from abc import ABC, abstractmethod from typing import Dict, List, Optional import asyncio from models.models import ( Document, DocumentChunk, DocumentMetadataFilter, Query, QueryResult, QueryWithEmbedding, ) from services.chunks import get_document_chunks from services.openai import get_embeddings class DataStore(ABC): async def upsert( self, documents: List[Document], chunk_token_size: Optional[int] = None ) -> List[str]: """ Takes in a list of documents and inserts them into the database. First deletes all the existing vectors with the document id (if necessary, depends on the vector db), then inserts the new ones. Return a list of document ids. """ # Delete any existing vectors for documents with the input document ids await asyncio.gather( *[ self.delete( filter=DocumentMetadataFilter(, ), delete_all=False, ) for document in documents if ] ) chunks = get_document_chunks(documents, chunk_token_size) return await self._upsert(chunks) @abstractmethod async def _upsert(self, chunks: Dict[str, List[DocumentChunk]]) -> List[str]: """ Takes in a list of document chunks and inserts them into the database. Return a list of document ids. """ raise NotImplementedError async def query(self, queries: List[Query]) -> List[QueryResult]: """ Takes in a list of queries and filters and returns a list of query results with matching document chunks and scores. """ # get a list of just the queries from the Query list query_texts = [query.query for query in queries] query_embeddings = get_embeddings(query_texts) # hydrate the queries with embeddings queries_with_embeddings = [ QueryWithEmbedding(**query.dict(), embedding=embedding) for query, embedding in zip(queries, query_embeddings) ] return await self._query(queries_with_embeddings) @abstractmethod async def _query(self, queries: List[QueryWithEmbedding]) -> List[QueryResult]: """ Takes in a list of queries with embeddings and filters and returns a list of query results with matching document chunks and scores. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod async def delete( self, ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, filter: Optional[DocumentMetadataFilter] = None, delete_all: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> bool: """ Removes vectors by ids, filter, or everything in the datastore. Multiple parameters can be used at once. Returns whether the operation was successful. """ raise NotImplementedError