#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Simple Honeychecker SQLite3 Server Change settings below before use. References ---------- `Honeywords Project `_ """ from contextlib import closing from os.path import isfile from sqlite3 import connect from sys import exit from xmlrpc.server import SimpleXMLRPCServer ### Settings IP = '' PORT = 55555 DATABASE = 'honeychecker_db.sqlite3' ### def initialize(): """Initializes Honeychecker database if it has not been created.""" if not isfile(DATABASE): with closing(connect(DATABASE)) as conn: print(f"Creating database: {DATABASE}") print("Creating table: indices") conn.execute("""CREATE TABLE indices ( salt TEXT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, idx INT NOT NULL);""" ) def check_index(salt, index): """Checks validity of password index.""" with closing(connect(DATABASE)) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() cur.execute('SELECT idx FROM indices WHERE salt=?;', (salt,)) try: db_index = cur.fetchone()[0] is_valid = db_index == index print(f'Checking {salt}:{index} --> {is_valid}') return is_valid except IndexError: return False def update_index(salt, index): """Inserts salt:index values into database.""" with closing(connect(DATABASE)) as conn: cur = conn.cursor() print(f'Inserting new index: {salt}:{index}') try: cur.execute( 'INSERT INTO indices (salt,idx) VALUES (?,?);', (salt, index,) ) conn.commit() except Exception as e: print("Error: ", e) def main(): """Honeychecker server""" with SimpleXMLRPCServer((IP, PORT), allow_none=True) as honeychecker: initialize() honeychecker.register_function(check_index, 'check_index') honeychecker.register_function(update_index, 'update_index') print(f"Honeychecker running at {IP}:{PORT} (Ctrl-C to stop)") try: honeychecker.serve_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nStopping Honeychecker") exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()