namespace eval osd_widgets { set help_text \ {The command 'osd_widgets::msx_init' takes one parameter, this parameter will be used as our base layer which will be scaled according to the MSX resultion adjusted for 'set adjust', 'scale factor' and 'horizontal_stretch'. All these compensation factors ('set adjust', ...) can change over time. So it is needed to 'regularly' (e.g. in a 'after frame' callback) re-adjust the msx layer. This can be done with the 'osd_widgets::msx_update' proc. Example: osd_widgets::msx_init baselayer osd create rectangle -x 10 -y 10 -h 16 -w 16 -rgb 0xffffff ... osd_widgets::msx_update baselayer This will display a white 16x16 box at MSX location x,y == 10,10.} set_help_text osd_widgets::msx_init $help_text set_help_text osd_widgets::msx_update $help_text proc msx_init {name} { osd create rectangle $name -scaled true -alpha 0 msx_update $name } proc msx_update {name} { # compensate for horizontal-stretch and set-adjust set hstretch $::horizontal_stretch set xsize [expr {320.0 / $hstretch}] set xoffset [expr {($hstretch - 256) / 2 * $xsize}] set ysize 1 set lines [expr {([vdpreg 9] & 128) ? 212 : 192}] set yoffset [expr {(240 - $lines) / 2 * $ysize}] set adjreg [vdpreg 18] set hadj [expr {(($adjreg & 15) ^ 7) - 7}] set vadj [expr {(($adjreg >> 4) ^ 7) - 7}] set xoffset [expr {$xoffset + $xsize * $hadj}] set yoffset [expr {$yoffset + $ysize * $vadj}] osd configure $name -x $xoffset -y $yoffset -w $xsize -h $ysize } set_help_text create_power_bar\ {The command 'osd_widgets::create_power_bar' supports the following parameters: -name == Name of the power bar -w == Width of the power bar (in pixels) -h == Height of the power bar -barcolor == Powerbar color -background == When power declines this color is shown -edgecolor == This is the edge color (try white when I doubt which color to use) Colors must have the following hexadecimal format 0xRRGGBBAA. The power bar is initially created outside the viewable area, so we need to invoke the 'update_power_bar' command to make it visible. Use 'hide_power_bar' to remove it again.} set_help_text update_power_bar\ {The command 'update_power_bar' uses the following parameters: -name == Name of the power bar -x == vertical position of the power bar -y == horizontal position of the power bar -power == fill rate of the power bar in decimal percentages (10% == 0.1) -text == text to be printed above the power bar} proc create_power_bar {name w h barcolor background edgecolor} { osd create rectangle $name -rely 999 -relw $w -relh $h -rgba $background osd create rectangle $ -x -1 -y -1 -relw 1 -w 2 -h 1 -rgba $edgecolor osd create rectangle $name.bottom -x -1 -rely 1 -relw 1 -w 2 -h 1 -rgba $edgecolor osd create rectangle $name.left -x -1 -w 1 -relh 1 -rgba $edgecolor osd create rectangle $name.right -relx 1 -w 1 -relh 1 -rgba $edgecolor osd create rectangle $ -relw 1 -relh 1 -rgba $barcolor -z 18 osd create text $name.text -x 0 -y -6 -size 4 -rgba $edgecolor } proc update_power_bar {name x y power text} { if {$power > 1.0} {set power 1.0} if {$power < 0.0} {set power 0.0} osd configure $name -relx $x -rely $y osd configure $ -relw $power osd configure $name.text -text "$text" } proc hide_power_bar {name} { osd configure $name -rely 999 } set_help_text toggle_fps \ {Enable/disable a frames per second indicator in the top-left corner of the screen.} variable fps_after proc toggle_fps {} { variable fps_after if {[info exists fps_after]} { after cancel $osd_widgets::fps_after osd destroy fps_viewer unset fps_after } else { osd create rectangle fps_viewer -x 5 -y 5 -z 0 -w 63 -h 20 -rgba 0x00000080 osd create text fps_viewer.text -x 5 -y 3 -z 1 -rgba 0xffffffff proc fps_refresh {} { variable fps_after osd configure fps_viewer.text -text [format "%2.1fFPS" [openmsx_info fps]] set fps_after [after realtime .5 [namespace code fps_refresh]] } fps_refresh } return "" } set_help_text osd_widgets::text_box\ {The 'osd_widgets::text_box' widget supports the same properties as a 'rectangle' widget with the following additions: -text: defines the text to be printed, can have multiple lines (separated by 'new line' characters). -textcolor: defines the color of the text -textsize: defines the font size of the text} variable widget_handlers variable opaque_duration 2.5 variable fade_out_duration 2.5 variable fade_in_duration 0.4 proc text_box {name args} { variable widget_handlers variable opaque_duration # Default values in case nothing is given set txt_color 0xffffffff set txt_size 6 # Process arguments set rect_props [list] foreach {key val} $args { switch -- $key { -text {set message $val} -textrgba {set txt_color $val} -textsize {set txt_size $val} default {lappend rect_props $key $val} } } if {$message eq ""} return # For handheld devices set minimal text size to 9 # TODO: does this belong here or at some higher level? if {($::scale_factor == 1) && ($txt_size < 9)} { set txt_size 9 } # Destroy widget (if it already existed) osd destroy $name # Guess height of rectangle osd create rectangle $name {*}$rect_props -h [expr {4 + $txt_size}] osd create text $name.text -x 2 -y 2 -size $txt_size -rgb $txt_color \ -text $message -wrap word -wraprelw 1.0 -wrapw -4 # Adjust height of rectangle to actual text height (depends on newlines # and text wrapping). catch { lassign [osd info $name.text -query-size] x y osd configure $name -h [expr {4 + $y}] } # if the widget was still active, kill old click/opaque handler if {[info exists widget_handlers($name)]} { lassign $widget_handlers($name) click opaque after cancel $click after cancel $opaque } set click [after "mouse button1 down" "osd_widgets::click_handler $name"] set opaque [after realtime $opaque_duration "osd_widgets::timer_handler $name"] set widget_handlers($name) [list $click $opaque] return "" } proc click_handler {name} { if {[osd::is_cursor_in $name]} { kill_widget $name } return "" } proc kill_widget {name} { variable widget_handlers lassign $widget_handlers($name) click opaque after cancel $click after cancel $opaque unset widget_handlers($name) osd destroy $name } proc timer_handler {name} { variable widget_handlers variable opaque_duration variable fade_out_duration variable fade_in_duration # clicking it might have killed it already if {![osd exists $name]} { return } # if already faded out... don't poll again and clean up if {[osd info $name -fadeCurrent] == 0.0} { kill_widget $name return } # If the cursor is over the widget, we fade-in fast and leave the widget # opaque for some time (= don't poll for some longer time). Otherwise # we fade-out slow and more quickly poll the cursor position. lassign $widget_handlers($name) click opaque if {[osd::is_cursor_in $name]} { osd configure $name -fadePeriod $fade_in_duration -fadeTarget 1.0 set opaque [after realtime $opaque_duration "osd_widgets::timer_handler $name"] } else { osd configure $name -fadePeriod $fade_out_duration -fadeTarget 0.0 set opaque [after realtime 0.25 "osd_widgets::timer_handler $name"] } set widget_handlers($name) [list $click $opaque] } proc volume_control {incr_val} { if {![osd exists volume]} { osd create rectangle volume -x 0 -y 0 -h 32 -w 320 -rgba 0x000000a0 -scaled true osd create rectangle -x 16 -y 16 -h 8 -w 290 -rgba 0x000000c0 -borderrgba 0xffffffff -bordersize 1 osd create rectangle -x 1 -y 1 -h 6 -w 288 -rgba "0x00aa33e8 0x00dd66e8 0x00cc55e8 0x00ff77e8" osd create text volume.text -x 16 -y 3 -size 10 -rgba 0xffffffff } incr ::master_volume $incr_val if {$::master_volume == 0} {set ::mute on} else {set ::mute off} osd configure -w [expr {($::master_volume / 100.00) * 288}] osd configure volume.text -text [format "Volume: %03d" $::master_volume] osd configure volume -fadePeriod 5 -fadeTarget 0 -fadeCurrent 1 } # only export stuff that is useful in other scripts or for the console user namespace export toggle_fps namespace export msx_init namespace export msx_update namespace export box namespace export text_box namespace export create_power_bar namespace export update_power_bar namespace export hide_power_bar namespace export volume_control };# namespace osd_widgets # only import stuff to global that is useful outside of scripts (i.e. for the console user) namespace import osd_widgets::toggle_fps namespace import osd_widgets::volume_control