# Tech49 Theme Custom UI theme for Sublime Text based on the Oblivion FUI from [GMUNK](http://work.gmunk.com/OBLIVION-GFX) The structure for this is very closely based on the [Phoenix Theme](https://github.com/netatoo/phoenix-theme) which is based off of [Soda Dark](https://github.com/buymeasoda/soda-theme). ## Updates v1.4.1 - Add in some vim gutter and Coc support. v1.4.0 Greyscale icons. - Ages ago a PR came in for greyscale icons. Finally merged it in. v1.3.0 Started icons. - Just the basics. Mostly to get rid of that gross gap. v1.2.0 Added support for Markdown Extended - [Markdown Extended](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Markdown%20Extended) is a great plugin that helps in the readability and composition of Markdown in Sublime Text. - *Known Issue*: Markdown Extended doesn't highlight image punctuation correctly in its current version. I've submitted a pull request, so this might change soon. v1.1.1 Chrome stylesheet updates - Increased the readability of the toolbar (matched Sublime Text tab style). - Object notation and comments should all be clearly readable in console messages and source code. v1.1.0 Basic support for Sublime Text 3 + extras - Added alpha to `selection` to make selected comments easier to read. - Added alpha to `lineHighlight` to make highlighted lines more readable. - Added support for diff syntax and JSON strings in theme colors. - Updated Chrome-Custom.css, but still not quite ready for primetime. Use at your own risk (Object notation, for example, isn't readable) - Added a `base.html` file to aid in seeing the Tech49 colors. - Added a `Tech49.terminal` for OS X terminal that is based on the gnome terminal ANSI. ## Samples ![Markdown Extended](http://oliverseal.github.io/tech49-theme/screenshots/markdown.png) ![CoffeeScript](http://oliverseal.github.io/tech49-theme/screenshots/coffeescript.png) ![Less CSS](http://oliverseal.github.io/tech49-theme/screenshots/less.png) ![HTML](http://oliverseal.github.io/tech49-theme/screenshots/html.png) ## Installation Just drop it in your Packages folder. - Windows: `C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages\` - Mac: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Data/Packages/` - Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Data/Packages/` -- (Might differ by distro.) _OR_ if you use Sublime Package Manager, just Install Package "Theme - Tech 49" ### Change your Settings - User { "theme": "Tech49.sublime-theme" } ### Change your Color Scheme { "color_scheme": "Packages/Theme - Tech49/Tech49.tmTheme" } ## Recommendation These fonts complement Tech 49 well. NOTE: Mac renders Anonymous Pro much more smoothly than Linux or Windows, so I've discovered (since I mostly use Crunchbang Linux) that Ubuntu Mono is your best bet cross-platform. -- My only complaint is the "\" isn't slash-y enough. On Mac: [Anonymous Pro](http://www.marksimonson.com/fonts/view/anonymous-pro) On Linux or Windows: [Ubuntu Mono](http://font.ubuntu.com/) ## Extras ### Chrome-Custom.css _Alpha_ This styles source code in Chrome's dev-tools to match the Tech 49 theme. Chrome updates the dev-tools very frequently so this may potentially get out of date. Replace the - Linux users can try this with `ln -sf /path/to/tech49-theme/Chrome-Custom.css /home/$USER/.config/google-chrome/Default/User\ StyleSheets/Custom.css` - OR `ln -sf /path/to/tech49-theme/Chrome-Custom.css /home/$USER/.config/chromium/Default/User\ StyleSheets/Custom.css` #### Known Issues - Not compatible with CodeMirror editor in Chrome yet. If you have this option turned on, only the Elements tab and the Console tab will have the Tech 49 styles. - Issues on readability are welcome on this stylesheet. ### Terminals _Stable_ - `gnome-terminal.xml' Works with Gnome Terminal to change the ANSI colors to match Tech 49. - `Tech49.terminal` Works with OS X's Terminal to change the ANSI colors to match Tech 49. ### Highlight.js _Stable_ `tech49.css` is built for highlightjs. It's tested and works for most languages (though it could use some improvement) `markdown-code.css` is built for [Markdown Here](http://markdown-here.com/), but can be adapted to work with [highlight.js](http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/)