Open),,,Ireland,"53.4152431,-8.2390307",IE,en,active,,,,, data-gov-ph---open-data-philippines,Data.Gov.Ph - Open Data Philippines,,Ray Anthony Dino,Open Data Philippines Task Force,,Government,"DATA POLICY STATEMENT 1. Application of this Data Policy The statements in this policy apply only to datasets accessible through Nothing in this policy shall be construed as a limitation or modification of existing laws, rules, and legal precedents. 2. Licensing Unless otherwise indicated, as stated in the next paragraph, datasets accessed through are offered free and without restriction. However, proper attribution must be credited to the publishing government agency. Some datasets available through have different governing licenses, indicated in its corresponding metadata. In such cases, the user shall observe the terms and conditions stipulated in the license provided. 3. Public information Datasets accessed through are confined to public information as defined by existing laws, rules, and legal precedents. 4. Re-use The Open Data Philippines Task Force and publishing government agencies have no controls on re-use or end use of datasets accessed through Once datasets have been downloaded from or from any agency’s website, the government cannot vouch for its re-use, including derivative works and analyses consequent from these datasets. 5. Feedback In support of citizen engagement, feedback from users regarding datasets, metadata, visualizations, and other forms of content in are welcomed and encouraged. Feedback on datasets will be forwarded by the Open Data Philippines Task Force to the concerned government agency. 6. Data providers Access to most of the datasets will link to the website of the source agency. In such case when the user leaves, the user is subject to the privacy and security policies of the data provider’s website. However, the licensing as stipulated above shall still apply. As the data providers, government agencies retain management and version control of their datasets. Hence, only the publishing government agency can guarantee the quality and timeliness of its datasets. 7. General The statements in this policy may be revised from time to time. is the official open data portal of the Government of the Philippines and managed by the Open Data Philippines Task Force.",,Other (Open),,,Philippines,"3.635393,121.760586",PH,en,active,,,,, data-gov-ro,Data.Gov.RO - Official Romanian OD Portal,,Andrei Nicoara,Prime Minister Cancellary,01/09/2013,Government,Romania national portal for central government institutions.,romania national,Other (Open),,,"Bucharest, Romania","44.4378258,26.0946376",RO,ro,active,,,,CKAN API, data-gov-tw,DATA.GOV.TW,,,,30/04/2013,Government,The Taiwan Government's official open data portal.,,Other (Open),,,Taiwan,"23.778649,121.019119",TW,zh,active,,,,, data-hartford,Hartford Data,,Brett Flodine / Enterprise GIS & Open Data Manager,City of Hartford ,27/08/2015,Government,This site is the open data site for the City of Hartford Connecticut. It provides access to both tabular data and our Enterprise GIS data. It is published using software provided by both Socrata and ESRI's ArcGIS Online Open Data platforms.,city unitedstates hartford local,Creative Commons Zero,,,"Hartford, Connecticut ","41.767075, -72.682904",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), data-lincoln,Data.Lincoln,,University of Lincoln,University of Lincoln,,,"Open data from the University of Lincoln, including course data, financial data, and organisational information.",academic_institutions,,,,"Lincoln, UK","53.2336131,-0.5392104",GB,en,active,2013-01-07T17:47:36.321Z,,,, data-meti,"Open Data METI, Japan",,"METI - Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan","METI - Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan",,,"Test site produced by METI, the Japanese Ministry for Economy, Trade and Industry. Created using CKAN.",ckan,notspecified,,,Japan,"36.5748441,139.2394179",jp,ja,active,2013-02-07T14:13:28.145Z,,,, data-norge-no,,,Government of Norway,Government of Norway,,,"Norway's official government open data catalogue. This supports the Norwegian [government's announcement]( that to direct national agencies to publish data in machine-readable formats: > In an executive decision announced today the Norwegian Ministry of Government Administrasjon, Reform, and Church Affairs has instructed all national government agencies to publish data in machine readable formats. This applies to data (1) that is valuable to the society, (2) that can be reused, (3) that is not confidential or bound by other regulations prohibiting release, and (4) that is presumed to be inexpensive to publish. Launched Dec 2010",level.national ckan eu-official,,,,Norway / Norge / Noreg,"60.5000209,9.0999715",no,no,active,2011-07-19T01:02:34.05Z,,,, data-publica_fr,Data Publica,,Data Publica,Data Publica,,,"Repository of French data including public files found on the web, scraped data, and commercial data from private companies. Contact: via .",publicdata-eu france,other-closed,,,France,"46.603354,1.8883335",FR,fr,active,2011-10-14T17:19:12.82Z,,,, data-sa-gov-au,Data South Australia,,Government of South Australia,Government of South Australia,,,The open data catalogue of the Australian state of South Australia,australia ckan,cc-by,,,South Australia,"-30.5343665,135.6301212",AU,EN,active,2011-10-12T19:56:24.809Z,,,, data-taina---official-tainan-city-government-portal,Data.Taina - Official Tainan City Government Portal,,Jet,,01/04/2014,Government,Open data portal for Tainan City Government in Taiwan,,Other (Open),,,"Tainan, Taiwan","23.1510076,120.0656741",TW,zh,active,,,,, data-ukmin-lt,,,,,,,,eu-official,,,,,"43.671529,12.027204",,,active,2012-12-04T16:37:16.964Z,,,, data-ulm,Datenkatalog Ulm,,City of Ulm,City of Ulm,,,Official Data Catalogue of the city of Ulm was launched in 2013. While most datasets are openly licensed (CC-BY or similar) some datasets are licensed under Licenses that are Non-Compliant with the Open Definition.,city germany municipality ulm,notspecified,,,Ulm,"48.398312,9.9910464",DE,DE,active,2014-02-01T13:50:06.187Z,,,, data-zagreb-hr, Official Open Data Portal,,Miroslav Schlossberg,City of Zagreb,31/03/2014,Government,Portal for publishing open data | Croatian: Portal za objavu javno dostupnih podataka,croatia zagreb hrvatska,Open Data Commons - Attribution,,,"Zagreb, Croatia","45.840196,15.9643316",HR,hr,active,,,,, dataact,dataACT (Australian Capital Territory),,ACT Government Government Information Office,ACT Government Government Information Office,,,"dataACT is an open data service initiative for the ACT community that enables individuals, businesses, data journalists, NGOs and even other people in the public sector to access, explore and build upon existing government data sets in new and innovative ways.",australia,cc-by,,,"Australian Capital Territory, Australia","-35.2750537,149.0882869",AU,en,active,2012-10-01T22:56:27.853Z,,,, datacatalogs-org,,,Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.,Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.,,, aims to be the most comprehensive list of open data catalogs in the world. It is curated by a group of open data experts from around the world.,ckan meta metacatalog okfn,odc-odbl,,,Global,"0,0",Global,en,active,2011-10-17T18:29:14.512Z,,,, datadotug,DataDotUG,,Reinier Battenberg,Fruits of Thought,21/02/2013,Community,The home of Uganda's Open Data,,Other (Open),,,Uganda,"1.3726043,30.0585227",UG,en,active,,,,, datagm,DataGM,,,,,,"Greater Manchester Datastore Official site for the Manchester borough councils, fire and police services. Coordinated by Trafford Council in partnership with FutureEverything and OKF. Runs on CKAN with a custom theme.",ctic level.regional ckan eu-official unitedkingdom,,,,Manchester,"53.4791466,-2.2447445",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:24.18Z,,,, datagov-ru,,,Institute of Contemporary Development - Института Современного Развития,Institute of Contemporary Development - Института Современного Развития,,,"CKAN community site, Russia",ckan,,,,Russian Federation,"64.6863136,97.7453061",ru,ru,active,2011-10-14T15:02:40.813Z,,,, datagovgreece,Greece National Data Portal,,General Secretariat of the Greek Prime Minister,General Secretariat of the Greek Prime Minister,,,Launched september 2013 in English and Greek.,level.national eu-official,cc-by,,,Greece,"39.000041,21.9999569",gr,en gr,active,2013-10-30T10:29:02.666Z,,,, datakilder-no,,,Citizen-run data catalog,Citizen-run data catalog,,,"A catalog of primarily Norwegian data sources, mostly but not exclusively government data. In Norwegian language. Also runs as Site maintainers: Olav Øvrebø / OKF",offdata offentlig-sektors-data ckan,notspecified,,,Norway,"60.5000209,9.0999715",NO,nb nn,inactive,2011-06-30T16:55:44.725Z,,,, datalocale,Datalocale Aquitaine,,Conseil général de la Gironde - Conseil régional d'Aquitaine,Conseil général de la Gironde - Conseil régional d'Aquitaine,,,"Portail mutualisé de données locales offrant des services de mises à disposition de ressources, de référencement et d'hébergement de données publiques sur le territoire du Sud-Ouest de la France",aquitaine geodata gironde government metadata,odc-odbl,,,Aquitaine,"44.3571841,-0.5391713",FR,fr,active,2011-07-18T22:52:16.641Z,,,, datasf_org,DataSF,,,,,,DataSF is a clearinghouse of datasets available from the City and County of San Francisco,ctic unitedstates,,,,San Francisco County,"37.748931,-122.440354",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:12:55.49Z,,,, datashanghai,datashanghai,,Feng Gao,,01/12/2012,Government,"Launched in 2012 and Revamped in later 2014. The site now is responsive. The portal contains more than 500+ datasets mainly about locations (e.g.hospitals, schools) now.",shanghai china regional local,Unknown,,,"Shanghai, China","31.2243489,121.4767528",CN,cn,active,,,,, daten-baden-wurttemberg,Baden-Württemberg Data Portal,,Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg,Landesregierung Baden-Württemberg,,,"Launched March 2012, a Sharepoint based data portal, for the German federal state Baden-Württemberg. The catalogue holds datasets under different OKD Compliant and OKD Non-Compliant Licenses.",level.regional eu-official germany,notspecified,,,Baden-Württemberg,"48.6296972,9.1949534",DE,de,active,2012-03-23T18:53:31.004Z,,,, daten-bremen,Data Portal Bremen,,Senatorin für Finanzen der Freien Hansestadt Bremen,Senatorin für Finanzen der Freien Hansestadt Bremen,,,"Official Data Catalogue of the German Federal State of Bremen was launched in June 2011. The catalogue holdes datasets under different OKD Compliant and OKD Non-Compliant Licenses.",bremen city deutschland germany level.regional eu-official,notspecified,,,Bremen,"53.0758099,8.80717",DE,de,active,2012-03-28T10:02:59.351Z,,,, dati_veneto_it,,,Direzione Sistemi Informativi di Regione del Veneto,Direzione Sistemi Informativi di Regione del Veneto,,,"Data portal for the Veneto region, Italy",level.regional italy,,,,"Veneto, Italy","45.6476663,11.8665254",IT,it,active,2013-03-14T16:21:33.397Z,,,, dati-emilia-romagna-it,,,Regione Emilia-Romagna,Regione Emilia-Romagna,,,Open data portal for Emilia-Romagna region in Italy.,level.regional eu-official italy,,,,Emilia-Romagna,"44.525696,11.039437",IT,it,active,2011-10-14T10:07:45.816Z,,,, dati-gov-it,,,Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation,Italian Ministry for Public Administration and Innovation,,,Italian open government data. National catalog of open data.,europe italy level.national official eu-official,cc-by-sa,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,active,2011-10-17T17:21:31.913Z,,,, dati-lombardia,Data Regione Lombardia,,Regional Government of Lombardia,Regional Government of Lombardia,,,"The regional data portal for Lombardia, Italy. Creating using Socrata, launched March 2012.",level.regional lombardia eu-official italy,cc-by,,,"Lombardia, Italy","45.6209,9.768893",IT,it,active,2012-03-23T18:24:43.535Z,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), datiopen_it,,, Group, Group,,,Portal for Italian Open Data,italy,,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",ITa,it,active,2013-08-29T05:59:23.998Z,,,, datos_misiones_gov_ar,,,Government of the Province of Misiones,Government of the Province of Misiones,,,"Open Data Portal for Government of Misiones, Argentina",level.regional,,,,"Misiones, Argentina","-26.737224,-54.4315257",AR,es,active,2013-03-18T11:49:43.857Z,,,, datos-abiertos-lima,Datos Abiertos de la Municipalidad Metropolitana de Lima,,Metropolitan Municipality of Lima,Metropolitan Municipality of Lima,,,,,,,,Lima,"-12,-76.833333",,es,active,2011-10-09T20:02:29.261Z,,,, datos-gub-uy, - Catálogo de Datos Abiertos,,State of Uruguay,State of Uruguay,,,Official Data Catalog for Uruguay.,,,,,Uruguay,"-32.8755548,-56.0201525",,,active,2012-12-06T16:52:28.004Z,,,, datos-org-py,DatosPy,,Gissela Peralta,Sociedad Civil,17/02/2015,Community,"Portal de Datos Abiertos de la Sociedad Civil Aquí la sociedad civil, la academia, las empresas y el gobierno disponen sus datos en formatos abiertos para usar, re-usar, y compartir de forma libre y gratuita.",paraguay,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,Paraguay,"-23.4380203,-58.4483065",PY,es,active,,,,CKAN API, datos-transparencia-gob-gt---portal-de-datos-abiertos-en-guatemala, - Portal de Datos Abiertos en Guatemala,,Joel Peñate,Comisión Presidencial de Transparencia y Gobierno Electrónico,01/04/2015,Government,"El portal de datos abiertos de Guatemala, se constituye como el primer ejercicio de liberación de datos desde la adopción de la iniciativa de Gobierno Abierto (2011), actualmente se cuenta con más de 100 datasets de diversas instituciones para ser conocidos por las instituciones y personas en general que quieran aportar datos científicos, son creados bajo los lineamientos comunes recopilados de experiencias internacionales.",,Unknown,,,Guatemala,"15.459528,-90.388996",GT,es,active,,,,, datosabiertos-df-gob-mx,,,Diego Cuesy,DGGTIC / Oficialía Mayor,16/10/2014,Government,The portal is in its beta phase. It contains datasets from different Mexico City government ministries. The license is Creative Commons Mexico (CC BY 2.5 MX),,Open Data Commons - Attribution,,,"Mexico City, Mexico","19.3907336,-99.1436126",MX,es,active,,,,, datosperu,,,,,,,,,notspecified,,,Peru,"-6.8699697,-75.0458515",pe,es,active,2011-09-05T08:16:22.054Z,,,, datospublicos-org,,,,,,," is a catalogue where users can share and register, and also search, access, download, reuse, and redistribute information published by state agencies directly or by others based on information they provide. es un catálogo a partir del cual los usuarios puedan compartir y referenciar, pero también buscar, acceder, descargar, reutilizar y redistribuir la información que los propios organismos del Estado, u otros agentes en base a la información proporcionada a aquellos, ponen a disposición del público.",community government ckan,odc-odbl,,,South America,"-20.9999998,-61.0000002",,es,active,2011-12-13T09:34:16.86Z,,,, dc_gov,District of Columbia,,District of Columbia,District of Columbia,,,"Access raw data files, databases, geographic data, and other data sources from the District of Columbia",ctic unitedstates,,,,"District of Columbia, United States","38.8937364,-76.9878113963744",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:26.219Z,,,, denver,Denver Open Data Catalog,,City and County of Denver,City and County of Denver,,,"Official data portal for the City and County of Denver, Colorado, created in partnership with Open Colorado.",ckan unitedstates,cc-by,,,"Denver, Colorado","39.7391536,-104.9847034",US,en,active,2012-07-17T10:57:26.457Z,,,, digitaliser_dk,Danish Data Catalogue,,National IT & Telecom Agency (Ministry of Science),National IT & Telecom Agency (Ministry of Science),,,Danish Public Data Catalogue,ctic level.national publicdata-eu eu-official,,,,Kingdom of Denmark,"55.670249,10.3333283",DK,dk,active,2011-06-27T18:13:18.217Z,,,, district-of-columbia,District of Columbia,,Emanuel Feld,"The Office of the Chief Technology Officer, DC Government",,Government,New data portal to replace old link,,Creative Commons - Zero,,,"Washington, DC","38.8937364,-76.9878113963744",US,en,active,,,,, dnv_org,"District of North Vancouver, British Columbia",,District of North Vancouver,District of North Vancouver,,,"GEOweb, the District of North Vancouver’s Open Data portal. Uses its [own license](",canada,,,,North Vancouver,"49.327377,-123.073303",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:35:44.022Z,,,, drcongo_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Democratic Republic of Congo,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Democratic Republic of Congo,africa,other-at,,,Democratic Republic of Congo,"-2.9814344,23.8222636",cod,en,active,2013-08-29T07:49:45.023Z,,,, dublinked-datastore,Dublinked DataStore,,NUI Maynooth,NUI Maynooth,,,"Dublinked is a joint initiative of the local authorities of the Dublin Region and researchers from NUI Maynooth. The project operates a data store, including a data catalog, focusing on Dublin City and the neighbouring counties of the Dublin Region. Some of the data is open, other parts are member-only. There is a membership fee.",dublin geodata ireland regional,notspecified,,,Dublin,"53.3494299,-6.2600969",IE,en,active,2011-10-17T17:03:58.839Z,,,, e-data-gov-ua---the-official-portal-of-public-finance-in-ukraine, - the official portal of public finance in Ukraine,,"Public Organization ""MUST BE""",Ministry of Finance of Ukraine,15/09/2015,Government,"Portal is an official state information resource on the Internet, where information is published in accordance with the Law ""On the open use of public funds."" Access to the information published on web portal, is free and free of charge, providing the ability to meet public interest concerning control processes, formation, distribution and use of public funds managers and recipients of the State Budget of Ukraine, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and local budgets and the Pension Fund, enterprises and funds of obligatory state social insurance.",,Other (Open),,,"Kyiv, Ukraine","50.4021368,30.2525084",UA,uk,active,,,,, earthworks---stanford-university-libraries-geospatial-data-discovery-application,EarthWorks - Stanford University Libraries geospatial data discovery application,,Jack Reed,Stanford University Libraries,22/04/2015,Research,"EarthWorks is a discovery tool for geospatial (a.k.a. GIS) data. It allows users to search and browse the GIS collections owned by Stanford University Libraries, as well as data collections from many other institutions. Data can be searched spatially, by manipulating a map; by keyword search; by selecting search limiting facets (e.g., limit to a given format type); or by combining these options.",,Other (Open),,Data in portal is licensed individually with a majority of it being public open data.,International,"37.427483,-122.169848",GLOBAL,en,active,,,,, edmonton_ca,"Edmonton, Alberta",,City of Edmonton,City of Edmonton,,,Uses Socrata. You may consult a [list of datasets to be released]( or [contact the office of the CIO]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,ctic canada,,,,"Edmonton, Alberta","53.5558285,-113.557352747797",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:01.749Z,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), eduinfo,EduInfo,,Eduinfo,Eduinfo,,,Online resource for all education data on schools in England.,unitedkingdom,,,,United Kingdom,"54.7023545,-3.2765753",GB,en,active,2013-12-06T10:19:36.568Z,,,, emap-fundacao-getulio-vargas,Dados Abertos EMAp,,Fundação Getúlio Vargas,Fundação Getúlio Vargas,,,"Open data catalog from Brazilian Fundação Getúlio Vargas using CKAN. Catálogo de dados abertos da Fundação Getúlio Vargas usando o CKAN.",brazil ctic fgv ckan,odc-odbl,,,"Rio de Janeiro, Brazil","-22.9112163,-43.2093781",BR,pt,active,2011-06-27T18:13:14.408Z,,,, enel,ENEL,,ENEL,ENEL,,,"Open data from the Italian power company Enel, including financial data and sustainability data. Enel is Italy’s largest power company, and Europe’s second listed utility by installed capacity. It is an integrated player, active in the power and gas sectors. Enel today operates in 40 countries worldwide, has over 97,000 MW of net installed capacity and sells power and gas to more than 61 million customers.",italy,cc-by,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it en,active,2011-10-17T17:23:43.285Z,,,, eresearch-sa-open-data-directory,eResearch SA Open Data Directory,,Alex Sadleir,eResearch SA,30/06/2015,Research,This Open Data Directory is provided by eResearch SA for the research community in South Australia.,,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"South Australia, Australia","-30.058333, 135.763333",AU,en,active,,,,, esri-geoportal-server,Esri Geoportal Server Open Source,,"Esri, Inc.","Esri, Inc.",,,Free sample catalog built using the open source Esri Geoportal Server ([This link](,catalog csw dublin-core fgdc geoportal interoperable iso metadata ogc open-source,notspecified,,,Globe,"33.3942223,-110.7864984",IE US UK ES FR NL DE pl sv IT lt AR id no ru fi cs PT,ie en es fr nl de sv it lt ar id no ru fi cs pl pt,active,2011-07-06T04:57:07.811Z,,,, ethiopia_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Ethiopia,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Ethiopia,africa,other-at,,,Ethiopia,"10.2116702,38.6521203",eTH,en,active,2013-08-29T07:51:56.197Z,,,, eu-open-data,EU Open Data,,European Commission,European Commission,,,Open Data portal for the European Commission and other institutions of the European Union.,ckan eu-official,,,,EU countries,"51.430595,20.763370",,,active,2013-01-21T09:34:02.507Z,,,, european_dataportal,European Data Portal,,,European Commission,,Government,Open Data portal for the European Commission and other institutions of the European Union.,eu-official,,,,EU countries,"51.430595,20.763370",,,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, euskadi_net,Open Data Euskadi,,Basque Government,Basque Government,,,"Open Data Euskadi. -The open data catalog of the Basque Government (Spain). Since 2010, April.",ctic level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Basque Country,"42.9644586,-2.56308183",ES,es eu en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:51.79Z,,,, eutransparency,European Open Data Inventory,,,,,,"EU Transparency, CKAN (Open Knowledge Foundation). CKAN makes it easy to find, share and reuse open content and data.",ctic,,,,Europe,"51.0000003,9.9999997",Europe,en,inactive,2011-06-27T18:13:28.115Z,,,, extremadura,Extremadura Reutiliza,,,,,,"Open Data initiative in Extremadura, Spain. It has been shut down by regional government",ctic level.regional eu-official spain,,,,Extremadura,"39.1748426,-6.1529891",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:13:30.202Z,,,, fair-play_sk,Slovakia Data Catalogue,,Aliancia Fair-Play,Aliancia Fair-Play,,,Slovakia Public Data Catalogue,ctic,,,,Slovakia,"48.7411522,19.4528646",SK,sk,active,2011-06-27T18:15:52.967Z,,,, fingal_county_ie,Fingal Open Data,,Fingal County Council,Fingal County Council,,,"Open Data portal of Fingal County Council, a local authority that governs suburban and rural areas north of the City of Dublin, Ireland. Data coverage includes excerpts from national statistics, locations of amenities, and councillor expenses. 74 datasets as of June 2011.",ctic ireland level.local eu-official,other-at,,,"Fingal, Ireland","53.4937362,-6.224533998",IE,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:33.226Z,,,, finland,Finnish national data catalogue (beta),,Valtionkonttori,Valtionkonttori,,,"Beta version of the Finnish national data catalogue - production sitre expected Q4 / 2014 Launched 5.3.2014 see more:",ctic finland level.national ckan,notspecified,,,Finland,"63.2467777,25.9209164",FI,fi,active,2011-06-27T18:14:53.881Z,,,, fredericton_ca,"Fredericton, New Brunswick",,City of Fredericton,City of Fredericton,,,You may send feedback via [email]( or [webform]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,canada,,,,"Fredericton, New Brunswick","45.9646491,-66.6437529",CA,en,active,2011-10-28T14:54:40.77Z,,,, gangwon-province,강원 공공데이터,,Gangwon Province,Gangwon Province,,Government,강원 공공데이터,province southkorea,,,,Gangwon,"37.5000, 128.2500",KR,ko,active,,,,, gatineau_qc,"Gatineau, Québec",,Ville de Gatineau,Ville de Gatineau,,,,canada,,,,"Gatineau, Québec","45.4563052,-75.7228828",CA,fr,active,2014-02-14T22:01:58.782Z,,,, gencat_cat,Catalonia Open Data Catalog,,,,,,Catalonia Open Data Catalog / Generalitat de Catalunya,ctic level.regional eu-official spain,,,,Catalonia,"41.8523094,1.5745043",ES,ca,active,2011-06-27T18:12:47.341Z,,,, gent,Gent Data Catalogue,,City of Ghent,City of Ghent,,,City data catalogue as part of 'smart city' oriented actions. Non-open license: commercial use banned.,level.local eu-official,other-nc,,,Gent,"51.0538286,3.7250121",BE,nl,active,2013-08-29T10:12:29.658Z,,,, geo_be,Geo BE,,Federal Authorities of Belgium,Federal Authorities of Belgium,,Government,Geodata catalogue for Belgium,meteorological geo belgium,,,,Belgium,"50.536,4.399",BE,en fr nl de,active,,,,, geocmmons,GeoCommons,,GeoIQ,GeoIQ,,,"Online community of open geospatial data, visualizations and analysis.",economics environment geo government health mapping,cc-by,,,World,"0,0",,en,active,2011-06-30T12:18:29.957Z,,,, geodata,geodata vicenza,,Comune di Vicenza,Comune di Vicenza,,,geodata of Vicenza city,level.local eu-official italy,other-open,,,Vicenza Italia,"45.5487549,11.549747",IT,it,active,2011-10-18T13:33:58.4Z,,,, geodata_gov_gr,,,"Institute for Information Systems / EC ""Athena""","Institute for Information Systems / EC ""Athena""",,,The portal is the first attempt to free geospatial data available to the wider Civil Service and to all citizens of Greece.,eu-official,,,,Hellenic Republic,"37.985150,23.76838",GR,el,active,2011-06-27T18:15:38.398Z,,,, georgia,Georgia,,State of Georgia,State of Georgia,,,Open Georgia,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Georgia, United States","32.3293809,-83.1137366",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:08.994Z,,,, georgia_public_information,Georgia Public Information Database,,Institute for Development of Freedom of Information,Institute for Development of Freedom of Information,,,"Georgia Public Information Database - On the web-site you can see the officially received public documents from the state authorities of Georgia in response to the submitted FoIA requests. the web-site was created by the Institute for Development of Freedom of Information - a non-for-profit, non-governmental organization operating in Georgia and focused on enhancing of openness of governmental agencies, Administrative transparency, access to public documents and development of e-Transparency, e-government in Georgia. For more information please see",government spending,,,,Georgia,"32.3293809,-83.1137366",KA,English/Georgian,active,2011-06-27T18:13:37.407Z,,,, geospatial-one-stop,Geospatial One-Stop,,US Geological Survey,US Geological Survey,,,"Federal catalog of geospatial resources available by US government (federal, state, local), academia, NGO, commercial, and other sources.",arcgis arcims fgdc geo gos kml shapefile wms,notspecified,,,USA,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",USA,en,active,2011-07-06T04:49:45.54Z,,,, ghana_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Ghana,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Ghana,africa,other-at,,,Ghana,"8.0300284,-1.0800271",gha,en,active,2013-08-29T08:02:39.701Z,,,, ghdx,GHDx - Global Health Data Exchange,,Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation,Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation,,,"Catalog of the world's health and demographic data, maintained by the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington.",health,,,,Global,"47.655407,-122.303616",Global,en,active,2012-11-09T09:36:42.107Z,,,, gijon_es,Gijón Public Data Catalogue,,,,,,City of Gijón Public Data Catalogue,ctic level.local eu-official spain,,,,Gijón,"43.5450394,-5.6626443",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:13:39.357Z,,,, gipuzkoa_irekia_eus,Gipuzkoa Irekia,,Foral Deputation of Gipuzkoa,Foral Deputation of Gipuzkoa,,Government,"Gipuzkoa Irekia, aligned with the principles of Open Government, wants to offer a shared space for the opening of data and the publication of transparency information to both the institutions and the citizens of Gipuzkoa.",ctic level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Gipuzkoa,"43.291044,-1.980484",ES,es eu,active,,CKAN,,, gironde-aquitaine_fr,OpenData Locale Gironde-Aquitaine,,Conseil Général de la Gironde,Conseil Général de la Gironde,,,Mutualised OpenData store for France's departments of Gironde and region of Aquitaine,level.regional eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Gironde,"44.88390205,-0.6046438381",FR,fr,active,2011-11-08T19:46:07.423Z,,,, go-geo,Go-Geo!,,"EDINA, University of Edinburgh","EDINA, University of Edinburgh",,,"A catalog of public geospatial datasets with a focus on research reuse, maintained by on behalf of",geodata inspire research,notspecified,,,United Kingdom,"54.7023545,-3.2765753",,en,active,2011-07-06T06:38:27.358Z,,,, gongio,,,,,,," is an open data initiative and platform for Wollongong, Shellharbour, Kiama and the greater Illawarra region (an hour south of Sydney, Australia).",australia,,,,Illawarra,"-34.5427778,150.8594444",AU,en,active,2014-07-30T06:29:36.342Z,,,, gov_bc_ca,British Columbia (DataBC),,Province of British Columbia,Province of British Columbia,,,You may send [feedback]( and [request datasets]( Adapted the UK [Open Government License](,canada,uk-ogl,,,British Columbia,"55,-125",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:39:32.904Z,,,, govdata-de,German National Data Portal,,BMI,BMI,,,"German national portal, using German national license.",level.national eu-official,other-open,,,Germany,"51.0834196,10.4234469",DE,de,active,2013-02-20T14:20:54.714Z,,,, governo-aberto-do-estado-de-sao-paulo,Governo Aberto do Estado de São Paulo,,Governo do Estado de São Paulo,Governo do Estado de São Paulo,,,"Databases from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. They're in an open format and downloads, some webservices and APIs are available. Bases de dados do Estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, em formato aberto, com download, webservice e APIs.",brazil economics government local sao-paulo,notspecified,,,"Estado de São Paulo, Brasil","-22.9366333,-47.0492906",br,pt,active,2011-07-12T20:33:58.95Z,,,, grande-prairie-ab,"Grande Prairie County No. 1, Alberta",,"County of Grande Prairie No. 1, Alberta","County of Grande Prairie No. 1, Alberta",,,"Open Data released by the County of Grande Prairie No. 1, a municipal district in Alberta, Canada. You may send feedback [via e-mail]( Adapts the [City of Toronto license](, which in turn is based upon the the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information.",canada,other-at,,,"Grande Prairie No. 1, Alberta","55.1706428,-118.794803",CA,en,active,2012-07-21T16:47:43.579Z,,,, grandlyon,Grand Lyon Data Catalog,,Grand Lyon,Grand Lyon,,,Geodata catalogue for the Lyon metropolitan area.,level.local lyon eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Grand Lyon,"45.78486245,4.876063577",FR,fr,active,2012-09-05T08:23:24.571Z,,,, graz,Graz Open Data,,Stadt Graz,Stadt Graz,,,"Official open data portal for the city of Graz, Austria. The site runs OpenCms with CKAN as a back end; the catalogue is also exposed directly at",ckan austria,cc-by,,,"Graz, Austria","47.0708101,15.4382918",AT,de,active,2012-07-19T12:10:51.234Z,,,, greater-manchester,DataGM,,FutureEverything,Trafford Council,,Government,"DataGM has been created by public sector organisations in Greater Manchester, to release and bring together in one place as much data as possible.",city unitedkingdom,,,,"Greater Manchester, England","53.52416,-2.287136",UK,en,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, groningen,Groningen,,"Province Groningen, City of Groningen","Province Groningen, City of Groningen",,,"Joint open data platform for Groningen city and Groningen Province (Northern Netherlands). Other public sector or related bodies are invited to also publish their data through this. The site does not indicate metadata license other than copyright for the site. Intended to be fully open though, will contact owners about this.",level.local level.regional eu-official netherlands,notspecified,,,Groningen,"53.2190692,6.5680421",NL,nl,active,2013-11-23T09:43:27.273Z,,,, guardian-world-gov-data,Guardian World Government Data,,The Guardian,The Guardian,,,Gateway to government datasets from around the world curated by the Guardian newspaper in the UK.,news,,,,Global,"51.509508,-0.124969",Global,en,active,2012-04-18T10:39:44.126Z,,,, guelph_ca,"Guelph, Ontario",,City of Guelph,City of Guelph,,,"No license other than this disclaimer: > The Corporation of the City of Guelph makes no guarantees, representations, or warranties respecting the data, expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise, including but not limited to, effectiveness, completeness, accuracy, or fitness for a particular purpose.",canada,,,,"Guelph, Ontario","43.5461764,-80.2470591",CA,en,active,2011-10-15T17:54:36.191Z,,,, gwangju-metropolitan-city,광주광역시 정보공개포털,,Gwangju Metropolitan City,Gwangju Metropolitan City,,Government,광주광역시 정보공개포털,city southkorea,,,,Gwangju,"35.1667, 126.9167",KR,ko,active,,,,, gyeonggi-province,경기데이터드림,,Gyeonggi Province,Gyeonggi Province,,Government,경기데이터드림,province southkorea,,,,Gyeonggi,"37.5000, 127.2500",KR,ko,active,,,,, halifaxopendata_ca,"Halifax, Nova Scotia",,Halifax Regional Municipality,Halifax Regional Municipality,,,"Halifax Regional Municipality, Nova Scotia, Canada open data portal. Uses its [own license]( On September 25, 2012, Halifax Regional Council voted unanimously in favour of a 12-month Open Data Pilot Project that has enabled the public release of a selection of HRM data sets free of charge, and to engage citizens and industry experts in an open data applications contest. It’s part of their commitment to making municipal information more open, transparent and accessible as the current Data Dissemination Policy limits data access to defined groups and attaches fees depending on the category of clients. Used Socrata.",level.local canada,,,,Halifax Regional Municipality,"44.649246,-63.575971",CA,en,inactive,2013-04-15T17:29:52.903Z,,,, hamburg,Hamburg City Data Portal,,Hamburg city government,Hamburg city government,,,City data portal for Hamburg,level.local ckan eu-official germany,other-at,,,Hamburg,"53.5503414,10.000654",DE,de,active,2013-02-20T14:31:51.666Z,,,, hamilton_ca,"Hamilton, Ontario",,City of Hamilton,City of Hamilton,,,Uses its [own license](,canada,,,,"Hamilton, Ontario","43.254687,-79.8678197",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:46:05.346Z,,,, hautes-de-seine,Hauts de Seine Data Portal,,Hauts-de-Seine government,Hauts-de-Seine government,,,data portal for the French Departement Hauts-de-Seine,level.local eu-official,other-open,,,Hauts-de-Seine,"48.829224,2.218556",FR,fr,active,2013-02-20T14:29:16.875Z,,,, healthdata-gov,,,US Department of Health and Human Services,US Department of Health and Human Services,,,Official portal for US government health data.,health ckan unitedstates,,,,United States,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",US,en,active,2012-07-19T13:32:54.019Z,,,, helsinki_finland,Helsinki Region Infoshare,,Forum Virium Helsinki and City of Helsinki Urban Facts,Forum Virium Helsinki and City of Helsinki Urban Facts,,,"Helsinki Region Infoshare -datacatalogue offers open data from the Greater Helsinki region in Finland. The majority of the entries in the catalog are small static files containing statistical data about the region. These were added in the first wave when the service was set up. There is also several high quality APIs in the catalog for example from Helsinki Region Transport and Helsinki Metropolitan Area Public Libraries. Powered by CKAN & Wordpress Launched March 2011",ckan ctic level.regional eu-official finland,,,,Helsinki,"60.1666277,24.9435079",FI,fi,active,2011-06-27T18:13:41.308Z,,,, houston_data_portal,Houston Data Portal,,"City of Houston, US","City of Houston, US",,,"Data portal for the city of Houston, United States",houston ckan unitedstates,,,,"City of Houston, Texas (United States)","29.79880155,-95.56813383",US,en,active,2013-06-21T08:05:47.175Z,,,, portal-oficial-ayuntamiento-de-rivas-vaciamadrid,Portal oficial Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid,,JESUS GARCIA RODRIGUEZ,Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid,25/04/2014,Government,Portal de datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Rivas Vaciamadrid.,,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,Rivas Vaciamadrid,"40.3492366,-3.568964",ES,es,active,,,,, iati-registry,IATI Registry,,IATI,IATI,,,"International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI). Open data for international aid. Launched Dec 2010",aid spending ckan,,,,International,"0,0",,en,active,2011-10-14T14:35:53.489Z,,,, idaho-tax,Idaho State Tax Commission Taxing District Portal,,Idaho State Tax Commission GIS Department,,15/08/2020,Government,Dashboard of Taxing Districts in Idaho,taxes idaho unitedstates,Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL),,,Idaho,"43.615833, -116.201667",US,en,active,2020-08-31T10:28:48Z,,,, igeo,"iGEO - Informação Geográfica | Open Data, Open Code, Open Minds...",,José Martins,DGT - Direção-Geral do Território - Portugal,01/05/2014,Government,"Initiative of the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, which aims to provide Public Administration data to society and research and education institutions, providing greater transparency to the work of public administration. An Internet portal, created in May 2014 with the purpose to promote the use of open data through OGC services. iGEO can be considered as a complement of the Portuguese Spatial Data Infrastruture (SNIG). URL:",,Other (Open),,,"Lisbon, Portugal","38.7437396,-9.2302439",PT,pt,active,,,,, incheon-metropolitan-city,인천광역시 데이터공유센터,,Incheon Metropolitan City,Incheon Metropolitan City,,Government,인천광역시 데이터공유센터,city southkorea,,,,Incheon,"37.4833, 126.6333",KR,ko,active,,,,, india,Data Portal India,,Government of India,Government of India,,,Official data portal for the Government of India.,,,,,India,"22.3511148,78.6677428",IN,en,active,2012-09-03T13:18:23.85Z,,,, indonesia-data-portal,Indonesia Data Portal,,Peb,Open Government Indonesia,05/09/2014,Government,"Repository for data from ministries, local governments, public service companies, or other parties having Indonesia-related data.",,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,Indonesia,"-4.352196,122.265401",ID,id,active,,,,, jakarta-province-gov,Jakarta Province Gov. Integrated Data Portal - Portal Data Terpadu Pemprov DKI Jakarta,,Peb,Pemprov DKI Jakarta,30/06/2015,Government,Data from departments under provincial government of Jakarta,,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Jakarta, Indonesia","-6.2293867,106.6894309",ID,id,active,,,,, jeju-special-self-governing-province,제주특별자치도 공공데이터 포털,,Jeju Special Self-Governing Province,Jeju Special Self-Governing Province,,Government,제주특별자치도 공공데이터 포털,province southkorea,,,,Jeju,"33.3667, 126.5333",KR,ko,active,,,,, jyvaskyla_finland,Open Data in Jyväskylä,,City of Jyväskylä,City of Jyväskylä,,,Small scale initial listing of the open data resources of the City of Jyväskylä. Launched 2012,level.local eu-official finland,,,,Jyväskylä,"62.2393002,25.745951",FI,fi,active,2013-01-23T11:27:20.273Z,,,, kamloops_bc,"Kamloops, British Columbia",,City of Kamloops,City of Kamloops,,,,canada,,,,ca,"50.678806,-120.324847","Kamloops, BrITish Columbia",en,active,2014-03-24T19:54:43.776Z,,,, kaohsiung-city-government,Open Data.Kaohsiung,,Kaohsiung City Government,Kaohsiung City Government,,Government,Open Data.Kaohsiung,city taiwan,,,,Kaohsiung,"22.6333, 120.2667",TW,zh,active,,,,, karnataka_learning_partnership,Karnataka Learning Partnership,,Karnataka Learning Partnership,Karnataka Learning Partnership,,,"The Karnataka Learning Partnership is a public platform where all the stakeholders involved in primary education can participate and contribute to the cause of ensuring better schools and education for all children in Karnataka. This effort envisages a system where a network of non-profits working across multiple verticals - education, health, nutrition etc., will bring their data together to present a factual assessment and this will be used to galvanize community led ownership of the public schooling system to drive change.",india karnataka ckan,,,,"Karnataka, India","14.5203896,75.7223521",IN,en,active,2013-06-21T09:10:58.397Z,,,, kelowna_bc,"Kelowna, British Columbia",,City of Kelowna,City of Kelowna,,,,canada,,,,"Kelowna, British Columbia","49.8876629,-119.4961612",CA,en,active,2013-12-16T18:01:25.662Z,,,, king-county,"King County, Washington",,King County,King County,,,"The King County Open Data Project is an ongoing effort to release high-value, machine readable data sets to the public. The data sets currently available come from many areas of county government. Ongoing efforts to expand the data are in progress. ",unitedstates,,,,"King County, Washington","47.4873376,-121.8622122",US,en,active,2011-07-28T03:54:34.669Z,,,, kingston_on,"Kingston, Ontario",,City of Kingston,City of Kingston,,,,canada,,,,"Kingston, Ontario","44.2299618,-76.4805666",CA,en,active,2014-08-08T05:52:16.304Z,,,, korea-datahub,The Korea Data Hub,,Open Knowledge Korea,Open Knowledge Korea,,,Community-run Korean data portal.,ckan,,,,"Seoul, South Korea","37.566524,126.977936",KR,ko,active,2012-08-21T09:12:30.07Z,,,, lanacion,La Nacion,,La Nacion (Argentina),La Nacion (Argentina),,,Data publisehed by La Nacion newspaper in Argentina (in Spanish).,news,,,,Argentina,"-35.1124869,-65.241974",AR,es,active,2012-04-18T10:35:16.833Z,,,, landkaernten,Land Kärnten,,Landesregierung Kärnten,Landesregierung Kärnten,,,,level.regional eu-official austria,cc-by,,,Land Kärnten,"46.63673265,13.67887231",AT,de,active,2013-10-02T12:28:48.289Z,,,, le-mans-datapage,Le Mans Data Catalog,,Le Mans Metropole,Le Mans Metropole,,,"Page in the city's website providing download links of data sets. Launched in February 2012, without budget. Files in CSV, KML, SHP and PDF.",level.local eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Le Mans,"48.0077781,0.1995339",FR,fr,active,2012-04-01T15:29:39.271Z,,,, leeds-city-council,Leeds Data Mill,,Hebe Works,Leeds City Council,,Government,"Leeds Data Mill is owned and managed by Leeds City Council as a Civic Enterprise in partnership with Leeds-based digital content, data insight and storytelling specialists, Hebe Works.",city unitedkingdom,,,,"Leeds, England","53.803082,-1.548098",UK,en,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, leipzig,API Leipzig,,Kreatives Leipzig e.V.,Kreatives Leipzig e.V.,,,Provides public data from the administration of Leipzig through a unified API. This is not a metadata catalog but a curated API.,api city ctic deutschland germany level.local eu-official,other-open,,,"Leipzig, Germany","51.340462,12.3747049",DE,de,active,2011-06-27T18:12:30.955Z,,,, lichfielddc_gov_uk,Lichfield District Council (UK) Data Catalogue,,,,,,Lichfield District Council (UK) Public Data Catalogue,ctic level.local eu-official unitedkingdom,,,,Lichfield District,"52.667705,-1.818730",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:54.468Z,,,, linked-clean-energy-data,Linked Clean Energy Data -,,REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership -,REEEP - Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership -,,,"Clean Energy Datasets - free for re-use Include clean energy datasets including actors, project outcome documents, country policy reports and more than 3000 clean energy terms from our thesaurus into your website or application by using reegle's Linked Open Data facilities. Datasets are published using the Open Government Data License for public sector information and are therefore free for re-use.",clean-energy climate-change country-profiles energy energy-efficiency organisations,uk-ogl,,,global,"0,0",global,en,active,2012-01-04T13:03:28.888Z,,,, load,Loire-Atlantique Data Portal,,Departement Loire-Atlantique,Departement Loire-Atlantique,,,Launched April 2012. LOAD (Loire Atlantique Ouverture des Donnees).,level.regional eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Loire-Atlantique,"47.3480563,-1.872767854",FR,fr,active,2012-04-02T13:48:52.291Z,,,, localdatanetau,,,,,,,This Pilot is open to any Local Government Organisation in Australia.,australia,,,,Australia,"-24.7761086,134.755",AU,en,active,2014-02-04T10:17:21.758Z,,,, london_ca,"London, Ontario",,City of London (Ontario),City of London (Ontario),,,You may send [feedback]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,ctic canada,,,,"London, Ontario","42.988097,-81.2460295",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:03.796Z,,,, london_gov_uk,London Datastore,,Greater London Authority,Greater London Authority,,,"Data on London, UK from the GLA and other public sector bodies. Contact: e-mail .",ctic publicdata-eu eu-official unitedkingdom,,,,Greater London,"51.4893335,-0.1440550439",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:00.466Z,,,, louisville-open-data-portal,Louisville Open Data Portal,,Matthew Gotth-Olsen,Department of Information Technology,01/09/2012,Government,"Open Data Portal for the City of Louisville, operated and maintained by Louisville Metro Government's Department of Information Technology.",,Other (Open),,Public Domain,"Louisville, Ky","38.1890118,-85.9569597",US,en,active,,,,, lwbin-data-hub,Lake Winnipeg Basin Information Network,,Claire Herbert,University of Manitoba,28/10/2014,Research,"The Lake Winnipeg Basin covers an area of almost 1 million square km, and is international - it contains portions of four (4) Canadian Provinces and four (4) US States. The Lake Winnipeg Basin Information Network provides a central open access point for data and data products to aid researchers, decision makers and citizens in answering questions about the shifting dynamics impacting the basin.",research lwbin international,Creative Commons - Attribution Share-alike,,Also open Data Government of Canada Licence,International,"52.0719763,-97.7642087",CA,en,active,,,,, maine_gov,Maine,,State of Maine,State of Maine,,, DataShare: State of Maine Open Data Catalog (USA),ctic unitedstates,,,,"Maine, United States","45.709097,-68.8590201",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:03.051Z,,,, malawi_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Malawi,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Malawi,africa,other-at,,,Malawi,"-13.2687204,33.9301963",mwi,en,active,2013-08-29T07:53:15.165Z,,,, map-missouri,Map Your Taxes - Missouri Accountability Portal,,"Office of Administration, Missouri","Office of Administration, Missouri",,,"The MAP site is presented to the citizens of Missouri as a single point of reference to review how their money is being spent and other pertinent information related to the enforcement of government programs. As you browse the MAP site you will be able to view information about state agency expenditures, the distribution of economic development tax credits, state employee pay information, and revenues and expenditures related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The data on the MAP site is updated each business day. New features are added as they become available. Please visit the site frequently for new information.",finance,notspecified,,,Missouri,"38.7604815,-92.5617875",US,en,active,2012-05-20T16:41:52.158Z,,,, mass_gov,Massachusetts,,State of Massachusetts,State of Massachusetts,,,An inventory of Massachusetts public data available for download.,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Massachusetts, United States","42.3788774,-72.032366",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:43.296Z,,,, medical-free-libre-and-open-source-software,Medical Free/Libre and Open Source Software,,,,,, provides a comprehensive and structured overview of Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) projects in the domains of medical informatics and health care.,floss health open-source software,cc-nc,,,Worldwide,"48.140826,11.580262",Global,English,active,2011-07-05T11:01:31.853Z,,,, medicine_hat_ca,"Medicine Hat, Alberta",,City of Medicine Hat,City of Medicine Hat,,,You may send feedback via [email]( or [Twitter](!/OpenDataMedHat). Adapted the [Vancouver license]( Uses [OGDI](,canada,,,,"Medicine Hat, Alberta","50.0415358,-110.6775465",CA,en,active,2012-02-13T18:16:35.387Z,,,, melbourne-data,Melbourne Data,,Steve Bennett,City of Melbourne,26/08/2015,Government,"City of Melbourne’s open data platform allows you can access and use a wide variety of publicly accessible council data. By publishing this data, we aim to increase transparency, improve public services and support new economic and social initiatives. The City of Melbourne is a small administrative region in the centre of the much larger urban area of Greater Melbourne",australia local,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Melbourne, Australia","-37.8136,144.9631",AU,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), melbourne-water,Melbourne Water Open Data Portal,,,Melbourne Water Corporation,25/10/2015,Government,"Melbourne Water Corporation supplies drinking and recycled water and manage Melbourne's water supply catchments, sewage treatment and rivers, creeks and major drainage systems. ",melbourne water,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Melbourne, Australia","-37.81365,144.9633",AU,en,active,,ArcGIS Open Data,,Esri ArcGIS Online, merton-council,Merton Council,,Merton Council,Merton Council,,,"Open data is about making non-personal information held by government freely available. We are making a range of our data available online so that we can be more transparent and accountable. This page lists all the data sets that we publish for public re-use. If you build any systems using the data please let us know so we can list them here. This data is freely re-usable under the same terms as Terms and conditions ( website)",government level.local merton unitedkingdom,ukcrown-withrights,,,"Merton, UK","51.8546355,-1.1648287",GB,en,active,2012-01-16T18:38:57.042Z,,,, metroboston-datacommon,MetroBoston DataCommon,,,,,,,unitedstates,,,,"Boston, Massachusetts","42.3604823,-71.0595678",US,en,active,2011-10-21T16:05:28.719Z,,,, metropolitan-government-of-nashville-and-davison-county,Nashville Open Data Portal,,Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County,Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County,,Government,Nashville Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Nashville, TN","36.1667, -86.7833",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), miami-dade-county,Miami-Dade County’s Open Data Portal,,Miami-Dade County,Miami-Dade County,,Government,Miami-Dade County’s Open Data Portal,city unitedstates,,,,"Miami-Dade County, FL","25.7753, -80.2089",US,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), michigan_gov,Michigan,",1607,7-192-29938_54272---,00.html",State of Michigan,State of Michigan,,,State of Michigan Data Catalog (USA),ctic unitedstates,,,,"Michigan, United States","43.6211955,-84.6824346",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:59.244Z,,,, milton_on,"Milton, Ontario",,Town of Milton,Town of Milton,,,,canada,,,,"Milton, Ontario","43.5136705,-79.8828165",CA,en,active,2013-12-16T18:01:54.221Z,,,, "mindbigdata-the-""mnist""-of-brain-digits","MindBigData The ""MNIST"" of Brain Digits",,David Vivancos,David Vivancos,01/09/2015,Research,"The version 1.02 of the open database contains 1,170,318 brain signals of 2 seconds each, captured with the stimulus of seeing a digit (from 0 to 9) and thinking about it, over the course of almost 2 years between 2014 & 2015, from a single Test Subject David Vivancos. All the signals have been captured using commercial EEGs (not medical grade), NeuroSky MindWave, Emotiv EPOC, Interaxon Muse & Emotiv Insight, covering a total of 19 Brain (10/20) locations. Size: 1.170.318 brain signals & 386.322.371 Data Points",,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,International,"40.422981,-3.704285",EU,en,active,,,,, minnesota,Minnesota,,State of Minnesota,State of Minnesota,,,"Minnesota Open Data Initiative. This is not directly a data catalog, but an interface that links to many different data sources, all of which have various degrees of quality and varying formats.",ctic unitedstates,,,,"Minnesota, United States","45.9896587,-94.6113288",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:05.057Z,,,, mississauga_ca,"Mississauga, Ontario",,City of Mississauga,City of Mississauga,,,You may send feedback via [email]( Adapted the [Vancouver license](,canada,,,,"Mississauga, Ontario","43.5892854,-79.6441646",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:41:01.826Z,,,, moers,Moers City Portal,,Moers city government,Moers city government,,,City portal for Moers,level.local eu-official,other-at,,,Moers,"51.4512826,6.6284302",DE,de,active,2013-02-20T14:30:46.076Z,,,, moldova,Republic of Moldova - Open Data Portal,,e-Government Center,e-Government Center,,,Portal providing access to open government data in Moldova,ctic level.national,,,,Moldova,"47.286747,28.5110236",MD,ro,active,2011-06-27T18:15:44.439Z,,,, montevideo_gub_uy,Montevideo Public Data Catalogue,,Intendencia de Montevideo,Intendencia de Montevideo,,,Montevideo Data Catalogue,ctic,notspecified,,,Montevideo,"-34.9059039,-56.1913569",UY,es,active,2011-06-27T18:14:08.987Z,,,, montpellier_fr,Territoire Montpellier Numérique - Données publiques ouvertes,,Mairie de Montpellier,Mairie de Montpellier,,,France's city of Montpellier's Area OpenData store,level.regional eu-official france,other-nc,,,Montpellier,"43.6112422,3.8767337",FR,fr,active,2011-07-04T13:46:37.848Z,,,, morocco,Morocco OpenData,,,,,,Les donnees publiques de l'Administration Marocaine,ctic,,,,Morocco,"31.1728192,-7.3366043",MA,fr,active,2011-06-27T18:13:22.147Z,,,, morocco_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Morocco,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Morocco,africa,other-at,,,Morocco,"31.1728192,-7.3366043",mAR,en,active,2013-08-29T07:56:33.067Z,,,, mosman-council-datastore,Mosman Council DATAstore,,Mosman Municipal Council,Mosman Municipal Council,,,"This DATAstore is both catalogue and repository for public, machine-readable information published by Mosman Council (New South Wales, Australia) for the purposes of building web services with our community.",ctic australia,cc-by,,,Mosman,"-33.8358812,151.2348696",AU,en,active,2011-07-06T06:09:05.538Z,,,, mozambique_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Mozambique,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Mozambique,africa,other-at,,,Mozambique,"-19.302233,34.9144977",moz,en,active,2013-08-29T07:58:34.468Z,,,, mulhouse,Mulhouse Data Portal,,City of Mulhouse,City of Mulhouse,,,Launched Oct 2013. Using the French national open license.,eu-official,other-open,,,Mulhouse,"47.7494188,7.3399355",FR,fr,active,2013-10-30T12:14:18.011Z,,,, mxabierto-github-io_ng-ckan, - Sitio oficial de datos abiertos del Gobierno de la República,,Rodolfo Wilhelmy,"Rodolfo Wilhelmy, Director of Open Data",07/07/2014,Government,"DATOS.GOB.MX is the open data portal of the federal government of Mexico. In addition to providing a data catalog, the site promotes the use of data by sharing success stories of open data projects and tools for exploring data.",mexico federal,Other (Open),,,Mexico,"23.6260333,-102.5375005",MX,es,active,,,,, namibia_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Namibia,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Namibia,africa,other-at,,,Namibia,"-23.2335499,17.3231107",nam,en,active,2013-08-29T08:00:00.713Z,,,, nanaimo_ca,"Nanaimo, British Columbia",,City of Nanaimo,City of Nanaimo,,,"Uses [Open Data Publisher](, a fork of Microsoft's [OGDI project]( The City of Nanaimo is currently investigating options for formal open data licensing. See the [disclaimer]( Offers an [API](",ctic canada,,,,"Nanaimo, British Columbia","49.1637659,-123.9379793",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:12.968Z,,,, nantes_fr,Nantes ouverture des données,,Mairie de Nantes,Mairie de Nantes,,,France's city of Nantes Area OpenData store,level.regional eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Nantes,"47.2185155,-1.5545147",FR,fr,active,2011-11-21T12:27:42.862Z,,,, national-institute-of-statistics-italy,ISTAT,,ISTAT,ISTAT,,,"the datawarehouse of the italian statistics produced by Istat, a complete and consistent information assets",level.national stats thematic eu-official italy,cc-by,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,active,2011-10-17T17:19:54.006Z,,,, national-open-data-portal-finland,National Open Data Portal Finland,,Margit Suurhasko,The Government ICT Centre Valtori ,14/09/2014,Government,"In the service, public administration organisations can save description and availability data – metadata – concerning their available open data. The service also acts as a collection point for planning data promoting interoperability in public administration and enables the distribution and reuse of the planning data.",,Creative Commons - Attribution,,Also CC Zero is available,Finland,"64.9146659,26.0672554",FI,fi,active,,,,, natural-earth,Natural Earth,,,,,,"Natural Earth is a map dataset available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales, featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data. It was built by many volunteers and is supported by the North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS).",,other-pd,,,Earth,"0,0",Global,en,active,2011-07-02T14:39:52.051Z,,,, navarra,Open Data Navarra,,,,,,Open Data Catalog of Navarre,ctic level.regional eu-official spain,,,,Navarra,"42.6125241,-1.8310634",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:15:00.429Z,,,, nc-openbook,NC OpenBook,,State of North Carolina,State of North Carolina,,,,unitedstates,,,,"North Carolina, United States","35.6729639,-79.0392919",US,en,active,2011-10-21T16:14:48.873Z,,,, nederland,Open Data Nederland,,,,,,A community hub for Open Data in the Netherlands.,netherlands,,,,Nederlands (Netherlands),"52.5001698,5.7480821",NL,nl,active,2012-08-01T13:35:27.289Z,,,, neii-gov-au,National Environmental Information Infrastructure,,Stephen Gates,Commonwealth of Australia,17/08/2015,Government,"The National Environmental Information Infrastructure (NEII) is an information platform designed to improve, discovery, access and re-use of nationally significant environmental data. The catalogue is a metadata listing of environmental information datasets and services.",australia environment,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,Australia,"-24.7761086,134.755",AU,en,active,,,,, nevada_county-ca-usa,County of Nevada Open Data Portal,,Alex Friant,County of Nevada,05/04/2018,Government,"The County of Nevada, California, Open Data Portal ",unitedstates nevadacounty california,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Nevada City, California, United States","39.27,-121.026",US,en,active,2016-01-02T12:00:00Z,ArcGIS Open Data,,Esri ArcGIS Online, new-orleans-louisiana,"New Orleans, Louisiana",,City of New Orleans,City of New Orleans,,,,unitedstates,,,,New-Orleans,"29.9499323,-90.0701156",US,en,active,2011-10-21T16:06:29.648Z,,,, niagara_region_ca,"Region of Niagara, Ontario",,Regional Municipality of Niagara,Regional Municipality of Niagara,,,"Open data pilot catalog of the Niagara Region of Ontario, Canada Uses its own license, the [Regional Municipality of Niagara Open Data Agreement](",portal sub-national canada,other-at,,,"Niagara Region, Ontario","43.060197,-79.289053",CA,en,active,2012-09-06T19:59:36.186Z,,,, niagarafalls_ca,"Niagara Falls, Ontario",,City of Niagara Falls,City of Niagara Falls,,,You may send [feedback]( Adapted the [Vancouver license]( See the [FAQ]( and [ideas forum](,canada,,,,"Niagara Falls, Ontario","43.091466,-79.087354",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:43:13.62Z,,,, niederoesterreich,Niederösterrreich Data Portal,,Landesregierung Niederösterreich,Landesregierung Niederösterreich,,,"Dataportal, launched April 2013 with 40 data sets",level.regional eu-official austria,cc-by,,,Niederösterreich,"48.2817813,15.7632457",AT,de,active,2013-04-12T14:40:05.157Z,,,, nigeria_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Nigeria,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Nigeria,africa,other-at,,,Nigeria,"9.6000359,7.9999721",nga,en,active,2013-08-29T08:00:55.367Z,,,, north_devon_council,North Devon Council Open Data,,"Vicky Eagle, North Devon Council","Vicky Eagle, North Devon Council",,,Catalogue of open data published by North Devon Council,ctic level.regional eu-official,,,,North Devon District,"51.061456,-3.923923715",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:39.21Z,,,, north-dakota-gis-hub,North Dakota GIS Hub,,State of North Dakota,State of North Dakota,,,,unitedstates,,,,"North Dakota, United States","47.6201461,-100.540737",US,en,active,2011-10-21T16:07:42.573Z,,,, north-gyeongsang-province,경상북도 공공데이터포털시스템,,North Gyeongsang Province,North Gyeongsang Province,,Government,경상북도 공공데이터포털시스템,province southkorea,,,,North Gyeongsang,"36.2500, 128.7500",KR,ko,active,,,,, north-jeolla-province,전라북도 공공데이터포털,,North Jeolla Province,North Jeolla Province,,Government,전라북도 공공데이터포털,province southkorea,,,,North Jeolla,"35.8167, 127.1500",KR,ko,active,,,,, north-okanagan-bc,"Regional District of North Okanagan, British Columbia",,Regional District of North Okanagan,Regional District of North Okanagan,,,You may send feedback via [email]( or [webform]( Uses its [own restrictive license](,canada,other-closed,,,"Regional District of North Okanagan, BC","50.37476565,-118.9638464",CA,en,active,2012-08-27T14:08:53.823Z,,,, nosdonnees_fr,NosDonné,,Regards Citoyens,Regards Citoyens,,,"A community driven catalogue for citizen based open data in France, relying on CKAN and operated by [Regards Citoyens](",ckan publicdata-eu france,odc-odbl,,,France,"46.603354,1.8883335",FR,fr,active,2011-09-30T16:15:12.303Z,,,, nottingham-city-council,Open Data Nottingham,,Nottingham City Council,Nottingham City Council,,Government,Open Data Nottingham has been created to support and facilitate Nottingham City Council's commitment to freeing up Nottingham's data.,city unitedkingdom,,,,"Nottingham, England","52.956422,-1.159767",UK,en,active,,,,, nsw_gov_au,New South Wales State (Australia) Open Data Catalog,,NSW Department of Finance and Services,NSW Department of Finance and Services,,,New South Wales State (Australia) Open Data Catalog,ctic australia,other-nc,,,New South Wales,"-31.8759835,147.2869493",AU,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:31.09Z,,,, ny_state,New York Senate,,State of New York,State of New York,,,Senate of New York Open Data,ctic unitedstates,,,,"New York, United States","42.681040,-73.768365",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:35.083Z,,,, nyc_gov,"New York, New York",,City of New York,City of New York,,,New York City OpenData! A catalog which supplies many sets of public data produced by City agencies,ctic unitedstates,,,,"New York, New York","40.7305991,-73.9865812",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:33.098Z,,,, oakville_on,"Oakville, Ontario",,Town of Oakville,Town of Oakville,,,,canada,,,,"Oakville, Ontario","43.4474108,-79.6665485",CA,en,active,2014-02-14T22:17:00.878Z,,,, odaa_denmark,Open Data Aarhus,,Aarhus Municipality,Aarhus Municipality,,,"Open data portal for the city of Aarhus, Denmark. Part of smart city efforts. Launched April 2013 Part of Smart Aarhus, a partnership of Aarhus Kommune (the city gov), Region Midtjylland, Aarhus University and Alexandra Institute.",ckan eu-official,,,,"Aarhus, Denmark","56.1496278,10.2134046",dnk,da,active,2013-08-29T08:19:37.986Z,,,, odi-queensland---open-data-finder,ODI Queensland - Open Data Finder,,Stephen Gates,ODI Queensland,01/12/2014,Community,"ODI Queensland's Open Data Finder is designed to facilitate searching across open data sets, from multiple sources including public and private sectors, as well as multiple geographic locations.",,Unknown,,,International,"-21.911419,144.434467",GLOBAL,en,active,,,,, offenedaten,OffeneDaten,,Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.,Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland e.V.,,,"A community-maintained open data catalog dedicated to Germany. Maintainers: Friedrich Lindenberg, Daniel Dietrich Alternative address: Contact: see .",community deutschland germany okfn ckan publicdata-eu,notspecified,,,Germany,"51.0834196,10.4234469",DE,de,inactive,2011-10-03T16:53:33.714Z,,,, offenes-jena,Offenes Jena,,Achim Friedland,Achim Friedland,21/02/2015,Community,Freie Daten für freie Bürger in Jena,jena local,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,"Jena, Germany","50.922513,11.5859738",DE,de,active,,,,, ogd_4d833820b50c7,Missouri,,State of Missouri,State of Missouri,,,Missouri Data Catalog,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Missouri, United States","38.7604815,-92.5617875",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:07.045Z,,,, ogd_4d873ebf17e89,Florida,,,,,,Florida Has a Right to Know: State of Florida Open government initiative,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Florida, United States","27.7567667,-81.4639835",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:35.306Z,,,, okanagan_similkameen_ca,"Okanagan-Similkameen, British Columbia",,Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen,Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen,,,,canada,,,,"Okanagan-Similkameen, British Columbia","49.525365,-120.127877",CA,en,active,2014-03-24T05:06:04.441Z,,,, oklahoma,Oklahoma,,State of Oklahoma,State of Oklahoma,,,Oklahoma's Catalog of public data,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Oklahoma, United States","34.9550817,-97.2684063",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:43.512Z,,,, oman-data-portal,Oman Data Portal,,Riyadh Al Balushi,National Centre for Statistics and Information,01/07/2015,Government,"Provide data on population, national accounts, housing, security, electricity and others in open formats. The terms of the portal permit re-use free of charge for any purpose.",,Other (Open),,"The terms of the website provide the following: ""The data available on this site is open, and no license is required to use/re-use it.""",Oman,"21.272142,56.941428",OM,en,active,,,,, one-stop-transport,One.Stop.Transport,,Miguel Laginha,Instituto Pedro Nunes & Ubiwhere,01/09/2012,Institutional,"(The project lead of the OST platform here.) I like to think about the OST as a CKAN counterpart regarding open transportation, because both projects have very similar goals just very different contexts. In short, the One.Stop.Transport platform (OST) is a platform for open data aggregation, transformation and delivery, following modern Open Data principles, standards and directives. It is available online and comprises a development environment for app development alongside simple-to-use RESTful API's for nurturing an open ecosystem on top of open data. The OST uses open standards for both data and protocols (such as GTFS, GTFS-realtime, DATEX II, OAuth 2.0, W3C Point of interest, W3C widget specification), and provides an open source multi-modal journey planning service (API) which partially covers most of Portugal. Here is a short presentation in english with some of the highlights (, but feel free to ask me anything.",,Other (Open),,"Regarding the open terms, right now all of our data is made available without a proper licence, just a “terms of use” which are shown every time you request a key. Those are (still) in Portuguese but what it says is that one is free to use data freely in third-party apps and services, and that each provider reserves the right to cancel data providing if some kind abusive usage is detected (none so far, and we’ve been feeding some services and apps for a while). Our goal has always been to identify and apply standard CC licences to data we make available, because they are clearer to developers and.. well, standard. This is still an ongoing effort though.","Coimbra, Portugal","40.2254686,-8.4522897",PT,,inactive,,,,, ontario_ca,Ontario,,Province of Ontario ( Queen's Printer for Ontario),Province of Ontario ( Queen's Printer for Ontario),,,"Catalog for the Province of Ontario, Canada. Uses a [custom license](",level.regional canada,,,,"Province of Ontario, Canada","43.4107025,-79.76208161",CA,en fr,active,2013-04-15T17:48:02.139Z,,,, open_data_hub_italia,OpenDataHub Italia,,Unknown,Unknown,,,National portal for open data,level.national ckan eu-official italy,,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,active,2013-03-14T16:14:26.251Z,,,, open_data_taiwan,Open Data Taiwan,,Open Data Taiwan,Open Data Taiwan,,,Open data portal for Taiwan,taiwan,,,,Taiwan,"23.9739374,120.9820179",TW,zh,active,2013-05-09T09:36:47.685Z,,,, open_data_trentino,Open Data Trentino,,Provincia Autonoma di Trento,Provincia Autonoma di Trento,,,"Open Data Portal for Trentino, Italy",level.regional ckan italy,cc-by,,,"Provincia Autonoma di Trento, Italy","46.102869,11.12961993",IT,it,active,2013-03-20T20:34:32.849Z,,,, open_data_trento,Open Data Trento,,Comune di Trento,Comune di Trento,,,"Open data portal for Comune di Trento, Italy",level.local italy,,,,"Trento, Italy","46.0664228,11.1257601",IT,it,active,2013-03-20T21:01:07.877Z,,,, open_government_data_saudi,Open Government Data Saudi,!ut/p/c5/04_SB8K8xLLM9MSSzPy8xBz9CP0os3iTMGenYE8TIwODUEsLA89QU69g11A_YwMTQ6B8JJK8u68jUD44OCQwMNDd0MDQnBLdRhTpDjYgRrcBDuBISHdwap5-OCi08Psen7wRAXmQD0DyeNzo55Gfm6pfkBsaGhpR4ZkZkK4IAOm0c0U!/dl3/d3/L0lHSkovd0RNQUprQUVnQSEhL1lCZncvYXI!/?,,,,,Saudi e-Government National Portal,ctic,,,,Saudi Arabia,"25.6242618,42.3528328",SA,ar,active,2011-06-27T18:15:13.002Z,,,, open_government_data_wien,Open Government Data Wien,,City of Vienna,City of Vienna,,,"Open government data for Vienna, Austria.",ctic level.local publicdata-eu eu-official austria,cc-by,,,Vienna,"48.2083537,16.3725042",AT,de,active,2011-06-27T18:15:10.987Z,,,, open_government_tennessee,Tennessee,,State of Tennessee,State of Tennessee,,,Open Government Tennessee,ctic level.local unitedstates,,,,"Tennessee, United States","35.7730076,-86.2820081",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:15.07Z,,,, open_new_york,Open New York,,State of New York,State of New York,,,"New York's Open Data Portal, bringing together local, state and federal data in one place.",level.regional unitedstates,,,,"New York State, United States","43.0729555,-76.2141799",US,en,active,2013-03-15T07:45:36.856Z,,,, open_org_nz,New Zealand Open Data Catalogue,,,,,," is an open, independent catalogue of Government and Local Body datasets in New Zealand",ctic,,,,New Zealand,"-41.5000831,172.8344077",NZ,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:37.155Z,,,, open_virginia,Open Virginia,,Waldo Jaquith,Waldo Jaquith,,,"Open Virginia is an effort to document the open government data published about the Commonwealth of Virginia—APIs, bulk downloads, and links to third-party data sources that provide much-needed information about how our government works. Open Virginia is run by Waldo Jaquith. It is not a product of the Commonwealth of Virginia, nor does it have any affiliation with the state government.",virginia ckan unitedstates,,,,"Virginia, United States","37.1232245,-78.4927721",US,en,active,2013-06-21T08:02:50.642Z,,,, open-colorado,Open Colorado,,Colorado Smart Communities,Colorado Smart Communities,,,"Community-led collection of State data. Facilitator: Sean Hudson / Colorado Smart Communities Runs CKAN with custom theme.",government ckan unitedstates,odc-odbl,,,"Colorado, United States","38.7251776,-105.6077167",US,en,active,2012-02-01T16:51:53.474Z,,,, open-data-antwerp,Open Data Antwerp,,City of Antwerp,City of Antwerp,,,Official open data catalog for the city of Antwerp.,level.local eu-official,,,,Antwerp,"51.2211097,4.3997081",,nl,active,2012-11-11T13:09:25.648Z,,,, open-data-colombia,"Catálogo de Datos del Estado Colombiano ",,,Gobierno de Colombia,,Government,Datos abiertos del gobierno de Colombia,gobierno colombia,Unknown,,,"Bogota, Colombia","4.283435,-74.22404",CO,es,active,,,,, open-data-firenze,Open Data Firenze,,Comune di Firenze,Comune di Firenze,,,The open data portal of Florence.,level.local eu-official italy,cc-by,,,Florence Italy,"43.7698712,11.2555757",IT,it,active,2011-10-18T06:51:41.714Z,,,, open-data-for-africa,Open Data for Africa,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data catalogue from African Development Bank Group.,,,,,africa,"2.0000003,15.9999997",,,active,2011-12-19T20:56:33.172Z,,,, open-data-hampton-roads,Open Data Hampton Roads,,J. Albert Bowden II,J. Albert Bowden II,01/01/2015,Community,Open Datasets for the Hampton Roads (VA-NC) metropolitan area of the United States.,,Creative Commons - Zero,,,"Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News-Hampton, VA-NC","37.0725701,-76.6319834",US,en,active,,,,, open-data-kosovo,Open Data Kosovo,,Georges Labrèche,Open Data Kosovo,10/10/2014,Community,Content from government and non-government institutions.,kosovo national,Other (Open),,,Kosovo,"42.5632698,20.9020755",XK,sq,active,,,,, open-data-sierra-leone,Open Data Sierra Leone,,Tamba Lamin,African Development Bank Group,,Community,This portal is part of the Open Data for Africa Project by The African Development Bank Group (AfDB). AfDB is committed to supporting statistical development in Africa as a sound basis for designing and managing effective development policies for reducing poverty on the continent. ,sierra-leone national,Open Data Commons - Attribution,,,"Freetown, Sierra Leone","8.4496545,-11.7870578",SL,en,active,,,,, open-data-sierra-leone,Open Data Sierra Leone,,Andrew Hoppin,Government of Sierra Leone,04/06/2015,Government,The official national open data portal of the government of Sierra Leone.,,Unknown,,,Country of Sierra Leone,"8.4496545,-11.7870578",SL,en,active,,,,, open-data-thailand,Open Data Thailand,,,,,,"Community-led open data CKAN portal for Thailand. ** Currently dormant **",dormant ckan,,,,Thailand,"14.8971921,100.83273",TH,th,active,2012-02-01T16:57:37.114Z,,,, open-development-cambodia,Open Development Cambodia,,Alexandre,Open Development Cambodia,16/08/2011,Community,Based in Phnom Penh.,,Creative Commons - Attribution,,"This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Article summaries are copyrighted by their respective sources. This Open Development Cambodia (ODC) site is compiled from available documentation and provides data without fee for general informational purposes only. It is not a commercial research service. Information is posted only after a careful vetting and verification process, however ODC cannot guarantee accuracy, completeness or reliability from third party sources in every instance. Site users are encouraged to do additional research in support of their activities and to share the results of that research with our team at to further improve site accuracy. In reference to Cambodian law, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) site users understand and agree to take full responsibility for reliance on any site information provided and to hold harmless and waive any and all liability against individuals or entities associated with its development, form and content for any loss, harm or damage suffered as a result of its use.",Cambodia,"11.555483,104.898083",KH,en,active,,,,, open-kent,Open Kent,,Public service organisations in Kent,Public service organisations in Kent,,,"Open Kent aims to make open data available on local public services in Kent. Sponsored by our local technology partnership, Kent Connects, we're working across the county with the organisations listed below so that you can access the data in a single place. Ashford Borough Council, Canterbury City Council, Dover District Council, Gravesham Borough Council, Kent County Council, Kent Fire and Rescue, Maidstone Borough Council, Medway Council, Sevenoaks District Council, Shepway District Council, Swale Borough Council, Thanet District Council, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council and Tunbridge Wells Borough Council. ",kent,uk-ogl,,,"Kent, UK","51.2244644,0.7334215",GB,en,active,2011-07-06T10:16:14.091Z,,,, open-raleigh,Open Raleigh,,Jason Hare,Jason Hare / Open Data Program Manager (Consultant),15/03/2013,Government,"Open Raleigh tracks city data related to critical key performance indicators including financial, public, demographics, planning and government. Each category will show detailed visualizations and access to the raw data. Developers will find documentation on using our API.",raleigh,Open Data Commons - Attribution,,,"Raleigh, NC","35.843768,-78.6450559",US,en,active,,,,, open-stockholm,Open Stockholm,,Stockholms Stad,Stockholms Stad,,,"Open data about Stockholm, the Swedish capital. As of October 2011, not much data seems to be available yet. 22/03/2012: more data released in preparation for an open data hackday",api city level.local stockholm sweden eu-official,notspecified,,,"Stockholm, Sweden","59.3251172,18.0710935",SE,se,active,2011-10-11T12:53:57.677Z,,,, open-umea,Open Umea,,Umeå kommun,Umeå kommun,,,Open Data from the Municipality of Umea.,level.local eu-official,,,,"Umea, Sweden","63.8256568,20.2630745",SE,sv,active,2013-01-09T11:03:13.334Z,,,, openaid_se,,,Government of Sweeden,Government of Sweeden,,,Sweden's aid - openly and in one place,aid ctic level.national thematic eu-official,,,,Sweden,"59.6749712,14.5208584",SE,sv,active,2011-06-27T18:15:17.318Z,,,, openbaltimore,"Baltimore, Maryland",,City of Baltimore,City of Baltimore,,,"The goal of OpenBaltimore is to provide, to the public, access to City data in an effort that supports government transparency, openness and innovative uses that will help improve the lives of Baltimore residents, visitors and businesses through use of technology. OpenBaltimore will enable the local developer community to develop applications that will hopefully help the city solve problems.",baltimore government unitedstates,notspecified,,,"Baltimore, Maryland","39.2908608,-76.6108073",US,en,active,2011-07-07T17:34:42.023Z,,,, opendata_enschede,Enschede Open Data Catalogue,,Gemeente Enschede (Municipality of Enschede),Gemeente Enschede (Municipality of Enschede),,,"The open data publishing platform for the city of Enschede. Comes with various data formats. Built with the Ariadne CMS (php based), on top of PostgresSQL to deliver the data.",enschede level.local eu-official netherlands,cc-zero,,,Enschede,"52.2179483,6.8935869",NL,nl,active,2012-02-11T14:00:56.119Z,,,, opendata_go_ke,Kenya Open Data Initiative,,Kenya Open Data Project,Kenya Open Data Project,,,"From the website: > This site makes public government data acessible to the people of Kenya. High quality national census data, government expenditure, parliamentary proceedings and public service locations are just a taste of what's to come. There's something for everyone: maps to start exploring, interactive charts and tables for a deeper understanding, and raw data for technical users to build their own apps and analyses. Our information is a national asset, and it's time it was shared: this data is key to improving transparency; unlocking social and economic value; and building Government 2.0 in Kenya.",ctic,notspecified,,,Kenya,"1.4419683,38.4313975",KE,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:47.904Z,,,, opendata_hro,OpenData.HRO - Portal für offene Data der Hansestadt Rostock,,"Hansestadt Rostock, Büro des Oberbürgermeisters","Hansestadt Rostock, Büro des Oberbürgermeisters",,,Central platform for publication open data of Hansestadt Rostock (city of Rostock).,level.local ckan germany,,,,"Rostock, Germany","54.14736345,12.1090156",DE,de,active,2013-03-15T07:32:31.284Z,,,, opendata_terrassa_cat,Open Data Terrassa,,Ajuntament de Terrassa,Ajuntament de Terrassa,,,"Open data portal for the city of Terressa, Spain",level.local spain,,,,"Terrassa, Spain","41.5697302,2.0132071",ES,es,active,2013-03-20T15:32:47.971Z,,,, opendata-bonn-de,,,Damian Paderta,Stadt Bonn,27/02/2014,Government,Eine zusammengefasste Gesamtübersicht der API-Beschreibungen befindet sich unter im Aufbau. ,,Creative Commons - Zero,,,"Bonn, Germany","50.7036647,7.0456725",DE,de,active,,,,, opendata-brussel-be, - Official Data Portal of the City of Brussels,,Pieter-Jan Pauwels,GIAL,01/01/2014,Government,None,brussels local,Other (Open),,It uses the same data license as the French Etalab:,"Brussels, Belgium","50.854975,4.3753899",BE,nl,active,,,,, opendata-hu,,,Csaba Madarász,K-Monitor ,11/08/2013,Community,A CKAN based instance for Hungary.,hungary,Unknown,,,"Budapest, Hungary","47.4805856,19.1303031",HU,hu,active,,,,CKAN API, opendata-jersey,,,States of Jersey,States of Jersey ,17/10/2015,Government,Open government datasets published by the government of the Island of Jersey,jersey,Open Government Licence – Jersey (OGL-J) v1.0,,,Island of Jersey,"49.189461, -2.101718",JE,en,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, opendata-lv,,,,,,,"Volunteer-run open data portal for Latvia. Focus on public data. Associated with Raimonds' data analysis start-up company easyBI ( ",,,,,Latvia,"56.8666904,24.5999717",LB,lv,active,2011-10-27T10:43:36.527Z,,,, opendata-tanzania,Opendata Tanzania,,Michael Njau,e-Government Agency,02/02/2015,Government,0,,Unknown,,,Tanzania,"-5.990541,34.815578",TZ,en,active,,,,, opendata-ugr,Bienvenido a OpenData UGR,,University of Granada,University of Granada,,Government,Bienvenido a OpenData UGR,city spain,,,,Granada,"37.177322,-3.600112",ES,es,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, opendatabc-data-catalogue,OpenDataBC Data Catalogue,,OpenDataBC,OpenDataBC,,,OpenDataBC presents a crowd-sourced list of datasets made available by various levels of government within the province of British Columbia,,,,,British Columbia,"55,-125",CA,en,active,2011-07-06T06:26:49.819Z,,,, opendatamanchester,Open Data Manchester (UK),,,,,,Manchester (UK) Open Data Catalog,ckan ctic level.local eu-official,,,,Manchester,"53.4791466,-2.2447445",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:58.133Z,,,, opendatani_info,OpenDataNI,,Department of Finance and Personnel of Northern Ireland,Department of Finance and Personnel of Northern Ireland,,,"OpenDataNI is Northern Ireland’s Public Sector Open Data web portal, for publication of data produced by Northern Ireland government departments, agencies and non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs), in line with the 'Open Data Strategy for Northern Ireland 2015-18'. The portal provides access to these datasets in an open and machine-readable format, making previously unavailable data, available for re-use.",ckan northernireland level.regional uk eu-official unitedkingdom,OGL-UK-3.0,,,"Northern Ireland, UK","54.65692315,-6.563468346",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:14:41.583Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, opendataphilly,OpenDataPhilly,,OpenDataPhilly,OpenDataPhilly,,,"Data on the Philadelphia region. OpenDataPhilly is a catalog developed by Azavea, a Philadelphia geospatial firm, in collaboration with the City of Philadelphia Office of Information Technology, WHYY, Technically Philly, NPower, the William Penn Foundation and other partners.",ctic level.local unitedstates,,,,"Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania","40.0114538,-75.1326504",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:21.373Z,,,, opendataterritorioenna-it,Open Data Territorio Enna - Geo open data della Provincia di Enna,,Giuseppe Claudio Vitale,Provincia Regionale di Enna,29/04/2013,Institutional,E' un portale di dati spaziali e territoriali,enna italy regional,Other (Open),,,"Enna, Italia","37.567401,14.279574",IT,it,active,,,,, opendoor-kentucky,OpenDoor Kentucky,,,,,,Kentucky's Financial Transparency Portal.,finance,notspecified,,,Kentucky,"37.5726028,-85.1551411",US,en,active,2012-05-20T16:12:54.175Z,,,, openei,OpenEI – Open Energy Info,,U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory,U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory,,,"An online community dedicated to information and data on energy resources. Provides access to energy-related information via geographic discovery, visualizations, and topic-oriented gateways. The site includes a data catalog of hundreds of energy-related datasets. Developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.",energy us wiki unitedstates,notspecified,,,Global,"0,0",Global,en,active,2011-12-07T11:35:29.914Z,,,, opengov_es,,,,,,,"CKAN repository of Spanish open data intiatives Facilitator: Javier De La Cueva. Contact: see .",ctic level.local ckan publicdata-eu spain,,,,Spain,"40.0028028,-4.003104",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:15:27.743Z,,,, opengov_se,OpenGov Sweden Catalog,,Peter Krantz,Peter Krantz,,, is an initiative to highlight available public datasets in Sweden. This portal is inactive since many years.,ctic publicdata-eu,cc-by,,,Sweden,"59.6749712,14.5208584",SE,sv,inactive,2011-06-27T18:15:23.34Z,,,, opengovdata_ru,OpenGovData Russia Catalog,,,,,, is a public data catalog published by the Russian Government,ctic,,,,Russia,"64.6863136,97.7453061",RU,ru,active,2011-06-27T18:15:25.196Z,,,, open_nrw,open NRW,,Municipal and State Authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia,State Government of North Rhine-Westphalia,,Government,Aggregation of open data offerings of many municipal authorities within the german federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia,level.local level.regional germany ckan,,,,North Rhine-Westphalia,"51.2243,6.7873",DE,de,active,,CKAN,,CKAN API, openstreetmap,OpenStreetMap,,OpenStreetMap Foundation,OpenStreetMap Foundation,,,Wikipedia for geo data, osm,notspecified,,,Earth,"0,0",,de en es fr it nl,active,2011-06-30T10:28:04.804Z,,,, oppnadata_se,Öppna Data,,VINNOVA (Verket för innovationssystem) / Svenska Regeringen,VINNOVA (Verket för innovationssystem) / Svenska Regeringen,,,Governmental portal for sharing of data made public for reuse. Replaced by Sweden's National data portal,level.national eu-official,,,,Sweden,"59.6749712,14.5208584",SE,sv,inactive,2013-01-17T15:00:03.209Z,,,, orebro-psi-data,Orebro Kommun Data Catalog,,Örebro Kommun,Örebro Kommun,,,"Local data portal for Örebro. Contains a variety of data sources, like statistics and geodata, but also monthly spending listing individual received invoices, traffic data etc.",level.local eu-official,other-pd,,,Örebro,"59.2747378,15.2149988",SE,se,active,2013-11-26T09:23:05.567Z,,,, oregon,Oregon,,State of Oregon,State of Oregon,,,State of Oregon Data Catalog,ctic level.local unitedstates,,,,"Oregon, United States","43.9792797,-120.737257",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:29.885Z,,,, os-amsterdam,Amsterdam O+S,,Gemeente Amsterdam,Gemeente Amsterdam,,,"The Department for Research and Statistics of the City of Amsterdam, Netherlands.",level.local eu-official netherlands,,,,"Amsterdam, NL","52.3710088,4.9001115",NL,,active,2013-01-09T10:31:42.674Z,,,, ottawa_ca,"Ottawa, Ontario",,City of Ottawa,City of Ottawa,,,"You may send feedback via [email]( or [webform]( and [request datasets]( Adapted the [Vancouver license]( Short URL:",ctic level.local ckan canada,,,,"Ottawa, Ontario","45.4210328,-75.6900219",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:02.535Z,,,, oulu_finland,Oulu region data catalog,,City of Oulu,City of Oulu,,,Launched 25.12.2013,finland level.regional oulu eu-official,notspecified,,,Oulu,"65.0118734,25.4716809",FI,fi,active,2014-06-09T09:43:03.921Z,,,, overheid_nl,Netherlands Public Data Catalogue,,BZK/WM/KOOP (Government ICT Office),BZK/WM/KOOP (Government ICT Office),,, is the central access point to all information about / from government organisations of the Netherlands. (launched 2011) is the central register for all government data sets.,ctic level.national ckan eu-official netherlands,cc-zero,,,Kingdom of the Netherlands,"52.2379891,5.534607382",NL,nl,active,2011-06-27T18:14:16.861Z,,,, paeria_es,Lleida Open Data,,,,,,Lleida Open Data Catalog,ctic level.local eu-official spain,,,,Lleida,"41.6147605,0.6267842",ES,ca,active,2011-06-27T18:13:58.469Z,,,, pamplona,Pamplona Data Portal,,Pamplona government,Pamplona government,,,,level.local eu-official,notspecified,,,Pamplona,"42.8185502,-1.6444165",ES,es,active,2013-02-20T14:27:04.473Z,,,, paris,Parisdata,,,,,,"City of Paris Public Data Initiative. Contact: via .",ctic level.local publicdata-eu eu-official france,,,,Paris,"48.8565056,2.3521334",FR,fr,active,2011-06-27T18:15:34.193Z,,,, paris_fr,ParisData,,Mairie de Paris,Mairie de Paris,,,France's capital Paris OpenData store,ctic publicdata-eu eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,"Paris, France","48.8565056,2.3521334",FR,fr,active,2011-06-27T18:15:32.036Z,,,, pavia-geodata,Pavia geodata,,Comune di Pavia,Comune di Pavia,,,geodata Pavia city,geodata level.local thematic eu-official italy,cc-by,,,Pavia Italy,"45.1860043,9.1546375",IT,it,active,2011-10-18T13:45:00.734Z,,,, picandmix_org_uk,Kent County Catalog,,Supported by Kent County Council (KCC) in collaboration with Applied Trends,Supported by Kent County Council (KCC) in collaboration with Applied Trends,,,"Pic and Mix aims to increase public access to Kent-related datasets including those generated by Kent County Council (KCC), UK",ctic level.regional eu-official unitedkingdom,cc-by-sa,,,"Kent, UK","51.2244644,0.7334215",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:45.318Z,,,, piemonte_it,,,Piemonte regional government,Piemonte regional government,,,"Open data portal for Piemonte region in Italy. Contact: via .",ctic level.regional publicdata-eu eu-official italy,,,,"Piemonte, Italy","45.060735,7.923549",IT,it,active,2011-06-27T18:15:40.364Z,,,, portal_der_stadt_zuerich,Portal der Stadt Zürich,,Stadt Zürich,Stadt Zürich,,,"Open Government Data portal for the city of Zürich, Switzerland. ",level.local switzerland,,,,"Zürich, Switzerland","47.3685586,8.5404434",CH,de,active,2013-03-18T19:13:35.317Z,,,, portal-de-datos-abiertos-de-jccm,Portal de Datos Abiertos de JCCM,,Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha,Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha,,,Open data portal of the Spanish autonomous community Castilla-La Mancha.,level.regional eu-official spain,cc-by,,,Castilla-La Mancha,"39.4177902,-2.6232332",,es,active,2011-10-21T12:01:20.533Z,,,, portugal-finance,Despesa Pública Portugal,,,,,,"Public Expenditure arises from the need to provide an accessible, organized, detailed and flexible enough information on how, where or by whom is spending taxpayers' money. All citizens have the right to access to this information, that can assist in controlling public expenditure, commenting, questioning, promoting and overseeing the spending of public institutions. The state spends thousands of dollars on new technology platforms that enhance and facilitate the collection of revenue, however, regarding the provision of information on public institutions, their assets and expenditure, there is little information that is dispersed , poorly organized and difficult to access. Transparency and easy access to information is the first instrument in fighting corruption, so do not understand why there is so much reluctance in most public institutions in providing this information. It is intended that this project is a platform informative and useful to society. Not wanting to be sensationalist, or party, it is expected that citizens and different stakeholders see it as a support for growth of the country, citizen participation and fair competition in the supply of goods / services to the public sector. The collection of this information is not always a simple process, and sometimes this is not 100% correct, so it's up to all of us proceed to its validation and require the institutions to provide increasingly, information and more accurate. At this point is to collect through the site settings Direct and enterprise data through the site Advantage has been taken to treat and store the information collected in a structured way, to be able to cross data from different sources. At present we can see, for example, adjustments were made ​​directly to the companies newly established. This functionality can be seen that some results are obtained very curious and dubious.",finance,cc-by,,,Portugal,"40.092591,-7.800517",PT,pt,active,2012-05-29T10:39:54.5Z,,,, princegeorge_ca,"Prince George, British Columbia",,City of Prince George,City of Prince George,,,Adapted the [Vancouver license]( (roughly).,canada,,,,"Prince George, British Columbia","53.9172526,-122.7461341",CA,en,active,2011-10-14T20:44:51.571Z,,,, provincia-lucca,Provincia Lucca Data catalog,,Provincia Lucca administration,Provincia Lucca administration,,,Launched April 2013 with 36 data sets,level.regional eu-official italy,cc-by,,,Provincia Lucca,"43.7483379,10.3780487",IT,it,active,2013-04-22T07:31:43.235Z,,,, provincia-roma,Rome Province Data Portal,,Province of Rome,Province of Rome,,,"CKAN based portal for the Province of Rome, Italy",level.regional ckan eu-official italy,odc-odbl,,,Rome,"41.8933439,12.4830718",IT,it,active,2012-02-24T13:38:26.231Z,,,, pt_national_portal,,,"AMA, Portuguese government","AMA, Portuguese government",,,The Portuguese national data portal. Launched 24-11-2011 in beta.,level.national portugal eu-official,cc-by,,,Portugal,"40.033265,-7.8896263",PT,pt,active,2012-01-24T17:37:35.329Z,,,, pub-bielefeld-university,PUB – Publications at Bielefeld University / Data Publications,,Christian Pietsch,Bielefeld University Library,01/01/2013,Research,"Bielefeld University's institutional publication repository includes research data, citable by DOI, and often with files available.",,Open Data Commons - Attribution,,"Uploaders may choose among three Open Data Licenses: PDDL, ODC-By, or ODbL.","Bielefeld, Germany","52.0149397,8.3805262",DE,"de, en",active,,,,, public-information-request-mexico,Public Information Request - Mexico,,INAI,INAI,01/10/2012,Government,Database of information requests made ​​to the agencies of the Federal Government through the IINFOMEX system. The information can be downloaded for Time blocks or Topics. The agencies of the Federal Public Administration are grouped into sectors.,,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,,Mexico,"23.6266557,-102.5377501",MX,es,active,,,,, publicdata-be,PublicData Belgium,,ASA/DAV,ASA/DAV,,,Portal for data released by federal public services in Belgium.,level.national eu-official,,,,Belgium,"50.6407351,4.66696",BE,fr nl,active,2013-02-05T16:34:28.248Z,,,, publicdata-eu,,,Open Knowledge Foundation,Open Knowledge Foundation,,," federates metadata from local, regional and national data catalogues from across Europe. Further details are available here:",ckan,,,,Europe,"51.0000003,9.9999997",,en,active,2011-10-13T09:32:07.621Z,,,, puglia,Puglia Data Portal,,Puglia regional government,Puglia regional government,,,Regional portal for Puglia,level.regional eu-official italy,other-open,,,Puglia,"40.984266,16.621036",IT,it,active,2013-03-05T22:17:30.942Z,,,, qc,Québec,,Province de Québec,Province de Québec,,,You may [send feedback]( and [request datasets]( via webform. Uses its [own license](,level.local canada,other-at,,,Québec,"54,-72",CA,fr,active,2012-08-27T13:59:41.439Z,,,, qspatial-qld,Queensland Spatial Catalogue - QSpatial,,Stephen Gates,Queensland Government ,27/08/2015,Government,"This service is a Queensland Government initiative to provide improved public access to a variety of spatial and associated data. You can discover, display, select and download or order data over an area of interest in selected formats, including map coverage data, image data and text file data.",queensland,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Queensland, Australia","-21.9182856,144.45",AU,en,active,,Esri GeoPortal,,, qualicum_beach_bc,"Qualicum Beach, British Columbia",,Town of Qualicum Beach,Town of Qualicum Beach,,,,canada,,,,"Qualicum Beach, British Columbia","49.3479776,-124.4439377",CA,en,active,2014-08-09T22:44:58.889Z,,,, quebec_qc_ca,"Québec, Québec",,Ville de Québec,Ville de Québec,,,You may send feedback via [email]( or [webform]( Uses its [own license](,canada,,,,"Québec, Québec","46.8257374,-71.2349114",CA,fr,active,2012-02-28T20:18:54.643Z,,,, rcongo_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Republic of Congo,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Republic of Congo,africa,other-at,,,Republic of Congo,"-0.7264327,15.6419155",cog,en,active,2013-08-29T08:04:48.393Z,,,, recife-city-open-data,Recife City Open Data,,Breno Alenca,EMPREL - Empresa Municipal de Informática,15/07/2013,Government,"The Open Data Portal Recife, developed by EMPREL - Company municipal technology, aims to provide public and easily access and search data generated by government departments and agencies of municipal management. The publication of the data in an open format allows anyone can develop applications or views, seeking to facilitate data analysis, promoting the improvement of services through innovation and creativity, and contributing to greater involvement of society by the municipal government.",,Open Data Commons - Attribution Share-alike (Open Database License),,"licenses are explicit in each resource, eg","Recife, Pernambuco","-8.0462733,-35.0025289",BR,pt,active,,,,, recovery-gov,,,"All the data on the site comes from two sources: • Federal agencies submit Weekly Financial Reports that can be found in the Agency Reported section of the site. • The recipient data displayed on the site is pulled directly from the reports submitted by the recipients themselves at, also managed by the Board. ","All the data on the site comes from two sources: • Federal agencies submit Weekly Financial Reports that can be found in the Agency Reported section of the site. • The recipient data displayed on the site is pulled directly from the reports submitted by the recipients themselves at, also managed by the Board. ",,," is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.",finance,cc-by,,,USA,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",US,en,active,2012-05-20T16:46:17.204Z,,,, red-deer-ab,"Red Deer, Alberta",,City of Red Deer,City of Red Deer,,,"You may send feedback to []( or []( Uses its [own license](, similar to that of Saskatoon.",canada,other-open,,,"Red Deer, AB","52.2691823,-113.8157619",CA,en,active,2012-08-27T14:02:56.566Z,,,, redbridge-datashare,Redbridge DataShare,,London Borough of Redbridge,London Borough of Redbridge,,,Official open data site from the London Borough of Redbridge.,unitedkingdom,,,,London Borough of Redbridge,"51.5863662,0.06975911637",UK,en,active,2011-10-14T18:10:19.089Z,,,, regina_ca,"Regina, Saskatchewan",,City of Regina,City of Regina,,,You may send [feedback]( and [request datasets](,canada,,,,"Regina, Saskatchewan","50.4480951,-104.6158181",CA,en,active,2012-02-28T20:11:21.9Z,,,, region_of_york_ca,"Region of York, Ontario",,Region of York,Region of York,,,"Open data catalogue of the Regional Municipality of York (York Region), Ontario, Canada. You may [send feedback]( and [request datasets]( This catalogue uses its own license, based on the UK Government’s Open Government License for Public Sector Information and has been adapted with the permission of the UK National Archives. ",canada,other-open,,,"York, Ontario","43.6896191,-79.479188",CA,en,active,2013-06-25T01:56:52.935Z,,,, region-of-peel-ontario,"Region of Peel, Ontario",,Region of Peel,Region of Peel,,,You may send feedback and request datasets via [email]( or [webform]( The [license]( is based upon the the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information and has been adapted with the permission of the UK National Archives.,canada,uk-ogl,,,"Region of Peel, Ontario","43.5831576,-79.6394435",CA,en,active,2012-04-23T23:44:48.227Z,,,, region-of-waterloo-ontario,"Region of Waterloo, Ontario",,Region of Waterloo,Region of Waterloo,,,You may subscribe to [dataset updates]( and send feedback and request datasets via [email]( The [license]( is based upon the the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information and has been adapted with the permission of the UK National Archives.,canada,uk-ogl,,,"Waterloo, Ontario","43.4655524,-80.5217786",CA,en,active,2011-12-02T21:00:21.978Z,,,, rennes_fr,Rennes Métropole en Accès Libre,,Rennes Métropole,Rennes Métropole,,,France's city of Renne's Area OpenData store,ctic level.local eu-official france,other-closed,,,Rennes,"48.1113589,-1.680009",FR,fr,active,2011-06-27T18:15:42.354Z,,,, research_data_australia,Research Data Australia,,Australian National Data Service,Australian National Data Service,,,Research Data Australia is a discovery service for Australian research data.,academia australia,notspecified,,,Australia,"-24.7761086,134.755",AU,en,active,2012-10-01T23:08:15.447Z,,,, rheinland-pfalz,Open-Government-Data-Portal Rheinland-Pfalz,,Rheinland Pfalz,Rheinland Pfalz,01/03/2013,Government,The portal combines data from settlements within Rheinland-Pfalz (a state of Germany) with data specific to the state itself.,level.regional ckan eu-official germany,other-open,,,"Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany","49.7497346,7.4396553",DE,de,active,2013-03-05T21:40:57.873Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, ri_gov,Rhode Island,,State of Rhode Island,State of Rhode Island,,, provides open data sets available to the general public,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Rhode Island, United States","41.7962409,-71.5992372",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:46.562Z,,,, rochelle,La Rochelle,,City of La Rochelle,City of La Rochelle,,,City data portal of La Rochelle. Launched 23 May 2012.,level.local eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,La Rochelle,"46.1591126,-1.1520434",FR,fr,active,2012-05-24T09:42:56.905Z,,,, rotterdam,Rotterdam Open Data Store,,Rotterdam Open Data,Rotterdam Open Data,,,"Open Data from the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands. A project of the University of Rotterdam, the city of Rotterdam, and local companies. Rotterdam Open Data is built using the CKAN data catalogue as a back-end to Liferay CMS. The CKAN catalogue can be accessed directly at",level.local ckan eu-official netherlands,,,,"Rotterdam, Netherlands","51.9228958,4.4631727",NL,nl,active,2013-01-07T18:48:50.186Z,,,, rwanda_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Rwanda,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Rwanda,africa,other-at,,,Rwanda,"-1.9646631,30.0644358",rwa,en,active,2013-08-29T08:03:33.357Z,,,, saanich-bc,"Saanich, British Columbia",,District of Saanich,District of Saanich,,,You may send feedback via [email]( Uses its [own license](,canada,,,,"Saanich, BC","48.4594315,-123.3764946",CA,en,active,2012-09-30T18:43:23.796Z,,,, salford,Salford Open Data,,Salford City Council,Salford City Council,,,City Council's data,unitedkingdom,uk-ogl,,,Salford,"53.4877463,-2.2891921",GB,en,active,2011-11-02T23:10:15.189Z,,,, san-diego,San Diego Apps Challenge data,,,,,,A list of datasets made available by the City of San Diego and other partner organisations for the San Diego Apps Challenge in Feb 2012.,city unitedstates,,,,"San Diego, California","32.7174209,-117.1627714","San DIEgo, California",,active,2012-05-10T04:59:26.068Z,,,, santa-cruz,City of Santa Cruz Open Data,,City of Santa Cruz,City of Santa Cruz,,,"Open Data published by the City of Santa Cruz, California, USA.",ckan unitedstates,,,,"Santa Cruz, CA, USA","36.9746099,-122.0294259",US,en,active,2013-01-07T18:24:02.887Z,,,, saone-et-loire_fr,OpenData71,,Conseil Général de la Saône-et-Loire,Conseil Général de la Saône-et-Loire,,,France's department of Saône-et-Loire's OpenData store,level.regional eu-official france,other-closed,,,Saone-et-Loire,"46.6557086,4.558554818",FR,fr,active,2011-11-08T19:46:15.547Z,,,, sardinia-geoportal,Sardinia geoportal,,regione sardegna,regione sardegna,,,geodata from Sardegna,level.regional eu-official italy,other-nc,,,Sardegna,"40.0912813,9.0305773",IT,it,active,2011-10-18T13:36:44.785Z,,,, saskatoon-sk,"Saskatoon, Saskatchewan",,City of Saskatoon,City of Saskatoon,,,"You may [send feedback]( via webform. Uses its [own license](, similar to that of Red Deer.",canada,other-open,,,"Saskatoon, SK","52.1303794,-106.6605124",CA,en,active,2012-08-27T14:18:56.293Z,,,, sejong-metropolitan-autonomous-city,세종특별자치시 공공데이터,,Sejong Metropolitan Autonomous City,Sejong Metropolitan Autonomous City,,Government,세종특별자치시 공공데이터,city southkorea,,,,Sejong,"36.4870, 127.2822",KR,ko,active,,,,, semic_eu,Semantic Interoperability Centre Europe (SEMIC.EU) Catalog,,,,,,SEMIC.EU is a participatory platform and a service by the European Commission that supports the sharing of assets of interoperability to be used in public administration and eGovernment,ctic,,,,Europe,"51.0000003,9.9999997",Europe,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:50.887Z,,,, senato_it,Italian Senate Data Portal,,Senato,Senato,,,Linked Data of all Italian senat data.,level.thematic eu-official italy,cc-by,,,Italy,"42.6384261,12.674297",IT,it,active,2013-03-05T22:20:01.17Z,,,, senegal_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Senegal,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Senegal,africa,other-at,,,Senegal,"14.4750607,-14.4529612",SEn,en,active,2013-08-29T08:06:36.522Z,,,, seoul,Seoul Open Data,,City of Seoul,City of Seoul,,,"Official data portal for the city of Seoul, Korea.",,,,,"Seoul, Korea","37.5666791,126.9782914",KR,ko,active,2012-08-21T09:17:15.225Z,,,, sherbrooke_qc,"Sherbrooke, Québec",,Ville de Sherbrooke,Ville de Sherbrooke,,,,canada,,,,"Sherbrooke, Québec","45.4029964,-71.887681",CA,fr,active,2014-02-14T22:51:42.079Z,,,, singapore_opendata,Singapore OpenData,,Government of Singapore,Government of Singapore,,,"Catalog for the Singapore OpenData Discovering data, inspiring ideas",ctic,other-closed,,,Singapore,"1.2904527,103.852038",SG,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:35.45Z,,,, slip-landgate-wa,Government of Western Australia - Shared Location Information Platform ,,Stephen Gates, Government of Western Australia,26/08/2015,Government,"SLIP is administered by Landgate and WALIS and operates on Google's cloud-based Google Maps Engine platform. SLIP links government agency systems to create a single, online real-time point-of-entry to location and property information currently held by various government departments. You are required to register to access some SLIP services. Registration is free.",western-australia,Other (Not Open),,All contents copyright Government of Western Australia. All rights reserved.,"Western Australia, Australia","-25.328056,122.298333",AU,en,active,,Google Maps Engine ,,, south-gyeongsang-province,경상남도 공공정보 공개개방,,South Gyeongsang Province,South Gyeongsang Province,,Government,경상남도 공공정보 공개개방,province southkorea,,,,South Gyeongsang,"35.2500, 128.2500",KR,ko,active,,,,, south-jeolla-province,전라남도 공공데이터 커뮤니티 센터,,South Jeolla Province,South Jeolla Province,,Government,전라남도 공공데이터 커뮤니티 센터,province southkorea,,,,South Jeolla,"34.7500, 127.0000",KR,ko,active,,,,, southafrica_capetown,City of Cape Town Open Data Portal,,City of Cape Town,City of Cape Town,,Government,"This portal makes available data that the City of Cape Town has approved in terms of its Open Data Policy. By sharing this data, the City aims to increase transparency in its processes and actively involve residents and other stakeholders in local government, as well as promote economic opportunity.",city cape town municipal municipality,,,,"Cape Town, South Africa","-33.9135299,18.0956098",ZA,en,active,2017-05-24T10:01:45Z,,,, southafrica_municipal_money,"Municipal Money, South Africa",,"National Treasury, Republic of South Africa","National Treasury, Republic of South Africa",,Government,Municipal Money is a web-based tool designed to inform citizens on their local authority’s financial performance and allows comparisons between municipalities.,municipal finance budget southafrica africa indicators userfriendly,,,,South Africa,"-25.7446266,28.1899738",ZA,en,active,2017-05-22T18:01:45Z,,,, southafrica_municipal_data,"Municipal Data, South Africa",,"National Treasury, Republic of South Africa","National Treasury, Republic of South Africa",,Government,Current and historical Municipal budget and financial performance data from the National Treasury.,municipal finance budget southafrica africa data api,,,,South Africa,"-25.7446266,28.1899738",ZA,en,active,2017-05-22T18:01:45Z,,,, southafrica_opendataforafrica,Open Data for South Africa,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for South Africa,africa,other-at,,,South Africa,"-28.8166236,24.991639",zaf,en,active,2013-08-29T08:07:38.804Z,,,, southafrica_vulekamali,vulekamali – South Africa budget data portal,,"National Treasury, Republic of South Africa","National Treasury, Republic of South Africa",,Government,Makes government budget data and processes accessible to all citizens & interested parties. vulekamali is a project by the South African National Treasury and IMALI YETHU is an open coalition of civil society organisations driven by an interest in promoting budget transparency and public participation. ,southafrica africa vulekamali budget fiscal data api,,,,South Africa,"-25.7446266,28.1899738",ZA,en,active,2018-02-21T00:00:00Z,"CKAN, jekyll",,CKAN API, southsudan_opendataforafrica,Open Data for South Sudan,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for South Sudan,africa,other-at,,,South Sudan,"7.2653861,30.05489",ssd,en,active,2013-08-29T08:08:44.156Z,,,, spain, - Official Spain Government Portal,,Aporta Initiative - Spanish Government,Government of Spain,05/11/2015,Government," is the national portal that organises and manages the Public Information Catalogue of the General State Administration. The portal also provides general information, educational material and news updates on reusing public sector information.",level.national eu-official spain,other,,,Spain,"40.0028028,-4.0026",ES,es,active,2012-06-25T08:15:21.404Z,Custom/in-house implementation,,, ssc-open-data,Sunshine Coast Council Open Data,,Stephen Gates,Sunshine Coast Council,17/08/2015,Government,"The Sunshine Coast is in Queensland, Australia and the Open Data Portal allows you to interactively explore data, maps, visualisations and application developer tools. ",australia local,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Sunshine Coast, Queensland,","-26.654828, 153.092978",AU,en,active,,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), statcentral-ireland,,,Central Statistics Office Ireland,Central Statistics Office Ireland,,,"The StatCentral portal provides standard documentation on recurring official statistics and links to where they can be found. It covers data produced by the Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO), as well as other government departments, agencies and other state bodies.",ireland level.national portal statistics stats thematic eu-official,other-closed,,,Ireland,"52.865196,-7.9794599",IE,en,active,2011-10-27T14:41:54.027Z,,,, state_of_illinois,Illinois,,State of Illinois,State of Illinois,,,Open Data Portal for the State of Illinois,ctic level.local unitedstates,,,,"Illinois, United States","40.0796319,-89.4339809",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:57.1Z,,,, state_of_nebraska,Nebraska,,State of Nebraska,State of Nebraska,,,State of Nebraska Open Data Catalog,ctic level.national unitedstates,,,,"Nebraska, United States","41.7370229,-99.5873816",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:01.326Z,,,, state_of_washington,Washington,,State of Washington,State of Washington,,,Public Open Data of the State of Washington,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Washington, United States","47.2868352,-120.2126139",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:05.479Z,,,, strathcona_ca,"Strathcona County, Alberta",,Strathcona County,Strathcona County,,,,canada,,,,"Strathcona County, Alberta","53.4722421,-113.2714943",CA,en,active,2014-01-23T23:42:52.684Z,,,, suomi_fi,Laatua Verkkoon (Finland) Catalog,,,,,,Link list (and placeholder for future catalog) to Finnish data resources. Launched 2009,ctic finland level.national eu-official,notspecified,,,Republic of Finland,"63.2467777,25.9209164",FI,fi,active,2011-06-27T18:13:49.892Z,,,, surrey_ca,"Surrey, British Columbia",,City of Surrey,City of Surrey,,,Uses the PDDL license.,canada,odc-pddl,,,"Surrey, British Columbia","49.1850834,-122.8446549",CA,en,active,2011-07-06T06:28:53.625Z,,,, sutton_gov_uk,Sutton Open Data,,,,,,London Borough of Sutton Open Data Catalog,ctic level.local eu-official,,,,Sutton,"51.360398,-0.1906996",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:07.538Z,,,, swedens data portal,Sweden's National Data Portal,,Agency for Digital Government,Agency for Digital Government,2020-09-17,Government,Sweden’s National Dataportal,sweden level.national eu-official,,,,Sweden,"60.128161, 18.643501",SE,sv,active,2020-09-17T09:00:00.439Z,entryscape,,"REST, Linked Data", taichung-city-government,Open Data.Taichung City Government,,Taichung City Government,Taichung City Government,,Government,Open Data.Taichung City Government,city taiwan,,,,Taichung,"24.1500, 120.6667",TW,zh,active,,,,, tampere_finland,Open Tampere,,City of Tampere,City of Tampere,,,"Data catalog, which lists the openly published information resources of the city of Tampere. In the early stages the page's functionalities are limited, but the data sets are opened as widely as possible in several data formats. Also advance information on future data openings will be published.",level.local eu-official finland,,,,Tampere,"61.4980214,23.7603118",FI,fi,active,2013-01-23T11:24:28.62Z,,,, tanzania_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Tanzania,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Tanzania,africa,other-at,,,Tanzania,"-6.5247123,35.7878438",tza,en,active,2013-08-29T08:09:39.499Z,,,, texas,Texas,,State of Texas,State of Texas,,,State of Texas Open Data Catalog,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Texas, United States","31.8160381,-99.5120986",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:15:06.947Z,,,, texas-transparency,Texas Transparency,,Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts,Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts,,,"The Open Data Center is a new service offered as part of the Comptroller's transparency initiative. It is designed to provide direct access to machine-readable, platform-independent raw datasets, as well as other important data tools created by Texas CPA. New datasets and data tools will continue to be added as this section expands. Your feedback is welcome and encouraged. Let us know how you have used this data and what other types of data and data formats you would like to see.",finance unitedstates,notspecified,,,Texas,"31.8160381,-99.5120986",US,en,active,2012-05-20T13:58:35.124Z,,,, thailand_opendata,Thailand OpenData,,Thai Prime Minister's Office,Thai Prime Minister's Office,,,Catalog of the public data of Thailand,asia ctic,cc-by,,,Thailand,"14.8971921,100.83273",TH,th,active,2011-06-27T18:16:37.481Z,,,, the-data-hub,the Data Hub,,Open Knowledge Foundation,Open Knowledge Foundation,,,"An openly editable registry for open data (and a few closed ones). CKAN makes it easy to find, share and reuse open content and data, especially in ways that are machine automatable. Includes more than 3000 datasets, including the metadata of all the Linked Open Data used to draw the [LOD Cloud]( A flagship install of the [CKAN software]( The original community catalogue, running since 2007. Previously known as Maintainers: Rufus Pollock, Friedrich Lindenberg, Richard Cyganiak, David Read",ckan,odc-odbl,,,Global,"43.7283874,-79.34914869",UK CA AU gr hu lt si NL md,en de fr it es pl ru nl sv no cs hu pt fi bg ca sq sr,active,2011-12-20T10:01:09.911Z,,,, thunder_bay_on,"Thunder Bay, Ontario",,City of Thunder Bay,City of Thunder Bay,,,,canada,,,,"Thunder Bay, Ontario","48.4061651,-89.2591415",CA,en,active,2014-08-08T05:56:58.249Z,,,, tirol-data,Tirol Data Portal,,Landesregierung Tirol,Landesregierung Tirol,,,"Launched April 2012, with 13 datasets on environment and tourism.",level.regional tirol eu-official austria,cc-by,,,Tirol,"47.223193,11.5261028",AT,de,active,2012-04-04T15:34:58.088Z,,,, tol_ca,"Township of Langley, British Columbia",,Township of Langley,Township of Langley,,,You may send [feedback]( Uses the PDDL license.,ctic canada,odc-pddl,,,"Township of Langley, British Columbia","49.1,-122.65",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:13:52.185Z,,,, torino,Torino - Aperto,,City of Turin,City of Turin,,,"Open data portal for the city of Turin (Torino), Italy.",level.local eu-official italy,,,,Torino,"45.0709201,7.685972",IT,it,active,2012-06-21T06:00:22.667Z,,,, toronto_ca,"Toronto, Ontario",,City of Toronto,City of Toronto,,,You may send [feedback]( and [request datasets]( The current license is based upon the the UK Government's Open Government Licence for Public Sector Information and has been adapted with the permission of the UK National Archives. The previous license adapted the [Vancouver license]( See the [FAQ](,ctic canada,,,,"Toronto, Ontario","43.6529206,-79.3849008",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:11.802Z,,,, toscana,Open Data Regione Toscana,,Regione Toscana,Regione Toscana,,,"Official Open Data portal for the region of Toscana (Tuscany), Italy.",ckan eu-official italy,,,,"Toscana (Tuscany), Italy","43.7215969,10.3969338",IT,it,active,2012-07-30T10:56:21.943Z,,,, toulouse_fr,Grand Toulouse Data,,Communauté Urbaine du Grand Toulouse,Communauté Urbaine du Grand Toulouse,,,France's city of Toulouse's Area OpenData store,level.regional eu-official france,odc-odbl,,,Toulouse,"43.6044622,1.4442469",FR,fr,active,2011-11-08T19:46:10.796Z,,,, trafford_gov_uk,Trafford Open Data,,,,,,Borough of Trafford (UK) Open Data Catalog,ctic level.local eu-official,,,,"Trafford, UK","53.4189014,-2.359469451",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:13.925Z,,,,,The Turkish Statistical Institute,;jsessionid=hzjxJZtK13J4NGP6PxvfdJGkFJMtZLSWdwpy29hy34Dc6pTk09B9!926848241,pinardag,Tuik,,Government,The Turkish Statistical Institute,ankara turkey statistics database,cc-by-sa,,,Ankara,"39.9033765,32.767873",TR,tr,active,,,,, tunisia_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Tunesia,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Tunesia,africa,other-at,,,Tunesia,"33.8439408,9.400138",tun,en,active,2013-08-29T08:11:07.071Z,,,, turku_finland,Lounaispaikka,,Lounaispaikka,Lounaispaikka,,,,level.regional eu-official finland,notspecified,,,Lounais-Suomi,"60.89717575,21.84460516",FI,fi,active,2014-06-09T09:48:06.292Z,,,, uae_open_data,UAE Open Data,,United Arab Emirates Government,United Arab Emirates Government,,,"The UAE Government has adopted the Open Data practice to make government data and information seamlessly available to people. Under the Open Data, information is made usable, reusable and accessible to the public.",ctic level.national,other-closed,,,United Arab Emirates,"24.0002488,53.9994829",AE,"en, ar",active,2011-06-27T18:16:16.049Z,,,, ulsan-metropolitan-city,울산광역시 공공데이터 포털,,Ulsan Metropolitan City,Ulsan Metropolitan City,,Government,울산광역시 공공데이터 포털,city southkorea,,,,Ulsan,"35.5500, 129.3167",KR,ko,active,,,,, un-habitat,Open UN-Habitat Transparency Initiative,,UN-HABITAT,UN-HABITAT,,,"Project and programme data from UN-HABITAT, the United Nations Human Settlements Programme.",cities un,cc-by,,,Global,"0,0",Global,en,active,2013-01-07T17:32:05.483Z,,,, undata-api_org,United Nations (UNdata) Catalog,,,,,,UNdata is a data access system to UN databases,ctic,,,,Globe,"0,0",Global,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:22.603Z,,,, unione-dei-comuni-valle-del-savio,Open Data Unione dei Comuni Valle del Savio,,Unione dei Comuni Valle del Savio,Unione dei Comuni Valle del Savio,,Government,Open Data Unione dei Comuni Valle del Savio,city italia,,,,Cesena,"44.1333, 12.2333",IT,it,active,,,,, university-of-oxford,University of Oxford,,University of Oxford,University of Oxford,,,The site aims to collect data from around the University and make it available for reuse as linked data under open licenses.,oxford university unitedkingdom,cc-by-sa,,,"Oxford, UK","51.7521553,-1.2582135",UK,English,active,2011-11-24T17:33:43.143Z,,,, university-of-southampton-open-data,University of Southampton Open Data,,University of Southampton,University of Southampton,,,"The University of Southampton provides open access to some of our administrative data. We believe that this will be of benefit to our own members and visitors, and increase the transparency of our operations.",academia southampton university unitedkingdom,other-open,,,"Southampton, UK ","50.9025349,-1.404189",GB,English,active,2011-12-03T15:53:21.204Z,,,, us-department-of-labor-enforcement-data,US DOL ENFORCEMENT DATA,,US DOL,US DOL,,,"The US Department of Labor's Enforcement Data site aims to make administrative data, collected by the agencies, accessible in machine readable formats, and searchable.",government-regulatory-data,,,,USA,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",US,EN,active,2011-07-11T13:40:14.795Z,,,, usa-spending,,,US Government,US Government,,,"The Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) of 2006, full text of the Transparency Act ( ), requires that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) establish a single searchable website, accessible to the public at no cost, which includes for each Federal award: the name of the entity receiving the award; the amount of the award; information on the award including transaction type, funding agency, etc; the location of the entity receiving the award; and a unique identifier of the entity receiving the award. was first launched in December 2007 to fulfill these requirements. Prime award information shown on the website is provided by Federal Agencies through four main source systems (see Sources of Data). receives and displays data pertaining to obligations (amounts awarded for federally sponsored projects during a given budget period), not outlays or expenditures (actual cash disbursements made against each project). Read the latest OMB-issued memoranda M-09-19, ""Guidance on Data Submission under the Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act"" ( ) as it provides guidance to agencies on how to report information to has been recently updated in October 2010 to display of first-tier sub-award data (subcontracts and subgrants). Sub-award information shown on the website is provided by FSRS (see Sources of Data). The latest guidance documents pertaining to sub-award reporting can be found under News.",finance unitedstates,notspecified,,,USA,"39.7837304,-100.4458825",US,en,active,2012-05-20T17:01:34.024Z,,,, utah_gov,Utah,,State of Utah,State of Utah,,,"Access raw State data files, databases, geographic data, and other data sources from the State of Utah Catalog",ctic unitedstates,,,,"Utah, United States","39.4225192,-111.7143584",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:03.368Z,,,, vancouver_ca,"Vancouver, British Columbia",,City of Vancouver,City of Vancouver,,,You may send [feedback]( and subscribe to [dataset updates]( Uses the [Vancouver license](,ctic canada,,,,"Vancouver, British Columbia","49.2608944,-123.1139383",CA,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:24.603Z,,,, venezia,,,Communa de Venizia,Communa de Venizia,,,Official open data portal for the city of Venice,level.local eu-official italy,other-open,,,"Venice, Italy","45.4371908,12.3345899",IT,it,active,2013-02-21T14:25:09.486Z,,,, vernon_bc,"Vernon, British Columbia",,City of Vernon,City of Vernon,,,,canada,,,,"Vernon, British Columbia","50.266667,-119.266667",en,en,active,2014-03-24T05:04:18.766Z,,,, vicroads-open-data,VicRoads Open Data,,Evan Quick,VicRoads,20/08/2015,Government,"This site provides an easy way to find and access a wealth of road and transport related data for the state of Victoria, Australia. We want you to explore and download the data, and use it to build cool apps and tools that make travel easier and safer for all Victorians.",victoria transport,Creative Commons - Attribution,,,"Victoria, Australia","-36.854167,144.281111",AU,en,active,,ArcGIS Open Data,,Esri ArcGIS Online, victoria_bc,"Victoria, British Columbia",,City of Victoria,City of Victoria,,,,canada,,,,"Victoria, British Columbia","48.4283327,-123.3649269",CA,en,active,2013-10-08T22:27:44.495Z,,,, ville_montreal_qc_ca,"Montréal, Québec",,Ville de Montréal,Ville de Montréal,,,"By opening its data at all, the Ville de Montréal allows them to be reused for different purposes, including commercial purposes. The results of this reuse can then be shared in the community, creating a multiplier effect. Data released and reused thus generate benefits both in the economic, cultural, social and technological. Open since October 2011 Adapted open license type [CC BY] (",archive bike by-law demography environment level.local library-catalog municipal park parking photograph population statistics traffic transport tree canada,other-at,,,"Montréal, Québec","45.5224507,-73.5912827",CA,fr,active,2011-10-28T14:57:11.734Z,,,, ville-bordeaux,Open Data Ville de Bordeaux,,Ville de Bordeaux,Ville de Bordeaux,,,"Open Data portal of the City of Bordeaux, France",level.local eu-official france,,,,"City of Bordeaux, France","44.842045,-0.573096",FR,fr,active,2013-01-09T11:19:04.877Z,,,, virgina_datapoint,Virginia Auditor of Public Accounts Commonwealth Data Point,,State of Virginia,State of Virginia,,,Virginia Datapoint Open Data,ctic level.local unitedstates,,,,"Virginia, United States","37.1232245,-78.4927721",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:29.126Z,,,, warwickshire_gov_uk,Warwickshire Open Data,,,,,,County of Warwickshire (UK) Open Data Catalog,ctic level.regional eu-official unitedkingdom,,,,Warwickshire,"52.333333,-1.583333",GB,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:31.266Z,,,, welland_on,"Welland, Ontario",,City of Welland,City of Welland,,,,canada,,,,"Welland, Ontario","42.9923973,-79.2491031",CA,en,active,2014-04-03T16:34:48.832Z,,,, western-australian-government-open-data,Western Australian Government Open Data,,Macklin Hartley,Government of Western Australia,01/09/2015,Government,The purpose of the Western Australian Whole of Government Open Data Policy is to improve management and use of the public sector's data assets in order to deliver value and benefits for all Western Australians.,,Other (Open),,Typically Creative Commons licencing,Western Australia,"-25.328056,122.298333",AU,en,active,,,,, whitehorse_yt,"Whitehorse, Yukon",,City of Whitehorse,City of Whitehorse,,,,canada,notspecified,,,"Whitehorse, Yukon","60.7206761,-135.0523079",CA,en,active,2013-06-18T16:45:44.052Z,,,, winnipeg_ca,"Winnipeg, Manitoba",,City of Winnipeg,City of Winnipeg,,,,canada,,,,"Winnipeg, Manitoba","49.8833343,-97.1666741",CA,en,active,2013-05-23T14:37:16.4Z,,,, winnipegelection-ca,"Winnipeg, Manitoba 2010 Election",,,,,,Citizen-created shapefiles and election results.,unofficial canada,other-pd,,,"Winnipeg, Manitoba","49.8833343,-97.1666741",CA,en,active,2011-10-21T14:44:14.822Z,,,, worldbank_org,The World Bank Catalog,,,,,,"The World Bank's first API offers 114 indicators from key data sources and 12,000 development photos.",ctic,,,,Globe,"0,0",Global,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:09.636Z,,,, wyre-council,Wyre Council Open Data,,Wyre Council,Wyre Council,,,Official council data,united-kingdom,uk-ogl,,,"Wyre (Lancashire), UK","53.900501,-2.83882417",UK,en,active,2011-11-02T23:00:35.955Z,,,, zambia_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Zambia,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Zambia,africa,other-at,,,Zambia,"-14.5186239,27.5599164",ZM,en,active,2013-08-29T08:12:05.637Z,,,, zaragoza_es,Zaragoza Public Data Catalogue,,,,,,Zaragoza Public Data Catalogue,ctic eu-official spain,,,,Saragossa,"41.6521342,-0.8809428",ES,es,active,2011-06-27T18:16:33.354Z,,,, zimbabwe_opendataforafrica,Open Data for Zimbabwe,,African Development Bank Group,African Development Bank Group,,,Open data portal for Zimbabwe,africa,other-at,,,Zimbabwe,"-18.4554963,29.7468414",ZW,en,active,2013-08-29T08:13:31.082Z,,,, портал-за-отворени-данни-на-република-българия,Портал за отворени данни на Република България,,Boyan Yurukov,Council of Ministers,15/10/2014,Government,This portal was launched in Oct 2014 as a test version and officially in early 2015. It will collect all of the public data available in the administration and already has 95 datasets with about a hundred more on the way by 2016.,,Creative Commons - Zero,,This is the planned license. Some of the datasets are marked with it. There's an ongoing consultation process right now to settle on one.,Sofia,"42.6955991,23.1838621",BG,bg,active,,,,, minnesota_geospatial_commons,Minnesota Geospatial Commons,,State of Minnesota,State of Minnesota,20140630,Government,A collaborative place for users and publishers of geospatial resources about Minnesota.,"gis, spatial,minnesota,state",notspecified,,,"Minnesota, United States","44.952336, -93.103062",US,en,active,2016-07-27T19:13:30Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, hawaii_gov,State of Hawaii,,State of Hawaii,State of Hawaii,,Government,,"hawaii, state, government",notspecified,,,"Hawaii, United States","21.3069, -157.8583",US,en,active,2017-03-03T22:51:38Z,Socrata,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), saudi-opendata-portal,Saudi Government Open Data portal,,Saudi Government ,Saudi Government,,Government,"The primary role of the portal is to publish datasets from ministries and government agencies in an open format, and make this data available to the public. The platform enables the public to have central point of access to find, download and use datasets generated by the ministries and governmental entities in the country",,,,,Saudi Arabia,,SA,"Arabic, English",active,2018-04-09T11:38:38Z,,,, ukrainian-official-government-portal,Official Ukrainian Government Portal,,The State agency on e-governance,The State agency on e-governance,,Government,"The portal offers over 30,000 datasets (mostly poor quality). Ukraine released the registration data of Ukrainian companies and court register data.",,,,,Ukraine,,Ukraine,Ukrainian,active,2018-04-10T10:48:38Z,DKAN,,, open-air-quality,"Global, real-time open government air quality data",,OpenAQ,OpenAQ,,International,"This platform aggregates global air quality data in near-real-time from public government sources and puts the data into one format. If you'd like to get involved in our community, share how you're using the data, help improve the platform, or have questions, contact us at or join our Slack channel: FAQ's on our platform can be found here: If you use our platform for some purpose, let us know, so we can feature you on our Community Page!",,"Data: CC-By, Software: MIT License",,,International,,International,English,active,2018-04-10T18:40:36Z,,,, montana-state-library-geographic-information-clearinghouse,Montana State Library Geographic Information Clearinghouse,,Montana State Library,Montana State Library,,Government,,,,,,"Montana, USA",,US,English,active,2018-04-10T18:59:55Z,,,, montana-fish-wildlife-and-parks-gis-resources,Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks GIS Resources,,Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks,Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks,,Government,,,,,,"Montana, USA",,US,English,active,2018-04-10T19:08:00Z,,,, open-bounds,OpenBounds - Boundaries for US Hunting and Public Lands,,"Trailbehind, Inc.","Trailbehind, Inc.",10/19/2015,Private sector,"Aggregates data for boundaries, provides schema for adding data to project.",,MIT,,,United States,,United States,English,active,2018-04-10T19:16:12Z,,,, dataplatform-nl,,,Civity B.V.,Civity B.V.,,Research,"With all your data is at one place. In Dataplatform, the publication of data is elementary, the findability improves, the quality is better and it improves usability and applicability. Efficient and uniform sharing of data. Developing together is the keyword.",,,,,"Zeist, Netherlands",,NL,Dutch,active,2018-04-10T19:23:24Z,,,, open-data-banda-aceh-municipality, - Open Data Portal of Banda Aceh Municipality,,T. Taufik M.,T. Taufik M.,12/01/2015,Government,The ODBA Portal (Open Data Banda Aceh) is a portal service of Banda Aceh Municipal Open Data Catalog which aims to facilitate the public in obtaining data with open data format. Hopefully this application provides benefits for the development of Banda Aceh City in particular and the general public at large.,,CCA,,,"Banda Aceh, Aceh",,ID,Indonesian,active,2018-04-10T19:32:40Z,Codeigniter PHP Framework with MySQL Database backend.,,, geo-bolivia,GeoBolivia,,Manager Vicepresidency of State and Government Electronic Agency (AGETIC),Manager Vicepresidency of State and Government Electronic Agency (AGETIC),06/20/2013,Government, Open Geographic Data Portal,,Declaración de uso de Datos Abiertos,,,"La Paz, Bolivia",,BO,Spanish,static,2018-04-12T07:43:03Z,geOrchestra,,, open-data-telangana-government-india, - Official Open Data Portal for Government of Telangana,,Government of Telangana,Government of Telangana,05/15/2017,Government,The Open Data Platform supports the 'Open Data Policy' of the Government of Telangana. The portal will be the central repository of all the datasets of the Government of Telangana that should be in the public domain. The portal will house datasets form the various departments and organizations of the Government of Telangana. The portal could be used by a variety of stakeholders and will enhance transparency in the working of the government apart from triggering innovative solutions to various problems.,,Government Open Data License,,,"Hyderabad, Telangana India",,"Telangana, India",English,active,2018-04-12T07:51:26Z,CKAN,,, ckan-data-portal-hong-kong,Hong Kong Civic Data Portal,,,,01/01/2017,Community,A data portal operated by open data developer,,Creative Commons Attribution License (cc-by),,,"HKSAR, China",,HK,Chinese,active,2018-04-12T07:59:07Z,CKAN,,, karlsruhe-open-data-germany,"Transparency Portal for the City of Karlsruhe, Germany",,"City of Karlsruhe, Germany","City of Karlsruhe, Germany",07/01/2016,Government,"Official open data and transparency portal for the City of Karlsruhe, Germany.",,Datenlizenz Deutschland - Namensnennung 2.0,,,"Karlsruhe, Germany",,DE,German,active,2018-04-12T08:09:12Z,CKAN,,, geo-guyane,Portail géographique de la Guyane,,Agence d'Urbanisme et de Développement de la Guyane,Agence d'Urbanisme et de Développement de la Guyane,01/04/2011,,Geodata catalogue for the French Guiana,,,,,French Guiana,,GF,French,active,2018-04-12T08:17:31Z,PRODIGE,,, macedonia-open-data,Open Data Macedonia - Official National Portal,,Ministry of Information Society and Administration,Ministry of Information Society and Administration,01/01/2014,Government,"Open data is created by governmental agencies and institutions of the public sector in the process of their operations. The data is publicly available in order to enable their use by natural and legal entities for generation of new information, content, applications and services.",,Free usage,,,Macedonia,,MK,Macedonian,active,2018-04-12T08:24:04Z,,,, armenia-national-statistic-data, - National Statistic Service of Republic of Armenia,,National Statistical Service,National Statistical Service,10/04/2017,Government,"It collects, processes and publishes statistical data in co-operation with state and local self-government bodies in the collection of statistical information.",,,,,"Yerevan, Armenia",,Armenia,English,active,2018-04-12T08:28:54Z,,,, serbia-government-open-data,Serbian Open Data Portal,,Office for Information Technology and Electronic Government,Office for Information Technology and Electronic Government,02/15/2017,Government,,,,,,Serbia,,RS,Serbian,active,2018-04-12T08:32:58Z,uData,,, tunis-industry-open-data-statistics,"Portail des données ouvertes sur le secteur Industriel, énergétique et minier en Tunisie",,"Ministère de l'Industrie, de l'Energie et des Mines","Ministère de l'Industrie, de l'Energie et des Mines",01/08/2015,Government,,,,,,Tunisia,,Tunisia,"French,Arabic",active,2018-04-12T08:53:04Z,CKAN,,, new-zealand-geographical-data,LINZ Data Service,,"Land Information New Zealand - Is the public service department of New Zealand charged with geographical information and surveying functions as well as handling land titles, and managing Crown land and property.","Land Information New Zealand - Is the public service department of New Zealand charged with geographical information and surveying functions as well as handling land titles, and managing Crown land and property.",01/07/2011,Government,Free online access to New Zealand’s most up-to-date land and seabed data.,,Most of the LINZ datasets are free to use and are available under an open Creative Commons Attribution license.,,Almost all data from the LINZ Data Service is provided under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand licence. See more information here,New Zealand,,NZ,English,active,2018-04-12T09:04:49Z,Koordinates Enterprise. See for more information.,,"OGC Open Geospatial APIs. LINZ provide many service APIs for metadata, data and mapping services. These include OGC WFS, WC-S, WMS, WMTS. See for more information", lincolnshire-open-data,Lincolnshire Open Data,,Lincolnshire County Council,Lincolnshire County Council,03/22/2017,Government,"The Lincolnshire Open Data portal from Lincolnshire County Council is the place for the public, researchers and developers to obtain data they can use in innovative ways, free of charge.",county council,UK Open Government Licence,,(unless otherwise specified),Lincolnshire,"53.20732522553808,-0.1124832197541849",United Kingdom,English,active,2018-04-12T09:17:29Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, tel-aviv-municipality-open-data,Official Tel Aviv Municipality Portal,,Tel Aviv Municipality Open Data Portal,Tel Aviv Municipality Open Data Portal,,,,,,,,,,,"Hebrew, English",active,2018-04-12T09:35:13Z,,,, france-open-data-ministry-of-culture,la plate-forme de données ouvertes du ministère de la Culture,,,,,,,,,,,France,,FR,French,active,2018-04-12T09:42:39Z,,,, nepal-map-data,NepalMap.Org - Data about Nepal at your fingertips,,Code for Nepal,Code for Nepal,10/30/2016,Third sector,"Data is broken down by category: Demographics, education. Our library of charts gives you insight into data from the places you search. Look for them on profile pages. You can also embed the charts on your own site.",,MIT License,,,Nepal,,Nepal,English,active,2018-04-12T10:06:59Z,Django,,, dados-abertos-camara-dos-deputados,Dados abertos da Câmara dos Deputados,,Câmara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies – Brazil),Câmara dos Deputados (Chamber of Deputies – Brazil),,Government,"Open data portal for the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Has datasets such as representatives, parties and alliances, votings, bills, etc. Available as RESTful APIs described using the OpenAPI specification.","brazil, parliament",custom,,,Brazil,,BR,pt,active,2018-08-30T14:52:43Z,,,, fortaleza-dados-abertos,Fortaleza Dados Abertos,,"Município de Fortaleza (City of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil)","Município de Fortaleza (City of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil)",,Government,"Open data portal of the municipality of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará.","brazil,city",unspecified,,,"Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil","-3.7304512, -38.5217989",BR,pt,active,2018-08-30T14:52:43Z,,,, alagoas-em-dados-e-informacoes,Alagoas em dados e informações,,"State of Alagoas, Brazil","State of Alagoas, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of AL, in Brazil","local-government,br-AL,CKAN",,,,"AL, Brazil","-9.6603, -36.6669",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-tcm-ce,Dados abertos – TCM-CE,,"Tribunal de Contas dos Municípios do Estado do Ceará (Court of Accounts of Municipalities of the State of Ceará, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas dos Municípios do Estado do Ceará (Court of Accounts of Municipalities of the State of Ceará, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the court of accounts for all municipalities in the state of Ceará, Brazil.","local-government,br-CE",,,,"CE, Brazil","-5.375, -39.705",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-distrito-federal,Dados abertos Distrito Federal,,Brazilian Federal District,Brazilian Federal District,,Government,"Open Data portal of the Federal District, in Brazil","local-government,br-DF,CKAN",,,,"DF, Brazil","-15.7942, -47.8784",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-governo-do-es,Dados abertos – Governo do ES,,"State of Espírito Santo, Brazil","State of Espírito Santo, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of ES, in Brazil","local-government,br-ES",,,,"ES, Brazil","-19.549, -40.199",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-goias-transparente,Dados abertos – Goiás Transparente,,"State of Goiás, Brazil","State of Goiás, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of GO, in Brazil","local-government,br-GO",,,,"GO, Brazil","-15.961, -50.164",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-assembleia-de-minas,Dados abertos – Assembleia de Minas,,"Parliament of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil","Parliament of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the local parliament of the state of MG, in Brazil","local-government,br-MG",,,,"MG, Brazil","-18.511, -44.198",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-estado-de-mg,Dados abertos – Estado de MG,,"State of Minas Gerais, Brazil","State of Minas Gerais, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of MG, in Brazil","local-government,br-MG,CKAN",,,,"MG, Brazil","-18.511, -44.198",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-do-sagres-tcepb,Dados abertos do SAGRES – TCE/PB,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba (Court of Accounts of the State of Paraíba, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado da Paraíba (Court of Accounts of the State of Paraíba, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-PB",,,,"PB, Brazil","-7.1336, -36.7355",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-governo-de-pernambuco,Dados abertos – Governo de Pernambuco,,"State of Pernambuco, Brazil","State of Pernambuco, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of PE, in Brazil","local-government,br-PE",,,,"PE, Brazil","-8.451, -37.683",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-recife,Dados Recife,,"Município de Recife (City of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil)","Município de Recife (City of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Recife, PE, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-PE,Recife,CKAN",,,,"Recife, PE, Brazil","-8.059, -34.805",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-curitiba,Dados Abertos Curitiba,,"Município de Curitiba (City of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil)","Município de Curitiba (City of Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Curitiba, PR, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-PR,Curitiba",,,,"Curitiba, PR, Brazil","-25.4321, -49.2723",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, datario,,,"Município do Rio de Janeiro (City of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)","Município do Rio de Janeiro (City of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-RJ,Rio de Janeiro,CKAN",,,,"Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil","-22.9122, -43.2092",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-geograficos-abertos-da-cidade-do-rio-de-janeiro,Dados Geográficos Abertos da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro,,"Município do Rio de Janeiro (City of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)","Município do Rio de Janeiro (City of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-RJ,Rio de Janeiro",,,,"Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil","-22.9122, -43.2092",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-rs,Dados RS,,"State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil","State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of RS, in Brazil","local-government,br-RS,CKAN",,,,"RS, Brazil","-29.869, -53.745",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, datapoa,Dados Abertos POA,,"Município de Porto Alegre (City of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)","Município de Porto Alegre (City of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Porto Alegre, RS, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-RS,Porto Alegre,CKAN",,,,"Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil","-30.05, -51.262",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, governo-aberto-sp,Governo Aberto SP,,"State of São Paulo, Brazil","State of São Paulo, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of SP, in Brazil","local-government,br-SP,CKAN",,,,"SP, Brazil","-22.004, -49.054",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, programa-de-dados-abertos-do-parlamento,Programa de Dados Abertos do Parlamento,,"Parliament of the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil","Parliament of the city of São Paulo, SP, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the local parliament of the city of São Paulo, SP, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-SP,São Paulo",,,,"São Paulo, SP, Brazil","-23.5527, -46.6315",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-legislativos-senado-federal,Dados Abertos Legislativos – Senado Federal,,Brazilian Senate,Brazilian Senate,,Government,,CKAN,,,,Brazil,"-10.57, -53.35",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-tce-rs,Dados Abertos TCE-RS,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Court of Accounts of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (Court of Accounts of the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-RS,CKAN",,,,"RS, Brazil","-29.869, -53.745",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-mprs,Dados Abertos MPRS,,"Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul (State Attorney of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)","Ministério Público do Rio Grande do Sul (State Attorney of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-RS",,,,"RS, Brazil","-29.869, -53.745",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-da-transparencia-municipal,Portal da Transparência Municipal,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo (Court of Accounts of the State of São Paulo, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado de São Paulo (Court of Accounts of the State of São Paulo, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-SP",,,,"SP, Brazil","-22.004, -49.054",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-dos-dados-abertos-tcern,Portal dos Dados Abertos TCE/RN,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Court of Accounts of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte (Court of Accounts of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-RN",,,,"RN, Brazil","-5.665, -36.519",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-de-dados-abertos-da-cidade-de-sao-paulo,Portal de Dados Abertos da Cidade de São Paulo,,"Município de São Paulo (City of São Paulo, SP, Brazil)","Município de São Paulo (City of São Paulo, SP, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of São Paulo, SP, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-SP,São Paulo,CKAN",,,,"São Paulo, SP, Brazil","-23.5527, -46.6315",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, camara-de-itabira-dados-abertos,Câmara de Itabira – Dados Abertos,,"Parliament of the city of Itabira, MG, Brazil","Parliament of the city of Itabira, MG, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the local parliament of the city of Itabira, MG, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-MG,Itabira",,,,"Itabira, MG, Brazil","-19.62, -43.2298",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-dos-dados-abertos-da-alesp-alspgovbr,Portal dos Dados Abertos da Alesp –,,"Parilament of the State of São Paulo, Brazil","Parilament of the State of São Paulo, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the local parliament of the state of SP, in Brazil","local-government,br-SP",,,,"SP, Brazil","-22.004, -49.054",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, transparencia-anapois-dados-abertos,Transparência Anápois – Dados Abertos,,"Município de Anápolis (City of Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil)","Município de Anápolis (City of Anápolis, Goiás, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Anápolis, GO, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-GO,Anápolis",,,,"Anápolis, GO, Brazil","-16.3353, -48.9544",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, download-de-bases-transparencia,Download de Bases – TRANSPARÊNCIA,,"State of Mato Grosso, Brazil","State of Mato Grosso, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of MT, in Brazil","local-government,br-MT",,,,"MT, Brazil","-12.19, -55.459",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-pb,Dados PB,,"State of Paraíba, Brazil","State of Paraíba, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of PB, in Brazil","local-government,br-PB",,,,"PB, Brazil","-7.1336, -36.7355",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-da-transparencia-dados-abertos,Portal da Transparência – Dados Abertos,,"Município de Campinas (City of Campinas, SP, Brazil)","Município de Campinas (City of Campinas, SP, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Campinas, SP, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-SP,Campinas",,,,"Campinas, SP, Brazil","-22.9078, -47.0606",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, dados-abertos-tcemg,Dados Abertos – TCEMG,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais (Court of Accounts of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Minas Gerais (Court of Accounts of the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-MG",,,,"MG, Brazil","-18.511, -44.198",BR,pt,active,2018-09-12T10:58:52Z,,,, portal-da-transparencia-e-mobilidade-urbana-de-natal,Portal da Transparência e Mobilidade Urbana de Natal,,"Município de Natal (City of Natal, RN, Brazil)","Município de Natal (City of Natal, RN, Brazil)",,Government,"Open Data portal of the city of Natal, RN, in Brazil","city,local-government,br-RN,Natal,CKAN",,,,"Natal, RN, Brazil","-5.813, -35.2",BR,pt,active,2019-06-03T15:40:44Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-portal-da-transparencia-de-pernambuco,Dados Abertos – Portal da Transparência de Pernambuco,,"State of Pernambuco, Brazil","State of Pernambuco, Brazil",,Government,"Open Data portal of the state of PE, in Brazil","local-government,br-PE,CKAN",,,,"PE, Brazil","-8.451, -37.683",BR,pt,active,2019-06-03T15:40:44Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, dados-abertos-tribunal-de-contas-do-estado-de-pernambuco,Dados Abertos – Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco,,"Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco (Court of Accounts of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil)","Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Pernambuco (Court of Accounts of the State of Pernambuco, Brazil)",,Government,,"local-government,br-PE",,,,"PE, Brazil","-8.451, -37.683",BR,pt,active,2019-06-03T15:40:44Z,,,, dados-abertos-prefeitura-de-belo-horizonte,Portal de Dados Abertos – Prefeitura de Belo Horizonte,,"Município de Belo Horizonte (City of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil)","Município de Belo Horizonte (City of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil)",,Government,"Open data portal of the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil","local-government,br-MG,CKAN",,,,"Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil","-19.9233, -43.9453",BR,pt,active,2019-06-03T15:40:44Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, state_of_washington,Washington,,State of Washington,State of Washington,,Government,Public Open Data of the State of Washington,ctic unitedstates,,,,"Washington, United States","47.034922, -122.895756",US,en,active,2011-06-27T18:16:05.479Z,,,Socrata Open Data API (SODA), state_of_washington,Washington,,State of Washington,State of Washington,,Government,Geospatial open data from the State of Washington,unitedstates,,,,"Washington, United States","47.034922, -122.895756",US,en,active,,,,Esri ArcGIS Online, state_of_washington,Washington,,State of Washington,State of Washington,,Government,Fiscal open data for state of Washington,finance unitedstates,,,,"Washington, United States","47.034922, -122.895756",US,en,active,,,,, portal-de-dados-abertos-da-camara-legislativa-do-distrito-federal,Portal de Dados Abertos da Câmara Legislativa do Distrito Federal,,,,,Government,"Open Data portal of the local parliament of the state of DF, in Brazil","local-government,br-DF",,,,"DF, Brazil",,BR,pt,active,2019-09-23T14:22:38Z,,,, stat-uz,The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics,,Republic of Uzbekistan,The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics,2006-03-23,Government,The official website of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics is an executive body of state power that implements a unified policy in the field of statistics.,"statistics,Uzbekistan",cc-by-sa,,,Uzbekistan,"41.316667, 69.266667",UZ,em,active,2020-07-07T14:50:00Z,,,, data-gov-uz,Open Data Portal of Uzbekistan,,Republic of Uzbekistan,The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics,2015-03-30,Government,"This is the State information resource on the Internet, consisting of a set of software and hardware and is designed to accommodate a public government information in the form of open data.",Uzbekistan,other-at,,,Uzbekistan,"41.316667, 69.266667",UZ,en,active,2020-07-07T14:50:00Z,,,, transport-for-nsw,Transport for NSW Open Data Hub,,Transport for NSW,Transport for NSW,2016-04-18,Government,"The Open Data Hub is the open data portal for all Transport for NSW (TfNSW) open data. It is home to over 1000 resources including datasets and APIs which are accessible by anyone, for any purpose. Creating an account is quick, easy and free. The Open Data Hub is also home to the Open Data Forum, where you can go to seek advice from our community of developers, discuss ideas, request data, brag about your latest creation with our data, or simply browse posts from a wide range of categories. Transport for NSW is a state government agency in Australia.","transportation,local-government,nsw,au",cc-by,,,"New South Wales, Australia","-32, 147",AU,en,active,2021-08-24T00:00:00Z,,,, agridata-tn,Agriculture Portal in Tunisia,,Tunisia Ministry of Agriculture,Tunisia Ministry of Agriculture,,Government,Agriculture data portal from the Tunisian Ministry of Agriculture,"agriculture,tn",,,,Tunisia,"36.8178, 10.1795",TN,fr,active,2021-11-04T03:32:54Z,,,, open_data_ps,Palestine Open Data Portal,,Ministry of Telecom and IT,Ministry of Telecom and IT,2021-10-12,Government,A platform that offers (mostly) government and other institutions data in accordance with the Open Data Policy in Palestine - a framework for publishing (non-private) data that is open (technically and legally).,"palestine,ps",cc-by,,,Palestine,"31.916873936677476, 35.213386165348155",PS,ajp,active,2022-02-11T02:56:00Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, portal-dados-urbanos-uff,Portal de Dados Urbanos PPGAU UFF - Open data portal for Urban Resarch,,Plano C and PPGAU-UFF,Universidade Federal Fluminense,2022-01-03,Government,Open data portal customized for urbanism and urban studies researchers.,"brazil,academic,urbanism",cc,,License information on the portal is on a per dataset basis. Most datasets have no licensing information.,"RJ, Brazil","-22.90501, -43.13053",BR,pt,active,2022-06-19T23:58:00Z,CKAN,,CKAN API, open-data-nepal,Open Data Nepal,,Open Knowledge Nepal,Open Knowledge Nepal,2018-03-03,Community,"A civil society initiative to make Nepal’s data accessible online perpetually. The portal allows users to publish, explore, download and use data to make their own visualisations, apps and services without any restriction.",ckan nepal,cc-by,,,"Kathmandu, Nepal","27.7097,85.3209",NP,en,active,2022-07-01T08:37Z,ckan,,CKAN API, stat-tj,Agency on Statistics under President of the Republic of Tajikistan,,The Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan,The Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan,,Government,"The information in the Statistical Agency is prepared according to the program of statistical works and Publication catalogue. The main publication of the Statistical Agency is the monthly report Socio-Economic Situation that includes the latest monthly data with brief commentary and is circulated to the offices of the President, Prime Minister and ministries and departments. This publication is available to the public. The report is published by the 12th day of the month following the accounting period. The annual publications also are issued: Statistical Yearbook of Tajikistan, Regions of Tajikistan, Tajikistan in figures and thematic publications.",tajikistan statistics,Other (Not Open),,"When using materials published on this site, a link to is required.",Tajikistan,"38.5754817,68.7900625",TJ,en,active,2022-07-17T16:49:49,,,, dadosjusbr,DadosJusBR,,Instituto Federal de Alagoas (IFAL) in partnership with Transparência Brasil (TB) and Universidade Federal de Campina Grande (UFCG),Instituto Federal de Alagoas,2018-12-31,Community,"The portal consumes or scrapes data from several organizations of the Brazilian judiciary and public prosecution offices and reworks them using a common schema, making them easier to use for everyone and possible to compare to each other.",brazil judiciary,cc-by,,,Brazil,"15.74706, -47.89593",BR,pt,active,2022-07-24T22:38:06Z,Custom/in-house implementation,,Custom/in-house implementation, bratislava-opendata,Bratislava Open Data Portal,,Magistrát hlavného mesta Slovenskej republiky Bratislavy,The city of Bratislava,,Government,Open data is information or data that is freely and freely available to everyone under the same conditions and can be used for any purpose; commercial or non-commercial. It is made available on the Internet in a structured form that allows it to be processed in bulk by machines. The portal '' serves to promote the open data of the City of Bratislava.,bratislava slovakia,,,,"Bratislava, Slovakia","48.14409, 17.10971",SK,sk,active,2023-05-04T14:22:56Z,Custom/in-house implementation,,Custom/in-house implementation,