# Release Notes This document contains changes of oneTBB compared to the last release. ## Table of Contents - [Known Limitations](#known-limitations) - [Fixed Issues](#fixed-issues) ## :rotating_light: Known Limitations - The ``oneapi::tbb::info`` namespace interfaces might unexpectedly change the process affinity mask on Windows* OS systems (see https://github.com/open-mpi/hwloc/issues/366 for details) when using hwloc version lower than 2.5. - Using a hwloc version other than 1.11, 2.0, or 2.5 may cause an undefined behavior on Windows OS. See https://github.com/open-mpi/hwloc/issues/477 for details. - The NUMA topology may be detected incorrectly on Windows* OS machines where the number of NUMA node threads exceeds the size of 1 processor group. - On Windows OS on ARM64*, when compiling an application using oneTBB with the Microsoft* Compiler, the compiler issues a warning C4324 that a structure was padded due to the alignment specifier. Consider suppressing the warning by specifying /wd4324 to the compiler command line. - C++ exception handling mechanism on Windows* OS on ARM64* might corrupt memory if an exception is thrown from any oneTBB parallel algorithm (see Windows* OS on ARM64* compiler issue: https://developercommunity.visualstudio.com/t/ARM64-incorrect-stack-unwinding-for-alig/1544293. - When CPU resource coordination is enabled, tasks from a lower-priority ``task_arena`` might be executed before tasks from a higher-priority ``task_arena``. > **_NOTE:_** To see known limitations that impact all versions of oneTBB, refer to [oneTBB Documentation](https://oneapi-src.github.io/oneTBB/main/intro/limitations.html). ## :hammer: Fixed Issues - Fixed ``parallel_for_each`` algorithm behavior for iterators defining ``iterator_concept`` trait instead of ``iterator_category``. - Fixed the redefinition issue for ``std::min`` and ``std::max`` on Windows* OS ([GitHub* #832](https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/issues/832)). - Fixed the incorrect binary search order in ``TBBConfig.cmake``. - Enabled the oneTBB library search using the pkg-config tool in Conda packages. ## :octocat: Open-source Contributions Integrated - Fixed the compiler warning for missing virtual destructor. Contributed by Elias Engelbert Plank (https://github.com/oneapi-src/oneTBB/pull/1215).