import android import json from time import sleep from datetime import datetime # time between capturing location INTERVAL = 10 # directory where log file will be saved LOGDIR = '/storage/emulated/0' droid = android.Android() droid.startLocating() now = print('--> Waiting ca. 25 seconds for location service to start') # Make sure to wait until a nice time where the seconds are exact and modulo 5 secs_wait = 20 + (5 - (now.seconds % 5) - 1) + (1000000 - now.microsecond) / 1000000 sleep(secs_wait) print('--> Starting to log') try: while True: data = {} data['location'] = droid.readLocation().result # location data also contains timestamp, adding this one for redundancy data['timestamp'] = str( print(data) # Save to log file with open(LOGDIR + '/gps_' + data['timestamp'][:10] + '.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data)) if not data['location']: # Error notification droid.vibrate() droid.notify('Location Tracker', 'Failed to find location.') sleep(INTERVAL) except: droid.stopLocating()