''' Written By Ope Oladipo This is some code i wrote to serve a a framework of monitoring and controlling your garage using ultrasonic sensors, a relay and a microcontroller. This is specific to the raspberry pi ''' import RPi.GPIO as GPIO #To be used to access GPIO pins from time import sleep from flask import Flask, render_template,request,jsonify #To make our server app=Flask(__name__) import time import threading import hashlib #to generate md5 hash m = hashlib.md5() #from hcsr04sensor import sensor passphrase = "passphrase" #default hashphrase if passphrase != "": #IF passphrase is blank, hashphrase = "" m.update(passphrase) passPhraseHash=str(m.hexdigest()) m.digest() else : passPhraseHash="" ticks=time.time() #Current time previousActivityList =[None]*20 #Array of garage activity times previousActivityNameList = ['']*20 #Array of garage activity actions (i.e. opened or closed) trigDoorPin=24 #Trigger pin for ultrasonic targeting the door. Using BCM Mode on RaspPi echoDoorPin=23 trigCarPin=12 echoCarPin=26 doorThreshold = 180 #inverse logic #By inverse logic i mean garage is open if below threshold due to pointing the sensor at the top of the garage carThreshold=115 #If distance is above this threshold car is there stateForDoor = "initialize" #Needed a ranom string to start (or no string) stateForCar = "initialize" GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM) #Needed config. Google 'BCM' GPIO.setup(4,GPIO.OUT) #Setting up IO pins GPIO.setup(15,GPIO.IN,pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_UP) GPIO.output(4,GPIO.LOW) GPIO.setup(trigDoorPin,GPIO.OUT) #Set pin as GPIO out GPIO.setup(echoDoorPin,GPIO.IN) #Set pin as GPIO in GPIO.setup(trigCarPin,GPIO.OUT) GPIO.setup(echoCarPin,GPIO.IN) garageData = {'SystemStatus':101,'isCar':True,'isClosed':False,'timeSinceLast':'17:32','timelineDataTimes':previousActivityList, 'timelineDataActivity':previousActivityNameList,'uptime':ticks,'lastActivityTime':0.0,'lastActivity':'Undefined' } #initializing data pool. statusCodes={'ok':101,'UltrasonicMalfunction':202,'GarageDoorMalfunction':404,'unknown':660} #initializing status codes #Basic openClose Function def openClose(): #Basically, turn on the relay for half a second (.01 seconds wasn't working sooo). This'll trigger the garage door. GPIO.output(4,GPIO.HIGH) sleep(.5) GPIO.output(4,GPIO.LOW) #Door Functions def getDoorDistance(): #This returns the distance of the door from the Door sensor. This returns the median of 8 tries (and can still be inaccurate) inCM=0 dataList = [None]*8 try: for x in range(0,7): tempDistance = readUltra(trigDoorPin,echoDoorPin) if tempDistance != 0: dataList[x] = tempDistance else: sleep(.01) dataList[x] = readUltra(trigDoorPin,echoDoorPin) sleep(.4) inCM=median(dataList) except : pass print ('Door distance is' , inCM ) return inCM #returns result in cm #Using a mild stateForDoor machine for error checking. Won't say closed/open unless it's been closed previously twice. Redundancy is essential to US sensors. def isDoorClosed(): #return GPIO.input(doorSensorPin) #If using Reed Sensor <--- That's all you need. distance = getDoorDistance() currState = distance > doorThreshold #Current state is true if door distance > thrreshold global stateForDoor #Required to use variable in function if (currState and not garageData['isClosed']) or ((currState==0) and garageData['isClosed']) : #We think it just closed or just opened. stateForDoor should be volatile now if stateForDoor == "v1": #v1 stands for volatile state 1 stateForDoor = "v2" #v2=volatile2. We set the door state to volatile2 meaning we're a little more sure of its state. return garageData['isClosed'] elif stateForDoor == "v2": #v2 -> okay means we can return the current state as it has remain unchanged for 2 cycles meaning it's most likely right. stateForDoor = "okay" return currState else: stateForDoor = "v1" return garageData['isClosed'] return currState def updateDoorStatus(): isDoorClosedBool = isDoorClosed() if isDoorClosedBool and not garageData['isClosed']: #Meaning the garage door was just closed garageData['lastActivityTime']=garageData['timeSinceLast'] = time.time() #fill out data. garageData['lastActivity'] = 'Closed' garageData['timelineDataTimes'].insert(0,time.time()) garageData['timelineDataTimes'].pop() garageData['timelineDataActivity'].insert(0,'Closed') garageData['timelineDataActivity'].pop() elif (isDoorClosedBool==0) and garageData['isClosed']:#Meaning the garage door was just opened garageData['lastActivityTime']=garageData['timeSinceLast'] = time.time() garageData['lastActivity'] = 'Opened' garageData['timelineDataTimes'].insert(0,time.time()) garageData['timelineDataTimes'].pop() garageData['timelineDataActivity'].insert(0,'Opened') garageData['timelineDataActivity'].pop() garageData['isClosed'] = isDoorClosedBool print('isDoorClosedBool :',isDoorClosedBool) def checkForGarageDoorErrors(): #This is kind of unfinished. Feel free to email me/pull request code that fits the bill. i got too busy with the app. ''' for i in enumerate(garageData['timelineDataTimes'][1:]): if abs(garageData['timelineDataTimes',i] - garageData['timelineDataTimes',i+1]) < 24: garageData['timelineDataActivity'].pop(i+1) garageData['timelineDataActivity'].pop(i) garageData['timelineDataTimes'].pop(i+1) garageData['timelineDataTimes'].pop(i) break ''' def getCarDistance(): #Check for Car (Ultrasonic) Pretty much the same as getDoorDistance() but with median of 3 instead. inCM=0 dataList = [None]*3 try: sleep(.2) for x in range(0,2): tempDistance = readUltra(trigCarPin,echoCarPin) if tempDistance != 0: dataList[x] = tempDistance else: sleep(.05) dataList[x] = readUltra(trigCarPin,echoCarPin) sleep(.4) #print ('Car distance is' , tempDistance ) inCM=median(dataList) except : pass print ('Car distance is' , inCM ) return inCM def isCar(): distance = getCarDistance() currState = distance < carThreshold global stateForCar if (currState and not garageData['isCar']) or ((currState==0) and garageData['isCar']) : #Car state just changed. stateForCar should be volatile now if stateForCar == "v1": stateForCar = "v2" return garageData['isCar'] elif stateForCar == "v2": stateForCar = "okay" return currState else: stateForCar = "v1" return garageData['isCar'] return currState # def updateCarStatus(): garageData['isCar'] = isCar() #Ultrasonic Workings def readUltra(trig,echo): GPIO.output(trig, False) #Set trig as LOW #Would sleep for 2 secs to settle sensor but we avoid that by not reading more than 5 times a sec (10 times actually) sleep(.01) GPIO.output(trig, True) sleep(0.00001) GPIO.output(trig, False) while GPIO.input(echo)==0: #Check whether the echo is LOW pulse_start = time.time() #Saves the last known time of LOW pulse while GPIO.input(echo)==1: #Check whether the echo is HIGH pulse_end = time.time() pulse_duration = pulse_end - pulse_start #Get pulse duration to a variable distance = pulse_duration * 17150 #Multiply pulse duration by 17150 to get distance distance = round(distance, 2) #Round to two decimal points if distance > 2 and distance < 400: #Check whether the distance is within range pass #print "Distance:",distance - 0.5,"cm" #Print distance with 0.5 cm calibration else: print("Out Of Range") #display out of range return distance def median(lst): #return median sortedLst = sorted(lst) lstLen = len(lst) index = (lstLen - 1) // 2 if (lstLen % 2): return sortedLst[index] else: return (sortedLst[index] + sortedLst[index + 1])/2.0 #Flask at work! @app.route("/") def main(): #if http:localhost:port return "Hello there" return "Hello there" @app.route('/toggle' + passPhraseHash) #if http:localhost:port/toggle+ '456789ifdju767tfgvyuheij2h8gftv' <- hash open/close garage. def toggle(): openClose() sleep(12) return "All Good" @app.route("/data"+passPhraseHash) def data(): return jsonify(**garageData) #return garage data in JSON form. @app.route("/status"+passPhraseHash) def status(): return garageData['SystemStatus'] @app.route("/toggle") def toggle2(): return "Please include hash at the end of the link" @app.route("/data") def data2(): return "Please include hash at the end of the link" @app.route("/status") def status2(): return "Please include hash at the end of the link" def runApp(): app.run(host='',port=6011,debug=True,use_reloader=False) #Host server on port 6011 def set_interval(func, sec): def func_wrapper(): set_interval(func, sec) func() t = threading.Timer(sec, func_wrapper) t.start() return t set_interval(updateDoorStatus,3) #enables multithreading (otherwise conflicts with server (runApp())) set_interval(updateCarStatus,5) #set_interval(checkForGarageDoorErrors,30) #set_interval(test,3) #updateDoorStatus() #updateCarStatus() if __name__ =="__main__": runApp()