# Kill a Kubernetes pod chaos experiment This experiment explores whether my application can maintain itself when a Kubernetes pod dies ## Setup for Experiment Execution ### Install the Chaos Toolkit This experiment uses the [free and open source Chaos Toolkit][chaostoolkit]. The instructions for installing the [Chaos Toolkit][chaostoolkit] are available in the [project's documentation][docs]. [chaostoolkit]: https://chaostoolkit.org/ [docs]: https://docs.chaostoolkit.org ### Install Any Required Drivers The chaostoolkit is extended by adding [drivers] This experiment requires the following drivers: * Kubernetes Chaos Toolkit Driver [kubernetes-driver] [kubernetes-driver-github] [drivers]: https://docs.chaostoolkit.org/drivers/overview/ [kubernetes-driver]: https://docs.chaostoolkit.org/drivers/kubernetes/ [kubernetes-driver-github]: https://github.com/chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit-kubernetes ## Running the Experiment ### Required Parameters This experiment requires the following parameters: * Environment Variables * `APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL` - Specifies the application entry point URL where your application can be reached in your environment. * `POD_LABEL` - Specifies the label used to identify the pod that you are going to kill * `POD_NAMESPACE` - Specifies the namespace that the pod resides in ## Running the Experiment Direct from the Catalog using HTTP You can run this experiment using the native `chaos` command, or using `docker`. With the native `chaos` command: ```bash (chaostk) $ export APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL=; \ $ export POD_LABEL=app=starlette; \ chaos run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-chaos/experiment-catalog/master/kubernetes/kill_pod_by_label/kill_pod_by_label_experiment.json ``` > ***NOTE:*** The APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL & POD_LABEL should be setup according to your Kubernetes run time environment. The docker command also uses the .chaostoolkit/settings.yaml from the users home directory. With `docker`: ```bash $ docker run -it \ -e APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL= \ -e POD_LABEL=app=starlette; \ -v `pwd`:/tmp/result \ -v ~/.chaostoolkit:/tmp/settings \ chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit \ --settings /tmp/settings/settings.yaml \ run https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-chaos/experiment-catalog/master/kubernetes/kill_pod_by_label/kill_pod_by_label_experiment.json ``` ### Running the Experiment from a Local Copy You can run this experiment using the native `chaos` command, or using `docker`. With the native `chaos` command: ```bash (chaostk) $ export APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL=; \ $ export POD_LABEL=myapp; \ chaos run kill_pod_by_label_experiment.json ``` > ***NOTE:*** The APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL & POD_LABEL should be setup according to your Kubernetes run time environment. The docker command also uses the .chaostoolkit/settings.yaml from the users home directory. With `docker`: ```bash $ docker run -it \ -e APPLICATION_ENTRYPOINT_URL= \ -e POD_LABEL=myapp \ -v `pwd`:/tmp/result \ -v ~/.chaostoolkit:/tmp/settings \ chaostoolkit/chaostoolkit \ --settings /tmp/settings/settings.yaml \ run kill_pod_by_label_experiment.json ```