# TriFingerEdu v1
*TriFinger Manipulator Platform* * the manipulator platform has 9 torque-controlled degrees of freedom * it consists of 3 identical finger modules attached to an aluminum frame structure * the finger module is describes in detail here: [Finger Module Page.](../finger_edu_v1/README.md) * the frame an the required components are described below
*Finger modules assembled - weight: 930g each*
*TriFinger Manipulator Platform - picture overlay
Picture: Felix Widmaier, Manuel Wüthrich and Shruti Joshi* ## Frame
*Frame structure - t-slotted aluminum profiles* * The frame structure consists of aluminum profiles from Item. * You will need the following components to build the frame. ### Aluminum profiles
*Item Aluminum profile* * Item aluminum profiles - Size 8 - 40mm x 40mm - Item part number: * Cut the profiles to length according to [this drawing](details/aluminum_profiles.pdf). ### Angle brackets
*Item 90 degree angle bracket* * 3 x 90 degree large angle brackets - Item part number: 0.0.411.32 ### End caps
*Item end caps* * 9 x end caps - size 8 - Item part number: ### T-slot nuts
*Item M5 t-slot nuts* * T-slot nuts M5 - Item part number: 0.0.480.54 ### Center connector
*3d printed frame center connector* * 3d printed center connector - [STL file](stl_files/frame_center_connector_top.STL) ### Barrier
*Barrier - consisting of 3 polycarbonate sheets*
*3mm polycarbonate sheets* * We use 3mm polycarbonate sheets to keep the objects inside of the manipulation area. * Cut the polycarbonate sheets to size according to [this drawing](details/frame_barrier.pdf). ### Camera arm
*Camera mount for Baseler camera* * 3d printed camera mount - [STL file](stl_files/camera_mount.STL) ### Cameras
*Basler camera with Basler lens* * Basler camera: acA720-520uc * Basler lens: C125-0418-5M ## Assembly
*Frame assembly - 6mm hex driver*
*Frame assembly - 6mm allen key* ## Transport
*The finger modules can be stacked for transport. Weight: 8kg*
*All the components fit into a 1650 Pelican case. Total weight: 21kg* ## Upside down
*The manipulator platform can also be used upside down* ## 3D Model for Visualization The simplified STL files for visualization and simulation can be found here: [STL Files Visualization](stl_files_for_visualization)
*Click on picture above to view the PDF drawing* ---- ## View the TriFinger cad model in your web browser

*TriFinger Edu v1
Click on the picture to view the cad model in your browser* --- ## More Information [Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Webpage](https://open-dynamic-robot-initiative.github.io) [Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - YouTube Channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx32JW2oIrax47Gjq8zNI-w) [Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Forum](https://odri.discourse.group/categories) [Open Dynamic Robot Initiative - Paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1910.00093.pdf) [Hardware Overview](../../README.md#open-robot-actuator-hardware) [Software Overview](https://github.com/open-dynamic-robot-initiative/open-dynamic-robot-initiative.github.io/wiki) --- ## Authors Felix Grimminger ## License BSD 3-Clause License ## Copyright Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Max Planck Gesellschaft and New York University