@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Nunito+Sans:wght@400;600&display=swap'); :root { /* We recommend you change these values to match your brand. The light color has an opacity of .1, do not modify that */ --primary-brand-color: rgba(53, 116, 214, 1); --light-primary-brand-color: rgba(53, 116, 214, .1); /* We recommend not changing these colors */ --full-page-background-color: #FAFAFA; --application-background-color: #FFF; --footer-color: #F3F3F3; --main-text-color: #222222; --sub-header-color: #666; --link-color: #3574D6; --field-border-color: #E1E1E1; } body { background-color: var(--full-page-background-color); font-family: "Nunito Sans", 'sans-serif'; } body #wrapper { background-color: white; min-height: 100vh; max-width: 800px; padding: 0 48px; } /* Select Boxes */ #main .select2-choice { height: 35px; } #main .select2-chosen { line-height: 35px; } #main .select2-arrow { padding-top: 4px; padding-right: 4px; } #main .filter-label { color: var(--sub-header-color); font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600; } #main .location { font-size: 12px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 18px; color: var(--sub-header-color); } /* Job Board Page */ #main > h1:not(.app-title) { /* Hide the company name in favor of a Logo that includes it */ display: none; } #board_title { margin: 0 0 16px 0; font-size: 22px; line-height: 36px; font-weight: 400; } section { margin-top: 16px; } section > h3 { margin-top: 32px; } #logo { display: inline-block; } body #content { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 20px; } #main section h3 { font-size: 18px; font-weight: 400; line-height: 26px; margin-bottom: 0; } #main section .location { display: block; margin-top: -24px; } #main section .opening { padding-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px; } section .opening a { font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; line-height: 20px; color: var(--main-text-color); } section .opening a { /* We want to increase the click area and background area of links to jobs, so we combine padding and negative margin */ display: block; height: 44px; width: 100%; margin-bottom: -20px; padding-bottom: 0; margin-left: -20px; padding-left: 20px; padding-top: 12px; margin-top: -12px; position: relative; z-index: 1; } section .opening a:hover { background-color: var(--light-primary-brand-color); border-radius: 3px; color: var(--main-text-color); } body #footer { border: none; background-color: var(--footer-color); height: 60px; margin-top: -80px; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; } body #footer .privacy-policy { line-height: 19px; } body #footer img { width: 90px; } h3#filter-count { margin-top: 30px; margin-bottom: 0; } /* Job Post Page */ div#main div#app_body { padding-left: 0 !important; padding-right: 0; } div#app_body #header { display: flex; flex-direction: column; } div#app_body #header #apply_button { order: 3; margin-top: 37px } div#app_body #header .company-name { display: none; } div#app_body #header > a { order: 1; } div#app_body #header .app-title { order: 2; } div#app_body #header .location { order: 4; margin-top: 2px; } div#main #application_form h2.heading { color: var(--main-text-color); font-weight: 400; } div#app_body .app-title { font-weight: 400; font-size: 28px; } div#app_body div#header #apply_button { top: auto; background-color: var(--primary-brand-color); padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; font-weight: 600; } div#submit_buttons input#submit_app { background-color: var(--primary-brand-color); padding-top: 8px; padding-bottom: 8px; font-family: "Nunito Sans", 'sans-serif'; font-weight: 600; } div#app_body { max-width: none; padding-right: 20px; } div#content { padding-bottom: 16px; } div#application hr:nth-last-of-type(1) { display: none; } div#application { background-color: var(--application-background-color); border-top: 1px solid var(--field-border-color); padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; max-width: none; } div#main_fields, div#custom_fields { font-weight: 400; line-height: 26px; } div#application div.field label { color: var(--sub-header-color); display: block; float: none; font-size: 12px; font-weight: 400; text-align: left; } div#application div.field label span.asterisk { font-size: 12px; } div#application #main_fields div.field textarea { margin-left: 0; } div#application div.field input[type=text] { border: solid 1px var(--field-border-color); height: 25px; padding-left: 12px; width: 455px; } @media (max-width: 640px) { div#application div.field input[type=text] { width: 100%; } } div#application div.field input[placeholder="MM"] { padding-left: 10px; } div#application div.field input[placeholder="YYYY"] { padding-left: 7px; } div#application legend { float: none; } div.link-container a { color: var(--link-color); font-size: 14px; } div#application a#add_education { margin-left: 0; } div#field { margin-bottom: 10px; } #main_fields div.field div.field-error-msg { padding-left: 0; } div.field div.msg-container { padding-top: 5px; } #application .field .select2-container { margin-top: 0; } div#application div.field a.locate-me { display: block; } div#application div.field textarea { border-color: var(--field-border-color); width: 455px; } @media (max-width: 640px) { div#application div.field textarea { width: 100%; } } div#application div.field div.select2-container { width: 455px !important; } @media (max-width: 640px) { div#application div.field div.select2-container { width: 100% !important; } } div.s3-upload-form { display: none; } /* Confirmation Page */ #main #view-more { text-align: left; padding-top: 0; } #main strong > a { color: var(--link-color); font-weight: 400; }