{ "events": [ { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": " International Open Data Day 2024 YokohamaSeminar - A comprehensive overview of open data, APIs, ChatGPT, visualization, and SDGs that you can't hear about now, from the basics to practice.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Learn about open data and data utilization from three instructors", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.446508, "longitude": 139.637996, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee", "place": "Yokohama", "slug": "international-open-data-day-2024-yokohamaseminar-a-comprehensive-overview-of", "url": "https://presswalker.jp/press/37339", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": " Open Data Day 2024 Mogi das Cruzes - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustent\u00e1vel no Munic\u00edpio", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Discuss the SDGs in the municipality of Mogi das Cruzes carried out through the City Hall.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -23.519305, "longitude": -46.185478, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Prefeitura de Mogi das Cruzes - 55 11 47985159 - daniellesilva@mogidascruzes.sp.gov.br ", "place": "Mogi das Cruzes, Sao Paulo, Brazil", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-mogi-das-cruzes-objetivos-de-desenvolvimento-sustentavel-n", "url": "https://www.mogidascruzes.sp.gov.br/noticia/prefeitura-de-mogi-das-cruzes-abre-inscricoes-para-o-open-data-day-2024-o-dia-dos-dados-abertos", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "\"Datos Abiertos y Sostenibilidad\" ODS11: Ciudades Sostenibles | ODS13: Acci\u00f3n por clima | ODS17: Alianzas", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Queremos que los datos abiertos contribuyan con el desarrollo humano, inclusivo y sostenible enfoc\u00e1ndonos en cuatro \u00e1reas: desarrollo inclusivo, ambiente, gobernabilidad democr\u00e1tica y promoci\u00f3n de la igualdad entre g\u00e9neros.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -33.891979, "longitude": -60.575069, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "silvana.pirchi@pergamino.gob.ar", "place": "Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina", "slug": "datos-abiertos-y-sostenibilidad-ods11-ciudades-sostenibles-ods13-accion-po", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "\"Open Data as a Human Right\" Workshop: Empowering Law Students for Sustainable Development", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To empower law students by framing open data as a fundamental human right, exploring its intersection with digital rights, and highlighting its role in advancing sustainable development.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.1134917, "longitude": 7.7188449, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Digital Grassroots - Contact the #ODD2024 Project Lead: muhammedbello@digitalgrassroots.org", "place": "Faculty of Law, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria - Nigeria", "slug": "open-data-as-a-human-right-workshop-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-d", "url": "https://digitalgrassroots.org/blog/digital-grassroots-wins-open-data-day-2024-mini-grant-empowering-law-students-for-sustainable-development.html", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "#OpenDataDay - les faits d'hiver de l'open data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "On the occasion of the International Open Data Day, we invite you to explore the most improbable or curious facts about open data portals. For 2 hours, on Twitch hosted by Datactivist, we will assist you in uncovering the 'news in brief' of open data while engaging with data curators who will share their profession of selecting and valorizing the finest gems of open data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 48.95393, "longitude": -0.41753, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Datactivist", "place": "Donnay", "slug": "opendataday-les-faits-d-hiver-de-l-open-data", "url": "https://odoo.datactivist.coop/event/opendataday-les-faits-d-hiver-de-l-open-data-2024-03-07-3/register", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "1\u00b0 Semin\u00e1rio IDE-Sefin (1\u00b0 SIS)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Facilitar a dissemina\u00e7\u00e3o de informa\u00e7\u00f5es geoespaciais entre os \u00f3rg\u00e3os da\nPrefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza; estimular e divulgar os\ndebates sobre a abertura e o uso de dados governamentais; fortalecer a premissa inicial da cria\u00e7\u00e3o da IDE-Sefin com a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de softwares livres de c\u00f3digo-fonte aberto.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -3.729939, "longitude": -38.52627, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza - PMF // Secretaria Municipal das Finan\u00e7as - SEFIN // Coordenadoria de Administra\u00e7\u00e3o Tribut\u00e1ria - CATRI // C\u00e9lula de Gest\u00e3o de Cadastro - CECAD // Cadastro Imobili\u00e1rio Munipal - CIM // N\u00facleo de Ci\u00eancias Aplicadas - NCA", "place": "Fortaleza, Cear\u00e1 - Brasil", "slug": "1deg-seminario-ide-sefin-1deg-sis", "url": "https://www.even3.com.br/1-seminario-ide-sefin/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "3. Open Data Expo", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Motto \"Experience and understand data\". Numerous applications and projects based on publicly accessible data will be presented. Hands-on workshops will also be offered.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 48.23947, "longitude": 16.378, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien & Vienna Business Agency", "place": "Vienna, Austria", "slug": "3-open-data-expo", "url": "https://www.technikum-wien.at/events/open-data-expo-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "[Shingen.py] \u5c71\u68a8\u306e\u672a\u6765\u3092\u5275\u308b\u3001Python\u3067\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u6d3b\u7528\u3057\u3088\u3046 ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Deepen your understanding of the use of open data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.66849484, "longitude": 138.5700394, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "", "place": "yamanashi", "slug": "shingen-py-shan-li-nowei-lai-wochuang-ru-pythondeopundetawohuo-yong-siyou", "url": "https://shingenpy.connpass.com/event/309044/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "A I OPPORTUNITIES FOR YOUNG PEOPLE IN UGANDA ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promote economic social development opportunities of artificial intelligence towards young people ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.40191, "longitude": 32.58373, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "KIYITA FOUNDATION . contac person. phionah Nalumansi .phionah2015@gmail.com", "place": "Kampala uganda ", "slug": "a-i-opportunities-for-young-people-in-uganda", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Alana Vit\u00f3ria Batista Pereira", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 1.0, "longitude": 1.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "SEFIN ", "place": "Fortaleza, Cear\u00e1 ", "slug": "alana-vitoria-batista-pereira", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "AlayData @ Intramuros", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Reinforce the benefits of open data and inclusive, participatory events for improving available OSM geographic data in the Philippines.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.59214, "longitude": 120.97312, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Erwin Olario, Feye Andal, OSM-PH volunteers", "place": "Manila 14.59214 : 120.97312", "slug": "alaydata-intramuros", "url": "https://ti.to/mapatime/alaydata-sa-intramuros-odd24", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "Apertura en Programas y Acciones Sociales 2023 en la CDMX", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Presentaci\u00f3n de los resultados del monitoreo de programas y acciones sociales publicados en Gaceta Oficial CDMX, Plataforma Nacional de Transparencia (PNT) y sitios web.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.398081, "longitude": -99.156349, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Estado Abierto del Instituto de Transparencia de la CDMX ", "place": "Info CDMX ", "slug": "apertura-en-programas-y-acciones-sociales-2023-en-la-cdmx", "url": "https://infocdmx.org.mx/images/biblioteca/2024/Reporte_Especial_1_2024_Apertura_en_Programas_y_Acciones_Sociales_2023_en_la_Ciudad_de_Mexico.pdf", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Aprobaci\u00f3n de la Ordenanza Reguladora del Gobierno del Dato del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Dotar al Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza y a las entidades p\u00fablicas dependientes del mismo de un marco normativo para el gobierno del dato, que aborde de forma integral todos los aspectos relacionados con la obtenci\u00f3n, gesti\u00f3n y explotaci\u00f3n de los datos, as\u00ed como su apertura y reutilizaci\u00f3n por toda la sociedad, garantizando y potenciando los derechos de las personas.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 41.648823, "longitude": -0.889085, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Oficina de Transparencia y Gobierno Abierto del Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza", "place": "Sal\u00f3n de Plenos del Ayuntamiento Zaragoza", "slug": "aprobacion-de-la-ordenanza-reguladora-del-gobierno-del-dato-del-ayuntamiento-de", "url": "https://www.zaragoza.es/sede/portal/gobierno-abierto/servicio/noticia/328994", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "At the Heart of Sustainable Development: Unleashing the Power of Open Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 40.640064, "longitude": 22.94442, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Knowledge Foundation Greece and International Hellenic University ", "place": "Thessaloniki Greece", "slug": "at-the-heart-of-sustainable-development-unleashing-the-power-of-open-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "ATuNombre.uy 3.0 launch", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Launch of the new version of the site that visualizes gender inequality in the naming of our streets and public spaces in Montevideo, with new open data and presentation of the improvements achieved through the project and in collaboration with Intendencia de Montevideo since our launch in 2015.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -34.90328, "longitude": -56.18816, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DATA Uruguay", "place": "Montevideo, Uruguay", "slug": "atunombre-uy-3-0-launch", "url": "https://atunombre.uy", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Awareness and training workshop on open data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The awareness and training workshop on open public data is adressed to civil officials within some public institutions. It aims to present the open data program, the several related aspects.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.81052382, "longitude": 10.17966505, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an awareness and training workshop on open public data.", "place": "Tunis", "slug": "awareness-and-training-workshop-on-open-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Bangladesh Open Data Day Celebration 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Like the previous years, we are going to celebrate Bangladesh Open Data Day 2024 as a part of the International Open Data Day 2024. This year we are going to celebrate the day with multiple events and competitions.\nThis competition is a remote mapping competition for all Bangladeshi mappers", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 23.772508, "longitude": 90.365028, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "YouthMappers, OpenStreetMap Bangladesh and Bangladesh Open Innovation Lab", "place": "Dhaka", "slug": "bangladesh-open-data-day-celebration-2024", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/events/3635649906673780?ref=newsfeed", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Big Open Data for Water Resources Management in Tunisia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This event is intended to offer efficient tools that enable water system managers to address intricate water resources systems, modeling problems, and assist in decision-making.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.70893, "longitude": 10.42608, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "CERTE Center for Water Research and Technologies, eng.Kalthoum Hafsa, Chief Engineer, email: hafsakalthoum@gmail.com", "place": "Center for water research and technologies, CERTE- Tunisia", "slug": "big-open-data-for-water-resources-management-in-tunisia", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "Bohicon Open Biodiversity Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Train activists on the use of free software for data collection and the fight against Biodiversity loss", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 7.174416, "longitude": 2.072107, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Benin Youth Biodiversity Network & Carrefour Living Lab ( BYBN & CLL) benin.ybn@gmail.com carrefourlab.bj@gmail.com Tel +22997149902", "place": "H\u00f4tel des Princes Bohicon ", "slug": "bohicon-open-biodiversity-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "BOMET UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OPEN DATA DAY ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Bomet University College (BUC) endeavors to educate students on the significance of open data mapping for sustainability, aligning with its niche in fostering a Green Economy for a sustainable future", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.7778, "longitude": 35.3357, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "BOMET UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (A CONSTITUENT COLLEGE OF MOI UNIVERSITY, KENYA) Website: www.buc.ac.ke Contact: principal@buc.ac.ke Phone: +254748067182", "place": "Bomet is the capital and largest town of Bomet County, Kenya. Bomet town has a total population of 230,963. It is located along the B3 Mai Mahiu-Narok-Kisii road.", "slug": "bomet-university-college-open-data-day", "url": "https://www.buc.ac.ke/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Bootcamp INFOTOPIA versi\u00f3n 2.0: Aprendiendo a monitorear e infograf\u00edar la violencia de g\u00e9nero", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "It is an in-person Bootcamp that will allow training in monitoring data on gender violence in the Capital District and other central states through open sources and the creation of a series of infographics that will be published on the UTOPIX website as a result of joint work. with the participants.\n\n", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.5087361, "longitude": -66.91129266, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Monitor de femicidios de UTOPIX con apoyo de Tinta Violeta: contacto@utopix.cc", "place": "Caracas, Distrito Capital", "slug": "bootcamp-infotopia-version-2-0-aprendiendo-a-monitorear-e-infografiar-la-violen", "url": "https://utopix.cc/anexos/open-data-day-2024-bootcamp-infotopia-2-0/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Bridging the data gender gap: data practices to advance gender equity through data driven collaboration in Innovation and Technologies for People, Planet and Economy", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We hope to build the interest of participants who would mostly be special advisers to subnational levels of governments on Innovation, \nInformation and Communication Technology to engage with gendered data sets and data goaled to reinforce learnings for why Gender is important for all the Sustainable Development Goals. We hope that this may influence policy practices for implementation through these critical stakeholders in the global effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.072264, "longitude": 7.491302, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "100 Women in Tech Nigeria ", "place": "Abuja Nigeria ", "slug": "bridging-the-data-gender-gap-data-practices-to-advance-gender-equity-through-da", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "BUILD A MAPPING COMMUNITY FOR KIDS ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We hope that at the end of this session the children will have a better understanding of our territory, and of the role of maps and cartography.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 3.792227, "longitude": 11.522616, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "GeOsm Family, ( infos.geosm@gmail.com)", "place": "Yaound\u00e9 ", "slug": "build-a-mapping-community-for-kids", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "BUILD A MAPPING COMMUNITY FOR KIDS ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "At the end of this session, we hope that the children will have a better knowledge of our territory and understand the importance of maps and cartography.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 3.792227, "longitude": 11.522616, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "GeOsm Family,(infos.geosm@gmail.com)", "place": "Yaound\u00e9 ", "slug": "build-a-mapping-community-for-kids-2", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Build elegant data-driven sites with markdown & deploy in seconds", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Showcase how to build elegant data-driven sites with markdown & deploy in seconds with DataHub Cloud", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 37.484779, "longitude": -122.228149, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Datopian", "place": "Redwood City", "slug": "build-elegant-data-driven-sites-with-markdown-deploy-in-seconds", "url": "https://www.datopian.com/blog/build-elegant-data-driven-sites", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-03", "event_name": "Building Capacity on AI-generated Bias Detection", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Equip media and educative professionals with knowledge on AI biase detection", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -2.5, "longitude": 28.866667, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Act4Change DR Congo ", "place": "Bukavu", "slug": "building-capacity-on-ai-generated-bias-detection", "url": "https://act4Change.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Building Capacity on AI-generated Bias Detection", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Equip media and educative professionals with knowledge on AI biase detection", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -2.5, "longitude": 28.866667, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Act4Change DR Congo ", "place": "Bukavu", "slug": "building-capacity-on-ai-generated-bias-detection-2", "url": "https://www.act4change.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Bus-friendly: mapping participation guiding blocks & halt for equality of public transportation users and engage disabled voices", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Participatory mapping to evaluate the condition of the Non-BRT halt in terms of accessibility for people with disabilities and marginalized people (SDGs 11 & 10) using OSM & Wikipedia", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.861516, "longitude": 107.591843, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "UPI YouthMappers", "place": "Bandung", "slug": "bus-friendly-mapping-participation-guiding-blocks-halt-for-equality-of-public", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/youthmappers.upi/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Business & Open SDGs data - A Hack Day", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Ensure, through a supportive atmosphere, that attendees are able to connect, learn, & harness the power of open data while exploring a series of datasets on companies' contributions to the SDGs.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 52.55114, "longitude": 13.42321, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Wikirate International e.V.", "place": "Berlin, Germany", "slug": "business-open-sdgs-data-a-hack-day", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/business-open-sdgs-data-a-hack-day-tickets-824004909867", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Caf\u00e9 Virtual - D\u00eda Internacional de los Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Celebrar con la comunidad el valor de los datos abiertos", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 8.969863, "longitude": -79.42226, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Antai Panam\u00e1", "place": "Panam\u00e1", "slug": "cafe-virtual-dia-internacional-de-los-datos-abiertos", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Campinas em Dados", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promover um espa\u00e7o de conex\u00e3o e aprendizado para a comunidade de dados abertos da regi\u00e3o de Campinas. Apresentar a Base dos Dados como ferramenta potencializadora na produ\u00e7\u00e3o de conhecimento a partir de dados p\u00fablicos. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -22.917936, "longitude": -47.052625, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Giovane Carvalho Caruso - Base dos Dados. email: giovanecaruso@basedosdados.org", "place": "Campinas - S\u00e3o Paulo", "slug": "campinas-em-dados", "url": "https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScOxhV76E3-40Tu6aTFaz5mAYNGU7yLobkqQEnn8WaDmfE_Pw/viewform?usp=sf_link", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Challenges to Access Open Data In Burundi", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "I want to raise awareness on the importance of accessing data without difficulties", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 1500.0, "longitude": 1750.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DUKINGIRE ISI YACU", "place": "Bujumbura", "slug": "challenges-to-access-open-data-in-burundi", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "City of Portland 2024 Open Data Discotech", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Offer a space for public participation and exploration of the City of Portland's open datasets", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 45.516022, "longitude": -122.681427, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "City of Portland, Oregon, USA", "place": "City of Portland, OR, USA", "slug": "city-of-portland-2024-open-data-discotech", "url": "https://www.portland.gov/bps/smart-city-pdx/events/2024/3/2/2024-city-portland-open-data-discotech", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "City of Portland's Open Data Day Celebration", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Introduce the general public to open data topics in Portland, OR", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 45.516022, "longitude": -122.681427, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "City of Portland, OR, USA", "place": "Portland, OR, USA", "slug": "city-of-portland-s-open-data-day-celebration", "url": "https://www.portland.gov/bps/smart-city-pdx/events/2024/3/6/celebration-open-data-day-2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "CKAN Demo Days Australia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Showcase all the neat open data walk throughs, demos and video statements provided by folks that cross over between the CKAN community, the open data community and the region of Australia. We'll hijack Link Digital's public forum registration and set this up as a special edition webinar for 7 March at 5:30pm AEDT.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -35.307, "longitude": 149.125, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Steven De Costa", "place": "Canberra", "slug": "ckan-demo-days-australia", "url": "https://linkdigital.com.au/public-forum/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "Climate awareness through OPen data, AI and Evidence (COPE)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Sensitize youth on access and utilisation of open data and AI to address climate change issues in Surkhet, Karnali Province, Nepal", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 28.5776, "longitude": 81.6254, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Nepal Institute of Research and Communications (NIRC)", "place": "Birendranagar", "slug": "climate-awareness-through-open-data-ai-and-evidence-cope", "url": "https://x.com/NepalComms/status/1762298922175770774?s=20", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "Climate emergency", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To discuss a range of topics related to climate education, from hands-on restoration, addressing food waste, combating etc", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 33.684422, "longitude": 73.047882, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Rural Empowerment and Institutional Development REPID ", "place": "Islamabad ", "slug": "climate-emergency", "url": "https://www.repid.org.pk", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Climate-Induced Displacement: Understanding Impacts on African Women through Open Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "In this event, our overall goal is to raise awareness, foster understanding, and catalyze action towards addressing the intersectional challenges of climate-induced displacement on African women, leveraging the power of open data as a tool for informed decision-making, advocacy, and resilience-building.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 5.489059, "longitude": 7.017588, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Technology for Inspiration Initiative \"InspireIT\"", "place": "Owerri, Imo State", "slug": "climate-induced-displacement-understanding-impacts-on-african-women-through-ope", "url": "https://x.com/i/spaces/1djGXNXLOnNxZ", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Closing event of the 2nd phase of the \u201cOpenGovDataHack2023\u201d national hackathon on the open government data reuse in Tunisia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event consists of an information day on the closing activities of the OpenGovDataHack2023 in order to present the projects that have been selected to benefit from technical support with the intention of developing them into projects for the benefit of the structures involved, and to establish start-ups.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.40711217, "longitude": 10.62212649, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) in Partenership with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Affairs and Ministry of Education and in Cooperation with the World Bank", "place": "Hammamet", "slug": "closing-event-of-the-2nd-phase-of-the-opengovdatahack2023-national-hackathon-o", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Community of Practice Open Data Events", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Several virtual events taking place over March and April to showcase the incredible work taking place in the Scottish public sector and engage in meaningful discussions around open data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "The Better Data Community (Making Data Better, Smarter and More Open) Contact details: Scottish Government Data Standards Team (data.standards@gov.scot)", "place": "virtual", "slug": "community-of-practice-open-data-events", "url": "https://www.tickettailor.com/events/opendataevents?", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Connecting Dams and Reservoirs in India: Wikidata and OpenStreetMap Integration", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event aims to enhance the accessibility and accuracy of information related to dams and reservoirs in India by linking them with Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.52, "longitude": 76.21, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Sahya Digital Conservation Foundation, contact@sahya.org.in", "place": "Thrissur, Kerala, India", "slug": "connecting-dams-and-reservoirs-in-india-wikidata-and-openstreetmap-integration", "url": "https://opendatakerala.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Dados sem ca\u00f4 - Edi\u00e7\u00e3o elei\u00e7\u00f5es", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Popularizar o acesso \u00e0s bases de dados eleitorais brasileiras e extrair informa\u00e7\u00f5es visuais sobre a ra\u00e7a dos candidatos", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -22.91005, "longitude": -43.17409, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "data_labe", "place": "Rio de Janeiro", "slug": "dados-sem-cao-edicao-eleicoes", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/p/C3tRDT_pLf0/?img_index=1", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Data bases to study the disinformation campaigns in Spanish Language", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Create a solid text data base to train ML/AI models in Spanish Language", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -32.48465, "longitude": -58.232929, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Proyecto Desconfio", "place": "Concepci\u00f3n del Uruguay (Argentina)", "slug": "data-bases-to-study-the-disinformation-campaigns-in-spanish-language", "url": "https://www.desconfio.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Data Expedition Janakpurdham ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To accelerate the momentum of data utilization within the Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City.\nTo inform and emphasize the importance of valuable datasets.\nTo identify gaps in data availability within the Janakpurdham Sub-Metropolitan City.\nTo enhance capacity and advocacy for open data initiatives.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 26.718281, "longitude": 85.906464, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "ashok.sah456@gmail.com", "place": "Janakurdham, Nepal", "slug": "data-expedition-janakpurdham", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Data Huria Fiesta", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This day celebrates the role of open data in development and how open data makes a difference in our community. It brings together open data enthusiasts, leaders, and practitioners across industries, the private and public sectors, academia, and civil society organizations. Join us to have dialogues, panel discussions, presentations, fireside chats, showcases, interactive sessions, exhibitions, and public outreach activities powered by open data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.7593256, "longitude": 39.2522026, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "ROOTGIS", "place": "Dar es salaam,Tanzania", "slug": "data-huria-fiesta", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "data narrative", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "enhance data analysis and creative representation skills, increase awareness of open data in higher education, and support decision-making to improve educational processes.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 24.725203, "longitude": 46.623661, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "King Saud University", "place": "Riyadh, Saudi Arabia", "slug": "data-narrative", "url": "https://twitter.com/data_ksu", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Data Science 4 Everyone National Meet Up", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Data Science 4 Everyone, a U.S.-based initiative advocating for data science and data literacy education for students in K12 schools, will be hosting a national Meet Up for the education community at the SXSW EDU summit in Austin, TX, entitle \"Teaching Math in the World of AI\" ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 30.267153, "longitude": -97.743057, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Data Science 4 Everyone", "place": "Austin, TX", "slug": "data-science-4-everyone-national-meet-up", "url": "https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/144532", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Data trail Vienna \"Data above and below ground\" ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The data trail Vienna \"Data above and below ground\" offers a unique opportunity to view data in the context of historical remains and geodata. The trail ends with a visit at Parliament and a round table discussion with experts.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 48.208149, "longitude": 16.366341, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "City of Vienna & partner mailto:open@post.wien.gv.at", "place": "City of Vienna, Austria", "slug": "data-trail-vienna-data-above-and-below-ground", "url": "https://digitales.wien.gv.at/open-data-days-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "DataSud new portal's opening", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "present the new version of the DataSud data portal, featuring a new editorial interface and new services", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 43.3, "longitude": 5.4, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "R\u00e9gion Provence Alpes C\u00f4te d'Azur", "place": "R\u00e9gion Provence Alpes C\u00f4te d'Azur", "slug": "datasud-new-portal-s-opening", "url": "https://www.datasud.fr/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Datathon para la visualizaci\u00f3n de los ODS utilizando Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Reunir especialistas, profesores y estudiantes interesados en el procesamiento estad\u00edstico para promover el uso de Datos Abiertos sobre los ODS", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.527269, "longitude": -96.9235, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Facultad de Estad\u00edstica e Inform\u00e1tica de la Universidad Veracruzana - lorlopez@uv.mx", "place": "Xalapa-Enr\u00edquez, Veracruz", "slug": "datathon-para-la-visualizacion-de-los-ods-utilizando-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://www.uv.mx/linae/datosa2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Dato y Tarros: Girls at the Table", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Queremos \u201cponer sobre la mesa\u201d la importancia de los datos con perspectiva de g\u00e9nero para avanzar hacia la igualdad de g\u00e9nero, contribuir a cerrar brechas de g\u00e9nero y superar los estereotipos de g\u00e9nero.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.634915, "longitude": -90.506882, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Di\u00e1logos A.C. / Contact email: info@dialogos.or.gt", "place": "Guatemala City", "slug": "dato-y-tarros-girls-at-the-table", "url": "https://forms.gle/1cBHvWjThhav55yDA", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Datos Abiertos como herramienta para una Mejor Educaci\u00f3n ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "For university professors to introduce the use of open data in their daily teaching activities, while serving as a bridge for their students to also use open data in their research", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.220274, "longitude": -68.010576, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet", "place": "Valencia", "slug": "datos-abiertos-como-herramienta-para-una-mejor-educacion", "url": "https://forms.gle/ax35ERntf2GDRyrS8", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Datos Abiertos y Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible Agenda 2030: Iniciativas Municipio de Pergamino", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Que en 2024 todos los proyectos contribuyen con los 17 ODS Agenda 2030 con el lema ACTUA AHORA", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -33.891979, "longitude": -60.575069, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Silvana Pirchi. sil.elfuturoesabierto@gmail.com", "place": "Pergamino. Buenos Aires. Argentina.", "slug": "datos-abiertos-y-objetivos-de-desarrollo-sostenible-agenda-2030-iniciativas-mun", "url": "https://forms.gle/L1hUrh3isYxFNUxY6", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Datos Abiertos y sostenibilidad: Registro de Personas con Discapacidad del Partido de Pergamino", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Co-crear junto a los actores clave, la implementaci\u00f3n de una herramienta inform\u00e1tica que permitir\u00e1 empadronar en forma sostenida a todas las personas con discapacidad del partido de Pergamino. Generar\u00e1 datos privados y p\u00fablicos y facilitar\u00e1 la innovaci\u00f3n p\u00fablica y la toma de decisiones basadas en datos georreferenciados.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -33.89198, "longitude": -60.57507, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "gobiernoabierto@pergamino.gob.ar", "place": "Pergamino, Buenos Aires, Argentina", "slug": "datos-abiertos-y-sostenibilidad-registro-de-personas-con-discapacidad-del-part", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Datos Abiertos, Transparencia e Integridad", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Have a conversation with public and private organizations in which we share visions on how to achieve a great District strategy of openness with purpose and collaborative use of open data for transparency and public integrity.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.710989, "longitude": -74.07209, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Secretar\u00eda General de la Alcald\u00eda Mayor de Bogot\u00e1", "place": "Luis Angel Arango Library in Bogot\u00e1 D.C.", "slug": "datos-abiertos-transparencia-e-integridad", "url": "https://forms.office.com/r/5hxcQ2rXUT", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Datos abiertos: Mujeres y cuidados", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Liberaci\u00f3n de bases de datos de las solicitudes de infromaci\u00f3n realacionadas con el tema de cuidados a cargo de las mujeres del periodo 2006-2023. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.398081, "longitude": -99.156349, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Estado Abierto del Instituto de Transparencia CDMX", "place": "INFO CDMX", "slug": "datos-abiertos-mujeres-y-cuidados", "url": "https://datosabiertos.infocdmx.org.mx/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Datos Abiertos: OpenStreetMap y Licenciamiento de Datos en el Contexto Latinoamericano", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Conoce la importancia del licenciamiento de datos abiertos para su uso y manipulaci\u00f3n en el contexto latinoamericano.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.262899, "longitude": -75.577215, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "SAGEMA YouthMappers", "place": "Medell\u00edn ", "slug": "datos-abiertos-openstreetmap-y-licenciamiento-de-datos-en-el-contexto-latinoame", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/sagema_unal/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Datos Espaciales Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Que se acceda a los Datos Abiertos de una manera sencilla.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -27.470098, "longitude": -58.842076, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "IDE_SUSTI-Corrientes", "place": "Corrientes, Argentina", "slug": "datos-espaciales-abiertos", "url": "https://github.com/GisSusti", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-14", "event_name": "Datos&Posh Mujeres con datos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Presentar y compartir el conocimiento desde diversas \u00e1reas de trabajo y promover el uso de iniciativas digitales, democratizar la informaci\u00f3n digital, datos abiertos, tecnolog\u00edas emergentes y mejores pr\u00e1cticas en apoyo a la cultura c\u00edvica digital.\nSe realiza en un espacio y ambiente relajado e informal compartiendo con los asistentes durante el evento un destilado t\u00edpico Chiapaneco elaborado de piloncillo y ma\u00edz llamado, Pox.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 16.68654, "longitude": -92.59062, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "LigaLAB", "place": "Tuxtla Guti\u00e9rrez, Chiapas. La Terraza- Aguaje Tropical. Calle Central Nte. 393-3er Piso, Centro, 29000 ", "slug": "datos-posh-mujeres-con-datos", "url": "https://www.ligalab.mx/datos-pox/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Day of reflection on the impact of open data for sustainable development ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This activity will allow authorities to use open data to strengthen local governance for sustainable development. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 28.0, "longitude": 30.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "LACLOCHE ", "place": "Uvira, DRC SOUTH KIVU", "slug": "day-of-reflection-on-the-impact-of-open-data-for-sustainable-development", "url": "https://www.lacloche.net", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-16", "event_name": "Democracy Hackathon", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "A wide-ranging event which will include a number of challenges which include open data, wikidata etc", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 57.148033, "longitude": -2.101256, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Code The City", "place": "Aberdeen, UK", "slug": "democracy-hackathon", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-08", "event_name": "Detroit Open Data Day Challenge", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We are asking participants to submit any image using our datasets (maps, infographics, etc.)", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 42.332939, "longitude": -83.047836, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "City of Detroit Open Data Team ", "place": "Online Exhibit", "slug": "detroit-open-data-day-challenge", "url": "https://app.smartsheet.com/b/form/265ccd750c834cd287233b53fca13ac3", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "DetroitData: Neighborhood SDG Data Discovery", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 42.356507, "longitude": -83.070188, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DETROITography", "place": "Detroit", "slug": "detroitdata-neighborhood-sdg-data-discovery", "url": "http://detroitography.com", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "DIA DOS DADOS ABERTOS - Comunidades mapeando comunidades: Conex\u00e3o Brasil-\u00c1frica", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Empower vulnerable communities in Brazil and Africa through the exchange of knowledge facilitated by open mapping data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -12.999688, "longitude": -38.510472, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "YouthMappers at UFBA", "place": "Salvador, Bahia", "slug": "dia-dos-dados-abertos-comunidades-mapeando-comunidades-conexao-brasil-africa", "url": "https://sites.google.com/view/diadosdadosabertos2024ufba/p%C3%A1gina-inicial", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Digitaliza Tu Sendero Maracay", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Fotografiaremos los senderos de Maracay para luego subir todo ese material a WikiCommons y Google maps para hacer mas \"inteligente\" a la ciudad", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.281205, "longitude": -67.580577, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Centro Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sobre Internet", "place": "Maracay - Venezuela", "slug": "digitaliza-tu-sendero-maracay", "url": "http://digitalizate.clisi.org/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Discover data.europa.eu: sneak peek at the official portal for European data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To celebrate the Open Data Day 2024, data.europa.eu - the official portal for European data managed by the Publications Office of the European Union - invites you to explore the basics of open data and learn how to use data.europa.eu. You will gain valuable insights into how open data can be helpful in you day-to-day life, how to unleash the potential of European open data or how to upgrade your digital skills with the data.europa academy, and much more!", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 49.815273, "longitude": 6.129583, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Publications Office of the EU", "place": "Luxembourg, online", "slug": "discover-data-europa-eu-sneak-peek-at-the-official-portal-for-european-data", "url": "https://dataeuropaacademy.clickmeeting.com/webinar-discover-data-europa-eu-sneak-peek-at-the-official-portal-for-european-data-/register", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Discover data.europa.eu: sneak peek at the official portal for European data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "In this webinar, we invite you to discover and explore data.europa.eu, a central point of access to European open data from international, European Union, national, regional, local and geodata portals.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 49.815273, "longitude": 6.129583, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "data.europa.eu", "place": "Online", "slug": "discover-data-europa-eu-sneak-peek-at-the-official-portal-for-european-data-2", "url": "https://data.europa.eu/en/news-events/events/discover-dataeuropaeu-sneak-peek-official-portal-european-data", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "Dosaf\u00edos: Datat\u00f3n FACH 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The objective is to articulate the development of concrete and innovative solutions that allow us to address climate change and mitigate its effects, using the tools and capabilities provided by computing and remote sensing, and whose results transcend the activity.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -33.42628, "longitude": -70.59115, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Data Observatory (daniel.toledo@dataobservatory.net), Servicio Aerofotogram\u00e9trico de la Fuerza A\u00e9rea de Chile", "place": "Hybrid", "slug": "dosafios-dataton-fach-2024", "url": "https://www.dosafios.cl/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-09-09", "event_name": "duabi", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "love", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 25.065161, "longitude": 1854053.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "odubai", "place": "dubai", "slug": "duabi", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "D\u00eda Mundial de Datos Abiertos 2024 Chile", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Este encuentro es una oportunidad \u00fanica para explorar y discutir el impacto y la importancia de los datos abiertos en nuestra sociedad. Contaremos con la participaci\u00f3n de destacados expositores.\n Esperamos contar con su valiosa presencia en este evento, que sin duda ser\u00e1 una excelente oportunidad para fortalecer nuestra comunidad de datos abiertos y fomentar la transparencia y la integridad p\u00fablica", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -33.44314, "longitude": -70.653764, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Comisi\u00f3n de Integridad P\u00fablica y Transparencia /Gobierno Digital / Abriendo Datos / FLACSO integridadytransparencia@minsegpres.gob.cl", "place": "Santiago de Chile", "slug": "dia-mundial-de-datos-abiertos-2024-chile", "url": "https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=9Pm-56f34UilTg7XcZuQba6Qq-1u8L5CkZWSyMrVCd5UOExONDJLMTVSNUtQMjVGRzBYMEszSThITC4u", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Edit-a-thon Wikidata4WorldHearingDay2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The Edit-a-thon Wikidata4WorldHearingDay2024 aims to promote the editing and creation of open structured data on Wikidata to disseminate knowledge in hearing health within the global Wiki4WorldHearingDay2024 campaign context.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -22.322081, "longitude": -49.071152, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Hector Gabriel Corrale de Matos (Wikimedia: CorraleH/Email: hectorgabriel@usp.br/hgcorrale@hotmail.com); Projeto Sa\u00fade Auditiva (https://w.wiki/6M8q)", "place": "Bauru, S\u00e3o Paulo, Brazil", "slug": "edit-a-thon-wikidata4worldhearingday2024", "url": "https://w.wiki/6FhG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "EmpowerHer Open Mapping: Celebrating Women, Community, and Open Data in Kigali, Rwanda", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Our goal is to empower community members through mapping training sessions and celebrate the invaluable contributions of women while mapping urban green spaces in Kigali City.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -1.94179192, "longitude": 30.07956393, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OpenStreetMap Rwanda - osmrwanda@gmail.com", "place": "Kigali City (Gift House 2nd Floor Kayciru)", "slug": "empowerher-open-mapping-celebrating-women-community-and-open-data-in-kigali", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/empowerher-open-mapping-celebrating-women-community-and-open-data-tickets-836761856237?aff=oddtdtcreator", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Empowering migrant and refugee women to use open data to hold duty bearers accountable for quality sexual reproductive health services.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To strengthen the capacity of migrant refugee women to use open data to hold duty bearers accountable for the provision of quality sexual reproductive health services.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.90668, "longitude": 31.07937, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Rural Aid Foundation. Email: info@ruralaiduganda.org", "place": "Kibaale district, Uganda", "slug": "empowering-migrant-and-refugee-women-to-use-open-data-to-hold-duty-bearers-accou", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Empowering Young Changemakers: Harnessing Open Data & Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Action", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 2.269317, "longitude": 37.857106, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Pastoralist Peoples Initiative ", "place": "Marsabit ", "slug": "empowering-young-changemakers-harnessing-open-data-indigenous-knowledge-for-c", "url": "https://www.pastoralistpeoplesinitiative.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Encuentro sobre el futuro de los datos abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Difundir y acercar el conocimiento de los datos abiertos a la ciudadan\u00eda.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 39.476126, "longitude": -0.365859, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Presidencia, Generalitat Valenciana, D.G. Transparencia y Participaci\u00f3n ", "place": "Val\u00e8ncia", "slug": "encuentro-sobre-el-futuro-de-los-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://portaldadesobertes.gva.es/es/novetats-i-noticies/-/asset_publisher/ROnLmDr87dWx/content/encuentro-sobre-el-futuro-de-los-datos-abiertos?redirect=https%3A%2F%2Fportaldadesobertes.gva.es%2Fes%2Fnovetats-i-noticies%3Fp_p_id%3D101_INSTANCE_ROnLmDr87dWx%26p_p_lifecycle%3D0%26p_p_state%3Dnormal%26p_p_mode%3Dview%26p_p_col_id%3Dcolumn-1%26p_p_col_count%3D1", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Enhancing Community Resilience to Lake Tanganyika's Rapid Rise through open mapping", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Mapping areas under coastal floods risk to Enhance the community preparedness and evacuation strategies", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -4.301111, "longitude": 28.944167, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "FIZIWATT Energy for All", "place": "Fizi ", "slug": "enhancing-community-resilience-to-lake-tanganyika-s-rapid-rise-through-open-mapp", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550720836556", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Entrevista a Marushka Chocobar: Datos Abiertos e #IA", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los\u00a0 Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano m\u00e1s participativo digitalmente", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -12.121892, "longitude": -77.030445, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Am\u00e9rico Guerra Biffi , L\u00edder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com", "place": "Miraflores - Lima - Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "entrevista-a-marushka-chocobar-datos-abiertos-e-ia", "url": "https://bit.ly/3wqXyM2", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Equipping undergraduate students and lecturers of Benue State University with open data skills", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Enhanced research and environmental management skills of students and lecturers at Benue State University Makurdi", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 7.732152, "longitude": 8.539144, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Angel Support Foundation. Contact email angelfoundation33@gmail.com", "place": "Makurdi", "slug": "equipping-undergraduate-students-and-lecturers-of-benue-state-university-with-op", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-08", "event_name": "Escuela de cart\u00f3grafas", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Documentation and systematization of the phenomenon of gender violence from the perspective and voice of women", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.710989, "longitude": -74.07209, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Talle La espiral", "place": "Bogot\u00e1", "slug": "escuela-de-cartografas", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Evening of revived maps", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Overview of the possibilities for creating maps based on open data", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 58.029682, "longitude": 56.266792, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ivan ", "place": "Russia, Perm ", "slug": "evening-of-revived-maps", "url": "https://eduthon.timepad.ru/event/2789535/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Evento: Retomando la iniciativa de ley de datos abiertos \u00bfQu\u00e9 hacer?", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Vamos a hablar acerca de la situaci\u00f3n actual de los datos abiertos en Guatemala y discutir acerca de las distintas formas en las que la sociedad civil puede hacer uso de ellos", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.596, "longitude": -90.5143, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Knowledge Guatemala", "place": "Ciudad de Guatemala", "slug": "evento-retomando-la-iniciativa-de-ley-de-datos-abiertos-que-hacer", "url": "https://forms.gle/SAf7dnK7Uz4CyWVy5", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Exchange Workshops with users of Open Government Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an Exchange Workshops with users (private sector, start-up, researchers, etc) of Open Government Data in order to present the national related programme and to discuss the mechanisms to improve the open data supply ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.82534215, "longitude": 10.63470555, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an Exchange Workshops with users of Open Government Data.", "place": "Sousse", "slug": "exchange-workshops-with-users-of-open-government-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Expanding Open Data Through Community Supported Dashboards", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "SDG11: Learn how DCYF has combined larger datasets (like the American Community Survey and Census data) with internal data to create public dashboards that support community decision-making.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 47.03553, "longitude": -122.900833, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Washington state Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) & the Washington state Open Data Program", "place": "Olympia, Washington", "slug": "expanding-open-data-through-community-supported-dashboards", "url": "https://watech.wa.gov/watech/news/2024/watechs-open-data-program-hosts-open-data-week", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Forced displacements open mapping", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Identify newly established displaced camps in eastern Congo war-torn regions for humanitarian assistance", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -1.692603, "longitude": 29.238165, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Media Sensitive to Disasters - MSD Network", "place": "Goma", "slug": "forced-displacements-open-mapping", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100087635536676", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "forum on citizen participation to strengthen community resilience through open data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "the objective of this forum is to provide citizens with access to open data through the use of artificial intelligence tools to fight against disinformation", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -7.149949, "longitude": 29.792829, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "LACLOCHE", "place": "Uvira, South Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo", "slug": "forum-on-citizen-participation-to-strengthen-community-resilience-through-open-d", "url": "https://www.lacloche.net", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "Fotomapeo Itag\u00fc\u00ed (photo mapping)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To collect street-level imagery of the cycleways of the municipality of Itag\u00fc\u00ed, south of the Aburr\u00e1 Valley, with the open data tool Mapillary for our SIGenBici open mapping project.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.17026, "longitude": -75.61654, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Corporaci\u00f3n Colectivo SiCLas", "place": "Itag\u00fc\u00ed, Antioquia, Colombia", "slug": "fotomapeo-itagui-photo-mapping", "url": "https://www.siclas.org/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Fresque des donn\u00e9es ouvertes", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Venez d\u00e9couvrir les tenants et aboutissants de l\u2019ouverture des donn\u00e9es publiques, ses bases historiques, son cadre r\u00e9glementaire, ainsi que les b\u00e9n\u00e9fices qu\u2019on peut en attendre, en cr\u00e9ant une fresque similaire \u00e0 la Fresque du climat.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.808591, "longitude": -0.5978509, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Universit\u00e9 de Bordeaux (Antoine Blanchard - antoine.blanchard@u-bordeaux.fr)", "place": "Bordeaux", "slug": "fresque-des-donnees-ouvertes", "url": "https://formaction.u-bordeaux.fr/training/489/1461", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Fresque des donn\u00e9es ouvertes", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Venez d\u00e9couvrir les tenants et aboutissants de l\u2019ouverture des donn\u00e9es publiques, ses bases historiques, son cadre r\u00e9glementaire, ainsi que les b\u00e9n\u00e9fices qu\u2019on peut en attendre, en cr\u00e9ant une fresque similaire \u00e0 la Fresque du climat.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.808591, "longitude": -0.5978509, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Universit\u00e9 de Bordeaux (Antoine Blanchard - antoine.blanchard@u-bordeaux.fr)", "place": "Bordeaux", "slug": "fresque-des-donnees-ouvertes-2", "url": "https://formaction.u-bordeaux.fr/training/489/1462", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "From GitHub to gorgeous: transform your repos into elegant, data-driven sites with ease.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To showcase how you can seamlessly integrate your existing GitHub datasets into visually appealing and interactive sites, deploying within seconds.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 48.856613, "longitude": 2.352222, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "", "place": "Online", "slug": "from-github-to-gorgeous-transform-your-repos-into-elegant-data-driven-sites-wi", "url": "https://www.datopian.com/blog/build-elegant-data-driven-sites", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Future-proofing your data ethics", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "In support of SDG16, discuss and share strategies to make sure demographic data you collect doesn't harm the very people your organization intends for that data to serve.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 47.03553, "longitude": -122.900833, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Washington State Technology Solutions, Open Data Program, opendata@wa.gov", "place": "Olympia, Washington", "slug": "future-proofing-your-data-ethics", "url": "https://watech.wa.gov/watech/news/2024/watechs-open-data-program-hosts-open-data-week", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "g0v hackath61n | \u53f0\u7063\u96f6\u6642\u653f\u5e9c\u7b2c\u9678\u62fe\u58f9\u6b21\u9f8d\u4f86 Open Data Day \u9ed1\u5ba2\u677e\u66a8\u96f6\u6642\u5c0f\u5b78\u6821 4th \u5c08\u6848\u5b75\u5316\u7af6\u8cfd\u6c7a\u9078\u65e5", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The g0v community hosts bi-monthly hackathons, emphasizing information transparency, open source, and collaboration openness. Through the power of civic tech, it consistently contributes to advancing towards societal well-being.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 25.01915106, "longitude": 121.5435237, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "g0v Jothon (email: ying@jothon.g0v.tw)", "place": "Taipei City, Taiwan", "slug": "g0v-hackath61n-tai-wan-ling-shi-zheng-fu-di-lu-shi-yi-ci-long-lai-open-data-day-hei-ke-song-ji-ling-shi-xiao-xue-xiao-4th-zhuan-an-fu-hua-jing-sai-jue-xuan-ri", "url": "https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath61n", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Gifu Open Data BAR ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Open Data BAR for one night only. What lines the shelves of the Giff Open Data Bar \"Aprile\" is not alcohol, but open data. We are waiting for you with a wide variety of special data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.413601, "longitude": 136.752641, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "CODE for GIFU\uff08JAPAN\uff09", "place": "Gifu , Japan", "slug": "gifu-open-data-bar", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/events/1123424985501425", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Hacia una investigaci\u00f3n m\u00e1s transparente y reproducible: Lanzamiento del repositorio REDATA", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Se presentar\u00e1 el repositorio de datos abiertos de investigaci\u00f3n de la Agencia Nacional de Investigaci\u00f3n e Innovaci\u00f3n (ANII) y se intercambiar\u00e1 con expertos de la academia, el gobierno y la sociedad civil sobre experiencias, buenas pr\u00e1cticas y beneficios de los datos abiertos en la generaci\u00f3n de conocimiento.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -34.87829, "longitude": -56.076753, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Agencia Nacional de Investigaci\u00f3n e Innovaci\u00f3n (ANII)", "place": "Montevideo, Uruguay (Online)", "slug": "hacia-una-investigacion-mas-transparente-y-reproducible-lanzamiento-del-reposit", "url": "https://bit.ly/lanzamientoredata", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Hackathon for Development of an Open Platform for mapping flooding using Social Media", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "After the event, we will have developed an open platform for mapping of flooding using Social Media", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -15.8050083, "longitude": 35.0219253, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Malawi Liverpool Wellcome Programme", "place": "Blantyre ", "slug": "hackathon-for-development-of-an-open-platform-for-mapping-flooding-using-social", "url": "https://forms.gle/2g7Fb9jTcajqxfq9A", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "HACKATON - HERE IS THE OPEN FUTURE", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "During this event, participants will take part in workshops and practical applications using open source solutions.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.46376, "longitude": 26.124662, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF CIVIL ENGINEERING BUCHAREST & UNIVERSITY OF LIFE SCIENCES \"KING MIHAI I\" FROM TIMISOARA", "place": "BUCHAREST AND TIMISOARA", "slug": "hackaton-here-is-the-open-future", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Hackday Niederrhein", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Hackday Niederrhein ist ein Open Data Event mit Tradition: Zum 9. Mal kommen am 2. und 3. M\u00e4rz 2024 Interessierte aus der Region und dar\u00fcber hinaus f\u00fcr ein Wochenende im Moerser Rathaus zusammen, um sich \u00fcber offene Daten und Technologien auszutauschen, an Projekten zusammenzuarbeiten und sich gegenseitig beim gemeinsamen Anliegen zu st\u00e4rken, mehr praktischen Nutzen durch offene Daten zu erzeugen.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 51.45355, "longitude": 6.62603, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Stadt Moers", "place": "Rathaus Moers, Rathausplatz 1, 47441 Moers, Germany", "slug": "hackday-niederrhein", "url": "https://www.codeforniederrhein.de/hackday-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Hacking for Healthy Food & Green Futures: An Open Data Challenge for Ningi Youth", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Ningi youth (all genders, rural/urban) gain data skills, tackle local food insecurity, mental health & climate issues. Farmers learn data-driven practices. Community accesses mental health resources & awareness campaigns. Winning solutions shared for wider impact! #ODD24 #SDGs", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.07832, "longitude": 9.56679, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "MUMSA initiative, mumsainitiative@gmail.com +2349061313202", "place": "Ningi, bauchi, Nigeria", "slug": "hacking-for-healthy-food-green-futures-an-open-data-challenge-for-ningi-youth", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100089495294944", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Hacking for Healthy Food & Green Futures: An Open Data Challenge for Ningi Youth", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.07832, "longitude": 9.56679, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "MUMSA initiative, mumsainitiative[at]Gmail.com", "place": "Ningi, Bauchi State", "slug": "hacking-for-healthy-food-green-futures-an-open-data-challenge-for-ningi-youth-2", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "HackQC", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "HackQC, c\u2019est une comp\u00e9tition de programmation panqu\u00e9b\u00e9coise qui a pour but de valoriser les donn\u00e9es ouvertes du portail Donn\u00e9es Qu\u00e9bec et de r\u00e9pondre \u00e0 de vraies pr\u00e9occupations dans nos collectivit\u00e9s.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 46.55880689, "longitude": -72.73574248, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Minist\u00e8re de la Cybers\u00e9curit\u00e9 et du Num\u00e9rique Gouvernement du Qu\u00e9bec, Ville de Shawinigan, Digihub courriel: hackqc@donneesquebec.ca ", "place": "Shawinigan, Qu\u00e9bec", "slug": "hackqc", "url": "https://hackqc.ca/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-05-03", "event_name": "Health is better than Money", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To create awareness on Hygiene Promotion and promote the health of children by supporting them with ( primary level ) medical assistance.\nOur project will engage volunteers doctors who will examine the patient before assign any medical assistance especially on diarrhea, cough and fever.\nThe community are suffering especially on diarrhea, cough and fever especially in the months of January to march, their water is not clean and safe.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11575771.0, "longitude": 11445590.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Hope for Street Children and Vulnerable people Foundation", "place": "Nayinawa is a community located within the Damaturu Yobe State, the people living in the Community are Vulnerable people who are laborers, farmers and their children are the one engage in to Child labour and most of the children are illiterate and they are the one mostly engage even in Boko Haram crisis", "slug": "health-is-better-than-money", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "IA e Dados Abertos (SP) | Open Data Day", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The goal of our event is to explore and discuss the possibilities at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Open Data, empowering participants with practical AI skills for data analysis and manipulation in spreadsheets.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -23.59724, "longitude": -46.66602, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Pedro Markun pedro@markun.com.br", "place": "S\u00e3o Paulo", "slug": "ia-e-dados-abertos-sp-open-data-day", "url": "https://www.sympla.com.br/open-data-ia-e-dados-abertos-sp__2355790", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Ideathon Datos Abiertos - Valencia Capital Verde Europea", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Durante el evento se mostrar\u00e1 el portal de datos abiertos del Ayuntamiento de Valencia y sus funcionalidades, se explicar\u00e1 el proyecto de indicadores de datos abiertos para la capitalidad verde, y se organizar\u00e1n sesiones de trabajo en grupo para generar ideas y recopilar propuestas de mejora del portal de datos.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 39.470242, "longitude": -0.3768, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ayuntamiento de Valencia", "place": "Valencia", "slug": "ideathon-datos-abiertos-valencia-capital-verde-europea", "url": "https://www.valencia.es/cas/agenda-de-la-ciudad/-/content/ideathon-de-datos-abiertos", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Ideat\u00f3n: Mujeres y econom\u00eda de cuidados", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "El Ideat\u00f3n es un espacio de di\u00e1logo abierto, colaborativo y constructivo para abordar necesidades en materia de datos abiertos y su reutilizaci\u00f3n, as\u00ed como para compartir propuestas, ideas y experiencias. Este a\u00f1o estar\u00e1 enfoscado en c\u00f3mo datos abiertos contribuyen al beneficio de las mujeres y la econom\u00eda de cuidados.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.40636, "longitude": -99.18722, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Estado Abierto del Instituto de Transparencia de la CDMX", "place": "Ciudad de M\u00e9xico, M\u00e9xico.", "slug": "ideaton-mujeres-y-economia-de-cuidados", "url": "https://twitter.com/Estado_Abierto", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "II Datathon UniversiDATA", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The objective of the II UniversiDATA datathon is to encourage the re-utilization of open higher education data by awarding cash prizes to the top projects using data published in https://www.universidata.es ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 40.34477, "longitude": -3.8136, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad Aut\u00f3noma de Madrid, Universidad de Valladolid, Universidad de Huelva, Dimetrical - universidata@dimetrical.es", "place": "Virtual event - Award ceremony in Madrid or Valladolid (still not decided)", "slug": "ii-datathon-universidata", "url": "https://www.universidata.es/datathon", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Impulsando el Futuro", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promover el estudio de casos, con datos abiertos, de procesos de contrataci\u00f3n estatal, sostenibles, inclusivos y con perspectiva de g\u00e9nero.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -29.47676, "longitude": -51.14667, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Centro de Innovaci\u00f3n para las Contrataciones Abiertas (CICAB)", "place": "Virtual", "slug": "impulsando-el-futuro", "url": "https://canal.cicab.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Indicadores de g\u00e9nero para la gobernanza de recursos naturales: qu\u00e9 datos tenemos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Conocer y usar datos abiertos para la gobernanza de recursos naturales desde una perspectiva de genero", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.43297, "longitude": -99.1412, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "T\u00e9cnicas rudas", "place": "Ciudad de Mexico", "slug": "indicadores-de-genero-para-la-gobernanza-de-recursos-naturales-que-datos-tenemo", "url": "https://Tecnicasrudas.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Inteligencia Artificial y Gobierno Abierto", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Fomentar la comprensi\u00f3n y el uso de la inteligencia artificial en la gesti\u00f3n p\u00fablica, promoviendo la transparencia y la participaci\u00f3n ciudadana a trav\u00e9s del gobierno abierto.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -0.2383399946, "longitude": -79.16853408, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OGP Santo Domingo de los Ts\u00e1chilas y Fundapi; edobejar@fundapi.org", "place": "Santo Domingo de los Ts\u00e1chilas, Ecuador", "slug": "inteligencia-artificial-y-gobierno-abierto", "url": "https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjI5ZmViOTEtNDZmZC00ZjNkLWI5NzUtM2VhMzA2ZjNjYTkz%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%2273f06127-a0e8-48a7-b7af-980da5351941%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22d9f1a31b-af42-4f2d-be5c-57ce0021fc0c%22%7d", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Intelligenza artificiale e open gov: un matrimonio possibile?", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To share opinion and experiences on relationship between AI and open government", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 41.86783, "longitude": 12.47917, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "FPA-FORUM PA", "place": "Roma & online", "slug": "intelligenza-artificiale-e-open-gov-un-matrimonio-possibile", "url": "https://www.forumpa.it/webinar/intelligenza-artificiale-e-open-gov-un-matrimonio-possibile/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-11", "event_name": "International Open Data Day 2024 in Shinagawa - \"Open and Connect with Open Data\"", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "1) Introduction to open data community.\n2) Share open data activities held in Shinagawa-ku. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.625376, "longitude": 139.728094, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "\u4e00\u822c\u793e\u56e3\u6cd5\u4eba\u30e2\u30ce\u3065\u304f\u308aX\u30d7\u30ed\u30b0\u30e9\u30df\u30f3\u30b0 for Japan (Monopro Shinagawa)", "place": "Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo", "slug": "international-open-data-day-2024-in-shinagawa-open-and-connect-with-open-data", "url": "https://pc.tamemap.net/1310901/activities/13109010084/events/113756", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "International Open Data Day 2024 Yokohama__Seminar_Sustaining excitement with new data tool 'Data Leaf'", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Learn about data utilization through a lecture by Professor Osawa of the University of Tokyo and a panel discussion with four experts", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.458105, "longitude": 139.631965, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "International Open Data Day 2024 @ Yokohama Executive Committee", "place": "Yokohama", "slug": "international-open-data-day-2024-yokohama-seminar-sustaining-excitement-with-ne", "url": "https://yokohamalab.jp/2024/03/01/dataleaf/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "International Open Data Day and Open Data Awards", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 13.89004293, "longitude": 100.5715965, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Digital Government Development Agency (Public Organization) (DGA)", "place": "Bangkok, Thailand", "slug": "international-open-data-day-and-open-data-awards", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "IODD 2024 in Suzaka, Nagano", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Discuss local education and opendata utilization", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.6371369, "longitude": 138.2788945, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Mamoru ENDO", "place": "Suzaka City Technical Information Center", "slug": "iodd-2024-in-suzaka-nagano", "url": "https://www.s-johocenter.jp/iodd2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "JOCEMARA SCHAFER", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -30.034647, "longitude": -51.217659, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "jocemara20@hotmail.com", "place": "Porto Alegre", "slug": "jocemara-schafer", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Jornadas de Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -34.582797, "longitude": -58.429192, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "@datosgobar | Datos Abiertos Argentina", "place": "Argentina", "slug": "jornadas-de-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://www.argentina.gob.ar/jornadasdatosabiertos", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-04-16", "event_name": "jsishs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "jsushs", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 18282773.0, "longitude": 27626372.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "", "place": "Siisnsjsb", "slug": "jsishs", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Judicial hackathon: opening up the justice system", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -34.603683, "longitude": -58.381557, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Asociaci\u00f3n Civil por la Igualdad y la Justicia", "place": "Ciudad Aut\u00f3noma de Buenos Aires", "slug": "judicial-hackathon-opening-up-the-justice-system", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Jug Band Community Mapping", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Consolidate various place name datasets built with communities since 2013 and publish a \"revamped\" version to support community activities during 2024", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 43.02375502, "longitude": 11.0266893, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "pibinko.org network", "place": "Tatti (as main location) - parts will be online", "slug": "jug-band-community-mapping", "url": "https://www.pibinko.org/odd24-pibnet-en/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "L'\u00e9cole des donn\u00e9es ouvertes", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We want to organize training for 10 girls on open data and participatory democracy so that they can meet the Mayor of Lab\u00e9 to discuss the municipal budget.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.310865, "longitude": -12.2731366, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "E-EDUCATION CITOYENNE", "place": "Labe, Guinea", "slug": "l-ecole-des-donnees-ouvertes", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "La gesti\u00f3 de l'aigua amb dades obertes", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Con\u00e8ixer com les dades obertes ajuden a la gesti\u00f3 de l\u2019aigua i al seguiment de l\u2019estat de sequera actual a Catalunya.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 41.385063, "longitude": 2.173404, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Generalitat de Catalunya", "place": "Barcelona", "slug": "la-gestio-de-l-aigua-amb-dades-obertes", "url": "https://administraciodigital.gencat.cat/ca/dades/dades-obertes/activitats/sessions-de-cafe-amb-dades/la-gestio-de-laigua-amb-dades-obertes/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Laboratorio de herramientas amoldables con datos abiertos para el desarrollo sostenible en comunidades de base. (Lab for moldable tools with open data for sustainable development in grassroots communities.)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Encourage critical thinking and civic participation around open data and the creation of open/libre tools in the context of quality education, sustainable communities, and climate action, as part of our years-long effort (since 2015) to use and improve moldable digital meta-tools to amplify grassroots agency.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.63132, "longitude": -74.06589, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Grafoscopio Community", "place": "Bogot\u00e1, Colombia", "slug": "laboratorio-de-herramientas-amoldables-con-datos-abiertos-para-el-desarrollo-sos", "url": "https://is.gd/dataroda79", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Lanzamiento de Datos abiertos meteorol\u00f3gicos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Difusi\u00f3n de la apertura de datos sobre temperatura y humedad del aire", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -32.522778, "longitude": -55.765835, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "INUMET - AGESIC", "place": "Uruguay", "slug": "lanzamiento-de-datos-abiertos-meteorologicos", "url": "https://www.gub.uy/agencia-gobierno-electronico-sociedad-informacion-conocimiento/comunicacion/noticias/datos-abiertos-meteorologicos-sobre-humedad-temperatura", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Lanzamiento de la publicaci\u00f3n de datos abiertos de Fondos para audiovisuales", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Difusi\u00f3n de la publicaci\u00f3n de datos abiertos sobre fondos audiovisuales", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 34.901112, "longitude": -56.164532, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "ACAU", "place": "Montevideo", "slug": "lanzamiento-de-la-publicacion-de-datos-abiertos-de-fondos-para-audiovisuales", "url": "https://www.acau.gub.uy/innovaportal/v/188/1/acau/la-agencia-del-cine-y-el-audiovisual-publico-datos-abiertos-sobre-fondos-audiovisuales.html", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Lanzamiento del visualizador de violencia dom\u00e9stica y g\u00e9nero", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Difundir la puesta en producci\u00f3n del visualizador y la publicaci\u00f3n de datos abiertos", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -32.522778, "longitude": -55.765835, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "AGESIC - Ministerio del Interior", "place": "Uruguay", "slug": "lanzamiento-del-visualizador-de-violencia-domestica-y-genero", "url": "https://www.gub.uy/agencia-gobierno-electronico-sociedad-informacion-conocimiento/comunicacion/noticias/nuevo-visualizador-datos-violencia-domestica-genero", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Launch of the Second Edition of the State of Open Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "On 7 March 2023, the State of Open Data will launch an interactive publication of the Second Edition of the State of Open Data. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -1.292066, "longitude": 36.821945, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Data for Development Network", "place": "Virtual", "slug": "launch-of-the-second-edition-of-the-state-of-open-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Les jeunes alimentent Data4Governance pour combler les lacunes en mati\u00e8re de donn\u00e9es et acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer la transformation de l\u2019Afrique (Young People Powering Data4Governance to close Data Gaps for accelerating Africa\u2019s Transformation). ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Les jeunes alimentent Data4Governance pour combler les lacunes en mati\u00e8re de donn\u00e9es et acc\u00e9l\u00e9rer la transformation de l\u2019Afrique based on the he Mo Ibrahim Foundation (MIF) on Monday the 29th of January 2024 published the 2023 series of the Ibrahim Index of African Governance (IIAG) report entitled \u201cThe Power of Data for Governance: Closing Data Gaps to accelerate Africa\u2019s Transformation.\u201d We hope to sensitize young people aged 18-35 based in Zinder Niger Republic to explore how these data gaps connect to the Sustainable Development Goals in view of recent growth within the Sahel Region ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 13.80716, "longitude": 8.9881, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Cabinet Hub Zinder asbszinder@gmail.com ", "place": "Zinder", "slug": "les-jeunes-alimentent-data4governance-pour-combler-les-lacunes-en-matiere-de-don", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Lesotho Open Data Initiative - Open Data Day", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This event is intended to deepen the understanding of Open Data in Lesotho, and explore Open Data use-cases in the Kingdom of Lesotho", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -29.315077, "longitude": 27.486923, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Makhamisa Senekane ", "place": "Maseru, Lesotho", "slug": "lesotho-open-data-initiative-open-data-day", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Lets Count 4SDGs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To enhance community engagement, improve accessibility to information (OD), and its useage as an indicator for achieving the 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"world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-08-03", "event_name": "Making Meaning: Collections as Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Making Meaning is a day for digital innovators, creatives and trendsetters to explore the potential power of collections as data and help us build a community of practice in Australia.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -27.47101801, "longitude": 153.0180865, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "State Library of Queensland \u2014 collectionsasdata@slq.qld.gov.au", "place": "Brisbane, Queensland, Australia", "slug": "making-meaning-collections-as-data", "url": "https://www.slq.qld.gov.au/making-meaning-2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-09", "event_name": "Map Nigeria Mapathon Campaign: Advancing Open Mapping Women Inclusive Empowerment for SDGs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": 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"", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Map Nigeria Mapathon Campaign: Advancing Open Mapping Women Inclusive Empowerment for SDGs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To Engage Women Inclusive Community Mapathon and High School Outreach for SDGs", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.8608368, "longitude": 7.4082252, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Unique Mappers Network,Nigeria", "place": "Nsukka -Mapathon Center -University of Nigeria,Nsukka", "slug": "map-nigeria-mapathon-campaign-advancing-open-mapping-women-inclusive-empowerme-4", "url": "https://twitter.com/uniquemappers/status/1754638600082280575", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Map Nigeria Mapathon Campaign: Advancing Open Mapping Women Inclusive Empowerment for SDGs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To engage Women-Inclusive 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"world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-23", "event_name": "Mapat\u00f3n H\u00eddrica", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Si te interesa cartografiar recursos h\u00eddricos con herramientas libres, sumate a la Mapat\u00f3n H\u00eddrica con OpenStreetMap", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.935845, "longitude": -84.061934, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Sul\u00e1 Bats\u00fa", "place": "Casa Bats\u00fa, Barrio Escalante", "slug": "mapaton-hidrica", "url": "https://sulabatsu.com/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Mapeo ambiental: Capturando datos abiertos de la biodiversidad de Colombia, a trav\u00e9s de \u00e1rboles urbanos.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Introducir nuevos mapeadores para la recopilaci\u00f3n de datos abiertos aplicados a la biodiversidad urbana con notas de OSM. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.235016, "longitude": -75.578968, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Luis Sebastian Bravo Chacon (sebastianbch98@gmail.com), SAGEMA UN MED (YouthMappers) (sagema_med@unal.edu.co), Asociaci\u00f3n Rumbo Digital, OSM Colombia, MaptimeBogota", "place": "Medell\u00edn", "slug": "mapeo-ambiental-capturando-datos-abiertos-de-la-biodiversidad-de-colombia-a-tr", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Mapeo ambiental: Capturando datos abiertos de la biodiversidad de Colombia, a trav\u00e9s de \u00e1rboles veredales", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Capturar datos abiertos de la biodiversidad de Colombia, a trav\u00e9s de \u00e1rboles veredales", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 3.48407, "longitude": -73.73884, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Igor T\u00e0mara", "place": "Vereda Cubilleras, Granada, Meta, Colombia", "slug": "mapeo-ambiental-capturando-datos-abiertos-de-la-biodiversidad-de-colombia-a-tr-2", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Mapeo de \u00e1rboles urbanos - Colegio Salesiano Duitama", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Mapear \u00e1rboles urbanos, ubicados en las instalaciones del colegio Salesiano de Duitama y sus alrededores.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 5.832479, "longitude": -73.035105, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Leonardo Guti\u00e9rrez, Duitama Mapping Stars leogiga@gmail.com", "place": "Colegio Salesiano, Duitama", "slug": "mapeo-de-arboles-urbanos-colegio-salesiano-duitama", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Mapeo de \u00e1rboles urbanos - Villavicencio", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Mapeo de \u00e1rboles urbanos en OpenStreetMap", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.121948, "longitude": -73.643197, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "N\u00e9stor Suat - nestorsuat@gmail.com", "place": "Villavicencio", "slug": "mapeo-de-arboles-urbanos-villavicencio", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Mapping Climate Change in 4D: Belvedere Glacier's Open Geo Data for Education and Research", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event aims at showcasing and promoting the use of the 3D geospatial open data acquired since 2015 on the Belvedere Glacier (Italian Alps) and conducting an innovative teaching workshop for familiarizing students with GIS using real data of an alpine glacier.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 45.477538, "longitude": 9.228024, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Politecnico di Milano, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering", "place": "Milan", "slug": "mapping-climate-change-in-4d-belvedere-glacier-s-open-geo-data-for-education-an", "url": "https://labmgf.dica.polimi.it/opendataday", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Mapping with the use of flying drones terrestrial ecosystems and forests located in the administrative district of Piatnica (Poland, Europe)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 53.27012, "longitude": 22.14994, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Cyber-Complex Foundation", "place": "Pi\u0105tnica", "slug": "mapping-with-the-use-of-flying-drones-terrestrial-ecosystems-and-forests-located", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Maproullete Mapathon (Celebrating Women Mappers)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Map all Maproullette Challenges for Uganda, Train and attract more women mappers, ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.31569, "longitude": 32.57811, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OpenStreetMap Uganda", "place": "Kampala City, MapUganda Offices", "slug": "maproullete-mapathon-celebrating-women-mappers", "url": "https://forms.gle/wLPCWfJwMi8vF4Vg9", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-30", "event_name": "Mar de Datos - Open Data Day MdQ 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promote the use of open data among citizens to consolidate the open government model, to achieve more fair, participatory and inclusive democracies.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -37.99697, "longitude": -57.5491, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OSC Escuela de Fiscales", "place": "Mar del Plata", "slug": "mar-de-datos-open-data-day-mdq-2024", "url": "http://escueladefiscales.com/index.php/oddmdq/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Monitoring Afforestation Campaign", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This event aims to elucidate and train organizations with afforestation campaigns such as My birthday tree organization on the use of open mapping tools to advance Climate Action.\n", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.796183, "longitude": 37.627654, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "SMCoSE YouthMappers", "place": "Morogoro Tanzania", "slug": "monitoring-afforestation-campaign", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/p/CpvRhp8Iir1/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-04-09", "event_name": "More transparency about our food products ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "With all the participants present, we are going to visit a supermarket and collect information on food products to add to the Open Food Facts database. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 46.75616, "longitude": 3.61778, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Food Facts", "place": "3, avenue Victoria, Paris ", "slug": "more-transparency-about-our-food-products", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "M\u00fcn\u00e4 pol\u00eal\u00ea ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "1.Open Data Radio and TV\n2. Virtual campaign and chat, physical door to door display \n3. 2024 International Open Data Day Workshop", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.444997, "longitude": 18.571959, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Centrafrique Tech/ SIBIRO Philippe Junior/ Mail : philippejuniors7@gmail.com \t/centrafriquetech@gmail.com", "place": "Bangui ", "slug": "muna-polele", "url": "https://www.centrafriquetech.pro", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Ng\u00e0y D\u1eef li\u1ec7u M\u1edf - ODD (Open Data Day)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "I would like to join this event to know about information Open Data Day in the world.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 21.027763, "longitude": 105.83416, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Qu\u1ef9 Tri th\u1ee9c M\u1edf - OKFN (Open Knowledge Foundation); Jokkolabs Banjul (Gambia), Open Knowledge Germany, Open Knowledge Ghana, v\u00e0 Open Knowledge Nepal", "place": "Hanoi", "slug": "ngay-du-lieu-mo-odd-open-data-day", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-22", "event_name": "Nivel Avanzado - Uso de #IA desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los\u00a0 Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano m\u00e1s participativo digitalmente", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -5.197113269, "longitude": -80.62666712, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Am\u00e9rico Guerra Biffi , L\u00edder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com", "place": "Piura - Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "nivel-avanzado-uso-de-ia-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://bit.ly/49wWYdG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-01-25", "event_name": "Nivel B\u00e1sico - Uso de Inteligencia Artificial desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano m\u00e1s participativo digitalmente", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -7.401149, "longitude": -79.572229, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Am\u00e9rico Guerra Biffi , L\u00edder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com", "place": "Pacasmayo - Pacasmayo - La Libertad - Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "nivel-basico-uso-de-inteligencia-artificial-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://bit.ly/3Shi5uH", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-08", "event_name": "Nivel Intermedio - Uso de Inteligencia Artificial desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los\u00a0 Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano m\u00e1s participativo digitalmente", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -8.1117766, "longitude": -79.0286943, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Am\u00e9rico Guerra Biffi , L\u00edder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com", "place": "Trujillo - Trujillo - La Libertad - Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "nivel-intermedio-uso-de-inteligencia-artificial-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos", "url": "https://bit.ly/3SaJ5uK", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "NoCode-LowCode GeoAI Workshop for Sustainable Climate Action", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The main goal of our Open Data Day event is to empower participants with NoCode-LowCode GeoAI tools for low carbon economy and meaningful climate action, fostering innovation and collaboration through multi-modal open data and open source software ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 28.4731, "longitude": 77.0562, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Nakul Gupta, nakul.gupta@mdi.ac.in", "place": "Gurgaon, India", "slug": "nocode-lowcode-geoai-workshop-for-sustainable-climate-action", "url": "https://mdi.ac.in/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "nullfull 2024 open data day", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Visualizing congressional expense receipts used by South Korea member of the National Assembly", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 37.566536, "longitude": 126.977966, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Youne", "place": "Seoul", "slug": "nullfull-2024-open-data-day", "url": "https://event-us.kr/79347", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "NUSURU MTOTO CAMPAIGN ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Your mission and message will be delivered without interruption.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 255656058085.0, "longitude": 255656058085.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Roger's fungo organization Rise Renovation Relief ", "place": "Tanga Region ", "slug": "nusuru-mtoto-campaign", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "ODD Bel\u00e9m 2024 - ODS na Amaz\u00f4nia - Dados Abertos para o Avan\u00e7o dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustent\u00e1vel (ODS)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -1.438474, "longitude": -48.460568, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Meninas da Geo / IFPA e colaboradores", "place": "Bel\u00e9m", "slug": "odd-belem-2024-ods-na-amazonia-dados-abertos-para-o-avanco-dos-objetivos-de", "url": "https://doity.com.br/open-data-day-2024-dia-de-dados-abertos-2024-belem", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "ODD Colombia 2024 - Mapeo de \u00e1rboles urbanos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Tomar informaci\u00f3n de los \u00e1rboles urbanos que est\u00e1n en el parque Sim\u00f3n Bolivar y luego mapearlos en OpenStreetMap.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.658167, "longitude": -74.089853, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Andres Gomez angoca@osm.lat", "place": "Bogot\u00e1", "slug": "odd-colombia-2024-mapeo-de-arboles-urbanos", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "ODD Colombia 2024 - Mapeo de \u00e1rboles urbanos - Yopal", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To map the trees on the ground via OSM notes with photos and measurements.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 5.34294, "longitude": -72.386699, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Doris Ruiz - hidrogis24@gmail.com", "place": "Parque Villa Mar\u00eda, Yopal", "slug": "odd-colombia-2024-mapeo-de-arboles-urbanos-yopal", "url": "https://pad.osm.lat/s/Wk7YD-uqG", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-21", "event_name": "ODD Querido Di\u00e1rio - Incentivo \u00e0 cultura", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Utilizar o Querido Di\u00e1rio para buscar informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre como munic\u00edpios est\u00e3o utilizando leis de incentivo \u00e0 cultura como a lei Paulo Gustavo e lei Aldir Blanc.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -23.550404, "longitude": -46.633978, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Knowledge Brasil", "place": "Online", "slug": "odd-querido-diario-incentivo-a-cultura", "url": "https://go.ok.org.br/discord", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "Open Call for Canada", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Showcase the latest portals, activities or developments for open data practitioners and offices across Canada for the community as a whole.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 49.7713, "longitude": -96.8165, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "eugene@ideaowl.com", "place": "Canada", "slug": "open-call-for-canada", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/march-open-call-tickets-807585157947?aff=oddtdtcreator", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Open data and artificial intelligence", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The purpose of the event is to explore the intersection of open data and AI, foster dialogue, and promote responsible and ethical practices for leveraging open data in AI applications.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.421742, "longitude": 42.037901, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Haramaya University", "place": "Haramaya University", "slug": "open-data-and-artificial-intelligence", "url": "https://www.haramaya.edu.et/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Charter - in companies", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Aplicaremos el Open Data Charter como gu\u00eda para el despliegue de datos empresariales y el uso de los distintos usuarios de an\u00e1lisis y respuesta a clientes, en las compa\u00f1\u00edas m\u00e1s grandes de Ecuador. Evento virtual con Q&A", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -0.179037, "longitude": -78.481249, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "handytec", "place": "Evento virtual", "slug": "open-data-charter-in-companies", "url": "https://www.handytec.ai/page/open-data-charter-in-companies", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "Open Data Conclave - Bringing young individuals within and outside government together to promote open data as a culture of practice for greater accountability and open governance in Nepal. ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The goal of this event is to promote open data as a culture of practice for fostering greater accountability and open governance in Nepal by empowering youth with open data literacy, and discourses, ensuring data protection and security.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 27.687361, "longitude": 83.432335, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Co Hub PVT. LTD; Ashmita Sharma ; 9851203219", "place": "Lumbini Province- Butwal", "slug": "open-data-conclave-bringing-young-individuals-within-and-outside-government-to", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day (Uberl\u00e2ndia-MG/Brazil)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Bring together the academic community and society in the university environment and raise awareness of the importance of open data and public transparency.\n\nReunir comunidade acad\u00eamica e sociedade no ambiente universit\u00e1rio e sensibiliz\u00e1-las para a import\u00e2ncia da abertura dos dados e transpar\u00eancia p\u00fablica. 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The event includes Live presentations and recorded presentations. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.852423, "longitude": 79.904252, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Prof. Lasith Gunawardena, Head, Department of Information Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura. lasith@sjp.ac.lk", "place": "Department of Information Technology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-dit-usj", "url": "https://forms.gle/2yUsodN3YvPjWvH29", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open data day 2024 El Salvador", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Evento en linea para promoci\u00f3n de la informaci\u00f3n abierta y accesible a la humanidad.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 13.69294, "longitude": -89.218193, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Software Libre El Salvador", "place": "San Salvador", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-el-salvador", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Day 2024 in Togo", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "OpenDataDay 2024 in Togo will facilitate the understanding of key concepts of open data and further promote SDG 4 by introducing participants to a range of tools for accessing free educational resources without internet", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 6.2081887, "longitude": 1.1579008, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ata Franck AKOUETE", "place": "Nunyalab, Lom\u00e9", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-in-togo", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Open Data Day 2024 M\u00fcnster ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Informations- und Diskussionveranstaltung zu den Potentialen von Open Data f\u00fcr eine nachhaltige Stadtentwicklung / Information and discussion event on the potential of open data for sustainable urban development ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 51.960667, "longitude": 7.626135, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Stadt M\u00fcnster", "place": "M\u00fcnster, Haus der Nachhaltigkeit (Hammer Str. 1)", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-munster", "url": "https://beteiligung.nrw.de/portal/muenster/beteiligung/themen/1005814", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Open Data Day 2024: Dades per abordar els reptes socials", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Pr\u00e0ctiques i estrat\u00e8gies per a la reutilitzaci\u00f3 de les dades obertes per als reptes socials.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 41.40991, "longitude": 2.20354, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Iniciativa Barcelona Open Data", "place": "Barcelona", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-dades-per-abordar-els-reptes-socials", "url": "https://www.iniciativabarcelonaopendata.cat/ca/2024/02/6-de-marc-torna-lopen-data-day-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day 2024: Open Data for Sustainable and Inclusive Development for All", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To boost public awareness of open data and inclusive development in Cambodia, offer a safe space for marginalized groups to express concerns and share experiences, and encourage civic engagement in digital transformation through innovative solutions utilizing open data and inclusive participation.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.556374, "longitude": 104.928207, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Development Cambodia Organization (ODC)", "place": "Phnom Penh", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-open-data-for-sustainable-and-inclusive-development-for-all", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Day 2024: Unity for Progress", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Ukraine is one of the leaders in the pace of development of open data and the only country in the world that develops the field in conditions of full-scale war. This year, Open Data Day will be dedicated to the possibilities of open data in overcoming the challenges of wartime and rebuilding Ukraine.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 50.4501, "longitude": 30.523399, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "The Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, USAID/UK aid-funded Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services (TAPAS) Activity, East Europe Foundation", "place": "Kyiv, Ukraine", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-unity-for-progress", "url": "https://youtube.com/live/sCecHmd8qOw", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day Armenia 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "First Open Data Day in Armenia about the role of the open data in the Armenia", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 40.18889, "longitude": 44.42533, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Public organization \"Open Data Armenia\"", "place": "Yerevan", "slug": "open-data-day-armenia-2024", "url": "https://odd.opendata.am/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open Data Day Austin", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Bring the community together to learn about open data and hack on valuable datasets.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 30.22908, "longitude": -97.70712, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Austin", "place": "Austin, TX", "slug": "open-data-day-austin", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-data-day-austin-2024-tickets-823097596067", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Day BR", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The purpose of Open Data Day BR is to inform the public of the wonderful ways that they can utilize the city's Open Data BR platform. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 30.44603, "longitude": -91.1879, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "East Baton Rouge City-Parish Department of Information Services ", "place": "Baton Rouge, LA", "slug": "open-data-day-br", "url": "https://www.brla.gov/2940/Open-Data-Day-2023", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day CDMX 2024 - 10 A\u00f1os", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Mexico City multi-sector, diverse and inter-generational yearly meet-up with project presentations, data and mapping trainings, focus groups and thematic community open conversations regarding disaster/emergency response in Acapulco, election data 2024 and open data agenda for Mexico.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.4064721, "longitude": -99.1895938, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "SOCIALTIC", "place": "Mexico City", "slug": "open-data-day-cdmx-2024-10-anos", "url": "https://socialtic.org/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Open Data Day Curitiba 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "O nosso objetivo com o Dia dos Dados Abertos Curitiba \u00e9 conseguir engajar mais pessoas em projetos que utilizem dados abertos de Curitiba", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -25.480877, "longitude": -49.304424, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ricardo Mendes Jr contato@dadosabertos.curitiba.br", "place": "Curitiba", "slug": "open-data-day-curitiba-2024", "url": "https://opendataday.curitiba.br", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day Finland", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We bring together Finnish SDG enthusiasts virtually", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 60.169857, "longitude": 24.938379, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Knowledge Finland", "place": "Virtual", "slug": "open-data-day-finland", "url": "https://opendataday.fi", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day Gabon", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "L'ouverture des donn\u00e9es dans un contexte de transition politique au Gabon", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.3855811, "longitude": 9.4450657, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Minist\u00e8re de l'\u00e9conomie num\u00e9rique et des nouvelles technologies de l'information", "place": "Libreville", "slug": "open-data-day-gabon", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day Guadalajara", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 20.659698, "longitude": -103.349609, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Codeando M\u00e9xico - Ricardo Miron, rmiron@codeandomexico.org", "place": "Hacker Garage Guadalajara", "slug": "open-data-day-guadalajara", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day in Flensburg", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Wir beteiligen uns am diesj\u00e4hrigen Open Data Day 2024 mit einer eigenen ganzt\u00e4gigen Veranstaltung, welche wir \u00fcberregional ausrichten, mit der wir alle Interessierten im Norden zu einem spannendem Austausch und Kennenlernen einladen.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 54.792033, "longitude": 9.431105, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OK Lab Flensburg", "place": "D\u00e4nische Zentralbibliothek, Norderstra\u00dfe 59, 24939 Flensburg", "slug": "open-data-day-in-flensburg", "url": "https://wandelkalender-flensburg.de/event/save-the-date-open-data-day-flensburg-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Open Data Day in Russia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event will be held in an online format. The central focus of the program of this year's event is open data for the community. We plan to include your reports, project presentations and master classes in the program. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 55.755825, "longitude": 37.617298, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "NGO Infoculture", "place": "Youtube (online event)", "slug": "open-data-day-in-russia", "url": "https://opendataday.ru/msk", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Day Informatica Unicam: OSM Mapping Party + Datathon", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Start a local OSM mapping community in Camerino, where currently none exists.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 43.13915, "longitude": 13.06778, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Lorenzo Rossi (lorenzo.rossi@unicam.it) and H\u00e9ctor Ochoa Ortiz (hector.ochoaortiz@unicam.it), Computer Science Section, University of Camerino", "place": "Camerino (MC)", "slug": "open-data-day-informatica-unicam-osm-mapping-party-datathon", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day Metadata-thon", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Engage with Open Data users and improve the data quality of the City of Edmonton Open Data Portal", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 53.544388, "longitude": -113.490929, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "City of Edmonton", "place": "Edmonton (online and asynchronous)", "slug": "open-data-day-metadata-thon", "url": "https://data.edmonton.ca", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day M\u00e9xico para OSC 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Fomentar la participaci\u00f3n de colectivos y ONG en la comprensi\u00f3n, uso y visualizaci\u00f3n de los datos abiertos mediante herramientas digitales, especialmente los relacionados con la Agenda 2030.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 19.450209, "longitude": -99.162026, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Cambio Sistemico", "place": "CDMX - Por definir", "slug": "open-data-day-mexico-para-osc-2024", "url": "https://cambiosistemico.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-05-04", "event_name": "Open Data Day M\u00fcnchen 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Presentations and workshops will take place throughout the day, providing inspiration and insights into the multifaceted world of data. There will be special opportunities for participants to get to know each other, network and exchange ideas. The exact program will follow.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 48.135124, "longitude": 11.581981, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Landeshauptstadt M\u00fcnchen and byte - die Bayerische Agentur f\u00fcr Digitales (openbydata@byte.bayern) together with OK Lab M\u00fcnchen", "place": "Munich", "slug": "open-data-day-munchen-2024", "url": "https://veranstaltungen.muenchen.de/rit/veranstaltungen/open-data-day-muenchen-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open Data Day POA - Dia dos Dados Abertos Porto Alegre/RS", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Em 2024, o tema do Open Data Day POA ser\u00e1 \u201cA intelig\u00eancia artificial j\u00e1 pode predizer o nosso futuro?\u201d, com painel sobre cidadania digital e uma oficina de chatGPT, debatendo os limites legais e \u00e9ticos do uso de IA em produtos e servi\u00e7os p\u00fablicos e privados nas \u00e1reas de seguran\u00e7a, sa\u00fade mental, mudan\u00e7as clim\u00e1ticas e comunica\u00e7\u00e3o.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -30.034647, "longitude": -51.217659, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Unisinos e Afonte Jornalismo de Dados (dados@afonte.info)", "place": "Porto Alegre", "slug": "open-data-day-poa-dia-dos-dados-abertos-porto-alegre-rs", "url": "https://afonte.info/2024/02/21/open-data-day-poa-2024-debate-impactos-da-inteligencia-artificial-e-oferece-oficina-gratuita-sobre-chatgpt/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open Data Day Quito", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Concentrate the open data, open science and open mapping community. In addition to creating a space for new people interested in the use of data. We will have talks about gender, protection of personal data, etc.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -0.200268, "longitude": -78.48257, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Iv\u00e1n Terceros", "place": "Quito", "slug": "open-data-day-quito", "url": "https://openlab.ec/odd2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day Recife 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -8.05135, "longitude": -34.89579, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "PyLadies Recife", "place": "Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil", "slug": "open-data-day-recife-2024", "url": "https://www.instagram.com/pyladiesrecife/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day Rio de Janeiro - Ci\u00eancia de Dados na Sa\u00fade P\u00fablica Carioca", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "O evento ter\u00e1 seu foco nos dados e pain\u00e9is do Sistema de Regula\u00e7\u00e3o (SISREG), que cont\u00e9m diversas informa\u00e7\u00f5es sobre regula\u00e7\u00e3o ambulatorial geridas pela Prefeitura do Rio de Janeiro, como evolu\u00e7\u00e3o da oferta de vagas, solicita\u00e7\u00f5es e tempo de espera. Os participantes poder\u00e3o colocar a m\u00e3o na massa produzindo suas pr\u00f3prias an\u00e1lises com esses e outros dados auxiliares e compartilhando impress\u00f5es com o grupo e com a equipe da SMS Rio. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -22.95287, "longitude": -43.17593, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Plataforma de Ci\u00eancia de Dados aplicada \u00e0 Sa\u00fade e Secretaria Municipal do Rio de Janeiro (pcdas@icict.fiocruz.br)", "place": "Rio de Janeiro", "slug": "open-data-day-rio-de-janeiro-ciencia-de-dados-na-saude-publica-carioca", "url": "https://bit.ly/openDataRio", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Data Day Salvador 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Bate-papo sobre a utiliza\u00e7\u00e3o de dados abertos em diferentes \u00e1reas da sociedade (Comunica\u00e7\u00e3o, Governo, Inova\u00e7\u00e3o, Urbanismo, Cultura e etc.), refor\u00e7ando a import\u00e2ncia do debate para a transpar\u00eancia, controle social e fortalecimento da democracia. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -12.977749, "longitude": -38.501629, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ag\u00eancia de Not\u00edcia em CT&I (AGN) - cienciaeculturaufba@gmail.com / Pyladies Salvador - salvador@pyladies.com / Raul Hacker Club - raulhc@lists.riseup.net", "place": "Salvador-BA", "slug": "open-data-day-salvador-2024", "url": "http://www.cienciaecultura.ufba.br/agenciadenoticias/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Day Surveying and Geomatics Department ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "1. To educate the students about Open Data and its importance\n2. To raise awareness on mental health\n3. To raise discussions on career opportunities within the Geospatial Realm \n4. To educate on mentorship and its purpose in one's personal and professional growth\n5. To promote YouthMappers and YouthMappers initiatives within the school", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -19.45314, "longitude": 29.81536, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Letwin Pondo - letwin003@gmail.com", "place": "Gweru", "slug": "open-data-day-surveying-and-geomatics-department", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "open data day website ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "discussion conducted with stakeholders and collect data from tourism activity in suklaphanta national park and the data will be shared in website ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 28.0, "longitude": 80.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Eshwar Raj Pant ,email eshwarpant@gmail.com", "place": "Mahendranagar ", "slug": "open-data-day-website", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data Day | PyLadies S\u00e3o Paulo 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "O Dia dos Dados Abertos (Open Data Day) est\u00e1 chegando, e as Pyladies S\u00e3o Paulo v\u00e3o comemorar esta data com um dia de palestras para compartilhar experi\u00eancias sobre Python e dados abertos.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -23.55726, "longitude": -46.66103, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Pyladies S\u00e3o Paulo", "place": "S\u00e3o Paulo", "slug": "open-data-day-pyladies-sao-paulo-2024", "url": "https://www.sympla.com.br/evento/open-data-day-pyladies-sao-paulo-2024/2337296", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open Data Expo - Navigating Open Data Toward Sustainable Development Goals.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Foster collaboration and awareness in leveraging open data for social impact.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -15.41962, "longitude": 28.28315, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Internet Society Zambia Chapter in collaboration with bloggers of Zambia. Isoczm@gmail.com", "place": "Lusaka", "slug": "open-data-expo-navigating-open-data-toward-sustainable-development-goals", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "Open Data for a Better World 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To celebrate and promote open data, and to encourage Selected, local NGO's, CBO's women and men clubs to use and share open data to advance the Sustainable Development Goals for a Better World.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.75664, "longitude": 79.762901, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Your answer Society for Women\u2019s Education and Awareness Development (SWEAD)", "place": "Cuddalore ", "slug": "open-data-for-a-better-world-2024", "url": "https://www.sweadindia.org/activities/open-data-event-2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Open Data for a Transparent World 2024", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We aim to empower participants with the tools and knowledge to leverage open data for fostering transparency, accountability, and innovation in governance and civil society.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.94351, "longitude": 78.41257, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "NATURE TRUST", "place": "KULITHALAI", "slug": "open-data-for-a-transparent-world-2024", "url": "http://naturetrust.org.in/open-data-day.html", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Open Data for Active Citizens Enagagement in Local Governance", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Leveraging data to revive citizens active engagement in local governance to improve service delivery and deepen development at the grassroots. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 8.89369, "longitude": 11.35765, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "African Resilient Initiative for Community & Sustainable Development (AfRICOSUD). 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To share open data on the problems they face in accessing basic rights. 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As we celebrate the global Open Data Week, we are thrilled to reintroduce a space dedicated to in-person discussion of all things open data in the Washington, DC area. 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Together, let's build a society where everyone has equal access to services and facilities.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 47.9234575, "longitude": 106.9220976, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Public Lab Mongolia & Tungaahui Data Studio", "place": "\u041c\u0423\u0418\u0421, \u0411\u0430\u0433\u0448 \u043e\u044e\u0443\u0442\u043d\u044b \u0445\u04e9\u0433\u0436\u043b\u0438\u0439\u043d \u0442\u04e9\u0432", "slug": "open-data-meetup-2024", "url": "https://fb.me/e/70dklpRJ5", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-28", "event_name": "Open Data Open House (Asia/Oceania)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To find out what\u2019s new and what\u2019s possible with open data and learn more about the latest trends in the region.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 27.700001, "longitude": 85.333336, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Data charter", "place": "Nepal", "slug": "open-data-open-house-asia-oceania", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com.ar/e/open-data-open-house-asiaoceania-tickets-852984739317", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-20", "event_name": "Open Data Open House (Europe/Africa)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To find out what\u2019s new and what\u2019s possible with open data and learn more about the latest trends in the region.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 40.416775, "longitude": -3.70379, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Data Charter", "place": "Madrid, Spain", "slug": "open-data-open-house-europe-africa", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/844350945407", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-14", "event_name": "Open Data Open House (LatAm)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To find out what\u2019s new and what\u2019s possible with open data and learn more about the latest trends in the region.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -34.603722, "longitude": -58.381592, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Data Charter", "place": "Buonos Aires, Argentina", "slug": "open-data-open-house-latam", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com.ar/e/open-data-open-house-latam-tickets-844156473737", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-12", "event_name": "Open Data Open House (North America)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To find out what\u2019s new and what\u2019s possible with open data and learn more about the latest trends in the region.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 40.712776, "longitude": -74.005974, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Open Data Charter", "place": "EST Virtual Meeting", "slug": "open-data-open-house-north-america", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/open-data-open-house-north-america-tickets-844094939687", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Open Data Pax", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.4937757, "longitude": 11.3544851, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "", "place": "Bologna", "slug": "open-data-pax", "url": "https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:ODP", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Open Data Pub NIght for Toronto", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Social networking among open data practitioners and enthusiasts", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 43.64756, "longitude": -79.37955, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Canadian Open Data Society - 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Organize family-friendly, hands-on activities highlighting the ways we can engage with open data.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 46.94596, "longitude": 7.43583, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Oleg Lavrovsky ", "place": "Bern", "slug": "open-effinger", "url": "https://coworking.dribdat.cc/event/3", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Open Geospatial Data (Deschiderea datelor geospa\u021biale)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Public meeting for the geospatial community to explore the legal framework and practice for opening geospatial data, including the data needed for the measurement and implementation of SDGs.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.426765, "longitude": 26.102537, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Secretariat-General of the Government", "place": "Bucharest", "slug": "open-geospatial-data-deschiderea-datelor-geospatiale", "url": "https://data.gov.ro/blog/ziua-datelor-deschise-deschiderea-datelor-geospatiale", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Government Forum: Transparency and Accountability in the Age of AI", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To bring together diverse stakeholders from government, civil society, the private sector, and academia to discuss best practices and develop solutions for responsible AI governance as well as to educate the public about the potential risks and opportunities associated with AI. The forum shall advocate for mechanisms to ensure that AI systems are used ethically and responsibly, with clear lines of accountability in place.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.51847, "longitude": 35.273911, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Eldohub contact: +254724077237/+254112006932/info@eldohub.co.ke ", "place": "Eldoret city, a city in the western region of kenya. It is the headquarters of Uasin Gishu County. ", "slug": "open-government-forum-transparency-and-accountability-in-the-age-of-ai", "url": "https://bit.ly/3Uuwp4S", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Open Mapping for Sustainable Urban Development", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Educating open data enthusiasts about the significance and advantages of open data in enhancing\nsustainable urban development and demonstrating the utilization of specific open mapping tools\nfor this purpose.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 7.25107, "longitude": 5.20354, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "YouthMappersFUTA (youthmappersfuta@gmail.com)", "place": "Akure, Ondo State Nigeria.", "slug": "open-mapping-for-sustainable-urban-development", "url": "https://forms.gle/rz7adGmAwreL68Qr5", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "OPEN RESEARCH DATA AWARENESS AMONG POSTGRADUATE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event will educate postgraduate students about the value of open research data, its advantages, and how it can improve the standard, culture, and impact of data sharing in research.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 7.45078, "longitude": 3.89971, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "COMMUNITY ACTION INITIATIVE - ify.obim@unn.edu.ng", "place": "UNIVERSITY OF NIGERIA, NSUKKA, ENUGU STATE", "slug": "open-research-data-awareness-among-postgraduate-students-of-university-of-nigeri", "url": "https://x.com/ifyyobim/status/1754530858474614972?t=fgJ8sZaXNL_yYstitt_OcA&s=03", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "OpenAQ Explorer Open Training", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Hold a training on how to use the OpenAQ Explorer and OpenAQ platform for air quality data access", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 41.079273, "longitude": -85.139351, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OpenAQ", "place": "Online", "slug": "openaq-explorer-open-training", "url": "https://bit.ly/OpenAQTraining-March2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "OpenAQ Explorer Open Training", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Online training available to worldwide users to use the OpenAQ Explorer to explore open data for air quality.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.599512, "longitude": 120.984222, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OpenAQ (info@openaq.org)", "place": "Online (pin is in Manila, Philippines)", "slug": "openaq-explorer-open-training-2", "url": "https://bit.ly/OpenAQTraining-March2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-03", "event_name": "OpenData Hackathon and Datathon", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "OpenDataKerala Volunteers Meetup and Hackathon at Vythiri (2500feet), Wayanad ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.55342721, "longitude": 76.03914862, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Sahya Digital Conservation Foundation", "place": "Vythiri, Wayanad", "slug": "opendata-hackathon-and-datathon", "url": "https://www.opendatakerala.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "OpenData HackDays", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Awareness for open data and applications. Community building.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 49.00924, "longitude": 8.40871, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "OK Lab Karlsruhe / Code for Karlsruhe", "place": "Karlsruhe", "slug": "opendata-hackdays", "url": "https://ok-lab-karlsruhe.de/projekte/odd24/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Opendata Reboot Meeting in SAGA", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "\u5730\u57df\u306b\u304a\u3051\u308b\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u306e\u6700\u65b0\u4e8b\u60c5\u3092\u5171\u6709\u3057\u3001\u5229\u6d3b\u7528\u7b56\u3092\u307f\u3093\u306a\u3067\u8003\u3048\u308b\u30df\u30fc\u30c6\u30a3\u30f3\u30b0\u3067\u3059\u3002", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 33.2657966, "longitude": 130.2944461, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Code for SAGA", "place": "Saga City", "slug": "opendata-reboot-meeting-in-saga", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/events/333114075816714/?active_tab=discussion", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "OpenDataDay 2024 in Kakegawa", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Preparing and saving for the future", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 34.77629011, "longitude": 138.0153386, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "yotti.t@gmail.com", "place": "Kakegawa City", "slug": "opendataday-2024-in-kakegawa", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "OpenStreetMap Windsor-Essex: Active Transportation Infrastructure Catalogue & Wishlist", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "This event aims to increase the amount of active transportation infrastructure captured on OSM for Windsor-Essex, and to gather feedback on where folks would like to see additions. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 42.314079, "longitude": -83.036858, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Windsor Hackforge - Lauren Hedges - info@hackf.org", "place": "Windsor, Ontario, Canada", "slug": "openstreetmap-windsor-essex-active-transportation-infrastructure-catalogue-wi", "url": "https://www.hackf.org/event/openstreetmap-windsor-essex-active-transportation-infrastructure-catalogue-wishlist/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Overview of the National Government Data Register and reuse of higher education Open Data in Tunisia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The event aims to present the national register of government data that instutitions have inventoried and to display a use case of higher eduction open data and the new circular on the open data process.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.8079409, "longitude": 10.18207307, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government of Tunisia (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) in Cooperation with the PAGOF Program", "place": "Tunis", "slug": "overview-of-the-national-government-data-register-and-reuse-of-higher-education", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-02-06", "event_name": "Overview of the national open data program for private sector Stakeholders in Tunisia", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The exchange and awareness workshop on open public data is adressed to private sector stakeholders and stakeholders. It aims to present the open data program, the several related aspects.\n", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.80601671, "longitude": 10.18687959, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "The e-Government Unit at the Presidency of the Government (opendata@tunisia.gov.tn) organisez in cooperation with the World Bank an exchange workshop on open public data.", "place": "Tunis", "slug": "overview-of-the-national-open-data-program-for-private-sector-stakeholders-in-tu", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-01", "event_name": "Participation citoyenne \u00e0 la vie publique ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Participation citoyenne \u00e0 la vie publique ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 44.90733, "longitude": 8.37083, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Banlieues Du Monde Mauritanie ", "place": "Bogh\u00e9 ", "slug": "participation-citoyenne-a-la-vie-publique", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "PedalMap: Engaging Biking Communities in Open Mapping for Sustainable Development Goals", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.658018, "longitude": 121.071004, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "UP Resilience Institute YouthMappers", "place": "University of the Philippines Diliman", "slug": "pedalmap-engaging-biking-communities-in-open-mapping-for-sustainable-developmen", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "Philippine Geography Olympiad", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The Olympiad aims to cultivate the interest of high school students and teachers in geography through scholastic competition and talks regarding geographic applications including climate resilience and open mapping.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 14.65306124, "longitude": 121.0697168, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Geographic Society of the University of the Philippines, ph.geographyolympiad@gmail.com", "place": "Quezon City, Philippines", "slug": "philippine-geography-olympiad", "url": "https://facebook.com/PhilippineGeographyOlympiad`", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "PRESENTACI\u00d3N DE LA \u201cGU\u00cdA DE BUENAS PR\u00c1CTICAS PARA PERIODISTAS DE DATOS\u201d", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Queremos presentar la gu\u00eda que se ha hecho sobre periodismo de datos para que sea conocida y utilizada tanto por periodistas como por todos aquellos que quieran contar historias con los datos", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 39.48686, "longitude": -0.33312, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Observatorio Valenciano de Datos Abiertos y Transparencia ", "place": "Valencia", "slug": "presentacion-de-la-guia-de-buenas-practicas-para-periodistas-de-datos", "url": "https://ctranspaupv.com/noticias/presentacion-de-nueva-guia-para-periodistas-navegando-el-mundo-de-los-datos-abiertos/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement through Open Data (SDG 12) ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To foster awareness, collaboration and actionable steps towards sustainable consumption and production. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.609319, "longitude": 7.429504, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Natsa Foni Foundation and Techmunch Computers (nfonifoundation@gmail.com;+2348080293993) ", "place": "Kaduna, Nigeria ", "slug": "promoting-sustainable-public-procurement-through-open-data-sdg-12", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.com/e/promoting-sustainable-public-procurement-through-o-tickets-820397971417", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Promoting Sustainable Public Procurement through Open Data (SDG 12) ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To promote sustainable practices in public procurement processes.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 10.609319, "longitude": 7.429504, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Natsa Foni Foundation (nfonifoundation@gmail.com) ", "place": "Kaduna", "slug": "promoting-sustainable-public-procurement-through-open-data-sdg-12-2", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "ReDHumus: Guide to our Human Rights analysis data Kit", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We are helping people how to use and participate in ReDHumus MAPAZ Human Rights Data analysis datasets ands tools we have been working on for about 10 years.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.1824, "longitude": -75.9245, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "ReDHumus.org", "place": "Bogot\u00e1", "slug": "redhumus-guide-to-our-human-rights-analysis-data-kit", "url": "https://redhumus.org/odd", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Regione Toscana - Call for the development of innovative projects on data ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Event organized by Tuscany Region for the presentation related to the call for the \"development of data projects, addressed to Tuscan local authorities\" as part of the regional strategy for digital transition financed by the ERDF 21-27 program. The notice, which aims to support entities in the Tuscan territory in the implementation of a territorial innovation project focused on the processing of data and the final provision of open data specifically releasing new open datasets (high value datasets, annotated datasets, datasets at least 4-star)\nThe call includes the use of at least one of the regional platforms 3d-data, smart region and the open data portal of Regione Toscana dati.toscana.it.\nThe funds available for the call total 1 million 400 thousand euros", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 43.79039, "longitude": 11.22663, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Regione Toscana", "place": "Regione Toscana only on line", "slug": "regione-toscana-call-for-the-development-of-innovative-projects-on-data", "url": "https://www.eventbrite.it/e/biglietti-avviso-regionale-per-lo-sviluppo-di-progettualita-sui-dati-841437691787?aff=oddtdtcreator", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Rukayya Hussaini ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Dialogue on how to find solutions of Nigeria problem most especially the North", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 0.0, "longitude": 0.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Matasan Arewa Inamafita development Initiative ", "place": "Katsina state Nigeria ", "slug": "rukayya-hussaini", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "School-based Water Quality Advocacy using Citizen-Science Approach for Health and Hygiene Awareness through Open Data (SWACHHA)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Goal: Sensitize school-attending children about importance of water quality for health awareness and capacitate for advocacy using of open data.\n\nObjectives:\n\u25cf\tCapacitate children from remote communities using open data for sustainable development, specifically on water, sanitation, and hygiene. \n\u25cf\tAdvocate the local government representatives to invest in and adopt innovative approaches towards sustainable development through open data. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 26.5431, "longitude": 86.807, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Nepal Institute of Research and Communications (NIRC) and SUMARG-Nepal", "place": "Mahadeva Rural Municipality", "slug": "school-based-water-quality-advocacy-using-citizen-science-approach-for-health-an", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Science section in Temprano radio program", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Explain the importance of open data available to everyone in science.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 23.8, "longitude": 82.22, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Radio Taino ", "place": "La Habana", "slug": "science-section-in-temprano-radio-program", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-10-10", "event_name": "Th\u00e8me central : les donn\u00e9es ouvertes pour faire progresser les objectifs de d\u00e9veloppement durable (ODD)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 16.0, "longitude": 31.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "", "place": "suisse", "slug": "theme-central-les-donnees-ouvertes-pour-faire-progresser-les-objectifs-de-deve", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Turn your GitHub dataset into an elegant and interactive site", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Showcase our open-source tool to data enthusiasts and enroll them in turning their Github datasets into elegant data-driven sites and sharing them broadly (democratizing power of (open) data)", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 42.697708, "longitude": 23.321867, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "daniela.popova@datopian.com", "place": "Online", "slug": "turn-your-github-dataset-into-an-elegant-and-interactive-site", "url": "https://shorturl.at/koqDI", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "U.S. Department of Education Open Data Forum", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "ED's Office of the Chief Data Officer (OCDO) will deliver a one-hour interactive Zoom-based webinar to engage both Department employees and the public in a constructive conversation towards the improvement of the Department\u2019s open data practices, platforms, and resources. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 38.9072, "longitude": 77.0369, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Cassidy Harry, cassidy.harry@ed.gov ", "place": "Virtual", "slug": "u-s-department-of-education-open-data-forum", "url": "https://ed-gov.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_Thi_ece1SVOsRPKKeMy5KA", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Udsm Youth Mappers Open Mapping Day", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We aim to foster collaboration and skill development in open mapping, empowering participants to contribute meaningfully to sustainable development through geospatial initiatives during our Udsm Youth Mappers Open Mapping Day", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.81492, "longitude": 39.28841, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Event Organizer: University of Dar es salaam Youthmaplers.", "place": "The Udsm Youth Mappers Open Mapping Day will take place at the University of Dar es Salaam, located in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania", "slug": "udsm-youth-mappers-open-mapping-day", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "UNLOCKING OPEN DATA FOR SDGs", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "A night long bootcamp aiming at creating open data, visualizing challenges by integrating with acquiesced open data and addressing solutions that contributes to variety of sustainable development goals. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.853, "longitude": 37.656997, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "GeoTE Tanzania", "place": "Morogoro, Tanzania.", "slug": "unlocking-open-data-for-sdgs", "url": "https://www.geote.org", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Using Data to Support Your SQW Application", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Share freely available data sources with organisations seeking to apply for Queensland government funding.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -27.46977, "longitude": 153.025131, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "QCOSS (events@qcoss.org.au)", "place": "Brisbane/online", "slug": "using-data-to-support-your-sqw-application", "url": "https://www.qcoss.org.au/events/sqw-data-2024/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "Using open data skills to advance efforts to achieve gender equality", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To equip young women and girls with open data skills to amplify gaps in addressing gender equality and call the attention of policy makers.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.076479, "longitude": 7.398574, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Women Environmental Programme. Contact email: info@wepnigeria.net", "place": "Gaduwa Estate Abuja", "slug": "using-open-data-skills-to-advance-efforts-to-achieve-gender-equality", "url": "https://fb.me/e/1kHt76moP", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Using Open data to track Girl-Child access to Quality Education", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "For students to appreciate and use open data to measure their actions in accessing quality education, including level of enrollment, retention, and completion of secondary education in the community with reference to their schools.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 13.03702, "longitude": 5.24529, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Resource Connects for Education Initiative", "place": "Sokoto", "slug": "using-open-data-to-track-girl-child-access-to-quality-education", "url": "https://resourceconnects.org.ng", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-01-11", "event_name": "Uso de Inteligencia Artificial desde Cero, con Datos Abiertos - Nivel Introducci\u00f3n", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de #InteligenciaArtificial con #DatosAbiertos por parte de los Ciudadanos. Para Analizar, Mostrar Hallazgos y hacer Planteamientos basados en evidencia, y convertirlo en un Ciudadano m\u00e1s participativo digitalmente", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -12.046373, "longitude": -77.042755, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "DS4BCommunity La Comunidad de Ciencia de Datos para Negocios. Contacto : Am\u00e9rico Guerra Biffi , L\u00edder de la Comunidad, email : americo.guerra@ds4bcommunity.com", "place": "Lima - Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "uso-de-inteligencia-artificial-desde-cero-con-datos-abiertos-nivel-introducci", "url": "https://bit.ly/3TLhxOP", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Utilizing a Decision Support Tool for Pastoral Decision-Making in the context of land use planning (DTLP)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The primary objective of our ODD event is to educate the community on effectively utilizing the Decision Tool for Land Plans (DTLP) (https://dtlp.nottech.co.tz/index.html), an integrated platform encompassing mapped pastoral resources.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -3.30139, "longitude": 36.44607, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "This event is organized by NOTTECH Company Limited with collaboration with the University of Glasgow and Nelson Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology", "place": "Monduli, Arusha, Tanzania", "slug": "utilizing-a-decision-support-tool-for-pastoral-decision-making-in-the-context-of", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Utilizing early warning system messages to prepare for farming", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Food security in karamoja region", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 120.0, "longitude": 120.0, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Karamoja smallholder farmers consortium, +256760311366, nakiruimmaculate@gmail.com", "place": "Kaabong District", "slug": "utilizing-early-warning-system-messages-to-prepare-for-farming", "url": "https://nakiruimmaculate@gmail.com", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Village Leaders Conclave: Navigating the Climate Crisis with Open Data", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We aim to empower village leaders with the knowledge and tools to effectively navigate the climate crisis using open data, fostering collaboration and driving sustainable, data-driven solutions at the local level", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 11.44122, "longitude": 79.64826, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Society for Women's Education and Awareness Development (SWEAD)", "place": "Bhuvanagiri, Cuddalore district, Tamilnadu, India", "slug": "village-leaders-conclave-navigating-the-climate-crisis-with-open-data", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "WaterPointMapping", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The aim of this event is to train participants in OpenStreetMap collection tools and techniques, with a view to producing a participatory map of water access areas in Bouak\u00e9 (Ivory Cost).", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 7.6884, "longitude": -5.02791, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Chapitre YouthMappersUAO Email: kouadiovictorien8@gmail.com", "place": "Bouak\u00e9 ( Ivory Cost)", "slug": "waterpointmapping", "url": "https://forms.gle/ZoQggcsUKvfesWJE9", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-10", "event_name": "We are the Digital Disaster Prevention Rangers! \u3000\uff5eDigital Disaster Prevention Training for Sustainable Community", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We will prepare for a major disaster that is likely to occur in Chiba Prefecture and consider how we as Chiba Prefecture residents should respond to it.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.429669, "longitude": 139.954466, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Civic Tech Zen Chiba", "place": "Sodegaura City, Chiba", "slug": "we-are-the-digital-disaster-prevention-rangers-digital-disaster-prevention-tr", "url": "https://iodd2024chiba.peatix.com", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Webinar Observatorio de Control y Vigilancia Fiscal \u2013 Semana de datos abiertos y conmemoraci\u00f3n 10 a\u00f1os de la Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Informaci\u00f3n", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Resaltar la utilidad de la informaci\u00f3n disponible en el Observatorio de Control y Vigilancia Fiscal como herramienta que aporta a la transparencia en el uso de los recursos p\u00fablicos y permite el control fiscal participativo; proceso donde Juntos por la Transparencia fortaleci\u00f3 los modelos de anal\u00edtica y acompa\u00f1\u00f3 el lanzamiento de dicho observatorio.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 4.60688, "longitude": -74.071838, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Programa de USAID Juntos por la Transparencia y Contralor\u00eda General de la Rep\u00fablica de Colombia", "place": "Bogot\u00e1 D.C.", "slug": "webinar-observatorio-de-control-y-vigilancia-fiscal-semana-de-datos-abiertos-y", "url": "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIuVySFguZI", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-07", "event_name": "Webinar: Datos Abiertos y Transformaci\u00f3n Digital de la Salud: Avances y Desaf\u00edos", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Explorar el potencial de los datos abiertos en la transformaci\u00f3n digital de la salud, donde destacados expertos compartir\u00e1n sus conocimientos sobre la importancia de los datos abiertos, su contribuci\u00f3n a la mejora de los sistemas de salud, los avances en la publicaci\u00f3n de datos del sector en Ecuador y en Latinoam\u00e9rica.\n", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -0.180653, "longitude": -78.467834, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Fundapi, Cedia, Ministerio de Salud P\u00fablica", "place": "Zoom", "slug": "webinar-datos-abiertos-y-transformacion-digital-de-la-salud-avances-y-desafios", "url": "https://cedia.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ceXH4rAzRXCn1gp0jyhSnA#/registration", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "Webinario: Datos abiertos como infraestructura para el desarrollo econ\u00f3mico", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "En este evento se contar\u00e1 con la participaci\u00f3n de reconocidos especialistas en la materia, quienes nos compartir\u00e1n su experiencia y conocimiento sobre c\u00f3mo se puede fomentar el desarrollo econ\u00f3mico mediante estrategias de trasparencia basadas en datos abiertos. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 15.199999, "longitude": -86.241905, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Banco Centroamericano de Integraci\u00f3n Econ\u00f3mica (BCIE) y Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN)", "place": "Online", "slug": "webinario-datos-abiertos-como-infraestructura-para-el-desarrollo-economico", "url": "https://bcie-org.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zcd_4WsyRJig3Z5yo41bNA#/registration", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-16", "event_name": "Wikidata Lab XL: Querido Di\u00e1rio", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Structure information about monuments and official gazettes in Wikidata from Querido Di\u00e1rio.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -23.55052, "longitude": -46.633308, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Wiki Movimento Brasil", "place": "S\u00e3o Paulo", "slug": "wikidata-lab-xl-querido-diario", "url": "https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikip%C3%A9dia:Edit-a-thon/Atividades_em_portugu%C3%AAs/Wikidata_Lab_XL", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Wikidata Loves SDGs Nigeria", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We aim to enhance and update Wikidata items on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Nigeria, fostering collaboration and awareness among Wikidatans, SDG advocates, and data enthusiasts to drive impactful social change.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 8.4786, "longitude": 4.53608, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Learnovation Foundation Network", "place": "Ilorin, Kwara, Nigeria", "slug": "wikidata-loves-sdgs-nigeria", "url": "https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Event:Wikidata_Loves_SDGs_Nigeria", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-16", "event_name": "WikiPedia Town in KOSAI City 2024 Vol.1", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "We will experience editting WikiPedia for local historic site.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 34.7166638, "longitude": 137.5333312, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Code for Hamanako", "place": "Kosai City, Shizuoka, JAPAN", "slug": "wikipedia-town-in-kosai-city-2024-vol-1", "url": "https://www.facebook.com/opendatahamanako/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-09", "event_name": "Women Environmental Programme (WEP) Nigeria. Youth for Sustainable Energy Access (YSEA) ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Empower youth to champion the cause of affordable and clean energy, fostering a deep understanding of the importance of energy access, renewable energy, and energy efficiency within the framework of SDG 7.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 9.0081772, "longitude": 7.4799035, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Sammy Joel, John Baaki and Damaris", "place": "Abuja ", "slug": "women-environmental-programme-wep-nigeria-youth-for-sustainable-energy-access", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "WOMEN'S DAY ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "TO TEACH THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN ENDING FEMICIDE", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 1.17314376, "longitude": 36.4919002, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "THE NEW DAWN-ultimatenewdawn2021@gmail.com ", "place": "NAIROBI", "slug": "women-s-day", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "Workshop of Designing a Data Dashboard - Creating stories to tell future people using data on nitrogen pollution.", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Considering future land use through open data on nitrogen pollution.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.645844, "longitude": 139.709114, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Ground Health Assessment Project by Measuring Nitrate Ion in the Code for Japan Community", "place": "EIJI PRESS Base", "slug": "workshop-of-designing-a-data-dashboard-creating-stories-to-tell-future-people", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "WORSHOP ON THE USE OF OPEN DATA MAPPING FOR SUSTAINABLE SANITATION ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The purpose of this event is to highlight how the open mapping can help in the sustainable sanitation of a city by study the case of the VIPCOD project. ", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 3.83714, "longitude": 11.50693, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Association Sustainable and Digital Development (SUNDDEV) ; associationsunddev@gmail.com ; support@sunddev.org ", "place": "Yaound\u00e9 (conference hall of Mountain Hub)", "slug": "worshop-on-the-use-of-open-data-mapping-for-sustainable-sanitation", "url": "https://sunddev.org/2024/02/24/open-data-day/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-05", "event_name": "X-Bridge Night vol.1", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Disaster prevention education for climate change adaptation", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 34.690083, "longitude": 135.195511, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Osintech Co., Ltd. X-Bridge Project Group (x-bridge@osintech.net)", "place": "Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan", "slug": "x-bridge-night-vol-1", "url": "https://x-bridgenight1.peatix.com", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "YouthMappers Summit Kenya ", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "The YouthMappers Summit in Kenya aims to unite youth mappers, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange on utilizing open data for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through impactful mapping for sustainable development.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -1.280423, "longitude": 36.816311, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Maurine Oyugi, +254700598905, oyugi.kerubo@students.jkuat.ac.ke ", "place": "Nairobi", "slug": "youthmappers-summit-kenya", "url": "https://forms.gle/ywz8uENYTL3XsuNH7", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-06", "event_name": "ZANZIBAR'S TOURIST DESTINATIONS MAPATHON", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "To map all the tourist destinations/attractions available in our Island", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -6.199417, "longitude": 39.307043, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "SUZA YouthMappers Chapter", "place": "State University of Zanzibar main Campus - Tunguu, ZANZIBAR", "slug": "zanzibar-s-tourist-destinations-mapathon", "url": "", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-04", "event_name": "\u201cOpen Data Day 2024\". Datos Abiertos para el uso de la #IA Inteligencia Artificial", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "Promueve el Uso de Datos Abiertos por parte de la ciudadan\u00eda. Se abordar\u00e1 problem\u00e1tica de inter\u00e9s nacional utilizando Plataforma Nacional Datos Abiertos (PNDA). Si cumples Reto ganar\u00e1s constancia de participaci\u00f3n.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": -12.10109, "longitude": -77.035278, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "Secretar\u00eda de Gobierno y Transformaci\u00f3n Digital de la Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros del Per\u00fa. Contacto: Alma Fernanda Vera Quea, Especialista en Innovaci\u00f3n con Datos Abiertos, emial: avera@pcm.gob.pe ", "place": "San Isidro \u2013 Lima \u2013 Lima \u2013 Per\u00fa (Virtual)", "slug": "open-data-day-2024-datos-abiertos-para-el-uso-de-la-ia-inteligencia-artifici", "url": "https://www.gob.pe/odd2024", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-16", "event_name": "\u301c\u201d\u81ea\u5206\u306e\u9632\u707d\u30de\u30c3\u30d7\u201d\u3092\u3064\u304f\u308d\u3046\uff01\u301c \u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u30fb\u30c7\u30a42024 in \u304a\u3084\u307e", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c6\u30fc\u30bf\u30fb\u30c7\u30a42024 in \u304a\u3084\u307e\u3067\u306f\u3001\u300c\u9632\u707d\u300d\u3092\u30c6\u30fc\u30de\u306b\u201d\u30cf\u30b6\u30fc\u30c9\u30de\u30c3\u30d7\u201d\u3084\u201dAED\u8a2d\u7f6e\u5834\u6240\u201d\u306a\u3069\u306e\u707d\u5bb3\u306b\u95a2\u3059\u308b\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3092\u6d3b\u7528\u3057\u3001\u5b9f\u969b\u306b\u8857\u3092\u6b69\u304d\u306a\u304c\u3089\u300c\u81ea\u5206\u306e\u9632\u707d\u30de\u30c3\u30d7\u4f5c\u308a\u300d\u3092\u4f53\u9a13\u3057\u307e\u3059\u30023.11\uff08\u6771\u65e5\u672c\u5927\u9707\u707d\uff09\u304c\u767a\u707d\u3057\u305f\u3053\u306e\u6642\u671f\u306b\u6539\u3081\u3066\u3001\u5bb6\u65cf\u3068\u4e00\u7dd2\u306b\u81ea\u5206\u3092\u5b88\u308b\u305f\u3081\u306e\u300c\u9632\u707d\u300d\u306b\u3064\u3044\u3066\u8003\u3048\u3066\u307f\u307e\u305b\u3093\u304b\u3002", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 36.314499, "longitude": 139.800745, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "\u5c0f\u5c71\u5e02\u5e02\u5f79\u6240", "place": "\u6803\u6728\u770c\u5c0f\u5c71\u5e02", "slug": "zi-fen-nofang-zai-matupu-wotukurou-opundetadei2024-in-oyama", "url": "https://www.city.oyama.tochigi.jp/shisei/online-service/page006148.html", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "\u307f\u3093\u306a\u3067\u3064\u304f\u308b\u6cc9\u5dde\u3089\u3078\u3093\u306e\u9632\u707d\u30de\u30c3\u30d7(Osaka disaster prevention map created by everyone)", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "uMap\u3068\u7d19\u5730\u56f3\u3067\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u306e\u9632\u707d\u30de\u30c3\u30d7\u3092\u4f5c\u308a\u307e\u3059\u3002Create an open data disaster prevention map using uMap and paper maps.", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 34.50162, "longitude": 135.40856, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "\u6cc9\u5927\u6d25\u5e02\u7acb\u5317\u516c\u6c11\u9928\u30b5\u30dd\u30fc\u30bf\u30fc\u30c1\u30fc\u30e0\u3001\u6cc9\u5dde\u3089\u3078\u3093\u3067\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3068GIS\u3092\u697d\u3057\u3080\u4f1a\u3001\u548c\u6b4c\u5c71\u5927\u5b66\u5cb8\u548c\u7530\u30b5\u30c6\u30e9\u30a4\u30c8\u53cb\u306e\u4f1a\u3001\u6cc9\u5927\u6d25\u307f\u3093\u306a\u306e\u697d\u6821", "place": "Izumiotsu City,Osaka,Japan", "slug": "minnadetukuruquan-zhou-rahennofang-zai-matupu-osaka-disaster-prevention-map-created-by-everyone", "url": "http://blog.livedoor.jp/sensyu_od_gis/archives/39292499.html", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-02", "event_name": "\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u3063\u3066\u4f55\uff1f\u6e05\u91cc\u9ad8\u539f\u30ea\u30d3\u30f3\u30b0\u30e9\u30dc", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "\u5c71\u68a8\u770c\u5185\u306e\u5404\u81ea\u6cbb\u4f53\u306b\u304a\u3051\u308b\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u306e\u73fe\u72b6\u8abf\u67fb", "event_report_url": "", "event_tweet_url": "", "event_video_url": "", "has_event_report": false, "latitude": 35.9057, "longitude": 138.444946, "online_event_url": "", "organisers": "\u516b\u30f6\u5cb3\u30b3\u30e2\u30f3\u30ba\uff0f\u5730\u57df\u8cc7\u6599\u30c7\u30b8\u30bf\u30eb\u5316\u7814\u7a76\u4f1a", "place": "\u516b\u30f6\u5cb3\u30b3\u30e2\u30f3\u30ba", "slug": "opundetatutehe-qing-li-gao-yuan-ribingurabo", "url": "https://mt8commons.com/", "world_region_code": "", "world_region_text": "" }, { "event_date": "2024-03-08", "event_name": "\u30aa\u30fc\u30d7\u30f3\u30c7\u30fc\u30bf\u306e\u4eca\u5f8c\u3092\u8003\u3048\u308b\uff5e\u5b98\u6c11\u3067\u62d3\u304f\u307f\u3084\u304e\u306e\u5171\u5275\u793e\u4f1a / Thinking about the future of open data - Miyagi's co-creative society developed by the public and private sectors", "event_photo_url": "", "event_purpose": "How should open data be utilized to promote co-creation between the public and private sectors? 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