openapi: 3.0.0 info: version: 1.0.0 title: Child chain API description: | This is the documentation for child chain API. Error codes are available in [html]( format. contact: name: OMG Network email: license: name: 'Apache 2.0:' url: '' tags: - name: Block description: Block related API. - name: Transaction description: Transaction related API. - name: Fees description: Fees related API. servers: - url: 'http://localhost:9656/' paths: /alarm.get: get: tags: - Alarm summary: 'Provides alarms related to system memory, cpu and storage and application specific alarms.' description: | **Note:** Service operator alarms. operationId: alarm_get responses: '200': description: System alarms content: application/json: schema: allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: type: array items: type: array items: anyOf: - type: object properties: ethereum_connection_error: type: object properties: node: type: string reporter: type: string - type: object properties: invalid_fee_source: type: object properties: node: type: string reporter: type: string - type: object properties: statsd_client_connection: type: object properties: node: type: string reporter: type: string - type: object properties: statsd_client_connection: type: array items: type: string default: [] - type: object properties: disk_almost_full: type: string example: data: - disk_almost_full: /dev/null ethereum_connection_error: {} ethereum_stalled_sync: {} system_memory_high_watermark: [] '500': description: Returns an internal server error content: application/json: schema: description: The response schema for an error allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: description: The object schema for an error type: object properties: object: type: string code: type: string description: type: string messages: type: object required: - object - code - description - messages required: - data example: success: false data: object: error code: 'server:internal_server_error' description: Something went wrong on the server messages: error_key: error_reason /configuration.get: get: tags: - Configuration summary: Provides configuration values description: | **Note:** Configuration values. operationId: configuration_get responses: '200': description: Configuration response content: application/json: schema: allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: type: array items: type: object properties: deposit_finality_margin: type: integer format: int256 contract_semver: type: string network: type: string example: data: - deposit_finality_margin: 10 contract_semver: network: RINKEBY '500': description: Returns an internal server error content: application/json: schema: description: The response schema for an error allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: description: The object schema for an error type: object properties: object: type: string code: type: string description: type: string messages: type: object required: - object - code - description - messages required: - data example: success: false data: object: error code: 'server:internal_server_error' description: Something went wrong on the server messages: error_key: error_reason /transaction.submit: post: tags: - Transaction summary: This endpoint submits a signed transaction to the child chain. description: | Normally you should call the Watcher's Transaction - Submit instead of this. The Watcher's version performs various security and validation checks before submitting the transaction, so is much safer. However, if the Watcher is not available this version exists. operationId: submit requestBody: description: Signed transaction RLP-encoded to bytes and HEX-encoded to string required: true content: application/json: schema: title: TransactionSubmitBodySchema type: object properties: transaction: type: string required: - transaction example: transaction: 0xf8d083015ba98080808080940000... responses: '200': description: Transaction submission successful response content: application/json: schema: allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: blknum: type: integer format: int64 txindex: type: integer format: int16 txhash: type: string example: data: blknum: 123000 txindex: 111 txhash: '0xbdf562c24ace032176e27621073df58ce1c6f65de3b5932343b70ba03c72132d' '500': description: Returns an internal server error content: application/json: schema: description: The response schema for an error allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: description: The object schema for an error type: object properties: object: type: string code: type: string description: type: string messages: type: object required: - object - code - description - messages required: - data example: success: false data: object: error code: 'server:internal_server_error' description: Something went wrong on the server messages: error_key: error_reason /block.get: post: tags: - Block summary: This endpoint retrieves a specific block from child chain by its hash which was published on root chain. operationId: block_get requestBody: description: HEX-encoded hash of the block required: true content: application/json: schema: title: GetBlockBodySchema type: object properties: hash: type: string required: - hash example: hash: '0x0017372421f9a92bedb7163310918e623557ab5310befc14e67212b660c33bec' responses: '200': description: Block succcessful response content: application/json: schema: allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: type: object properties: transactions: type: array items: type: string hash: type: string blknum: type: integer format: int64 example: data: blknum: 123000 hash: '0x2733e50f526ec2fa19a22b31e8ed50f23cd1fdf94c9154ed3a7609a2f1ff981f' transactions: - 0xf8d083015ba98080808080940000... '500': description: Returns an internal server error content: application/json: schema: description: The response schema for an error allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: description: The object schema for an error type: object properties: object: type: string code: type: string description: type: string messages: type: object required: - object - code - description - messages required: - data example: success: false data: object: error code: 'server:internal_server_error' description: Something went wrong on the server messages: error_key: error_reason /fees.all: post: tags: - Fees summary: This endpoint retrieves the list of fee tokens currently supported by the childchain and the current amount needed to perform a transaction. operationId: fees_all requestBody: description: 'An optional array of currencies to filter, raises an error if one of the currencies is not supported.' required: false content: application/json: schema: title: FeesAllBodySchema type: object properties: currencies: type: array items: type: string tx_types: type: array items: type: integer example: currencies: - '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' tx_types: - 1 responses: '200': description: List of all supported fees response content: application/json: schema: allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: object properties: currency: type: string amount: type: integer format: int256 subunit_to_unit: type: integer format: int256 pegged_currency: type: string pegged_amount: type: integer format: int256 pegged_subunit_to_unit: type: integer format: int256 updated_at: type: string format: date-time example: data: '1': - currency: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' amount: 220000000000000 subunit_to_unit: 1000000000000000000 pegged_currency: USD pegged_amount: 4 pegged_subunit_to_unit: 100 updated_at: '2019-01-01T10:10:10+00:00' '500': description: Returns an internal server error content: application/json: schema: description: The response schema for an error allOf: - description: The response schema for a successful operation type: object properties: service_name: type: string version: type: string success: type: boolean data: type: object required: - version - success - data - service_name example: service_name: child_chain version: 1.0+abcdefa success: true data: {} - type: object properties: data: description: The object schema for an error type: object properties: object: type: string code: type: string description: type: string messages: type: object required: - object - code - description - messages required: - data example: success: false data: object: error code: 'server:internal_server_error' description: Something went wrong on the server messages: error_key: error_reason