import random import string import urllib.parse import base64 import requests from flask import Flask, request # Replace these with your app's configuration CLIENT_ID = "CLIENT_ID_HERE" CLIENT_SECRET = "CLIENT_SECRET_HERE" CALLBACK_URI = "" SCOPES = ["", "tweet.write", "", "offline.access"] # Flask App app = Flask(__name__) # Globals authorization_code = None code_verifier = None access_token = None refresh_token = None # Helper: Generate Random String def generate_random_string(length=32): return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=length)) # Step 1: Generate Authorization URL @app.route("/") def generate_authorization_url(): global code_verifier session_id = generate_random_string() code_verifier = generate_random_string() # Code challenge = code verifier for simplicity authorization_url = ( '' f'?response_type=code' f'&client_id={CLIENT_ID}' f'&redirect_uri={urllib.parse.quote(CALLBACK_URI)}' f'&scope={"+".join(SCOPES)}' f'&state={session_id}' f'&code_challenge={code_verifier}' '&code_challenge_method=plain' ) return f"

Visit this URL to authorize the app:

{authorization_url}" # Step 2: Handle Callback and Exchange for Access Token @app.route("/callback") def handle_callback(): global authorization_code, access_token, refresh_token authorization_code = request.args.get("code") print(f"Code Verifier: {code_verifier}") if authorization_code: # Exchange authorization code for access token token_url = '' credentials = f"{CLIENT_ID}:{CLIENT_SECRET}" b64_encoded_credentials = base64.b64encode(credentials.encode()).decode() headers = { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'Authorization': f'Basic {b64_encoded_credentials}', } data = { 'code': authorization_code, 'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'redirect_uri': CALLBACK_URI, 'code_verifier': code_verifier, } response =, headers=headers, data=data) token_response = response.json() access_token = token_response.get("access_token") refresh_token = token_response.get("refresh_token") # Print retrieved tokens print(f"Authorization Code: {authorization_code}") print(f"Code Verifier: {code_verifier}") print(f"Access Token: {access_token}") print(f"Refresh Token: {refresh_token}") # Test Post post_url = "" post_headers = { 'Authorization': f'Bearer {access_token}', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', } post_data = {"text": "TESTING REFRESH TOKEN RETREIVAL"} post_response =, headers=post_headers, json=post_data) post_result = post_response.json() print(f"Test POST Response: {post_result}") return ( f"

Authorization Code Received:

" f"


" f"

Code Verifier:

" f"


" f"

Access Token:

" f"


" f"

Refresh Token:

" f"


" f"

Test POST Response:

" f"
" ) else: return "


No authorization code received.

" # Run the Flask App if __name__ == "__main__":