country,event_date,event_name,event_photo_url,event_purpose,event_report_url,event_time,event_tweet_url,event_video_url,has_event_report,latitude,longitude,mini_grant_funder,mini_grant_winner,num_participants,online,online_event_url,organisers,place,report_question_1,report_question_2,report_question_3,report_question_4,slug,timezone,url,world_region_code,world_region_text Nigeria,2021-03-06,Abuja Open Data Day,/images/2021/abuja-open-data-day,The main goal of our open data day event is to train participants on how to track Covid-19 spending using open government data ,/events/2021/reports/abuja-open-data-day/,9:00,,,True,9.065,7.44264,OCP,True,18,False,,Dataphyte,Abuja,"We celebrated Open Data Day by hosting an interactive data session on using open government data to investigate COVID-19 spending in Nigeria. Eighteen participants across six organizations interested in using open government data to investigate COVID-19 spending registered and attended the data party. Since the whole activity of the day was conceived to be mainly interactive, at the point of registration, provision was made for participants to indicate what they want to learn, share and open data is of interest to them. The feedback from this exercise was used to place participants into groups during the story ideation session. The Abuja Open Data Day event focused on five main themes. • Introduction to open data • Open data as a tool for advocacy, transparency and accountability • Where to find open data on COVID-19 spending in Nigeria • The marriage between compelling and accountability COVID-19 stories Journalism in the age of open dataIn general, the event outlined the process of spotting red flags in COVID-19 dataset and reporting the red flags. It presented the various sources of COVID-19 spending datasets in Nigerian. Also, the event presented the various strategies of interrogating COVID-19 data for procurement fraud. ","Participants of the Abuja Open Data Day agreed to the following: 1. To not only be problem pointers or corruption pointers but also project solutions that can be used to amend the situation 2. Present the local, national and international perspective when birthing a COVID-19 story so as to showcase international best practices and policies as solutions. 3. To think of multimedia as an audience engagement strategy while delivering investigative stories especially on COVID-19. 4. To increase public procurement transparency and government accountability by carrying out a deeper analysis of budget, procurement, and revenue data. 5. Increase the advocacy for open government data",I love open data day because it provides an opportunity for an interactive and skill share session on the use of freely available data for the purpose of demanding transparency and accountability of public institutions and processes.,,abuja-open-data-day,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Somalia,2021-03-06,"Advancing the production, dissemination and openness of sex disaggregated data in Somalia",/images/2021/advancing-the-production-dissemination-and-openness-of-sex-disaggregated-data-i,"Advancing the production, dissemination and openness of sex-disaggregation of data in Somalia in support of evidence-based planning and policy-making ",/events/2021/reports/advancing-the-production-dissemination-and-openness-of-sex-disaggregated-data-i/,10:00,,,True,11.275541,49.187901,Microsoft,True,21,True,,"Linda Said, Hawa Feminist Coalition",Bosaso,"Hawa Feminist Coalition organised an online event on March 6 2021 via Zoom with agenda of advancing the production, dissemination and openness of sex-disaggregated data in Somalia. The event held in online due to COVID-19 restrictions, was participated by 19 participants from UN, international NGOs and local NGOs as well as independent activists. The participants had interactive discussions covering the data gaps, weaknesses and the need to strengthen sex-disaggregated data in Somalia for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by 2030.","• Somalia is a country located on the horn of Africa, with a population of almost 14 million people. Although women and girls in Somalia consist of 50% of the country’s population, women and men are far from equal.  • The gender inequality in Somalia is exacerbated by poverty, social class and harmful practices that violate the rights of women and girls. Today, women in Somalia are susceptible to gender-based violence and sexual violence, an issue that is heightened in areas of conflict.  • The full adoption of sex-disaggregated data is less tapped in Somalia where gender equality is ranked fourth-lowest globally, maternal and infant mortality rates are also some of the highest in the world, and early marriage is prevalent.  • Humanitarian sector shows progress on disaggregation of data by gender although it still needs further improvements.  • Major vital services or projects led by the government are yet to fully apply disaggregation of data by gender with less than 21% of government's data shows some form of sex-disaggregation.  • Private sector shows limited adoption of disaggregation of data by gender and some even see this to be less noteworthy.  • There is incoherent collaboration between the government, private sector and civil society in adoption of disaggregation of data by gender.  See full article here: [](• Somalia is a country located on the horn of Africa, with a population of almost 14 million people. Although women and girls in Somalia consist of 50% of the country’s population, women and men are far from equal.  • The gender inequality in Somalia is exacerbated by poverty, social class and harmful practices that violate the rights of women and girls. Today, women in Somalia are susceptible to gender-based violence and sexual violence, an issue that is heightened in areas of conflict.  • The full adoption of sex-disaggregated data is less tapped in Somalia where gender equality is ranked fourth-lowest globally, maternal and infant mortality rates are also some of the highest in the world, and early marriage is prevalent.  • Humanitarian sector shows progress on disaggregation of data by gender although it still needs further improvements.  • Major vital services or projects led by the government are yet to fully apply disaggregation of data by gender with less than 21% of government's data shows some form of sex-disaggregation.  • Private sector shows limited adoption of disaggregation of data by gender and some even see this to be less noteworthy.  • There is incoherent collaboration between the government, private sector and civil society in adoption of disaggregation of data by gender.  See full article here: [](","It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of sex-disaggregated data policies in government, business and civil society for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls by 2030.",,advancing-the-production-dissemination-and-openness-of-sex-disaggregated-data-i,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,2021-03-05,Apertura y uso de datos en CDMX – Open Data Day 2021,,"En el marco del Open Data Day 2021, vamos a conocer experiencias de apertura y uso de datos en la Ciudad de México. Conoce qué datos utilizan, cuáles han sido sus hallazgos y sigue sus iniciativas Acompáñanos en la transmisión en vivo el viernes 5 de marzo a las 4 pm (hr México). Los proyectos que compartirán sus iniciativas dateras son: Agencia Digital de Innovación Pública (ADIP) - Alejandra González y Raúl Castellanos #DatoChilango (Hasel + Chilango) - Carlos Castro Resoluciones del InfoCDMX - Ma Carmen Nava Secretaría de las Mujeres CDMX - Dulce Colín Hoteles feminicidas - Fernanda Cortina Secretaría de Movilidad (SEMOVI)- Álvaro Madrigal Impacto de ciclovías - Victor Alvarado -",,16:00,,,False,19.4326,-99.1332,,False,100,True,,SocialTIC,Mexico City,,,,,apertura-y-uso-de-datos-en-cdmx-open-data-day-2021,CST,,AMER,The Americas Taiwan,2021-03-06,Asia Open Data Portal - Data Application Workshop,,"Introduce Asia Open Data Portal and cross-countries datasets to the public, and encourage more data application",,10:00,,,False,25.032969,121.565414,,False,50,True,,Asia Open Data Partnership (AODP),Taipei,,,,,asia-open-data-portal-data-application-workshop,CST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Colombia,2021-03-06,Cajicá: Ciudadanías y Digitales Gobierno Abierto ,,"Usaremos Hypothesis, TiddlyWiki, Pharo y Grafoscopio como una caja de herramientas de tecnologías cívicas, que nos sirvan para hacer más fluida la participación entre ciudadanía e instituciones, en particular las gubernamentales",/events/2021/reports/cajica-ciudadanias-y-digitales-gobierno-abierto/,9:30,,,True,4.711,-74.0721,OCP,True,,True,,Offray Luna / Grafoscopio Community,Bogota,"We did our usual workshop as stated at [](, using our [Pocket Infrastructures]( to create (inter)personal wikis and to connect them with community wikis at (of/from regarding building the public memory of citizens interacting with public institutions.",Our idea of simplifying infrastructure to amplify/diversify participation is working pretty well as the synergies between local and international communities and between short and long term products and processes. How to use this to create momentum and self sustainability to digital citizenship and open government interaction for/from the Global South is still an open question and needs a broader discussion with Open Data Day communities and institutions.,I think is a way to showcase and signal to the world the things that different communities around the globe are doing with data. The international character of the event and the institutions behind could help to increase public institutions awareness about local communities requirements and actions.,"Yes we created a [wiki]( and improved the Grafoscopio community wiki, called [Grafoscopedia]( with some exploratory data converting/sharing scripts in Grafoscopio interactive notebooks (see []( and []( The source code repositories for documentation and code are at []( and [](",cajica-ciudadanias-y-digitales-gobierno-abierto,COT,,AMER,The Americas Afghanistan,2021-03-06,Celebrating Open Data Day (Promoting Open Data in Afghanistan & Beyond),,"We want the Afghan researchers, data enthusiasts, also the Afghan government to be aware of this movement and encourage this idea at the policy level",/events/2021/reports/celebrating-open-data-day-promoting-open-data-in-afghanistan-beyond/,13:00,,,True,34.555347,69.207489,,False,20,True,,Porsesh Research and Studies Organisation موسسه تحقیقاتی و مطالعاتی پرسش,"Kabul, Afghanistan",PRSO organised an event on 6th March 2021 to celebrate open data and raise awareness about this great movement. It aimed to promote the open data initiatives in all sectors in Afghanistan and beyond. There were more than 20 participants from a broad spectrum of disciplines that made the discussion engaging. We had two panelists from Europe and participants of both gender from Afghanistan and abroad. It was a beginning but a great one that prepares the ground for greater similar initiatives in the future.,"We learned that despite the lack of data know how, Afghan researchers and data enthusiasts are highly interested and there are great potential opportunities before PRSO to embark on and promote the data driven initiatives in Afghanistan. A long way to go but worth it!",Because it is an event that reminds all of to strive for an open future where innovation thrive through openness and knowledge sharing.,,celebrating-open-data-day-promoting-open-data-in-afghanistan-beyond,AFT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Italy,2021-03-05,Collaborative and Humanitarian Mapping #1: OpenStreetMap introduction (Open Data Day),/images/2021/collaborative-and-humanitarian-mapping-1-openstreetmap-introduction-open-data,"#OpenDataDay is the first event of the course Humanitarian Collaborative Mapping, organized by PoliMappers and coordinated by PoliMappers Faculty Advisor Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano and other numerous organizations active in the field of open mapping. In a series of meetings from March to May, participants will be introduced to OpenStreetMap (OSM) and to some examples of how the database is used. Moreover, they will learn how to manage the most popular and innovative tools through mapping sessions. The event on March 5th is held on the occasion of Open Data Day 2021 (March 6th), an annual celebration of open data all over the world. It is an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society.",/events/2021/reports/collaborative-and-humanitarian-mapping-1-openstreetmap-introduction-open-data/,16:00,,,True,45.477587,9.23513,Microsoft,True,50,True,,PoliMappers,Milan,"OpenStreetMap Introduction was the first event of the course 'Collaborative and Humanitarian Mapping', organised by PoliMappers and coordinated by Prof. Maria Antonia Brovelli (faculty advisor for PoliMappers), in collaboration with Politecnico di Milano and many realities active in the field of open mapping. The event took place on March 5 from 16 to 19 CET in virtual mode and was attended by more than 90 people, including students of Politecnico di Milano, with a strong diversity of backgrounds. During the event, participants were introduced to the world of collaborative mapping through an overview of the [OpenStreetMap project](, its uses, and the most common tools available to contribute. The [YouthMappers network]( and the [PoliMappers group]( were also introduced. In the second part of the event, we had the honour of hosting Dimitris Karakostis, Technical Manager and Senior Geospatial Officer at [World Food Programme](, who explained to the participants how WFP uses OpenStreetMap data to update its mapping resources and thus provide optimal support to people working in the field. Finally, in the third part of the event, we provided a short tutorial to learn how to map the simplest features, namely buildings, with iDeditor. Participants then collaborated on mapping project 1148 on [TeachOSM ""Mapping Tartus""](, created to enrich the geographical information of that area of Syria, where WFP is operating.","Thanks to the event, as organisers we were able to see that the interest in collaborative and open mapping is shared by people with very different academic/professional/personal backgrounds from all over the world. In particular, considerable curiosity emerged in relation to the tools and technologies that can be used by anyone to contribute to mapping for humanitarian purposes. As for the participants, they acquired basic mapping skills that will be enriched during our [upcoming events]( and, in general, the usefulness of the contributions, as they are closely related to the work of WFP, has been enhanced. Finally, the practical part of the event produced [excellent results]( in terms of quantity (more than 50 OSM users mapped over 5000 buildings) and quality (the contributions were validated by the PoliMappers team and in general a good level of mapping was found).","We love Open Data Day because it's an opportunity to introduce many people to the world of open data, especially regarding geographic information in our case. During this annual celebration people can understand the benefits of open knowledge, often even contributing personally.",Presentation slides: [](,collaborative-and-humanitarian-mapping-1-openstreetmap-introduction-open-data,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Portugal,2021-03-06,COMMON PLACE: Talking about co-housing and communities of sharing,/images/2021/common-place-talking-about-co-housing-and-communities-of-sharing,"Our main goal is boosting a debate on alternative, community-managed forms of housing in the city of Lisbon based on the model of grant of use and raising awareness on the importance of mapping accessible data on available real estate resources owned by the city",/events/2021/reports/common-place-talking-about-co-housing-and-communities-of-sharing/,15:00,,,True,38.722252,-9.139337,Mapbox,True,20,True,,"Micol Brazzabeni and Kitti Baracsi, TuTela Learning Network",Lisbon,"We launched a call for participation among individuals, activists, researchers, collectives, NGOs to share their knowledge on co-housing and communities of sharing in Lisbon and beyond. More specifically, this workshop aimed at starting a debate about how municipal estates could play a role in rethinking housing, commons and care, going beyond the models of property we usually work with. We asked the participants (16 persons) to share experiences, knowledge, information, ideas about the following topics: concepts of community and sharing, social architecture, inspirations/models, local initiatives, available data and mapping and legal framework. Engaging in a horizontal discussion and using a collaborative whiteboard provided the structure for mapping experiences, data sources and ideas. The participants decided to follow with monthly meetings. The group - approximately 25 people including those who expressed interest but couldn't participate this time - will be invited to continue forming a working group to learn, explore and build an advocacy strategy. There are different lines of action we would like to follow: • Exploring visions about urban space based on the concepts of commons and care to develop concrete projects and imagine a more comprehensive change, including legislative one. • Learning from other initiatives and study their advocacy strategies, as well as sharing the learnt lessons to spread and replicate projects. • Creating alliances with other housing rights movements to join forces and discuss conflicting interests and intersecting processes. • Mapping and visualising data about municipal and state-owned real estate - based both on the public inventory of vacant properties and grassroots mapping initiatives. • Looking at data on housing inequalities. Using data visualisation as a tool of advocacy.","The event provided an occasion for mapping relevant actors and knowledge and established a starting point for a process that holds the potential to create alliances and set up a joint advocacy strategy. The workshop highlighted the importance of creating, reinforcing and connecting grassroots initiatives and movements that promote alternative perspectives on housing by creating spaces of collective learning.","We believe in and work towards the vision of knowledge as commons. Indeed, the collective TuTela Learning Network bases its initiatives on the idea of radical sharing and the importance of connecting and sharing activist knowledge. We see Open Data Day as an opportunity to raise awareness among activists on the opportunities that engaging with open data holds for movements. Our workshop joined people from different perspectives and backgrounds in a horizontal discussion and sharing between participants. Open Data Day provided an opportunity for connecting people and starting a joint work.",,common-place-talking-about-co-housing-and-communities-of-sharing,WET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-06,Community Mapping Online Event 2021,/images/2021/community-mapping-online-event-2021,"On March 6th at 16:30 UTC for Open Data Day YouthMappers UFBA will host a mapathon in support of fighting epidemics in precarious areas of Salvador, Brazil - Subúrbio I. Brazil has a primary health care network in the Unified Health System (SUS) composed of community agents and family health professionals who work together in the territory with the most vulnerable population. However, this performance occurs with little (or no) knowledge organized in maps. YouthMappers UFBA supports training activities for these professionals and intends to count on the OSM community to map, at this moment, one of the precarious areas of the city that has been suffering from COVID-19 and in which one of these groups of health professionals work. Community health workers and family health professionals play a fundamental role for these people, as they are the ones who visit the territory, the homes, recognizing the problems at their origin. To do their job, they often make schematic maps on paper and do not use existing maps. In OpenStreetMap, most of these more precarious areas still do not have their buildings mapped, and this is a layer that can help a lot in the work of these agents. That is why YouthMappers UFBA has been supporting the GeoCombate COVID-19 BA Group and seeking to map the most precarious areas of the City of Salvador. Brasil tiene una red de atención primaria de salud en el Sistema Único de Salud (SUS) compuesta por agentes comunitarios y profesionales de la salud de la familia que trabajan en el territorio junto con la población más vulnerable. Sin embargo, este desempeño ocurre con poco (o ningún) conocimiento organizado en mapas. Youth Mappers UFBA apoya actividades de formación para estos profesionales y pretende contar con la comunidad OSM para mapear, en este momento, una de las zonas precarias de la ciudad que viene sufriendo con la COVID-19 y en la que uno de estos grupos de profesionales de la salud trabaja.",/events/2021/reports/community-mapping-online-event-2021/,9:00,,,True,-12.977749,-38.501629,Microsoft,True,60,True,,Patricia Lustosa Brito - YouthMappers UFBA,Salvador,"We celebrated Open Data Day with the first day of the Community Mapping Online Event. At March 6th, we held an opening lecture with the participation of Prof. João Porto de Albuquerque (Warwick University, England), Nicera Wanjiru Kimani (Community Mappers, Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya), with simultaneous translation into Portuguese and Spanish, with the theme: Open Map Data for Community Resilience & Empowerment. Then, we carried out three more activities: workshop 1 - OSM ID and HOT Tasking Manager with Wille Marcel (Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team), the second YouthMappers Brasil Meeting, and a map of the YouthMappers UFBA Chapter. Since then, every Friday we have held workshops with other platforms bringing experiences from different researchers and communities that used them for their mapping. On the 29th and 30th of April, we will finally hold a closing webinar where we will discuss the experiences of these projects using these and other platforms, as well as the construction of a platform that brings together training, studies and other useful information for the community mapping carried out by the community itself. All activities are being recorded and are available in the playlist []( some have already reached more than 150 views.","Participation of community members depends on greater engagement in the organisation and dissemination of the event by the researchers who work with them. On the other hand, the demand for spaces for discussing these themes is desired and very appreciated by students, researchers and professors who wish to carry out these mappings but more than that, that want the community to appropriate these tools and use them for their own benefit. The possibility to have simultaneous translation also is an important point to gather different perspectives allowing not usual interactions.",Map engagement everywhere with everybody!,"At the mapathon we worked on [HOT Task Manager project #10486]( specially created for our event. All videos, Instagram cards, links to tools, etc used during the event are available on the event website [](",community-mapping-online-event-2021,COT,,AMER,The Americas Uruguay,2021-03-06,Concepción Transparente - Gastos COVID-19,/images/2021/concepcion-transparente-gastos-covid-19,Mostrar los montos y las empresas contratadas en el marco de COVID-19,/events/2021/reports/concepcion-transparente-gastos-covid-19/,10:00,,,True,-32.48465,-58.232929,Microsoft,True,40,True,,Datos Concepcion,Concepción del Uruguay ,"Con el equipo de Datos Concepcion organizamos un evento enfocado en abrir contrataciones públicas sobre coronavirus del Gobierno de Entre Ríos (Argentina). Desarrollamos un evento online donde creamos desafíos y repartimos roles entre los participantes. El coordinador de Datos Concepción, Adrián Pino, brindó una breve charla sobre la importancia de los datos abiertos y algunos tips para rastrear contratos públicos. Se crearon bases de datos sobre las contrataciones que logramos detectar. Se identificaron empresas beneficiarias y se registraron los montos percibidos por cada una. La colaboración y el trabajo entre developers, diseñadores y periodistas fue clave para lograr extraer información que no está publicada en los sitios oficiales. Al final de la jornada se desarrollaron documentos compartidos para que todos los participantes tengan acceso a los avances y puedan seguir contribuyendo al proyecto. En este enlace se puede ver una síntesis del evento y de las instancias alcanzadas.","Los principales aprendizajes de esta jornada permitieron confirmar que el trabajo online puede ser igual de productivo que en eventos presenciales. Para ello, fue muy importante contar con un programa de actividades, etapas específicas para enfocar el trabajo en cada instancia y roles asignados para generar la información necesaria.","Este día representa una gran oportunidad para involucrar nuevos actores en el uso de datos abiertos. Nos llena de energía y entusiasmo, Y todos los años nos sorprende todo lo que podemos lograr trabajando todos juntos.",Desarrollamos un dataset que contiene las contrataciones que fuimos detectando. La base de datos estará disponible en las pròximas semanas en []( También iniciamos el desarrollo de un script para extraer información de texto del Boletín Oficial. El código será compartido en Github y con link desde [](,concepcion-transparente-gastos-covid-19,UST,,AMER,The Americas Nepal,2021-03-21,Create a glossary of commonly used technical terms with their translation in the Nepali language,/images/2021/create-a-glossary-of-commonly-used-technical-terms-with-their-translation-in-the,We have many open source software but they are not accessible to all people from Nepal as not all people can read English. Our goal is to create a technical dictionary where technical English words are translated in Nepali. By doing so Developers can incorporate such words into their softwares.,/events/2021/reports/create-a-glossary-of-commonly-used-technical-terms-with-their-translation-in-the/,10:00,,,True,27.7089427,85.2560925,FCDO,True,15,False,,Nepal Open Source Klub,,"We celebrated Open Data Day 2021 on Sunday 21 March. We started our event by familiarising attendees with ""Open Data and its importance"". We had 15 participants and most of them were not familiar with open source tools and technology. We visited two popular open data portals of Nepal - []( and []( NOSK member Saroj Bhattarai showed participants how to browse and contribute to the portals. Next, we had a session on git and Github where NOSK member Ashish Tiwari taught attendees the basics of git and Github. We started by installing git and run useful git commands. We end our git session by assigning homework to the participants. Each participant is expected to make a pull request in our Github repo. NOSK Member Poshan Pandey presented a very simple workflow of web scraping and taught participants to develop a very simple Scrapy Spider that scraps a Goodreads website. As a final session of our event, we created a CSV file containing important technical words that are used on a website, mobile apps, and desktop applications. Then we tried to translate them into the Nepali language.","Though open data, open-source tools and Linux are very important topics, we found many students are not aware of it. We invested a significant portion of our time in introducing open-source tools. We also felt we tried to pack many events on a single day making our event very hectic.",We love Open Data Day because celebrating it gives us a sense of being a part of the global community. We always took Open Data Day as a networking and learning opportunity.,"All the resources used during the Open Data Day can be found at []( ",create-a-glossary-of-commonly-used-technical-terms-with-their-translation-in-the,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Slovenia,2021-03-05,Dan odprtih podatkov 2021 - Open Data Day 2021 Slovenia,/images/2021/dan-odprtih-podatkov-2021-open-data-day-2021-slovenia,"Pridi na Dan odprtih podatkov, spoznaj predvidene aktivnosti Ministrstvo za javno upravo pri odpiranju podatkov javnega sektorja in primer uporabe odprtih podatkov, ki ga bomo v DIH Slovenije predstavili skupaj z Mestna občina Ljubljana Come to Open Data Day, get to know the planned activities of the Ministry of Public Administration when opening public sector data and the case of using open data that we will present in DIH Slovenia with City Municipality of Ljubljana",/events/2021/reports/dan-odprtih-podatkov-2021-open-data-day-2021-slovenia/,9:00,,,True,46.0660318,14.3920158,Mapbox,True,100,True,,"Digital Innovation Hub Slovenia, OPSI Hub, MJU, ICT horizontal network, Association for IT and Telecommunications, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije and Tehnoloski Park Ljubljana",Ljubljana,"Our Open Data Day was unfortunately an online event due to the situation in the country. Still we managed to attract many people. Attendance was mixed from members of the public to corporate actors and government. The point of the event was to introduce solutions based on mapping open data that exist but should be communicated more amongst the public and also put in practice. These are the solutions that can make an everyday life of each and every one of us easier. For instance, the Council of Ljubljana has created numerous apps to make living in Ljubljana easier. One of these is for instance “[Trenutek v Ljubljani](” (A moment in Ljubljana) where Ljubljana citizens can see all traffic relevant information, availability of parking spaces, bikes, walking routes and also the quality of air and water at your location. Slovenia and Ljubljana are in the earthquake zone. The Council of Ljubljana has also [created an app]( where each citizen can evaluate earthquake consequences on its residency. This app is unfortunately very unknown to the public and should be properly disseminated.  Slovenia is in economic crises. The unemployment rate is rising. Slovenian entrepreneur Miha Pšenica from []( has come to an idea to use open mapping data of Slovenian enterprises and information of jobs available at Institute of Employment. The company has linked the two and created a database free to use for the citizens of Slovenia. But a problem arose when the Institute of Employment changed its method of publicised data. It could no longer be transferred and linked. So, the question of consistency was posed to Opsi hub, the organization responsible for open data in Slovenia.","Open data is important. Open data should be used and should be available on many levels. At the end of the day, we concluded that we spend thousands of Euros for creating apps for the better goods of the citizens, but we forget that the real value comes from the use itself. Therefore, the solution needs to be communicated properly and loudly enough to reach the end user. Only in this way can the solution get the right value and usability. We have also learned that open data should be in the format that can be reused for better good. And last but not least we learned that the key to open data is digital trust, the free flow of non-personal data and that personal data should be properly secured.",Not many are aware of the power of open data. Not many use it. Open Data Day has the power to raise awareness of its existence and spread it widely across the globe.,,dan-odprtih-podatkov-2021-open-data-day-2021-slovenia,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Costa Rica,2021-03-06,Data Challenge: take advantage of the first dataset published under the OCDS in the country ,/images/2021/data-challenge-take-advantage-of-the-first-dataset-published-under-the-ocds-in,Take advantage of the first dataset published under the OCDS in the country and improve the data literacy of university students,/events/2021/reports/data-challenge-take-advantage-of-the-first-dataset-published-under-the-ocds-in/,10:00,,,True,9.940989,-84.07772,OCP,True,,True,,Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología (ULACIT),San José,"The Ulacit Data Challenge consisted of an open competition aimed at university students. For three weeks, participants worked intensely on analyzing the first dataset published in Costa Rica under the Open Contracting Data Standard (OCDS). The dataset includes 12,491 contracting processes managed by the Supreme Court of Justice covering the period from January 2016 to October 2020. The event involved the following: • 100 participants from 10 universities • 30 interuniversity and multidisciplinary teams • 10 Data Science Workshops facilitated by INTEL specialists • 2,400+ Slack messages • 40+ social media review posts #DataChallengeULACIT The competition had a kickoff session on March 6 (Open Data Day). For three weeks, the teams worked on a notebook where they documented their analysis procedures. Most of the teams focused on use cases associated with promoting greater competition and transparency in public procurement processes. Five finalist teams presented their results to a jury made up of specialists in data analysis and representatives of the Supreme Court of Justice of Costa Rica.","For many of the participants, it was their first opportunity to analyse a real dataset. They also discovered the enormous potential of open data for developing educational, social, and professional projects. For representatives from academia and industry, the competition demonstrated the enormous potential of local youth in data science and analytics. For public officials, the event was an excellent opportunity to observe how real users interact with open contracting data. The publication of these sets on the open data portal can be improved by adding direct references to the OCDS documentation and the local legislation applicable to contracts.","Open Data Day is an excellent opportunity to bring together people from diverse backgrounds to learn, share, create and imagine a better world based on data.",,data-challenge-take-advantage-of-the-first-dataset-published-under-the-ocds-in,CST,,AMER,The Americas Costa Rica,2021-03-06,Data Expedition - Costa Rica,/images/2021/data-expedition-costa-rica,"Identify, explore, visualise and disclose key facts about projects being implemented by Territorial Rural Development Councils. This will be the goal of the Data Expedition that we will be doing in conjunction with the Instituto de Desarrollo Rural, Inder",/events/2021/reports/data-expedition-costa-rica/,15:00,,,True,10.0783206,-84.4769455,ILDA,True,30,True,,ACCESA,La Union,"Our event this year had a peculiarity, which was that the data we wanted to use wasn’t actually open. To give a little background: we are the civil society counterparts of the Social Inclusion commitment included in [Costa Rica’s Open State Action Plan](, which aims to support the [Territorial Councils of Rural Development](, the main participatory bodies for fostering rural development in the country, so that they can be more transparent, open and inclusive. But on the course of this work we found a very important stumbling block: the data about the projects these Councils are implementing was not accessible anywhere. Leveraging the fact that Open Data Day was approaching, we asked the [Institute for Rural Development (Inder)]( - the public institution that assists and partly finances the Councils - if they had this data because we were interested in holding an event to disseminate the important work being done by the Councils. They were kind to share the data with us, but the file they gave us was not exactly ready for public consumption, so we had to do quite a bit of work to clean the data and present it in a way that was more clear and attractive to people. For our event, we designed a Data Expedition where the participants were able to access and explore for the first time ever the data of the projects being implemented by the Councils, their location, the money spent on them, their percentage of completion, the organisations involved and many other key info that was previously undisclosed. It should be mentioned that none of this data was confidential, it just hadn’t been made available. But the great thing about Open Data Day is that it gave us the impetus to change that situation and demonstrate how data can be used to improve and monitor rural development.","Our Open Data Day celebration, which usually takes place in a physical space, had to forcibly be relocated to a virtual environment this year because of the pandemic. This brought with it a series of challenges regarding how to translate the experience of a Data Expedition to an online setting in which we cannot interact face-to-face with the participants. One of the main challenges had to do with time: people do not have the same endurance sitting in front of their computer on a videoconference than they do in an in-person activity. So we had to reduce the scope of the event, which meant that time was too short to fully explore and follow through on any hypothesis or relationships that may be identified, but it at least planted the seeds for further data exploration.  We also found out that many of the people in the event were there as observers: very interested to learn about the data being made available, but not with the conditions or inclinations to actively participate. Therefore, we successfully repurposed the event to this situation, focusing more on presenting the reports and visualisations that we prepared, explaining the possibilities for further use of the data, and answering any questions or comments that participants wanted to share with us.","We love Open Data Day because, as an organisation that aims to transform the relationship between governments and citizens, it is an excellent opportunity to prompt public institutions to open their data and share it with the people, so that through the different activities that are planned throughout the day both governments and citizens can understand the potential of open data and collaborate to reach better solutions to our common problems.","One of the most important outcomes of this event was the opening and publication of data that was previously closed and unpublished. Not only that, but the work we did in cleaning the data and visualising it using maps will go a long way in allowing the Councils and anyone else to harness its potential for rural development. For now the data is only available in our [Tableau Public account](!/), but in the coming months we’ll work with Inder and the Councils to ensure that this data can be more widely-disseminated and used in ways that can foster the transparency, inclusiveness and decision-making process of the Councils.",data-expedition-costa-rica,CST,,AMER,The Americas Madagascar,2021-03-06,Data for SDGs Session,/images/2021/data-for-sdgs-session,Knowledge sharing about data for development and in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals,/events/2021/reports/data-for-sdgs-session/,,,,True,-18.648327,48.302951,FCDO,True,30,False,,Madagascar Initiatives for Digital Innovation,Antananarivo,"Since the celebration of Open Data Day started in the beginning of the week, the last day of celebrating Open Data Day was a special session about case study exchange and group work on using data for solving public issues. The data collaboratives practices had enabled participants from different background within Government institutions and journalists to understand the value of data even those they have considered ""meaningless"" in the beginning. Together, we were able to create a fictional but potential ""SMS Disease Surveillance"" system that can be used to monitor Covid19 outbreak in Madagascar if some data from private company would be available. The possibility of developing a mobile app for better Covid-19 logistic management was also presented after group discussion.","We learned that partnerships with government and the private sector can be useful but need some incentive measures (fiscal, for example) from local authorities to publish data. The level of data institutional response that should exist in a country requires more than data analytic skills.",It's a valuable opportunity to exchange the importance of open data for development.,,data-for-sdgs-session,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-06,Data journalism for accountability,/images/2021/data-journalism-for-accountability,Reaching more journalism practitioners and university students pursuing data journalism ,/events/2021/reports/data-journalism-for-accountability/,,,,True,-11.982008,37.078224,Microsoft,True,13,False,,"Tulinagwe Malopa, Nukta Africa",Dar es Salaam,"Our event celebrated open data by conducting a free physical data journalism training to 10 journalism and mass communication students from different universities in Dar es Salaam to maximise the use of open data and increase accountability through data journalism. The eight-hour training trained the students the basics in data journalism by explaining in detail the concept of open data, how to scrap and clean data to create open data, laws regulating data journalism in Tanzania, data analysis, data visualisation and how to develop data-driven stories from open data for radio, TV, newspapers and online platforms. The training was a unique opportunity to the students since they got a chance to learn and practise new skills that can make them competitive in the current job market after finishing their studies. Conducting such training with students was a stepping stone to creating better journalists who can add value in their reporting and producing content that can impact lives in future. ","One of the foremost lessons learnt from the students is that data journalism is not taught completely in colleges or universities offering journalism or mass communication courses in Tanzania. Nearly all the lessons were new to the students and they acknowledged that the opportunity gave them exposure and the skills were key in building their careers after school. At Nukta Africa we learnt that there are useful open data dashboards by the government and other stakeholders which are not commonly used and known to most people. Also, former famous open data dashboards like are no longer available to the public. Therefore, conducting these training makes people aware and informed on data that could help them in business, reporting and decision making. Furthermore, emphasis on maximising the use of open data in the community through data journalism is one the best way to utilise the resources available. Open data dashboards may not yield expected results if journalists cannot use the data to find stories relevant to their community. Data-driven stories with contexts from ground reporting has proved to be more effective in increasing transparency and by accounting people in power. ","We love Open Data Day because, as data experts or data journalists, we get an opportunity to celebrate and push for the greater use of open data in our community in creating impactful stories or insights that will help people make informed decisions.",,data-journalism-for-accountability,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,2021-03-13,DataDive Kathmandu,/images/2021/datadive-kathmandu,"At DataDive Kathmandu, we will work alongside teams of volunteer data scientists, developers, and designers to explore the key climate and environment data sources of Nepal",/events/2021/reports/datadive-kathmandu/,11:00,,,True,27.7172,85.324,Microsoft,True,15,False,,Open Knowledge Nepal,"Kathmandu, Nepal","12 people attended the DataDive and everyone aimed to make the best utilisation of the available data to generate more user case stories and encourage others to publish the data. Nikesh Balami, CEO/co-founder of Open Knowledge Nepal, started the event by welcoming all the individuals and oriented on the tentative goal of the gathering. He highlighted the core values of coming together as a community and contributing to the common goal. The gathering was more of an informal collaborative forum, and it was rightly highlighted by Arogya Koirala from Kathmandu Living Labs. He opined the need for developing a peer learning and collaborative open community rather than a top-down approach of coaching the participants. It was interesting to note, how all participants passively agreed to the notion of more informal, open peer-based learning in community settings. After the introduction session, the event free flowed. Everyone worked on what best fits the goal of the event, as per their expertise and through collaboration. Some of the works included: - Solving bugs in the ‘Open Data Nepal’ portal. - Developing a data scraper for scraping the data such that it would be convenient to convert it in open format. - Brainstorming for the designing logo of Air Quality Nepal bot (currently available on Twitter). - Refining data from the Kalimati Fruits and Vegetable Market Development Board. - Researching on government portals and other relevant organizations, discovering useful climate and environment data, making it open and uploading it in the Open Data Nepal’s portal. Here is the event blog post: [](","Despite being in the high-risk zone due to climate change, we realised that the climate and environment datasets related to Nepal are very difficult to access. Most of the teams struggle to find the datasets and in many cases, the available datasets are incomplete and are in unstructured formats so, lots of time was consumed in data cleaning. Participants got to learn new things from each other and some of them successfully published the scrapped and datasets on the portal. Some of the participants showed great enthusiasm and have committed to continue the work of opening up climate and environment data of Nepal.",Because it gives us an opportunity to reflect and celebrate.,[](,datadive-kathmandu,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Honduras,2021-03-06,Datos abiertos en infraestructura,/images/2021/datos-abiertos-en-infraestructura,To present how we can promote help to promote sustainable infrastructure by analysing open data,/events/2021/reports/datos-abiertos-en-infraestructura/,10:00,,,True,14.0818,-87.20681,Microsoft,True,40,True,,CoST Honduras,Tegucigalpa,"CoST Honduras prepared an online-event to show how open data can help to plan and deliver better quality and more efficient infrastructure for millions. We had 58 people participating in the event, including civil society representatives, university students, and the CoST Honduras technical team. At the beginning of the event, CoST's LATAM Regional Manager welcomed the attendees and made a brief introduction about Open Data Day and why it is important for CoST. We then had the participation of CoST's Head of Members and Affiliates, who presented the advances in the use of open data that CoST programs are achieving worldwide. One of the examples she presented was the Transparent Infrastructure Open Data Portal, a tool designed and developed by the CoST Ukraine program to analyze more than 7000 public infrastructure contracts. The analytical report is available at []( The third participation was from one of CoST Honduras' project managers who presented the programme's effort to design and develop a data analysis tool named InfraS. This tool aims to measure indicators built from public infrastructure data, identify red flags and issues, and present recommendations to the correspondent authorities on how they can fix those issues to achieve sustainable infrastructure. The next part of the event was a more interactive session where the participants, divided into four groups, were able to talk to CoST's experts and answer some questions aimed at identifying potentially user data needs for the InfraS tool.","We learned that the feedback from active citizens could benefit the ways the government discloses information, especially when, in most cases, data from local governments is not easy to access. Moreover, we learned that these kinds of events help us get feedback about citizen's data needs which is a valuable input for the design and development of the analytics dashboards.",It is a space that allows us to connect with people from all over the world and learn from their experiences using open data and creating solutions for global problems.,,datos-abiertos-en-infraestructura,CST,,AMER,The Americas Ecuador,2021-03-04,Datos Abiertos para la transparencia y la lucha contra la corrupción,/images/2021/datos-abiertos-para-la-transparencia-y-la-lucha-contra-la-corrupcion,"Hacer alusión a la celebración del Día de los Datos Abiertos y los proyectos y procesos que del Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Infromación, y de la Secretaría Técnica Planifica Ecuador en relación con los datos abiertos para la transparencia y la lucha contra la corrupción. ",/events/2021/reports/datos-abiertos-para-la-transparencia-y-la-lucha-contra-la-corrupcion/,11:00,,,True,-0.201562,-78.486858,,False,200,True,,"Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Infromación, Secretaría Técnica Planifica Ecuador",Quito,"""Datos abiertos para la transparencia y lucha contra la corrupción"" se denominó el webinar para recordar el motivo de la celebración, y presentar lo que se está realizando desde el sector gobierno en datos abiertos para prevenir la corrupción, como disponer de un marco normativo, abrir datos con propósito, datos de contrataciones públicas con metodología Open Contracting. Contamos con la participación del Dpto. para la Gestión Pública Efectiva de la OEA; de la Open Data Charter, del Servicio Nacional de Contratación Pública y del Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información.","Es necesario abrir más espacios que faciliten la participación, el debate, la discusión; fortalecer capacidades en los actores del ecosistema de datos abiertos; realizar actividades de manera permanente.",Porque es un espacio de encuneto para los símiles de datos abiertos en la región y en el mundo que nos permite compartir y aprender.,,datos-abiertos-para-la-transparencia-y-la-lucha-contra-la-corrupcion,CST,,AMER,The Americas Mexico,2021-03-04,Datos y Mezcales (virtuales) – Open Data Day 2021,,Share new open data and use projects in Mexico,,16:00,,,False,19.4316274,-99.1349773,,False,50,True,,SocialTIC,Mexico City,,,,,datos-y-mezcales-virtuales-open-data-day-2021,CST,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,"Does the Freedom of Information Act apply in Nigeria, particularly with respect to gender budgeting and accountability?",/images/2021/does-the-freedom-of-information-act-apply-in-nigeria-particularly-with-respect,To ensure that the money allocated for various gender equality and women empowerment projects in Nsukka Local Government Area (LGA) of Enugu State are effectively utilised,/events/2021/reports/does-the-freedom-of-information-act-apply-in-nigeria-particularly-with-respect/,,,,True,6.512786,6.8216944,Microsoft,True,35,False,,Equity Watch Initiative,Enugu State,"Our Open Data Day event centered on the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) which is a law in Nigeria that stipulates that the people have the right to access classified information from the government provided it does not endanger security of lives and properties.  Our focus was specifically on gender budgeting with respect to the issues of accountability and transparency. We engaged 15 civil society organisations including the Executive Director of Widows Lifeline, the wife of the first president of Nigeria (Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe) Prof. Uche Azikiwe and five members of our own organisation in the event.  Though this law which is rooted in other international laws, you find that implementation remains a problem. The event was marked by a presentation from the ED of Equity Watch Initiative, Dr. Chiemezie Atama, which was followed by an interactive session, then questions and answers. The presentation focused on what FOIA is all about, states where it has been domesticated, FOIA as an advocacy tool, how it relates to the issues of accountability and transparency, gender budgeting and implementation, monitoring and follow up mechanisms as well as the the role of CSOs. It was a clarion call for all CSOs in Nsukka to follow up and monitor gender budgeting and implementation to ensure accountability and good governance.","At the end of the programme, the participants were asked to state what they learnt and this is a summary of their responses: 1. Clear explanations of what FOIA is all about. 2. How we can leverage FOIA to ensure transparency and accountability in governance. 3. The fact that only few states have domesticated FOIA in Nigeria despite its potential for transformational governance. 4. The role of CSOs in ensuring transparency and good governance. 5. Engagement process to ensure good governance. 6. The need to continue to advocate for open data. 7. Gender budgeting and the need for follow up to ensure proper implementation.",Because it is about creating awareness on the importance of making data open to the public. This for me encourages accountability and transparency.,,does-the-freedom-of-information-act-apply-in-nigeria-particularly-with-respect,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Colombia,2021-03-13,"Eduna Open Data Day - Región central de Colombia, Tunja",/images/2021/eduna-open-data-day-region-central-de-colombia-tunja,"Generar participación y colaboración de los diferentes actores con ideas para fomentar el fortalecimiento de la capacidad de pensamiento creativo de niños, niñas y jóvenes haciendo uso y aprovechamiento de los datos abiertos.",/events/2021/reports/eduna-open-data-day-region-central-de-colombia-tunja/,9:00,,,True,5.575603,-73.318553,ILDA,True,200,True,,"Mónica Orduz Valbuena, Fundación Eduna",Tunja,"A range of civil society actors participated in our virtual event, ensuring the involvement of a good number of stakeholders from the regional open data ecosystem. The agenda included: [a forum, talks, workshops]( and an [open data competition]( During the development of the DataViz forum, panelists were able to review open data sets related to the students' performance from the SABER 11 tests, giving focus to the STEM disciplines. They analysed the insights and [discussed their findings]( Afterwards two talks were held to give young people the opportunity to develop their creative thinking. The first was on ""[Creative and algorithmic thoughts with the Rubik's cube]("" and the second ""[STEM in Latin America - Data and reflections on its egalitarian and sustainable development]("". At the end of the event, two workshops were developed - see [YouTube playlist](, with one related to ""Google Tools that contribute to Open Data and analytics in business"" and another to ""Development of creative and algorithmic thoughts for children and adolescents"".","The objective of the version of the Eduna Open Data Day 2021 event was defined as follows: Generate participation and collaboration of the different actors with ideas to promote the strengthening of the creative thinking capacity of children and young people by making use and taking advantage of open data with a focus on the central region of Colombia (Boyacá, Cundinamarca, Huila and Tolima ). We generated participation and collaboration from the different actors making use of open data, and resources in technological platforms. But the impact in terms of number of attendees was not what we expected. We found an opportunity for improvement and realised that we should have spent more time generating a media and marketing plan in advance to aim for greater coverage for the central region of Colombia, in all the social media, radio media and local newspapers. The fund and sponsorship from civil society, and alliances with other social organisations are also important.","On Open Data Day, we want to celebrate as civil society that is important the knowledge democracy, not only for adult citizens, but also for children and adolescents across the region. Also, the children can benefit from using and leveraging open data, as by analysing data on their math and science (STEM) performance, for example, all stakeholders can make decisions to improve the education quality. Likewise, we managed to incorporate and integrate the creative and algorithmic thoughts topic to generate knowledge.","[]( [](",eduna-open-data-day-region-central-de-colombia-tunja,COT,,AMER,The Americas Angola,2021-03-06,Gambos Mapathon,/images/2021/gambos-mapathon,"Mapeamento das infraestruturas sanitárias, escolares e de água no municipio dos Gambos",/events/2021/reports/gambos-mapathon/,13:00,,,True,-14.91379,13.50262,,False,30,True,,"António Valter Chisingui, Instituto Superior de Ciências de Educação da Huíla",Lubango,"On the sixth of March 2021, in the ISCED-Huíla computer room number two and on the StreamYard an online platform on Facebook YouthMappers at Huíla, the first open data mapping of the chapter Youth Mappers at Huíla took place, which included the participation of several young university students, including volunteers who participated in open data training with the OpenStreetMap platform, under the guidance of Professor Doctor António Valter Chisingui, president of the chapter, and the technical training team, in a period of approximately four hours (from nine to thirteen o'clock). The Mapathon was attended by seventeen young volunteers, six men and eleven women respectively.","Our event was celebrated with the selection of a region in the Southwest of Angola, whose economic and social needs deserve a lot of attention on the part of government institutions. The selection criteria for mapping in the Gambos region was based on the successive drought cycles that have plagued the community for some years and the difficulty in accessing drinking water, as well as the main public services in the municipality. We learn't about mapping techniques using OpenStreetMap.","We like Open Data Day because it is a collective and colabotative opportunity to map the different entities in our region and can contribute to decision-making for the improvement of social issues in our community, providing open data.","We produced geographic data, we mapped roads, buildings, farms, water facilities, rivers and lakes in Gambos region, Angola.",gambos-mapathon,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Switzerland,2021-03-01,Geo.Hackmin Week Switzerland,,Dive into newly relicensed and released geo-datasets during a week of virtual activities open to everyone,,16:00,,,False,46.798449,8.231879,,False,50,True,,Viktoria Molnar,Bern,,,,,geo-hackmin-week-switzerland,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Cameroon,2021-03-12,"Geoevangelisation workshop in the use of JOSM and GeOsm, the first 100% African open source geolocation platform",/images/2021/geoevangelisation-workshop-in-the-use-of-josm-and-geosm-the-first-100-african,GeOsm is an open geospatial data infrastructure whose goal is to centralise data at national scale to make it availabale to decisionmakers. This initiative is already present in 22 African countries since 2020.,/events/2021/reports/geoevangelisation-workshop-in-the-use-of-josm-and-geosm-the-first-100-african/,11:00,,,True,3.8302938,11.3703663,Microsoft,True,20,False,,GeOsm,Yaounde,"The aim of our event was the promotion of open data in the creation of services. [GeOsm]( is an open source geospatial data portal, 100% African, scalable on all administrative units and based on - but not only on - the OpenStreetMap free database. We celebrated the day by gathering several actors of the digital ecosystem, namely a representative of the OSM Foundation, students, professionals from the ministries of urban planning and housing and local development, researchers and the GeOsm team. There were a total of 20 participants. The event took place on March 12 2021 in the premises of GeOsm, beginning at 11am and ending at 2pm. The exchanges were focused on the development of an open source solution from open data. [GeOsm]( is the solution presented which today is deployed in 21 countries and at the communal level in eight cities of North Cameroon and six of south-west Cameroon under the title [Geocommunal]( We presented: - The reasons why we decided to use free data and to make our platform an open source namely the fact of being able to allow each contributor to use and modify its core and in return make valuable improvements. - We also discussed its various functionalities and the potential instances to be set up to meet the needs listed by local collectivities to improve the management of their resources, such as geofiscal for fiscality and geotourism for tourism. It was also the occasion to cement the partnership between the OSM Foundation and GeOsm through the signing of a trademark license agreement. A brainstorming session was also held among the participants, who were able to give their perception of the use of data. They then congratulated the project and the signing of the agreement, which will further facilitate access to information and decision-making.","Open data gives the possibility to bring everyone to the building. Tt allows the symbiosis and the sharing of the individual efforts that have become common. It allows to reach the objectives more quickly and to solve the problems in an effective and efficient way. Each contributor has then the possibility to take advantage of the data created by the community of contributors and to use it to develop innovative and useful solutions for the local development of his country. This is the case of the GeOsm team, which has offered the possibility to the users of the platform to benefit from a direct access to the free data and a way to solve the problems they encounter.","Because it is an opportunity to celebrate open data, to exchange on the value of free data, on the interest to produce it, to create a symbiosis between the efforts and the added value linked to the availability of data.",,geoevangelisation-workshop-in-the-use-of-josm-and-geosm-the-first-100-african,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-06,Gênero e dados: o mercado de trabalho para mulheres na pandemia,/images/2021/genero-e-dados-o-mercado-de-trabalho-para-mulheres-na-pandemia,Explorar dados abertos para entender os desafios para mulheres no mercado de trabalho no Brasil durante a pandemia ,/events/2021/reports/genero-e-dados-o-mercado-de-trabalho-para-mulheres-na-pandemia/,10:00,,,True,-22.906847,-43.172897,ILDA,True,20,True,,Maria Martha Bruno - Gênero e Número,Rio de Janeiro,"The numbers and information that explain hurdles in Brazil's labour market for employed and unemployed women in the pandemic are accessible and available, but many people don't know how to find it and explore it. As a data journalism organisation that tackles race and gender issues, it is part of our mission to shed a light on both the labour crisis that affects women in Brazil and the data that explains this context. During the event, we stressed that all the data we work with is organised, structured, and available on our website. [Gênero e Número's Open Data session]( is one of our most visited pages and also contains all the data we use to base all of our stories. We also provided the links to all the databases explored during the event (some from Brazil's main data provider, IBGE), and showed some of the R scripts used to mine, structure, and analyse the numbers.","A well prepared event - with streaming tests, a special lay-out, presentations and social media promotion - has good results. We had a significant - and engaged - audience that positively surprised us during our Saturday morning live event. It helped us to strengthen our reputation as a data journalism organisation that is specialised in gender and race issues, and to enlighten and enhance the debate related to these subjects. ","It is a great opportunity to gather with the data community and to deepen our connection with our audience. It also helps us to get to know other initiatives in data journalism and to improve our skills, by taking part and learning in other events held on the day.","Yes. We released brand new microdata used in our survey [""Women's life and work during the pandemic""](, which had national repercussions in 2020 and was one of the subjects discussed in our event. The presentation from our data coordinator is also [available]( as well as all of the links to the databases and scripts explored in the event (they are in the video description [here]( ",genero-e-dados-o-mercado-de-trabalho-para-mulheres-na-pandemia,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Brazil,2021-03-18,II Festival Afroempreendedor,/images/2021/ii-festival-afroempreendedor,"We want to approximate black people from tech, data and entrepreneurship discussions",/events/2021/reports/ii-festival-afroempreendedor/,,,,True,12.96415,-38.505821,ILDA,True,250,True,,"Tamila dos Santos, AFROIMPACTO",Salvador,"We held a three-day event on various aspects of the black population. On the third day we focused on open data. We talked from the basics, about why we are in the data age and how it affects the lives of black people specifically.",We still have a long way to go to make the discussion about data accessible to everyone. It is important to create more spaces for discussion on this subject in a simple way.,It was the possibility of offering new perspectives for black people in relation to technologies and social issues.,,ii-festival-afroempreendedor,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Australia,2021-03-08,International Open Data Day 2021 - Western Australia,,Promote the use and sharing of open data ,,9:00,,,False,-31.951875,115.859085,,False,500,True,,Selection of WA State Government Agencies and the WA Data Science Innovation Hub,Perth,,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-western-australia,AWST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Togo,2021-03-06,Les donnees ouvertes pour la promotion des pratiques fondees sur les donnees probrantes dans la sante sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents et des jeunes,/images/2021/les-donnees-ouvertes-pour-la-promotion-des-pratiques-fondees-sur-les-donnees-pro,The event will raise awareness for the use of data in adolescents and youth Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) related activities and the availability and access to Family Planning Services by mapping contraceptive methods and service availability around the university of Lome,/events/2021/reports/les-donnees-ouvertes-pour-la-promotion-des-pratiques-fondees-sur-les-donnees-pro/,13:00,,,True,6.186721,1.205346,FCDO,True,25,True,,IYAFP,Lomé,"IYAFP organized a virtual event on 16th March from 1 PM to 2:30 PM to discuss open data for health. The event reunited 32 young people from francophone Africa and aimed to promote the use of open data in healthcare practices, especially among young healthcare workers, activists, and innovators. Two panelists, Dada Gnahoua from Cote d'Ivoire and Pelagie Tsedze from IYAFP TOGO discussed respectively the data, open data, and big data, the difference between them, and their application in healthcare. As an example, we discuss how data sharing helped in COVID 19 data collection in Mali. In the second part, we discussed the importance of data in healthcare activities to provide facts and evidence about the context of issues to better communicate with the community and boost the dialogue around adolescent and youth SRHR.","As we initially got interested from young people around other Francophone countries, we decided to make the event more general and launch our open map on another event. We learned that open data is quite a new concept among young people, there is a huge opportunity for this generation to work together toward better access to data. Many were curious about the relationship between data and adolescents and young people healthcare. They need more resources to get the necessary information to put in application open data practice in their respective field of work.",We love Open Data Day because it is an opportunity to raise awarness about data and the importance of making it free and available for all.,The presentation from our session can be found here : [](,les-donnees-ouvertes-pour-la-promotion-des-pratiques-fondees-sur-les-donnees-pro,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Ghana,2021-03-06,Leveraging data on abuse of female journalists to promote equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa.,/images/2021/leveraging-data-on-abuse-of-female-journalists-to-promote-equal-development-with,"Demonstrate how equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa can be improved by leveraging data on online abuse and harassment of female journalists. Topic: iWatch Africa's Open Data Day Time: Mar 6, 2021 01:30 PM Africa/Accra Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 846 9013 5074 Passcode: 360327",/events/2021/reports/leveraging-data-on-abuse-of-female-journalists-to-promote-equal-development-with/,13:30,,,True,5.6037,0.187,FCDO,True,200,True,,iWatch Africa,Accra,"iWatch Africa, marked the 2021 Open Data Day last Saturday with virtual event with focused on leveraging data to promote women safety within the digital ecosystem in Africa. The theme for the event was, ‘Leveraging data on abuse of female journalists in Ghana to promote equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa,’ and was joined by over 40 participants across the continent. Co-founder of iWatch Africa, Moro Seidu delivered a presentation with focus on the current data on abuse of women journalists in Ghana. Moro stressed that “although the introduction of social media has enhanced communication and participation on social media platforms, it has not been friendly on the female gender.” Moro cited iWatch Africa 2020 data which showed that while the number of male journalists monitored were three times more than their female counterparts, 46 per cent of the total number of online abuses recorded by iWatch Africa were directed at women journalists in Ghana. Second speaker, Nashilongo Gervaslus blamed the patriarchal upbringing in many homes across the continent for the sort of accountability which treats women with a different sort of lens and opens them up to abuse. She recommended that governments across the continent introduce cyber-crime legislation to protect women online. Our final speaker Sheilah Birgen, also stressed the need for newsrooms to provide support for female journalists and protect them against online misogyinistic mobs. Sheilah also argued that, “the stigma relating to these abuses deters some women from speaking about it.” The event ended with a resolution led by Gideon Sarpong, to work on mainstreaming digital rights units in 50 newsrooms in West Africa to mitigate the risks that online harassment of women journalists poses to the press freedom and equal development within the digital ecosystem in Africa.",More work need to be done to gather data on abuse of women journalists online across Africa.,It helps deepen transparency and accountability in Africa.,,leveraging-data-on-abuse-of-female-journalists-to-promote-equal-development-with,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,2021-03-05,Leveraging open data as an asset for inclusive and sustainable development,,The webinar will seek to discuss no less than the following items: progress made in enhancing data availability and access for use in sustainable policy development; opportunities for open data in advancing the national and international development agenda; experience of non-state actors in leveraging existing data sources; challenges in utilizing existing data and research in youth advocacy; and possible mitigation measures to enhance uptake of data and research,/events/2021/reports/leveraging-open-data-as-an-asset-for-inclusive-and-sustainable-development/,14:00,,,True,-1.1813,37.0545,FCDO,True,30,True,,254 Youth Policy Cafe ,Nairobi,"The 254YPC organised a webinar on Zoom-themed “Open Data as an Asset for Inclusive and Sustainable Development” on the 5th of March to commemorate the 2021 Open Data Day celebrated on the 6th of March 2021. The webinar brought together 50 participants on Zoom platform and over 100 views on YouTube. The webinar featured youthful speakers who actively rely on open data sources for their typical work. The panelist was drawn from both the public and private sector institutions including; The Kenya Institute for Public Policy Research and Analysis, Standard Group PLC, Dalberg Consulting Group, and the National Youth Council. The theme of the discussion included progress made in enhancing data availability and access for use in sustainable policy development; opportunities for open data in advancing the national and international development agenda; experience of non-state actors in leveraging existing data sources; challenges in utilizing existing data and research in youth advocacy; and possible mitigation measures to enhance uptake of data and research. The webinar created awareness of the opportunities to use open data for local content development in Kenya. The webinar featured practical open data mining sessions that sensitised the participants of the different national and international websites that host open data day. This was demonstrated through a PowerPoint presentation and live data mining on KNBS and the World Bank open data sites. As part of our campaign to commemorate Open Data Day we also published an article in today’s issue of Standard Media Group LLC on Data as an Asset for Water Management The Webinar ended with call for action on four thematic areas which include: - Open data to respond to #changing dynamics of data needs - Incentivise private sector models for data collection - Data disaggregation to fit smaller unit decision making - Promote data journalism in Kenya","Currently, there’s limited conversation between the producers of the data, and those in demand of the data – private and development sector, thus the open data collection is not always informed by market needs. Going forward, the consumer (general public, private sector, and development sector) data needs ought to inform decisions on what open data is collected. There is need to incentivise the private sector to stimulate private sector models for data collection to ensure that the open data is timely and substantive. Leveraging the private sector would enable the adoption of innovations in data management such as data science and data engineering. Moreover, it’s essential to have the open data packaged in easily consumable formats by the diverse stakeholders. Given that journalists convey open data and its social-economic implications to the general public, data journalism becomes an integral component in the capacity building of journalists. Thus the need for data journalism to sensitize the journalist on local open data sources. This could be done through government and private sector partnerships. Additionally, non-profit organisations such as 254 Youth Policy Café could take a role in sensitising local journalists on data sources in Kenya.",Commemorating Open Data Day gave 254 Youth Policy Café team an opportunity to capacity build youths in Kenya on mining open data to use it for research that informs policy recommendations.,,leveraging-open-data-as-an-asset-for-inclusive-and-sustainable-development,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,,Live Chat with U.S. Department of Education's Open Data Platform Team,/images/2021/live-chat-with-u-s-department-of-education-s-open-data-platform-team,Public engagement on open federal education data,/events/2021/reports/live-chat-with-u-s-department-of-education-s-open-data-platform-team/,,,,True,38.88663,-77.02059,,False,,True,,"Office of the Chief Data Officer, U.S. Department of Education ","Washington, D.C.","To celebrate open data, the team managing the Open Data Platform at the U.S. Department of Education participated in a live chat with the public on the use of education data and efforts to improve the transparency, accessibility, and privacy of public data. [](","This was a useful opportunity to learn about public interest in state and federal data sets and to share the work of the Office of the Chief Data Officer at the U.S. Department of Education. In the future, we will begin promoting Open Data Day activities sooner and explore additional platforms.","To drive cultural change, ensure data has a seat at the table, and leverage data as a strategic asset to improve education outcomes for students.",,live-chat-with-u-s-department-of-education-s-open-data-platform-team,,,AMER,The Americas Spain,2021-03-09,Los DATOS en las Administraciones Locales 20/30. Experiencias y retos,/images/2021/los-datos-en-las-administraciones-locales-20-30-experiencias-y-retos,Ofrecer una visión amplia de los proyectos que las administraciones locales innovadoras españolas están desarrollando alrededor del mundo del Dato.,/events/2021/reports/los-datos-en-las-administraciones-locales-20-30-experiencias-y-retos/,9:30,,,True,40.547539,-3.64209,,False,200,False,,"Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas, el Instituto para la Transferencia de Conocimiento en Innovación Pública – ITCIP, la FEMP y Oracle","Alcobendas, Madrid","La jornada “El Dato en las Administraciones Locales 20/30. Experiencias y Retos”, que se llevó a cabo el pasado 9 de marzo, contó con más de 400 inscritos para asistir a la sesión virtual”. Organizada por el Ayuntamiento de Alcobendas, el Instituto de Transferencia de Conocimiento en Innovación Pública (ITCIP) y Club de Innovación, contó además con el apoyo de la FEMP (Red de Entidades Locales por la Transparencia y la Participación), la Red Española de Ciudades Inteligentes – RECI y la colaboración de Oracle.",All presentations in [](,Visibiliza lo que se hace en datos abiertos en todo el mundo y ayuda a comprender el valor de los datos para su reutilización.,,los-datos-en-las-administraciones-locales-20-30-experiencias-y-retos,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Phillipines,2021-03-06,MAPAbabae 2021: #ChooseToChallenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping,/images/2021/mapababae-2021-choosetochallenge-gender-inequality-in-open-mapping,"In celebration of Women's Month, Trans Visibility Week, and Open Data Day, we would like to invite you to #MAPABabae2021: Choose to Challenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping! Together with our main partners from MapBeks, OpenStreetMap Philippines, and DSWD, this event aims to empower and engage women (cisgender and transgender) to map amenities (Breast Feeding Stations, Gender Neutral Comfort Rooms, and LGBT Safe Spaces, among others) and feature lightning talks to highlight women and transwomen in mapping and technology",/events/2021/reports/mapababae-2021-choosetochallenge-gender-inequality-in-open-mapping/,13:00,,,True,14.653655,121.069982,Mapbox,True,70,True,,"Geoladies PH with Mapbeks, OpenStreetMap Philippines and DSWD",Quezon City,"On 6th March 2021, various local organisations and small groups came together (virtually) to celebrate Open Data Day, International Women’s Day and Trans-Visibility Week with the theme: #ChooseToChallenge Gender Inequality in Open Mapping. The online event highlighted women who lead in mapping and responding in times of pandemic, and trans women in tech, as well as conducted a mini-mapathon and datathon to map features catering to women and LGBTQIA+ needs. We aim to increase representation and participation of women and LGBTQIA+ in the open mapping platform - OpenStreetMap - to generate open data with and for local communities.","Here are some lessons learned shared by the participants and organising team: *A. Participants* - The talk promoted safe space and open discussions. I loved the lightning talks especially #TransWomenAreWomen and being in the tech industry because it clarified a lot of things (esp. with the myths) and I was also inspired by Ms Marion's talk on building a credible resume that no discrimination can ever ignore it. - It inspired me to pursue and slowly start mapping here in my community esp. with the quote mentioned earlier that goes something about ""the places that are less mapped are less accessed"" and seeing myself having a hard time navigating in my own community during the mapathon. Months earlier I was hesitant on starting (while attending a lot of mapping events online) but during #mapababae2021, I gained little confidence to start (and I hope it will be flames this 2021). - I learned about the importance of women's perspective in mapping - everyone has different perspectives and they are equally important on the map - It's about mapping for the LGBT. it is very important that every individual has the access to every facilities without discrimination - Through the experiences of the speakers, I've been inspired to map more for the community - This is really new to me and I'm happy to learn new techniques in mapping LGBTQI friendly spaces *B. Organising Team (on logistics, etc)* - Delivery of tokens and prizes to participants took more time and difficulty as logistical options are very costly and time consuming - maybe provide digital vouchers, etc - Challenging coordination as various channels were required for partner organisations - be firm in setting up one channel only - Improve on marketing and getting partners to increase reach and attendance from participants",We love Open Data Day because we want to celebrate communities for whom and with whom open data are made.,,mapababae-2021-choosetochallenge-gender-inequality-in-open-mapping,PST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Philippines,2021-03-07,MapaTanda Launch : Mapping with and for the Older Adults (Senior Citizens) and Ageing Population in the Philippines,/images/2021/mapatanda-launch-mapping-with-and-for-the-older-adults-senior-citizens-and-a,To launch the MapaTanda Project (a portmanteau of Mapa -- which means a map -- and Tanda -- which can mean older adult but can also mean remember) is a project that seeks to improve the number and quality of data in OpenStreetMap that are important and relevant to older adults (senior citizens) and the ageing population (60+ years old) in the Philippines,/events/2021/reports/mapatanda-launch-mapping-with-and-for-the-older-adults-senior-citizens-and-a/,13:30,,,True,14.676041,121.043701,Microsoft,True,,True,,"Kris V. Libunao, SmartCT",Philippines,"On the 7th of March 2020, we launched the MapaTanda project which seeks to improve both the quantity and quality of data in OpenStreetMap that is important and relevant to members of the older adult and ageing population (60+ years old) in the Philippines. During the event, we engaged with members of OpenStreetMap community, the representatives of the local governments and most importantly, the older adult population as well as organisations working with or representing them to seek their support in the MapaTanda project.","1. The enthusiasm of the audience during the event confirmed that due to a growing number of elderly people, it is a necessity to create the cities and communities that are aware of the special needs of all their citizens including the needs of aging populations. 2. Timely, open and updated information on the needs, opportunities and other data related to the ageing population and building a community around these are needed to develop a coherent strategy and projects which will truly benefit the elder population.",We love Open Data Day because it not only promotes awareness on the importance and use of open data but it also give us an opportunity to work and mingle with like-minded individuals in order to build and strengthen the community.,,mapatanda-launch-mapping-with-and-for-the-older-adults-senior-citizens-and-a,PST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Pakistan,2021-03-06,Mapping Pakistan's billion tree tsunami,/images/2021/mapping-pakistan-s-billion-tree-tsunami,A hack day to open and publish the block coordinates of the plantation conducted during the billion tree tsunami in Pakistan,/events/2021/reports/mapping-pakistan-s-billion-tree-tsunami/,10:00,,,True,33.684422,73.047882,Microsoft,True,10,False,,Code for Pakistan,Islamabad,"At Code for Pakistan, we gathered 10 volunteers to clean and publish data related to the billion trees afforestation project (Phase II). We chose this project as it has been one of the biggest projects initiated by the current government to overcome climate change but at the same time had been under scrutiny due to corruption allegations. The event started with the team evaluating the available data in the monitoring report published by WWF (third party). After understanding the datasets and their correlations, the team came up with a plan to share a consolidated dataset containing the location data of nurseries and the total number of tree saplings sown in the area. With this subset of data, the team was only able to map around 12.6% of the total trees planted (1 billion) as the rest of the information (number of plantation) was not published in the report. The motivation behind working on this subset of data was to publish something meaningful for the developers as well as plotting the available data on a map to make it understandable for the public. The team was divided into three parts. The first team was responsible for segregating and cleaning the datasets, the second team combined the data from different tables, processed it, and converted it into a machine-readable format and the third team worked on a public-facing dashboard where these coordinates were to be mapped. At the end of the event, the team was able to publish the dataset ( as well as the map of all the coordinates through ArcGIS ( This proof of concept will now be shared with relevant government agencies working on the climate and environment to open further datasets that can make this initiative more transparent and accountable.","Play smart: To get started with an open data project, there is already tons of data available online in legacy formats that can be used. This data can be in the form of PDF reports either published by the agencies themselves or by third parties. Gain trust: This raw data can be used to develop a proof of concept and can then be shared with the relevant agencies to get them excited. The proof of concept can also be handed over to the agencies to explore other possibilities. Open data: Once these agencies see value in opening up the data and how it can be used to achieve their organisational goals, they will come on board and provide access to the required data. That is where the real magic happens!",It is always a pleasure to see so many like-minded people coming together to show the importance of open data and how can it be used to fight the biggest challenges being faced by the public sector across the globe. The sense of having a community working towards the same goal as yours is priceless.,"Source of Data: []( Map: []( Datasets: []( Code: []( ",mapping-pakistan-s-billion-tree-tsunami,PKT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,2021-03-06,National Security and Intelligence Data in Nepal: Expert perspectives on what should be open and classified?,,"The discussion will unfold current situation of security and intelligence information available to the public in Nepal, a policy stocktaking and way forward to generating greater awareness about national security in the realm of open data discourses",,,,,False,27.681628,85.345258,,False,15,False,,Nepal Institute of Research and Communications (NIRC),Kathmandu,,,,,national-security-and-intelligence-data-in-nepal-expert-perspectives-on-what-sh,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Estonia,2021-03-08,OKEE Andmeklubi,,"At our data club event, we will celebrate the Open Data Day, and furthermore, explore questions around 1) how to increase transparency and detect fraud and corruption in public procurement (PP), and 2) what specific skills, knowhow and tools are needed to empower different stakeholders to find evidence in case of potential hints for corruption",/events/2021/reports/okee-andmeklubi/,16:00,,,True,59.436962,24.753574,OCP,True,50,True,,Open Knowledge Estonia,Tallinn,"For Open Data Day 2021, we organised two public events around data-driven investigation for increasing transparency and detecting potential frauds in society. For the first event, we focused on the role of investigative journalists and civil society in that matter (e.g. we introduced the Opener application, developed by Estonian and Latvian NGOs in cooperation with governmental stakeholders). Later in the second event, we engaged different governmental stakeholders and local administrations as well as civil society to learn about the possibilities for re-using publically available payment data of the public sector. The event’s goal was to encourage the re-use of payment data for the early detection of potential conflicts of interest and raise the participants’ data visualisations skills. First event: []( Second event: []( Opener application: [](  Payment data from the public sector: [](","The main lessons of the events were that data journalism is still in its infancy in Estonia. More effort needs to be invested in the capacity building of journalists in that matter. There are also many challenges for more accessible investigations, sometimes due to the intentional use of legislation for restricting access to certain information and data (even if the legitimate reasons for it are debatable). Furthermore, there is relatively low awareness about where particular information and data could be found, and how accessible these are. With that in mind, our event hopefully contributed to raising awareness on the subject, and we’ll keep working on it in the future. In the second event, we learned that, although publically available payment data is not yet available in a machine-readable format, the relevant stakeholders are putting significant effort into making that available later this spring. People who are issuing payment data to the government are eager to see what applications will be built based on it, while they still seem sceptical about its impact. Concrete use cases need to be built, which would in turn, show them the impact of open data more clearly.","As for most of the society, data “just happens” without consciously thinking about it, it’s great to take a collective moment to appreciate all the efforts put into making our societies more data-driven, transparent and open. All the events and smaller celebratory activities made during the Open Data Day shows the collective wish to work towards these values.","We did not make any pictures from the event, but the two presentation from the first event are accessible here (in Estonian): 🕵️‍♀️ Martin Laine: []( 👩‍💻Carina Paju: [](",okee-andmeklubi,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Germany,2021-03-06,Open Data 21,,How should Civic Tech / Digital Volunteering / Open Data / Open Gov continue in Germany and can it become more sustainable?,,13:00,,,False,51.26672,7.14507,,False,250,True,,"Christopher Reinbothe, OKNRW",Wuppertal (but digital: DACH region),,,,,open-data-21,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-06,Open data and environmental conservation on Zanzibar,/images/2021/open-data-and-environmental-conservation-on-zanzibar,An event to help students and the community understand more on open data and environmental conservation. Also the launch of the Zanzibar zero-waste campaign,/events/2021/reports/open-data-and-environmental-conservation-on-zanzibar/,20:00,,,True,-6.1625492,39.1842598,GFDRR,True,30,True,,Zanzibar Volunteers for Environmental Conservation (ZAVECO) and SUZA Youth Mappers,Zanzibar,"On Saturday 06 March 2021, we celebrated Open Data Day by recruiting students from SUZA YouthMappers and multimedia group, community members and members from ZAVECO.  From 3:30am to 11am, we collected plastic and other litter from the coastal mangroves. 398kg of trash was collected and sent to the recycling centre. Items collected included; plastic bottles, plastic bags, tie-tie, sandals, shoes, clothes, tyres, mosquito nets and glass bottles. The event then was followed by a short dialogue on the importance of volunteerism in generating quality data. This dialogue was facilitated by Ms Asma Ahmada Hamad (ZAVECO) and Mrs Raya Idrissa Ahmada (SUZA) At last students got the opportunity to observe biodiversity associated with mangrove forests. Mr Iddi Hassan Ali (ZAVECO) guided students through the mangrove ecosystem to let them explore the real world, linking theories and practices. We would like to express our gratitude to the Open Knowledge Foundation for their support.","Through volunteerism, we can collect quality data and make them freely accessible to those in need. Local NGOs run by local communities often lack access to funding for this kind of work but can partner with students in collecting quality, timely and relevant data to help make informed decisions about their projects. In this manner, students can gain useful work experience before entering formal employment and it could be a chance to innovate to solve more societal problems.","It gives an opportunity for people to understand more about the accessibility of the data and importance of the data and challenges in collection, management and uses.","ZAVECO - in collaboration with the regional YouthMappers ambassador - plan to establish a volunteerism programme for final year students. For a maximum of two weeks, students will be working with ZAVECO as part of their Biodiversity Conservation and Community Sustainability Program.",open-data-and-environmental-conservation-on-zanzibar,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - SocialTIC,,Train users to access and manage open data for gender analysis,,11:00,,,False,19.42847,-99.12766,,False,100,True,,SocialTIC,Mexico,,,,,open-data-day-2021-socialtic,CST,,AMER,The Americas Chile,2021-03-10,Open Data Day 2021: Construyendo el camino para un futuro abierto,/images/2021/open-data-day-2021-construyendo-el-camino-para-un-futuro-abierto,El objetivo es dar a conocer los principales alcances que tienen los datos abiertos en el mundo de hoy,/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-2021-construyendo-el-camino-para-un-futuro-abierto/,9:00,,,True,-33.448891,-70.669266,,False,50,True,,"Carlos Ruz, Instituto de Ciencias Tecnológicas CIISA",Santiago,"Desarrollamos una actividad el miércoles 10 de marzo, desde las 9 a 11:30 am en Chile, con tres invitadas que dieron a conocer sus trabajos en materia de datos abiertos. En primer lugar hablamos de interoperatividad y gestión pública, luego de visibilización social y de género, para terminar con economía e innovación.","Las principales lecciones fueron que la colaboración y cooperación son claves, además de que no se necesita ser experto en un tema, con las ganas de aprender y la motivación pueden lograrse muchas cosas con datos abiertos.","Por que es una oportunidad de compartir entre especialistas e interesados, las oportunidades que trae el mundo de los datos abiertos, en un enfoque colaborativo, participativo y transversal.",,open-data-day-2021-construyendo-el-camino-para-un-futuro-abierto,CST,,AMER,The Americas Nepal,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021: Datathon,,"For the Datathon, around 20 local youths will get to learn about open data, its importance and applications",,9:00,,,False,28.1313,82.2982,,False,25,False,,Open Knowledge Nepal,Tulsipur Sub-metropolitan City of Dang,,,,,open-data-day-2021-datathon,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Lithuania,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021: hackathon,,To implement more transparency to funeral business in Lithuania,/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-2021-hackathon/,10:00,,,True,54.67981,25.27769,Microsoft,True,25,True,,"Dr.Martynas Mockus, Vilnius Legal Hackers",Vilnius,We organised an [Open Data Day hackathon opening event]( and we have created a Discord server for hackathon participants. The hackathon is expected to be held until 22nd of March. We have requests from Mykolas Romeris University to leave the Discord server for students to practice tasks related to open data.,"1. The hackathon did not attracted participants as expected. We have found, that people were interested (e.g. in FB 70 checked ""going""), but the opening ceremony was watched live only by ±20 people. At the moment the opening ceremony has been watched 120 times. However, those who filled the hackathon registration form was less than 10, and we had only one idea presented by participants. Still the hackathon is not closed, registration is open, and mentors are ready to provide assistance till 22nd of March. 2. The topic ""innovate the ""death sector"""" is not enough fancy for young people. However, it attracted the senior lawyer of Lithuanian Post (the first time in hackathon). 3. There is not enough open data sources for innovations of cemetery care, data is not structured, not available. However, we have presented the idea based on DBPedia, how to create datasets by using crowdsourcing technologies. 4. We attracted four speakers to the opening ceremony of the hackathon: a) Eimantas Norkūnas - he is open data enthusiast, have developed 3 successful open data based projects and even one project influenced a ban of commercial fishery. Eimantas have shared his experience and explained what data is going to be opened by Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania. b) Ernesta Seiliūtė - she is legal design professional, explained how legal design could help to solve problems, especially by innovating ""death sector"". She presented valuable examples, and highlighted points, what to take in mind, when we create applications/services for users. c) Dr Marius Laurinaitis - presented how GDPR is used to block open data initiatives, discussed legal aspects of working/collecting of data. Presented that it is save to collect data of dead people, but we need not to forget the principle of Honour to the Dead. d) Dr Martynas Mockus - presented how crowdsource technologies could be used to create open data sets, also presented problems in ""death sector"".",It is an opportunity to promote open data and engage people to open data related activities.,"We have developed discord server (in lithuanian) with the information needed to solve the hackathon issues. For joining the server, please send request to",open-data-day-2021-hackathon,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Democratic Republic of the Congo,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Bukavu,/images/2021/open-data-day-bukavu,Advocate for the government’s application open data in increasing the government’s accountability,/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-bukavu/,,,,True,-2.50316,28.85309,FCDO,True,15,False,,Demokrasya,Bukavu,"On Saturday 6th March 2021, Demokrasya organised an open data activity in eastern Congo region. Organised to mark Open Data Day, the event had the goal of raising awareness to the Congolese community - especially the women’s rights community - on the use of open data in defending the women’s accessibility to employment. The event’s activities consisted of paying attention to the open data contribution in increasing the women’s accessibility to employment and helping foster balance between men and women in the professional world. During the event’s activities, both the women and men attending the event’s activities analysed factors that hinders women’s accessibility to employment locally. As most job offers are now published over the internet, participants deplored the lack of necessary knowledge of women about how to find jobs through the internet. Furthermore, the weak internet penetration in hard-to-reach areas exacerbates this situation as most of women didn’t know about the existence of platforms for job offers. In response to this challenge, the event’s facilitator shared two local platforms for job offers - and - and job offer data was exploited in teaching them how to find a local job offer. After the project’s completion, participants were able to; • Search employment data from local platforms and share them to women’s networks in order to reach out to them who need them • Subscribe to the job platform to get timely job alerts At the end of the activities, participants promised to advocate for the simplification of the conditions in treating and analysing the job documents submitted by the women.","Open Data Day made us understand how important is to spread the open data concept in the under-reported world. Thanks to the open data concept, community from rural areas in Africa can also have an up-to-date overwiew on how the world is moving and better prepare in every mutation the world is facing.","Open Data Day is an occasion for communities to demand more accountability, transparency andopacity on all social economic sectors. It can also solve most of pressing issues such like; climate change, human rights, poverty, etc...",,open-data-day-bukavu,CAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-09,Open Data Day by SUZA YouthMappers,/images/2021/open-data-day-by-suza-youthmappers,"The event aims to create awareness on Open Data Day and how the students can use the data in developing innovative web and mobile applications to solve existing challenges in society. The workshop will consist of several topics with hands-on practice in between. In addition to the invited students from different universities in Zanzibar taking computer-related fields, the total participants are expected to be 100 consisting of more than 50% of the girls. Girls will be given higher priority during the application process. The celebration day will start with a networking session and three presentations from Ms. Raya Idrissa Ahmada who has worked as a Resilience Academy Internship Program coordinator under the Tanzanian Urban Resilience Program (TURP), SUZA YouthMappers chapter and currently YouthMappers Regional Ambassador in Tanzania; Mr. Massoud Mmanga Hamad who is a developer and Assistant Lecturer from the Department of Computer Science and IT and a Geonode developer under the TURP; Mr. Yussuf Said who is the head Pilot and Trainer at Tanzania Flying Labs. The participants will gain knowledge about open data and how they can utilize it in coming up with innovative web and mobile applications. And they will have vivid examples of people coming from computer science and engineering fields, now working with open data initiatives. The event encourages students to use the available open data, as well, as introduce some of the open source initiatives. ",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-by-suza-youthmappers/,13:00,,,True,-6.1657605,39.1896411,Mapbox,True,50,False,,SUZA YouthMappers,Zanzibar,"The event was organised by female interns from [Resilience Academy programme](, SUZA Youthmappers members and several alumni. Things kicked off with a welcoming session from the Youthmappers vice president, followed by a short speech from a representative of the SUZA students organisation. This session was followed by a short presentation about Open Data Day, [Youthmappers]( and the EverywhereSheMaps initiative by Mrs Raya Ahmada, SUZA Youthmappers mentor and regional ambassador. The first speaker, Jamila Mdungi, a Resilience Academy Intern and SUZA Youthmappers alumni, started with an Introduction to GIS. The next speaker, Asya Juma, talked about the [Geonode](, a climate risk database. Asya is also an RA intern and SUZA Youthmappers committee member. She introduced the importance of supporting research, education and disaster-risk management practices. The sessions were followed by data visualisations presented by three SUZA Youthmappers members and alumni, all of which are females. Some of the data visualisations showed [flood risk assessments based on waste collection points near the drainage system in Zanzibar]( and the [Zanzibar waste collection atlas]( Mr. Yussuf from [Tanzania Flying Labs]( then finished with the discussion on drones and AI. The event finished with a surprise gift from SUZA Youthmappers students to their mentor to show appreciation of the support they get from her. A wall clock with SUZA Youthmappers logo and the mentor name was printed on the display.","The event gave the students from SUZA and other universities the chance to learn more about open data and the GIS skills. It also gave us a room to transfer knowledge from students who have the skills to those who are new to the field.  Mr. Yussuf, a computer science graduate at SUZA, was a vivid example as he is now working with drones at Tanzania Flying Labs. Most of the presented data visualisations were also prepared by the students from the department of computer science and IT. So it is not only about collecting data, but also producing meaningful stories from existing data.  The students were excited about open data - all they needed was support and motivation. The Open Data Day celebration provided a platform for open data awareness to the community, and it should continue to offer more support.",Open data is a very important platform to show the benefits of open data and encourage girls and women to participate in open data collection and use for the benefits of the community.,,open-data-day-by-suza-youthmappers,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Feira,/images/2021/open-data-day-feira,"Political and didactic focus on open government and scientific data. We are introducing these discussions because they are fairly new to our local community. Schedule 14:00 Opening 14:30 Round Table I - Transparency as public policy 16:00 Break 16:15 Round Table II - Open Science 17:45 Closing Round Table I - Transparency as public policy. (duration: 1.5h) Moderator: Ana Paula Gomes Guests: Jhonatas Monteiro (city council), Rafael Velame (journalist), Amanda Ribeiro (open gov activist) Mesa Redonda II - Ciência aberta (duração: 1h30) Moderator: Angelo Loula Guests: Rodrigo Tripodi Calumby (UEFS), Washington Rocha (PPGM), Bethania Almeida (Fiocruz), Luana Farias Sales (IBICT)",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-feira/,14:00,,,True,-12.259727,-38.964661,Microsoft,True,,True,,"Ana Paula Gomes, Dados Abertos de Feira",Feira de Santana,"For the first time we celebrated the Open Data Day in Feira de Santana. The date marked the beginning of a discussion with various sectors of the city and beyond about transparency in the city, its problems and opportunities. Feira is a city that, unfortunately, is marked by a lack of government transparency. There is a lack of knowledge both by the citizens about their rights to have access to any public data and by the public authorities about the benefits of opening their data and letting society participate in solving problems. Thinking about the local reality, we organised two round tables: the first one about transparency as public policy and the second one about open science. In the first, we discussed the role of transparency in the creation of public policies and its impact on popular participation. We were attended by members of the press, public agencies and activists. A councilman also participated in the panel. In the second we talked about open science, a theme that has become even more relevant during the pandemic of the new coronavirus. We had the presence of researchers from the region and from renowned institutions such as FIOCRUZ. Besides the round tables, we also organised a hackathon to analyze the city's data, aiming to encourage the exploration of data that the open data project of Feira has been collecting. The event was 100% online and can be followed on [YouTube]( Photos and videos can be seen [here]( The organisation was done by Dados Abertos de Feira, a civil society initiative that advocates for transparency in Feira de Santana, and the Graduate Program in Computer Science from the State University of Feira de Santana.","The most relevant thing we learned was that collaboration is essential to advance any agenda. By bringing together a civil society activist group and researchers, we can address the same theme within the needs of each group. We also learned about the needs that exist regarding data. We had almost 30 teams signed up for the hackathon, but only one delivered. When we approached the teams to understand the reasons for dropping out, we realized that two reasons were essential: 1) the deadline was short (two days) and 2) a lot of data that the participants wanted to explore is not available. Understanding more about the data and the limitations in data exploration will help us guide the actions of the Feira Open Data initiative and what collaborations can be made in the future to make data more accessible in the city of Feira de Santana.","How couldn't I? :) It's amazing to have one international day, where we can celebrate the goal of making the world more transparent. This makes easier to organising events and inviting people to come over and discuss the topic.",,open-data-day-feira,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Croatia,2021-03-06,Open Data Day hackathon Hrvatska 2021,,"If you have an idea for using open data, want to find an interesting project to contribute towards, learn about how to visualise or analyse data or simply want to see what's happening, then come participate! Participation is a core value of Open Data Day, everyone is free to voice their opinions in a constructive manner",,10:00,,,False,45.8075416,15.9548465,,False,100,True,,Code for Croatia & Gong,"Zagreb, Hrvatska",,,,,open-data-day-hackathon-hrvatska-2021,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Russia,2021-03-06,Open Data Day in Moscow,/images/2021/open-data-day-in-moscow,"Applying data to solve public problems, the business of openness, the availability of public finance data, and the census. We have invited Russian and international experts to participate in the discussions to discuss what is happening with open data in Russia and the world",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-in-moscow/,11:00,,,True,55.755825,37.617298,,False,150,True,,"NGO ""Infoculture""",Moscow,"This year we organised a week of workshops (March 1-5), as well as an online conference on March 6. The speakers of the workshops explained how to search, analyse, and visualise data using various tools. At the online conference on March 6, we invited Russian and international experts to discuss various topics related to open data. The discussions were attended by representatives of government departments, corporations, non-profit organizations, and open data activists. The programme included the following discussions: • Business based on open data and open source • Open data ratings and reports. How they influence the openness of the state? • Availability of public finance data in Russia • 2021 census data in Russia: privacy vs social benefits • What's going on with openness in the world? The final session was held in English and was attended by Jeremy Rollison, Senior Director European Government Affairs Microsoft; Godfrey Takavarasha Data Manager at Humanitarian Data Exchange; Sarkis Darbinyan, Managing partner of the Digital Rights Center; Ivan Begtin, Director NGO «Infoculture». You can watch the video on our YouTube channel []( ","In recent years, we can see that governments around the world have started to publish fewer data and rethink openness policies. And as the speakers of the conference confirmed, this is not only a Russian problem, it happens in many countries. Openness now faces various challenges: • Search for successful models of data reuse for public benefit. In this process, the collaboration between government, NGOs, researchers, and citizens is especially important. • Searching a balance between openness and privacy of citizens, protection of personal data. • Improving the quality of published data etc. Sometimes it seems that taking two steps forward, we then take a step back. But we are still moving in a more open direction. And we are constantly looking for answers and solutions to the challenges facing open data.","NGO «Infoculture» is the largest organisation in Russia that develops and promotes open data. Every year we organise events to celebrate Open Data Day. For us, this is a great opportunity to meet with experts and the Russian open data community, to discuss what is going on with open data, exchange opinions, plan common projects and plans. That's why we love Open Data Day.",Watch all videos from our Open Data Day workshops and our online conference in this YouTube playlist: [](,open-data-day-in-moscow,MSK,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,2021-03-06,Open Data Day León 2021,/images/2021/open-data-day-leon-2021,We want to enable citizens to explore open data from the local government and propose solutions to the problems in our city,/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-leon-2021/,11:00,,,True,21.120937,-101.6804367,GFDRR,True,70,True,,"Ricardo Mirón, Lab León",León,"During this event, the objective was to take advantage of the virtual modality to collaborate with other locations within Mexico and provide a space to the representatives of the local authorities to give visibility to the efforts of open data, transparency and access to information in the cities of León, Mérida and Xalapa. A panel of local experiences sought to present success stories from each city related to the use, reuse and / or publication of open data for citizen benefit, as well as the challenges that lie ahead at the local level. In addition to this, the event held a series of workshops focused on the use of environmental data, a topic that is of common interest to most citizens of León. Workshops: 1) Open data, analyzing data on air quality and its pollutants 2) Open source, data collection of trees and native species in the urban environment 3) Open mapping, visualizing water management infrastructure We used open source tools to gather, process and view data in order to co-design solutions as well as to raise awareness about environmental issues. This was possible thanks to the collaboration of: Future Lab []( Lab León / León Local Government []( Laboratorio de Políticas para la Seguridad y el Desarrollo []( Fabcity Yucatán []( ","COVID-19 forced us to hold the event virtually, but at the same time enabled us to collaborate with other venues and share experiences. The importance of environmental data and its availability is crucial, this allows us to make better policies and ensure that the appropriate actions are taken. The involvement of the government in conjunction with the private sector and civil society allows greater openness to create solutions that benefit everyone.","Because it is a collaborative space that allows us to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, companies and civil society to solve common problems in our communities.","An open source web app was created that allowed participants to gather information on trees and native species of the city to be mapped collaboratively. []( A repository was created on GitHub with the datasets and an interactive code notebook to visualize the data in Python. [](",open-data-day-leon-2021,CST,,AMER,The Americas Brazil,2021-03-05,Open Data Day no Arquivo Nacional - 2021,,"O Arquivo Nacional entende a importância de acessar, utilizar, modificar e compartilhar dados para qualquer finalidade. É uma oportunidade de mostrar os benefícios dos dados abertos e incentivar a adoção de políticas de dados abertos em governos, em empresas e na sociedade civil",,9:30,,,False,-22.90687,-43.18885,,False,500,True,,"Letícia Grativol, Arquivo Nacional",Rio de Janeiro ,,,,,open-data-day-no-arquivo-nacional-2021,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Port Harcourt 2021 ,/images/2021/open-data-day-port-harcourt-2021,"“Open Data a tool for environmental conservation” was the theme for the international open data day celebration at the Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni Port Harcourt Rivers State, Nigeria. In February 2020, we planted some mangrove trees to mitigate climate change and encourage reforestation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria where these mangroves suffer massive deforestation occasioned by activities of oil/gas companies cutting down these mangrove plants to access land sites for their oil/gas extraction. Oil spill soon follows from the consequences of their activities, destroying the ecosystem and micro inhabitants that the host communities rely on for livelihoods and socio-economic vitality. This year at our Open Data Day event we teach the students of Ignatius Ajuru University in Rivers State Nigeria and our mangroves ambassadors on how to use the Forest Watcher app and the Global Forest Watch web tools to collect data and monitor mangrove loss and gain in on project sites ",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-port-harcourt-2021/,12:00,,,True,34.36155,-89.5022,GFDRR,True,50,False,,Niger Delta Snapshot #SaveNigerianMangroves,"Port Harcourt, Rivers State","Our International Open Data Day 2021 brought environmental activists, environmental data enthusiasts, students and our mangrove ambassadors to celebrate, promote and spread the use of open data in our communities.  It was an opportunity for us to show the benefits of using open data to uncover hidden threats destructive to Nigeria's mangroves and demonstrate the necessity for urgent action to save the mangrove ecosystem.  The first facilitator was Mr. Sammy Joel who spoke on the topic: INTRODUCTION TO OPEN DATA where he explained the description of terms and concepts related to open data and why the international Open Data Day 2021 was being celebrated here in Nigeria.  The second speaker Mr Kingsley Adindu spoke about the overview of the Niger Delta Mangroves and how its socio-economic vitality is key to the survival of host communities and the entire coastal region. He lamented the poor availability of adequate and reliable data for decision-making and policy formulation on environmental problems facing the region.  The third presentation was made by Mr Sammy Joel who vividly introduced the audience to the open data technologies used to track forest loss/gain and how it can be deployed to solve environmental hitches particularly those relating to that of mangrove deforestation in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria.  The tools mentioned were the FOREST WATCHER MOBILE APP and FOREST WATCHER WEB from the open data portal of the GLOBAL FOREST WATCH. The technologies are an online flat-form that provides data sets and tools for monitoring forest in real-time. Mr Sammy also did some forest data visualisation to participants using datasets from the Global Forest Watch open data portal. We decided to use the Forest Watcher app to collect data for monitoring mangrove loss/gain on our project site using the open data platform.","The big lessons learned from this event were that “DATA IS KEY TO DECISION MAKING “and inadequate data constitutes principal drawbacks to policy formulation and decision-making concerning the forest ecosystem and its inhabitants (host communities). Secondly, lack of information regarding forest protection laws and political will of people living within forest regions, wetland and coastal areas is a barrier that hinders progress from biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Hence the need to prioritise these valuable open data technologies and datasets to help gain actionable insights.",I love the Open Data Day because it gives me the opportunity for knowledge sharing with my community and helps me to demonstrate the urgency of the climate emergency and a call to save Nigeria mangroves.,,open-data-day-port-harcourt-2021,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-13,Open Data Day Porto Alegre,/images/2021/open-data-day-porto-alegre,"Brazilian are tired of corruption, and Open Data Day Porto Alegre 2021 will provide relevant and open-access information to show the path to investigate public expenses and how they are connected to politicians and even companies",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-porto-alegre/,9:00,,,True,-30.034647,-51.217659,OCP,True,150,True,,Marília Gehrke e Taís Seibt - Afonte Jornalismo de Dados,Porto Alegre,"To share information on how people can track public money, Open Data Day Porto Alegre 2021, held online on March 13th, brought together significant initiatives led by civil society, journalists, researchers, and programmers. Representants of the open data community who were invited to conduct talks and workshops have revealed their knowledge through speaking and demonstrating tools and interacting with the audience. There were activities all day, and the live sessions were transmitted on YouTube. Over 70 people participated in the morning and around 40 people in each workshop in the afternoon. The recording of the three sessions is already available and reached, together, around 450 views in the same weekend that #ODDPOA2021 occurred. In the morning, Georg Neumann (Open Contracting Partnership) presented information on what citizens should pay attention to when monitoring public contracts, especially in Covid-19 times, once emergencies have the potential to increase corruption risk. After his talk, five panelists presented their projects on the discussion “Investigating public spending through open data and the Access to Information Law.”. Maria Vitória Ramos (Fiquem Sabendo) explained how to use the Access of Information Law to uncover military pensions data. Álvaro Justen and Reinaldo Chaves (Cruza Grafos) demonstrated how to combine information about politicians and business partner companies to investigate corruption. Jonas Coelho (Transparência Brasil) showed a specialized project to monitor the public contracting of food to be distributed in schools. Fernando Barbalho (Secretaria do Tesouro Nacional) presented several public databases to consult the national and local government budget to Covid-19 expenses. The session was coordinated by Luciana Kraemer (Unisinos). In the afternoon, the event offered two workshops. Juliana Rodrigues (Unisinos) explained the public budget’s main elements, while Felipe Soares (UFRGS) demonstrated how to use network analysis to comprehend disinformation involving politicians and other public agents. Both sessions were coordinated by Marília Gehrke (Afonte Jornalismo de Dados). Open Data Day Porto Alegre was organized by Marília Gehrke and Taís Seibt (Afonte Jornalismo de Dados). It was supported by Open Knowledge Foundation, Open Contracting Partnership, and Unisinos. Opening panel: []( Workshop about the public budget: []( Workshop and demonstration of network analysis: []( ","Collaboration is required to create significant initiatives inside the open data community. People rarely have all the abilities to run a project only by themselves. It was evident in our opening panel: the five participants have known each other from before, mainly due to previous work. All of them have different backgrounds. The panelists also discussed the importance of offering an open-sourced and well-documented code to allow the public to scrutinize and reuse it in other projects. Besides, the participants have highlighted the importance of demonstrating tools that help in public monitoring. Brazil has one of the highest number of deaths due to Covid-19, and it is paramount to comprehend public databases and contracts to monitor public attitudes to cope with the pandemic. For instance, the panelists have presented information on checking the amount of money spent by the national government in cities and states. Furthermore, it was challenging to organize an online event this year and still guarantee an engaging schedule. Simultaneously, we were able to invite panelists from different parts of the country, and the audience was not geographically limited. In this regard, it was an opportunity to expand open data beyond Porto Alegre. ","What I love the most about Open Data Day is the opportunity to meet people with different backgrounds and discuss relevant topics with a collaborative community. In general, people who celebrate Open Data Day do not just expect transparency from the government but also make significant changes in society. In the past years, I have learned that a person, alone, hardly executes a project. Through networking and cooperation, though, it is highly possible to play a significant role in society.",[](,open-data-day-porto-alegre,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Taiwan,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 ,,"Based on the open data of rivers released by the WRA, MOEA, Taiwan, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap are used for data editing/teaching",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-taiwan-2021/,9:30,,,True,25.0440809,121.532217,,False,20,True,,"Allen Wang, Wikimedia Taiwan",Taipei,"For this year’s International Open Data Day Taiwan, we decided to celebrate the International Open Data Day with not one, not two, but THREE events covering the North, Mid, and Southern part of Taiwan. And through the power of love, friendship, and the Internet, we were all able to participate the celebration no matter where we were. This year’s topic was water. We dedicated our focus particularly on the rivers and the water bodies in Taiwan to see how these data could be processed and applied to other usages, and how these data can change our everyday life and make a better world. More info: [](","Through the Internet connecting three events together this year, more than fifty people showed up in person and many more were viewing online. This is quite an astonishing achievement considering we only just started the year before, and we expect this number continue to grow bigger and bigger every year. Also, at this year’s event, besides our regular NGO friends from Wikidata and OpenStreetMap, we also had some big figures in the house, the Water Resource Agency, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, and the Location Aware Sensing System community, each shared their experience with us about open data.",Open Data Day provides a great platform for us to show the public the achievements of Taiwan's existing open communities and data. This time we also invited government departments to share with us Taiwan's existing open data.,,open-data-day-taiwan-2021,CST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Data Day UAIGeo UFSJ,/images/2021/open-data-day-uaigeo-ufsj,"On Saturday, March 6th 2021, from 09:00 am to 15:30 p.m, YouthMappers chapter Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais, will hold its first online event to celebrate Open Data Day, with support from YouthMappers, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and the Department of Geosciences of the Universidade Federal de São João del -Rei. The event will have lecturers explaining theories and practices about the use of open data for Earth observation and cartographic data- related to water usage conflicts, territorial conflicts, and how to support public institutions. The students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter - UAIGeo are going to show basic functions to use free platforms for collaborative mapping. The event schedule is below with all times in Brasília time/UTC -3: 9:00 - Opening: The importance of Open Data Day 2021. Professor Sílvia Elena Ventorini Department of Geosciences - Federal University of São João del Rei – Brazil 9:15 a.m. - Open Earth Observation data as a solution for territorial tension points and water use: two cases in Brazil. Professor Évelyn Márcia Pôssa. Researcher of the Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá – Brazil 10:00 a.m. - The Cultural Heritage collaborative mapping network: strategy, dissemination and reframing for the preservation of the Historic Center of São João Del-Rei. Architect and urbanist: Nathália Larsen. Manager of Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional - IPHAN de São João del-Rei, Minas Gerais 10:45 a.m. YouthMappers: Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter - UAIGeo President Ana Luisa Teixeira . Undergraduate student in Bachelor of Geography -Federal University of São João del - Rei – Brazil 12:00 - 13:30 p.m. - Lunch 13:30 - 15:30 p.m. - How to use Free Platforms: Mapillary, OpenStreetMap and Kobo Toolbox Maps in different areas of knowledge. Ana Luisa Teixeira, Ana Luisa Carvallho, Thiago Gonçalves Santos. Students of Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais Chapter – UAIGeo",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-uaigeo-ufsj/,9:00,,,True,-21.13665,-44.26206,Mapbox,True,50,True,,Ana Luísa Teixeira - Unificar Ações e Informações Geoespaciais,"São João del - Rei, Minas Gerais","A data foi celebrada online via Plataforma do Google Meet devido a Pandemia do Covid. A carga horária total foi 6 horas, dividas em dois períodos (manhã e tarde). A Profa Dra Silvia Elena Ventorini (UFSJ) apresentou a importância da data em prol da divulgação e uso dos dados abertos. A palestrante Profa Dra Évelyn Márcia Possa (Instituto de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Mamirauá), ressaltou a importância de dados abertos para Observação da Terra tendo como exemplos dois casos em que os dados livres foram utilizados como parte da solução de pontos de tensão territoriais e do uso da água. A arquiteta Nathália Larsen (Instituto de Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico Nacional) apresentou a importância dos dados abertos para órgãos públicos, discutiu leis que circundam o patrimônio histórico e mostrou como o mapeamento colaborativo pode ser instrumento de ressignificação dos bens culturais. A última palestra do período da manhã foi da discente Ana Luísa Teixeira (presidente do Capitulo UAIGeo – UFSJ), sobre como o Capítulo filiado a Youthmappers pode contribuir para o mapeamento local. No período da tarde, as discentes Ana Luísa Teixeira e Ana Luísa Marques Carvalho e a Profa Dra Silvia Elena Ventorini mostraram as capacidades de usos das ferramentas Kobo Toolbox, Mapillary e OpenStreetMap em diferentes áreas do conhecimento. O público participante foi: 43 pessoas no período da manhã e 37 no período da tarde. O público foi composto por professores universitários, discentes de graduação e pós-graduação e membros da comunidade local. Para a emissão de certificados, os participantes assinaram uma lista de presença por meio do Google formulários. 65% dos participantes responderam o questionário de avaliação sobre o evento. A análise dos dados indicou que todos consideraram o evento proveitoso e desejam participar de outros eventos feitos pelo Capítulo. ","O Open Data Day - UAIGEO permitiu conhecer diversas ferramentas gratuitas para a elaboração de questionários, certificados, material de divulgação, dentre outras. As palestras permitiram aprender mais sobre a importância dos dados e plataformas livres e gratuitas para a elaboração de mapeamentos em escalas distintas e com objetivos específicos, como soluções de conflitos territoriais e preservação do patrimônio arquitetônico de uma cidade. Além disso, possibilitou compreender como nas últimas duas décadas, no Brasil, houve um forte incentivo para o acesso completo, livre e aberto aos dados digitais do setor público seguindo a premissa que tais dados foram pagos com fundos públicos. Desta forma, a população tem direito de acessá-los, modifica-los, utilizá-los e compartilhá-los gratuitamente. O evento possibilitou trocas de experiências entre os organizadores, palestrantes e participantes. Ao término do dia, acredita-se que cada pessoa envolvida aprofundou seu conhecimento sobre a importância da data para a ampliação da disponibilidade, acesso e uso de dados livres para a resiliência dos povos.","Porque a data permite que mais pessoas conheçam a importância da divulgação e uso das ferramentas e dados abertos. Tal fato, impulsiona os setores governamentais e privados a disponibilizarem cada vez mais dados gratuitamente e livres para o uso.","Devido a pandemia do coronavírus, o evento ocorreu de forma online, por isso o nosso foco foi promover conhecimento e contribuir para a formação de recursos humanos para usar as plataformas livres, como Mapillary, OpenStreetMap e Kobo Toolbox.",open-data-day-uaigeo-ufsj,BST,,AMER,The Americas Venezuela,2021-03-06,Open Data Day: Monitoreando Femicidios en Venezuela con Utopix,/images/2021/open-data-day-monitoreando-femicidios-en-venezuela-con-utopix,"Through the presentation of our Femicide Monitor, we wish to expand our networks with local and international communities while sharing our data and methodology",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-monitoreando-femicidios-en-venezuela-con-utopix/,17:00,,,True,10.502337,-66.898384,ILDA,True,50,True,,Aimee Zambrano Ortiz and Sahili Franco Cipriani,Caracas,"For our online session during Open Data Day we organized a webinar called “Monitoreando Femicidios en Venezuela con Utopix” (Monitoring Femicides in Venezuela with Utopix). Sahili Franco Cipriani, editor, producer and translator, moderated the activity and introduced the speakers. Then, she lead the space for Indhira Libertad Rodríguez (who spoke about the contextualization of violence in Venezuela and Latin America under an intersectional and gender justice perspective), militant part of the Red de Colectivos La Araña Feminista, who was our special guest. After, Aimee Zambrano Ortiz, founder of the femicide monitor, introduced the monitor and shared our data and methodology. After, Sahili intervened with the importance of feminist data and the relation between gender and social science, and finally we opened the floor for questions and answers, which lasted almost 40 minutes. The debate was exquisite. Our webinar lasted 1hr and 59 minutes. For the promotion of the event we published [an entry on our website]( Then, we designed a flyer and shared it through Whatsapp, Facebook and [Instagram]( along a [Google Registration form]( so participants could register and we could gather info regarding who was interested: we asked for names, emails, countries, how had they known of the activity and if they wanted to be part our mail list. Then, a day before the event, we shared the Zoom link with the 77 registered persons from Latin America, America and the US. Of that total, 23 participated in the webinar and by the time we were done, 21 were in the room, most of them form Venezuela. The number remained throughout the whole session. The link on the Facebook page has more than 400 views.","What we’ve learned: 1) Promote the event widely in advance. We did it with less than a week from the event. 2) Centralise and optimise the automatic mail response with the Zoom link after people have registered. MailChimp is our best choice so far, as it’s the engine we use in our website. Sending emails with the event link manually is exhausting and has a human error range. 3) Ask for phone numbers in the registration form as it helps to send a reminder of the event. 4) Hosting the event through Zoom (or other platform) in parallel with YouTube or Facebok is definitely a great idea; afterwards we have a secure link for sharing our event so people can watch it. 5) The moderator cannot be a panelist as well. Although it was a success, it worked because there were twenty or so people in the room. If there had been more it would have been difficult to tend to both roles.","It was an amazing opportunity to not only share data across the globe, but to bring together people from different localities and countries in a single space and share knowledge and points of view regarding gender-based violence in its femicide form, the situation in Latin America, and how we have been working to shift the world. It's a special and incredible important event for human kind, and we do hope to continue participating in it. It was an honour.",,open-data-day-monitoreando-femicidios-en-venezuela-con-utopix,VET,,AMER,The Americas Chile,2021-03-06,Open Data Day: Datos Abiertos y Humanidades Digitales,/images/2021/open-data-day-datos-abiertos-y-humanidades-digitales,"The event will walk participants through the process of visualising qualitative and quantitative development open data for equal development in Latin America, using open access tools",/events/2021/reports/open-data-day-datos-abiertos-y-humanidades-digitales/,11:00,,,True,-33.050961,-71.625313,Microsoft,True,70,True,,"Riva Quiroga, Programming Historian",Valparaíso,"We organised two workshops about analysing educational data in Latin America. The [first workshop]( showed participants how to analyse text data using a software called Voyant Tools. Participants learned how to process a collection of open access texts to build a corpus, and how to analyse them to identify patterns and pressing issues regarding education in Latin America during the Covid-19 pandemic. The [second workshop]( focused on data visualisation using Python. Participants learned how to critically analyse the origin and quality of the open data, and the possibilities that Python offers to make significant data-driven narratives to highlight pressing issues in our region, like educational enrolment in Colombia.","Maybe the most important lesson learned was the relevance of this kind of event. Not only because it allowed us to identify pressing issues regarding education in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic (gender inequalities, access to technology, etc.) and education enrolment, but also because it showed the need of workshops where people can learn tools and techniques to analyse open data using open software.","Open Data Day is an event that allows us to build a community of practice and highlight pressing issues in our region (Latin America), while learning new tools and techniques.","On our GitHub repository you will find all the resources we produced (datasets, code, Jupyter notebook, etc.): [](",open-data-day-datos-abiertos-y-humanidades-digitales,CST,,AMER,The Americas United States,2021-03-05,Open Data Day: Southern Cities,,Five cities come together to host a regional Open Data Day to share how open data has played a role in their cities,,9:00,,,False,35.0434231,-85.3075055,,False,,True,,"Cities of Baton Rouge, New Orleans, Little Rock, Chattanooga, and Memphis","Chattanooga, TN",,,,,open-data-day-southern-cities,EST,,AMER,The Americas Zimbabwe,2021-03-06,"Open Data Development in an age of social fissures, insecurity and COVID19 in rural Zimbabwe",,"We hope to create a quarterly platform that looks at various aspects of the United Nations SDGs to formulate workable and developmental goals that allow communities to thrive and develop through a fair access to data and the digital space, the event should establish a database that allows capacity building, problem solving and technology transfer and skills development from a grassroots level for the marginalised while also giving them a window to the world through the use of data for equal development. We would like to connect with the community more and develop flow up projects and programs to educate communities on tolerance, create lasting empowerment and economic independence",/events/2021/reports/open-data-development-in-an-age-of-social-fissures-insecurity-and-covid19-in-ru/,15:00,,,True,17.2918,31.2247,FCDO,True,50,True,,"Chiedza Kambasha, Rausing (Zimbabwe)","Mungofa Village, Bindura","The Open Data Day 2021 was successfully hosted and celebrated in Mungofa Village by the netsquared Musana community. The theme of the day was ‘Open Data Development in an age of social fissures, insecurity and COVID19 in rural Zimbabwe’, bringing together 50 participants from Chegumo, Musana, Bindura and Matepatepa. The event was hosted in both virtual and physical formats with support of The Pelican Trust in Bindura, which brought together multiple stakeholders, locals and students, to empower them in advancing open data in this part of the world in a rural dynamic setting. The event started at 3pm with a theoretical session and ended with a practical workshop at 7pm. The theoretical high impact session was hosted to be shared with participants on the basic concept of open data, its importance, and how it could be accelerated across rural settings. This was demonstrated through a presentation from organisers, panel members and community stakeholders who shared examples of the impact of open data on government intermediaries, education and healthcare in strengthening citizen engagement and access to life saving techniques in the community. And the importance of the release of data sets. Our event helped to encourage local participants to use open data for local content development in Zimbabwe, showing how data could be made available for everyone to use, especially government data. The driving concept was resourcing technologies that could be used for smart visualisation of data and how data could be made available on a database for everyone to use to encourage development, social cohesion and innovative collaboration. We also discovered that most data has not been made accessible across rural Zimbabwe . In order to encourage innovation, transparency, and collaboration we need to advance the open data movement in Zimbabwe,The workshop empowered locals to use social media platforms to talk about their experiences, expand knowledge and broaden their networks about data and to share it for reuse. We also made them understand that research data must be made available for people to reuse and distributed for everyone to visualise it. We also empowered the participants on how they can make their data available socially, teaching participants that they can share data from social media to other communication platforms or social media platforms like WhatsApp as most participants and community citizens in the rural setting appeared to have access to WhatsApp groups and platforms. The event was fun, informative and appreciated by every participant even with the technological glitches that we experienced throughout the day. The central takeaway from participants was their interest and engagement on issues relating to transparency and methods in supporting public oversight of government and helping to reduce corruption by enabling greater transparency at local levels.","This year, our theme centred on 'Open Data Development in an age of social fissures, insecurity and COVID-19 in rural Zimbabwe' and we learnt that data and information are still political tools that are used based on the benefits to stakeholders that use it as a pawn as and when they see fit, while also realising that the girl child is still marginalised when it comes to access to information that would benefit the development of communities and reduce the gender gap in regard to post-educational opportunities and training. While we had interlooping hiccups for transmission of links we used to educate girls in other remote villages that had looked foward to a physical event and were sidelined due to travel restrictions, we found that YouTube remains an important window to the world when used correctly to educate communities as we did using: []( []( []( We also learnt that as most rural communities are still moving away from cultural barriers that hinder acceptance, translation and understanding of the world events around them using videos and training tools that gave examples of other African countries appeared to give comfort in accepting the messages and training via video. In light of the lessons we have learnt that as civil society we still have a lot of work to be done in order to work with stakeholders locally to make access to data for all a basic human right for the greater good.","At Rausing (Zimbabwe), we love Open Data Day as we feel it is an important event and occasion to mark the importance of access to information and community-driven solutions globally in an age where data is often used as a represive tool that hinders development of marginalised communities across the world and especially rural communities where we work and see the effects of lack of access to data. We have also realised that this is an opportunity at grassroots level to showcase to community leaders and other relevant stakeholders the benefits of open data, while encouraging the adoption of open data policies in rural and local government, rural business spaces and rural community organisations. COVID-19 has had a significant social and economic impact across vulnerable communities with misinformation, false news, lack of access to life saving news and procedures and protocols for enhancing health awareness techniques through global campaigns and we have managed to be a bridge to provide high impact applied learning, increase local skills and provision of capacity building tooling during this amazing day. We joined the 2021 annual event to promote awareness and use of open data in Mungofa Village using multiple activities that were conducted according to COVID-19 (WHO) guidelines that included a talk/seminar and digital demonstrations and data training. We also managed to meet the local chief whom we had extensive discussion and talks on data and information being important for all and the need for it to always available, free and accessible all the time. ",,open-data-development-in-an-age-of-social-fissures-insecurity-and-covid19-in-ru,CAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Hungary,2021-03-05,Open data for critical mapping of gentrification in Hungary,/images/2021/open-data-for-critical-mapping-of-gentrification-in-hungary,"We at Periféria Policy and Research Center find crucial to direct public attention to current urban and housing inequalities, also by presenting open data. With this event we aim to launch a network of Hungarian civil society actors engaged in open mapping and urban activism. With the discussions and the co-creation of knowledge with other participants in the mapping exercise we aim to extend our previous work with presenting open data on gentrification processes and housing inequalities in Hungary.",/events/2021/reports/open-data-for-critical-mapping-of-gentrification-in-hungary/,15:00,,,True,47.4808722,18.8501225,Mapbox,True,50,True,,Periféria Policy and Research Center,Budapest,"The Collective/Critical Cartography online workshop - co-organised by the [Periféria Policy and Research Center]( as well as [Kitti Baracsi]( ([periferias dibujadas]( - aimed at showing members of different Hungarian NGOs, activist groups, students and academic researchers how collective/critical cartography can contribute to their work, especially regarding open data. In the first half of the workshop, Paul Schweizer from the [Kollektiv Orangotango](, Erin McElroy from the [Anti-Eviction Mapping Project](, as well as Kitti Baracsi presented their work with communities for progressive change, followed by a Q&A with the approximately 50 participants. Paul showed how collective/critical cartography projects can show us perspectives, contexts, designs, uses and tools which are different from the dominant ones. Mapping practices in most of the cases also reveal new data about the world around us. Erin’s intervention focused on their work on housing injustices in different regions of the world. Their projects made use of different kinds of data - from official records to crowdsourced data to oral history audiovisual material - to discuss current housing injustices and reveal possible ways of intervention. Kitti’s presentation about her work with children and marginalized groups underlined that experiences, feelings, and personal stories of people are important elements which we may wish to collect, discuss and present, if we are thinking about future trajectories of urban neighbourhoods. In the second part of the workshop a smaller group of participants (around 20 people) worked collectively in a [Miro]( whiteboard, and discussed how gentrification changed urban environments around the world and especially in Budapest. Group discussion revolved around the questions of displacement, changing small commerce and people’s desires. Groups developed symbologies and mapped urban change due to gentrification in contemporary Budapest (see the attached photo) and shared existing community mapping projects from their context.","The event showed us how collective/critical cartography can help reveal social processes from macro-level processes on the global scale to micro-level processes on the scale of the human body.  The presentations referred to a wide range of sources which can be mobilised in collective/critical mapping projects. A lesson learned is also that during such collaborative projects, it is sometimes the collaboration process itself which is the result of the map-making, in some cases a new understanding of the world around us, whereas in some cases co-created maps help us to develop collective action against dominant narratives and existing power structures. Mapping is a way of gaining ownership over data and using it for advocacy purposes. Participants of the second half of the workshop emphasised that they learned that collective/critical mapping is a fruitful method in mobilising and revealing knowledges of communities they are working with; how powerful maps might be in presenting data; as well as how online tools and platforms offer us valuable alternatives for working with communities in times when personal meeting is not possible.","Open Data Day calls attention to co-creating, collecting and publishing open data for a broad range of audiences.",,open-data-for-critical-mapping-of-gentrification-in-hungary,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Thailand,2021-03-06,Open Data for Democracy: Emphasise what would be lost if we don’t have open data in our country,/images/2021/open-data-for-democracy-emphasise-what-would-be-lost-if-we-dont-have-open-data,Promotes open data and open government as significant tools towards enhancing transparency and democracy in modern Thailand,/events/2021/reports/open-data-for-democracy-emphasise-what-would-be-lost-if-we-dont-have-open-data/,14:30,,,True,13.729684,100.531537,FCDO,True,150,True,,Punch Up and,Bangkok,"On March 6, we held the afternoon event themed in 'Open Data for Democracy,' which includes two main sessions. The event was held hybrid: about 40 participants were in our office, while about 100 participants joined online. The first session features 15-minute talks. We invited 4 guest speakers to give some update and opinion about open data in Thailand and neighboring countries. The topics include : - Dream and Hope : what could we have if we have open data in our country, by a speaker from Malaysiakini - Welcome to the real world! : open data situation in Thailand, by a chief editor of Thairath (Thailand's biggest media) - What's next? : suggestion for Thailand's data governance structure, by a researcher and academic - Understand Better! : PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act) and open data in Thailand, by a researcher and academic The other session features 1-hour panel discussion. We invited 3 guest speakers from research institute (Siam Lab), civil organization (iLaw), and civic technology (ELECT) to discuss about open government. The topics include : - What is open government and how does it deal with open data? - How open data can support democracy in our country? And what's the problems now? - What have we lost when we don’t have open data? - What's our next expectation? And what can/should the government and people do? We also held a mini data exhibition, gathering all our and our partners' projects that deal with government data, to narrate the struggling process of establishing each project and why open data matters. Before and after the event day, we also held clubhouse sessions, inviting other guests and those who are interested in this issue, but can't join the event day, to discuss about open data as well. A summary of the event is published here: []( (it's in Thai - please use translator)","- Even most participants admired all speakers we invited, but we think we should decrease numbers of speakers but give them more time to go more into details - We thought we should think about more activities to let participants join and do something. (We started thinking about this event a bit too late - maybe next year :)) - We have a lot of untouched domain for open data; we have a lot of things to do!",It encourages everyone in every corner of my country and also around the world to talk about 'open data' at least annually.,,open-data-for-democracy-emphasise-what-would-be-lost-if-we-dont-have-open-data,ICT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Tanzania,2021-03-10,"Open data towards the SDGs in Matare Village, Serengeti",,To train Matare community on how to use open data for planning and development ,/events/2021/reports/open-data-towards-the-sdgs-in-matare-village-serengeti/,,,,True,-1.831336,34.669045,FCDO,True,40,False,,"Rhobi Samwelly, Hope for Girls and Women Tanzania",Mugumu-Serengeti,We involved 40 community members of Matare Village District Community and the local development officer in Serengeti. We held a discussion about open data and how can data help the community to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and why is necessary to have open data. We discussed in the form of groups the three biggest challenges that Matare Community is facing and how can they be solved by having appropriate data. We also talked about examples of open data and discussed if there are any SDGs that are taking place in their community and how to measure the changes as they happen in the community.,"• What is open data? And what examples of open data exist (such as OpenStreetMap)? • How can open data be used for development and planning? • Discussing the types of data we need in our community in order to be moving towards SDGs.",It is the day that bring people with the same interests together and share their knowledge about data.,"Yes. We produced a dataset during the session showing that the total number of households in Matare Village is 720. And that there are the following types of water sources available in Matare (Boreholes 5, Taps 0, Springs 8, Pond 4).",open-data-towards-the-sdgs-in-matare-village-serengeti,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Ukraine,2021-03-04,Open Data TV: open data for everyone,,We are going to tell more about open data to both community activists and people who have only heard the bell about open data,/events/2021/reports/open-data-tv-open-data-for-everyone/,11:00,,,True,50.4501,30.523399,,False,200,True,,"Naya Novak, Head of PR @ 1991 Open Data Incubator",Kyiv,"Our organisation has been working with open data for five years and during this time we have built a large open data community in Ukraine. In 2021, our team (including specialists from the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, the USAID Project TAPAS, Eastern Europe Foundation, and the 1991 Open Data Incubator) decided to go beyond the community and focus on how open data improves average person's lives. For one day, we launched a real Open Data Television – with news, life stories, sports, weather forecast, and even the Wheel of Fortune show. All these 'TV programs' revealed the situation with open data in the country and easily showed people that their lives can change thanks to open data products and services.","We realised that the topic of open data is really of interest to a wide audience. Communication with this audience can give us new allies in the fight against corruption, but this requires effort and 'translate' information about open data into plain language, without specific deadlines. We may have to simplify the information a bit and sacrifice details, but the task of the first contact with the 'cold' audience is not to teach but to interest. We need to explain why people need to know about open data and motivate them to explore. They will then find the resources to understand the topic, start using products and thus make the realm of open data more stable.","Since the Revolution of Dignity 2013-2014, Ukraine has continued to fight corruption, move closer to European integration and strengthen relations with our international partners. For us, the topic of open data is inextricably linked with the transparency of governance, the development of state institutions, and the strengthening of democracy. Therefore, we take every opportunity to advocate for open data and are pleased to join the celebration of Open Data Day at the national level for the third time in a row.",,open-data-tv-open-data-for-everyone,EET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Argentina,2021-03-06,"Open Data, Ambiente y Desarrollo Sostenible",/images/2021/open-data-ambiente-y-desarrollo-sostenible,Encourage the use of open data for the preservation and care of the environment and the creation of public policies with citizen participation,/events/2021/reports/open-data-ambiente-y-desarrollo-sostenible/,16:30,,,True,-37.996971,-57.549099,GFDRR,True,70,True,,Escuela de Fiscales,Mar del Plata,"On Saturday 6th March, Escuela de Fiscales organised an in-person event to celebrate Open Data Day, the central theme was “Open Data and Environment” and it summoned citizens interested in the subject and local environmental organisations.  Due to Covid-19, the event was held with strict security measures, and a live broadcast was made for people who for health reasons could not attend personally.  The event was developed with three short presentations, which served to initiate the debate and collaborative work with the participants who attended the event and those who followed the live broadcast. The proposed topics covered the tools and laws of transparency, participation and open data in Argentina, the comparative sample of open data from official national and local environment web pages and how to use them, and finally the invited organization ""Ecos D Mar"" made an exhibition of data on oil exploitation in the Argentine seas, its negative impact on the environment and the actions that the organization carried out to try to preserve the environment and marine fauna.  After each talk, discussions were held between the attendees and the speakers, to try to reach conclusions and solutions to the problems raised. The attendees participated with great enthusiasm in each debate proposed at the event.  Finally, we must emphasise that, as every year, the representation of gender was very important. Of the 3 speakers, 2 were women and the third a man. Likewise, the audience was mostly women.","This year's event left great lessons, both for our organisation and for the invited organizations and those who attended the event. They demonstrated the importance of collaborative work between environmental organisations and organisations specialized in working with data and technology. The event showed the enormous possibilities that open data provide through its analysis and processing to predict environmental impact.  The event served to demonstrate the enormous importance of citizen commitment to prevent negative environmental impacts and preserve the environment and the great importance that civil society organizations have in controlling the acts of governments and companies that can affect the environment. Attendees learned about the legal instruments of participation and transparency that can be used to participate in public life.",Open Data Day is a perfect opportunity that allows our organisation to convene citizens and other organisations in our community to work together with data and show them the enormous advantages that these allow to intervene in public life and in the creation of public politics. It also allows us to show the entire community the importance of transparency to have more efficient administrations that respond to people's needs,,open-data-ambiente-y-desarrollo-sostenible,ART,,AMER,The Americas India,2021-03-08,Open Environment Data - 2021,/images/2021/open-environment-data-2021,The event aims to aware the community about the availability and benefits of environmental data for addressing environmental concerns in Kashmir Valley,/events/2021/reports/open-environment-data-2021/,9:15,,,True,34.07432,74.7725,GFDRR,True,250,True,,"Ansaar Hussain Ghanayi, AAAM Degree College Bemina, Srinagar, J&K","Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir","Central Library, Abdul Ahad Azad Memorial Degree College Bemina celebrated International Open Data Day 2021 in collaboration with Open Knowledge Foundation on 8th March 2021. The event was organised in the valley with the aim of introducing the academic community to the availability and benefits of open data. The event was attended by more than 200 participants of various educational institutions across the country. The full day event was well divided into two sessions. The first session started with the introductory speech where Mr. Ansaar Hussain Ghanayi (coordinator of the event) introduced the concept of open data. This was followed by a welcome note by principal of the college, Prof (Dr) Nasreen Aman. Prof M Y Peerzada, director Colleges, J&K Higher Education, who was the chief guest on the occasion, laid emphasis on the various dimensions of openness. Prof S M Shafi (Former HOD, DLIS, University of Kashmir) gave a presentation on research data, its significance and management. Prof Shakil A Romshoo (Dean Research, University of Kashmir) talked about the importance of Earth Observation data and global databases in environmental studies. In the second session, Dr Javiera Atenas (Associate Professor, University of Barcelona) emphasised over the need to promote and support the use of open data as an important open educational tool for better research and better environment. Prof Savithri Singh (country lead, Creative Commons India chapter) in her presentation talked about different licenses for open data content. Mr Nadim Akhtar Khan (Senior Assistant Professor, DLIS, University of Kashmir) focused over the practical implementations of open data and how different open data sets can be used in life. Each presentation was followed by a discussion, where participants posed different questions as well as queries towards the resource persons. The event ended with a formal vote of thanks from Mr Ansaar Hussain Ghanayi.","The concept of open data was not that common among the research community, although our university (Cluster University Srinagar) promotes and stands for open access. Therefore the programme was scheduled to emphasise over the concept and importance of open data, especially for research and allied areas. The event was attended by more than 200 participants that include researcher scholars, students and faculty members of various educational institutions across the country, who revealed their keen interest in the theme and curiosity about the availability and use of open data sets in different setups. The event helped the participants to learn the importance of open data and how it can help in eradicating the overall research gap between east and the west to create a better world.",Because it gives equal opportunities to each and everyone.,"**Session 1 video** []( **Session 2 video** []( [](",open-environment-data-2021,IST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Democratic Republic of the Congo,2021-03-06,Open Floods Mapping in the DRC,/images/2021/open-floods-mapping-in-the-drc,Mapping the areas under floods risk in the city of Uvira in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,/events/2021/reports/open-floods-mapping-in-the-drc/,,,,True,-3.38413,29.1415,GFDRR,True,10,True,,"Kashindi Pierre, Disaster Risk Management in Africa",Uvira,"The citizens in the city of Uvira in eastern Congo regions have been threatened by river and coastal floods. According to local reports, up to 100 metres of land has been invaded by Lake Tanganyika and thousands of houses were destroyed by the flooding. And due to the lack of risk information, this scenario could happen every year if no informative mechanism is set up locally. This is why on the occasion of Open Data Day 2021, DRM Africa organised an event whose mission was to prevent vulnerable communities from river floods by providing risk information to exposed communities and the use of open data principles. During the event, up to 10 participants including journalists and representatives from local counties were informed about risk areas and developed preventive measures for vulnerable communities. Various activities dedicated to reducing the disaster risk through open data were carried including; • The flood risk analysis in the field and identification of infrastructures under floods risk • Creation and production of risk data • Communication of risk data through local radio stations Various tools and techniques for data collection, analysis and communication have been used during the event including OpenStreetMap, Kobo Toolbox for remote data collection, etc. After the project’s completion, infrastructures under risk were identified, counted and represented into datasets and spatial data in order to better inform exposed communities. The event was animated by Kashindi Pierre, the CEO of DRM Africa.","During the event, we discovered various facts from vulnerable populations including: • The lack of knowledge on the existence of the open data concept • The lack of floods risk data that enable them better protect themselves • The situation in the field is engraving more and more as houses are flooded once the rain falls We also learned that communities need more data to respond to repetitive floods including; real time weather forecast data, capacity building on flood risk management, etc.","As an initiative whose mission is to apply the open data concept in strengthening the community resilience to both natural and anthropic hazards, DRM Africa considers that Open Data Day is the opportunity for communities to leverage the power of open data in solving various pressing issues the world is facing now.",,open-floods-mapping-in-the-drc,CAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-06,Open Gender Data for Tanzania,/images/2021/open-gender-data-for-tanzania,"Join us for short presentations on open data in Tanzania, followed by a discussion, a chance to ask questions and workshops",/events/2021/reports/open-gender-data-for-tanzania/,19:00,,,True,6.7924,39.2083,,False,,True,,Crowd2Map Tanzania,Dar es Salaam,"We had an event looking at open gender data and had 8 women sharing their research, followed by discussions, and then a mapathon and visualisation exercise. Full details here [](",How vital gender data is to achieve and track progress towards equality and the SDGs.,It brings brilliant people together.,All slides from presenters ,open-gender-data-for-tanzania,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-09,Open Green Map 2 - OGM2 and YOU!,/images/2021/open-green-map-2-ogm2-and-you,"Meet the new Open Green Map platform, OGM2, designed by GIS Collective for communities charting sustainability, nature and culture. It’s adaptable for engaging a diversity of local voices and issues",/events/2021/reports/open-green-map-2-ogm2-and-you/,,,,True,40.726505,-73.98183,,False,25,True,,"Wendy Brawer, Green Map System",New York City (online),"Our nonprofit is 25 years old. Green Map System became a ‘start open’ in 2018, when we opened all of our map making tools, green living icons and engagement practices. As a locally-led global sustainable communities network that has impacted 65 countries, we have lots of locally-led strategies and history to share. Most excitingly, for Open Data Day 2021, we introduced OGM2! This panel focused on the new Open Green Map platform, OGM2, designed by open source developers, the GIS Collective, for Green Map communities charting local nature, culture and sustainable living resources. Still in beta, it’s adaptable for engaging a diversity of local voices and issues. Check out the list of features, as well as the video and deck from this event, our tutorials and demo days at []( Our event opened with background on the Green Map movement from director Wendy Brawer, followed by the GIS Collective’s Alexandra Casapu and Bogdan Szabo with the inside story on OGM2. There are already more than 30 Open Green Maps on the new platform, and Mary Hunt of FEEDJeffCo contributed her methodology for ensuring an effective process and powerful map for her community’s well being in Washington state. Discussion followed. The OGM2 webapp is quite adaptable. Each map can have any size team behind it (4 levels of permissions; anyone can suggest sites, too), and you can make multiple maps and display the features (sites, lines or areas) which can have several icons, images and sounds on each description. It utilises Open Street Map, and unique base maps and icon sets are possible. You can import several kinds of data, export data (and allow others to) or embed these interactive maps. It’s free for non-commercial projects, too.","We invite you to watch the video and peruse the slides while considering what a Green Map can do for your community. Reach out to us any time - we’re glad to help you strategise - or simply register and get your map rolling on OGM2. See the platform and get involved at []( We always learn from open events, such as the 2012 Open Knowledge #OKFest in Helsinki! At ODD 21, we wished we would have asked everyone ‘in the room’ to share something about their related community mapping interests and generated more synergy and questions. A simpler faster way to engage the public is being tested with our new Campaign feature, and should be available soon.","It’s a chance to expand possibilities, exchange knowledge and engage new people.","The slides from our event can be viewed at the following links: **Overview** []( **Case study** [](",open-green-map-2-ogm2-and-you,,,AMER,The Americas Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Mapping and Successful BSSs,,Promote and stimulate the sharing of open data about the bike-sharing systems and to present and discuss the importance and the relevance of the current BSSs’ open maps,/events/2021/reports/open-mapping-and-successful-bsss/,13:00,,,True,-29.7913804,-55.8162754,Mapbox,True,250,True,,Gabriela Binatti - LABIKS,Brazil,"Debating how important open data maps are for the improvement and the implementation of new and successful bike-sharing systems (BSSs) with the main world references on this matter; Paul DeMaio from The Meddin Bike-sharing World Map; Oliver O´Brien from the Bike Share Map; and Sam Herr from North American BikeShare Association. The LABIKS Open Data Day Event, Open Mapping and Successful BSSs, focused on the importance of collecting bike sharing systems data to understand and to recognise its unique elements and its possible successes and challenges.","The importance of open data standardisation to improve the mobility systems in Latin America and the importance of the existing open bike-sharing maps; getting to know more about GBFS, the open data standard for shared micromobility, and how this tool shall be used; micromobility opportunitties and challenges during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.","We love Open Data Day because it is a wonderful event to celebrate and promote what our company LABIKS believe: the importance of sharing and spreading data, information and knowledge.",,open-mapping-and-successful-bsss,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Switzerland,,PANORAMA’s Live Story Slam Event (open data for climate action),,The purpose is to allow young people to get to know about PANORAMA's platform but also provide a space for young people to share their stories and projects impact related to Nature and Conservation and be inspired by PANORAMA’s platform inspiring stories,/events/2021/reports/panoramas-live-story-slam-event-open-data-for-climate-action/,,,,True,46.420658,6.26931,Microsoft,True,20,True,,"Aissa Traore, International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)",Switzerland,Gathering young people to let them know about open data we have and why it is important to use them to let the world know about their work.,Technology is challenging but I found that open data can bring people together and let them know about each other work and interest online at a reduced cost.,It is an useful open and free day full of events to get to know technology working for people and humanity.,,panoramas-live-story-slam-event-open-data-for-climate-action,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Georgia,2021-03-06,PechaKucha Night Tbilisi: Open Data for Equal Development,/images/2021/pechakucha-night-tbilisi-open-data-for-equal-development,To highlight and promote the use of open data and data-driven products in different sectors as an effective way to tackle inequality,/events/2021/reports/pechakucha-night-tbilisi-open-data-for-equal-development/,20:20,,,True,41.715137,44.827095,Datopian,True,80,True,,"Teona Tomashvili, DataFest Tbilisi",Tbilisi,"In partnership with Tbilisi Startup Bureau and Friedrich Naumann Foundation, DataFest Tbilisi organized PechaKucha Night Tbilisi on open data for equal development. Nine speakers were chosen to speak at the event and their background was well balanced with representatives from civil society, business and government (including Digital Governance Agency, Squander Detector, Bank of Georgia, Atlantic Council, etc.). PechaKucha Night is a simple presentation format where the speakers show 20 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and the presenters talk along to the images. PechaKucha is a Japanese word (ペチャクチャ) and it means “bla-bla-bla” or ”chit-chat”. The format gave us the chance to briefly go through assessing the landscape in different sectors in Georgia and was followed by lively discussions. 130 people registered to participate in PechaKucha Night Tbilisi. ",,Because it’s the day solely dedicated to reminding us how much value open data can create if we are smart enough to use the benefits of it.,,pechakucha-night-tbilisi-open-data-for-equal-development,GET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-04,Periodismo y Visualización de Datos Abiertos,,"As part of the open data, data journalism and datavisualisation community our aim is to strength our community with open sessions called ""Ágora MPVD""",,15:00,,,False,40.43428,-3.73375,,False,50,True,,"Adolfo, Antón Bravo,",Madrid,,,,,periodismo-y-visualizacion-de-datos-abiertos,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Germany,2021-03-06,Permapeople: Open source planting data for the regenerative movement,,The purpose of the event is to discuss the importance and challenges of collecting and sharing open source planting data to assist in the growth of the regenerative movement,/events/2021/reports/permapeople-open-source-planting-data-for-the-regenerative-movement/,20:00,,,True,52.520008,13.404954,Microsoft,True,100,True,,"Christina Sanko, Benjamin Knofe and Simon Gooder, Permapeople",Berlin,"We talked about how open data enables us to build a platform for people to grow more food. The important part is that our platform would not be possible without open data and we hope we can give back the data we created on top of it to the projects we used it from. Only then it is in the true sense of sharing: everyone shares and makes it better for everyone. Another interesting point for us is, that we plan to synthesise data out of our users activity (with their consent of couse!) into more data we are happily contributing back.","I think especially in a field like permaculture, where many information is anectodal created by individual herbalists but never really peer-reviewed by a wider audience, open data plays an important role of moving the field to the next level. Out of individual observations, people need to blindly trust to crowd-verified and open data. This was also reflected in the discussion we had after. People are mostly interested in permaculture but lack open data they can use to understand and learn by themselves.","We think it is great to promote, connect and learn about the very different ways people put open data to good use worldwide. Especially this year, we were impressed by the diversity of projects which participated in the event. For us, we loved the connections, conversations and exposure we got out of the event.",[](,permapeople-open-source-planting-data-for-the-regenerative-movement,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Uganda,,Scoping out a Farmers Geo Map in Africa to better food traceability and security,/images/2021/scoping-out-a-farmers-geo-map-in-africa-to-better-food-traceability-and-security,A virtual and physical farmer consultation with key stakeholders involved in the Data4Ag use in Uganda,/events/2021/reports/scoping-out-a-farmers-geo-map-in-africa-to-better-food-traceability-and-security/,,,,True,0.3335358,32.5653159,Mapbox,True,20,True,,"iLabs@MAK, Makerere University",Kampala,"We held a virtual and physical farmer consultation with the key stakeholders involved in the Data4Ag use. This involved a farmers organisation representative, GODAN Africa champions and Mukono District NGO forum board member. The virtual meet-up was done on Zoom to follow-up with the code of conduct for data and we had around 8 participants. We shared success stories and case studies on how open data is used in creating farmer’s map. This included using farmer’s profile data as a test case and the use of QGIS tool. This was done with reference to the article released by CTA as a guide; “Farmer profiling: Making Data Work for small holder farmers by CTA”. We designed use cases based on what data the farmers map would have. This involved designing of data flows and streams (including on-farm data, off-farm data, aggregated data, imported data and exported data). We used design thinking to realise the layering and data flow of the Farmers Geo Map. This was done with a farmer in “Mukono District” who was doing banana plantation farming. We came up with action points which have sparked off the need to incorporate the data code of conduct into the shaping of the Farmers Geo Map. Post workshop engagements with GODAN data research expert will take place to understand the value of the code of conduct and how the farmers and small holder AgData structures will be strengthened. The event paved the way for a partnership with Youths in Technology and Development Uganda which is currently leading the piloting of Data4Ag code of conduct in Uganda. ","• Open data and its benefits should be realised in small holder farmer organisations, local government and central government. • A code of conduct is a key in strengthening the transparency in opening and sharing of key data by the farmers and other data consumers. • Open data workshops should be emphasised at district levels. This will help farmers organisations and agricultural workers to share the success stories and learn new practices in using of on-farm, off-farm, imported and exported data in understanding the performance of their farming practices and realisation of the agricultural value chain. • Capacity development programmes on the use of key data for farmers should be designed to ensure continuity of the open data programmes and to strengthen the decision-making pillars for the farmers, farmers’ organisations, agribusinesses, policy makers, ministries and other key stakeholders. • Open data courses should be incorporated into the curriculums for undergraduate students who take on courses involving data science, agriculture, environment, engineering, ICT to mention but a few. This will promote innovation and creativity among innovators.",Open Data Day is the day any data enthusiast would want to celebrate like a New Year. It is a day where majority of service providers who run on data-driven models would want to share their success stories and impact that open data has had in promoting sustainable development.,,scoping-out-a-farmers-geo-map-in-africa-to-better-food-traceability-and-security,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Cameroon,2021-03-06,Spreading the message of open data to girls in Cameroon,/images/2021/spreading-the-message-of-open-data-to-girls-in-cameroon,"To show the benefits of open data (such as an increase in efficiency, transparency, innovation, and economic growth) and to encourage the adoption of open data policies in various government bodies, businesses and civil societies in Cameroon",/events/2021/reports/spreading-the-message-of-open-data-to-girls-in-cameroon/,16:00,,,True,4.625721,9.3850467,FCDO,True,40,False,,"Mafor Anna Ngwenyi, Girls’ Tech-Changer Community",Kumba,"On Saturday 6th of March 2021 at 4pm, Kumba in the south-west region of Cameroon woke up to celebrate Open Data Day. The event was celebrated in two sessions; in my neighborhood with students of all age groups and with the secondary school students at Government Secondary School Kang Barombi.  The event was celebrated under the theme “Raising awareness in students and uses of open data to solve community challenges”. The main objective of organising this event was to build capacity, create awareness on data use and illustrate to students how they could solve community issues using data. The objectives of this event were: • To raise awareness on what open data was all about, its availability and data issue in Cameroon. • Building capacity of the students, sharing the benefits in the use of open data and how data can help drive innovation and solve community challenges. The work was structured on demonstration and presentation of mini-project belts of using open data, structured presentation, networking and collaboration.  The following topics were explained in detail to the students: • Social and economic aspects of open data in society.  • Media and journalism data, Marketing and social media data, business directory data, academic data etc... • Encouraging youth to explore open data and to digitally transform Cameroon. • Using open data as a means to secure public and private funds. • The use of open data to improve sustainability in agricultural production. At the end, we were able to create reasonable awareness on the availability and benefits of open data. We encouraged students to explore open data so as to solve the challenges that plague the society. The students pleaded that an open data organisation should be created in Kumba Town to enhance learning.","I learned that in events like this, everyone around including kids should be considered because they are the future leaders of tomorrow. Teaching them about it will give them early access to data which will help drive innovation. After facing numerous challenges such as electricity and power failure, I learn how to improvise and use local materials such as lamps, cardboard, bold makers, etc... to present my ideas in a more logical and illustrative manner. I equally learned the benefits of open data in the following domain: • **Transparency**. Open data supports public oversight of governments and helps reduce corruption by enabling greater transparency.  • **Public Service Improvement**. Open data gives citizens the raw materials they need to engage their governments and contribute to the improvement of public services.  • **Innovation and Economic Value**. Public data, and their re-use, are key resources for social innovation and economic growth. Open data provides new opportunities for governments to collaborate with citizens and evaluate public services by giving citizens access to data about those services.  • **Efficiency**. Open data makes it easier and less costly for government ministries to discover and access their own data or data from other ministries, which reduces acquisition costs, redundancy and overhead.","I love open data because, through the adoption of open data policies in businesses, civil society and even governmental bodies, it increases efficiency, transparency, innovation and economic growth thereby solving the problems that plague our society. That is, it is a day that we share a lot of knowledge to a lot of people about open data and how to use this open data to develop creative solutions for our community problem.",[](,spreading-the-message-of-open-data-to-girls-in-cameroon,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Democratic Republic of the Congo,2021-03-06,Strengthen the community resilience to the rapid rise of the Lake Tanganyika through the use of open data,/images/2021/strengthen-the-community-resilience-to-the-rapid-rise-of-the-lake-tanganyika-thr,Strengthen the community resilience to the rapid rise of the Lake Tanganyika through the use of open data,/events/2021/reports/strengthen-the-community-resilience-to-the-rapid-rise-of-the-lake-tanganyika-thr/,,,,True,-3.38413,29.1415,Microsoft,True,12,False,,Mijas Multimedia,Uvira,"The water level of Lake Tanganyika in the African Great Lakes region is dangerously rising. Since 2015, up to 100 meters of lands have been taken by water destroying houses and threatening many others in various coastal cities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia.  In the framework of finding adaptive measures due to the rapid rise of the lake and strengthen the resilience of populations living in the risk areas. On the occasion of Open Data Day 2021, Mijas Multimedia organised an event whose overall goal was to use open data in strengthening the community resilience to the rapid rise of Lake Tanganyika. The project aimed at raising the awareness to the local community on the use of risk data in protecting exposed citizens.  During the event, more hands-on than theoretical activities were carried out including; • Spatial image comparison and analyzing: this process comprised of taking up to date spatial images in the field with drone • Image analysis: this process consisted of comparing spatial images taken by drone in the field with out-of-date images from Google Maps (after analysis we realized that the Google Maps image of the city is from 2019) in the goal of understanding the advance level of the lake and project next social economic infrastructures • Risk communication: this process consisted of sharing the data through various formats including spatial mapping and media outreach in the aim of informing those living under risk areas After the event’s completion, the local authorities promised to take into account data produced during the event in reducing the disaster risk to exposed communities living at the coasts of Lake Tanganyika.","We’ve learned various lessons during and after the event’s completion including; • The lack of knowledge of local authorities on how to tackle the rapid of Lake Tanganyika and the ignorance about the existence of the open data concept • The authorities’ involvement in the promotion of open data through the increasing of data transparency","Apart from defending the open data concept across the world, Open Data Day is the event that covers some local challenges in giving them an international outreach. It also helps the open data practitioners realise their respective projects locally and give them the opportunity to fly with their own wings.",[](,strengthen-the-community-resilience-to-the-rapid-rise-of-the-lake-tanganyika-thr,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-05,The Realities of WASH Data,/images/2021/the-realities-of-wash-data,Hosting an event to discuss “The Realities of WASH Data” to spark up conversation and equip citizens with skills to use data to demand good governance,/events/2021/reports/the-realities-of-wash-data/,10:00,,,True,9.051939,7.482648,Microsoft,True,50,False,,Water With Development (WaterWide),Abuja,"Water With Development, with support from Open Knowledge Foundation, organised an event tagged ""The Realities of WASH Data"". We had participant both online and onsite attend the event. a total of 32 people were onsite and 21 people online. Data were drawn from UNICEF, Nigeria Bureau of statistics and Water Aid were used as reference points for the discussion where it said 3 in 10 people in Nigeria don't have safe water close to home, 3 in 5 people in Nigeria don't have a toilet of their own.; 4 in 5 people in Nigeria lack handwashing facilities at home. 60 million Nigerians, or 33 per cent of the population, do not have access to safe water. We displayed out communities in Plateau state, Kaduna and the country's capital Abuja, where it can be seen that 10 in 10 people had no access to safe water, 5 in 5 not having access to handwashing facilities, with our research, we discovered that lack of access to WASH facilities is greatly caused by corruption, access to data, which leads to low participation of citizens in governance and its processes. To change this narrative, we built the capacity of participants on budget data sieving, how to effectively use the Freedom of Information Act as a tool for demanding information on the project and providing oversight on its implementations, leveraging social media as a tool for engaging government officials and amplifying corrupt cases in their communities. Garba, a participant highlighted how he used the FOI and social media to engage and amplify corrupt practices as well as amplify the living conditions of people around his community, but it came with a price, he was invited by the government security agency for questioning, but he was able to get out of it easily as he posted on social media, and tagged relevant CSOs which came to his aid with legal council. Another participant, Precious Adigwe was concerned about how citizens in rural communities are able to have the knowledge of data since it is complex and it is hard for them to understand and make actionable decisions. Wilson Atumeyi explained that in such cases, it is even unwise to use their local languages to make print works, as some of them can not read their local dialect, so it is advisable to make creative designs that when you have a glance at them, you will know what it means without reading a text, then get someone that understands their language to take them on the session for better understanding. Finally, we agreed to create a knowledge-sharing platform where members can share data sieved for better engagement and a coalition that would ensure that this information is used to drive transparency and accountability in governance. ","Data is very important to driving accountability and transparency in governance. It is essential to always engage people even if you think they have knowledge of the concept, because most of our participants did not know the concepts of open data, open government or freedom of information.",It creates platform for dialogue and engagement on data and how citizens can leverage it for accountability.,,the-realities-of-wash-data,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Panama,2021-03-08,The role of women in opening data,/images/2021/the-role-of-women-in-opening-data,Present success stories of young Panamanian women in open data. Assess the knowledge about egalitarian development and open data in the participants. Motivate the population to get involved in projects that use data to promote equality,/events/2021/reports/the-role-of-women-in-opening-data/,14:00,,,True,8.9824,-79.5199,FCDO,True,50,True,,"Lia Hernández, IPANDETEC",Panama City,"We celebrated our event commemorating International Open Data Day and International Women's Day. We consider an excellent opportunity to unify these themes that are fundamental for equal development. Before the event, we launched a [survey]( to evaluate the knowledge that the participants subsequently had about open data, after we generated a [registration link]( for the event that had the participation of more than 50 people. We train Panamanian women about their current position, role and future in the world of open data. We present success stories of young Panamanian women in open data. We motivate the population to get involved in projects that use data to promote equality.","We learned that it is never too late to involve citizens in activities in favor of egalitarian development. It is essential to offer information on various initiatives such as Open Data Day. In Panama, there are many women interested in open data, some are just learning about the subject, others already have a long journey in the area and others are considered success stories for their initiatives. It is important that all these women have spaces for coexistence in common so that they share their initiatives with the community that is interested in strengthening egalitarian development through open data.","IPANDETEC is an organisation that watches over human rights in the digital environment. We believe and support all initiatives related to transparency, data and open government. We love Open Data Day, because it is a space that brings together people from all over the world with the same goal, financing innovative initiatives to educate the community about open data.",,the-role-of-women-in-opening-data,EST,,AMER,The Americas United Kingdom,2021-03-06,"The underpinning risks, challenges and opportunities of open data – a focus on the case of utilities data for land development",,"To celebrate Open Data Day on the 6th of March 2021, the Hazards Forum will be hosting an exciting panel discussion event to explore what is currently hindering the potentialisation of open data in land development endeavours and what could be envisaged to solve some of these challenges",,,,,False,51.497494,-0.135658,,False,100,True,,Hazards Forum,London,,,,,the-underpinning-risks-challenges-and-opportunities-of-open-data-a-focus-on-t,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Ghana,2021-03-06,Using open data and climate education tools for jobs creation,/images/2021/using-open-data-and-climate-education-tools-for-jobs-creation,Engaging rural communities on open data and climate education tools has become an important strategy to create employment opportunity in Ghana with maximum impact and positive returns for equal development ,/events/2021/reports/using-open-data-and-climate-education-tools-for-jobs-creation/,9:00,,,True,5.62409,-0.23288,,False,100,False,,Footprints Bridge International,Accra,"The majority of countries have made ambitious commitments to mitigate climate change and to adapt to the new environmental conditions while continuing to combat the job crisis. Footprints Bridge International organised an Open Data Day event to create a platform where youth and women at the national and local level come together to share practices and policy approaches on local economic and employment development issues.  With almost 30 participants joining virtually on 6 March 2021 to share their experience in policy analysis, provide guidance and using open data and climate education tools on how to define and implement a new policy agenda that takes into consideration the economic, social and environmental aspects in creating jobs in urban and rural communities.","All participants agreed with the support of “F -Bridge Impact Series initiatives“ to continue facilitate the transition to a green economy which means a model that takes into consideration economic, social and environmental aspects with one core objective: create jobs. These initiatives sought to make a better use of the assets in the rural communities while mitigating climate change and creating job opportunities for the population by effectively using open data and climate education tools.",To continue to share knowledge and skills for citizens to understand and use the open data tools for a more sustainable world where information is free.,,using-open-data-and-climate-education-tools-for-jobs-creation,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United Kingdom,2021-03-06,Wikidata Taster Session,,We’ll be running an introduction to Wikidata and showing how to use it to generate and link open data.,,10:00,,,False,57.1497,-2.0943,,False,40,True,,"Ian Watt, Code the City",Aberdeen,,,,,wikidata-taster-session,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Canada,2021-03-08,Women and Digitalisation in Africa: Overcoming the data divide,,"To explore and inform about the gender data divide in agriculture, focusing on West Africa",,12:00,,,False,45.50169,-73.567253,,False,100,True,,"Kathryn Bailey, Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition",Montreal,,,,,women-and-digitalisation-in-africa-overcoming-the-data-divide,WAT,,AMER,The Americas Uganda,2021-03-06,Women's economic development and access to data resources in Uganda,/images/2021/women-s-economic-development-and-access-to-data-resources-in-uganda,Local women to gain access to economic development data,/events/2021/reports/women-s-economic-development-and-access-to-data-resources-in-uganda/,,,,True,0.31569,32.57811,FCDO,True,30,False,,Nalumansi Phionah,Kampala,"We celebrated Open Data Day with 10 beautiful young girls and five women because of Covid-19 we could not reach our target number. We covered three topics and all we encouraged all participants to join in the discussions. Topic 1 was ""What is restricting women/girls from getting data about economic development?"" We got a common answer ""'gender inequality and education. Topic 2 asked what are the resources in our community which we can use to develop economically? The answer was adding value to traditional crops, access to the market and make use of available opportunities and resources. Topic 3 was about how one can get access to data resources in community and the sharing of available resources and opportunities.","1. Information about markets, prices and weather seasons can be found on smartphones or they can use our office computers for such information. 2. Gender inequality is the biggest problem in community which hinders women and girls from economic development and it can be addressed starting from our homes to schools and society",It encourages community leaders to provide information to the right people.,,women-s-economic-development-and-access-to-data-resources-in-uganda,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Guatemala,2021-03-06,¡Qué vivan los datos! Data journalism training for Open Data Day 2021 in Guatemala,/images/2021/que-vivan-los-datos-data-journalism-training-for-open-data-day-2021-in-guatema,Actividad organizada por Ojoconmipisto para celebrar el día de los datos de abiertos con cuatro conferencias y la rifa de 10 Guías para fiscalizar desde el periodismo,/events/2021/reports/que-vivan-los-datos-data-journalism-training-for-open-data-day-2021-in-guatema/,14:20,,,True,14.634915,-90.506882,Microsoft,True,25,True,,Ojoconmipisto,,"En Ojoconmipisto celebramos el Open Data Day con cuatro charlas virtuales dirigidas a estudiantes de periodismo. La transmisión se hizo a través de Facebook, YouTube y Periscope, y esto nos permitió llegar a 359 personas, una cifra mayor a la prevista. Cerramos con la rifa de diez ejemplares de la guía “Fiscalizar desde el periodismo. Una guía para monitorear obras y compras públicas”, editada por Ojoconmipisto. Silvio Gramajo, especialista en temas de transparencia, explicó los conceptos sobre información pública. La rendición de cuentas, dijo, debe enfocarse en “los cuentos de la cuenta”. Es decir, en narrativas que expliquen las decisiones tomadas por cada municipalidad. Isaias Morales, reportero de Ojoconmipisto y autor de la guía, se centró en los pasos a seguir para encontrar información en Guatecompras, el portal que registra todas las compras estatales, y en otros sitios de Datos Abiertos del ministerio de Finanzas. Son espacios que la ciudadanía puede utilizar para seguir la ruta del dinero público. Daniel Ambeliz, analista de datos, compartió herramientas que utiliza para analizar las compras públicas, como Power BI. Hizo uso de una base de datos de compras de 2020 para identificar historias que podían ser contadas. Gladys Olmstead, community manager de Ojoconmipisto, compartió las notas informativas más destacadas que partieron de datos y de solicitudes de información pública para contar no sólo como se usan los fondos públicos sino también como el gobierno informa sobre la Covid–19. Se sortearon diez ejemplares de la guía entre los 35 participantes que completaron el funcionario. Se les hará llegar por correo.","a. Existe una comunidad de estudiantes de periodismo que desea aprender sobre este tema. Quieren conocer por qué la Ley de Acceso a la Información Pública puede convertirse en una herramienta de trabajo periódistico, cuáles son los portales públicos y qué información podemos obtener de ellos. Pero también quieren aprender a navegar en ellos. b. Este año se hizo la actividad de forma virtual por las restricciones existentes por la pandemia. Si bien permitió llegar a un número mayor de lo previsto (359 versus 25 personas) la interacción fue más limitada a cuando hacemos actividades cerradas. Pero nos permitió llegar a más lugares. c. En 2022 esperamos realizar la actividad de manera presencial.",Nos da la oportunidad de compartir con estudiantes de periodismo qué hacemos y mostrarles que podemos contar historias a partir de los datos.,"Solicitamos a los participantes que quisieran participar en la rifa que se registraran, 56 lo hicieron. Se pidió el nombre, dirección y correo electrónico. En este link pueden consultar la guía: [](",que-vivan-los-datos-data-journalism-training-for-open-data-day-2021-in-guatema,CST,,AMER,The Americas Japan,2021-03-06,公共交通オープンデータ最前線 in インターナショナルオープンデータデイ,,"コロナ禍によって公共交通が大きな打撃を受けた2020年度、その中でも公共交通オープンデータの整備は全国に着実に拡がり、現在、300近い公共交通事業者がオープンデータを提供しています。2017年頃、地方のバス事業者やコミュニティバスから始まったオープンデータは旅客船などにも拡がっており、県によるデータ整備研修なども全国各地で開催されております。首都圏では、都バスや鉄道車両のリアルタイムデータが公共交通オープンデータ協議会によって公開され、Google Mapsへの掲載が大きな注目を集めました。 このオンラインイベントでは、全国で公共交通オープンデータの整備や活用などに関わる皆様から、最新の事例をご紹介頂きます。それぞれ異なる状況の中でどのようにデータ整備に取り組んだか、公開されたデータをどのように活用したかなど、最新の事例を踏まえて活発に議論出来ればと思っています。ライトニングトーク(LT)も募集するので、すでに取り組んでいる方だけでなく、公共交通オープンデータに関心のある幅広い方の積極的なエントリーを期待します。",,13:30,,,False,35.7125381,139.7591137,,False,50,True,,公共交通オープンデータ,Tokyo,,,,,gong-gong-jiao-tong-opundetazui-qian-xian-in-intanasiyonaruopundetadei,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Thailand,2021-03-06, <ก้าว-Geek> Open Data Day,,Review Open Data situation in Thailand and Open Data projects pitching ,,13:00,,,False,13.70862,100.407153,,False,30,False,, <ก้าว-Geek>,Bangkok,,,,,kaaw-geek-open-data-day,ICT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,"""Open Data Day in Japan"" Media Center",,日本の状況を集約し、世界にむけて紹介・発信する,,,,,False,35.669888,139.749738,,False,8,False,,Open Knowledge Foundation Japan,内閣官房IT総合戦略室 National Strategy office of ICT,,,,,open-data-day-in-japan-media-center,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nigeria,2021-03-06,#OpenDataDay 2021 Lagos,,"Are you a data Enthusiast? Would you like to learn how to make government data better or develop insightful solutions using data?",,10:00,,,False,6.5055358,3.3727295,,False,30,False,,Eduplana Nigeria,Lagos,,,,,opendataday-2021-lagos,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,,#ResolucionesInfoCDMX en datos abiertos,,La liberación de estas bases de datos constituye uno de los ejercicios de apertura que realizamos desde el equipo de Estado abierto del InfoCdMx. El objeto de la base de datos es reflejar el trabajo del Pleno del Instituto desde que soy parte integrante de ese colegiado. Con esta liberación se ponen a disposición del público los datos desagregados de 6817 resoluciones y 186 acuerdos que fueron aprobados por el Pleno entre diciembre de 2018 y diciembre de 2020. Las bases de datos se presentan en formatos descargables en excel y valores separados por comas (.csv ) con el objeto de que puedan ser aprovechados por todas las personas interesadas. Se acompañan de una descripción de cada uno de los rubros que componen las bases de datos,,,,,False,19.39808,-99.15635,,False,,True,,Estado Abierto - InfoCDMX,Ciudad de México,,,,,resolucionesinfocdmx-en-datos-abiertos,CST,,AMER,The Americas Canada,2021-03-06,2021 Winnipeg Open Data Hackathon,,Promote use of open data by The City Of Winnipeg; and to celebrate International Open Data Day,,10:00,,,False,49.895077,-97.138451,,False,100,True,,"Wing Kwong, DecisionWorks",Winnipeg,,,,,2021-winnipeg-open-data-hackathon,CST,,AMER,The Americas Brazil,2021-03-09,Abrir dados protegendo informações pessoais: desafios práticos,,Nossa rede de pessoas embaixadoras promove a nona live a respeito de como abrir dados protegendo informações pessoais: desafios práticos,,19:00,,,False,-23.54759,-46.625833,,False,40,True,,Open Knowledge Brazil,Sao Paulo,,,,,abrir-dados-protegendo-informacoes-pessoais-desafios-praticos,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Finland,,Acoustics Wikipedia Hackathon,,Learning to produce Wikipedia pages,,,,,False,60.205238,24.654079,,False,20,False,,"Vesa Valimaki, Acoustical Society of Finland",Espoo,,,,,acoustics-wikipedia-hackathon,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,2021-03-06,Africa Open Data Day 2021: Promoting transparent Covid-19 data governance in Kenya,,"To promote rich dialogue while focusing on country perspectives on issues regarding data transparency, particularly around Covid-19 data governance",,10:00,,,False,-1.292066,36.821945,,False,100,True,,Open Institute,Nairobi,,,,,africa-open-data-day-2021-promoting-transparent-covid-19-data-governance-in-ken,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United Kingdom,,"asencis 2021 Open Data Day - When we talk about open data, what exactly are we talking about?",,,,,,,False,52.205276,0.119167,,False,100,True,,"Michael Roberts, asencis Ltd",United Kingdom,,,,,asencis-2021-open-data-day-when-we-talk-about-open-data-what-exactly-are-we-t,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Awareness Campaign Summit For Open Data,,We hope to achieve achieve tracking of unhealthy waste dump in Nigeria using open mapping and the need to caution the effect of unhealthy waste disposal,,,,,False,4.982873,8.334503,,False,180,False,,Environmental Awareness,Calabar,,,,,awareness-campaign-summit-for-open-data,,https:/,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Turkey,2021-03-07,Açık Veriyi Anlama ve Kullanma Eğitimi / Training of Open Data Understanding and Using,,It aims to give practical answers to the questions of how and why open data should be used,,13:00,,,False,41.027798,28.972587,,False,50,True,,İBB Zemin İstanbul-Veri Okuryazarlığı Derneği / IMM Zemin Istanbul-Data Literacy Association,Istanbul,,,,,acik-veriyi-anlama-ve-kullanma-egitimi-training-of-open-data-understanding-and,TRT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Argentina,,BA en Datos,,Dar a conocer y fomentar la reutilización de los datos públicos producidos y publicados por el gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Encontrar formas innovadoras para comunicar las políticas públicas y los datos de la Ciudad. Fomentar el trabajo colaborativo con la ciudadanía y otros actores de la sociedad,,,,,False,-34.61594,-58.433449,,False,100,True,,Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires,Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires,,,,,ba-en-datos,,,AMER,The Americas Bangladesh,2021-03-13,Bangladesh Open Data Day Celebration,,Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL) is continuing to celebrate this day to create awareness in the community about how open data can help the social and economic developments of Bangladesh and be implemented in policies,,11:00,,,False,23.772465,90.365029,,False,70,True,,Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab (BOIL),Dhaka,,,,,bangladesh-open-data-day-celebration,BST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Italy,2021-03-17,Calabria Open Data Day 2021,,Un evento di confronto e discussione su zoom con le scuole aderenti ad Asoc2021 dalle ore 10.00 alle 13.00. i team spiegheranno i dati aperti usati nel percorso di monitoraggio dei progetti locali e il percorso di coinvolgimento delle proprie comunità,,10:00,,,False,38.33996,16.29599,,False,100,True,,Associazione Eurokom,Gioiosa Jonica,,,,,calabria-open-data-day-2021,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,,Celebrating Aragón open data,,Visits and users to portal,,,,,False,41.652906,-0.892039,,False,,False,,Aragón Open Data,Zaragoza,,"The LABIKS Open Data Day Event, Open Mapping and Successful BSSs, focused on the importance of collecting bike sharing systems data to understand and to recognise its unique elements and its possible successes and challenges.",,,celebrating-aragon-open-data,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,2021-03-06,Celebration of Open Data Day 2021 - Aalital Gaunpalika,,Solidarity towards International Open Data Day,,,,,False,31.1838,29.90291,,False,60,False,,"Aalital Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura",Aalital Gaunpalika,,,,,celebration-of-open-data-day-2021-aalital-gaunpalika,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-07,Chibae - Online photo mapping party,,It is an event that collects photos of attractive places in Chiba prefecture and displays them on a map,,14:00,,,False,35.85149,139.896622,,False,30,True,,Data utilisation working group - Chiba Prefecture Regional IT Promotion Council,Chiba Prefecture,,,,,chibae-online-photo-mapping-party,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific South Africa,2021-03-06,Civic data hackathon - for techies and not so techies,,"We're going to try and create an online space where techies and non techies can meet each other, look at the problems we're facing, and see what we can do about it",,10:00,,,False,-33.918861,18.4233,,False,30,True,,Codebridge,Cape Town,,,,,civic-data-hackathon-for-techies-and-not-so-techies,SAST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-06,CivicTech俯瞰図鑑をオープンデータ化しよう (Let's openly publish the data of CivicTech Fukan-Zukan),,Openly publishing the data of Japanese domestic civic tech communities using Wikidata,,19:00,,,False,35.15622,136.924111,,False,5,True,,Code for Nagoya,Nagoya,,,,,civictechfu-kan-tu-jian-woopundetahua-siyou-let-s-openly-publish-the-data-of-civictech-fukan-zuka,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Mongolia,2021-03-06,Civil Society and Open Data in Mongolia ,,"The main goal of this event is to build capacity and awareness in the local community, so that more people in the Mongolian scientific/NGO communities are prepared to create and use geospatial data",,10:00,,,False,47.886398,106.905746,,False,30,True,,"Erdenetsogt Sumiyasuren, Public Lab Mongolia",Ulaanbaatar,,,,,civil-society-and-open-data-in-mongolia,UST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Uganda,,Climate Action - Uganda,,Am hoping to achieve climate change through sensitising the public about what to do to conserve the climate and environment,,,,,False,-0.58456,30.65839,,False,100,False,,"Akatwijuka, Boniface, Debbugers int.",Mbarara,,,,,climate-action-uganda,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-06,Coastal cleanup and dialogue on the importance/value of volunteerism in generating quality data,,,,9:00,,,False,-6.2680412,39.2416056,,False,40,False,,SUZA YouthMappers,Zanzibar,,,,,coastal-cleanup-and-dialogue-on-the-importance-value-of-volunteerism-in-generati,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,,Community Techno hub Inauguration and Open Data Declaration ,,Celebrate International Open Data Day with different events,,,,,False,29.24364,80.457932,,False,60,False,,Nawadurga Rural Municipality,Nawadurga Dadeldhura ,,,,,community-techno-hub-inauguration-and-open-data-declaration,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Colombia,,Como usar datos abiertos para luchar contra la corrupción,,Presentar como por medio de la interoperabilidad de conjuntos abiertos se desarrollo una plataforma anticorrupción que ha sido un caso de exito en Colombia,,,,,False,4.59581,-74.078658,,False,50,True,,Gabriel Andrés Alzate Acuña,Bogotá,,,,,como-usar-datos-abiertos-para-luchar-contra-la-corrupcion,,,AMER,The Americas Mexico,,Contrataciones Abiertas,,Visualizar la importancia de los datos en la Contratación Estatal para incluir mayor oferta y disminuir los gastos para mejorar las presentaciones estatales,,,,,False,25.51781,48.5131,,False,100,True,,Centro de Innovación para las Contrataciones y Abastecimiento Estatal,Online,,,,,contrataciones-abiertas,,,AMER,The Americas Benin,,Contribution of open data in the identification of local and national problems in Africa: a comparative study of the data,,"For our event, we will share with our audience (local elected officials and students), how to identify local and national issues from a comparative study of data and raise awareness about the use of open data",,,,,False,6.63756,1.71207,,False,60,False,,Antonin Comlan AGNIHOUEDE; NGO TOUCHE D’ÉPANOUISSEMENT COMMUNAUTAIRE,Lokossa,,,,,contribution-of-open-data-in-the-identification-of-local-and-national-problems-i,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Argentina,2021-03-04,Conversatorio Modelo de gobernanza de los datos públicos,,,,15:30,,,False,-34.6098208,-58.5239271,,False,30,True,,"Dolores Martinez, Diputada Nacional por CABA Antes, Directora de Modernización Parlamentaria en Diputados Argentina",Buenos Aires,,,,,conversatorio-modelo-de-gobernanza-de-los-datos-publicos,AST,,AMER,The Americas Italy,,Cosa sono gli open data,,"Through the presentation of Simone Aliprandi's books, we will deepen what open data are, what are the advantages of open data and why it is important to encourage its adoption in government, business and civil society",,,,,False,43.844872,13.01688,,False,,False,,Sistema Bibliotecario del Comune di Fano,Fano,,,,,cosa-sono-gli-open-data,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Democratic Republic of the Congo,,Covid Risk Datathon ,,The project main goal of the Covid Risk Datathon is to improve in-country Covid-19 data availability through open mapping of high risk areas in the city of Goma for the better pandemic management in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,,,,,False,-1.658501,29.220455,,False,10,True,,CongoInThePicture,Goma,,,,,covid-risk-datathon,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Lesotho,,COVID-19 and Open Contracting,,The purpose of the event is to bring together various stakeholders to discuss the implications of open contracting in the time of Covid-19,,,,,False,-29.315077,27.486923,,False,50,True,,Makhamisa Senekane,Maseru,,,,,covid-19-and-open-contracting,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Niger,2021-03-06,Damagaram Water Sanitation and Hygiene Open Data Day,,"Putting data to use solving the perennial water scarcity issue in Zinder, Niger",,,,,False,13.8063,8.9848,,False,60,True,,African Street Business School and Entrepreneurship Hub,Abdoulsalam Adam Youth Centre (MJC) Damagaram Zinder,,,,,damagaram-water-sanitation-and-hygiene-open-data-day,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Data Driven Development for Sustained Future in Africa.,,To create a centralised knowledge and awareness on open information available for driving sustainable development in Africa; as well as bring an increased awareness on data-driven impact development in Nigeria. ,,,,,False,7.34872,3.87929,,False,250,True,,Mr. Oluwatosin Philip Oguntunde,Ibadan,,,,,data-driven-development-for-sustained-future-in-africa,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Data for equal development,,"This event will educate individuals on effective ways open data can be used to highlight pressing issues in Nigeria like insecurity, food shortages, Internally Displaced persons",,,,,False,5.49053,6.00485,,False,60,True,,Samson Emeje,Ughelli,,,,,data-for-equal-development,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Ghana,2021-03-06,Data for equal development - Open Data Day 2021,,"Africa Digital Rights Hub is celebrating Open Data Day in collaboration with the Open Institute under the theme ""Data for Equal Development"". The discussions will focus on whether COVID-19 data should be made open or kept closed at the global level and what that will mean for access and use of such data in African countries in the context of the RestoreDataRights Declaration",,16:00,,,False,5.5668662,-0.2081159,,False,,True,,Africa Digital Rights Hub,Accra,,,,,data-for-equal-development-open-data-day-2021,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Cameroon,2021-03-06,Data for Equal Development in Francophone Africa,,"Data for Equal Development in Francophone Africa (Cameroon, Chad, Senegal, DRC, Niger and Benin)",,14:00,,,False,9.3057658,-33.5536937,,False,30,True,,Paradigm Initiative,Francophone Africa,,,,,data-for-equal-development-in-francophone-africa,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,"Data for equal development in Rivers State, Nigeria",,To create awareness for all inclusive development in Rivers State,,,,,False,30.0,30.0,,False,30,False,,Young Youth Network for Good Leadership in Nigeria,"Port Harcourt, Rivers State",,,,,data-for-equal-development-in-rivers-state-nigeria,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Sierra Leone,,Data Orientation ,,The aim of organising this important event is to teach people about data and its importance,,,,,False,8.63828,-10.98386,,False,50,False,,Tamba Foday Kamara (Prolific Family),Koidu City - Kono District,,,,,data-orientation,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mali,,Data4Resilience,,Commitment of decision-makers and populations to promote open data for community development and resilience.,,,,,False,12.639232,-8.002889,,False,50,True,,Nathalie SIDIBE,Bamako,,,,,data4resilience,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-05,Datathon 2021: retos en un mundo Postcovid,,"La esencia del datathon: Es una competición que durará 3 meses en la que todos los participantes tienen como desafío participar en alguno de los retos propuestos sobre turismo, agricultura o sanidad",,17:00,,,False,40.4573,-3.754,,False,30,True,,"Antonia Ferrer Sapena. Universitat Politècnica de València, Universidad de Alicante, Universitat de València",Madrid,,,,,datathon-2021-retos-en-un-mundo-postcovid,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-06,Datathon: Women and Data for Equitable Development,,"The general purpose of this datathon themed Women and Data for Equitable Development is to: build skills for women in tech/Data Science; link/connect open data to the Sustainable Development Goals and SDG 5 in particular. Therefore, the primary target of this event is Goal 5 which focuses on gender equality. Gender is a theme that cuts across the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 53 indicators that explicitly refer to sex, gender, women and girls. This Datathon will seek to ask Participants: to research data relating to any of the 53 indicators which promotes equitable development; build, test and explore solutions for equitable development. It is the hope that this open data focussed event will educate participants and the general public about how women and data for equitable development are related",,,,,False,9.0765,7.3986,,False,100,True,,Binta Moustapha 100 Women in Tech Nigeria,Abuja Nigeria,,,,,datathon-women-and-data-for-equitable-development,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,2021-03-12,Datos Abiertos en el INEGI,,Difusión de Licenciatura en Estadística y Carrera Técnica Ciencia de Datos e Inteligencia Artificial,,11:00,,,False,19.544439,-96.906868,,False,2700,True,,Facultad de Estadística e Informática de la Universidad Veracruzana y Colegio de Educación Profesional Técnica del Estado de Veracruz de Ignacio de la Llave (CONALEP Veracruz),Xalapa de Enriquez,,,,,datos-abiertos-en-el-inegi,CST,,AMER,The Americas Colombia,2021-03-05,Datos abiertos para luchar contra la corrupcion,,"La Secretaría de Transparencia en el marco del evento internacional Open Data Day, compartirá con la ciudadanía un espacio para presentar cómo los #DatosAbiertos se utilizan en el contexto de la lucha contra la corrupción",,12:00,,,False,4.5945419,-74.0769073,,False,50,True,,Secretaría de Transparencia,Bogota,,,,,datos-abiertos-para-luchar-contra-la-corrupcion,COT,,AMER,The Americas Colombia,2021-03-05,Datos Abiertos y la toma de decisiones en tiempos de pandemia,,Panel los Datos abiertos y la toma de decisiones en tiempos de pandemia,,9:30,,,False,4.609278,-74.021579,,False,100,True,,MinTIC- Colombia,Bogotá,,,,,datos-abiertos-y-la-toma-de-decisiones-en-tiempos-de-pandemia,COT,,AMER,The Americas Dominican Republic,2021-03-04,Dia Internacional de los Datos Abiertos y Premio Nacional de Periodismo de Datos,,"En la celebración del Día Internacional de los Datos Abiertos, se realizarán el acto galardón del 2do. Premio Nacional de Periodismo de Datos 2019-2020, y entregaremos certificaciones de NORTIC A3 ",,10:00,,,False,18.937464,-70.579448,,False,300,False,,Dra. Milagros Ortiz Bosch/ Dra. Berenice Barinas Ubinas. Dirección General de Ética e Integridad Gubernamental (DIGEIG),Santo Domingo,,,,,dia-internacional-de-los-datos-abiertos-y-premio-nacional-de-periodismo-de-datos,AST,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,Digging Deep into Open Mapping at Open Data Day,,"We shall be looking at how open data can be used to learn about the power of maps to develop better communities, and this shall be handled by geo-mappers and open data contributors",,10:00,,,False,5.564154,5.754648,,False,8,True,,CodeUp Hangout Warri,Warri,,,,,digging-deep-into-open-mapping-at-open-data-day,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" ,,Digital cartography in the DRC with OpenStreetMap ,,"Comprendre l'accès des données ouvertes,certains licences Open sources , Introduction a OpenStreetMap",,,,,False,-4.311802,15.303467,,False,20,False,,OSM-DRC & Lisungi FABLAB,Kinshasa,,,,,digital-cartography-in-the-drc-with-openstreetmap,,,, Nigeria,2021-03-06,Digitise Africa Launch,,"Creating awareness of underinvestment in the digital transformation of Africa's public sector through research, analysis, videos and commentary",,12:00,,,False,6.5065,3.5314,,False,40,True,,"Osarume Odighibor, Digitise Africa Partners",Lagos,,,,,digitise-africa-launch,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Canada,2021-03-06,Disabled People's Database: Invisible Institutions,,We are looking to crowdsource data on institutions for disable people missing from existing Ontario and Canadian data lists,,13:00,,,False,45.506948,-75.759107,,False,20,True,,"Tracey P. Lauriault, Tracing COVID-19 Data, Carleton University",Ottawa,,,,,disabled-people-s-database-invisible-institutions,EST,,AMER,The Americas Indonesia,,"Duck, Cover and Hack Episode 03",,"Duck, Cover and Hack Episode 03 will raise the theme of ""Community help society"" What are the stories of using technology before, during and after a disaster and how the data acquired can be useful to the community itself",,,,,False,-6.191809,106.793974,,False,40,False,,U-INSPIRE Indonesia,Jakarta,,,,,duck-cover-and-hack-episode-03,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Mexico,,Día de Datos Abiertos Mérida 2021 (ODD2021),,,,,,,False,20.967779,-89.62426,,False,,True,,Laboratorio de Políticas para la Seguridad y el Desarrollo,"Mérida, Yucatán, México",,,,,dia-de-datos-abiertos-merida-2021-odd2021,,,AMER,The Americas Argentina,2021-03-05,Día de Datos Abiertos Rosario,,"Será una jornada de trabajo, donde todas las organizaciones, funcionarixs y participantes podremos experimentar el trabajo de datos alrededor de un eje temático en particular. 📌 Evidencias para la gestión de residuos 📌 Educación abierta para las políticas públicas 📌 Innovación legislativa 📌 Planes de acción de Gobierno Abierto ¡El objetivo es pasar de las ideas a la acción! Nos proponemos que cada mesa pueda generar acuerdos de trabajo futuro gracias a la elaboración colectiva con datos pertinentes y de calidad para cada tema.",,10:00,,,False,-32.95924,-60.683479,,False,100,True,,Acción Colectiva,"Rosario, Santa Fe",,,,,dia-de-datos-abiertos-rosario,AST,,AMER,The Americas Spain,2021-03-04,Día de los Datos Abiertos,,"Que la gente conozca las posibilidades de los datos abiertos, y el valor que aportan a la sociedad.",,13:00,,,False,39.98567,-0.04935,,False,100,True,,Diputación de Castellón y Universitat Jaume I,Castellón ,,,,,dia-de-los-datos-abiertos,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Colombia,,ECOIN y Open Data Day Bucaramanga,,Conocer mas afondo la usabilidad de los datos abiertos en Colombia,,,,,False,7.13118,-73.12503,,False,3,True,,Sergio Alexander Galvis Silva,Bucaramanga,,,,,ecoin-y-open-data-day-bucaramanga,COT,,AMER,The Americas Spain,2021-03-05,El valor transformador de los datos abiertos en la empresa,,,,,,,False,37.992241,-1.130654,,False,50,True,,"Ignacio Ballesta, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia",Murcia,,,,,el-valor-transformador-de-los-datos-abiertos-en-la-empresa,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Employing technological data analysing tool in accessing information,,To allow youth know how to use technological data analysing tools in accessing or processing raw data,,,,,False,4.90428,7.85061,,False,,False,,Blessing Bassey,Akwa Ibom State,,,,,employing-technological-data-analysing-tool-in-accessing-information,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Environmental dialogue on issues facing society,,Create awareness on problems facing humanity,,,,,False,20.0,20.0,,False,20,False,,Oditoniaglobal Limited,"Port Harcourt, Rivers State",,,,,environmental-dialogue-on-issues-facing-society,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-20,Equity Counts Project: New Americans,,"On March 20th, join us for a virtual event to observe International Open Data Day to explore social justice for the people of Vermont by finding, compiling, and analysing data. No prior knowledge or skills required. We call this the ""Equity Counts Project"" and it will explore social justice in Vermont, through data, as related to different key populations.",,10:30,,,False,44.475883,-73.212074,,False,20,True,,Code for BTV,"Burlington, Vermont",,,,,equity-counts-project-new-americans,EDT,,AMER,The Americas Democratic Republic of the Congo,2021-03-06,Extraction et réutilisation des données OSM,,Increase use of OSM data in the DRC,,10:00,,,False,-3.677892,22.882157,,False,,True,,"Claire Halleux, OSM RDC",,,,,,extraction-et-reutilisation-des-donnees-osm,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,,Eyes open,,"Strengthening the relationship between stakeholders, citizens to use better opportunities to effectively ‘whistle blow’ on projects that are failing to deliver and hold officials to account",,,,,False,-1.292066,36.821945,,False,40,False,,John Ongwae Corruption broom,Nairobi,,,,,eyes-open,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United Kingdom,2021-03-06,Family History 2021 Brick Wall Challenge,,"Highlighting the value of open data for those interested in family history, volunteers will help others to break through 'brick walls' in their research",,12:30,,,False,51.5074,0.1278,,False,200,True,,Denise Colbert,Facebook and Twitter,,,,,family-history-2021-brick-wall-challenge,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Benin,,Gender and climate change eco-citizens days in Benin,,"Strengthen the technical and organisational capacities of young people, women's groups on agro-forestry techniques, the establishment of gardens, plants for the vegetation cover for adaptation and mitigation to climate change",,,,,False,6.367164,2.422219,,False,100,True,,GNIMAGNON Rodrigue Doris de l'ONG JEUNESSE SANS FRONTIERES BENIN,Cotonou,,,,,gender-and-climate-change-eco-citizens-days-in-benin,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-06,Geospatial Data Access in Nigeria,,To mark the open data awareness day in the region,,13:00,,,False,9.06596,7.42503,,False,100,True,,Sambus Geospatial Nigeria Limited,"Jabi, Abuja",,,,,geospatial-data-access-in-nigeria,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Hong Kong,2021-03-06,Global Cybercrime Investigation,,Discussing openly the tactics of cyber crime to help protect the cyber environment,,14:00,,,False,22.396427,114.109497,,False,5,True,,Natsumi Irimura,,,,,,global-cybercrime-investigation,HKT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Canada,2021-03-06,GOOD-A-Palooza,,"Creating awareness of open data intiatives and programmes On the GOOD-A-Palooza menu: • Special guests • Original Open Data songs • A curated Open Data music playlist (GOODradio) • Open Data videos (GOODtube) • Live chats - you're invited to ""unmute"" and share your Open Data experiences or questions",,11:00,,,False,43.653225,-79.383186,,False,40,True,!event/2021/3/6/international-open-data-day-1,Go Open Data Association,Toronto ,,,,,good-a-palooza,EST,!event/2021/3/6/international-open-data-day-1,AMER,The Americas Australia,2021-03-10,GovHack Trivia Night,,"A fun, educational element to open-data from an Australian/New Zealand perspective. A free, ageless event supporting International Open Data Day.",,17:30,,,False,-33.86882,151.20929,,False,50,True,,"Jason Weigel, GovHack Australia",Australia,,,,,govhack-trivia-night,ACST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Canada,2021-03-07,Hack the Data Gap: Making institutionsfor disabled people visible,,"Join the Canadian Open Data Society (CODS), GO Open Data (GOOD), and Open North together as part of the Tracing COVID-19 Data Project to “Hack the Data Gap” and make institutions for disabled adults visible. If you enjoy hunting for information online and know your way around a spreadsheet, we need you. Orientation and instructions will be provided (though you’ll have to provide your own coffee and donuts)",,13:00,,,False,45.3875812,-75.6960202,,False,40,True,,Tracing COVID-19 Data Project,Ottawa,,,,,hack-the-data-gap-making-institutions-for-disabled-people-visible,EST,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,,Hack To Track The Spending,,The TransparencIT's open data day event is creatively analyse government financial transactions from the Open Treasury portal and transform it into actionable intelligence to demand transparency and efficient service delivery,,,,,False,10.530303,7.430373,,False,10,False,,"Abbas Inuwa, Transparency Information Technology Initiative (TransparencIT)",Kaduna,,,,,hack-to-track-the-spending,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,2021-03-06,Hackathon and mapathon on HIV/AIDS hotspots and testing facilities in Kinondoni District,,"Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) in its vision to have Africa where data is frequently and effectively used to inform policy and decision making at all levels, and in continuation of its data science services to ensure solutions are developed to inform policy and decision-making at different levels in public, private and civil society organizations as well as ensuring data is efficiently used. Tanzania Data Lab (dLab) is organizing a Data Visualization Hackathon, and a Mapathon on HIV/AIDS hotspots and testing facilities in Kinondoni District, that will bring together “hackers” and “mappers” from academic institutions and the general public.",,,,,False,-6.7710114,39.2377244,,False,30,False,,dLab Tanzania,Dar es Salaam,,,,,hackathon-and-mapathon-on-hiv-aids-hotspots-and-testing-facilities-in-kinondoni,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-06,Hackathon on Food Insecurity in Los Angeles,,Our goal is to raise awareness about food insecurity in Los Angeles. We’re hoping this event will help us better connect residents with on the ground resources and organizations that can help. This event will also provide an opportunity to deliver better information tools to nonprofits and policy leaders to help guide their decision making,,11:00,,,False,34.052235,-118.243683,,False,100,True,,"Eva Pereira, City of Los Angeles",Los Angeles,,,,,hackathon-on-food-insecurity-in-los-angeles,PST,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,Inclusive Development Workshop,,"To build the capacity of participant on budget process, tracing and monitoring in a way thst will bring develipment to the community and be able to ask critical question to MDAs",,,,,False,8.4786,4.53608,,False,35,True,,Saliu Bashiru Kehinde,"Ilorin, Kwara State",,,,,inclusive-development-workshop,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Thailand,,International Open Data Day 2021 (Open Data for Life Saving),,Promote Open Government Data in Thailand,,,,,False,13.745379,100.540576,,False,1000,False,,Digital Government Development Agency,Thailand,,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-open-data-for-life-saving,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Bangladesh,2021-03-07,International Open Data Day 2021 - Open Discussion & Quiz Competition,,"YouthMappers chapters in Bangladesh will celebrate together the day with an open discussion and quiz competition on the 7th of March 2021. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the event will happen through the virtual platform. All the YouthMappers in Bangladesh are invited to join the event.  The event is hosted by #SawanShariar, #RegionalAmbassador, #YouthMappers, through #YouthMappersBD and in association with all YouthMappers Chapters in #Bangladesh.  Universities participation confirmed so far:1. Jahangirnagar University 2. Khulna University 3. Jashore University of Science and Technology 4. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University 5. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University 6. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology 7. Asha University 8. Dhaka University",,19:00,,,False,23.7805733,90.2792399,,False,50,True,,"S M Sawan Shariar, Regional Ambassador of YouthMappers",Dhaka,,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-open-discussion-quiz-competition,BST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Thailand,2021-03-06,International Open Data Day 2021 - Pattani,,"To advocate local government about open data for sustainable development and peacebuilding, and to engage and build capacity of NGOs, CSOs, young people and anyone who interested to make the most of open data",,13:30,,,False,6.8524096,101.2110793,,False,90,False,,Digital4Peace Foundation,Pattani,,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-pattani,ICT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,International Open Data Day 2021 celebration in Lalitpur,,"To express our commitment to promote good governance through openness, transparency and accountability",,,,,False,27.59779235,85.32451016,,False,35,False,,"SUSASAN Project, Lalitpur","Jana Bhawana Campus, Godawari Municipality, Chapagaun, Lalitpur",,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-celebration-in-lalitpur,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,International Open Data Day 2021 in Kawasaki,,Creating open data created by citizens,,10:00,,,False,35.530889,139.703,,False,5,True,,Open Kawasaki / Code for Kawasaki,"Kawasaki City, Kanagawa pref",,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-in-kawasaki,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-05,International Open Data Day 2021 in SAITAMA,,Make an effort with an interest in open data,,13:00,,,False,35.85717,139.64897,,False,20,True,,Code for SAITAMA,"Online, Japan (Asia & The Pacific)",,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-in-saitama,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,International Open Data Day 2021 in Suzaka,,Making open data-based photo mosaic art with participants,,10:00,,,False,36.654812,138.312225,,False,200,True,,Mamoru ENDO,"Suzaka, Nagano",,,,,international-open-data-day-2021-in-suzaka,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,International Open Data Day celebration ,,To develop the concept of open data and open government,,,,,False,29.7767,81.2519,,False,60,False,,Masta Rural Municipality Bajhang,Chinpur Bajhang,,,,,international-open-data-day-celebration,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,International Open Data Day in Chiba 2021,,,,13:00,,,False,35.6465938,140.0498154,,False,10,True,,Code for Chiba,Chiba,,,,,international-open-data-day-in-chiba-2021,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-13,International Open Data Day in Ikoma,,Sharing of open data utilisation cases,,10:00,,,False,34.691962,135.70064,,False,25,True,,Code for Ikoma,"Ikoma, Nara",,,,,international-open-data-day-in-ikoma,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,,IODD 2021 Sapporo ,,Creating any contents from open data,,,,,False,43.062096,141.35437,,False,20,True,,Code for Sapporo,Sapporo,,,,,iodd-2021-sapporo,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific United States,,Johns Creek - Map our Trees,,Help create an open tree inventory for Johns Creek and greater Atlanta area,,,,,False,34.041061,-84.18782,,False,50,False,,"City of Johns Creek, GA","Johns Creek, GA",,,,,johns-creek-map-our-trees,,,AMER,The Americas Tunisia,,Journée Internationale de l’Open Data: L’Open Data au Service du Citoyen et de l’innovation ,,Celebrating the open data day in Tunisia and present the progress of a project aiming to develop applications based on the reuse of the open government data,,,,,False,36.806496,10.181532,,False,50,False,,Presidency of the Government of Tunisia - e-Governement Unit,Tunis,,,,,journee-internationale-de-lopen-data-lopen-data-au-service-du-citoyen-et-de-l,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,,Juventude empregada: como analisar dados da PNAD para monitorar a inserção dos jovens no mercado de trabalho. Um workshop usando R para iniciantes,,"Train civil society and public policy practitioners to use employability open data (from PNAD) to strengthen Decent Work, Economic Growth and Reduce of Inequalities (SDGs 8 and 10). ",,,,,False,-23.55052,-46.633308,,False,30,True,,Youth Voices Brasil,São Paulo (online) ,,,,,juventude-empregada-como-analisar-dados-da-pnad-para-monitorar-a-insercao-dos-j,,,AMER,The Americas Ukraine,2021-03-04,Kharkiv Open Data Day 2021,,"Every year in March, the world celebrates International Open Data Day. Kharkiv, which this year identified open data as a priority for development, is joining the movement for the second time. We invite everyone to join a meaningful conversation about open data with leading experts in this field on March 4 at 15:00 in the center Diia.Business!",,15:00,,,False,50.010156,36.240301,,False,30,True,,Department of Digital Transformation of the Kharkiv City Council & Diia Business Kharkiv,Kharkiv,,,,,kharkiv-open-data-day-2021,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" South Korea,,Korean Open Data Information Improvement,,Adding open data-related wiki Korean items,,,,,False,37.566536,126.977966,,False,5,True,,Code for Korea,Seoul,,,,,korean-open-data-information-improvement,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Niger,,L'open data et résilience des inondations en Afrique ,,Discussions on the state of open data in Niger and resilience to floods through open data,,,,,False,13.50795,2.11603,,False,20,True,,"Fatiman Alher, organisation MapTic Niger",Niamey,,,,,l-open-data-et-resilience-des-inondations-en-afrique,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Niger,2021-03-06,L'open data et résilience des inondations en Afrique Lieu,,,,10:00,,,False,13.528128,2.061572,,False,12,True,,"Alher Fatiman , MapTic Niger",Niamey,,,,,l-open-data-et-resilience-des-inondations-en-afrique-lieu,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Venezuela,2021-03-30,La digitalización como opción para el resguardo cultural/ histórico de las organizaciones en Venezuela,,"Within the context of the economic crisis that the country is going through, added to the global pandemic that has forced an accelerated digitization of many daily activities, we propose the digitization of documents and bibliographic material as a way of preservation and a measure to ensure present and future accessibility, safeguarding the cultural and historical institutional capital",,14:00,,,False,10.491,-66.902,,False,40,True,,Creative Commons Venezuela,Caracas,,,,,la-digitalizacion-como-opcion-para-el-resguardo-cultural-historico-de-las-organ,VET,,AMER,The Americas Brazil,, no Open Data Day: bate papo sobre dados abertos no governo,,"O objetivo do evento é discutir a importância da promoção de dados abertos no governo, trazendo experiências de sucesso e boas práticas na promoção do tema dentro do setor público. The purpose of the event is to discuss the importance of promoting open data in the government, bringing successful experiences and good practices in promoting the topic within the public sector",,,,,False,-19.917299,-43.934559,,False,100,False,, - Laboratório de inovação em governo de Minas Gerais | Minas Gerais Laboratory of Public Innovation,Belo Horizonte,,,,,lab-mg-no-open-data-day-bate-papo-sobre-dados-abertos-no-governo,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,"Let Data, for Safety and Equality",,"To boast data consciousness for safety and equality, and create grassroot/youths awareness",,,,,False,13.0533,5.3223,,False,300,False,,"Mahmud Shehu, Resource Connects for Education Initiative",Sokoto,,,,,let-data-for-safety-and-equality,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United Kingdom,2021-03-06,Lintol Challenge: Digging into NI Assembly Data,,"Dinner and coding, the way Hackathons used to be :D Fully remote, with first 20 folks to come along and suggest an idea of how you might use data, get a free and instant JustEat voucher for your dinner! Of course, if you just want to sit and listen and munch your own chow (or not), no suggesting required - you are more than welcome to sit and absorb. For those considering entering the Lintol Coding Challenge, which closes on Monday, could be a chance to spend 20mins throwing together some Python (or language of your choice) and get a quick £100, or even £500! We will take some of the great text from the NI Assembly open data portal, and show you how you can do natural language processing, correlations, and more. All welcome to this geeky, independent and politically-unaligned event from the Lintol team, an open source platform for data validation and insights. The Lintol Challenge Code of Conduct applies, and bear in mind there may be a wide variety of ideas and interpretations of data!",,19:00,,,False,54.6049583,-5.8341371,,False,20,True,,Avata Industries,,,,,,lintol-challenge-digging-into-ni-assembly-data,GMT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Sweden,2021-03-06,Live Editing Open Data on Wikidata,,Show off how open data is described in and can be added to Wikidata and how Wikidata itself is an open data set that can be reused.,,,,,False,59.3293,18.0685,,False,20,True,,Jan Ainali,Stockholm,,,,,live-editing-open-data-on-wikidata,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Argentina,2021-03-09,Mapa de Portales de Datos Abiertos de Justicia de América Latina,,Conversatorio sobre los portales de datos abiertos de temas de Justica en América Latina,,15:00,,,False,-38.416096,-63.616673,,False,+100,True,,Red Internacional de Justicia Abierta (RIJA),Ciudad de Buenos Aires,,,,,mapa-de-portales-de-datos-abiertos-de-justicia-de-america-latina,ART,,AMER,The Americas Ghana,,Mapathon for Navrongo ,,To produce maps to facilitate in development ,,,,,False,10.89317,-1.08981,,False,15,False,,Johnson Anawey. CKT UTAS youthmappers ,Navrongo ,,,,,mapathon-for-navrongo,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Democratic Republic of the Congo,,Mapping Covid-19 related data rights violations in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,,To raise awareness on data rights violations during Covid-19 in DR Congo,,,,,False,-4.441931,15.266293,,False,250,True,,Digital Security Group,Kinshasa (Virtual),,,,,mapping-covid-19-related-data-rights-violations-in-the-democratic-republic-of-th,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,,Marking of International Open Data Day,,"During the event, we are hoping that our public information will be disclosed through technological platforms",,,,,False,21.774,75.983559,,False,50,False,,"Khaptad Chhanna Rural Municipalitiy, Bajhang","Chainpur, Bajhang",,,,,marking-of-international-open-data-day,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,2021-03-06,Marking of International Open Data Day 2021,,To commit to disclose the public information to the public,,,,,False,29.550884,81.19632,,False,50,False,,"Durgathali Rural Municipaliity, Bajhang Nepal","Chainpur, Bajhang",,,,,marking-of-international-open-data-day-2021,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Marking of IODD - Chainpur,,To make all sort of public information open to the public,,,,,False,23.0,91.0,,False,50,False,,Jayaprithvi Municipality,"Chainpur, Bajhang",,,,,marking-of-iodd-chainpur,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Argentina,,Mesa de trabajo: portal de datos abiertos de la Legislatura de la Provincia de Córdoba,,Avanzar junto a expertos en una estrategia para el crecimiento del Portal de Datos Abiertos de la Legislatura,,,,,False,-31.420082,-64.188774,,False,15,False,,Legislatura de la Provincia de Córdoba,Córdoba,,,,,mesa-de-trabajo-portal-de-datos-abiertos-de-la-legislatura-de-la-provincia-de-c,,,AMER,The Americas Finland,2021-03-06,Miten tieto edistää terveyttä koronaepidemian aikana? ,,Mitä on kansalaisyhteiskunnan tekemä terveyden edistämistyö terveysuhan aikana? Kuinka kansalaisjärjestöt edistävät terveystietoisuutta ja ehkäisevät disinformaatiota koronaepidemian aikana?,,10:00,,,False,60.1674881,24.9427473,,False,30,True,,"Susanna Ånäs, Mehalet Yared: Open Knowledge Finland, Wikimedia Finland, Finnish Red Cross",Helsinki,,,,,miten-tieto-edistaa-terveytta-koronaepidemian-aikana,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-06,Muroran International Open Data Day,,Think about Muroran together,,10:00,,,False,42.351496,141.018186,,False,5,True,,"Akimi Kawaguchi, Code for Muroran",Muroran,,,,,muroran-international-open-data-day,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific United States,2021-03-06,New York Alive!,,"Join artist Jen Ray and data designer Jason Forrest as they present a not-entirely-serious exploration of the urges, needs, and desires of New York City residents - both officially in the data, as well as through informal survey results. Inspired by historic influences such as Otto & Marie Neurath Isotype designs and the Triadic Ballet of the Bauhaus, this performance will be a celebration of the city, echoing the interests that make our shared culture so unique. By incorporating movement, props, pictorial statistics, music, megaphones, and good humor we guarantee you've never seen data presented in this way before!",,13:00,,,False,40.7251176,-73.9883381,,False,50,False,,Data Through Design and the Loisaida Open Streets Community Coalition,New York,,,,,new-york-alive,EST,,AMER,The Americas United States,2021-03-06,New York City Open Data Week 2021,,"Open Data Week is a week-long festival of community-driven events organized and produced by the NYC Mayor’s Office of Data Analytics and BetaNYC. Every year, New Yorkers come together all across the boroughs to celebrate New York City’s Open Data Law, which was signed into law on March 7, 2012. Coincidentally, the first weekend of March is also International Open Data Day. Together, we use both dates to anchor NYC’s Open Data Week and increase civic engagement with our municipal open data",,,,,False,40.74228,-73.994037,,False,500,True,,Beta NYC,New York,,,,,new-york-city-open-data-week-2021,EST,,AMER,The Americas Japan,2021-03-10,Nocode Opendata App Seminar,,Create apps using open data and no-coding platforms,,13:00,,,False,34.693737,135.502167,,False,30,True,,Code for OSAKA,Osaka,,,,,nocode-opendata-app-seminar,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Philippines,,ODD MHAPhathon: Mental Health AWHEREness Ph Open Data Day Mapathon,,"In this activity, we aim to: 1. discuss the importance of taking care of our mental health; 2. introduce the Mental Health Awhereness Project; 3. introduce other projects that promote community care for mental health by different organizations; 4. familiarize with the basic functions of the interactive maps for MHA-PH; and 5. teach how to map available mental health services in the Philippines through OpenStreetMap, MapContrib, and our new free and open-source mapping platform",,,,,False,14.676041,121.043701,,False,70,False,,"Sandra Tabinas, Mental Health AWHEREness PH, Inc.","Online; Metro Manila, Philippines",,,,,odd-mhaphathon-mental-health-awhereness-ph-open-data-day-mapathon,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Belgium,,Open Belgium 2021,,Open Belgium is an annual community-driven conference about the state of Open Knowledge and Open Data in Belgium,,,,,False,50.850346,4.351721,,False,300,True,,"Astrid Steenackers, Open Knowledge Belgium",Brussels,,,,,open-belgium-2021,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Turkey,,Open Data and Covid-19,,To make visible the role of open data in combating the epidemic and to carry out awareness studies with open data platforms in order to increase the quality of open health data,,,,,False,41.00824,28.978359,,False,10,True,,,Istanbul,,,,,open-data-and-covid-19,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,2021-03-06,Open data and digital literacy training for youths in Simta Rural Municipality by Women in STEM Nepal,,Aware the local youths regarding the benefits and use of evidence-based data and digital technology and decision making processes; To enhance the data and digital literacy capacity of the youths of simta rural municipality; To brainstorm the prevailing social issues around their community; To generate potential data driven and digital solutions to those existing social issues; To create the networks of youths who can potentially further advocate open data in their community.,,10:00,,,False,28.54014849,82.00884501,,False,30,False,[%7B%22mechanism%22%3A%22surface%22%2C%22surface%22%3A%22create_dialog%22%7D]%7D,Women in STEM Nepal,Simta Rural Municipality-6,,,,,open-data-and-digital-literacy-training-for-youths-in-simta-rural-municipality-b,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Italy,2021-03-06,Open data and transparency at the time of Covid-19 in Italy - Open data e trasparenza al tempo del Covid-19 in Italia ,,"The health crisis triggered by Covid-19 has brought to light, once again, but in an even more evident way if possible, the importance of Open Data. What are the processes we need to implement to liberate data and our lives? Today is Open Data Day and we talk about it in full freedom with people from civic activism, institutions and civil society who have cared about the issue for many years and who during the covid crisis have never stopped asking for transparency",,10:00,,,False,45.464203,9.189982,,False,100,True,,Rosy Battaglia - Cittadini Reattivi NGO ,Milano,,,,,open-data-and-transparency-at-the-time-of-covid-19-in-italy-open-data-e-traspa,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-05,Open data as a tool for fighting corruption,,Increasing awareness amongs women on the benefits of open data to fight corruption in Imeko community,,,,,False,7.44921,2.83865,,False,50,False,,BhondIT Solutions Initiative ,"Imeko, Ogun State",,,,,open-data-as-a-tool-for-fighting-corruption,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Togo,,Open data as a tool for up-to-date addressing of road in Togo,,Improving the address data of the city of Lomé and raise awareness of the daily use of OpenStreetMap data as a digital map,,,,,False,6.13365,1.22311,,False,,False,,"Kokou Elolo AMEGAYIBO, OpenStreetMap Togo",Lomé,,,,,open-data-as-a-tool-for-up-to-date-addressing-of-road-in-togo,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - A Coruña,,Disseminating free knowledge and information about opendata,,10:00,,,False,43.370731,-8.39585,,False,30,True,,"Jorge Lama, Asociaicón Melisa","A Coruña, Galicia",,,,,open-data-day-2021-a-coruna,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - Amargadhi,,Solidarity towards International Open Data Day,,,,,False,29.243641,80.457932,,False,50,False,,"Amargadhi, Dadeldhura, Nepal",Amargadhi,,,,,open-data-day-2021-amargadhi,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - Code for Aizu,,We would like to discuss our past and future activities,,,,,False,37.481789,139.929947,,False,10,True,,Yasushi Fujii,Aizu,,,,,open-data-day-2021-code-for-aizu,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Costa Rica,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - LEAD University,,"Con motivo de la celebración del Open Data Day ( por celebrarse a nivel mundial este sábado 6 de marzo, tenemos preparado en ULEAD una serie de charlas en formato conversatorio y una competencia por equipos con una simulación en línea de Harvard Business School sobre Análitica de Datos: Toma de Desiciones Estratégicas. La simulación es una competencia en equipo. Tiene una duración de 1 hora y se puede jugar en cualquier momento durante la semana del 6 a 12 de marzo. Las actividades están dirigidas a la comunidad LEAD, estudiantes, profesores, personal administrativo, estudiantes de colegio, profesionales, ejecutivos y público en general. Vamos a tener premios para los ganadores de la competencia y rifas entre los asistentes. Abajo la agenda de actividades",,9:15,,,False,9.9281,-84.0907,,False,40,True,,LEAD University,San José,,,,,open-data-day-2021-lead-university,CST,,AMER,The Americas Germany,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 - Mapping for Permaculture Communities,,"Increased knowledge and awareness of open data, a start on mapping for permaculture communities across the world, clarity on permaculture community mapping needs and international participation for coherence",,9:00,,,False,53.10336,12.4047,,False,100,True,,Permaculture Collaboration Laboratory,Heiligengrabe,,,,,open-data-day-2021-mapping-for-permaculture-communities,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,,Open Data Day 2021 - Py013,,,,,,,False,-23.9508218,-46.3252551,,False,,True,,Py013,"Santos, São Paulo - Brasil",,,,,open-data-day-2021-py013,,,AMER,The Americas Mexico,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 by TQV Cancun,,Let people know what open data is and the benefits it has in society,,16:00,,,False,21.201022,-86.823678,,False,130,True,,Daniel Reyes Manuel,Cancun,,,,,open-data-day-2021-by-tqv-cancun,EST,,AMER,The Americas South Africa,2021-03-05,Open Data Day 2021 Cape Town (UCT),,"We are planning a variety of short (max. 10-minute) presentations, to get people inspired by their colleagues’ different open data practices and experiences. We have also invited some speakers from outside UCT to share the work they are doing on open data",,9:00,,,False,-33.958042,18.460596,,False,50,True,,"Ya'qub Ebrahim, University of Cape Town",Cape Town,,,,,open-data-day-2021-cape-town-uct,SAST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,,Open Data Day 2021 Celebration,,"International Open Data Day celebration, inauguration of community techno-hub of Dhangadhi SMC, citizens interface with LGs on open data tools handover",,,,,False,28.6945,80.592888,,False,150,False,,Dhangadhi Sub-Metropolitan City,Dhangadhi,,,,,open-data-day-2021-celebration,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Open Data Day 2021 Celebration Learning Sharing Workshop,,The event is aimed at promoting and sharing open data practices of the municipality,,,,,False,27.468875,87.349563,,False,50,False,,Bahrabise Municipality,Bahrabise ,,,,,open-data-day-2021-celebration-learning-sharing-workshop,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 Dadeldhura,,Solidarity towards International Open Data Day,,,,,False,27.884467,82.333934,,False,50,False,,"Ajayameru Gaunpalika, Dadeldhura","Ajayameru Gaunpalika, Dadeldhura",,,,,open-data-day-2021-dadeldhura,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Open Data Day 2021 in Achham ,,Make people aware about open data and its importance ,,,,,False,29.349091,80.950241,,False,50,False,,Mellekh Rural Municipality,Achham,,,,,open-data-day-2021-in-achham,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-05,Open Data Day 2021 in Aomori,,Discovering regional issues and exchanging opinions from open data,,13:00,,,False,40.80333,140.8012163,,False,20,True,,Code for Aomori,Aomori City,,,,,open-data-day-2021-in-aomori,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-14,Open Data Day 2021 in SAGA,,Exploring ways to use open data to revitalize the region,,20:00,,,False,33.2543473,130.3047993,,False,20,True,,"Saygo Ushijima, Code for Saga",Saga City,,,,,open-data-day-2021-in-saga,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Mexico,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 Jalisco,,Build knowledge from citizenry through open data on different topics that concern to inhabitants of Jalisco state,,10:00,,,False,20.671955,-103.416504,,False,30,True,,Carlos Ruiz (Independent),Jalisco,,,,,open-data-day-2021-jalisco,CST,,AMER,The Americas South Korea,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 X NullFull,,Discuss the commercial use of personal information and national data policies,,13:00,,,False,37.607423,126.933821,,False,20,True,,NullFull,Seoul,,,,,open-data-day-2021-x-nullfull,KST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021 オープンデータを学ぼう,,"2021年3月6日(土)はオープンデータデイです。 世界中のシビックテック活動団体等がオープンデータに関するイベントを行います。 コロナの影響ですべてオンラインイベントとして開催。ZOOMを利用します。 テーマは『オープンデータを学ぼう』。オープンデータを知らない方でも楽しく学べ、府中市や他市の事例を知ることができます。 オープンデータの利活用が進めばと本イベントを企画しました。",,13:00,,,False,35.6692091,139.4770089,,False,40,True,,Code for Fuchu,Tokyo,,,,,open-data-day-2021-opundetawoxue-bou,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Kenya,2021-03-06,"Open Data Day 2021, Kenya",,Improve animal welfare practices through improved environment data collection,,9:00,,,False,-1.2667,36.7167,,False,20,True,,Musa Veterinary Clinic,Lower Kabete,,,,,open-data-day-2021-kenya,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Lithuania,2021-03-05,Open Data Day 2021- Open data workshop,,"Target audience: public sector open data coordinators and institutional database administrators. The problem that is being addressed is that public sector bodies still do not understand what open data is, what benefits they generate, how to inventory and open data, etc",,10:00,,,False,54.687157,25.279652,,False,100,True,,Ministry of the Economy and Innovation of the Republic of Lithuania & Information Society Development Committee,Vilnius,,,,,open-data-day-2021-open-data-workshop,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,,Open Data Day 2021: Celebration with different activity,,"Celebration of International Open Data Day, lunch at community tech hub, citizen interface on Open Data Day",,,,,False,35.033859,24.789511,,False,10,False,,Kailari Rural Municipality,Dhangadhi ,,,,,open-data-day-2021-celebration-with-different-activity,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Cambodia,2021-03-06,Open Data Day 2021: Data in the time of COVID-19,,"To bring the national and regional experts to discuss the importance of availability, openness, dissemination and use of data and information during the pandemic. Also, to encourage the participation of all key actors, CSOs, researchers and experts working together to foster an open data ecosystem that allows the accessibility of data during the pandemic",,8:00,,,False,11.556374,104.928207,,False,40,True,,Open Development Cambodia,"Phnom Penh, Cambodia",,,,,open-data-day-2021-data-in-the-time-of-covid-19,ICT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Spain,2021-03-06,Open data Day 2021: Datos para abordar el impacto del Covid-19,,"In this edition of the Open Data Day, we dedicate it to highlighting projects and valuable data for approaching the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on health, the economy, and society.",,10:30,,,False,41.40689,2.19423,,False,30,True,,Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data,Barcelona,,,,,open-data-day-2021-datos-para-abordar-el-impacto-del-covid-19,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Italy,,Open Data Day 2021: Event and online session ,,,,,,,False,37.48991,14.06329,,False,200,True,,Michele Dellutri,Caltanissetta,,,,,open-data-day-2021-event-and-online-session,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Asaba ,,"""Data for equal development"" - How open data can be utilized by communities in highlighting challenges on both local and international front. - How open data can be used to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals progress.",,18:00,,,False,6.2018213,6.6725735,,False,10,True,,Asaba Webflow,Asaba,,,,,open-data-day-asaba,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Paraguay,,Open Data Day Asuncion 2021,,Online Speakers,,,,,False,-25.3068259,-57.5551114,,False,30,True,,Civilab,Online,,,,,open-data-day-asuncion-2021,,,AMER,The Americas Tanzania,,Open Data Day at Institute of Rural Development Planning (Dodoma),,Event aims to show the importance of open data in community and how opensource software can be linked and used in planning issues,,,,,False,-6.121673,35.74504,,False,50,True,,"Shabani Magawila, Crowd2Map",Dodoma,,,,,open-data-day-at-institute-of-rural-development-planning-dodoma,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Data Day BD,,"Em parceria à FGV/EMAP, a Base dos Dados irá trazer workshop de aplicações com nosso datalake público e lançar seu 1º datathon",,14:00,,,False,-8.452,-40.116,,False,50,True,,Base dos Dados,Na rede,,,,,open-data-day-bd,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Germany,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Bielefeld,,Am 06. März 2021 veranstaltet das Digitalisierungsbüro der Stadt Bielefeld im Rahmen des internationalen Open Data Day 2021 in Zusammenarbeit mit Code for Bielefeld ein kostenfreies Event. In vier Kurzvorträgen erhalten Bürger*innen erste Einblicke in die Bedeutung und Nutzung von offene Daten als Zukunftsressource für partizipative Stadtentwicklung und offene Innovation. Anschließend folgt eine kurze Einführung in das Open Data Portal der Stadt Bielefeld (Amt für Geoinformation und Kataster) und schließlich ein interaktiver Workshop zur Visualisierung von offenen Daten (Code for Bielefeld),,9:45,,,False,52.0333,8.5333,,False,,True,,Digitalisierungsbüro Stadt Bielefeld,Bielefeld,,,,,open-data-day-bielefeld,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Brasília,,Increase the open data community in Brasilia,,10:00,,,False,-15.826691,-47.921822,,False,100,True,,Mário Sérgio,Brasília,,,,,open-data-day-brasilia,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Nepal,,Open Data Day celebration - Amargadhi Dadeldhura,,"The solidarity towards the concept of open data, open and transparent government; and to spread awareness at local level about importance of it",,,,,False,22.29516,70.855049,,False,150,False,,Amargadhi Municipality,Amargadhi Dadeldhura,,,,,open-data-day-celebration-amargadhi-dadeldhura,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Open Data Day celebration - Nawadurga Rural Municipality,,"The solidarity towards the concept of open data, open and transparent government; and to spread awareness at local level about importance of it",,,,,False,23.86713,72.12846,,False,150,False,,"Nawadurga Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura","Nawadurga Rural Municipality, Dadeldhura",,,,,open-data-day-celebration-nawadurga-rural-municipality,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Celebration 2021 - Parshuram Municipality,,Solidarity towards International Open Data Day,,,,,False,11.05775,-0.2408,,False,100,False,,Parshuram Municipality,Parshuram Municipality,,,,,open-data-day-celebration-2021-parshuram-municipality,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,"Open Data Day celebration 2021, sharing and learning workshop",,Event aimed at sharing and promotion of open data practices in local government ,,,,,False,27.710629,85.809067,,False,50,False,,Sunkoshi Rural Municipality,Sunkoshi Rural Municipality,,,,,open-data-day-celebration-2021-sharing-and-learning-workshop,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Brazil,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Curitiba 2021,,"Develop digital literacy to create overall interest in the use of open data with presentations by guests in three groups of approaches: social, organisational and technical",,10:00,,,False,-25.480877,-49.304424,,False,100,True,,"Ricardo Mendes Junior, Code for Curitiba",Curitiba,,,,,open-data-day-curitiba-2021,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Ecuador,2021-03-06,Open Data Day EC 2021,,We expect to motivate and promote the use of open data. We recently launched the first open government data policy and we need to promote it widely,,10:00,,,False,-0.180653,-78.467834,,False,60,True,,"Julio López, Datalat",Quito,,,,,open-data-day-ec-2021,ECT,,AMER,The Americas Somalia,,Open Data Day Garowe,,Promotion of openness of public budget to the people ,,,,,False,888.0,888.0,,False,22,False,,Bareedo Platform ,Garowe,,,,,open-data-day-garowe,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Ecuador,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Guayaquil 2021,,"Conversatorio: Datos Abiertos para la Innovación Moderadores: David Ponce, Director de Transformación Digital Eduardo Bejar, Gerente General de Fundapi Panelistas: - Flor Serale - Open Data Institute (Reino Unido) Consultora de desarrollo de estrategias de datos abiertos en el Open Data Institute (ODI), con experiencia en investigación, transformación digital e innovación basada en datos en América Latina. Stephane Godoy - Grupo KFC (Ecuador) Jefe Regional de Marketing y Transformación Digital en Grupo KFC, especialista en big data, analítica avanzada, generación de insights y marketing digital. - Daniel Carranza - Data (Uruguay) Co-fundador de DATA Uruguay, consultor de gobierno abierto, datos abiertos y tecnología cívica en diferentes proyectos en Latinoamérica Agenda: 11h00 - 11h05: Bienvenida (EPICO) - Introducción (Fundapi) 11h05 - 11h20: Flor Serale - ODI 11h20 - 11h35: Stephane Godoy - IFS 11h35 - 11h50: Daniel Carranza - DATA 11h50 - 12h00: Conversación, preguntas y cierre",,11:00,,,False,-2.180195,-79.90325,,False,,True,,Fundapi + ÉPICO,Guayaquil,,,,,open-data-day-guayaquil-2021,PST,,AMER,The Americas Germany,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Heilbronn,,Working together on open data projects for the Heilbronn area.,,10:00,,,False,49.143918,9.215009,,False,20,True,,Code for Heilbronn e.V.,Heilbronn,,,,,open-data-day-heilbronn,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-06,Open Data Day in Hakodate online,,Consider the activities for the coming year with reference to the trends of Civic Tech.,,13:00,,,False,41.794979,140.739975,,False,10,True,,Takuya Nakamura (Code for Hakodate),Hakodate,,,,,open-data-day-in-hakodate-online,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific South Korea,,Open Data Day in Korea,,Share our experience of COVID-19,,,,,False,37.5326,127.024612,,False,100,True,,Haklae Kim (Open Knowledge Korea),Seoul,,,,,open-data-day-in-korea,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Senegal,,Open Data Day Kaolack,,"Conference, Mapathon and training",,,,,False,14.150796,-16.078948,,False,150,True,,Labaly TOURE,Kaolack,,,,,open-data-day-kaolack,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Nairobi,,To host and train student mappers on open mapping and further engage them in the national open mapping community and bring together a number of players in the open mapping community in Kenya,,10:00,,,False,-1.291714,36.824693,,False,65,True,,"Laura Mugeha, YouthMappers",Nairobi,,,,,open-data-day-nairobi,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" India,2021-03-06,Open Data Day New Delhi,,Webinar on agriculture data in India ,,10:30,,,False,28.6259134,77.1588649,,False,100,True,,Data Portal India and Indian Council of Agricultural Research,New Delhi,,,,,open-data-day-new-delhi,IST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Brazil,2021-03-20,Open Data Day Recife,,"Março é mês de celebrar o Open Data Day, aqui em Recife a comunidade de dados, junto com a Rede de embaixadoras para Inovação Cívica da Open Knowledge Brasil e Women in Data Science Recife se reuniram para promover um evento online. Programação 14h00 - Boas vindas e explicações gerais 14h10 - Transparência de dados e informação - Ivan Moraes 14h35 - Diários oficiais como fonte de dados e informações - [palestrante a confirmar] 15h00 - Atividade prática: análise de dados do censo do projeto open source Querido Diário 15h55 - Encerramento",,14:00,,,False,-8.05519,-34.871181,,False,,True,,"Ana Cecília Vieira, Giulio Carvalho and Márcio Erlich",Recife,,,,,open-data-day-recife,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Nepal,,Open Data Day Sanfebagar ,,Celebrate Open Data Day,,,,,False,18.95712,72.81053,,False,60,False,,Chaurpati Rural Municipality,Sanfebagar ,,,,,open-data-day-sanfebagar,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Mexico,,Open Data Day Veracruz,,Conoceremos los datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Veracruz,,,,,False,19.173773,-96.134224,,False,60,False,,Ayuntamiento de Veracruz,Veracruz,,,,,open-data-day-veracruz,,,AMER,The Americas Nigeria,2021-03-06,"Open Data Day Warri - ""Data for equal development""",,"We shall be discussing the topic, ""Data for equal development"", where we shall consider the following areas: 1. How open data can be utilized by communities in highlighting challenges on both local and international front. 2. How open data can be used to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals progress. Please note that we shall be having some persons who have been part of Open Data and Open Source Projects to educate us on these areas. Thus you are encouraged to book your seat by RSVP for this event, as seats are limited for just 30 people. Also, all COVID-19 safety protocols will be duly observed. Thank you.",,16:00,,,False,5.589271,5.859458,,False,26,True,,CodeUp Africa,Warri,,,,,open-data-day-warri-data-for-equal-development,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Italy,,Open Data Day with Roberto Fiorucci,,Sapere di pià sul mondo open data,,,,,False,41.871941,12.56738,,False,1,False,,"Roberto Fiorucci, Expleo Italia",Italy,,,,,open-data-day-with-roberto-fiorucci,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mexico,2021-03-05,Open Data Day Xalapa 2021,,,,10:00,,,False,19.527269,-96.9235,,False,50,True,,Ivonne Flores Olivos,"Xalapa, Veracruz",,,,,open-data-day-xalapa-2021,CST,,AMER,The Americas Zambia,2021-03-06,Open Data Day Zambia: the importance of data in empowering women ,,To help people to understand how open data is helping women in Zambia ,,14:00,,,False,15.41962,28.28315,,False,30,False,,"Chomba Chishala, Open Data Lab Zambia (OSMZambia)",Lusaka,,,,,open-data-day-zambia-the-importance-of-data-in-empowering-women,CAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-04,Open Data Day: Baton Rouge,,"To raise community awareness about open data, share knowledge and discuss how open data can help spur civic solutions",,18:00,,,False,30.451468,-91.187149,,False,50,False,,City of Baton Rouge and Parish of East Baton Rouge,Baton Rouge,,,,,open-data-day-baton-rouge,CST,,AMER,The Americas Panama,2021-03-06,Open Data Fest,,"Get to know and visualise data from Covid-19, through arts, and reflect on our future as humanity and as the country of Panama",,,,,False,8.98939,-79.52606,,False,200,False,,Kernel Community,Panama City,,,,,open-data-fest,,,AMER,The Americas Tanzania,,Open data for addressing social problems in Tanzania,,The events hopes to help the stakeholders and community understand the importance on using open data in addressing the social problems at local level to bring about equal development,,,,,False,7.95257,31.61356,,False,100,True,,"Mosses Mwangata, Vijana Pambana Pata Maendeleo Rukwa-VIPAMARU",Sumbawanga Municipal,,,,,open-data-for-addressing-social-problems-in-tanzania,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Haiti,,Open Data for Agriculture - Haiti,,Open data to support agroforestry in the Grand Anse in support of the Université de la Nouvelle Grande Anse (Unoga). ,,,,,False,18.645204,-74.118377,,False,25,False,,Potentiel3.0,Jeremie,,,,,open-data-for-agriculture-haiti,,,AMER,The Americas Bhutan,2021-03-06,Open Data for Digital Drukyul,,Bhutan’s sociotechnical resources are ‘born digital’; The programme will sensitise people the importance of making data as open as possible to optimise reuse through open data and FAIR initiatives.,,,,,False,27.28698771,91.52365423,,False,150,True,,"Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Sherubtse College","Kanglung, Trashigang",,,,,open-data-for-digital-drukyul,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Tunisia,,"Open Data for education, health, agriculture",,"Form an open data competence group for education, health, agriculture",,,,,False,36.806496,10.181532,,False,20,False,,Abdelhamid Jarmouni - Open Data Forum,Tunis,,,,,open-data-for-education-health-agriculture,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Open data for research and development,,"The main goal of this Open Data Day event is to create an opportunity for the academic and research community to continue to learn about the potential benefits of open data, to share knowledge with colleagues, and to inspire wider participation to make open data a new norm in scholarship and research",,,,,False,7.73389,4.43498,,False,500,True,,"Basiru Adetomiwa, Redeemer's University","Ede, Osun State",,,,,open-data-for-research-and-development,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Italy,2021-03-05,Open Data for Resilience,,"For many, the word that sums up 2020 and projects us in the future is resilience – the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties and shocks. The ongoing Covid-19 global pandemic, unpredictable weather patterns and climate change, pest plagues like the locust swarms invading parts of Africa, are just some of the tremendous challenges that our food systems and agriculture are experiencing. To celebrate International Open Data Day and reflect on how open data can build resilience in agriculture and food systems, the Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT and the CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture have organized a webinar featuring thought and research leaders in big data and digital technologies in agriculture. The growing availability of data and the smart and effective use of this data in research for development are opportunities to find new, data-driven ways to withstand the impacts of adverse events, nourish people and sustain the planet",,14:00,,,False,41.9028,12.4964,,False,30,True,,Bioversity International & CIAT Library,Rome,,,,,open-data-for-resilience,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Belarus,,Open Data in Belarus - Открытые данные в Беларуси: онлайн-лекция,,Talk about Open Data in Belarus / На онлайн-лекции поговорим за открытые данные в Беларуси и политику открытости ,,,,,False,53.904541,27.561523,,False,30,True,,Петр Орлов,Minsk / Минск,,,,,open-data-in-belarus-otkrytye-dannye-v-belarusi-onlain-lektsiia,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Romania,,Open Data Maps,,Maps contest for highlighting Open data necessity and use in Romania.,,,,,False,44.426765,26.102537,,False,30,False,,,Bucharest,,,,,open-data-maps,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Austria,2021-03-04,Open Data Meetup: Basics & Best Practices,,"Wie können Startups und KMU hierzulande Open Data nutzen, um ihre bestehenden Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu erweitern? Dieser Frage geht das butkasten Open Data Meetup nach, das am 4 März als digitales Event stattfinden wird. Dabei werden Best-Practice-Beispiele vor den Vorhang geholt, um von bereits erfolgreich umgesetzten Projekten zu lernen",,17:00,,,False,48.2082,16.3738,,False,20,True,,Der Brutkasten,Vienna,,,,,open-data-meetup-basics-best-practices,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-09,Open data mix conference in Gifu,,We will collaborate on the Gifu project and discuss what kind of open data should be available to proceed with the project,,13:00,,,False,35.41158,136.749783,,False,10,True,,Code for Gifu,Gifu,,,,,open-data-mix-conference-in-gifu,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific France,,Open data on green France,,We collect and analyse the data about green areas in France (especially missing data),,,,,False,48.856613,2.3522,,False,10,False,,Liu Bauer T.,Paris,,,,,open-data-on-green-france,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" India,,Open Data: Prospects and Challenges,,To spread awareness about open data and research data management,,,,,False,28.613939,77.209023,,False,100,False,,"Rajender Parsad, ICAR-IASRI",New Delhi,,,,,open-data-prospects-and-challenges,IST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Brazil,,Open Day Data - Instituto HUB,,,,,,,False,-22.906847,-43.172897,,False,,True,,Instituto HUB,Rio de Janeiro,,,,,open-day-data-instituto-hub,,,AMER,The Americas Germany,2021-03-06,Open Electronics Workshop: PCB-layout designing with open-source tool KiCad,,Teaching people how easy it is to design a PCB for their electronics project with the open-source tool KiCad,,20:00,,,False,48.740879,9.30824,,False,10,True,,M. Akes (Makerspace-Esslingen),Esslingen am Neckar,,,,,open-electronics-workshop-pcb-layout-designing-with-open-source-tool-kicad,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nepal,,Open Health - Data Driven Healthcare System in Digital Nepal - Birgunj,,To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector,,,,,False,27.0209204,84.8898235,,False,50,False,,"Rabiraj, Khadka, Robotics Association of Nepal","National Infotech College, Birgunj",,,,,open-health-data-driven-healthcare-system-in-digital-nepal-birgunj,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Open Health - Data Driven Healthcare System in Digital Nepal - Butwal,,To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector,,,,,False,27.6953043,83.4621983,,False,50,False,,"Rabiraj, Khadka, Robotics Association of Nepal",Butwal,,,,,open-health-data-driven-healthcare-system-in-digital-nepal-butwal,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nepal,,Open Health - Data Driven Healthcare System in Digital Nepal - Jumla,,To create an awareness in open data among health care professionals and develop MVP for challenges in the health sector,,,,,False,29.2798779,82.1836176,,False,50,False,,"Rabiraj, Khadka, Robotics Association of Nepal","Karnali Academy of Health Sciences, Jumla",,,,,open-health-data-driven-healthcare-system-in-digital-nepal-jumla,NPT,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nigeria,2021-03-27,Open Justice System,,"Despite ongoing development in open government initiatives and constitutional provision on open justice, the notion of openness in the judiciary is still opaque which is why this event is being hosted.",,,,,False,6.32446,5.62375,,False,200,True,,President Aigbokhan - Freedom of Information Counsel Nigeria,"Benin City, Edo State",,,,,open-justice-system,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,2021-03-06,Open Research Data 101: Research Tools and Real-Time Applications,,"Join the Frictionless Data Fellows for an Open Data Day event celebrating open research data. This event will start with a presentation on open science by Dr. Caleb Kibet, followed by an hour-long workshop by the Frictionless Fellows, and culminating in a panel discussing “Balancing Ethics and Open Access Research” featuring Dr. Monica Granados, Cedric Lombion, and Douglas McCarthy.",,15:00,,,False,-1.292066,36.821945,,False,100,True,,Frictionless Data Fellows (Lilly Winfree),"Nairobi, Kenya",,,,,open-research-data-101-research-tools-and-real-time-applications,UTC,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Croatia,,Open technologies for community: How have disasters digitised us and what's next?,,To advocate open data as a valuable social resource and open a public discussion on the right to access public sector information,,,,,False,45.81501,15.981919,,False,70,True,,Gong and Code for Croatia,Zagreb,,,,,open-technologies-for-community-how-have-disasters-digitised-us-and-what-s-next,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" China,,Open Up the Black Box: Know How Your Personal Data is Fed into Opaque Algorithm,,The event is for Lay people to understand how their life is controlled by Opaque Algorithms and how their personal data are fed into those systems without asking,,,,,False,31.230391,121.473701,,False,40,False,,Open Data China and Baiyulan Open AI Lab,Shanghai,,,,,open-up-the-black-box-know-how-your-personal-data-is-fed-into-opaque-algorithm,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Poland,2021-03-06,Open.Data HowFaster.NET: Open Internet network measurement datasets / Otwarte zbiory danych pomiarów w sieci Internet,,"The event refers to the problem area of the structure of the global Internet. This structure may look different in different regions of the world. The event will include both theoretical introduction and more practical elements. We will answer many questions and problems concerning network access and data transmission. The event will be located in the areas of data aggregation / processing / analysis, computer networks and security. Topics will be based on two projects implemented by the Cyber-Complex Foundation: iThena and HowFaster.NET. The main aspect of the problems concerns data made available under open licenses.",,17:00,,,False,52.229675,21.01223,,False,25,True,,Cyber-Complex Foundation,Poland,,,,,open-data-howfaster-net-open-internet-network-measurement-datasets-otwarte-zb,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Argentina,2021-03-06,OpenDataDay 2021 Datacamp Datos Abiertos,,"We seek to unite people who seek data to help make decisions and develop technology for social impact, present technological tools and visualisations, publish projects in different media",,10:00,,,False,-34.603683,-58.381557,,False,100,True,,Yas Garcia Fundación Conocimiento Abierto FCA,Buenos Aires ,,,,,opendataday-2021-datacamp-datos-abiertos,ART,,AMER,The Americas Romania,2021-03-05,Opening and Reusing COVID-19 Data,,Promote the publication and encourage the reuse of government COVID data,,10:30,,,False,44.426765,26.102537,,False,70,True,,Government of Romania -,Bucharest,,,,,opening-and-reusing-covid-19-data,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-11,OpenSidewalks Pedestrian Open Data: Mapping for Accessibility in transportation and mobility,,Teach people to map for accessibility in OpenStreetMap,,6:30,,,False,47.65738562,-122.3038171,,False,200,True,,"Anat Caspi, Taskar Center for Accessible Technology","Seattle, WA",,,,,opensidewalks-pedestrian-open-data-mapping-for-accessibility-in-transportation,PST,,AMER,The Americas Denmark,2021-03-06,OpenStreetMap Danmark rekordforsøg,,Remote OpenStreetMap event in Denmark,,,,,False,55.770394,10.621585,,False,,True,,Søren Johannessen,Denmark,,,,,openstreetmap-danmark-rekordforsog,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Uganda,2021-03-06,OpenStreetMap Uganda Mapping Uganda's New Cities Mapthon,,Engage over 100 remote mappers across Uganda's New Cities to map their communities,,14:00,,,False,0.347596,32.58252,,False,100,True,,OpenStreetMap Uganda,Kampala,,,,,openstreetmap-uganda-mapping-uganda-s-new-cities-mapthon,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-06,Panel discussion - Achieving Zero Hunger Through Gender Data Equality,,Join our panel discussion on achieving zero hunger through gender data equality in celebration of International Womens Day and Open Data Day,,12:00,,,False,4.8296352,7.023157,,False,50,True,,GODAN and Unique Mappers,,,,,,panel-discussion-achieving-zero-hunger-through-gender-data-equality,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" India,2021-03-10,Panel discussion: Open data for Kerala's future,,Panel discussion: Open data for Kerala's Future bringing together different communities who working in open data focused on Kerala and Malayalam,,20:00,,,False,10.527642,76.214432,,False,50,True,,"Manoj Karingamadathil,",Kerala,,,,,panel-discussion-open-data-for-kerala-s-future,IST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Nigeria,2021-03-06,Promoting Transparent COVID-19 Data Governance in Southern Africa,,,,10:00,,,False,6.505967,3.361695,,False,50,True,,Paradigm Initiative,Yaba,,,,,promoting-transparent-covid-19-data-governance-in-southern-africa,CAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Uganda,2021-03-06,Promoting transparent Covid-19 data governance in Uganda,,"The Open Data Day, run by the Open Knowledge Foundation, is an annual celebration of open data all over the world which provides an opportunity to show the benefits of open data and encourage the adoption of open data policies in government, business and civil society. This year, the Open Institute will convene an event to discuss how decisions regarding the access and use of data in Uganda are made. This events seeks to: Promote rich dialogue while focusing on country perspectives on issues regarding data transparency, particularly around COVID-19 data governance. Provide examples from African countries that can be used to develop a repository that provides evidence for advocacy efforts for engaging with governments, acts as an online resource for researchers and build awareness about data transparency",,10:00,,,False,-1.2804927,36.8163576,,False,40,True,,"The Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)",Nairobi,,,,,promoting-transparent-covid-19-data-governance-in-uganda,EAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Public Talk For Open Data Day Celebration,,To create an awareness on the Nigeria budget and expenditure as well as to help citizens see the need to monitor spending by Nigeria government using open data,,,,,False,6.3231,8.112,,False,90,False,,Re-build Nigeria Initiatives,Abakaliki,,,,,public-talk-for-open-data-day-celebration,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,2021-03-01,"Reporting and registering domestic violence against women and girls in Latin America: A comparative analysis between Mexico, Brazil and Colombia.",,"To share the results of an analysis that leveraged traditional and non-traditional data sources to estimate the conditional probability of registering domestic violence in Mexico, São Paulo and Bogotá",,12:00,,,False,-23.55052,-46.633308,,False,500,True,,"Anna Spinardi, Data-Pop Alliance",São Paulo,,,,,reporting-and-registering-domestic-violence-against-women-and-girls-in-latin-ame,BRT,,AMER,The Americas Netherlands,2021-03-06,Reprex Open Data Day 2021 - Matching perceptions and sensory information about environmental degradation and placing it on a map; open collaboration to create data observatories,,"We want to raise awareness to our open collaborations to harmonize surveys, match them with various data and put them on maps",,15:30,,,False,52.07911,4.344127,,False,15,True,,"Daniel Antal, Reprex BV",The Hague,,,,,reprex-open-data-day-2021-matching-perceptions-and-sensory-information-about-e,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-05,Retos en un mundo post-Covid - Datathon 2021,,"Este Datathon tendrá tres retos: turismo, salud yagricultura. El objetivo es que los participantes alcancen una solución que contribuya a superar las secuelas del Covid con datos e información. Cada reto contará con un premio de 1000 euros y 500 para el accésit",,18:00,,,False,39.470242,-0.3768,,False,200,True,,"Observatorio de Datos abiertos y Transparencia (UPV), el Departamento de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Alicante y la Cátedra Pagoda de la Universitat de Valencia",Valencia,,,,,retos-en-un-mundo-post-covid-datathon-2021,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Mali,,"Securité Alimentaire dans la Commune de Dialloubé, Mopti",,Notre évènement portera sur la contribution des Données Ouvertes,,,,,False,12.639232,-8.002889,,False,40,False,,Securité alimentaire,Bamako,,,,,securite-alimentaire-dans-la-commune-de-dialloube-mopti,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Seminar talk on environmental data as regard oil pollution in the Niger delta region,,Sensitise the masses on how environmental data can be use to illustrate climate condition and the need for people to take proactive decisions to prevent environmental degradation,,,,,False,6.44455,7.49018,,False,150,False,,Ilom solomon and organized by National association of environmental science student,Enugu,,,,,seminar-talk-on-environmental-data-as-regard-oil-pollution-in-the-niger-delta-r,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-03,Sesión formativa: datos abiertos y periodismo de datos,,Jornada de formación para que los profesionales de la Comunicación de la Comunidad adquieran conocimientos y práctica en la reutilización de datos abiertos,,16:00,,,False,41.652252,-4.724532,,False,25,True,,Junta de Castilla y León,Valladolid,,,,,sesion-formativa-datos-abiertos-y-periodismo-de-datos,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tanzania,,Sharing Research Findings on Open Data for Development,,The event's goal is to have data pioneers/champions inclusively aware of research on open data across development sectors and about UDOM's Institutional Repository,,,,,False,-6.213843,35.809582,,False,100,False,,"Hector, Mongi, The University of Dodoma ",Dodoma,,,,,sharing-research-findings-on-open-data-for-development,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-03,Significance of open data in sustainable bioprocessing of agrowastes to enhance climate change mitigation,,The bioprocessing will achieve prevention of land and air pollution that resulted from burning agrowastes and the environment will be cleaned off from wastes,,,,,False,9.36352,12.54622,,False,30,False,,"Taiye Ekundayo, Mautech Yola Nigeria",Girei,,,,,significance-of-open-data-in-sustainable-bioprocessing-of-agrowastes-to-enhance,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Brazil,,Spatial Data for Sustainable Inclusive Development of Informal Settlements in Fortaleza,,Raise awareness on the power of spatial data to assure participation of residents in the decision-making process regarding the upgrading of informal settlements in Fortaleza working toward inclusive urban development established in SDG 11,,,,,False,-3.740842,-38.54028,,False,20,False,,"Clarissa Freitas, Federal University of Ceará",Fortaleza,,,,,spatial-data-for-sustainable-inclusive-development-of-informal-settlements-in-fo,,,AMER,The Americas Colombia,2021-03-06,Taller de visualización de datos ambientales,,"En el Taller aprenderemos a realizar visualizaciones en el sistema de licencia libre: Open Street Map, éste está dirigido a todo público, por lo tanto no es necesario que tengas conceptos sobre programación o sistemas de georeferenciación. Sólo necesitas tu computador e internet",,16:00,,,False,4.629332,-74.0731916,,False,,False,,Alcaldía Local de Teusaquillo,"Bogotá, Localidad,Teusaquillo",,,,,taller-de-visualizacion-de-datos-ambientales,COT,,AMER,The Americas United States,2021-03-06,The Covid-19 Open-Data Project,,"The Covid-19 Open-Data project would like to showcase the largest Covid-19 epidemiological database available in addition to a powerful set of expansive covariates. It includes open sourced data with a permissive license (enabling commercial use) relating to vaccinations, epidemiology, hospitalizations, demographics, economy, geography, health, mobility, government response, weather, and more. Moreover, the data merges daily time-series from hundreds of data sources at a fine spatial resolution, containing over 20,000 locations and using a consistent set of region keys",,,,,False,37.338207,-121.88633,,False,50,True,,"Aurora Cheung - ""Covid-19 Open-Data""",California,,,,,the-covid-19-open-data-project,PST,,AMER,The Americas Kenya,2021-03-06,The potential role of open data in mitigating Coronavirus impacts on higher learning institutions in Kenya,,To bridge the knowledge gap on the reality of coronavirus vis-a-vis Africa traditional cultural myths (Chira),,,,,False,-1.28579,36.82003,,False,150,True,,"Dr. Judith Pete, Tangaza University College, Eknya",Nairobi,,,,,the-potential-role-of-open-data-in-mitigating-coronavirus-impacts-on-higher-lear,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,,The Power of Rural Water Point Data for Improved Decisions,,"A virtual celebration of organisations which share data with WPDx, demonstrating their commitment to transparency and accountability in the rural water sector. Encourage additional data sharing from new organisations.",,,,,False,38.907192,-77.036873,,False,100,False,,"Katy Sill, Water Point Data Exchange (WPDx), Global Water Challenge","Washington, DC",,,,,the-power-of-rural-water-point-data-for-improved-decisions,,,AMER,The Americas Oman,,The Secret of Big Data أسرار البيانات الضخمة,,"Awareness session on the importance of data and data analytics. As well, how various organisations are using the vast amount of available open data to run their business and to forecast future behaviour",,,,,False,21.473534,55.975414,,False,250,False,,Data Academy,Oman,,,,,the-secret-of-big-data-srr-lbynt-ldkhm,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Towards harnessing medical image data for better health development in Nigeria,,To enlightened clinicians and researchers on the role of deep learning techniques and algorithms on sustainable healthcare delivery,,,,,False,9.93947,8.89395,,False,65,True,,"Jibrin Jaafaru, Data Science Jos",Jos,,,,,towards-harnessing-medical-image-data-for-better-health-development-in-nigeria,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,"Tracking and monitoring the implementation of SDGs in Kaduna, Nigeria ",,To create awareness on the level of implementation of SDGs in Kaduna state and how to ensure effective monitoring process,,,,,False,10.53185,7.42947,,False,30,True,,"Christopher Atsen , Build To Help Foundation",Kaduna State,,,,,tracking-and-monitoring-the-implementation-of-sdgs-in-kaduna-nigeria,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Tracking government budgets/expenditure for special education centre oji river Enugu state.,,To ensure adequate funding and proper usage of the fund meant for children in special education centre,,,,,False,6.25596,7.23041,,False,40,False,,"Onyebuchi Mba, Nigeria association of the blind Enugu state chapter",Oji River,,,,,tracking-government-budgets-expenditure-for-special-education-centre-oji-river-e,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Tunisia,2021-03-05,Tunisia Open Data Day,,Official announcement with our partners of a Tunisian competence network in Open Data which will be hosted by Open Data Forum and CAFDO Tunisia,,14:00,,,False,36.8303,10.171,,False,20,False,,Open Data Forum,"Espace WeCode, Tunis",,,,,tunisia-open-data-day,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Spain,2021-03-11,Una aventura amb dades: Memoris-24,,This year we want to celebrate this day with a very special activity: a virtual escape room where in order to save the humanity from a memoryless virus called Memoris-24 we will have to dive in into the world of the open data. The aim of the activity is to promote the use of the open data catalogue of the Generalitat of Catalonia,,16:00,,,False,41.385063,2.173404,,False,200,True,,Directorate General of Transparency and Open Data of the Generalitat of Catalonia,Barcelona,,,,,una-aventura-amb-dades-memoris-24,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" United States,2021-03-06,Understanding disaster risk with open data: An open data day event from GFDRR Labs and OpenDRI,,"Learn how to: Define disaster risk in the context of climate and natural hazards. Identify disaster risks in your country or city. Collect, share and use open risk data",,14:00,,,False,38.89845,-77.04272,,False,50,True,,"Grace Doherty, GFDRR Labs","Washington, DC",,,,,understanding-disaster-risk-with-open-data-an-open-data-day-event-from-gfdrr-la,GMT,,AMER,The Americas Spain,2021-03-05,UniversiDATA: Encuentro con reutilizadores,,Encuentro online entre las Universidades publicadoras y los reutilizadores interesados en los datos universitarios,,13:00,,,False,40.349121,-3.82881,,False,50,True,,Portal UniversiDATA,Madrid,,,,,universidata-encuentro-con-reutilizadores,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Greece,2021-03-07,Using open data to enhance Wikipedia and Wikidata,,"Awareness on the importance of open data, how we can use open data to enhance Wikipedia, Wikidata, or even more",,11:30,,,False,37.97147,23.726517,,False,25,True,,Wikimedia CUG Greece,Athens,,,,,using-open-data-to-enhance-wikipedia-and-wikidata,EET,$8t,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Kenya,,Using Open Data to Strengthen Community Health Workers Programs towards Universal Health Coverage,,Create awareness of the importance of community health workers in national health systems,,,,,False,-1.24552,36.665192,,False,,True,,John Kitaa; African Community Changers.,Nairobi,,,,,using-open-data-to-strengthen-community-health-workers-programs-towards-universa,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Greece,2021-03-06,Using OSM data with QGIS,,"How we can use and create the OpenStreetMap data with open source QGIS programme Meeting ID: 825 6154 8318 Passcode: 992180",,16:00,,,False,38.040554,23.743463,,False,100,True,,ATHANASIOS DIMOU - PANHELLENIC SOCIETY GRADUATED GEOINFORMATICS AND SURVEYOR ,"Athens, Greece",,,,,using-osm-data-with-qgis,EEST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,,Vanguard Youth Summit,,To use data for equal development to initiate government and private bodies to provide more jobs for the youth in Nigeria,,,,,False,6.6538,8.7918,,False,40,False,,"Philip Sunday, Good Governance Ambassadors",Ogoja,,,,,vanguard-youth-summit,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Nigeria,2021-03-06,Virtual event in commemoration of this year's Open Data Day in Nigeria,,"Aligned with the global and Nigeria's sustainable development goal of equal development, Foosteer Initiative will host a virtual event in commemoration of this year's Open Data Day in Nigeria. This year's event aims to enrich the public with the knowledge and awareness of the potential use of open Data and ICT tools and how it is used for promoting public participation for effective public service delivery. You can join our conversation to on WhatsApp by 8:00 GMT+1. Below is the link to the conversation. See you then.",,20:00,,,False,7.5367548,6.5730827,,False,20,True,,Foosteér Initiative,"Ajaokuta, Kogi State",,,,,virtual-event-in-commemoration-of-this-year-s-open-data-day-in-nigeria,WAT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Germany,2021-03-04,Virtual Open Data Day 2021: Tracking the Impacts of Fashion Companies on Gender Equality ,,Participants are engaged in a community-driven data collection exercise and discuss their results to understand the relevance of open data to track companies' progress towards SDG 5 -Gender Equality,,15:00,,,False,52.544527,13.42094046,,False,50,True,,Wikirate and World Benchmarking Alliance,Berlin,,,,,virtual-open-data-day-2021-tracking-the-impacts-of-fashion-companies-on-gender,CET,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-05,VLED 勝手表彰,,オープンデータを始めとしたデータ活用に関する優れた取り組みを表彰します。,,13:00,,,False,35.673983,139.741049,,False,100,True,,VLED(一般社団法人オープン&ビッグデータ活用・地方創生推進機構),Online,,,,,vled-sheng-shou-biao-zhang,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Colombia,,Webinar: Using open data for land conflict resolution in rural Colombia,,"To share with different people, organisations, institutions and the public how we are using land related open data from rural sector from the Colombian state, to be able to analyse land conflicts and to build conflict resolution strategies",,,,,False,7.08516,-70.75774,,False,,True,,Luis Miguel Sánchez Zoque,Arauca,,,,,webinar-using-open-data-for-land-conflict-resolution-in-rural-colombia,,,AMER,The Americas India,,What is Open Data?,,"Inform our community center participants about the importance, benefits of open data",,,,,False,17.356067,78.567805,,False,6,False,,Bhanu Kishore Kamapantula,Hyderabad,,,,,what-is-open-data,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,,Yamate International Open Data Day 2021,,region exchange,,,,,False,35.43172698,139.6497717,,False,10,False,,Nakayama Keitarou,"Yamate, Yokohama",,,,,yamate-international-open-data-day-2021,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,Yokohama International Open Data Day 2021,,"Discussion, Data Analysis, Data Visualisation, Research, Networking",,13:00,,,False,35.443707,139.638031,,False,50,True,,Code for Yokohama,Yokohama,,,,,yokohama-international-open-data-day-2021,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific ,,Za-kpota Open Data Day,,We will want to spread the terminology of the SDGs and contribute on OSM and Google Maps,,,,,False,7.23062,2.21656,,False,30,False,,"Rabi Mars-Arsès AGNOUN BASSO, Carrefour Lab",Za-kpota,,,,,za-kpota-open-data-day,,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Turkey,2021-03-06,Zemin Webinar | Açık Veri Sohbetleri (6 Mart Açık Veri Günü),,Bringing together three municipal open data platform managers to share their opinion in Turkey,,20:00,,,False,41.027798,28.972587,,False,100,True,,İBB Zemin İstanbul-Veri Okuryazarlığı Derneği / IMM Zemin Istanbul-Data Literacy Association,Istanbul,,,,,zemin-webinar-acik-veri-sohbetleri-6-mart-acik-veri-gunu,TRT,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Russia,2021-03-06,День открытых данных 2021,,,,17:00,,,False,58.59803,49.65584,,False,10,False,,"Андрей Соколов, Общество развития взаимовыручки",Kirov,,,,,den-otkrytykh-dannykh-2021,MST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Oman,2021-03-06,البيانات الضخمة و التنمية المستدامة - Big data and sustainable development,,Data Academy Platform session,,10:00,,,False,21.473534,55.975414,,False,500,True,,أكاديمية البيانات - أكاديمية البيانات,,,,,,lbynt-ldkhm-w-ltnmy-lmstdm-big-data-and-sustainable-development,GST,,EMEA,"Europe, Middle East & Africa" Japan,2021-03-06,【IODD2021】デジタルPTAへの道 ~保護者向けの学校のお知らせをデジタルデータにしてみよう!,,学校行事のカレンダーをデジタルデータにする体験をしながら、PTAでできるIT利活用を考えます,,19:30,,,False,35.624487,139.723446,,False,15,True,,一般社団法人モノづくり×プログラミング for Shinagawa,"Shinagawa, Tokyo",,,,,iodd2021-dezitaruptahenodao-bao-hu-zhe-xiang-kenoxue-xiao-noozhi-rasewodezitarudetanisitemiyou,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,みんなでつくる見どころマップ(Make together a highlight map of OpenStreetMap and Umap),,"OSMとUmapを使ってみんなで泉州の見どころマップを作りませんか。Make together Highlight map of OpenStreetMap and Umap in Sensyu,Japan",,,,,False,34.51163,135.42145,,False,5,False,,泉州らへんでオープンデータとGISを楽しむ会 泉大津市立北公民館サポーターチーム,"Izumiotsu City, Osaka",,,,,minnadetukurujian-dokoromatupu-make-together-a-highlight-map-of-openstreetmap-and-umap,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,インターナショナル・オープンデータ・デイ2021 in HOKURIKU,,Open data enlightenment,,13:00,,,False,36.561049,136.656574,,False,30,True,,一般社団法人コード・フォー・カナザワ,Hokuriku Area,,,,,intanasiyonaruopundetadei2021-in-hokuriku,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,オンラインイベント「テクノロジー×大分愛で新しい大分を創ろう」開催!,,"新たな魅力発信のあり方として、シビックプライドの醸成に取り組み始めた大分県。 Society5.0の実現が迫っている中で、シビックプライドの醸成や地域の魅力発信にはどんな可能性があるのか。 新しいおおいたを創る「We are Oitan」の活動を事例に新たな魅力発信を考えます。",,14:00,,,False,33.227306,130.9406201,,False,50,True,,Code for Oita,Oita,,,,,onrainibento-tekunorozixda-fen-ai-dexin-siida-fen-wochuang-rou-kai-cui,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-02-28,オープンデータで遊ぼう in 関西 ~オープンデータせんのかい!~,,オープンデータをみんなで楽しむこと。,,13:00,,,False,34.90171,135.67667,,False,30,True,,オープンデータせんのかい!実行委員会,Kansai,,,,,opundetadeyou-bou-in-guan-xi-opundetasennokai,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,公共交通オープンデータ最前線 in インターナショナルオープンデータディ2021,,,,13:30,,,False,35.661655,139.678158,,False,,True,,日本バス情報協会設立準備会,Tokyo,,,,,gong-gong-jiao-tong-opundetazui-qian-xian-in-intanasiyonaruopundetadei2021,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-21,春のオープンデータ&デジタルアーカイブまつり,,デジタルアーカイブとオープンデータの可能性の検討,,13:00,,,False,35.1268021,138.8945095,,False,100,True,,Code for ふじのくに,沼津市&裾野市,,,,,chun-noopundeta-dezitaruakaibumaturi,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-13,東京オープンデータディ2021,,VRな市民、行政、そしてこれからの社会,,13:30,,,False,35.682677,139.753977,,False,100,True,,一般社団法人オープンコーポレイツジャパン,Tokyo,,,,,dong-jing-opundetadei2021,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,2021-03-06,無料で飲食店スマホサイト作成!みんなで北九州のお店マップを創ろう!,,ノーコードサービスGlideを使って飲食店サイトを作成したうえでマップ上にオープンデータとして登録するイベント,,14:00,,,False,33.883388,130.875187,,False,20,True,,Code for Kitakyushu,Kitakyushu City,,,,,wu-liao-deyin-shi-dian-sumahosaitozuo-cheng-minnadebei-jiu-zhou-noodian-matupuwochuang-rou,JST,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific Japan,,(おもろい)オープンデータ(の写真展),,Enjoy OpenData,,,,,False,34.732189,135.412068,,False,10,False,,Code for Amagasaki,Amagasaki,,,,,omoroi-opundeta-noxie-zhen-zhan,,,APAC,Asia & The Pacific