## 💎 Kotlin Extensions Use `scopeLaunch()` to launch a `Coroutine` Scope + `Job` + `exceptionHandler` properties. Default coroutine context is `Dispatchers.IO`. See this example : ```kotlin // Simple launch coroutine from anywhere. scopeLaunch { // Call some functions which need `Dispatchers.IO` scope. } // Advanced launch coroutine. scopeLaunch( context = Dispatchers.Main, exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler{_,e -> e.printStackTrace()}, job = myJob, // Optional start = CoroutineStart.DEFAULT // Optional ){ // Call some functions which need `Dispatchers.IO` scope. } ``` Use `ofPair(first:A,second:B)` to have a `Pair` instance of `A` type and `B` type . See this example : ```kotlin fun testOfPair() { val myPair = ofPair(1,"SomeString") logD(m = "myPair >> first: ${myPair.first} second: ${myPair.second}") // Log into DEBUG level : myPair >> first: 1 second: SomeString } ```