/* raw2fits-cli sample configuration file Oleg Kutkov */ raw2fits: { /* input/output params */ io: { raw_dir = "/media_storage/sampleraw"; // Directory with RAW files to convert fits_dir = "/media_storage/fitsout"; // Where to store FITS files filenaming: { /* File naming mode, available options are: 0 - .fits 1 - _.fits 2 - __.fits 3 - _.fits */ mode = 0; /* Overwrite already existing FITS */ overwrite = false; }; }; /* Fits header params you can leave fields blank, or comment it or even remove such fields just will not be included in the target files */ fits: { object = "Antares"; // Observed object name, max: 71 symbols object_coordinates = { ra = "16:29:24.45970"; // Observed object coordinates RA dec = "-26:25:55.2094"; // Observer object coordinates DEC }; /* Telescope name */ telescope = "Newton"; /* Clear aperture of the telescope in meters */ teleaper = 0.15; /* Focal length of the telescope in meters */ telefoc = 0.75; /* instrement name, leave blank or comment to use camer model from RAW file */ instrument = ""; /* observatory name */ observatory = "CrAO"; /* Observatory site name */ sitename = "Crimea, Nauchniy"; /* Latitude of the observing site, in decimal degrees */ sitelat = 44.7297; /* East longitude of the observing site, in decimal degrees */ sitelon = 34.0125; /* Elevation of the observatory site in meters */ sitelev = 610.0; /* Observer name, leave blank or comment to use camer model from RAW (if present in) file */ observer = "Kutkov"; /* Filter used in observation, set "C" if no filters were used */ filter = "C"; /* Observation date, correct value in FITS standard, leave blank or comment to use value from RAW file */ #date = "2017-09-24T02:04:33"; /* Exposure of the single image in seconds, leave blank or comment to use value from RAW file */ #exposure = 28.1; /* Temperature during observation, Celsius, optional field */ temperature = -4.7; /* Additional notes, free form text */ notes = "Clear, Moon" }; /* Image & colors processing options */ colors: { /* Color channels mode, available options are: 0 - Convert RGB to average grayscale 1 - R, G and B channels to the separate FITS's 2 - R, G and B channels to the one FITS with separate headers 3 - Only R channel 4 - Only G channel 5 - Only B channel */ mode = 0; /* Apply autobright by histogram */ autobright = false; /* Apply pixels interpolation */ interpolation = true; /* Apply pixels autoscale */ autoscale = true; }; };