{ "name": { "en": "Lots" }, "description": { "en": "A tender process can be divided into lots, where bidders can bid on one or more lots. Details of each lot can be provided here. Items, documents and other features may then reference the lot they are related to using relatedLot. Where no relatedLot identifier is given, the values ought to be interpreted as applicable to the whole tender." }, "documentationUrl": { "en": "https://extensions.open-contracting.org/en/extensions/lots/" }, "compatibility": [ "1.1" ], "schemas": [ "release-schema.json" ], "testDependencies": [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/open-contracting-extensions/ocds_finance_extension/master/extension.json" ], "contactPoint": { "name": "Open Contracting Partnership", "email": "data@open-contracting.org" } }