### This is an example config! ###
# the default path to the config file is: config/config.yml
debug: # fatal, error, warn, info, debug; defaults to 'fatal'
logfile: # STDERR, STDOUT, or path; defaults to STDERR
title: # Give me a name, or (default) call me Dashboard
port: # Specify a port where you can reach the webinterface, or (default) 4567
cache-threshold: # Specify how long certain routes get cached in seconds (default: 6 hours)
netrc: # true or false (default). For private GitHub repos you will need to use a .netrc
bugzilla: # Url of your Bugzilla instance
products: # list of exact product names as they appear on Bugzilla
  - example_product_1
  - example_product_2
  - example_product_3:
    combine: # products you want to combine
      - product_to_combine_1
      - product_to_combine_2
    components: # if you want to filter the given product by components
      - example_component_1
      - example_component_2
github: # here you add the Github repos you care about
    - name: opensuse
        - nailed # e.g. for github.com/opensuse/nailed
        - other_repo
    - name: other_organization
        - repo1
        - repo2
gitlab: # add your gitlab repos here
  endpoint: https://gitlab.example.com/api/v4 # endpoint of your gitlab API
  private_token: [your private token] # here you add your gitlab private token
    - name: example_organization
        - example_repo